Human Resource Management in


Dr. Zareen Abbasi Assistant Professor Department of Public Administration University of , Jamshoro

The Elite Scientific Publications Faisalabad, Pakistan 2009

1 Human Resource Management in Pakistan Dr. Zareen Abbasi Assistant Professor Department of Public Administration University of Sindh, Jamshoro Pakistan

ISBN 978-969-8753-06-1 First Edition 2009

Copy Right Reserved by the Author

All rights reserved. This book should not be reproduced Without the permission of the author

Published by: The Elite Scientific Publications, Faisalabad, Pakistan

Price: 300

2 Dedication

I dedicate this effort to my sympathetic father Deedar Hussain, devoted mother Nishat, brother Izhar and sister Ambreen and their kids Farrukh Ashfaq, Neha Ashfaq, Nasar Izhar & Fatima Izhar.

Zareen Abbasi

3 Table of contents

Chapter-1 General Introduction Chapter-2 Historical Background of Human Resource Management

Chapter-3 Job Analysis, Job Description and Job Specification

Chapter-4 Managing Changes in Jobs and Work Schedules

Chapter-5 Recruitment, Selection and Placement

Chapter–6 Identification and Development of Managerial Talents

Chapter-7 Employees Appraisal Program

Chapter-8 Employees Conduct and Discipline

Chapter-9 Management of Human Resource in Pakistan

Chapter-10 Human Resource Development

Chapter-11 Human Capital Era

Chapter-12 Environmental Pollution & Human Resource

References/ Bibliography

Annex-1 Definitions Annex-2 Abbreviations Annex-3 Organizational Examples

4 Chapter-1 General Introduction

HRM plays an important role in improving the productive contribution of people in the organization that are strategically, ethically and socially responsible. HRM practices and policies translate change as employee commitment & opportunity. HRM is concerned with the people as every organization is made up of people, acquiring their services, developing their skills and motivating them to high levels of performance and ensuring that they continue to maintain their commitment to the organization in achieving organizational objectives.

Blissful fate of a realm is directly proportional to competent generation. It stands to reason that eminence and quantity means of learning is desperately very poor. It is therefore said that we have such a state to continue on sustained basis. This problem goes from bad to worse as undue external pressure, discrimination, nepotism at the cost of prospective applicant. To avoid applicant’s adjustment in blatant defiance of external pressure on the recruitment process, organization must methodize antitrust strategy and design ways and means to minimize the adverse impact in this overly globalize age.

HRM can practically help organization pull off a great deal of coup by selecting, training and managing excellent people. The task of managing people in today’s world of work is particularly challenging in the light of the changes in efficiency step up. It is difficult to delineate, gauge and evaluate the productivity. To all intents and purposes, cutthroat competition has gained much currency. Never before has the world of work been so challenging. Never before has it been so imperative to our career that we need to learn and develop our skills of management. Never before have had people so many vast opportunities with so many potential rewards.

This is an epoch of cost competitiveness i.e. the organization delivers valuable products priced at levels the customer is not reluctant to forwardly. High-quality management requires managing so that costs are kept nominally under control and the company can sell its products at fixed prices that cover cost and achieve a profit.

5 Given the objectives of the organizations, hardly an ideal sense of viable survival exists for public and private organization, as they are multidimensional, moronic-economically, administratively. This would be purposively unsuccessful.

In the information based era, human resource professionals are becoming much more key players in larger than life organization. HR manger serves as intellect of an organization as latter bank full on its asset of people. Effective human resource professionals are able to think strategically the planning of the organization. A loyal, dedicated, skilled, efficient and productive human resources is valuable assets of an organization but not reflected on the balance sheet. Capital investment, innovation, learning and motivation dictate important components to productivity in organizations. Capital investment with best available machinery improves the efficiency of workers. To be productively effective and generatively efficient in their work, employees ought to be ingrained proper technical skill. The best-trained employees have the capacity to access the most advanced piece of equipment to increase productivity by change in employee’s attitude or morale. While productivity improvements can be achieved through a series of events, proper equipment increased motivation.

Globalize change and technological advancement effect worker as a driving force for each other and the process leads to innovation. New forms of work organizations change the nature of work and new occupational categories. With these changes, human resource development has come to fore. In Pakistan, there is an intense search for HR imperative to national progress and appalling global challenges. On this perspective, economic growth is only possible through human resource to meet the developmental requirements. The unmanaged economic growth eventuates to the detriment of human resource progress. It identifies employment for translating the benefits of economic growth into the lines of people. For this purpose, new patterns of growth needed to be developed and sustained well into the 21st century and new mechanism must be cultivated. We must ponder over it as an investment to human resource. This investment is potentially more important than building roads, bridges or powerhouses. We had better construct our people. The policy makers are suggested to direct their attention and pent-up

6 energies towards human resource progress improvements to attain economic growth and social development in the 21st century.

Overwhelmingly insurmountable globalization is posing serious challenges to organizations throughout the world, particularly to the third world countries. One of the very momentous aspects of human resource progress is the support of business houses at the national and international levels. Only those organizations, which multi-dimensionally understand the new environment and growing intricate with a proper response mechanism will live through and set forth themselves. Human resource is the most valuable and perishable resource in any organization. As a lack would have it, Pakistan is replete with such organizations that fail to use these resources effectively. Most of them misallocate and misdirect this resource.

All organizations irrespective of national, multinational or international status are to deal with this resource, which is limited in the environment it operates. Organizations strive to use this limited or scarce resource effectively and efficiently in order to achieve their goals and objectives. The most high-ranking element/factor in current organizational triumph is workforce skill, product, quality and customer satisfaction. All the above-mentioned three factors bank on human resource education, training and motivation.

In present business world, change is the only factor, which will interestingly remain constant. Changes in technology, consumer demand, demographic and global composition and competition of workforce will have an effect on the role of human resource professionals. Highly demanding 21st century dictates challenges to the comity of nation in the shape of industrialization and globalization. Simultaneously nations have to depend on human resource in some way or others out of capital and technology. The fundamental purpose of human resource is to enable organization to stand on its reliant fact in the face of predatory globalization forces. The effective human resource factors include those persons who are willing to chip in for its wealth and welfare. Lack of an occupational skill, poor health, paucity of opportunity to work and other multifarious causes may contribute in ordinarily high percentage of ineffectiveness by refusing to employ people who could be productive.

7 Human being is a major resource leading to the development of the country. A careful analysis of the factors, which led to tremendous development of the most developed countries, shows that they have a very large number of skilled workers and qualified persons. Human resource implies the proper development of human beings both physically and intellectually. In other words, it shows that attentive focus be paid on human capital as it plays a vital part in national development resulting in its apex owing to the health and qualified manpower. This entire procedure requires a big and methodical planning. Noticeably and interestingly, a factory or a titanic architectural landmark takes almost 5 to 6 years in this modern technology era but a well qualified and experienced engineer or doctor takes some 14 to 16 years with a great many works under his debt. Development means both productions of needed skill and climate conducive for optimum utilization of these skills. The first and foremost prerequisite for human resources progress is the proper attention to the health sector. No nation can dream of acquiring preeminence in any field with sick and disabled persons so developed nations invest quite a hefty amount in their health sector. In Pakistan, unfortunately, due attention is not paid to this important sector. The contents and substances of the education are yet another set of means that needs to be looked into more closely. It is the quality of education and training which enables the people to play their useful role to increase national productivity.

Pakistan is blessed with huge human resources but our savings and investment level can be raised only when we are in a position to convert our unproductive and underutilized human resources into potential accelerator of economic growth. Today, we are trying hard to catch up quickly with the high standards of living through industrial and technological revolution but because of short supply of trained manpower this is not possible. In this perspective it will be appreciating if priority is given to the development of industrial human resource maturity in the country. Industrial human resource development is the existing and present need. We enjoy efficient amount of diligent and sincere manpower but it must needs be exploited or as apiece of potential and capacity. Now it is the time to avoid finding replacement and firing of employees. Our country needs to create conditions and environment necessary for creativity and innovation, competitive in the knowledge-based industries that will

8 provide the highest value added for economies.

Failure or success hinges on the ability of an organization in mastering the manpower and overall planning of policy strategies on the development of human resources as well as their maximum use in nation building activities. Pakistan desperately requires real human resource expansion like education, literacy, technical skill, health, food, housing, intellect and culture. In Pakistan the problem is not the lack of human resource but accepting the need of human resource for proper human resource management. Human resource level can be improved on the job training, attendance in regular courses, setting up of paramount training centers or sending the cadre to similar setups already working in the market. Rapid acceleration of economy is a thorny affair without proper human resource development. Pakistan being a labor surplus economy is confronted with a high population rate, low literacy level, poor skill and technological base. It has resulted in critical imbalances in the progress and administration of human resources. It is keenly felt that the achievement of economic and social goals of the country depends to a great extent on the fact as to how much effectively its manpower resources are being put to uses for the national development. Specially in a country like ours, where human resources are plentiful than others, so due importance be attached to overall planning of policy strategies on the growth of human resources as well as their maximum use in nation building activities. It is now fully realized that human resources even if abundantly available are incapable of providing a guaranteed economic and social progress for country unless the human resources are built up and developed on sound lines so that they could furnish positive solutions to national problems in critical situations. It is a well known fact that the real improvement of human resources calls for a multifaceted action, in all directions like education, literacy, technical skill, health, food, housing, intellect and culture. If we motivate human talent and potentialities in all the walks of life we can manage to identify ourselves with the modern world and we can face all the overwhelmingly challenges. In this scenario the role of human resource management will definitely take on a longer significance and prompting managers to take a lead role in all organizational decision- making and operation.

Change dictates modern ways of perception and new frames of

9 references as well as up to minute attitudes and new fangled. None but the desired skill of managers will be competent agent of change. In this connection, manager able to bring in change will be an asset of any organization. The Pakistani nation is hard working. It has measured up to expectations. The people are energetic and workers are dedicated. Pakistan has required quality, commitment and will to success. In this perspective, human resource is amply chipping in for the transformation of Pakistan from an underdeveloped country to potentially prosperous nation. Only proper guidance and necessary assistance is required to multiply the capabilities to increase the output. Pakistan’s human resource has evolutionary thinking. Changed time also requires a change in thinking. A sizeable share of budget is hoped to earmark for the development of human resource in Pakistan and a change will be visible in near future and country would walk on the road to progress and prosperity. Pakistan, being a labor surplus economy with a high population rate, low literacy level, poor skill and technological base has eventuated in critical imbalances in the development of human resources Pakistan’s problem number one is very poor human resource development capability.

Organizational motivation creates and inspiration, assistance, and guidance to the worker for his motivation and helps him to use his talents wisely and effectively. Healthy and educated human resource is a pre-requisite for sustainable development in Pakistan but it is much slower as compared to developing countries. Pakistan needs renewed and determined efforts for building physical infrastructure, development of human resources and environment protection while maintaining macro economic stability and self reliance.

If the parallel is drawn among Pakistan to that of Japan, Canada, and Australia, the batter nations lacks a rich. The most precious resources are Pakistan’s human resource. If human resource is properly trained, usefully exploited and technically developed Pakistan can be come one of the strongest nations of the world. In Pakistan, in terms of grouping of organizations, on the one hand, we have government run organizations, both federal and regional and on the other hand, are the multinational organizations. In between are the state run organizations, sole proprietor ship and family based organizations and nationalized industries. The number of people assigned the human resource management tasks and these tasks are

10 taken as human resource management function depends on the beliefs and approaches of the organization.

In Pakistan, it would be fair to say that the multinational organizations remain in the forefront of HRM. This is primarily due to the global approach of the organization filtering to Pakistan. Working in human resource management is fulfilling and rewarding to have contribution to the development of any individuals potential and advancement is reward in itself. It is this reward that makes the job worthwhile and each day different from the one before. Human resource is the productive asset but government of Pakistan has failed to realize this. This is not too surprising since opponents of literary of the general populace exist within the top echelons of Pakistan, today. Productivity development of human beings depends upon the job training programs. The other important factor is the workers cultural outlook and attitudes towards work and desire for self-improvement.

In Pakistan, human resource professionals are still inapplicable in organizational institutional setup. There are many large organizations that recognize their commitments to have the best practice in human resource but unfortunately fail to deliver goods in its implementation. Many organizations preach genuinely and honestly that they practice and care staff policy. Sadly, Pakistan’s obsolete and moth-eaten educational infrastructure has fallen through to re-orientate and educate youth with occupational skills. Education has a disappointing relationship to future jobs. Many students having no skill but the degree results frustration and high brain drain is common. Special incentives in land and salaries have been provided to attract overseas Pakistani’s back to the country. It goes without saying that our young human resource can be perfected in their fields through training. Organizations should be developed that are consumer driven, quality focused and globally effective. With these sort of thoroughgoing measures, organizations will plug away strive to restore nation’ competitiveness and assist answering its continued prosperity in the new fangled millennium. According to the economic survey 1992-93, Government of Pakistan, Human resources if effectively engaged, play a dynamic and pivotal role in socio economic force employment of a country. Demographics and labor force employment characteristics of a country furnishes broad indicators to how human resources are productively taken on

11 employed in the various national development fields and how people are capitalizing on achievements in socio economic fields. A special human resource development committee of the cabinet has been set up to study the current upcoming and future requirements of human resource and to map out policies and programs for their optimal exploitation and to expand employment opportunities for the unemployed. Similar committees are being established to promote employment at provincial level.

Government is suggested to stock sufficient staffing for targets oriented market. Simultaneously, proper staffing adjustment is a matter of wage concern. The competitive ventures that the private sector may take on are critically dependent on the pool of available human resource. The salaries, fringe benefits and other incentives that the government offers to attract people from within this pool have a direct bearing on the private sector. Besides its monopolistic attitudes, a private sector is trying to found its potential opportunities in export service industries. As a result, joint ventures are dramatically augmenting for the developing countries with no exception of Asia and Pakistan. Public sector policy of emolument is not as satisfied as private sector is in the country. So, pay envelopes are to be made heavy and synchronized with corporate sector. Here, we cannot rule out the initiatives of foreign government surveys in the gradual synchronization of public sector enterprise consultants with private sector. The private sector in Pakistan does not adjust its salaries based on the free market forces. Instead, the greatest pressure in the private sector is from the incentives provided by the government job. Pakistan has a fairly even balance in this regard. The government, which does not work under free market principles, must adjust its salary package according to the salary package of the private sector.

In Pakistan the lifestyle of government employees, before and after retirement, is no worse, if not better, than the lifestyles of their counterparts in the private sector. Ethics and morality are one’s personal traits, related to individual’s social credibility but ethics and morality must need to exist in working environment also. In Pakistan‘s scenario, being a Muslim country, group ethics are totally ignored in business life. As often as not, senseless accumulations, illegal gains and rampant corruption have become the part and parcel. The post has the spirit of socio-economic and cultural transformation

12 in Pakistan had shape us in many ways. Of the parallel is drawn between the size of post and pre independence organization, their pre- independence size is much smaller than today’s establishment with all out blue-chip operational activities. These organizations set them, forth following initiation of the process of modernizing society that in turn, instill development and change.

The redoubtable enterprises managing this holistically Pakistani innovations-shy organization is immensely cutting Gordian knot. Gone were days when adequate, qualified candidates were not available in required numbers to fill in a vacancy in Pakistani organizations. But the expansion in the educational facilities during the last quarter of the century has changed the situation. The limited number of jobs has to be judiciously meted out among the qualified candidates pertaining to different regions and segments of the society to make our organizations a melting pot for candidates drawn from diverse, social ethnic and regional background for national integration.

In organizations, most employees of different salary grades anticipate eagerly that their rights and privileges stem outset of being their employment in organization. Those employees who want to quit their organizations after completing 25 years or less then 25 years may also be allowed to retire with retirement benefit in proportion of their length of their service. Similarly the employers have option to retire, those who have served minimum of service but have lost their utility to the organization. In the private sector, a common complaint is that it is difficult to get work done through others. The workers have just gone astray. Generally in our corporate culture, the workers belonging to union seems to be immune from work. The authority also does not have dared to ask them to work. They are more politically motivated and they avail themselves of it. Time paid work force would not give a return which they would do, when payment is related to output or production called contract work the union accuse management and vice versa. Private sector is there to thrive upon expense of the public sector, through tax evasion, obtaining loans from public financial institutions, avoidance of payment of import/export duties, levies and like that. It is a general knowledge that Pakistan houses rich people with indigent government. People are not prepared to pay taxes and public functionaries are not serious to

13 make recoveries from them. Corruption has crept in the public and private sector. The real trouble is lack of management in hierarchical levels or narrow span of control so the people’s problems are not solved. Managerial class in Pakistan is generally well educated if not well qualified. The need of the Pakistani society is of management, which can learn lessons from the past to envision future, feel socio- psychological pulses of the people, determine proper priorities, optimize economic use of resources and above all, can enhance confidence among the people and establish its own credibility. Although the challenges redoubtably insurmountable but can be withstood if we have to team up with other nations in the reach for development in the 21st century.

Healthy and educated human resource is a pre-requisite for sustainable economic growth in Pakistan but it is much slower as compared to the developed countries. Pakistan needs renewed and persevering efforts for building physical infrastructure, development of human resources and environment protection while maintaining macro economic stability and self-reliance. Following ineluctable penetration of globalization stabilized economics are those that entertains workforce or manpower as a potential national wealth in collaboration with the quality of the social and material infrastructures that support them. Today’s personal role is shifting from protector and screener to planner and change agent. Human resource activity plays the role of change management. So we can say that the term “Human Resource” refers to the people in an organization. When public and private organizations improve, society prospers with the effective and efficient function of virtuous cycle.

Pakistan’s human resource has evolutionary thinking. Changed time also requires a change in thinking. A sizeable share of budget is hoped to earmark for the development of human resource in Pakistan and a change will be visible in near future and country would walk on the road to progress and prosperity. Pakistan, being a labor surplus economy with a high population rate, low literacy level, poor skill and technological base has eventuated in critical imbalances in the development of human resources. Pakistan’s problem number one is very poor human resource development capability. If human resource is properly trained, usefully exploited and technically developed. Pakistan can be come one of the strongest nations of the

14 world. In Pakistan, In terms of grouping of organizations, on the one hand, we have government run organizations, both federal and regional and on the other hand, are the multinational organizations. In between are the state run organizations, sole proprietor ship and family based organizations and nationalized industries. The number of people assigned the human resource management tasks and these tasks are taken as human resource progress function depends on the beliefs and approaches of the organization. In Pakistan, it would be fair to say that the multinational organizations remain in the forefront of human resource progress. This is primarily due to the global approach of the organization filtering to Pakistan. Working in human resource progress is fulfilling and rewarding to have contribution to the development of any individuals potential and advancement is reward in itself. It is this reward that makes the job worthwhile and each day different from the one before.

Human Resource is the productive asset but government of Pakistan has failed to realize this. This is not too surprising since opponents of literary of the general populace exist within the top echelons of Pakistan, today. Productivity development of human beings depends upon the job training programs. The other important factor is the workers cultural outlook and attitudes towards work and desire for self-improvement. Pakistan being a labor surplus economy is confronted with a high population rate, low literacy level, poor skill and technological base. It has resulted in critical imbalances in the development of human resources. It is keenly felt that the achievement of economic and social goals of the country depends to a great extent on the fact as to how much effectively its manpower resources are being put to uses for the national development. Specially in a country like ours, where human resources are plentiful than others, so due importance be attached to overall planning of policy strategies on the development of human resources as well as their maximum use in nation building activities. It is now fully realized that human resources even if abundantly available are incapable of providing a guaranteed economic and social progress for country unless the human resources are built up and developed on sound lines so that they could furnish positive solutions to national problems in critical situations. If we motivate these human talent and potentialities in all the walks of life we can manage to identify ourselves with the modern world and we can face all the

15 overwhelmingly challenges. In this scenario the role of human resource management will definitely take on a longer significance and prompting managers to take a lead role in all organizational decision- making and operation. Change dictates modern ways of perception and new frames of references as well as up to minute attitudes and new fangled. None but the desired skill of managers will be competent agent of change. In this connection, manager able to bring in change will be an asset of any organization. The acute deficiency of change management and human resource progress tools, techniques and procedures in Pakistani organizations is creating inefficiency, ineffectiveness and loss of productivity at upper, middle and lower level management. Pakistan is blessed with huge human resources but our savings and investment level can be raised only when we are in a position to convert our unproductive and underutilized human resources into potential accelerator of economic growth.

Today, we are trying hard to catch up quickly with the high standards of living through industrial and technological revolution but because of short supply of trained manpower this is not possible. In this perspective it will be appreciating if priority is given to the development of industrial human resource progress in the country. Industrial human resource development is the existing and present need. We enjoy efficient amount of diligent and sincere manpower but it must needs be exploited or as apiece of potential and capacity. Now it is the time to avoid finding replacement and firing of employees. Our country needs to create conditions and environment necessary for creativity and innovation, competitive in the knowledge-based industries that will provide the highest value added for economies. Failure or success hinges on the ability of an organization in mastering the manpower and overall planning of policy strategies on the development of human resources as well as their maximum use in nation building activities. Pakistan desperately requires real human resource progress like education, literacy, technical skill, health, food, housing, intellect and culture. In Pakistan the problem is not the lack of human resource but accepting the need of human resource for proper human resource progress. Human resource level can be improved on the job training, attendance in regular courses, setting up of paramount training centers or sending the cadre to similar setups already working in the market. Rapid acceleration of economy is a thorny affair without proper human

16 resource development.

Pakistan is positioned in the western fraction of the Indian subcontinent, amid Afghanistan plus Iran on the west, India on the east, along with the Arabian Sea on the south. The populace be present 169,270,617, birth rate is 29.1, infant death rate is 68.5, life hope is 63.8 [Economic Survey, 2007]. The accessibility of natural possessions is inadequate because of the dried weather and hilly topography, considerable inhabitant’s intensification is escalating force on the supply its administration has suffered from the significance on speedy trade and industry growth and often unregulated shape of cost-effective output. Population growth and pitiable water infrastructure have abridged per capita water availability from 53,000 cubic meters to 1,200 cubic meters, and heavy reliance on firewood has donated to the world’s second maximum rate of deforestation [World Bank Survey, 1997]. Deprived farming practices have led to soil erosion, groundwater degradation, and other problems that have hindered crop output and contributed to health problems for communities. Solid waste burning, low-quality fuels, and the growing use of fuel, inefficient motor vehicles have contributed to air pollution. Pakistan’s health indicators, health funding, and health and sanitation infrastructure are generally poor. About 19 percent of the population is malnourished and 30 percent of children under age five are malnourished [United Nations Survey. 2003]. Pakistan’s total health expenditures amounted to 3.9 percent of gross domestic product and per capita health expenditures were US$16 [World Health Organization. 2001]. Nevertheless, poverty increased in the late 1990s, and the country’s population growth reduced income growth. The proportion of the population living below the poverty line increased from 34 percent reversing decades of decline [Economic Survey of Pakistan, 2002]. Social service funding and institutions are inadequate to address the development problems faced by much of the Pakistani population. Provincial governments are responsible for providing social services but often lack the financial and institutional resources to do so. Most social services funding comes from the federal government plus international aid but dishonesty and institutional inefficiencies caught up plans, intended to lighten idleness, poverty and other societal evils.

Pakistan covers only 0.67 percent of world’s land area but

17 contains 2 percent of the world’s population [Economic Survey of Pakistan,2007]. Pakistan inherited on extremely narrow economic base at the time of partition in 1947. since then, the government of Pakistan is making rigorous efforts to build up infrastructure and productive potential of the economy through the process of development planning. The start of preparing the country for future advancement was made by launching a six year development programme (1951-57) named as Colombo plan. The programme was suspended two years before its completion due to repercussions of Korean war. In addition to the Colombo plan, other five year development plans were drawn up and implemented. The sixth and seventh five year plan are complete. The eighth year plan (1993-98) has been implemented. If the economic performance since 1947 is evaluated, the overall results are not very encouraging [Nnasir and Haider, 2003-04]. The per capita income at current prices is Rs. 28933 or $ 429 in Pakistan [Economic Survey of Pakistan. 2003]. the major portion of the population is just above poverty line. The distributing features of the economy is that whatever economic growth has been achieved. It is accompanied by unequal distribution of wealth. This has created social tension in the country and slowed down the rate of economic development. Pakistan has devised various strategies to quicken the tempo of economic development but it has not been able to break the vicious circle of poverty and enter into take off stage.

The socio-cultural attitude of the people stand in the way of economic development of the country. In Pakisatn, more than 60% of the people are illiterate [Nnasir and Haider, 2003-04]. They are ignorant of the development taking place in their own country. The majority of the people are extravagant. Our is in fact a consumption oriented society. The people are mostly conservative in their habits. They feel pride in their native culture. People lack self confidence and imitative. The joint family system, though on the decline, has also killed the sense of imitative and the incentive to work. The caste system functioning mostly in geographical mobility. The occupational classification which is mostly village centered impede the economic development. The religious beliefs of the people condemning the accumulation of wealth, dependence upon fate and the will of God only are also obstacle to economic growth. The unnecessary expenditure on marriages, deaths, births, litigations, class pride etc.

18 has reduced domestic savings and has adversely effected economic progress. About half of the population comprises women folk. Our social taboos and customs prevent them from working and improving the standard of living. The basic need of the people remain largely unsatisfied. For accelerating the rate of economic development, there should be a political stability in the country. If there is a change in the government set up due to elections or of dictatorship, the planning job done by the previous governments should not be altered altogether. The planning machinery and all others involved in administration should be loyal to the country. They should be competent, sympathetic and honest in the performance of the duties assigned to them. In Pakistan, since its inception, there are rapid changes in governments. Each government which come into power condemned the planning work done by the previous governments. They framed their own plans, formulated their own strategies of development and left the claim without achieving in the targets of the plans, all other plans have failed to achieve their targets. The over all line of the planning machinery in departments is generally weak, incompetent and unsympathetic. Self interest is dominating over national interest which is great barrier to economic development. We still not in a positioned to decide about the nature of economic system in Pakistan. Other problems are rising public debt, budget deficit, banking and financial crises, scarcity of foreign exchange, rapidly growing population etc. The increase in population is due to multiple factors as the practice of early marriages, drop in death rate, illegal migration in the country.

Pakistan is a state full of possessions and has gigantic potential for escalation along with growth, which until now countries analogous like Japan, Canada as well as Australia is short of. The precious assets in Pakistan are its manpower and without healthy human resource, no progress is possible, no matter what the growth rate would be. The growth of inhabitants is alarming in Pakistan. It is a fact that the annually growth rate of population rose from 1.1% in 1931 to 14.90 crore in March 2003. If the populace endlessly increases, it will arrive at 217 million marks by the year 2020 [Economic Survey of Pakistan, 2007]. Economic development is the process whereby an economy’s real national income increases over a long period of time and if the rate of development is greater than the rate of growth of population, then per capita real income will increase.

19 Economic development means the rate of expansion which can move a developing country from state of under development to a state of development through the changes in the technical and institutional arrangements. The essence of economic development remains rising per capita income, elimination of poverty, greater employment opportunities, lessening income inequalities and more important development concept of economic development was the rise in the real national income and per capita of a country. In 80’s the real national income or real per capita income as a measure of development was discarded. The problems of wide spread poverty, unemployment and unequal distribution of income came to the forefront. This term was redefined in terms of reduction of poverty, inequality in income, and unemployment. In 1990’s the change in concept once again came as the development of people rather than the development of things. The challenge of development is to improve the quality of life that generally calls for higher incomes and also involves better education, higher standards of health, less poverty, a clear environment, more equality of opportunity, greater individual freedom and richer cultural life.

Pakistan has legged very seriously behind other developing countries, including South Asian neighbours, in progressing towards universal basic education. perhaps one of the most delitating constraints on social participation prevalent in Pakistan is the extremely limited agency of women. Income and consumption based approaches to poverty are practically useless in evaluating the social as well economic disadvantage faced by nearly one half of the population. Poverty can thus be seen in the context of establishing a parity between the status of political and civil rights, and that of social and economic rights. Migration has been a survival strategy of people confronting the prospect, impact or aftermath of disasters. It is mostly refers to the shifting of people from one area usually rural areas to another area mostly cities within the same country while global migration refers to the mass exodus of inhabitants principally settled in one state than settled to a different realm because of natural or obligatory proceedings such as thunderstorm, battle, financial hopelessness, tremor et cetera. Domestic resettlement refers to the shifting of people from one locale (typically countryside vicinity) to a different region. The boost in populace is frequently reasoned by banned movement in the nation state. The migration of Afghan

20 refugees to Pakistan is adversely effected the labour market and the economy of Pakistan. About three million people migrated from Afghanistan to Pakistan during 1980-90 owing to Russia-Afghanistan war. The people remained in Pakistan for over ten years and they still live here in the wake of socio economic devastation that the ongoing civil war has caused in Afghanistan. The influx of Afghan refugees into Pakistan started in 1978 & was at its peak at 3.7 million in June 1990. The data on Afghan refugees reveals that Pakistan is still hosting 1.81 million Afghan refugees at the end of March, 1998. Pakistan maintained a policy of temporary protection with voluntary return as a preferred option. Since July 1990 to March 1998, approximately 1.9 million refugees have repatriated to Afghanistan due to continued factional fighting amongst various Afghan groups as well as non availability of adequate economic opportunities & other socio-economic conditions. About 0.295 million fresh Afghanis also took refugee in Pakistan during May, 1992 to March 1998.

Pakistan has therefore had to bear the burden of food, shelter, health & other necessities of life. Refugees from Afghanistan first settled down in the northern areas of Pakistan where they crossed over. However, with the passage of time & in search of better socio- economic opportunity within Pakistan they have migrated to the urban areas of Pakistan. This further straining the already adequate resources of these cities. It is estimated that 70 to 80 thousand people migrated to Karachi annually from other parts of Pakistan. It is further estimated that 4% population annually is from rural to urban areas of Pakistan. Similarly, Muslims of Indian occupied Kashmir are leaving their homelands at the hands of Indian atrocities and are migrated in to to seek shelter and protection, millions of Biharis are still lying helpless in the camps of Bangladesh and claimed to be Pakistani in thousands and claimed their migration to Pakistan. Bangladesh government does not take their responsibility as its citizens. Their socio economic situation is very poor. They want permanent settlement of their citizenship in other country. They are facing an acute problem of international migration lying in camps. Internal and international migration of population have created a number of problems for Pakistan.

The immigration of Afghan refugees to Pakistan was harmfully exaggerated the cost-effective circumstances in Pakistan.

21 An earthquake struck Pakistani-controlled Kashmir on October 8, 2005. The catastrophe beat send-off thousands helpless. Refugees, earthquake victims and displaces experience uprooting and relocation and must cope with the consequent stresses and the need to adapt to new or radically changed environments. All may experience deprivation, loss of homes, jobs and the breakup of families and communities. All must mobilize social and cultural resources in their efforts to reestablish viable social groups and communities and to restore adequate levels of material life.

Today, in Pakistan the population boom has resulted economic disruption, ecological deprivation, deficiency of intake water, thinning wooded area wherewithal, milieu revolutionize due to weakening of ozone layer, naval pollution, echo pollution, diminution of terra firma possessions and smash up of attractiveness of life. Numerous environmental problems threaten the economy and the population’s health. Pakistan has also become a dumping ground for the filth of dirty fuels, clogging already polluted urban centers with motor vehicle pollution. Environmentalists believe that industrial pollution and environmental degradation can only be tackled if the government puts the environment at the center of all economic planning. The development of a well-trained skilled labor force means is to achieve gainful productivity and efficiency in public and private sector. Population growth is increasing pressure on the resource base, and resource management has suffered from the emphasis on rapid economic growth and often-unregulated forms of economic productivity. As a result, human transformation of the environment is manifest in several problems. Population growth and poor water infrastructure have reduced per capita water availability from 53,000 cubic meters to 1,200 cubic meters, and heavy reliance on firewood has contributed to the world’s second highest rate of deforestation [Economic Survey of Pakistan, 2007].

Poor agricultural practices have led to soil erosion, groundwater degradation, and other problems that have hindered crop output and contributed to health problems for rural communities. Solid waste burning, low-quality fuels, and the growing use of fuel- inefficient motor vehicles have contributed to air pollution. Pakistan’s health infrastructure is generally underprivileged, chiefly in countryside locale. About 19 percent of the population is

22 malnourished, a higher rate than the 17 percent average for developing countries and 30 percent of children under age five are malnourished. Leading causes of sickness and death include gastroenteritis, respiratory infections, congenital abnormalities, tuberculosis, malaria, and typhoid fever.

As because of inflation the resources have not been increasing with the same pace as the population. This has created more demand for the supply of certain goods and services as a result, prices have climbed radically in the past few years. People who do not find adequate quarters are forced to develop and live in slums these slums are infested with unhealthy and antisocial elements that further create problems for the cities. Vehicles on the roads have outgrown, the roads available for them creating congestion and pollution for pedestrians. Shortage of educational institutions in campuses with the number of potential candidates has created frustration among the students who are refused admissions in professional colleges and universities. medical facilities are insufficient tocate to the increasing population of the cities. More people are using more resources with more intensity than at any point in human history. Fresh water, cropland, forests, fisheries and biodiversity all show signs of stress at local, regional and global levels. Increasing pressure on the environment is the result of, on one hand, increasing affluence that is, more consumption, pollution and waste, and on the other persistent poverty that is, lack of resources and the technology to use them, and lack of the power to change these circumstances. Growing human numbers play a role in both scenarios. Population size, growth, distribution and movement help determine the relationship between people and their environments. Access to education, health and economic opportunity; consumption levels, gender differentials and quality of human capital all have an influence. The human development index for Pakistan was 0.445, which ranks it at 139 among the 175 countries [Human Development Report, 1997]. This low rank indicates the unsatisfactory performance of socio economic sector of Pakistan. Pakistan’s economy has been growing at the rate of 6.5 percent per annum, which is higher than the other human development index rank countries like Malaysia Iran, Sri Lanka, Indonesia and Egypt [UNDEP. 1996].

The high uncontrolled population growth rate is the major

23 obstacle to raising the standard of living despite the high economic growth rate. The poor conditions of health sector is evident from the low levels of access of the population to health services, safe drinking water and sanitation facilities. Only 55 percent of the population has access to health facilities. Access of safe water and sanitation facilities is also extremely low in Pakistan. The low expenditure on health and education in 60s produced a low quality of labour force. The vicious circle of poverty , unemployment and high population growth rate coupled with the extremely inequitable distribution of assets and opportunities has prevented the fruits of high gross national product growth rate from reaching the majority of the people. Emphasis on the education, high quality of human resource would have been one way to break out of this vicious circle and redress the initial inequity.

24 Chapter-2 Historical Background of HRM

Human resource management is integration of Personnel Management and human resource management planning and change; human resource management today is partner in organizational change, creator of organizational culture and facilitator of organizational commitment. Generally today’s human resource management functions are strategic and have the objective of enhancing organizational performance and meeting employee needs.

Last decade of the bygone century is considered as “the decade of human resource management” where business tycoons concentrate phenomenally human resource as the most seminal assets of an organization system. Many labels have been used as personnel management and human resource management.

The deep-rooted establishment of HRM has emerged, developed and full-fledged matured in eleven stages during the past centuries. To start with, intra-renaissance, the first stage is the pre- industrial period, beginning around 1400 and continuing until the late 1700s period shows absence of any formal HRM function within organizations-HRM-shy stage (Ling, 1965). The second stage opens up with the monumental growth of dazzling industrial revolution in Great Britain in the late eighteenth century and percolates as far as to America in the early nineteenth century (Weber, 1927). The third stage kicks off with the emergence and growth of the modern HRM (Kaufman, 1993). In the fourth stage two different movements like scientific management and welfare work began in the nineteenth century and along with contributions from industrial psychology emerged around the time of World War 1 to consolidate the field of HRM (Lescohier, 1935: Eilbirt, 1959). The fifth stage wereas HRM in post World War 1 as dynamic discipline as well (Viteles, 1932). The sixth stage focused on the human relations while the outset of human relations movement associated itself with the workaholic of Harvard researchers Elton Mayo and in the 30s, a practitioner focus on human relations (Kaufman, 1993). The seventh stage is the golden age of industrial relations and the personnel management maintenance functions as formal HRM function had been enthusiastically received and established throughout American industries during and after

25 World War 1 (Watson, 1977). The IR side of HRM experienced its “golden age” between 1948 and 1958 (Kaufman, 1993). The eighth stage is popular as the era of quality of work life. Beginning around the mid-1960s and the continuing up to the decade of the 1970s, there was a rise in the view of the importance of human resources and a view of them as assets, not liabilities. Realizing the importance of HR drove the efforts of this era and that investment in HR was sound and productive in return by changing nature of work force. The ninth stage is considered as the emergence of the contemporary HRM functions. HRM indicates an emphasis on human resources as organizational assets (Lewin, 1991). Ever since the thought prevails that organizational triumph now hinges on human resource than capital resources (Carnevale, Gaer & Meltzer, 1990). The tenth stage is known as strategic focus era in which appreciable transformation in image, status and importance of HR function introduced (Mayer, 1976). The eleventh stage is famous as HRM function today. HRM functions today include features as (Sisson, 1990; Blyton, 1992).

Today’s human resource responsibilities that relate to increase organizational effectiveness need to augment competency and adaptability of the workforce that can make the workforce competitive. New pay policies to motivate employees, raise productivity and increase organizational performance [Schuster & Zingheim, 1992]. The preamble to human resource management increased importance of human resource management and today’s human resource managers work on operational levels, managerial levels and strategic levels [Schular, 1993] human resource manager’s new roles are strategic business partners, employee advocates, diversity managers, facilitators of organizational change and internal consultant [Dyer & Holder, 1988].

The successful human resource management practitioners now need to have the skills, necessary to operate at the managerial and strategic levels. The required skills include knowledge and understanding of business functions, human resource functional skills and change management capabilities. In the olden times some human resource management have optimized social science theory. The development of strategic human resource management widens its scope [Butler, Ferris & Napier, 1991]. Strategic human resource management represents a link between organization’s strategy and

26 human resource management activities [Lengnick-Hall & Lengnick- Hall, 1988]. Human resource management activities are organizational in scope so they need to formulate and implement organizational strategy [Dyer, 1985] that could influence organizational performance.

Human resource management in broader context factors is in the political perspective [Ferris & Judge, 1991], the economic utility perspective [Lazear, 1993] and the international perspective [Kochan, Batt & Dyer, 1992]. Human resource management is now focusing to bring change in business organizations by redesigning the strategy, envisioning new organizational arrangements through change process from initial awareness of the need of change towards implementation of new organizational arrangements [Beer, 1991].

Successful organizations are becoming more adaptable and quick in changing directions and customer centered. In this environment, the role of human resource dynamic professionals is just like a change agent. Human resource area is a rapidly changing field. This change character of human resource is deeply knowledgeable about the design of work system in which people contribute and succeed. The change must be adapted and organizations must adopt change [Hollbeach, 1999].

Organizations are trying to find out new ways to improve effectiveness and efficiency of employees. New changing processes are always in demand in organization for the efficient utilization of physical and financial resources. Planned changes occur as a result of specific efforts by a change agent. The forces for change are external and internal. Organizations show change by internal procedures and external forces for change occurs in the business environment [Davis, 1985]. Job analysis is mostly performed because of the change in the nature of the job [Singer, 1990].

Organizations are not static, so needs and requirements change according to the wants and requirements of their human resource. Organizations have recognized the need to change structures, to enable them, to respond and to change the challenges of competitors and demanding customer expectations [Smith, 1999]. The world of performance appraisal is changing. There is nothing except change.

27 The world hates change but it is the only thing that has brought processes. All things change, nothing perishes. A number of developments in the workplace have contributed to this new reality (Verma, 2000). The whole world is changing so it is not just a matter of having one career path anymore; people are expected to move [Stone, 1998]. Human resource activity plays the role of change management so we can say that the term ‘human resource’ refers to the people in an organization.

Human resource management practices and policies change, employee commitment and enabling the organization better. Change involves new ways of thinking and new frames of references as well as new behaviors. Change involves more than just encouraging employees to do something differently. It also entails urging them to think differently. Manager’s skill will be competent agent of change. Managers, who can bring in is none but a big rich asset. So we can say that the importance of human resource management as an agent of change needs to successfully manage human resource for a company to maximize its competitiveness. In today’s organizations, managers are becoming more responsible for human practices as an agent of change [Martin, 1993]. Change needs developed action to enhance the contribution of people in organizations. Improving the contribution of human resource is important that is why all firms create specialized human resource department. It is the duty and responsibility of managers to manage people in such a way that would produce effective output. The terms creativity, innovation and change are used in a multitude of ways. Creativity is the generation of an idea, innovation as modification of product, service, production process or technology and change as alteration of organization policy, structure or human attitudes and behaviors in order to improve performance. There are two principal approaches to change, change the people or change the situation. A change agent is ultimately interested in modifying human behavior and organizational performance [Webber, 1979].

Human resource management encourages change and increased flexibility in the ways of working. Human resource managers focus on individual contracts, payment and reward systems. Human resource managers should be prepared to take the responsibility for their own decisions and actions. Human resource

28 management is concerned with the demand for labor from management and has more emphasis on planning, monitoring and control to ensure the right number of people, with the right place and time. Human resource managers tend to say that people have a right to proper treatment at work and efficient management will achieve this. They attach credence to managing resource or top-notch policy phenomenon. They tend to evolve many of these activities to line managers like concentrate to develop policies, plan, and monitor and evaluate [Foot & Hool, 1996].

With the passage of time, Human resource management sights supreme with its manager more all rationally gigantic behind. This can largely be attributed to such factors as increasing labor costs, concern for improving workers productivity, search for compensation plans, that motivate and the need for interpreting and implementing new government laws and regulations. In the next decade, human resource managers will learn how to use their new power. The time is not away when human resource management influence the organization with its strong decision making responsibility. Additionally, because of human resource management’s growing importance, senior executives in the organization will be increasingly coming out of the Human resource management function. The current focus of the organization, either public or private is to view human resource management activities as factor of production [Butler, Ferris & Napier, 1991]. The productivity is the quality of products or services [Robins, 1983]. The effectiveness of Human resource functions explored [Galang & Ferris, 1987] suggests the existing measures rendering are common for all organizations [Kirchoff, 1977]. Organizational effectiveness is a system to measure a degree to achieve organizational goals [Etzioni, 1964]. Organizational effectiveness accepted as a combination of several measures [Cunningham, 1977].

The implementation of change policy in an organization needs transparent, methods that can motivate employees to accept change on time [Martin, 1993]. Managers are responsible to manage people to produce effective output. There is a need to alter organizational policy; structure of human resource attitudes and behaviors, modification of products, services, processes and technology in order to improve effective performance through training and organizational

29 development. Organizational performance can be changed only through change agent [Webber, 1979].

This is the responsibility of human resource to obtain, develop, utilize, evaluate, maintain and retain the right numbers and types of workers for the achievement of objectives and purposes. So we can say that human resource is a key factor in raising living standards and in the modernization of institutions that can create spirit in the morale of people. According to the National Manpower Commission, the objective of a development of a well-trained skilled labor force is to achieve gainful productivity and efficiency in public and private sector [Economic Survey, 1990-1991]. Human resource plays an important role in lowering labor costs to bring change innovatively in technologies with getting outcome for people [Schneider & David, 1993]. Human resource management plays very important role in selecting, recruiting and training the right people, at the right place for right type of work [Decenzo & Stephen, 1998]. An effective organization has the ability to survive and to make improvements in business that can be done through internal and external rewards (Stein, 1993). Human resource managers tend to say that people have a right to proper treatment at work resulting in the efficient management [Foot & Hool, 1996].

In the present globalization world, human resource management activities are the most seminal to the goods and bad of any organization. Human resource management is going to be a different game by the year 2000 [Decenzo & Robbins, 1998]. Human resource management helps employees in producing appropriate outcome from jobs by performance management program to ensure employees to go through the process by participation. The human resource management process helps job evaluation, objective setting and reward of performance. It enhances their personal contribution and satisfaction by knowing what exactly is expected about their jobs.

30 Chapter-3 Job Analysis, Job Description and Job Specification

A Job may be understood as splitting up of total work into packages. After defining the word job, the job analysis route is looked-for because of the requirement of job analysis process to open hottest jobs. Jobs that are open devoid of job analysis, progression may not turn into a valuable job. Job analysis process is the course of action to collect information regarding job. It contains the duty of an administrative vocation in rank that requires least acquaintance, skill and ability to satisfactorily perform job. Majority of the primary organizations either do not have a job description, job analysis or job specification system

The progressive organizations accentuate to identify the job foremost and then take into service the populace. A job consists of a group of errands that must be performed for an organization to accomplish its goals or a job is an album of aggregation of tasks, duties and responsibilities that is viewed as a reasonable duty to an individual worker. Job titles frequently give misleading impersonation of the actual content of a job. Most importantly the absence of proper job description might encompass disastrous consequences with difficulty to recruit employee. it serve as a starting place of crucial information for many human resource tricks and most judgment concerning such things as selection, training, promotion, work load, compensation call for relevant duties, tasks, and employee rations to be made explicit for each organizational position [Clinger, 1980].

In organizations, mission is linked with hallucination and stratagem. A mission convert the dream into what has to be done to get there and goals are general statements of purpose and direction. Objectives are very clear statements about output to be achieved. Effective objectives should be SMART in which “S” stands for exact objective domino effect output to be achieved, “M” stands for measuring success in terms of time, quantity, quality and cost, “A” stands for analysis of individual or team that have openings to talk about and procure objectives, “R” stands for realism about employee’s performance and be down-to-earth objectives, accessibility of wherewithal and hassle, “T” stands for time bounce to

31 fix the date near the objectives as milestone [Smith, 1999].

Job Analysis is a methodical process of shaping skills, duties, and knowledge compulsory for performing jobs in an organization. It is essential and basic human resource technique. job analyses is the systematic process and update the human resource about the natural history of a particular job, major tasks undertaken by the incumbents, the outcomes that are expected, the jobs relationship with other jobs in the organizational hierarchy and jobholder’s characteristics.

In organizations, the Job Comparison information is mandatory to compare a particular job with other jobs surrounded by or outer surface. The entire process is caught up in job evaluation and manpower utilization decision [Terrington & Chapman, 1983].

In Job Analysis Process, jobs are more likely to be described, differentiated and evaluated consistently. However if accurate information is available to reward managers carrying out recruitment, selection, appraisal and employee development than the researcher uncover that [Brettons & Jeffery, 1999]. Job analysis grip a systematic series of steps as careful observation of the job by the analyst, obtain and check personnel data in the establishment to provide accurate and important information to fulfill the requirements of jobs and the conditions surrounded them. The process is to describe and record aspect of jobs and specify the skills and other chucks required to perform a job. Job analysis is the progression to record information about the work performed by an employee. It is the process to settle on observations, study and report information related to specific job. It includes the identification of the tasks performed, equipments utilized, training skills and human resource required for the work.

Job analysis is a method in which duties; skills and requirements are thoroughly studied in a methodical manner. Recently the management gets updated knowledge about individual job. Job analysis is a process to examine a job in detail, in order to identify its component tasks. The approach may very according to the purpose for which the job is being analyzed. Job analysis is a process to collect information as what has to be done on the job, why the job is going on, and how the job is related to the overall objectives of an

32 organization. A complete job analysis provides the information about the characteristics and behaviors required for completing the job. A detailed analysis is used to select human resource according to the job requirement.

The job analysis is a means of systematic and logical examination of a job in detail. Job analysis is habitually performed because of the change in the nature of jobs. This is a process in which necessary characteristics are determined to achieve satisfactory job performance by analyzing the environmental conditions in which the job is performed. Job analysis is a process to obtain job information. This information is recorded once called job description and the other called a job specification. The job performance depends upon the qualification standards. Job analysis is a process to determine the characteristics, which are necessary for satisfactory job performance, and to analyze the environmental conditions in which the job is going to be performed. Job analysis provides specific information about job hazards and identifies ways to perform those jobs safely. It is particularly important for supporting and defending managerial decisions such as promotions, transfers and demotions. Job analysis results in the preparation of three products and those are a job description, a job specification and qualification standard. Once a job analysis is completed follows job description, job specification and job design.

Job Description is a written record of job duties and responsibilities to provide a factual basis for making job evaluation decisions and usually recorded in uniform manner and specifies the work performed and qualification of position. Job description is a written outline of the main tasks of a job. It is the systematic summary of information collected in the job analysis and is a responsibility of a specific job. The job description is the portion of the job analysis. It contains the tasks involved in the completion of the job along with the various behaviors or activities within any given organization. It normally includes job title, location, a summary of functions, job content, an analysis and conditions of employment together with any dangerous operation and training

Job description enables the human resource to get occupied in decision making about the nature and requirements of the job. It helps

33 to diminish applicant’s list as to process applicants who are not interested. Job description holds the information achieved from analysis as tasks, behavior, responsibilities and activities necessary for the completion of the job. It is essentially a broad statement of the purpose, scope, accountabilities and tasks that constitute a particular job. Organization structure is usually specified by means of an organization chart. Job description indicates the content of the job. Job description specifies the nature of managerial responsibilities in outline. It is a statement of the purpose and scope of a job. It is noticed that organizations have many different formats usually contain sections for the identification of job. The title and location of the job must be placed in hierarchy. a provision of employment cover the substantial working conditions of the job as special difficulties and dangers, excessive dirt, heat, noise, dust or fumes, abnormal working hours or shift work. The criterions development information assists the development of appropriate criteria for accessing the performance of job acceptance. This criterion is used in recruitment and selection decision. Training development information is very useful and helpful to those who manage training development programs. It helps them to determine the content and subject matter in training courses. Human resource specification is important to provide an assessment of the human resource required to carryout a job satisfactorily, after undergoing a development or training program. The performance appraisal data can be helpful to establish clear-cut standards for every performed job. The compensation helps to fit a particular job into the entire job structure and its data can be useful to know what type of compensation system is to be used, while revising the job evaluation. Safety and health information is useful for the safety and health of employees. It identifies the unhealthy factors and corrective measures can be taken to minimize and avoid the possibility of human injury. The determination of the essential characteristics of a job in order to produce a job specification and for this purpose essentially the process of examining a job is done to identify its component parts. The detailed approach may vary according to the purpose for which the job is being analyzed, e.g. training, equipment design, and work place layout.

Job Specification is a one-page description to specify the summary of work performed. The job specification lists the human elements in selection process for satisfactory job performance. It

34 describes the nature of human being best suited to fill the position in terms of education, skills, experience and other personal characteristics. The job specification is a part of job description that specifies the qualification of workers for selection of a job. It emerges from the description by means of translating the job activities and requirements into particular skills and abilities. The job specifications are the minimum skills, knowledge and activities required to perform the job. The purpose of the job specification is to channel executives and officials in the selection and placement of employees by considering factors as intelligence and an aptitude. The job may not call for trained person, but for an aptitude, for which training will be given. Ability and qualifications deals with the general level of education required for the job such as academic qualifications, training and experience etc.

Job specification also refers a Qualification Standard that presents the maximum level of education, experience and credentials required to gratify job performance. Devoid of qualification standards neither job description nor job specification can take place. Educated, trained, experienced and physically fit human resource is needed for doing the job analysis. Such personnel can give an idea about the development and progress of an organization. Job analysis provides the basis to glue the functional areas together and the foundation for developing a sound human resource program. Many organizations use job analysis to satisfy equal employment opportunity rules and regulations. Human resource managers have discovered additional benefits in conducting analysis. In most organizations job analysis is used for selection, training, job evaluation, performance appraisal, health and safety, time and motion studies and adherence to government rules and regulations.

The Purpose to Employ Job Analysis is to establish selection criteria. Selection requires the characteristics of applicant must be identified and matched to the job requirements. A job analysis identifies the characteristics of the job and the human characteristics crucial for satisfactory performance. It aids to identify shortcomings in already existing selection procedure. The training is the process in which employees formerly selected than usually given orientation by the organization. For many employees training is the path to learn and to get informed regarding company policy and procedures.

35 Job Evaluation is a method in which each job’s monetary worth is determined. It is the process to determine the worth of the job in an organization, comparing the jobs to another and then assigning each job a monetary value. The successful fortitude and relative worth of each job within an organization requires that the jobs can be investigated with respect to certain similar characteristics. By comparing the job analysis of the two positions, the company can determine how many duties are required in the newly created position that is unique in nature. A pay range can be developed to provide workers with proper compensation for the additional duties required. Performance appraisal requires that all supervisors appraise the performance of their subordinates at least once a year. Both subordinates and supervisors must understand the job requirements. Performance appraisal needs to be validated against job analysis. This means that appraisal instruments are created and tested to make sure that they truly measure behaviors for satisfactory job performance. The logical first step is to familiarize employees with job requirements and creating valid instruments in job analysis.

The health and safety plays very important role in organizations. There are jobs, which expose workers pro peril and for conducting a thorough job analysis required. The discovery of certain dangers if once discovered, safety measures may be taken that leads to greater profits through the decrease in accidents and the resulting increase in productivity. Time and motion studies are for the age of specialization in which companies try to increase productivity by maintaining quality. To get done this task, they have experts in engineering and efficiency. One of the primary tools employed by these efforts in time and motion studies determining the best way to accomplish a job by observing the tasks involved and the amount of time necessary to complete each task. To conduct time and motion studies, job analysis is performed to make sure that the tasks to be studied. In an effort to increase the speed, different techniques may be developed to save the amount of time and motion necessary during the job operation. Equal employment opportunity establishes the rules and regulations and decides that an added incentive would be given to employees for conducting job analyses.

Job analyst is the personage designated by the organization,

36 who is responsible to collect job information. This individual is usually an outside consultant, a current worker, or a supervisor. The people who dish up as a job analyst are mostly employees within the human resource department, the supervisor or an external consultant. Job facts can be obtained by using an analysis of the skills, knowledge, attitude or behavior along with the facet of essential training for the jobholders. Manpower planning is unattainable without job description and job evaluation. It forms a path for job specification. Job analysis helps organizations tackle reform change. Data facilitate the human resource in planning, establishing knowledge, skills and ability levels required for each job. The objectives of job analysis in human resource management provide the information about the work performed for many purposes. Some of the common purposes for doing job analysis are as job description, job comparison, criterions development, information, training, personnel specification, performance appraisal, compensation safety and health information. There are the major identified influences that create dissatisfaction among the employees of public and private organizations. The technological changes have an effect on skill requirements. Socioeconomic change destabilized the traditional forms of authority manager brandish. The process of job analysis consists of two main stages as data collection and preparation of job description, job specification and job standards. This process job analysis collect information about jobs and jobholder characteristics and the job information are then used to prepare job descriptions, specifications and standards.

Techniques of Job Analysis

Methods Analysis focuses on analyzing job elements that are the smallest identifiable components of a job. The need for method analysis often comes from changes in tools and equipment, changes in product design, changes in material, modification of equipment, procedures to accommodate handicapped workers and health and safety concerns. The techniques are available for conducting method analysis as Flow Process Charts is used to examine the overall sequence of an operation by focusing on either the movement of an operator or the flow of material. The Worker Machine Charts are useful for envisioning the segments of a work cycle in which equipment and operators are busy or idle. The analyst can easily see

37 when the operator or machine is working jointly or independently. Scheduled use of this type of chart can determine how many machines are working jointly or independently. Such charts are useful for identifying equipment utilization as well as for pinpointing bottlenecks in interdependent tasks. The Time and Motion Study has its origins in industrial engineering and the work of Fredrick W. Taylor and Frank and Lillian Gilbert. Work Measurement determines times for all units of work activity in a given task or job. Observed Time is simply the average of recorded times. Normal Time is the observed time adjusted for worker performance. Standard Time is the normal time adjusted for routine work interruptions. These standard times can be used as a basis for wages, incentives plans, cost determination, cost estimates for new products, balancing product lines and work crews. The job analysis is also discussing that Work Sampling is the process of taking samples from work activities to measure and analyze them. This can be done in several ways and was utilized to examine the difference between successful and effective managers where successful managers are those who climb the hierarchy fast, and effective managers are those who are great performers. Job analyst uses several sources of information before starting a job as consultant or as an analyst. There are different methods and ways, through which data can be collected. The Observation is a simple, convenient and inexpensive method for collecting job data. It requires that workers are observed and records are kept to specify their job behaviors.

The Task Inventories are listing of tasks for the job being analyzed with a provision for some type of response scale for each task. Task inventory is a job analysis method done by questionnaire. Position Analysis Questionnaire is a structured questionnaire to analyze jobs. The Functional Job Analysis describes job about people, data, and things. It is a job analysis technique that clearly provides a systematic and uniform method of collecting data. Questionnaire Method is very popular in the job analysis. The procedure involves preparation and distribution of detailed questionnaire among employees, who fill it and return to their supervisors. In filling out the questionnaire the employee brings out small but important details about their job, material and equipment used etc. After collecting the questionnaire more detailed inquiry and an observation done by analysts. The method of job analysis is

38 interview method very common and is used to obtain the information. Checklist can be used in large organizations that have a large number of people assigned to the same jobs in which meaningful checklist is prepared and sent to all the jobholders.

Job Evaluation is a method for determining relative money value of jobs within an organization. It is a method of establishing the relative position of jobs in a job hierarchy. Which does not directly determine rates of pay, except the factor comparison method? Job evaluation is the process of determining, the worth of one job in relation to another. It is the process of analysis and assessment of jobs to make sure reliable worth, using the assessments as a basis for a balanced wage structure. Job evaluation is a comparison of jobs in order to determine compensation. Job may be measured against an absolute scale of difficulty or relative to other jobs. These comparisons are used to justify differences in the pay rates of each job. Job evaluation seeks to settle on the value of job relative to all other jobs within the same organization. The value of the job en route for organization is a whole so it can be placed in the right position within an overall job grade structure. Job evaluation is the extension of job analysis to ascertain reliably the relative worth of jobs, to transform these appraisals into a structure of adequate rates and to provide standard procedures for all additions and adjustments in the rate structure. It involves the analysis of job for the rationale of writing job description and specification. These jobs evaluate plan and conversion of relative job values to definite wage rates. A comprehensive program of job analysis must serve as basis for any job evaluation progress. The procedures of job evaluation must be commitment from management and agreement from the trade unions and staff committees to follow a procedure. The Steering Committees are made up of senior staff and trade union, consisting of six to fifteen members including personal manager. They set up machinery in order to evaluate various jobs to coordinate the assessments and assure an overall consistency. Evaluation Panels are relatively small with four to six members equally divided between management and employee representatives. They are not sufficiently involved with the selection of factors as techniques. The Communication and Disclosures are joint responsibilities of management and trade unions to publicize the aims, methods and results. The strategy tells employees why, how and when assessments

39 will be made. It can be divided into three phases as initial announcement, progress reports and final disclosures. After the initial announcement, the steering committees and the panel holder’s regular meetings with trade unions and publish the progress reports the last the final disclosures were announced.

The main Types of Job Evaluation schemes are Job Ranking where Jobs are ordered from least to most value in the organization. This rank order or hierarchy of jobs based on subjective evaluation of relative values. It is the simplest method having the non- analytical approach. Its aim is to judge the job area as a whole and determine its relative place in a hierarchy by comparing one job with another and arranging them in order of importance. The ranking system is very suitable for small organizations having limited jobs. Accurate and complete job analysis data are fundamentals to the success of this method. It involves obtaining description for all the jobs and ranking these from low to high job requirements [Brettons & Jeffery, 1999]. Job Classification is also called the grade description system. It divides up the job hierarchy into a number of pay groups or grades developing a written description for each grade and then assigning every job into a particular grade. Job classification schemes select representative sample of bench mark, job covering components analyze the jobs, preparing job description, decide on the number of grades required, define each grade in terms of discernible, difference in skill and responsibility, Slots each benchmark, job into a grade by reference to the job and grade description. Point Rating System is based on separately defined factors, which is common to all the jobs. It analyses each job by breaking down into its component parts and by scoring a number of selected factors or sub factors is giving a point value. The more demanding a job in respect of particular factor, the higher the number of points scored. The total points for each of the factor are then added to give a total score representing the relative value of the job. The Factor Compression is a quantitative method that evaluates jobs on the basis of set factors. It is a more sophisticated method of ranking in which jobs in the organization are compared to each other across several factors, such as skill, mental effort, responsibility, physical efforts, and working conditions. The factors are used in this system i.e., mental requirements, skill requirements, physical requirement, responsibility and working conditions.

40 Job Design as a means of enriching the work experience for employees and increasing the quality and quantity of work output [Peterson & Lane, 1979]. It is concerned with designing jobs that include a greater variety of work content, require a higher level of knowledge and skills, give the worker more autonomy and responsibility for planning, directing and controlling his job, and provide the opportunity for personal growth and meaningful work experience. The Job Redesign is seen as a way of responding to the rising expectations of the work force and the inability of many institutions to meet these demands effectively. It is also necessary to understand that job enrichment represents a new way of managerial goals. Efficient managers more effectively utilized human resources in meeting organizational and personal goals. The way jobs are designed has a significant impact on both employees and organizations. Poorly designed jobs result in less productivity and loss, reduced motivation, low levels of job satisfaction, less productivity and an increase in organizational costs. The job design process design or redesign the jobs to fulfill both employee and organizational objectives.

Techniques used for Designing Jobs

Job Simplification is a method in which jobs are divided into smaller components and assigned to workers as whole job. The simplification of work broke into their smallest units and then analyzed. Each resulting sub unit consists of very few operations. These sub units are then assigned to workers as their total job. The Job Enlargement involves the addition or expansion of worker until the job becomes an entire meaningful operation. The Job Enrichment involves the vertical expansion of jobs by increasing the amount of worker responsibilities associated with the positions. Job enrichment expands the horizontal tasks of a worker. Job enrichment increases the vertical score of jobs by adding responsibility. The Job Rotation involves the switching of workers on designed dates among several different simplified jobs. Job rotation is used in order to remove the ill effects, boredom and frustration experienced by workers performing simple jobs. Under a rotation plan, employees periodically switch job. Job designing plays an effective role in preparing the people effective and efficient.

41 Theories and Approaches for Designing Jobs

The Traditional Approach is one of the older approaches for designing jobs. This approach is still applicable in some of the modern organizations. The Traditional approach would view the problem in terms of ineffective design of the job itself rather than the workers reactions to the job situation. Human Relation Approach that recognizes the need of the workers for better working conditions more sympathetic supervision and opportunities for social interaction in the job situation. The Human Resource Approach would attribute many of the problems in the plant to the manner in which the job are designed. The diagnosis might be that the job design results in highly specialized task performed in a repetitive manner. There is also an alternative model of job design such as Scientific Management was developed by Fredrick Taylor’s industrial engineering approach. Taylor maintained that jobs should be designed on the basis of the division of labor and the scientific approach to job design is still an important part of many organizations. Fredrick W. Taylor was the father of the scientific approach to job design. A major shortcoming of the scientific management approach is neglecting workers. Supervisors employing these principles tend to become taskmasters, driven by efficiency standards often at the expense of the worker’s physical and psychological needs. This results in a frustrated, dissatisfied workforce, which reacts by performing at minimal standards. The Socio Technical Model approach deals with more than just the design of jobs. It aims to incorporate job design into entire operating production system of the organization. Individual Contemporary Approach has positive personal and work outcomes as high motivation, quality work performance, satisfaction, low absenteeism and turnover. People are allowed to function in an environment where work enables the individual to obtain a sense of responsibility and empowerment to know the results. The Job Characteristic Theory is recent approach to job design in the job characteristic theory. This theory stresses the intrinsic aspect of jobs and maintains the workers contented if they view their jobs as meaningful. It also needs to mention that the Team Contemporary Approach design jobs for team of individuals. These designs generally show a concern for the social needs of individuals as well as the constraints of the technology. Here, teams of workers often rotate jobs and may follow the product from start to completion. The

42 Human Factors Approach is considered in designing jobs including the physical dimensions of the human body, the mechanical principles that govern physical movements and physiology. The main purpose of this is to reduce stress and fatigue experienced on the job and feel employee physically comfortable. The people working in an organization to perform his job in rightful manner provided skill variety. Skill Variety means each employee’s performance responsibilities are unavoidably diverse in character that needs different skills to perform the job. Task Identity means that the employee is involved with a whole job module have an inauguration and an end, rather than performing only a very small part of it. Task Significance means that the works have meaning and value either within the organization or in the external environment. Autonomy in the job means that the employee has some control and freedom and sense of independence in terms of how the job will be carried out on day today basis. Feedback means that the employees receive some indication of how well the job is being done. Upon completion of the series of tasks, a well-designed job will feed quality test results back to the employees to assure that they are informed about the effectiveness of their work. Job Characteristic hurtle human resources psychologically. The first three dimensions affect weather or not workers view their jobs as meaningful. Autonomy determines the extent of responsibility workers feel. Feedback allows feelings of satisfaction for a job done by providing knowledge of results. Ironically, the main feature of the job characteristics designed method is its intrinsic psychological motivation, may be its biggest drawback. Supervisors attempting to apply these principles may discover. For many employees these psychological states are unimportant. In fact, research indicates that some employees respond well to jobs and redesigned according to job characteristic dimensions. The Socio Technical System Approach is one of the important approaches and is a reengineering process means radical redesign of existing structures and procedures. The approach taken by the socio technical approach method is the design of work systems that increase the technical and social aspect of jobs. In order to create jobs work teams must be studied.

43 Chapter-4 Managing Changes in Jobs and Work Schedules

Change has developed as means everywhere like in cost- cutting measures, political affairs, trade, and milieu and so on. In favor of paradigm, moneymaking way of life has ended a swing from put up the shutters to unbolt concept. Likewise business has augmented from regional levels to national and than to universal parameters. Spot on the fact, folk’s transformation has been captivating in the province of human resource management. As a result, the ideological shift escorts human resource management to play even a more vital role in an organization. Change goes devoid of axiom in each amble of days. Change is all around the globe. Commencing sole chat to robust heap trainings are tremendously well thought-out. A person’s first gasp depends on talent to adapt change from lone atmosphere to a new. Change at all times routinely tend populace firm. Human being has subterfuge to accept change. If modern organizational idea revolves around change than it is crucial to change process is that which build preliminary wakefulness for the need of change through the implementations of innovative organizational provisions [Nadler, 1970].

This is the epoch of information when the worth of cerebral resources should be more significant. We are now imaginary to be in the age of human resource as a Change Agent. During the previous few days, organizations enthused through a time of downsize, shake- up and reorganize. Human resource forces grow to be a business partner in the organization, facing change and maintaining a progressive hallucination. Organizational rivalry requires bulky investment in human resource management. Successful organizations are becoming bonus adaptable, flexible and swift in changing directions and patron centered. In this environment, the function of human resource professionals is just akin to a Change Agent. The change formula shows relationship between forces that fabricate motivation to change and resistance forces are Ch = {D x M x P} - C where Ch is the amount of change, D = dissatisfaction with the status quo, M = model or vision of future organizational arrangements, P is the process for moving from the present into the future, C is personal cost of change to individual and groups [Beer, 1991].

44 The executives are agreed about the proposal of carrying strategic shift to promote internal dedication to the change. Human resource area is a hastily changing pasture. Human resource undertakes rapidly a change. The change ought to be lying on what maybe resolve.

The successful change efforts that hub on the effort itself not on abstraction like participation or culture. The initial point of any effective change effort is an evidently define business problem [Beer, 1991]. Hard and Soft approaches organizations can transform the mode to convey changes in business. The nature of change continues to go faster. Organizations are trying to find out the ways to perk up effectiveness and efficiency of employees. New markets, new products and changing processes are at all times in demand in organizations for the efficient utilization of physical and financial resources. Bigotry in the employment, development and promotion of populace are an older thought. Race, color, religion, nationality, disability, sex and age have not been the most important basis for various types of discrimination in this worldwide. Some researcher has emphasized theory of E in which change strategies frequently rely additionally on external consultants while in theory O change program rely a less on consultants. Theory E change strategies typically involve deep use of economic incentives, drastic layoffs, downsizing and restructuring. Shareholder value is the only legitimate measure of corporate hit.

In theory E change strategies typically involve deep use of economic incentives, drastic layoffs, downsizing and restructuring while in Theory O change strategies are geared towards building up the communal culture: employee behaviors, attitudes, capabilities and commitment. The organization’s talent to gain knowledge from its experience is a legitimate gauge of corporate triumph. Organizational change is the modification of mature methods into latest methods that are vital to dash an organization. Organizations are learning to contract with different types of change. The organizational change and innovation are the use of a variety of skills and resources to craft an idea, product or service that is notorious to an organization’s industry or market. Innovation endanger to fresh business that did not earlier subsist. Innovation involves change; change cannot be devoid without innovation. Effective change in coordination, commitment

45 and competence requires relationship roles, responsibilities within the team and between functional units. Programmatic changes occur by top management according to the wishes of the organizations [Beer, 1991]. To all intent and progress, effective organizational change is trial that is truly pointing to the business problem. Change process requires leadership skills. Organizational change process varies in intensity, location, nature of changes, the speed of the change process and intrusion for facilitating the change process. Organizational change can be posh in financial and human terms; disinvestments eventuate in contest and essential crumple of corporate business. The depth, location and nature of organizational change depending upon the foundation of worth formation and are necessary to examine the nature of change. The change process can be an overwhelmingly destabilize aspect to an organization generative of ambiguity, insecurity and stress within employees. The corporate change programs mistake means end of process or outcomes. The solution focuses on results not activities. Employees need to practice success in their improvement programs it builds confidence and skills for continued incremental improvements. Effective corporate renewal starts at the bottom through informal efforts to crack business problems [Russell & Bert, 1990].

Types of Change

Planned Change is change that is planned by managers or employees intentionally to bring the solution of an exact problem. This type of change occurs as end result of specific efforts by a change agent. It is a straight response to a person’s perception of a performance gap, or a discrepancy between the desired and authentic state of affairs. It represents problems to be set on or opportunity to be explored.

Unplanned Change is that change which comes without the specific sense to address a problem. This type of change occurs spontaneously or randomly and without the assistance of a change agent’s attention. Its goal is to proceed immediately once it is recognized in order to minimize negative and maximizing possible benefits.

Evolutionary Change is also known as gradual,

46 incremental change. The stages of change are identifiable and narrowly focused so that the members of the organization do not sense unexpected shift. They are able to regulate various work process and structure in small stage to secure the performance gap or reach their desired goals. Evolutionary change can be either planned or unplanned.

Planned Evolutionary or Convergent Change is the result of a specific or conscious action to make changes in an organization. It happened as the organization makes changes in its strategy, structure and systems.

Revolutionary Change or Frame- Breaking Change is that type of change, which is rapid or dramatic in nature. It carries with it a sense of rush and crisis. In some cases it is planned while in others it is a retort to crisis.

Frame- Breaking Changes result from reengineering efforts that brighten up work processes. At times organizations must completely reinvent how they demeanor their business. Frame- breaking changes become necessary because of a major move in the environment. Organizations that are not able to reinvent their motions, values, cultures and processes in the environment do not end. Are a number of forces for change as external in the environment and internal in the processes and people inside the organization? Organizations show change by internal procedures and external forces for change occurs in the business environment.

Models of the Planned Change

* Lewin’s Force Field Analysis of Change. In the 1950s, social psychologist Kurt Lewin proposed a theory of organizational change that continues to manipulate up to date idea [Stone, 1998]. Lewin’s force field analysis proposes that organizations be full of forces that impel change and forces that resist change. As soon as those two forces are unprejudiced, the organization maintains its status quo. When the forces for change are stronger than those that resist change, managers prevail over inertia and put into action changes. Lewin further suggests that change takes place in a three- stage progression. Change occurs in people, task, culture, technology

47 and structure. Lewin believes that many change agents end up creating resistance to change. When managers implement change ahead of people think a need of it. There is an amplified chance of crash. The first stage of change is unfreezing means that old ideas and practices need to be put aside so that new ones can be learned. Unfreezing involves dissatisfaction with recent performance and management practice. Becoming aware of the need for change reduce the services that resist change and build up those that prop up. It is a phase during which a situation is geared up for change. The second stage of lewin’s model is the change itself. It is the pace in which new dreams and practice are learned so that employees can imagine and act upon in new ways. In this stage up-to-the-minute practice and policy is implement and latest behaviors are cultured. In the change stage a choice of work process is changed as technology, people, products, services, management practices and administration. Change can be facilitating in several ways as during environmental pressures for change, declining performance, and the recognition that quandary or opportunity survive, and through the observation of behavioral models that demonstrate another approach. It helps people to smash old habits and recognize alternative ways of thinking regarding or doing things. The final stage of lewin’s model is refreezing means what is scholarly incorporated into genuine live out. During which the newly learned behaviors and freshly implemented practices are encouraged and supported to turn into part of employee’s regular activities. Key factors in the refreezing stage are coaching, training and the exercise of appropriate reward systems. The manager is anxious about stabilizing the change and creating the environment for its long-term stability. When refreezing is done poorly, changes are too easily forgotten or abandoned with the means of access, when it is ended fighting fit, change can be supplementary stretched permanent. * Lenin’s Model of Change. This model has some distinctiveness to put emphasis on the importance to distinguish the need for change and being motivated to implement it. It acknowledges the inevitable existence of resistance to change. It focuses on people as the font of learning and change. It places interest for the need to sustain innovative behaviors in Nadler’s systems model. David Nadler has proposed a model of change that uses systems of organizations. According to Nadler, any change has upshot in an organization. The systems model suggests that to implement change, managers must deem some elements. Informal organizational elements are factors

48 such as communication pattern, management and supremacy. Formal organizational elements are formal organizational structures and work processes. Individuals are an individual employee and managers, their individual characteristics, styles, attitudes, abilities, weaknesses and so forth. Tasks are the assignments that managers and employees have. That change is a means of organizational life. Change is deeply personal. On behalf of change to happen in any organization, apiece individual must imagine, sense or act something different. Even in large organizations where thousands of employees understand organizations strategies well enough to translate them in to appropriate actions, leaders must win their clique one by one.

The name change refers to any amendment that occurs in the organization of the total environment. Change requires latest adjustments and a novel equilibrium [Fulmer, 1974]. Change is fundamentally about mind-set. Organizations that wish for their human resources to put in their heads and hearts have to acknowledge that emotion is vital to the new-fangled management approach. Faith in the era of change is based on the two things. Managing change cannot be effective devoid of full commitment of every person caught up or affected by the change. It is people’s behaviors during managing change and undoubtedly defined ethics that uphold trust during the change management process. Team working and inter personal relationship are fundamental if change management process is to be successful. In managing change principle honesty is critical during managing change. Without knowledge of managing change intended people cannot participate. Managing change is unsettling for most people. When people participate in managing change objectives, the more they will be committed to getting results. People rate recognition for their change management endeavors more than stuff plunder. Time-honored culture does not recognize or value full-grown uniqueness, up till now change management expects people to act akin to adults. Managing change cannot be effectual without the full commitment of every person involved or affected by the change. It is people’s behaviors during managing change linked too clearly defined standards that promote confidence throughout the change management process. Team working and inter personal relationship are fundamental to fetch change in management process and to be thriving.

49 The managing changes in jobs and work schedules craft the employee more inspiring toward work. It has been observed that different types of work schedules e.g.

Flexible Work Schedule allows employees to fluctuate the starting and ending times of 8.5 hours work days.

Compressed Work Schedules provide full time employees the option to complete their 80 hours biweekly work requirements in fewer than 10 workdays. The incentive with this option is to work longer hours each day to obtain one “off-day” once a week or once a pay period.

Part Time or Job Sharing Opportunities assist individuals who want to work fewer hours. Employees work between 16 and 32 hours per week. The Sharing is a form of part time employment in which two employees cover a single full time position.

Telecommuting allows an employee to work from a satellite office. It affords a quite uninterrupted work environment and freedom from the time constraints and costs associated with commuting to a primary office site. The credit hours are similar to compensatory time yet credit hours provide greater flexibility in managing overtime work.

Flexi Time or Gliding Schedule means a type of flexible work schedule in which a full time employee has basic work requirements of 8 hours in each day and 40 hours in each week. The employee may select a starting and stopping time each day and may change starting and stopping times daily within the established flexible hours.

Flexi Tour means a type of flexible work schedule in which an employee is allowed to select starting and closing times within the flexible hours. Once selected, the hours are fixed until the organization provides an opportunity to go for different starting and stopping points.

Maxi Flex Schedule means a type of flexible work schedule that contains core hours on fewer than 10 workdays in the

50 biweekly pay period and in which a full time employee has a basic work requirements of 80 hours for the biweekly pay period in which an employee may vary the numbers of hours worked on a given workdays or the number of hours each week within the limits established for the organization.

Timing is very important factor in the management of change. The strategy tip of any effective change effort is without a doubt defined trade hitch. Build up a shared vision of how to sort out and administer for competitiveness promote harmony of to new vision, competence to enact it and consistency to move it beside. Teamwork asks more of employees so they need more support from management. To change whole organization, the change process must be applied over and over again in many plants, branches, departments and divisions. Craft a market for changes the most effective approach is to set demanding standards for all operations and then hold managers accountable to them. A key role of human resource staff is to help managers name how they wanted to manage differently and achieve desired changes. Senior management expects the human resource function to provide leadership and support in addressing ‘people related business issues.

The business continued existence today depends on courage to challenge prevailing business models and the imagination to invest new markets. Change begins with bring into play–directed, action- oriented information be willing to build on the platforms already in place. Encourage incremental experimentation that departs from tradition without totally destroying it. Change management does not connote weak management; tough management does not mean effective management. Self-confidence can be a cover for arrogance, hard-nosed can mean thick-skinned. Human resource role as a change agent is to replace resistance with resolve, planning with results, and fear of change with excitement about its possibilities. The new mandate for human resource requires dramatic changes in how human resource professionals think and behave, hold human resource accountable for results, invest in innovative human resource practices, upgrade human resource professionals, to meet increasing expectation of their organization, human resource professionals must begin to act professionally. They must focus more on the deliverables of their work and less on just getting their work done. They must

51 articulate their role in terms of the value they create. They must create mechanism so that business results quickly follow. They must measure their effectiveness in terms of business competitiveness rather then employee comfort and lead cultural transformation rather then consolidate reengineer or downsize in order to turn a company around.

The worker will strive to work hard to do a better job if they are involved in making decisions that have direct bearing on their jobs. This is the responsibility of the management to ensure that when change in working methods and techniques or in the organizational setup are planned, then full attention should be give to the expected change that might effect human resources of the organization. This would necessitate the formulation of a manpower plan incorporating all possible aspects of human resource development viz., recruitment, training, promotion, and transfers etc. These changes should be communicated in a clear terms to the employees and their views solicited and necessary amendments made in that light to the maximum extent possible. Human resource was beginning to immerse itself in the work-study practices of scientific management that concentrated on measuring and refining the physical actions that went in to specific jobs. To manage a business glowing is to manage its future and to manage the future is to manage the information. Change for the sake of change may prove useful, even though such shifts are usually minor. This kind of change may serve the valuable purpose of stirring up people by getting their neurological and physical juices flowing.

The change in today’s norm and all organizations face the reality of workforce restructuring and downsizing. But it in the public sector/private sector or non-profit businesses, the worldwide scenarios show rapid changes taking place simultaneously in the areas of business activity, structure, technology, tasks and people. These areas are all interrelated and decision in one bound to affect all others rendering it impossible to change only one part of the system. Organizations who boast downsize, grant five areas for doing so actual or anticipated downturn in business efforts improve productivity, mergers or acquisitions, transfers of worked automation or new technical processes. Public sector or non-profit organizations have yet another factor added as reduced funding. Sometimes they are

52 pressured to grow larger in size and scope and sometimes they are pressured to shrink or contract. Unfortunately, looking things in today’s external environment appears as nation and become familiar with the organizational cycle and growth. In fact, we are so familiar with this trend that it has been given a ‘technical’ name in the business and academic literature of its own downsizing. This is one of the most important but intangible factors that influences successful execution of strategies. Organizational culture since it is intangible and therefore, considered immeasurable it can elude the brightest of strategists. It can be a major factor in contributing to the failure of the best of strategies unless a conscious attempt is made to guard against it.

Managing change is not like operating a machine. Most organizations today find themselves by undertaking a number of projects as part of their change effort in organization, process reengineering, employee empowerment, and several other programs designed to perk up performance. But the key to the change effort is not attending to each piece in isolation. It is connecting and balancing all the pieces in managing chance the critical task is understanding how pieces balance of one another and changing one element changes the rest how sequence and pace effect the whole structure.

An organization like a mobile in a web of interconnections, a change in one area throws a different part off balance. Managing these ripples effect is what makes managing change a dynamic proposition with unexpected challenge. Managing change means balancing the Mobil, the question is how to do it. One way is to depend on managers scattered throughout the organization and the other way is to have shared awareness of how the various parts need to interact and for everyone to trust that this general perception will ultimately pull the organization together. Of course, that’s assuming an awful lot. Another option, which has worked well in a number of companies, is a transition management team. A transition management team is not a new layer of bureaucracy or a job for fading executives. The real contribution of leadership in a time of change lies in managing the dynamics, not the pieces. The fundamental job of leadership is to deal with the dynamics of change, the confluence and congruence of the forces that change unleashes so that the company is better prepared to compete.

53 The change seems to happen faster every day. Depending on the organizational roles, human resource staffs are expected to be functional experts, capable administrators, business consultants, and problem solvers. The specialized human resource is also important. Human resource needs to be closed, to the business units, understanding each business situation and the people involved and supporting managers actively. A staff becomes more capable and effective managers seek to work with them as partners. Human resource staff functions need to measure their efficiency and effectiveness when companies measure the efficiency of the human resource function, they usually rely on a series of quantitative measures as cost, response time, and outputs volume relative to inputs and relates results to short term human resource activities the measure indicates the yield outputs to inputs and addresses the relationship between key results and short term human resource activities. Effectiveness relates the results of activities to the achievement of objectives. Effectiveness measures are primarily qualitative and relate results to the resolution of critical issues and implementation of strategies. The focus of effectiveness and efficiency measures are the performance of the human resource staff function as a service unit within a company.

The change and the pace of change happen today because of globalization, technological innovations, and information access is both dizzying and dazzling. The primary difference between winners and losers in business will be the ability to respond to the pace of change. Winners will be able to adapt, learn, and act quickly. Losers will spend time trying to control and master change. The new human resource has responsibility of the job building to embrace and capitalize on change. It will make sure that change initiates that are focused on creating high performance teams, reducing cycle time for innovation, or implementing new technology developed and delivered on time. Change has a way of scaring people, scaring them into inaction. Redesigning work through socio technical systems and methods requires the combined efforts of employees, supervisors, and union representatives in analyzing job operations. Jobs are not necessarily designed to be intrinsically motivating, than the work is accomplished.

The work scheduling represents various working options.

54 These include Part-time employment opportunities, popular among certain segments of the population. Students, mothers, retired persons and moonlighters are particularly predisposed to seeking a part-time work.

Part time employment includes Permanent part-time workers who are expected to work in a part time capacity over an extended period of time. Part time employment provides benefits to both employers and to society. An employer found the part time employees and allows flexibility in scheduling. It is more accurate matching of the workforce to the workload. It is cost savings because part time workers receive no voluntarily benefits. Society is promoted by means of voluntarily employment. It is in favor of workers who are in search of jobs and can serve up as social welfare benefits. It reduces the unemployment by providing opportunities to human resources who would otherwise be powerless to obtain unemployment. Employers, as increased costs and union opposition feel the major disadvantage of part time employment. Benefits mandated by the government, such as unemployment compassion and social security, must be paid for each worker regardless of his or her working status. Several part time employees fulfilling the job of one full time worker may be more costly in benefit administration. Unions occasionally object to the use of part time employees because it reduces the job opportunities available for their members

Temporary employees are workers who are hired for a short period because the job is not expected to last, such as for a special project.

Job sharing is that in which two or more workers who were employed in a job sharing situation together fill the position of one full time worker.

Compressed workweek requires employees to complete a full week’s work in less than five days. The most common examples of this type of workweek are as the four day workweek-ten hours per day, the three day workweek-twelve hours per day, the four and one half day workweek- nine hours for four days and fours on the fifth day, the 5/4-9-workweek plan-nine per day for five days during the first week followed by a week of nine hours for four days.

55 Chapter-5 Recruitment, Selection and Placement

Pleasure is a key–sprung phenomenon for human beings. People are actually motivated to seek food and freedom to name just a few of the big ones. They work to make money. They work for a feeling of accomplishment. This is a clear cut fact that to motivate employees need to create a bundle of needs that are required to perform these jobs well. Which is done for its own sake and said to be intrinsically motivated and motivational instruments are Praise, responsibility, recognition, esteem, power, status, competition, and participation. In organizations, intrinsic motivation on the part of workers is essential for maximizing productivity. Techniques cannot churn out quality products without the appropriate implementation of human resource. So, there are a great many people who influence the fortunes of an organization like employees, customers or vendors. These are the people within the organization that contribute the most to the health of an organization. It is said that people at work are personnel or human resource in organizations. In some organizations, people have degenerated into employee codes, badge numbers or Id numbers. Very often, management tends to forget that people are human and there is a need to motivate them. Most of the activities that people can do are either work or play depending on the motives behind. Since the motive for the action is obviously some form of monetary incentives or payments.

Many important and potentially interesting activities may seem like drudgery rather than fun. Without extrinsic motivation, there is no progressive productivity with any proper function. People with sufficient self-motivation can drive themselves to incredible levels of excellence. People promote themselves overtime they come up with a new invention or idea, simply from a sense of self- fulfillment and commitment. Factually no one can buy a man but can buy his devoted time. We can buy a measured number of skilled persons per hour per day but cannot buy enthusiasm, initiative etc. Only a person who is satisfied within the organization can achieve enthusiastic performance. Moon walking has been a far remote dream for today human but the application of enthusiasm and determination. Today, fortunately the equation of success is know-how not know- who. It is a fact that wise management must learn to pay the price to

56 retain good professionals. Top talent naturally seeks top rewards.

A new employee begins his in new relationship in organization. The person who performs best at the interview may not be necessarily the best person for the job. Rewards come in many forms. Performance and rewards must be directly linked. An encouraging note, a word of appreciation shows employees that they are cared. But a good proof of sincerity could be the compliance of management to decipher words into recompense form that actually matter to the employee. Employees have to be set more preciseness and blow. The job of manager will be revolutionized. They will need to become more counselor and coach who set goals and empower their subordinates to meet up. An ambiance of conviction has to be developed between human resources and manager devoid of whom workers will not be ready to acknowledge amplified responsibility.

The most significant attribute of a successful business organization is its ability to extract the most excellent from its employees through total participation. To get these successful organizations plant a lot of accent on apt in-house communication and on schooling human resources who be deficient in either the ability or the training. Employees who do not have either the ability or be short of the requisite training squander their precious time or energy in trying to do what they simply cannot do. A large section of employees can be schooled or trained by imparting the right amount of endurance and timely motivation in their jobs. The success of an organization counts on its wholehearted commitment to innovate. Moreover, large section of organizations pays lip service to innovative and creative ideas causing a quality gap and service retardations. They ask for new idea and when it is accepted, the employee rarely gets a reward proportionate to the ideas worth.

Successful business organizations create a climate that encourages new ideas as a part of the employee’s job. Anything that helps to create the innovative culture and a natural curiosity about how things are done in other organizations will add value to the organization. Hiring is an uphill task. Simultaneously, to furnish employment for talented and well-deserved candidates is a challenging task. Their placement at a right position involves more than just finding and compensating the right talent. Effective

57 recruitment and selection is a function of attitude. It is the function of the attitude of the human resource professional. It is the function of the attitude of anyone who works for the organization as a recruiter and anyone in organization who takes on the role of a recruiter. And, it is a task of the mind-set of the job candidate. Effective recruiting requires making the job and the organization somewhat to be pet. This process works at peak efficiently when both the recruiter and the recruits truly believe that the job and the organization are to be cherished and that the new hires have proven their mettle to the organization. Those organizations that want to grow prosper and maintain proper supply of human resources needs skilled and innovative human resource. Job vacancy can boost by mounting the amount of up-to-the-minute position. Capable staffing, skilled and specialized human resources in organizations is an easier said than done method. For the right selection at the right time and at the right place, it is indispensable that before identification of human resources, job must be analyzed. Importance of human resource can never be ruled out to pertain for position in ladder for effective and efficient key procedures while the process of that human resource that is not qualified is an expensive and time-consuming task. Qualified human resources must be recruited and selected all the way through effective human resource planning and forecasting [Singer, 1990].


The recruitment is a progression by which an organization tries to engage its variety of position. It is the process by means of the entire source for pronouncement of best human resources [Goel & Goel, 1979]. It is the route to pick the exact populace for exact job. It is only possible through suitable marketing for bulky group of human resources or intriguing highly skilled individuals for unique occupation.

Recruitment Process

The Recruitment Process identifies potential candidates who are working in the organization. If any position becomes vacant in organization, they try to fill up the position by that human resource that is best. Job analysis must conduct to accomplish this goal in organizations. It helps to recruit the employees. Recruitment methods

58 must be second-hand for the identification of potential candidates. Recruitment is the process to identify, encourage and motivate qualified employees for appropriate position in the organization.

Sources of Recruitment

Internal Sources

An organization the recruitment sources are as internal source and external sources. In internal sources lead Current Employees, Skill Inventories and Employee Referrals.

In the internal sources current employees lead the process to aware and inform employees about vacant job openings and the qualification of those jobs. It is supportive to name ignored qualified employees in the organization and identify qualified and interested employees. It reduces costs when employee development is started. It may create instability in organization because of continuous employee movement from job to job.

The other internal source is Skills Inventories in which recruitment will be made from within that maintain employees preset skill inventory and take in information regarding employee credentials, skill, and talent and training programs. This schedule should be updated periodically to reflect the current levels of all workers. Referral sources depend on current employee referrals to fill job vacancies. Current employees are chosen when referring potential candidates because of applicant’s quality work. Applicants referred prescreening before recommendations.

Recruitment through employee referrals is more realistic for the organization because of its policies, procedure and hope of workers while move and promotions are the best way to fill vacancies because skilled and talented employees would be effectual and proficient for the organization. Many organizations have a policy of promoting from within that requires not as much of training as they are before familiar along with the organization.

External Sources

59 In organizations external recruitment resources are Walk-Ins, Advertisements, Employment Agencies and College Campus Recruiting.

In Walks–in job, applicants come devoid of meeting at human resource offices and are well thought-out walk-in applications. This walk- in is frequently uninformed about job openings. The eminence of applicants received through walk-ins is worse but proper and courageous conduct of these applicants benefit to organizations. Walk-ins are inexpensive source of recruits but it help to build organization’s image among their friends, relatives about the favorable treatment they received and mistreatment may result in damaging public relations of the organization.

In Advertisements, recruitment would be made through mass media publications as advertisements in the local and national newspaper, radio and television. These advertisements list the job duty and responsibilities of candidate’s indispensable for successful job performance. It is a means for qualified candidates to apply for the position. This procedure requires submitting a resume and other related information through the correspondence directly to the organization are at a post office box number. Applicants whose documents are suitable for the post are called by the organization. In this course right place and time of media advertisements are fundamental to the success of the recruitment. High-quality advertising can be the most effective recruitment technique. Target group and cost of the advertisements must be considered. It has to be seen that excessive amount of resources are reserved for advertisements to put out in specific journal.

The Employment Agencies are of two types of that are used in the recruiting process. These are public and private agencies.

Public Employment Agencies are used for in quest of executive level human resource. These agencies employ applicants by organizations.

Private Employment Agencies refer applicants to organization and they are paid a percentage of the candidate’s initial

60 yearly salary after the candidate is employed. These agencies save organization’s time and money by prescreening applicants and referring only qualified in the recruitment process. Sometimes frustration appears to be the inability of employers to establish effective working relationships with the agencies. Employer should choose a few organizations for employment. Specific counselors within each agency should be known and familiarized with the organization’s requirements. If these counselors leave their position to go to another agency, the organization should switch to other agencies while campus recruiting offer a good selection of candidates for management trainee positions. Organizations having luxury working affairs with the human resource find quality candidates. Organization use a mixture of techniques as tours, symposiums, work-study programs, printed literature are amid the most common methods used to get informed candidates.

Campus recruiting is a trendy method for obtaining hefty applicants. Campus establishes career planning and placement centers that dole out as a training ground for students. These methods provide a large number of qualified applicants available from which to choose. Organizations build up recruiting for the time by analyzing the various department managers for input on the amount and type of jobs likely to be open in the future. Recruiting pains are aimed at graduates in specific fields, such as accounting and engineering and the number of campus visit is based on several criteria and it will settle on which institutions are gifted to provide the best candidates. This work has acknowledged that in recruiter’s interview a large number of candidates are notorious having any previous job experience than decision would be in their good turn. The concluding decision is to ask candidates for second interview based on subjective, non-job-related information. Recruiter’s training is a preliminary job selector and an arm of public relation department to provide organization’s information and creating goodwill. They must be proverbial with the duties of all the jobs for which they are recruiting. They ought to know selection techniques, for the most part interviewing, listening skills and information jamboree. They need to be trained in how to scheme a sympathetic business thought. Recruiters training should evaluate and make available information, selling the organization and how to launch benevolence. A major part of recruiter’s job is to inform candidates about the organization and

61 their job. This recruiting job appetizer can help both the candidates and organization in matching the requirements of the employer with the qualification of the claimant. Unfortunately the skills and knowledge erudite at campus are not unavoidably those needed on the job.


The selection of human resource within an organization is most important chore and choosing the right person for a job is beneficial to an organization. Indecent selection results fritter away era and undue costs. The selection process identifies and matches job applicant qualifications to position requirements to choose the most competent candidate. Nowadays more often than not in organizations, selection is the liability of human resource department. In small organizations, supervisor has the entire responsibility for selection, while in large organizations; the responsibility for selection is delegate to specialist called employment manager. The organizations grow to be more complex as organizations inflate. Managers and supervisors become well trained as they begin to take a more energetic role in the selection route.

Different organizations have different procedures and individuals discern that the ultimate responsibility relate to the supervisor. Human resources are helpful as advice-giving faculty in selection process. They carry out training programs for effective selection procedures according to the rules and regulations. They dish up as principal job agents when conducting job analyses. Sometimes the human resource department is responsible for the whole selection process from beginning to end. The final selection decision should be the most recent responsibility of the supervisor directly liable for the position. The success of a selection program depends on the planning. Selection tools and techniques, rules and regulations would be painstaking to unearth candidate’s steadfastness and soundness. Human resource department does appropriate selection that results in qualified employees, who make noteworthy contributions to the organization. If the selection process is conducted in indecent manner, the end result is off-putting for both employees and the organization.

Selection procedures raise job analysis and job specification.

62 When job analysis and job specification are conducted they come across precious information. The job specification indicates the necessary requirements in the area of experience and training, education KSA’s (knowledge, skill and abilities) and additional wide- ranging necessities. The selection decision is gritty not only by the scenery of the job to be filled but also by the on hand labor force. If it is an amateurish position with unpleasant working conditions and hardly any applicants, any candidate who walks from side to side is likely to be hired at once. Selection instruments must be reliable (consistent and dependable over time) and valid (accurate measurement) to effectively get done chore. Selection gear is urbanized to spot and guess the capability of applicants. A selection device is referred to as a predictor, and what it trial (job performance) is a criterion. A predictor is a measure, such as a check or an interview, and a criterion is a standard to be accomplished (average or satisfactory job performance). Selection measure must make available reliable result over time. Reliability refers to the degree to which instruments measure what they intend to measure. Depending on the use and nature of a particular selection technique, reliability may be considered over time. In order to be effective, selection techniques must be reliable and valid. Validity is the degree to which an evaluation technique measures what it is supposed to measure.

Types of Validity

Criterion Related Validity that examines and draws inferences about the relationship between a predictor and a criterion.

Content Validity is a validation tactic used to measure and access a whole contented area. For this purpose the verdict of experts plays an important task than quantifiable way. The added solitary is predictive Validity in which the predictor and criterion data are collected for the period of unlike moment.

Concurrent Validity is refereed as the present employee method. This is the criterion-related validity in which both predictor and criterion data is gather at the identical point in time. Concurrent Validity is that sometimes known as present employee method of validation has the similar basic goal as predictive validity. Validation of the instruments allow for interferences about ultimate success or

63 failure. The major difference among both is the time factor at which the data are composed (Gatewood & Lyle, 1977).

Selection steps are ended after applicants satisfactorily progress from end to end a series of stages. Very few organizations offer employment to applicants if they complete only one part of the selection process. There are selection programs, which reject applicants; prior to they have the opportunity to complete the entire process.

Depending on the fussy situation, organizations utilize Strategies as the multiple hurdle strategy, the compensatory strategy or the mixed strategy.

The Multiple Hurdles Strategy throw-outs applicants if they fall short to satisfy and compete in any stage of the selection process. This process is based on certain skills for satisfactory job performance and cannot be remunerated in their absence. When using this method, every footstep of the selection process must be suitable.

The Compensatory Strategy is used to find out company’s positions for performance. All applicants ensue through the selection process before being rejected or hired. This shows the candidate’s strength as a compensation for their weakness.

The Mixed Strategy is used when certain characteristics are necessary, but not sufficient, for minimum job success.

Selection Techniques

Application Blanks that are written forms completed by job candidates dealing their educational background, previous work history, past references, and certain personal data. The use of blanks is the oldest and widespread selection procedure. The items used on application blanks very from organization-to-organization, but are all based on the identical principle as what an individual force in the future can be predicated by what he or she has done in the past. Application blanks hunt for information from candidates concerning their preceding educational background, past employment history, work references, and personal data (Cascio, 1986). It is a preliminary

64 screening tool for many organizations. Long-lasting and intricate forms discourage applicants if items could not be allied to the job. Initial applicant screening occurs after the completion of all application blanks. Two types of application forms are considered to screen in and out of applicants.

Weighted Application Blank (WAB) is written forms done by candidates in who apiece item is weighted and scored on its magnitude. The application blank is the predictor and job performance is the criterion. Performance categories are high, low or high, middle and low. If the assigned weight based on job analysis, WAB considered as highly valid predictor of job hit.

Biographical Information Blank (BIB) are multiple choice forms in which information about applicant’s material, attitudes, early life experience and social values are asked. The items of these forms are compared with job criteria to provide evidence to be good predictors of job success and score is worn in selection decision.

Employment Tests are objective and standardized measures intended to gain information from individuals concerning the specific characteristics, interests, knowledge, abilities or behavior they hold. Types of Employment Tests can be classified on the basis of design or content. It is identified that for test design,

Speed Test has effortless items and candidate can get them correct within a limited time period.

Power Tests are to score knowledge by getting information about correctly answered items in a limited time period.

Individual Test administered to one person at a time Group Test is administered to several people at a time.

Paper, Pencil and Performance Test involves writing responses to test items, which are usually presented in multiple choice or easy formats. Performance tests require the manipulation of objects or equipment.

The tests content are as ability tests are standardized,

65 objective, paper and pencil inventories designed to assess learning potential by measuring existing abilities and aptitudes. In this test applicants I.Q, ability, aptitude as mechanical, technical, clerical, administrative, sensory are measured while personality tests are measures that assess the thoughtful psychosomatic construct to settle on individual’s behavioral retort to societal situation. It is an important factor of job victory and work illustration tests measures designed to sample existing job skill by call for the completion of actual job tests. A Test is painstaking as any measure, combination of measures or procedures second-hand as a selection procedure for any employment decision. It is preventive for the evaluators to dig up the knowledge about the hands-on experience on the topic of specific instrument candidate.

Some Tests used in Selection are as reference check is a process to collect information a propos applicants past work experience, educational background, social behaviors and reasons for leaving the previous job and his association. Different type of methods are used to get inquire. Reference information would be required with applicant’s material to name, addresses of people to contact, in the form of letter of recommendation. The methods second-hand to collect data are quite standardized and include the use of telephone inquiries as simplest and best way to get informed about candidates. Just to dub the person and ask about applicant. Written recommendations include letters or forms requested by employees or by companies. These documents provide the information about employee’s strengths and weaknesses allied to job. Organizations still required submitting the letter of recommendation or reference letter. Trained persons conduct personal interview that asks face-to-face questions on the subject of the related field? It is a posh method. This type of selection would be made for higher-level positions.

Employment interviews are worn in industry as a selection means. A verbal exchange between an employer and an employee for the idea of obtaining information about the applicant’s job capabilities and given that the claimant with acquaintance about the organization is used to get the maximum information in an interview that show its effectiveness. The mode of interview, the information exchanged and the skill of the interviewer plays very important role in the success of employment interview.

66 Types of Interviews

Structured or Patterned Interview offers slightest number of candidates. Forms are developed which present interviews with a planned layout for questioning candidates. Interviewers are trained in questioning and recording response. In the course of this format obtain outcome are unvarying in nature.

Unstructured or Non- Directive Interview provides the greatest liberty. There are no time-honored questions to ask. Interviewers adjust to each situation, using their individual skill to cover areas they judge significant. The importance of information gathered by this method is an undeviating function of the skill of the interviewer. Highly trained interviewers will provide a useful data, while untrained will donate data which is lacking coherence, not job related, and disconnected to the purpose at hand.

Semi Structured or Mixed Interview when conducted supplies basic information through which comparison would be possible within specific area. Success of this type of interview depends on training and degree of skill possessed by the interviewer. Panel, board or group interview are in which the applicant interviewed by five people using a patterned or structured format. A group evaluation is done by group discussion. It is used for upper level positions.

Stress Interviewing is used to seek information about emotional reactions to situations.

The objective of interviewer is to accomplish credibility and to depict job related information from candidates. Successful interviewers are those who makes lucid that inquires are based on business desires and suit them. Every employee has a different character; various feel shy to disclose their personal matter with others while some disclose it for some assistance. Very few people are good interviewers. It is a meeting in which questions are asked by individuals and make decisions. Good interviewers forever plan before communication to craft the interview more productive. Establishing a rapport is the process of putting candidates at ease. It is essential for an interviewer to make the atmosphere calm and

67 amusing. the semi interviewing approaches are used to get significant information from the candidates interviewer bring into play different communication techniques and effectiveness would be only probable when the interviewer have ended their grounding by the book. The Direct Interviewing Approach is a direct approach in which interviewer put direct questions and candidates answer the questions in Yes or No form while Non- Directive Interviewing Approach requires well-built interviewing skills in the area of listening and non-verbal communication. Electric Interviewing Approach is used in industry by combining direct and non-directive techniques to discover facts. there are a few interview pitfalls that are Halo Effect is the skill to review an individual by observing only one flattering trait and Prejudging is the skill to draw conclusions about candidates before all the available information has been collected. Having capability for a job does not pledge that the candidate will do the job well. Motivation, interests, and other personality factors directly blow on work performance. Evaluation is accomplished through test and interview. Successful evaluation fallout when the need of the candidates selected match those of the organization. Mostly, employment decisions are two fold processes. Organizations make your mind up whether applicants robust within their overall objectives and candidates settle on if the job will satisfy their particular needs. Successful selection requires that organization evaluate runner and company’s need but also the company will congregate the aspiration of the candidate.


The Placement is an obligation or relocation of an employee to a new or a pole-apart career. It includes the preliminary assignment of novel employees and the promotion, transfer or demotion of present employees. The placement of present workers is less convoluted because the human resource department maintains employee’s records that surround the internal candidate’s innovative application, skill inventory and work history. In the midst of the information, recruitment of internal candidates is easier, particularly if employee

68 career testimony have been recorded and computerized. Selection goes more quickly because the past performance and abilities of employees are better known than those of external recruits are. Time and labors are also saved in compass reading. When present employees are assigning to a fresh work, they call for compass reading program. The supervisory orientation is needed to speed up socialization within the new work group. The employee’s supervisors consulted with higher levels of management settle on the future placement of each employee. The department’s task is to advise these managers about the company’s policies and to provide counseling to the employee. The means to revolutionize organizational workforce by different approaches as are promotions, transfers, and demotions, separations, downsizing and terminations.

The Promotion of an employee is a lobby group from one job to another that is higher in forfeit, accountability and secretarial level. It is pleasing for people in an organization. It is prearranged recognition of a person’s past performance and future pledge. Promotions usually are based on merit and pre- eminence.

Merit Based Promotions applied when an employee is promoted because of superior performance at hand job. In belongings where promotion is mostly a reward for precedent hard work and success, two problems might be encountered. One problem is decision-makers can impartially discriminate the strong performers from the weak ones. When merit based promotions are used, it is key that the decision replicate the individual performance. When promotion decisions result from personal biases, the organization ends up with a take away competent person in a higher, more important position. The result is dissatisfaction and less impetus. A second problem with merit-based promotions is the Peter Principle. It states that in a hierarchy, people be inclined to rise to their level of incompetence.

Seniority Based Promotions means among employees who have the longest length of service with the employer promoted on seniority. The benefit of this approach is that it is objective. All one needs to do are compare the seniority records of the candidates to determine who should be promoted. The idea of this type of promotion is to stop the biased promotions and to require

69 management to develop its senior employees since they will eventually be promoted. Seniority based promotions usually are inadequate to hourly employees. Labor organizations seek this type of promotion to prevent employers from discriminating among union members. We are able to catch the illustration of government organizations where employees are promoted on seniority basis in Pakistan. Most personnel experts utter their views that not all workers are equally proficient so the person who is the best is not the senior one. Under seniority-based promotions, the best human being is shorn of the job unless the individual happen to be the most senior worker as able-bodied. This approach is to promotion cause human resource department to spotlight their efforts on training of senior workers to guarantee that they are prepared to touch future promotions. During toting up, the department must be concerned with maintaining an exact seniority list. Where promotions are not based exclusively on seniority, both merit and seniority are guiding factors.

The Transfer crops up when an employee is enthused from one job to another that is relatively equal in pay, responsibility and organizational level while demotions occur when an employee is stirred from one job to another that is lower in pay, responsibility, and organizational level. Flexibility is frequently one solution to organizational accomplishments. Decision-makers must be able to budge their human resources to meet internal and external challenges. Solitary device is the employee transfer. By touching people into jobs, that are neither a promotion nor a demotion, managers may be bright to get better the operation of their human resources. Transfers may even be advantageous to jobholders. The experience of a transfer provides a person latest skills. The transfer improves an individual’s motivation and satisfaction, especially when someone fined tiny challenge in the mature job. The new position is not a back up that offer new technical and interpersonal challenges. These challenges might verify the augmented opportunity for the transferees. When the challenges are bare minimum, the transfer offers variety to add the feeling of job satisfaction. Transfers involve geographic shift increasingly effect dual-career families, families in which both husband and wife are having careers. By a promotion, demotion or a cross move, a placement decision that transfers the employee out of the local area effected the spouse.

70 Demotions are associated with discipline. The individual having meager job performance or inappropriate behavior such as excessive absenteeism demoted from their jobs create dissatisfaction and less motivation or a negative influence on the morale of others. If the cause for the demotion is ahead, the employee’s control such as poor health, the wage or the salary may even be left unchanged. Job posting programs notify employees about filled job openings and qualifications. The broadcast of the openings invite qualified employees to submit an application. The notices usually are posted on corporation bulletin boards or placed in business newspaper. The posted experience and other data typically are down from job analysis information. Then through self-nominations or the recommendations of supervisors, employees who are interested in the posts opening report to the personnel department and apply. Job posting encourages employees to hunt for promotions and transfers that help the personal objectives. It is important for the human resource department to make the rules of the job-posting program known and to chase them. A trend toward posting higher-level management jobs may be suggested by some firm’s responses.

Self-Nominated Demotions are possible if the individual is frustrated in his or her present job or if the person sees the demotion as a means to a job with more favorable promotion possibilities. Management trainees use self-nominations. Many organizations sign up fresh graduates from management training programs. Many of these programs are modest more then an extended job rotation throughout each of several departments. After this rotation is completed, the company may permit the trainees to nominate themselves to fill posted job openings.

A Separation is a decision for the individual and the organization to part. Disciplinary, economic, business or personal reasons may motivate it. The human resource department’s role is to find the most acceptable method of conducting the separation in a way that minimizes the damage to the organization and to the individual. Separations can take several forms, such as attrition, layoff, and termination.

Attrition is the separation of people from the organization as a result of resignation, retirement or death. It is initiated by the

71 individual worker and not by the corporation. In most organizations, the key component of attrition is resignation, which is a voluntary separation. Attrition is a slow way to reduce the employment in an organization; it presents the fewest problems. Voluntary departures create a vacancy that is not filled, and the staffing level declines without anyone being forced out of a job. Attrition can reduce or eliminate the projected surplus.

Layoffs are the separation of employees from the organization for fiscal or trade reasons. If the layoff occurs because of restructuring as downsizing or mergers or acquisitions, the temporary layoff may become permanent. When placement decisions are driven to diminish costs, or to soak up a recent merger or acquisition, the department’s role is much more involved. Layoffs may be required when attrition is insufficient. The alternative may be bankruptcy affecting an even larger number of employees.

Downsizing is reducing the levels of an organization. Organizations have been forced to downsize to reduce costs. Downsizing can leave emotional scars on those who remain. A side benefit is often greater responsibility and greater organizational responsiveness since changes must go through fewer levels of approval. Fewer people and the continuing pressures of competition usually mean more work, too. The impacts of downsizing on human resource departments in organizations where loads of decisions, separations, orientations, and revised succession and human resource plan have been mandatory. Flatter organizations meant fewer career opportunities. Some populace get new responsibilities and challenges, many human resource departments make use of lateral transfers, overseas assignments and other placement approaches to motivate. Mergers and acquisitions require different, but equally extensive, orientation and placement activities.

Termination is permanently separation of employees from the organization for any grounds. The person was fired as a form of discipline. The employer needs to separate some employees for business reasons and has no plans to rehire them rather than being laid off. Those people are simply terminated. The occupational safety and health is the right of an employee to rebuff to perform an unusual work assignment that the employee believes is hazardous or even life

72 threatening. The right of an employee to repudiate to perform an act that is clearly in violation of laws, such as cooperating in a price- fixing scheme. Other termination restrictions also may apply, depending on the circumstances and local laws. In general, a dismissal may be challenged if it is unjust. When termination is not the error of the employee, he or she may receive some outplacement assistance in shape of severance pay. Severance pay is money. Often equal to one or more week’s salary that is given to employees who are being permanently separated. Many organizations give severance pay only for involuntary separations and only to employees who have been performing satisfactorily. The outplacement assistance includes those efforts made by the employer directly or indirectly through a private organization to help the recently separated worker find a job. Not only do such efforts help the former employee, but they also pledge the remaining employees of management’s commitment to their welfare if a further reduction in force is necessary. There are three placement decisions that are of overriding concern to a human resource department are effectiveness, legal compliances and presentation of separations. The effectiveness of outplacement decisions depends on minimizing disruption to the employee and the organization. Likewise, demotions should be well documented and follow the policy of effective discipline. Once the placement has been made, the new employee should get an orientation to reduce personal anxiety and speed up the socialization process. The death is also a source of separation can be targeted by progressive human resource departments through safety, preventative, health care and wellness programs designed to maintain employee’s health. The careful human resource planning can reduce layoff and part time layoffs also can be reduced through other approaches. Lone method that has gain regard is the use of reduced workweeks or part time layoffs, which allow employers to layoff workers for part of apiece week while Job sharing allows two or more workers to do the same job by each working part- time. Although most workers who want full time work may find a part-time job intolerable, job sharing may be preferable to a layoff, especially to sharing is of short duration or if both employees want part-time work. Terminations are employers perception of incompetence may arise from mismatch a candidate’s professional skills and personality with the actual requirements of the job. Through effective training, fresh and mature employees can be taught how to perform their jobs successfully.

73 Chapter–6 Identification and Development of Managerial Talents

The milieu facing today’s executive is thin-skinned and multifaceted. Endearing in this environment require proficient skill as the knack to analyze the problem, the ability to sense about structure and the ability to make decision in a highly ingenious way. Today’s organizations are facing a key challenge to attract, motivate and preserve talent in the highly competitive global market for knowledge workers. Organizations encompass the need to modify structure and to enable them to adjust the competitors and customer expectations. It is a verity that organizations provide training and development facilities to their employees and allocate budget according to the organizational rations and professional training ensure the organizational development. It is vital that the training strategy flows directly from organization strategy and ensures organizational proceedings.

Training is a route for mounting individual skills and effectiveness as a process of organization or cluster enlargement. Individual effectiveness, in terms of skills, knowledge and attitude, is one of the essential building block towards triumph of the wider goal of improved organizational efficiency and effectiveness. The training strategy wishes to consider string planning, foot upon know-how and potential assessment. Training policy is to grant cost-effective training for the organizations that are evidently acknowledged and obliging for current and future business requirements to settled standards. The development of people can be achieved by training strategy working congruously with line management. Effective training strategy design will attain specified aims and objectives that could employ a number of principal levels of notice as assisting in crucial training needs of individuals vital to fill all jobs lucratively. Back up in training needs follow-on from new investment programs, practices and procedures. The training strategy all ears on real business requirements, convene customer expectations and maneuver within constraints. Training strategy must deliver measurable outcomes as the training tactic could be designed to pioneer some flexibility and to exercise some local autonomy. This hinges upon the span and technology of operation. Human resource management is concerned about human in the organization. It has developed from the human resource department.

74 The main inspiration of human resource management is to distribute the functions of human resource department in excess of a hefty sum of people to get-together all and must be responsible for something. The human resource management is very valuable for organizations to achieve their goals. It helps organizations to maintain up its performance and train fresh workers. It helps the organization to amplify the motivation of its workers, thus increase the performance. The main initiative is to make organization’s goals to individual ones. Human resource management deal with wages as managers knows better whom to forfeit extra bonuses. Human resource management helps to save a great pact of money and developing human resource department. Human resource management helps to develop organization structure because they have usually impression of the whole business. This peak cannot usually be transferred to individuals and it's very important to business in the long term. It also helps to recover productivity. Its tasks include training, recruitment, job description and specification, which all aid to make the organization superior, thus increasing human resource satisfaction. All these resolve the goodwill and reputation of the organization. Human resource management is extremely effective in protecting businesses in numerous ways. It saves money and multiply businesses since it deals with the most determining thing of business i.e. manpower of workforce. So no organization can be better and well organized without Human resource management. It is the organization that can dig up benefit by reducing its costs and increasing its benevolence. The basic training to do a job should be provided for everyone, attendance and achievement in training can be a handy form of recognition, certificates and presentations developing through involvement in projects, visits new tasks, deputizing etc is an idyllic way of recognizing efforts [Smith, 1999]. The training of employees is akin to maintain the machinery. In order to operate the efficiency, machines require time period for regular servicing. To make individuals productive need to orient with environment and then train them. Training is an organized effort to increase the competence of individuals and adapt their behavior in order to pull off previously determined objectives.

Training is germane to the working information of an organization with no exception of. Training is an endeavor to improve employee’s abilities to make them more productive member of work

75 force. Training is an organized procedure, which fetch semi eternal changes in behavior for a definite purpose. Three main areas involved are handiness, acquaintance and outlook but always with objective of a definite purpose in mind. The ability of dexterity and awareness which is significant to its work and its needs have to be meet through post training, however an ample range of training option wait undo. Training entails the exercise of prepared programs, which underpin employees existing competencies or ease the acquisition of new- fangled knowledge, skillfulness and ability in the curiosity of improving job performance. Training involves benevolent novel or present human resources the skill they need to execute their jobs. Training valor hence grip screening a machinist how to work his new machines, an innovative salesperson how to sell organization produce or a new supervisor how to interview and evaluate employees. Whereas technical guidance is aimed at providing employees with the skill they need to act upon their current jobs (Famulare, 1972). The techniques used in training and developments are frequently the same (John, 1980).

Training, at present is a gigantic dealing. Training is worn to be more significant factor in today’s organizations to accomplish its aim. The expansion of training position reflects the truth that the fixture of economic rivalry has innovative rules. Reunion these latest values entail a work force that is more then just technically trained. It requires people who are talented to analyze and solve work-related problems. Working productivity on team, switching gears and broken up from job to job as well. Training is poignant to center stage as a means to improve employer’s competitiveness. The intention of the assessment step is to determine training needs. At that time, if solitary or other needs training and objectives should be set as the authentic training techniques preferred and the training ladder takes place. Lastly, there should be an evaluation step where the trainee’s pre and post training performance is compared and the value of the training program is evaluated.

Training is essentially a learning process and this is supposed that to train employees therefore useful to be acquainted with something about how people gain knowledge of [Wexley & Gary, 1977]. The initial rung is to assess the training needs of employees who are new in their jobs is quite a straightforward stuff. The main

76 chore is to determine what the job entails and to break it down into sub tasks. Each of which is than taught to the new employee but assessing the training needs of nearby employees can be more complex.

Training Techniques

The two-core modus operandi for determining training requirements is task analysis and performance analysis.

Task Analysis is detailed cram of a job to identify the skills required so that an appropriate training program may be instituted. It is an analysis of the job to determine the training requirements [Nowack, 1991]. It is above all apt for determining the training needs of employees who are new to their jobs and it is common to hire inexperienced personnel and train them [Georges, 1989] and the mean is to develop the skills and knowledge required for effective performance so the training is typically based on task analysis. It is a detailed study of the work to determine what specific skills like interview are obligatory. The job description and job specification are accommodating. This list the exact duties and skills required on the job and become the vital reference point in determining required training for performing the job.

Performance Analysis is a wary study of performance to spot a deficiency and then correct it with new equipment, a new employee- training program or some other adjustments. It involves appraising the performance of current employees from end to end training that could diminish performance problems like glut or squat yield. Performance analysis is determining the training needs of current employees. Performance analysis means verifying that there is a significant performance dearth and determining that deficiency should be refitted through training or by some other means such as changing the machinery or transferring the employee. The earliest pace is to evaluate employee’s performance or to improve employee’s performance and wrap up the person’s performance in present and what it would be in future and after determining the employees training desires; training objectives are set as concrete training can takes place. Other techniques reportedly used to identify training needs include supervisor’s reports, personal record, management’s

77 requests, and observations, test of job knowledge and questionnaire surveys.

Types of trainings

On the Job Training involves a person to be trained vocation by actually performing it on the job. Every employee, from clerk to president, gets some on the job training when he or she join an organization. In many organizations, on the job training is the only category of training on hand to employees. It usually involves assigning novel employees to experienced workers or supervisors who follow via the actual training. There are numerous Types of on the Job Training Programs like Coaching or Understudy Method is that where an experienced worker or the trainee’s supervisor trains the employee on the job. At lower levels the coaching man just engross trainee acquire skills for running the machine by observing the supervisor. But technique is also broadly used at top management levels.

Job Rotation in which the employee usually a management trainee moves from job to job at planned interval is another technique. Special assignments similarly have given to lower level executives first hand experience in working on actual problems. The method also facilitates learning ever since trainees hear by actually doing the job and get swift feedback about the correctness of their performance. The trainers themselves should be carefully trained and chary the basic training materials. Experienced workers are chosen as trainer, should be thoroughly trained as instructors.

Job Instruction Training consists of a cycle of jobs and is best taught step by step. This step-by-step process is called job instruction training. It engrosses all necessary steps in the job each in its proper sequence.

Lecture is a speedy and simple mode of providing knowledge to large groups of trainees.

Audiovisual Techniques is also an up-to-the-minute method to train employees through films, closed circuit TV, audio tapes, or videotapes can be very effectively used. Tele-training is also used for

78 experimenting through which a trainer can educate groups of employees at far-flung locations via television link up.

Programmed Learning is a systematic method for teaching job skills involving presenting questions or facts, allowing the person to respond and giving the learner immediate feedback on the exactness of his or her answers to facilitate the programmed instruction think up a textbook or a computer.

Vestibule or Simulated Training is that type of training in which employees are trained on special off the job equipment and it is a technique in which trainees become skilled on the actual or simulated equipment they will use on the job, but are actually trained off the job. Vestibule training therefore aims to obtain the advantages of on the job training devoid of actually putting the trainees on the job.

Computer Application in Training is used to facilitate the training process. The training program can also be effortlessly modified to reflect technological innovations in the equipment for which the employees being trained. Training for special purposes also tends to be more flexible in that trainees can usually use the computer almost any time they feel like, and thus get their training when they wish. in today’s training, employees are more caught up to perform their jobs effectively and training for special purpose are as literacy training techniques where functional illiteracy is a grim problem for many employers. There is a corresponding need for workers who are more skilled, more literate, and able to have at least basic arithmetic skills. The vicinity in which remedial training is needed fairly split among mathematics, reading and writing. One simple approach is to have supervisors focus on fundamental skills by giving employees writing and speaking exercises. After the exercise is completed the supervisor can then provide personal feedback. One way to do this is to refurbish materials used in the employee’s job into instructional tools and another approach is to fetch in outside professionals than employees can listen in evening classes is another option.

The most popular Techniques used by Organizations in Human Interaction are conferences, discussions, on the job training, job rotation, special assignments to projects, and case analysis.

79 Conferences and Conference Leadership is the best when the group is not knowledgeable on the subject then adequate cases, incidents films, or texts are available to the group that may be able to study these and become sufficiently informed in advance in training sessions so that the conference discussion method could be used. Conferences and conference leadership can become a boat ride on uncharted seas to an unknown port. If properly handled a conference is a pooling of experiences and opinions among a group of people who have all experiences related to the problem from information provided by the conference leader. Such a conference should promote definite constructive thinking by individuals and the groups. As a developmental technique a conference is successful to the extent to which all participants put in from their own experiences and commitment upon the understanding and judgment. The educational upshot of a conference is not dependent upon reaching an agreement. The effectiveness of the conference method depends largely upon the competency and capability of the conference leader and his handiness to accomplish maximum results in the set moment. The classic conference group wants a leader to keep the discussion on the subject matter and just travel around it. Conferences are used to develop human resource at all organizational levels. Conference is ready to lend a hand to provide information regarding problems.

Case method is a written slice of life used as a vehicle for discussions among trainees in a conference. They are given an option to read the case or see it on film or hear it on tape and through discussions and questions they are expected to examine the principles rather then the trainees are asked to study, discuss and discover the principles in a case and arrive at an end.

Role-Playing plays in a genuine state of affairs where the enactment of situations, spontaneity, experimentation, practice feedback and analysis are the key ingredients of the system.

Synectics or human creativity is useful for finding or solving problems. Synectics is above all fretful with evils, which require a groundbreaking way out, ills whose solution cannot live bring into being by apprehension, identified formula or obtainable primer acquaintance. It assume that ingenuity is a flair in almost everyone to a greater degree then is usually so-called when it come to

80 inventiveness and gadget, the emotional and non rational are as important as the cerebral and lucid, and these elements can be methodologically harness from end to end working out and put into practice above all in figurative and analogical view which make the proverbial bizarre and thus a cause for up-to-the-minute looming.

Gaming is well liked in developing managerial skills amongst executives and business school students. In a typical amusement executives or students playing executives role are grouped into teams on behalf of the management of competing organizations and craft the same type of working and policy decisions that they carry out in bona fide living. By means of situate of mathematical relationships build into the mock-up, the decisions are processed a lot by computer and result in a series of performance reports. These decisions and reports are presented legitimate to specific time period. Depending upon the model may array from one day to a month or year. Decisions are then finished by the name for the next period. They too are processed, reports and returned and the game takings. In this manner time is compressed and many years of operation can be enclosed in one short play such as a few hours in a day. Management games may be used for a mixture of motives. The primary one is the opportunity to learn from experience without paying the price that would upshot from the wrong decisions made in actual being. Games can be combined with in basket technique. In basket is a simulation of the executives in and out desk trays containing reports memoranda, mail and other typical items entering his office in basket. In the game it is obligatory to read these bits and pieces, investigate the troubles they present make out their interconnectedness and settle on a course of deed much as in carrying out effort in his organizational spot rear dwelling.

Many of the development programs used nowadays axis upon ways to progress some aspect of individual communication skill, such as verbal communication, watch, comprehension, and inscription, being paid next to populace.

Training Refunds partaking of both self-study and ceremonial classroom setting is tuition recompense programs, which are becoming more and more accepted at the moment. These programs offer partial or full financial reimbursement for employees of organizations later than they complete the course from time to time

81 grant they acquire at a firm distinction pinnacle set. Paid educational foliage of nonattendance policy is suitable.

Pretreatment Programs developing people for recruitment from organizations is finally a notion of growing value. The thought is a newer one than employment education that extends backs a century. Pretreatment analysis and training programs would come across being potentially significant for manpower planning and progress of human resources.

Teaching Machines are hardware or the machines itself is not needed to obtain favorable learning results, indeed software programs vigilantly build to edify the lethal behaviors or goal of the agenda are equally good enough and set aside the outflow of machine purchase or let out. Programmed instruction has been set up valuable in connection courses, be a productive training tool and is glowing like by user as a way of wisdom.

As organization develops it becomes more central to train employees. Many training programs today are aimed at humanizing employees about the organization’s most cherished values and convincing employees that these should be their values as well. The training programs state that the first two days are dutiful to discuss benefits, safety and security and the organizations production process just in time delivery, materials management and so forth with employees that are becoming increasingly assorted.

Many more organizations unearth they have to implement diversity-training programs.

* Diversity Training Program is called valuing diversity in particular seminars are aimed at viewing participants how their own rearing affects the assumption they craft and their deeds. Value Diversity program also show how people from different cultures react differently to situations in the workplace. It is by presenting a number of situations. Many organizations are setting up customer service working out program. The basic intend is to train all employees to care for the organizations customer in a courageous and cordial mode. They become accustomed, teamwork as a value and then organize the work to be ended around clock with work teams.

82 They then empower these teams to obtain their jobs made. Which means giving them the authorization and the ability to do their jobs both the teams’ approach and worker empowerment are components of what many organizations name worker involvement programs? Worker Involvement Programs aims to boost up organizational effectiveness by getting employees to chip in at the planning, organizing, and managing of their jobs. However, loads of organizations find that teamwork does not just happen instead employees must be trained to be good team members. Outdoor training usually involves taking organization’s management team out into uneven mountainous terrain. There they learn team guts and teamwork and the need to trust and rely on each other by overcoming corporeal on still. Empowering employees either individually or as a team also always have need of training. Extensive training is required to pledge that they have the skills to do the job. After trainees have completed their training programs the program should be evaluated to monitor how well its objectives add to meet up. It is unfortunate but factual that most managers do not spend much time appraising the effects their training program. In an ideal world the most excellent technique to employ in evaluating a training program involves controlled experimentation. Mostly organizations attempted to get hold of feedback prior to and later than training. There are Categories of Training Outcomes or effects that can be measured. Reaction evaluates trainee’s reaction to the program and tests the trainees to settle on the principles, skill and the whole story they were to be taught. Behavior finds that the trainee’s behavior on the job untouched because of the lack of training program. The training program may thrive in terms of the reactions from trainees, increased learning and even changes in behavior.

Management development is similar to training since it is aimed at providing managers with the leadership skills they need to do their jobs. Management development is any stabs to get better modern or prospect managerial performance by impart knowledge, varying attitudes or increasing skills. It is consequently include in house programs similar to courses, coaching and rotational assignments, professionals programs. An eventual aim of such development programs is, of course to augment the future performance of the organization itself. The vital accomplishment of organizations depends on the ability of employees to productively

83 complete their present duty and to become accustomed up-to-the- minute situation. When candidates are selected for positions or incumbent are assigning new-fangled duty, the verdict is based on their latent for hit. In order to take advantage of employee’s potential, training programs go all-out to identify and develop competence in suitable channel. In addition to the standard of potentiality, three added factors also make a payment to the training progression. These include the distinctiveness of the situation, job changes, and government rules and regulations. Organizations have their own policies and procedures, and they over and over again use different methods to perform related jobs. Job changes very a small number of static organizations stay alive now as to be gung ho; organizations are constantly updating and changing equipment, methods policies, and procedures. Individuals change jobs frequently and for many reasons. Promotions and advancements are welcome changes, but they typically involve learning by means of new skills. Technological advances craft existing equipment outmoded require additional training. The training process assessing training needs in the beam of training, most organizations would have developed wide-ranging methods to make out training. Some organizations take for granted that a decrease in productivity is a direct result of inadequately trained employees. Before undertaking training ventures, organizations are indebted to undergo deliberate investigations of assured key rudiments. Training requires that analysis is continual, that interface with other organizational areas, and that it incorporates the use of organizational, task and person analysis.

The jumble up of training is the ultimate goal of training to get better performance on the job (Goldstein, 1986). Status learning is enhanced when trainees are provided sample opportunity to replicate the tasks. Although the importance of training is recognized by organizations to design effective programs through developed training agenda that is essential to spawn not only curiosity among employees but also commitment and make use of human being proficiency. Technology would be acceptable if all who work could endure inquisitiveness, pleasure and contentment in the work that they accomplish. It is supposed that a lot of people take pleasure in understanding or dull work when no objective endeavor seems to have been ended to gauge the demands made by work with the abilities of the worker.

84 The Development of Human Resources is to get better the nourishment, dynamism and skill of the people is not in need of any added reason, such as of human being prolific. The development of human resources is not only sought-after in itself. It is holy to being desirable for its own sake it raise productivity in the course of healthy and skilled labor force. The manpower planning is important to structure list and this is for large organizations with copious people working under a system of what is called chain of command. In the organizations the lack of human resource and planning results less productivity. Organizations are specifically concerned with five kinds of Change. First are changes in skills or abilities to perform some act, changes in knowledge or ideas about something, changes in attitudes or in feelings, emotions, or beliefs people have, changes in an awareness of self or sensitivity training is well known and lastly changes in motivation to perform, or the desire to act different. The analysis of human resources indicates the qualitative needs among people and sensibly leads to planning decision and type of developmental opportunities and experiences, particularly educational and training programs. The use of educational and training programs for developing needs programs and approaches which are well thought- out valuable in one organization and the development programs to achieve organizational goals requires the careful assessment of needs within the organizational goals. The Human Resource Developer is that person who is concerned in providing the experiences and performs most important roles as learning specialist, administrator, and consultant. Human resource development require that people be prearranged the opportunities to apply the full range of their skills and abilities to fulfill their desire and ambitions and make their contributions for enrichment their lives and their society in general.

85 Chapter-7 Employees Appraisal Program

In the 21st century, only such organizations can sustain and survive whose employee’s performances are evaluated and judged. The productivity of the organization can only be increased if their employees make commitment to their work at workplace. It is also recognition and image building of the organization. Change is the lifeblood of internal growth. Without espousal growth organizations cannot thrive. People are human and well thought-out as human resource wishes to be worked with profession on the root of principles now notorious as human resource management appraised and evaluated by a system known as Performance Appraisal. We live in an era of transition. One of the existent things of genuine performance in our world is change in performance appraisal. Performance appraisal is an exercise in observation and judgment. It is a feedback process and it is an organizational intrusion. It is a measurement process as well as an internally emotional process, while it is fairly easy to prescribe how the process should work, exposé how it actually work in practice.

Performance appraisal has time-consuming task and most critical area for human resource management. The use of formal systems of appraisal caught up dissatisfaction in organizations. In fact, some human resource managers uphold that formal performance appraisal almost never convey all of their intended purposes. Deming identified appraisal as one of infamous deadly diseases of management [Deming, 1986] and urged that the practice be purged from the earth. The researcher Kane and Kane (1988) initiated that the appraisal system for each of the chief occupational types were judged to be somewhat effective while two other surveys also shed light on the extent to which the raters, rate’s and administrators of performance appraisal systems are disgruntled with the performance appraisal system in situate in their organizations. The dissatisfaction with the appraisal is the growing trend to do formal appraisal when there is a need for human resource decisions as a promotion and reward. Some human resource practitioners argue that the use of formal appraisal is actually detrimental to the crucial rationale of appraisal that is performance management and performance improvement. They admit that there is little information that supports

86 the argument that formal appraisal is required to perk up performance and plenty of substantiation that employees are displeased with appraisal. The charm is recurrently ended in the milieu of team based work or worker-involvement configurations. Deming (1986) argue that performance appraisal obfuscates system evils within a work component and the unevenness in performance is largely a function of systems characteristics rather than individual characteristics. Managers should thus attend to improve the system so as to trim down variability in performance.

The growing acceptance and implementation of the principles of the managerial movement are known as total quality management. Fundamental total quality management is the notion of continuous process improvement directed towards customer satisfaction and the involvement of employees in decision making. The later view called contribution or empowerment that is frequently used as fundamental tool for improvement in appraisal. It follow that employee contribution and acquaintance of process and system are also fundamental. This up-and-coming concept may be ill assorted with traditional performance appraisal that all ears on individual skills and scheming individual behaviors to the pleasure of a manager or a supervisor. The human resource process is significant and the most primitive one. This is tag on by reengineering of other human resource processes such as gratitude, forfeit, edification, and progress.

The new proclivity away from appraisal is single-minded by experience with essentially bad appraisal systems with which they have had experience. The effects of appraisal systems will be more affirmative when certain prescriptions are followed and admitted that the data supporting prescription are quite week at this point. They are commended and compatible with the systems perspective of Deming and others. Performance appraisal has been described as a part of basic managerial functions. Some argue that the process of formal performance appraisal that entails the assignment of a numerical rating to a person is more trouble than it is worth. To motivate employees to perk up their performance and achieve their target goals, supervisors can use incentives such as pay for performance program. Effective performance measurement is absolutely necessary for these systems to work. The pay for performance systems is generally not effective.

87 Performance appraisal information is also used to craft staffing decisions. These decisions involve finding employees to fill positions in the organization or tumbling the number of employees who subsist in certain positions. Many organizations rely on performance appraisal data to settle on which employee to move upwards to fill openings and which employees to hang up as a part of downsize or restructuring effort. One of the problems with relying on performance appraisal information to make decisions about job movements that employee performance is only measured for the current job. If the job at the higher, lateral or lower level is different from the employee’s current job then it may be difficult to estimate how the employee will perform on the new job. Consequently organizations have resorted to using assessment centers, paper and pencil testing, work samples and structured interviews. The assessment method have the draw back of indicating only how employees will perform when peak performance is demanded and not how they will perform on a typical basis. Most organizations focus on internal recruitment for placement to supervisory/managerial levels accepts the top position. Despite problems, performance appraisal still plays a significant role in the process of moving people through the organization although appraisal data are typically used only as a first cut in a multiple hurdle system. There is very little research system which makes a head to head comparison in the predictive validity of performance appraisal versus some other methods of predictive assessment. Many organizations use performance appraisal data to make decisions about reducing the work force. In most private sector organizations, appraisal information along with job requirements are the only data used to resolve which employees to lay off or terminate while in unionized organizations seniority is the key basis for making reduction in force decisions allegations of epoch discrimination related to employees terminations is one of the most common equal employment opportunity complaint. A mounting number of organizations also use appraisal as a development tool for mangers and this practice involve multiple raters frequently include self-rating in the assessment of individuals.

Appraisal data is frequently second-hand to determine various effective human resource management programs. The performance appraisal data has been used to make many important personnel decisions. A primary target of legal disputes involving employee

88 charges of iniquitous and prejudices. Relatively new-fangled legal exceptions to the employment at will doctrine often involve performance appraisal as well. Murphy and Cleveland (1991) stated that performance must ultimately be distinct in terms of behaviors rather than a set of outcomes. The other researchers have viewed as that results and outcomes must be a critical component of the appraisal system.

The ultimate purpose for appraisal is to sustain or improve organizational effectiveness by meeting or exceeding customer requirement. Some organizations are making changes in their appraisal systems to imitate this strategic movement that is supported by a culture of innovation and expect their employees to take risk and pursue innovations. Appraisal can be either person oriented or work oriented and the record of outcomes produced on a specified job function or activity during a specified time period. Customer’s satisfaction is strongly related to the services provided. These customers’ requirements should term both the functions and the criteria for worker performance and can be adapted for internal customer requirements as well. The managers’ responsibility is to gain a clear understanding of each critical customer as the ultimate focus. Most appraisal systems require raters to make a single overall judgment of performance on each job function. There is a different criterion by which the value of performance in any work activity, function, standard or objective may be assessed. The overall rating approach is faster than making assessments on separate criteria. But has the serious drawbacks of requiring raters to simultaneously consider as many as different criteria. The probable result of all this subjective reasoning may be less accurate ratings than those done on each relevant criterion for each job activity and less specific feedback to the performer. The greater the accuracy in the criteria of performance standards, the more satisfied are the ratee’s with the process and the greater the improvement in performance as judged by the raters. Training programs to improve the raters observational and categorization skills have been shown to increase rater accuracy and consistency. This is done so they will know what behaviors or outcomes to consider when making their ratings. Appraisal systems found that feedback from subordinate to supervisors was professed as more useful by supervisors when the statements of managerial performance defined an upshot which required a judgment of relative

89 frequency rather than a statement worded in neutral manner with a rating format requiring a judgment of how effective or ineffective the supervisor was. The critical episode technique is one approach for the development of exceedingly detailed appraisal data.

The organization is successful not inevitably the very professional ones but rather those who follow a well-defined program for deed. These organizations are flexible and have high interchangeability of people. Interchangeability of people is doable when the organizational processes are well understood and the organizational learning is institutionalized. The key to the organization lies in its structure. The structure has two characteristic rigidity and flexibility. Without rigidity, there is no structure. Without flexibility, there is no movement. A stable organization requires a stable inter relationship among its parts and a perfect balance between rigidity and flexibility. The objective of the organization is fulfilled by the performance of many errands involved. These tasks lead to the achievement of goals and also a tool in the hands of executives in entrusting the responsibility of handling the business to other members of the organization. Every organization has to know how and the ways try over the processes of doing many of the tasks, what the tasks should be and how they are to be performed. If the people who are entrusted with responsibility or tasks of handling business do not respond to and perform at the opportune movement, the organization will die an untimely death. Performance appraisal is fundamentally a feedback process. The outlay of failure to provide such feedback may result in the loss of key professional employees, the continued poor performance of employees who are not meeting performance standards and a loss of commitment by all employees. So we can utter that employees know how they are doing without ample feedback from management can be a castle in the sky.

Performance appraisal over the past few years has got somewhat erroneous because as organizations start to flatten out, a boss is less well placed to make judgments about how someone is doing. Judgments need to be made by the people or person best placed to make that judgment structure that is the team, the customers, colleagues. It gives a meticulous insight into how manager or an entire team is performing and what they call for to improve their effectiveness. It is much more reliable than traditional methods of

90 appraisal because data comes from multiple sources as peers, subordinates and boss and it can also include customers, suppliers and so on. It provides an opportunity for people to hit upon how they are perceived, coherent, autocratic, and vague. The process can provide a stun or disillusionment to some managers; their self-image and the feedback they receive may be far and wide conflicting.

Performance appraisal has many facets. It is an exercise in observation and Judgment. It is a feedback process. It is an organizational intrusion. It is a measurement process as well as an intensely emotional process. It is an inexact human process. Performance refers to an employee’s accomplishment of assigned tasks. Performance appraisal is the systematic description of an employee’s job germane strengths and weaknesses. Appraisal Period is the time taken in which an employee’s job performance is observed in array to make a formal report of it. Performance Management is the total process of observing an employee’s performance in relation to job requirements over a period of time and then of making an appraisal of it. Performance Appraisal is the process of providing information to individuals concerning their work performance. Performance appraisal is also called performance evaluation and performance reporting title usually prearranged to the formal method by which an organization documents the work performance of its employees. It is systematic evaluation of the individuals with respect to his performance on the job and his potential for development. Ordinarily the immediate superior makes the evaluation and his superior reviews this in tern. It has been adopted by many organizations, as a means of helping superior to evaluate the work of each employee. These appraisals have been used most for promotion to better jobs or for making merit increase in salaries or for the success of recruitment, selection and placement procedure. It is a device to provide guidance to management in selecting manager to promotion or salary increases. Appraisals are now also used coaching managers to improve their performance. It is a formal and structured system of measuring, evaluating and influencing an employee’s job and related attributes, behaviors and outcomes. It is a system to discover absenteeism, how productive the employee is and whether he or she can act upon more effectively in the future so that the employee and the organization and society all benefit. It is the process of evaluating individuals in terms of their job performance. It is a formal

91 process of providing workers with problem-solving feedback (positive and negative knowledge of results) about their job performance. Appraisal therefore proceed as an information processing system providing vital data for rational, objective and efficient decision making regarding improving performance, identifying training needs, managing careers and setting levels of reward. Performance appraisal though not primarily designed nevertheless assists in establishing remuneration based on performance, merit or results but it is particularly useful in designing and administering payments by result (per) schemes; it also aid in identifying individuals for promotion. Performance appraisal can be second-hand to castigate employees through demotion, termination, lay off or positive transfer.

Performer Categories

This is made known by the supervisor that employee’s cascade into categories, as Satisfactory Performers are those who are gifted to do, or come quite close to, established goals. They are not outstanding performers. But they perform well enough to make valued contributions to their organizations. They experience quite high job satisfaction. With some help they are capable to work out effective action plans.

Outstanding Performers are those who once understand the desired results, are constant achievers. Lucidity of goals is the key factor. They are able to devise appropriate trial to get results through their own perceptions, experience, and analytical skills. They entail minimum guidance and encouragement. They articulate a high level of job satisfaction.

Below Average Performers are those whose efforts consistently miss the targets. These employees may not have enough resources or may have a non-work problem or heartwarming performance. They may be unable to name and pursue suitable goals or they may lack insight to distinguish between effective and ineffective job behavior. They are not necessarily lacking in motivation, but they do require explicit guidance.

Unsatisfactory Performers are those who have inability, lack of motivation, inappropriate goals, off the job problems and perform

92 glowing take away standard. They require more help then the manager alone can provide. They may need reassignment; transfer, counseling or they may need to be ablaze.

Performance Appraisal System

This is pragmatic that performance appraisal structure involves the whole setting in which the appraisal takes place. This mark the needs of the business and the implication for managing human resource, conduct a job analysis to identify job duties and responsibilities for which criteria need to be developed, opt an appropriate and valid performance appraisal method to value job behavior or outcomes, develop a process for conveying job expectations to employ prior to the appraisal period, establish a feedback system relating to job performance and evaluate objectives and put up necessary revisions.

Objectives of Appraisal

It is observed that to get better performance on the job, the appraisal procedure should not end at an examination of the past, it should stir on to a plan for future. The development of people can be achieved by providing the organization with the people qualified to step into higher positions that open up and helping people who yearning to acquire the knowledge and abilities they need to become eligible for a higher job and to provide answers to employees as how they are doing and where they are going. These two questions are recurrent concerns of all employees.

Purposes of Performance Appraisal

Appraisal serves the purposes as support personnel decisions to endorse outstanding performers, to train; to transfer or discipline others and to justify merit increase. It serves as a key input for administering a formal organizational reward and punishment system. It provides feedback to employees to serve as a vehicle for personnel and career development. On one occasion the development needs of employees are identified and appraisal can help to establish objectives for training programs. As a result of proper specification of performance level, appraisal can assist to diagnose organizational

93 problems. They can identify training needs, knowledge, abilities, skills, and other characteristics that are important in hiring, also provide unique effective and ineffective performance. In recent times, gathering of performance data by computers make it possible for employees to continuously collect and analyze information about work performance and equipment.

The performance appraisal technique is norm-referenced appraisal that evaluates the performance of one employee next to that of another.

Ranking evaluate workers stay alive with the time- span in nonstop manner from best to worst without regard, to how much or worse each is from the other and compares each person against the other people while straight ranking is that in which superior lists the employees in order from best to worst. Alternative ranking method is used for ranking employees from best to worst on a particular trait. It is to lay the best subordinate at the head of the roll and the worst subordinate at the floor. The superior then selects the top and the depths from the remaining subordinates. The best is placed first on the list and worst in the last and the middle position on the list is the last to be filled.

Paired Compression Method requires raters to compare each employee within the group with other employees and to determine that who is a better worker. Ranking employees by making a chart of all possible pairs of the employees for apiece trait and indicating that is better employee of the pair. It involves comparing each employee to every other employee two at a time, on a single standard to determine who is better. A rank order is obtain by counting the number of times each individual is selected as being the better of a pair. An advantage of this approach over straight ranking is that it overcomes the problem of an evaluation set. That is, it forces the rater to consider the performance of each employee to all other employees, one at a time.

Forced Distribution Method is similar to grading on a curve predetermined percentages of rates and laced in various performance categories. This term was used because the superior must dole out only a certain portion of subordinates to each of several categories on

94 each factor. A common forced distribution scale is derived into five categories fixed percentage of all subordinates in the group fall within each of these categories. Forced choice method requires rater to choose from pair’s equally attractive or unattractive alternatives the one factor, which they feel best, describes the worker.

Behavioral Appraisals evaluate the performance of an employee against fixed standards.

Graphic Rating Scales require raters to judge employees on the degree to which they demonstrate firm factors deemed to be important in job performance. It is a scale lists a number of traits and a range of performance for each. The employee is then rate by identifying the scores that best describes his or her level of performance for each trait. It is used to rate the quality, quantity, performance, and attributes traits of employees on the job.

Critical Incident Techniques require the rater to log, identify and record those behaviors both positive and negative, which have a significant impact on performance. This is to maintain a record of rarely goods or undesirable examples of an employees work related behavior and interviewing it with the employee at predetermined times. These are proceedings of important job performance good and bad.

Behaviorally Anchored Rating is an appraisal method that aims at combining the benefits of narrative critical incidents and qualified ratings by anchoring a quantified scale with specific narrative examples of good or poor performance it focuses on appraisal behavior that can be changed.

Mixed Standard Scales are those in which organizations appreciate that to get equally service from employees, service has to be part of the appraisal and compensation process. Behavior observation scales measure how frequently behaviors are observed.

Checklist Method requires evaluators to review a list of critical job behaviors, traits or characteristics and to check to those items, which the employee demonstrates.

95 Output Based Appraisals evaluate the performance of an employee against numerical output measures.

Management by Objectives is a process in which individual goals and action plans designed to bout with the overall organizational objectives are implemented and systematically reviewed and revised. Management by objectives uses attainment of objectives to indicate level of performance. Goal congruence is the overlap amid individual goals and those of the organization goals are desired objectives or targets. Objectives are more effective if they have characteristics like specificity objectives that must identify how well the behavior must performed or how high the output must be to be considered adequate and reduce variability in performance and in ratings.

It is initiated that economic inflation, recession and cutbacks in human resource have cast political quite than economic aura over the field of improvement in employee performance and productivity in the government sector. Inefficiency in the government service is all-pervasive and therefore, successive governments have reforms in the government sector through improving employee performance, on their agenda. But despite sincere intentions, they have not delivered significantly until now. This failure indicates a dearth of proper research in the human aspect of the organizations in the country. It should be remembered that an employee’s ability to perform a job is different from his willingness to perform it. Both the variables influence productivity equally but independently.

The notion of human resource development in our policy papers is identical with just training that is as a rule aimed at improving the ability of employees to perform their job with built-in and motivational facet of the performance. The majority of the job in the government sector by virtue of their design, compensation, environment and opportunity for growth, advancement do not proceed as a source of motivation for higher performance. The world of performance appraisal is changing. There is a need for a new balanced mode to assess performance. The head may still be the boss, but the employee is becoming more of a partner with that boss that partnership requires not only top down feedback, but also bottom up and side-to-side feedback as well. Employees benefits pass on that

96 part of the total reward package, other than pay for time worked, provided to employees in whole or in part by organization payments as medical, dental care and pension. Almost global organizations are seeking ways to align the interests of employees with those of their owners and shareholders. One major thrust for doing this is through the design and management of employee’s reward structure. Traditional approaches to the way we plan and implement employee pay is out of step with organization structures and work design, and limits the ability to effectively reward high performers. Particular emphasis is positioned on pay plans that provide an incentive for future performance or recognition of past contribution.

There are universal methods by which pay is linked to performance and merit.

Pay Plan that is structured around a pay range defined by a minimum, midpoint and a maximum for the respective job level. Employees are recruited or promoted to the Pay grade as slam to the minimum as market forces permit and then progress through the range on the basis of assessed performance.

Incentive Schemes aim is to focus the participant’s attention and effort on specific objectives by providing a defined reward schedule linked to performance achievements. Incentive schemes aim to provide a very direct message to employees.

Discretionary Bonuses are determined and awarded after the fact and make no guarantee that future work or endeavor will be rewarded similarly. Where a spur is proactive and known, a bonus is reactive, and often subjective in amount and distribution. Discretionary bonuses are provided to recognize some extra effort or a job well done. They form a regular part of the pay procedure in some organizations where the annual bonus usually at financial or calendar year end, is distributed to managers and staff on the general basis of company results for the year.

Profit Gain Sharing is the vital goal to line up the interests of employees with the performance of the organization by sharing in some fraction of the profits made or in the reduction of costs.

97 These approaches are consistent with recognition that organizations require to develop more collaborative and participative processes that accentuate employee commitment rather than employer control.

Performance appraisal is a logical description of an employee’s job strengths and weaknesses. It serves two major purposes in organizations as to get better the job performance of employees and to provide information to employees and managers pro make use of making decisions. In practices many systems fail because they do not gratify relevance, sensitivity, reliability, acceptability and practicability. Many problems of performance appraisal can be alleviating through participative development of performance standards that denote each job. Performance appraisal is ended by organizations once or twice a year to rate the employee’s performance. An effective performance system must play an evaluative role to let people be acquainted with anywhere they stand and a developmental role to endow with specific information and direction so individual can change their performance. Performance appraisal is allied to other important human resource activities such as compensation, promotion decisions, human resource planning, development, training and validation of selection systems for legal compliance.

The performance appraisal is frequently perceived as a technique of personnel administration. But when it is used for administrative purposes, it becomes a part of managerial strategy. The implicit logic is that in order to get people to direct their efforts towards organizational objectives, the management must inform them what to do, judge how well they have finished it and reward or punish them accordingly. In actual verity most supervisors and managers put performance appraisal, formal or informal, on the back burner so as not to offend workers, activate unionism or to reveal their own inadequacies and built-in prejudices in performing this all-important task of management. While the tactic of performance appraisal varies in detail from organization to organization and even manager to manager, in general it includes a number of steps as a formal position description, which spells out the responsibilities of the job, determines the limits of authority and provides each individual staff a clear picture of what he is supposed to do. Highly centralized working

98 technique, over-lapping of duties and responsibilities create confusion among workers regarding their assigned duties. The supervisor assigns tasks, supervises performance and gives recognition for good performance and not holding back criticism for a job not finished properly. Supervisors are stingy about praise. Typically, the rating includes judgments concerning the quality and quantity of the sub- ordinate's work, his attitude towards job and company goals. In conference the appraiser communicates his judgment to appraise, discusses the reasons for them and advises him/her on the ways to improve. Most supervisors and managers uncover this to be the most difficult of their managerial chore even though it happens to be the most important one. Often such conferences end up in a showdown, blame-game and mud-slinging bouts between the two sides. Instead of being used as a tool for human development and civilizing the skills and performance of the worker, the appraisal reports are pretty unnecessarily used for the administration of increments and promotions that make them even less acceptable on both sides. Performance appraisal generates, variations of procedures used to progress the objectivity of judgments and to eliminate discriminations that often arise in one-on-one appraisal system. Some organizations employ multiple judgments obtained independently from several superiors or developed in a group setting. Others use the forced choice method in which a series of specific judgments are translated into scores that are not known to the supervisor. Hence the supervisor does not know how actually the evaluation is done until the results are calculated. The best alternative remains the training of supervisors in the rating of factors and in counseling techniques to achieve uniformity of judgment to the maximum extent.

Appraisal Systems are designed not only to provide a more systematic control over the work output of the subordinates, but also to control the behaviors of supervisors. A first-rate appraisal system will compel the supervisor to face up to problems of poor performance and deal suitably with them. It will also entail the supervisor to communicate with his subordinates in order to discuss the performance. Considerable sum of expertise and experience has left into the strategy of appraising performances. Formal position descriptions provide management with a logical picture of the organization and the comfortable fervor that people know what they are supposed to do. It establishes formal chain of command and

99 delimits authority so that people will not impede in one another's work. Of-times position descriptions are basis for an equitable salary classification scheme, though at best, this is only a rough picture of reality. However, within the managerial ladder it is doubtful if any job is performed in the same way by two successive incumbents or by the same incumbent over a long period of time. Not only do conditions change but also so do skill and relative ability, perception and priority. Organizations would oblige less human resource if managers would adjust to their position descriptions rather than the other way around. Management at middle and lower levels make little actual use of position descriptions. Typically they are glanced over, filed away and forgotten. Many research studies illustrate up substantial differences in the perceptions of sub-ordinates and superiors concerning the rations and priorities of the positions of the former. Organizations that endeavor to use position descriptions for control purposes stimulate managerial behavior that ends up defeating the system. The juggling of position descriptions to enable managers do what they would like to do, hiring a person who does not fit the classification, make salary adjustments, legitimize a promotion, is a common phenomena in such organizations. The system is rendered ineffective by such counter measures. Sometimes an attempt is made to eliminate these difficulties by a participative approach by the incumbent being encouraged to help in the writing of their job description. But while this would diminish resistance to the system it is uncertain if it would attain the desired control and direction of behaviors. The dimensions of a managerial position can be precisely defined only for a particular individual in a particular set of circumstances at a given point of time.

The Administrative Objectives of the Appraisal Process is salary fixation, increments, promotions, transfers, demotion and termination. The role of a judge and the function of an analyst are mismatched. Likewise, Appraisal Reports are poor motivational tools in an atmosphere of defensiveness, inability to understand, and perception that the superior is being unfair or arbitrary. A Six-Month or Annual Appraisal Report is not a well-organized stimulus of learning because it provides feedback about behavior at a time that is quite remote from the action itself. The most effective feedback comes at once after the event and all the evidence is at hand. It is a tribute to the adaptability of human beings that the procedure of

100 telling people what to do then judging their performances and in conclusion rewarding or punishing them works at all. The strategy of management by integration and self-control is more appropriate for intelligent adults and is more likely to be conducive to growth, learning and improved performance.

101 Chapter-8 Employees Conduct and Discipline

The conduct and discipline is one of the most important factor for maintaining regularities, responsibility and authority. The image of the organization is also built by adhering discipline rules. The organizations are always in state of problem, where the discipline code is not properly followed. Discipline is “to bring under control”, “order”, and “punishment” and its purpose is “to enforce the rules”, to tell the persons what they did wrong, to make sure they don’t repeat whatever they have done’ and ‘ to inflict a disciplinary punishment. The origin of the word discipline is “Disciple” that is a Learner. Unfortunately, many people interpret discipline as punishment but it does not always have to be punished [Dessler, 1994]. Discipline is absolutely a mental prodigy; being called from socio-cultural upbringings as much as affecting the basic, establishes formation of genuine personality. Discipline is the attitude of mind that regulates conformity of certain norms of good conduct. It has the element of being directed by the requirements of society and that deemed socially good. It may also entail a definite amount of external pressure on an individual to behave in an orderly way. Discipline is a procedure that corrects or punishes a subordinate because a rule or procedure has been violated. Discipline for employees is an onerous task for most supervisors and managers. The proper administrations of disciplinary procedures are necessities prior planning. The rule infringement for which discipline will be administered, the method by which it will be administered and the respective punishments must be decided and communicated to employees prior to take corrective actions, and complaint procedures must be established to allow employees who believe that they were unjustly treated to appeal the disciplinary action. The purpose of discipline is to encourage employees to behave sensibly at work, where “sensible” behavior is defined as adhere to rules and regulations. In an organization rules and regulations serve about the same purpose that laws do in society and discipline is called for when one of these rules or regulations is violated. A fair and just discipline process is based on three prerequisites; rules and regulations; systems of progressive penalties; and an appeals process. It may be:

102 Positive Discipline is achieved when individuals hold themselves to high standards of conduct and responsibility because they accept and value those standards. Maintaining discipline in organizations where all employees have this high degree of commitment is easy. However, supervisors need to take positive actions to establish such a positive environment. Setting the example and effective communications can help the supervisor to establish a work environment where employees internalize these high standards.

Negative Discipline in which individual’s misconduct must be punished and penalty is imposed. It is important that the penalty be the minimum crucial to bring about the desired change. All penalties must be consistent with the facts and circumstances surrounding the misconduct. Fortunately, misconduct is not an everyday occurrence among employees, but it is one of the most challenging and difficult aspects of supervision. Dealing effectively with disciplinary problems requires a good understanding of the discipline process and skill in handling a variety of human relations problems.

Approaches to Administering Discipline

Hot- Stove Approach all employees are pre-warned about which behaviors are punishable, and they are immediately and consistently punished, without prejudice, if they violate the rules.

Progressive Discipline Approach involves identifying behaviors for which discipline will be applied and establishing a progressive list of punishments to be administered based on the severity of the offense and its frequency of occurrence. The progressive discipline model has been soundly criticized because some employers feel that it is too structured and eliminates the employer's flexibility in employment decisions. Failure to follow the rigid progressive discipline program has also resulted in liability for employers in disparate treatment cases. Progressive discipline program must monitor it closely and commit to follow the various stages. If a progressive discipline is followed through all the stages, however, the employer has a much better defense when the employee brings a lawsuit challenging the discharge.

The members of the organization need to observe the rules and

103 regulations which are necessary to be followed. If the organization wants to be successful, its employees as well as employers must follow discipline. Every organization has some rules and procedures lay out and if the members do not abide by the rules, the organization, its goals and achievements may fall. Dismissal is involuntary termination of an employee’s employment with the firm. Termination at Will is the idea based in law, that the employment relationship can be terminated ‘at will’ by either the employer or the employee for any reason. The penalties for violation rules may also be stated in writing. A common practice is to provide an escalating series of penalties for reputation of the same offense. The series may begin with one or more oral writings, followed by a written warning, demotion or transfer, then a disciplinary suspension, and finally discharge. Some offenses are considered so serious that they may lead to immediate discharge. These include insubordination, subrogate and for employee’s position of trust, discharge. The perceived fairness of workplace decisions and organizational procedures are used to make fair decision. In particular organizational procedures give employees the opportunity to provide input into decisions that affect them (Folger & Greenberg, 1985). This opportunity is generally labeled as “voice”, which is a shorthand expression for the various ways that subordinates in an organization can communicate their interests and which is usually considered as an alternative to “exit” behaviors. In both union and un-union organizations, employee’s voice through formal human resources policies and procedures that can be listened. Some organizational procedures provide opportunity to input into decisions as they are being made. Sheppared, Lewick and Minton (1992) call these preventive voice procedures as indicated remedial voice procedures have an explicit focus on claims of improper or unfair treatment. In contrast, other kinds of procedures allow employees to express their concerns about decisions already made and grievance procedures are prime examples. It is also clearly in management’s interests to resolve problems before they can develop into major difficulties for all concerned. Most managers believe that employees should be able to present their complaints to top management through some sort of grievance procedures. However, most managers do not have the same positive view. In particular, managers appear to view conflict as having more negative than positive impacts. Managers are concerned about the transactions as cost efficiency of their decisions and implementation processes across

104 all functional organizational areas. Unions generally have been quite successful in obtaining increased wages, fringe benefits, job security, working conditions, and employee protective rules from employer. Employers believe that they must negotiate to protect operating efficiencies from encroachment by unions who are too little concerned with the competitive realities of the market place. However, bounded rationality means these contract terms usually cannot be specific with the breadth and precision that will cover all contingencies that may rise. In addition, often it is easier in negotiations to obtain mutual agreement on generally worded provision than on clearly specific terms. Grievances are naming, blaming and claiming responses resulting from an employee or union belief that the employer has improperly interpreted the contract.

There is a need to examine grievance procedure using data to determine how effective these are. The absence of a union means that management can implement its own preferences regarding employee complaints handle. These preferences usually include avoiding the grievance label and instead using such names as complaints, appeal, due process, problem solving and fair treatment and so on. Non-union grievance procedures vary widely. This variety can be seen when we consider various types of procedures on key dimensions like the degree of formality and the degree of independence from management of the final decision maker. There is a need to ensure correctness and consistency in the personal behavior and work processes of the labor force referred as discipline and can be defined as control or order exercised over people. In modern organizations, self-discipline ensures that staff will know what is required of them. In a perfect world, well-managed, well-organized staff would be well motivated and react to being held responsible by acting sensibly.

The approach to managing discipline normally involves positive feedback and the encouragement of staff to do the right things. To attain these objectives, the organizations set rules detail the expected standards of behavior. In addition, there is also the need to specify how deviations from these rules will be dealt with. The threat of sanctions can be used, i.e., penalties imposed for doing the 'wrong' things, such as breaking an important organizational rule. In this context, organizations speak about 'disciplinary offences' or 'disciplinary hearings’ but this is really a shorthand label.

105 Organizations are seeking to monitor and control staff behavior by setting rules and monitoring performance. This way they can readily identify and deal with those exceptional cases where the required order has broken down. When such a situation occurs, some form of management reaction is required in order to restore the standards of behavior and working practices to that which is required to achieve organizational objectives. This frequently involves threatening or invoking sanctions or penalties to correct, punish or deter staff from doing the wrong things. This is the system of disciplinary procedures. But discipline is more than punishment and deterrence. It is a whole system of rules and procedures designed to encourage people to do the right things, to deter them from doing the wrong things and for dealing with staff who do the wrong things.

Disciplinary action is planned with the intention to improve the future behavior of the employee who has broken the rules. It can also influence the behavior of other staff.

Any human resources practitioners remain challenged by the process of disciplinary documentation. The Goal of Progressive Discipline is to formally communicate problem issues to employees in a direct and timely manner so that they can improve their performance. This criteria can help to determine the most appropriate level of discipline to employ in any particular circumstance are like severity of the offense, employee's past performance record, individual's length of service at the organization and firm's past practice of dealing with similar infractions. The test for determining the appropriateness of a verbal correction or more aggressive disciplinary action is simply to follow the traditional disciplinary paradigm, verbal warning and written warning. This procedure should be followed whenever possible unless starting with the verbal warning would make the employer appear irresponsible. Courts have ruled that employers are obligated to fit the discipline to the seriousness of the offense. A slap on the hand isn't always appropriate when egregious conduct or serious performance problems occur. That's why sexual harassment or discrimination findings typically start at the written or final written stages of discipline- even for a first offense. It is seen that many employers fail to realize that disciplinary documentation is legally discoverable and may be used against them by a current or former employee. Although it is important to impress upon the

106 employee the seriousness of his actions, the manager should not codify that wrongdoing actually occurred. Therefore, instead of writing, they have created a hostile and offensive working environment.

Unpaid Suspension

The verbal, written and final written warnings, employers have other tools available-shy of discharge to impress employees with the seriousness of their offenses. Historically, the most common reaction was to discipline an underperforming employee with an unpaid disciplinary suspension. The purpose of unpaid suspensions was to give the employee a taste of unemployment. Granted unpaid suspensions punish employees but they rarely generate buy-in and cooperation. Instead, such disciplinary measures tend to foster anger and resentment. The worker is shamed at home for having to explain the cut in pay to his family and blames the organization for docking his pay, leading to a "me versus them" attitude. Anger is an external emotion and it prevents people from assuming responsibility for their actions. The solution lies in creating a system that replaces anger with guilt- an internal emotion that forces introspection and the assumption of responsibility for things gone wrong.

Paid Suspension

The workplace guilt is driven by one-day paid suspensions known alternatively as "decision-making leaves" or "days of contemplation," the paid leave is a once-in-a-career benefit. The organization pays for the employee's time-out period, thereby eliminating the embarrassment so often associated with unpaid suspensions. In addition, when an employee on a paid leaves, employer has the right to ask him to complete a homework assignment on his day off. The instructions might be worded.. A "wait and see" or "things will get better" approach normally only adds to the problems. Co-employees will resent that another employee is getting away with something, thereby creating a morale problem. By counseling or disciplining an employee as soon as a problem arises, the employer is able to dictate the course of proceedings for existing and subsequent problem employees. By confronting the employee, things may improve immediately. Even if the problems do not

107 improve, the employer has created the necessary paper defense in the event the employee is ultimately discharged. Employees must be aware of the rule or policy for which they are being disciplined. If the employer uses a written policy or handbook to inform employees of work rules, the employee should sign an acknowledgment that he/she received the policy or handbook. The acknowledgment form rebuts any claim that the employee lacked knowledge of the work rule for which disciplinary action was taken. To ensure consistency and minimize disparate treatment claims, a designated member of management or a human resource representative should review all serious disciplinary action. At the very least, prior to taking any action, a supervisor should consult another supervisor to obtain a neutral, unbiased, second opinion. A second opinion may preempt a decision made in the heat of the moment or it may confirm that the proposed action is appropriate under the circumstances when occur should focus on rehabilitating employees by deterring them from repeating past problems. However, once an employee repeatedly demonstrates a lack of concern for a job or apparent inability to perform at minimum standards, written discipline must be clear and decisive.


Discharge decisions are also extremely difficult. After discharge, an employee is normally left with no source of income. Because of the emotions involved in a discharge decision, supervisors tend to let down their guard during the termination meeting. The current job market has prompted many disgruntled former employees to sue their former employers more often than in the past. For this reason, any mistakes in the discharge process subjects the employer to potential exposure for wrongful termination. Therefore, employers must be extremely cautious when making and implementing discharge decisions.

Termination for Illegal/Unethical Conduct

The employers need to thoroughly investigate allegations of illegal or unethical conduct prior to making a discharge decision. The investigation should reveal sufficient reliable evidence to conclude that the employee committed the infraction. If a written policy or

108 handbook governs the conduct, it should be followed. The results of the investigation should be compared to prior similar conduct and similar action should be taken. The employer’s findings should be sufficiently documented in anticipation of a potential lawsuit. Under certain circumstances, it may take an employer a short period of time to fully investigate. Employers may suspend the employee pending the investigation. If the investigation reveals sufficient evidence, then the employee should be told that the suspension has been changed to a termination decision. If the investigation does not reveal sufficient evidence, then the employee may be reinstated. Sometimes the investigation will reveal an infraction that is insufficient for termination but still warrants disciplinary action.

Reduction in Force or Job Elimination

When an employer discharges an employee or a reduction in force whether the employee elects to take an early retirement package or not the employer should set specific factors for selection. The factors need to be disclosed to the employee. The factors also need to be applied uniformly and consistently. Prior to making any decision however the employer should review what impact the decision will have on employees over forty. If an employer pays severance to a discharged employee, the employer should insist on a release of all claims from the employee. If the employee is over forty, the release needs to contain specific language and must meet additional requirement in order for it to be legally enforceable. Most organizations have a formalized approach to disciplinary procedures both to ensure uniform practice and also to conform to legal requirements. Organizations have laws designed to protect the rights of workers. An inconsistent or unplanned approach to imposing discipline may well lead to legal action being taken against the organization. Such action can prove expensive in monetary terms. There is also the cost of management time required to defend the organization. The reputation of an organization can also be damaged if a court judgment is made against it. The standard of behaviors expected for staff should be defined in advance. Actions that may give rise to punitive disciplinary action should be clearly identified together with the consequences that will be imposed if such behaviors are encountered.

109 Disciplinary Hearings the vehicle for dealing with breaches of these rules normally involves some formal or informal disciplinary hearing. Remedies arising out of such a disciplinary hearing may be remedial or corrective, e g, a warning, retraining, or moving to another job.

Demotion/ Dismissal

An employee is demoted to a lower salary or position within an organization. This is a very serious step to take. It is used to signal to all staff the serious view taken of the offence by management. It can be regarded as a form of internal dismissal. Care should be taken before taking this route because such demotion can have negative repercussions for a long period. The employee concerned may feel aggrieved and dissatisfied with their downgraded position or salary. Such feelings will affect them and possibly the ultimate disciplinary measure should be used only in the most extreme cases. Care must be taken to ensure that the employer has met all legal requirements before resorting to this measure. The dismissal of an employee sends a powerful signal to all other employees. However, unless staff sees the organization as being fair in taking such action, it can lead to poor morale and dissatisfaction, as well as possible legal.

110 Chapter-9 Management of Human Resource in Pakistan

Pakistan is blessed with huge natural and human resources but most of these are in crude form. Our savings and investment level can be raised only when we are in a position to convert our unproductive and underutilized human and natural resources into dynamic and self- sustained capital and potential accelerator of economic growth. Pakistan today is trying hard to catch up quickly with the high standards of living of the developed economies through industrial and technological revolution. In doing so, we find ourselves face to face with a situation where trained and talented manpower is in short supply. No business organization is stronger than the executives who planned direct its activities or the worker whom meticulously and devotedly execute the plans and programs of the company.

The present era is an epoch of globalization. Keeping the importance of globalization, the present government takes interest in economic welfare with strong and sincere leadership. In this scenario, it will be appreciating if priority should be given for development of industrial human resource development in the country. The world eonomy is under going with dramatic changes, fast speed of development, advances in science and technology in the industrialized countries are, on the whole, steady widening the gap between most developing countries for which priority is given to organizational or industrial human resource development and training. Infrastructure is to support sustainable industrial, economic and social development. If we have to get better results, follow the economic policies of china.

The industrial human resource development is the present need. We have enough hard working forces and sincere manpower. They can be triumphant if guided by training. Now it is the time to avoid finding replacement and firing of employees. It is surprising to note that we didn’t learn from experiences of rich economies and of the more recently industrialized countries that sustained investment in human capital for competitiveness and growth. The situation is now changing with globalization, increased investment and trade. The spread of technology investment in human capital is no guarantee of development if other relevant policies are inappropriate or are not properly implemented. It is the time for investment in human capital

111 to bear fruit. Human capital does not waste or diminish in worth by using its values.

Our country needs to create conditions and environment necessary for creativity and innovation essential for moving into and being competitive in the knowledge-based industries that will provide the highest value added for economies. It is also necessary that the degree of success of any organization depend upon management aims and ability to execute aims in a way that leads to public respect and support. Thus every organization has the famous four P’s as the purpose (idea, mission, goals,) the principal (standard), the programs (how to go about) here we are concerned with the last factor people, without people no organization can exist. It is populaces who build an organization depend on the natives. In the managerial preoccupation with material resources this fact is very often forgotten. It is to be realized nevertheless that people constitute the basic infrastructure in the development of a country. Failure or success depends on the ability of an organization in mastering the manpower and in winning their confidence. It is their trust and involvement, which can achieve the goals, set by organization. Therefore, a culture has to be brought into the people and to the principles and programs of an organization. The constant growth and success of an organization irrespective of size and type of industry depends upon the quality results produced by the people working for it. People must be willing to give their best and the organization should provide a system that pulls everyone together. Human resource management is required to do just that by pursuing two main objectives, managing the companies’ human resources professionally and utilizing the company’s human resource profitably and in a manner that is appropriate to the mission of organization. People need to proactive fairness; equity comes when the individual sees a congruency between his and the company’s interest. A sense of equity is formed and strengthened if people believe that personal biases, prejudices and likes and dislikes do not influence material rewards and career progression. Consistency demands that rules are equally applied to everyone, not to individuals in a given situation and with the same degree of severity. All three elements of this objective requires that the organization communicates the policies, procedures and rules on rights and obligations, terms and conditions, of employment, professional conduct and morale and business ethics.

112 The human resource policies, procedures and manuals are usually the forms of communication. Every manager has copy of the manual to monitor the human resources management with fairness, equity and consistency. People must have a clear understanding of the expected end results. People or organizations grow together. There has never been a single case where the organization has achieved its goals without people. People produce winning performance or excellent endeavors. People will always withhold their best efforts unless they see an objective and a way of assessing their contributions. They believe that they get rewarded not for what they do, but for what and how much they produce or contribute.

A feeling has been developed particularly in Pakistan to add the importance meant for human resource function. Hence job opportunities vary with the size of the organization, private/public sector, and multinational/local setup. Small organizations may not have any human resource but medium sized organizations have top human resource at middle management level combining recruitment and training and development activities. The most apparent reason for local employers is that as due importance is not given to human resource function. The chairman chooses to keep appointment, promotions, and staff movements to him, restricting the top slots for family members.

The outflow of highly skilled manpower has never been alarming and therefore no serious actions were taken because of lack of basic statistics. Skilled Pakistani workers are in big demand considering the fact that there are not many who have acquired skills such as electricians, plumbers, carpenter, masons, steel fixes etc. Another sector where the Pakistanis are welcomed to work is information technology. Computer experts are well paid in international organizations, foreign firms and non governmental organizations. The magnitude and extend of brain drain when compared with available estimates of stock at home, are not such as to be termed alarming except in the case of doctors and medical personnel. The bulk of the brain drain abroad is to the UK, Saudi Arabia and USA. Future outflow to UK and other countries is likely to decline, except to the USA, where professional personnel may find a better market in the light of current US immigration laws. Number of unemployed educated youth at home is alarming and the situation

113 is likely to worsen in future. During their stay abroad, they do maintain interest in national affairs and send remittances to their homes are substantial and some of the talented ones do contribute to human knowledge through their research, which, under inadequate home conditions, might not have been possible. The most important factor of 'brain drain' is the age of emigrant. The available information shows that 75% of the workers who proceed abroad are in the age group of 25-40 years. This is the time when one can put his best irrespective of nature of work. This obviously leaves adverse effect on home production both qualitatively and quantitatively. This is also impacting human resource system in Pakistan.

In the era of change management gigantic presentation in a business consists of the many basic principles as people are the organization's greatest asset and are empowered with information, resources, training, and authority to manage their work and contribute to the business in significant ways. Work is designed around core business processes rather than functions so employees own responsibility for a whole and meaningful process or segment of work. Teams are the natural work units of high performance companies and are responsible for managing all of the tasks to accomplish business goals. The role of management changes from controlling workers and solving day-to-day problems to defining strategy, managing systems, and creating an environment in which people can be most effective. Training is not a single event but a series of ongoing classes, coaching and development methods. Organizations controlled by principles of high performance consistently out-perform more conventional organizations. High performance training programs require a commitment. A commitment from management and employees to change and continuously and proactively enhance the way they do business and develop their people. Organizations who undertake high performance training are not satisfied to remain stagnant. First; get the right people on the bus, the wrong people off the bus, and the right people in the right seats. Remember, the Right people are organizations most important assets. with the passage of time public and private organizations increase its performance by managing change in their organizations like introduction of internet at every branch, air conditioned offices, good salary packages, medical facilities, housing facility, loan facilities to their employees, educational facilities,

114 conveyance allowance, insurance of employees, best working environment, suitable working hours etc.

The labor force in Pakistan continuously increased and was almost double. There is a need to redesign work through socio technical systems; methods require the combined efforts of employees, supervisors, and union representatives in analyzing job operations. Jobs are not necessarily designed to be intrinsically motivating than the work is accomplished. As in scientific management, a supervisor’s goal is to get assurance that the organization’s objectives are met. It is accomplished by concentrating only on critical job aspects, by forming work teams consisting of members who have the necessary qualifications to accomplish the tasks and by allowing work groups, the autonomy to manage their own work process[(Scarpello & Ledvinka, 1988]. In Pakistan the share of women in professional employment especially medicine, nursing and teaching is quite substantial. Education of women may lead to their increased participation in the labor force in urban areas, particularly, if more flexible jobs are made valuable. It is quite likely that is coming years of increasing education and economic development, female labor activity will increase in comparison to other countries, very high activity rates were recorded for males in younger ages in Pakistan.

A country lacks opportunities to obtain an educated standard that would enhance their productivity during adult years. Today, the country has very low literacy level. Outlay in education should be given a higher priority over investment in physical means of production. In Pakistan all wisdom flows from the top management. Development of the existing human resource is neither easy nor undemanding to recruit new and previously trained cadres. In Pakistan, because of the state monopoly, the requisite human resource is not available. The requirement to acclimatize changing technologies and the varying idea is essential. In Pakistan the guidance of human resource in taken up the research and development activity foremost. Human resource level can be improved on the job training, number present in regular courses, setting up of paramount training centers or sending the cadre to similar setups already working in the market and by considering the merit as vital to make the human resource development program successful. Human resource is

115 presently has the chances for enhancing, improving and upgrading the system capacity from some resources that will be available at private sector. Privatization is the only answer to all the problems to build the system more efficient and effective.

The human resources of an organization identify pole-apart tasks and devise to implementation strategies, overcome obtaining problems and difficulties, new-fangled work methods, set new standards of organizational performance and accomplishment. Inflation is one of the major obstacles that most people face in achieving their financial goals. Inflation not only affects those on a fixed income by eroding their purchasing power, but also those that need to save for the future. Pakistan requires enhanced schooling through proper planning to place educated and competent headship in every field. The abundant availability of the manpower could be used in the effective way for swift progress in all the departments. Society is experience-accelerating charge to modify tools. Imminent survival of the change places the value of training programs for the management. Human resources are better utilizing if they recurrent opportunities to attend training in related jobs. Training is a vital part of the progress in development. Training keeps the individual up to date about the new technique and methodologies in their relevant field. Training in business and industry is specialized and a very practical form of education. Training not only increases production, but also fit mode; it also increases self-confidence, and improves self- esteem of top executives. Training in other worlds is a long-lasting clued-up process. Human beings in teamwork are the means and end of economic development. While uneducated and unwholesome people living in appetite and dearth make slight contribution to economic progress. Consciousness of the survival of the change gears the developmental value to the executive training programs. To deal with change, every management realizes short trainings for the executives. The investment in this regard is reasonable and affordable. Training programs are crucial part of the development process. Training serves intermediary obligation in the hefty sense but is commonly impart in the variety of individual development program. These programs could include new employee’s orientation, functional training or management skills acquisitions for grooming higher levels of management. In the process of escalating training programs take account of prime induction of the business training goals and training

116 requirements of individual’s next, to plan curriculums third, to decide upon educational techniques. The individual training and development has in hot years transformed itself, as the rim of competition (both local based and international) takes its grasp, forcing organizations to reconsider their approaches and change to get together customer needs and realities. It is within this outlook of the changing organization and organizational environment that training come to the front. As training is not only about equip folks to do what is currently required of them it is also regarding what will be required of them in the hope.

The nucleus of human resource is the development of the individual, the managing of the individual and the organization. There is a need to set up and boost skills and develop potential to build up others. Developing a process in Pakistan is solitary means. A group of individuals could develop curriculum and a process to lead to a postgraduate qualification, perchance working with some educational institutions. This has the advantage the product being home grown- up and nearby. The added choice is to affiliate with some worldwide human resource organization that already provides this service in other part of the planet. Affiliation has the advantage of a foreign qualification and little effort in development, as the program would before be developed. The other option would be a blend of the two, whereby there is an element of affiliation abroad, with programs delivered in Pakistan.

During a past decade, it was fashionable to say that organizations have to be technology driven to survive in the fast changing business environment. Today the organization motto is to be customer driven. The focus is on meeting the customer needs and all systems and resources are dedicated towards this belief. As organizations are developing their business plans and strategies to satisfy the needs of new technology or markets, often they tend to focus more on these drives and less on the source of energy or power for such derives. This lack to get-together scheduled human element as a strategic tool and resource comes to haunt many traditional organizations later on as they grow and group into the span of initial vision while many progressive organizations have a mission, born out a strategic vision for the future growth and direction. They develop sub strategies for marketing products, technology and so on, very few

117 actually get down to the task of enunciating a well developed human resource department strategy involving the development and growth of their human resources and integrating it with common strategies goals in other areas of operations.

For an individual, it is absolutely inescapable to develop a hallucination for career escalation and admittance his strength and resources not just in terms of his line of business objectives but also from the perspective of the needs of his organizational role and position. Since all development is primarily self-development, he or she would thus tend to reorient his or her efforts for self-improvement and skill enhancement, irrespective of organizational necessities. This independence of development initiative has germs of a conflict between the growth of an individual and organization. Strategize human resource is doable by optimizing proceeds that upshot only if the organization develops patent and all-inclusive strategies for the training and development of employees. Human resource development is currently required to be more visible and directly to lend a hand in meeting the competition and providing organization with an edging over its competition. A burn up pronouncement in organizations sharpens competition and its rites leads directly to curb in the process development and quality standards and downsize. Training of employees in public and private organization is well thought- out as an indispensable investment decision in any set or expertise. An effective training must commence from an analysis of employee’s development wishes. However, as the present attributes and characteristics of an individual ending result is his motivation for wisdom for that reason perpetually supportive to spot the weaker area to offer the employee with the basic training.

The organizations operating in Pakistan can be divided into two distinct categories as one working exceptionally well and the other incurring huge losses regularly. The organizations, which are full-fledged in size post contrary results when compare with other organizations. While the working conditions and business environments are identical, the vision of management and policies to achieve these objectives papers to be the lashing force. Performance of an organization is straight reflection of effectiveness of management policies. This is reliant on a number of factors that include the education, expertise of key personnel, support of the team

118 members and successful interaction with policy makers. The chief executive officer not only works to get his policies approved by the broad of directors but also ensure implementation of agreed policies. The victory largely depends on the stance of all the employees. Because they are not only own the policies but also formulate efforts to achieve the desired objectives. Financial consequences of an organization reflect the way of the management and the changing circumstances. The aptitude to forecast the future adept new policies and influence government policies also plays a vital role. The incentives provided by the government may assist in improving the profitability of companies in short term but the efforts to endure and make profit without these crutches provided the real strength. Investment climate in Pakistan as remained conducive since the independence. During the last 52 years new industries have been established, expiates have grown and diversified. Not only local but also foreign investors have enhanced their stake in the country. Though, it is often said that policies of Pakistani government have been changing. It is on record that none of the foreign investors ever left the country. Even at the time of nationalization, foreign investment was not taken over by the government. The other factor is that the foreign organizations have grown in size by bringing new investment and polishing back the profit earned from Pakistan. In a similar manner local sponsors have also enhanced production capabilities, substitute imports, diversified their products range and exports. They’ve been paying good dividend to shareholders and make significant contributions to national exchequer. This is pragmatic that recognition of good performing organizations is necessary. These organizations are not only the role models for others but also a catalyst in bringing fresh investment, both local and foreign. The performance appraisal system is one of the gravest areas in the field of human resource management. Human beings are capable of extremely high performance level if given the paramount environment and impetus. This aspect has given new dimension to performance appraisal systems. A sound appraisal system is an individual asset in human resource management. The role of performance appraisal is chiefly viewed to develop the employees and build the conditions of trust, between the bosses and employee. As such performance appraisal is an important part of the system of developing human resources and developing a culture of collaboration in an organization.

119 It is pragmatic that the key to success of any organization is its people whether it is marketing, production or financial management. The challenge is to educate and develop employees so that all workers as a highly motivated squad strive to achieve commonly shared goals. The development of management effectiveness is fundamental for the success of the change process. Management will be characterized by the people with strong leadership capabilities who practice what they preach, who are good team players and team builders and who are willing to be out in the front of their organization and competition. Leaders should be high integrity, energy and enthusiasm that have the necessary managerial skills, to stir a group or an organization to test goals and achieve them willingly. Leadership skills must be strengthened at all levels in the organization. Progress of human resources strengthen the organization and accelerate the cultural change procedure. Employee performance appraisal is carried out on an annual basis. The appraisal is an assessment of performance of the individual against requirements of the job and against others performing akin work. It is the basis for holding performance- counseling sessions with the employee and is a vehicle to recommend training or assignment changes designed to improve current performance. It also helps in forecasting outlook growth potential of the individual in the organization. The performance evaluation form is the foundation for salary administration. Organization managers realized the reality that yet in modern computerized environment; the importance of human resources can’t be shorn of. Even in this bizarre world when computer have taken heal of every important department almost in every organization, an efficient human workforce is immobile valuable asset. The successful companies pay much attention to the continuing development and polishing of human resource. The efficient human resource is the most precious asset for an organization, yet it is most difficult to handle it. Human emotions, feelings, preferences make this resource quite more different and difficult to understand than other non-human assets. Performance appraisals relate to every employee of the organization it helps to determine his strengths and weaknesses with respect to his job in organization. It helps manager to adjust him or her in apposition in organization structure. Performance appraisal is important for both for the reason of the organization and for the cause of the employees itself. It helps to boost efficiency for organization and for the employees it helps him/her to healthier plan and keeps in his career. A

120 good appraisal keeps both organization and employee’s as the crow flies and no one stop from his track. This appraisal is not effortless to implement as none employee likes to be apprised. The appraisal officer does not have technical know-how a propos appraisal. Then interpersonal grievances and jealousy usually distort results and process of appraisal. So it is not trouble-free to get through the entire process of appraisal in a successful way. This a an important factor that whom to be appraised as input factors may include employee’s tidiness, absenteeism, communication skills, general look, mental caliber. The appropriate standards are set to appraise the selected key factors. It is where the expertise and qualities of top management come into play. These standards should be quite realistic and relevant as well. The yardstick to measure tidiness should not be applied to measures its communication skill. Every factor should be measured with its relevant measuring tool and with nothing else. In our country, setting an appropriate standards or benchmark really means something. After the top management has chalked out the plan for performance appraisal the next is to nominate the person who shall carry out the process of appraisal. As a matter of practice not a single person evaluates the entire organization. An appraisal is set for a group of employees the most obvious solution is that the immediate boss should do the job of appraisal because he knows his immediate subordinate the most. And this practice is being undertaken in a number of organizations. The second solution is that person in a group should evaluate each other. However, this type of evaluation may incorporate bias due to factor s as friendship, jealousy etc. So to select the best available alternatives should be availed to get at the best result. The appraising person may arrange interpersonal interviews, formal and informal, declared or undeclared; to achieve his/her aims. The outcome of entire process of appraisal is the confidential report by the appraising officer. The appraisal is done on annual basis and the report is also known as the annual confidential report. The comments of the appraising officer as described in the annual confidential report are used to decide about the career of the employees. However, annual confidential report has been regarded as useless by the modern management system as it does nothing to evaluate the standards of an employee’s performance. The practice of unclear appraisal of employee is not recommended. The entire process is crystal clear and employees should know that they are being appraised and the standards of appraisal should be pre defined.

121 An appraisal may have negative notes in respect of an employee thus appraise him/her in negative sense. Mostly appraisal is ended once a year at the time when the decisions about employees promotion to be made. The top management should make every possible effort to make the entire process clear a free of errors. It is their responsibility to design the process in such a way that it is beneficial for the employee and the organization as well. The process, which is not productive for the organization, is useless in practice. Organization resources are important and costly and should not be wasted in useless practices.

A variety of labor laws are vague in Pakistan, have been framed primarily because of these considerations. A majority of them, however, originate from those laws, which existed before independence in the indo-Pak subcontinent. Indeed, all of them were adopted in Pakistan by the adoption of existing laws of 1947 [Peterson & Lane, 1979]. Pakistan inherited a number of labor laws governing working conditions, wages and occupational safety and health. Nevertheless, a series of new labor laws and rules were introduced and existing ones updated/modified following, industrialization and the consequent need for ensuring workers. In Pakistan, a list of important laws or legislation enacted from time to time. In Law the term human resource refers the body of people who constitute the labor force at any one time. All those people who currently either belong or could belong to the labor force that is to say, all adult define as people who are old enough to be permitted, by present day law to work and who are at least potentially able to work including those who are temporarily unable to work because of an illness, injury or handicap, and those who have retired but are not yet too old to work.

Employees find it comfortable to be part of a disciplined workforce where expectations are clear, behavior is predictable and supervisors are fair and consistent in their treatment with employees. Certainly employees’ are benefited from developing a disciplined workforce. There are fewer performance and behavior problems; and the rate of discharge with its associated financial and psychological costs are reduced. The procedures for making disciplinary decisions and the rules of the organization are specified in writing. The formulation of work rules, penalties and disciplinary procedures are

122 joint functions of line management and the human resource staff. Line managers must implement the procedures but the personnel staff may hold responsibility for publicizing the rules and training the supervisors to apply them properly. It is important to ensure that disciplinary actions will be viewed as a fair and thus worthy of being upheld by an impartial behavior. This is pragmatic that grievance is a source of grief, ground of complaint, condition felt as oppressive or wrongful. Grievance is a feeling in the mind of an employee of being wronged. The term grievances have not been defined in the ordinance. The aggressive employee desires a solution to his grievances as it has also a bearing on his future relationship with the employer. The progressive and enlightened employer in Pakistan assign due importance to proper handling of employee grievances, if any, and have devised formal procedures for their redress at the organization, the cause of grievance to an employee should not arise as prevention is better than cure. There are definite advantages if the grievance is resolved mutually between employee and the employer than to force the former to resort to litigation. The decision by court may cause complications for the employer and disturb his established practices and systems. Whenever the grievances are pointed out to the employer; they must be processed expeditiously. In case of delay, the employee feels frustrated and de-motivated. This is experiential that the causes of grievances are multifarious and may or may not have a direct bearing on one’s job. The viewpoint as to what constitutes grievances very not only from place to place but from person to person. A Grievance thus would mean any dissatisfaction expressed through action, spoken or written words, weather justified or not, arising out of work situation and is concerned with the establishment that an employee thinks, believes or even feels is not fair, just an equitable. Grievance is a discontent of an individual employee on individual basis. Grievances where pointer of dispute, are of general applicability or of considerable magnitude will fall outside the scope of grievance and normally will form a part of collective bargaining. It is difficult for the management to act on an employee’s problem if he does not call the matter to their attention. The emphasis on the part of management should, therefore, be to create a proper climate of confidence so set an employee, who is hurt, feels free to inform the management of the facts. The grievance procedure ought to be simple, definite, communicated properly, sincerely implemented and must be in the cultural context of the establishment. Speedy and satisfactory

123 solutions of problems of the employees must be ensured within a specified time limit. Grievances are settled by discussions; the very fact that employees have right to be heard actually helps to improve their morale. An employee’s conception of his problem may be quite biased and may even lose his case, but the very fact that someone has listened attentively to his story serves to demonstrate that the individual employee is important to the management and somebody cares for him. The discussion technique is quite significant in handling grievances as helpful listening often aids the employee to view his problem in new light and sometimes helps him to solve his own difficulty.

To improve working relations among the employers and employees and to increase the productivity, labor laws are being revised in Pakistan. Ministry of manpower has taken necessary steps and efforts are under way to implement the following measures. In order to improve the productivity and efficiency in the country the contract labor system will be encouraged for the industries to improve the work force and to be competitive in the world market. The right to replace unwilling workers by willing workers will be exercised under the provisions of relevant law for violence, indiscipline and loss of productivity. The employers in the country due to numerous laws, which are at present in vogue in matters covering the labor field, are facing the difficulties. The existing labor laws will therefore, be reduced to a few essential laws covering terms and working conditions or employment, wages and other benefits, safety and labor welfare. Outside trade union activity under ill agreement will be trade based but not factory based. The mushroom growth of trade unions at the plant level has been a source of constant disruption in the pace of industrial relations foiling genuine efforts by the parties to promote mutual confidence. In order to check mushroom growth of trade unions, the unions receiving less than a minimum level of support in referendum will stand dissolved auto magically and thee registration be cancelled. National productivity council has been set up to suggest measures to increase productivity and also link wages with productivity. A tripartite national wage council has been set up to systematically determine the minimum wage for different business activities, industries and occupations in different provinces by taking into account the typical realities and state of economic growth of the province. In view of rise in cost of living, the law of workers profit

124 participation fund will be amended so as to enhance the wage limit to a reasonable extent and to give benefit of profit share to a maximum number of workers. A committee consisting of representatives from ministry of labor and national trade unions have been decided the limit for this purpose. The labor has to adjust itself to the changes in the business organizations arising from the introduction of new technology. The response of the workers themselves to the new technology was not uniform. The unskilled and uneducated workers were in the main opposed to it, as they were increasingly unable to cope with the new machines while the educated and the highly skilled workers were amenable both to retraining and to being shifted from one workplace to another. The only opposed retrenchment and wanted the wages to be tied to productivity on an individual basis. In fact, the new workers, being recruited on the basis of educational qualifications, seemed to be impatient of the old trade union outlook. Instead of sticking to the concept of collective benefits, they preferred individual contracts and the prospects of upward mobility. The industrial management too had to adjust itself to the demands of higher technology. It now preferred to co-opt the workers into managerial affairs instead of confronting them. Smaller units of production were better suited both to production at the higher level of technology and to closer management worker relationship.

It is important to supervise the team of professionals having decision-making powers in a day today affairs related to their sections and departments. This delegation of powers and responsibility gives them a lot of confidence and a true sense of association with the organization. A team spirit among the staff members is almost non- existent in an atmosphere where the traditional system of employer and employee prevails. A successful business leader has to be able to delegate powers of decision making independently to his teammates. The sense of liberty among the co-workers not only gives them confidence but also creates a true sense of participation as well as association with the organization. Although it is generally said but practically speaking it is not done. The nature of relationship between top man and his team is highly important for producing positive results. Dealing the co-workers with the respect and affecting cost nothing but does the magic in harmonizing the working atmosphere unfortunately we are lacking this culture in Pakistan. The sense of arrogance generally reflected in the behavior of the top bosses not

125 only causes a gulf but gives an ugly picture of the irking atmosphere the clichés of hardworking by an individual for running a successful business organization have now been replaced by smart working for persons leading a business organization. The top man besides having the business knack and keen observations should have discerning abilities to make a good use of the expertise of the professionals working in the organization. The importance of a team spirit helps to open and to achieve the business targets. It is not the fiancés equipment or organization itself but a well-knitted team of dedicated devoted and committed experts and professionals. Who are the real assets and essence of success because they are the real ones who reproduce results he went on to say that results are not produced by money or machines results are achieved by people. Emphasis on human resources development is the most neglected part of cultures both at public and private sector levels. The human resource development is the most important segment of socio economic growth of any society. Whenever a culture of short-term gains prevails in any society consequently a culture of selfishness automatically creeps into socio economic values of the society. The most important factor of human resource development that provides a solid base for economic growth in the long run, however, neglected due to prevailing culture of short-term gains. Then sooner we realize the importance of human resource development; the earlier we start our journey for socioeconomic growth of this country.

The success of modern organization depends increasingly on the cooperation of all that work in them. It is an essential part of the managers function to achieve that cooperation something which cannot be done merely by using the disciplinary process in order to exert authority and let employees know about the reason behind reinforcement of rules and provide sufficient time to adjust to the requirement and most disciplinary incidents managers deals with never progress into the first stage of disciplinary procedure they are settled on a very informal basis often before they reach the point at which they could be regarded as a problem. The right to manage must always remain with company’s management and in no eventuality should be passed on to the workforce or their union. However, formal approach to manage discipline should only be resorted to after exhaustive all other available channels to improves the employees conduct. The structure of modern organizations characterizes

126 overlapping of responsibilities; inter dependency of people, and ambiguities in roles and methods to achieve goals. These characteristics lead to clashes over resources, objectives and modes of operation, thus creating conflict. When a manager is faced with a conflict, there are several techniques that can be used to address the situation. The manager may choose to ignore the situation make the decision on the outcome, change the structure of the organization or mediate at resolution. In choosing the most effective method, the manager needs to evaluate whether the conflict is interpersonal or organizational and if it can be used to enhance the performance of the organization. In choosing to ignore a conflict the manager hopes that the conflicting parties will resolve the situation on their own. This technique is appropriate if the conflict is minor or if it is functional. Choosing to make decision regarding the conflict situation is effective if there is little time for mediation if there are clear consequences of not following the decision. A drawback of this method is that the decision could be viewed as biased by one party if the outcome fervors the person who has greater access to manager. Also this technique creates future dependency on the manager to resolve and conflicts between the parties thus increasing the demands on the manager’s time. Changing the structure of an organization is an effective resolution tool if the conflict is interpersonal. This could range from transferring the parties to different departments to redefining their roles within their current department. However, if the same conflict surfaces again within the same structure, it indicates that the conflict is a result of the organizations all structure than interpersonal conflict between the people. In mediating the resolution the manager brings the conflicting parties together in a natural setting and facilitates the communication to air these issues, goals, and the points they are willing to compromise. Once a manager has a commitment from the parties to compromise, he/she reaffirms their commitment and outlines the next step. Conflict occurs under magnate different circumstances. It can be interpersonal but in many situations for resources can lead to conflict. This conflict can be either functional or dysfunctional. The outcome depends on the manager’s decisions and on his views and opinions. He/she has many options open to him/her to resolve a conflict, each of which can be effective in given situation.

Human resource is the most gifted and talented creatures

127 created by God. They can work wonders if in favorable circumstances. God has made them in the best of both physical and intellectual form. Man can work wonders rather miracles if he fully utilizes his abilities gifted to him by the Almighty God. He is the vice regent of God on earth and has the great responsibility of making this world best place to live in. On the other hand, human beings go to the extreme of doing the most hated tasks also. It all depends on how they are brought up and educated by a particular community or nation. Every nation depends on its citizens for development in different fields of life. This is experiential secret that the success of a country, in the field of development lays in skilled and disciplined manpower. Education and skill development are important but have to be coupled with discipline. Firmly speaking discipline means self-control and willingness to follow laws, rules, procedures and systems. This requires development of strong character qualities. Devotion to duty, hard work, honest living, loyalty and commitment to work contract are rooted in psychology of the people and their moorland ethical values they practice. People have to be trained in right direction, total change and positive change in the scheme of thinking of our people is necessary. Learning in this field comes through good modeling. This requires leaders, parents, religious teachers and scholars with abundant progress in very short time. Islam our religion teaches us social justice and fair play to everyone. Islam has made education compulsory for every man and woman. If we follow the doctrine of Islam, of giving equal opportunity to everyone, to acquire education, provide facilities to all and there is no reason why we cannot emerge as a developed nation. True following of these principles leads to better human resource and greater national development. In this way, only our dear country can achieve the heights of development and elimination of poverty and diseases. Pakistan can become surely a prosperous country provided we all work to make it so.

An effective manager never enjoys calling in the habitually late employee, realizing the entire office knows punishment is inevitable once that door closes. Fortunately, for many managers, discipline employees can be proficient with a positive approach. It can even help boost morale and educate employees and managers in the process. Implementing a positive discipline policy can be accomplished without losing control of employee behavior. To achieve this, companies must adopt a philosophy that embraces

128 education and correction as the focus of their discipline policy. Many policies concentrate on punishment and completely miss the point of the policy-correcting specific behaviors that disrupt the productivity of the organization.

Human resource managers can take different steps to ensure that a positive discipline approach will be successful as have a clear understanding of the purpose of the discipline policy. Any disciplinary policy that does not have a clear and definite purpose is sure to fail. Therefore, an organization must spend the time necessary to develop a clear view of what the policy should accomplish. Policies designed to punish will correct behavior on a short-term basis and are more likely to be perceived as unfair by employees. However, employees working under a system designed to educate and correct behavior on a long-term basis will view the policy as fair, which, in turn, will help to increase productivity and morale. Progressive discipline goes hand-in-hand with policies set up to educate because the progression is aimed at rehabilitation by gradually increasing the severity of punishment with each violation of the work rules. A typical progression would include the oral warning, written warning, suspension and termination. In this regard each organization must work within this guideline to tailor a policy that meets specific company needs and also determines behaviors and violations that warrant immediate disciplinary action. Managers also must be aware that certain behaviors demand immediate action and should not be subject to the progressive approach. Such violations include fighting, stealing and any other intolerable behaviors an organization chooses to list. Once those violations are determined, it should be communicated in the policy what disciplinary action will be taken, either suspension without pay or termination. When policy violations require immediate action and removal of employees from the premises, supervisors should always tell employees they are suspended and are to return on a specific day and time to determine the disciplinary action. Management also should reserve the right to modify the policy. However, this does not give management the right to arbitrarily use the policy. Managers still must remain consistent when disciplining all employees. Even though progressive discipline is a positive approach to employee behavior problems, there are disadvantages to be considered. Thoroughly training supervisors about the policy and how to properly utilize it can be time consuming.

129 Also, using a progression may lock an organization into a multi step process. Despite these disadvantages, the benefits of such a program generally counteract any negatives. A progressive policy conveys a definite and consistent system on which employees can rely. It also allows supervisors to document the progression of disciplinary actions to justify termination, if necessary. The documentation must begin with the first oral warning given for a violation of the discipline policy. The successful discipline policy is to communicate the policy to employees both before and after implementation. There are two aspects of communication: informing employees of the discipline policy and creating an atmosphere that allows supervisors and employees to learn from the discipline process. Employees must be aware that a policy exists and how it will be implemented. If employees are uninformed, they will view any disciplinary action as unfair and arbitrary. Communication also is vital when disciplining. Employees must realize that certain behavior is unacceptable and understand what behavior is expected of them. Equally important, supervisors can learn the underlying causes of certain behavior and then work with the employee to remedy the situation. Reviewing future consequences of repeated behavior can reinforce policy. Inconsistencies compromise the value of the policy and open the door to legal action by employees. Adopting a positive approach to disciplinary problems does not coincide with being a pushover. However, it does mean communicating with workforce and working together to resolve destructive behavior that will adversely affect the productivity of organization.

Organization to have consistent and fair disciplinary procedures, the following guidelines has been adopted. With the exception of unacceptable conduct, which may be cause for more serious disciplinary action or for immediate dismissal, any employee whose employment is terminated will have gone through the following manner. In discussion the supervisor has a face-to-face conference with the employee to discuss problems with work performance or conduct and the need for correction. Assessment, if there is little or no improvement after the discussion, the next step is a written assessment. The supervisor completes a report in the employee's presence and the employee has the right to read and discuss the report and comment on the report in writing. A member of the personnel staff must be present. In suspension, the employee will

130 be suspended for five working days without pay. The supervisor completes a written record of the suspension in the employee's presence. A member of the personnel staff must be present. A suspension may take place only with the approval of the supervisor, the department manager and the personnel manager. In termination, there is no marked improvement; the employee may be.

131 Chapter-10 Human Resource Development

The organizations of tomorrow are definitely going to be flatter in structure. The level of automation forces proves that blue- collar strength protects machines and robots. Miniaturization and advanced computing technologies will make existing castle in the sky. First-rate organizations mechanism is second-hand to link standard organization. The greater emphasis is on competence rather than authority. The nature of the management team will be more collegial than hierarchical. The communication networks of tomorrow’s organizations will make information sharing free from geographical constraints thereby making the home office a practical reality. The education standards and economic profile of tomorrow’s organizational member will be such that self-motivation, self- direction, and self-fulfillment will be the key motivators. In this scenario, the role of human resource manages will definitely take a longer significance and will require such managers to take a lead role in organization’s decision-making and operation. Japan, with meager physical resources is in the forefront of developed countries mainly because of the quality of its human resources whereas the third world oil exporting countries with abundant physical resources remain under-developed. China’s socio economic conditions are even worse than Pakistan. Currently, Pakistan is progressing rapidly without getting aid from other consortia. Small countries like Singapore, Hong Kong etc are competing with developed nations on the strength of the quality of their manpower. The rise of countries like china, after centuries of decadence, has clearly demonstrated that human qualities are not genetically determined but are imparted and acquired by spread of health, education, technical know-how and civic sense.

The case for human resource development was no longer couched solely in terms of economic growth but also in terms of reduction of poverty. Momentous initiatives were undertaken in such areas as primary health care, basic education, appropriate technology and role of human resource is required in the process of development. The human resource development thus needs to be looked upon not merely as an instrument or pre-condition to economic growth but also as the development objective itself. Human resource development require that people be given the opportunities to apply the full range

132 of their skills and abilities to fulfill their desire and ambitions and make their contribution for enrichment their lives and their society in general. Any political and social environment is conducive to individual expressions, self-fulfillment and the utilization of human potential. Since early 1950s, economic studies have shown that increases in physical capital and labor cannot by themselves account for growth in aggregate output and there must be correspondingly increased efficiency in their use particularly in view of impact of terminology change. In the late 60s and the late 70s some doubts were raised regarding links between increasingly heavy investments in education and training and the specific skills and occupations that are needed for a more productive society.

The importance of systematic development of human resource and institution building was not fully comprehended, because of its invisibility as a factor of development. It has only lately been realized that the central cause for the lack of development in many countries is the failure of management to comprehend that the potential benefits of capital aid cannot be fully realized without the inclusion of technical assistance component. The human resources in Pakistan are the best in the globe. If Pakistan harnesses these human talent and potentialities in all the fields than can manage to identify modern world and be able to face all the challenges. Nevertheless the natives of such a well-heeled and flush country like Pakistan are extremely meager, alive in a very despondent time and lots of families are source of revenue yet much below the dearth line up. Pakistan is in essence an agriculture country but with all these potent and thunderous river and lush field, cannot produce ample foodstuff even to nosh crowded people. Pakistan’s economy is in a very bad shape and is tumbling down day by day so much hence the country boast additional and fresh loans from shellacs on very harsh terms just to pay back installments and interests of previous loans. Thereby, adding up and mounting the already heavy burden of debt come out as that we have descended in the fiscal cyclone or trapped in the economic vicious circle. A big slice of Pakistan’s hard earned foreign exchange is pumped out in payment of interest on heavy loans and very little is left for progress and development. This is the point where all the troubles and problems have started. A human being may possess expertise and ability in his/her field of specialization. He/she might not send out produce according to expectations unless he/she is

133 motivated. The motivation factor plays a prominent role between a worker and a supervisor to get the job done. Any disruption in the arrangement may upset the routine functioning. Therefore, a proper understanding and an enlightened relationship between the supervisor and the worker are most imperative. No favorable results can be expected if the person hired is not properly utilized once he is assigned the job.

In Pakistan, most wage earners work thirty to sixty hours per week--a large fraction of their waking lives. And people's experiences at work, whether good or bad, can shape other aspects of their lives as well. Healthier job provide some room to produce when they seek out additional responsible or complex positions. Superfluous career often breed boredom and resentment in provoked people. Although people vary considerably in what kinds of experiences and opportunities they want from a job. Few people would be thrilled with a monotonous and socially isolated job, even if it were to pay very well. In Pakistan the crisis is not the lack of human resource but accommodating human resource for proper human resource management and development. There is confusion and rampant corruption all around and mismanagement make one skeptical with reference to apt a developed and refined nation. There was now a clear shift in the policy thrust of these agencies. Their emphasis is on development planning to the new accent on the lesser amount of administration and bazaar. Liberalization, privatization, and deregulation became a part of assistance packages designed for less developed countries. Effective utilization of human resource utilization also plays an important role; if there is no proper utilization or if the competency of the person is not properly pre-judged it is like throwing a person into the sea and than waiting to see if he/she survives or get drowned. Performance appraisal is done as an employee is hired and put on the job. This should be carried out periodically in a year or according to the organizations rule. In civic organizations this is ended in strict confidence by the head of the department. It is also crucial to judge proviso of good working condition to workers.

A cordial environment should be created so that the worker is able to work harmoniously and with full zeal. It is a two-way traffic. While the management protects the interests of the worker, the worker in turn will give moiré time and feel encouraged to give best possible

134 results. There is normally a link between work, people and the production. It is the foremost duty of the management to get the best out of his relationships by doing justice to all the three factors. We must draw a lesson from Japan where close cohesion exists between the management and the workers. Both work as close knit family. Computer-based systems are organized to enhance or degrade the quality of working life for clerks, administrative staff, professionals, and managers. Work life merits a lot of attention, as work is a major component of many people's lives. Wage income is the primary way that most people between the ages of 22 and 65 obtain money for food, housing, clothing, transportation, etc. So, in Pakistan, major changes in the nature of work, career opportunities, job content, social relationships at work, working conditions of various kinds can affect a significantly on populace. Computerization has touched people more visibly in their work than in any other kind of setting--home, schools, churches, banking, insurance, petroleum, aviation and so on. Workplaces are good places to examine how the dreams and dilemmas of computerization really work out for large numbers of people under an immense variety of social and technical conditions. Many aspects of the way that people work influence their relationships to computer systems, the practical forms of computerization, and their effects. Greater government involvement in human resources practices such as various laws relating to employment practices are causing organizations to re examine their human resource management policies and practices and to develop new ones.

Changing values of the workforce, particularly relative to authority are causing managements to re examine how much involvement and influence employees should be given and what mechanism for employee voice and due process need to be provided. Revolutionize workforce demography particularly that is causing management to reexamine some policies, practices and managerial values that affect the responsibilities, treatment and advancement of these workers. There has been a tendency in the education, development and training of managers to emphasis the analytical and technical aspects of work, leaving some companies with managers who have wide variance in terms of skill s in managing people effectively and efficiently. The change comes from two different sides. One due to the individual nature of human beings to see change

135 while the other is due to the overall changing pattern of life that is a product of time; the two ways of change are old and customary. But the latest development is change in the concept of change. This is also a product of time. Now the change is not directly effected through already is stated but new concept of marketing has evolved. This is the phenomenon, which has emerged as a new concept of affecting the patterns of change.

The 21st century phobia is everywhere in the world. It is because by using this terminology the world can formulate its future plans by giving importance to the time frame. Private as well as public organizations have special internal control structure to take care of their precious possessions. Employees training are thus a major area that needs to be taken seriously. Training imperatives will automatically gain significance when they are linked with performance and outcomes. The only way to get the best out of human resources is to value them as assets in the real sense. This vital factor should be categorically recognized in the development indicators of any organization. There must be a strong realization within the organization that people can participate in achievement of its objectives by virtue of their information, knowledge and skills. They need to be encouraged to display creativity, responsibility and act as agents as well as subjects of change management. Higher-level executives need to make organizations a better place to work. The ultimate goal of productivity improvement as a driving force of economic growth is to perk up the quality of life of the populace. Without people's resourcefulness and efforts in improving productivity, humankind would have run out of means of survival and progress as the rate of increase of land, labor and capital (fruits of the past labor) could not keep pace with that of a population increase. In the past, nations and people fought for better access to these basic factors to generate value. The strong took from the weak to enjoy a better quality of life. But the contemporary world no longer permits shifts of value added through exploitation. The only way to survive and prosper today and in the future is to become more innovative and productive.

Today, the pace of human progress is even faster. So, organizations in Pakistan are losing opportunity to seize competitive advantage through human resource strategies and practice initiatives.

136 In Pakistan there is poor work ethics and the environment for honest work is least conducive. The existing labor laws aiming at the protection of the rights of workers and to promote their welfare are in adequately implemented. If our kingdom is staid to make any advancement in the present world of acceleration with any degree of strength and confidence than the government should seriously think in terms of human resource development. In end it must be said that there is forever room for step up. Those who are attuned to walking an extra mile can definitely take the lead. En route for, utter that to revolutionize human resource is extremely imperative is a statement of fact but to convert this into reality is very important for superior output.

137 Chapter-11 Human Capital Era

In today’s world, manufacture of merchandise and services on large range are information concerted. Facts can be trade in and amplified by making speculation in tutoring and provision of better- quality health services to staff. The precious possessions in Pakistan are its human capital and without capable, skilled and fit human resources, no advancement is probable. This is definite that there is a need of monetary power, harmonized decision making dexterity, premeditated idea, open-minded support strategy, health and protection measures and managerial headship of business. Official education is a vital factor in human capital configuration. With the passageway of financial development the tribulations of human capital arrangement are mounting like boost in residents, imperfect patterns of speculation in education, more stress on the provision of building and equipment, shortage of health and nourishment facilities, lack of on the job training conveniences, lack of study curriculum for adults, lack of promotional dealings, manpower planning, inattention of agriculture education on scientific reason. Currently, if people are worthy and considered as assets then they must run business. The systems formed to employ, recompense and build up people form the major part of any company’s value more than other assets such as currency, terra firma, vegetation, tools, and rational belongings. Country’s value undergo when human capital is mishandle that is why it is essential that care for people like resources then they’ll generate capital. It is obligatory to build up a careful sentence configuration for those human resources concerned in mal-practices and mal- administration. It should build up a set of laws of ethics vis-à-vis the avoidance of sexual aggravation and to set up equal employment opportunity along with massive outlay in required in learning, guidance, physical condition area.

In today's global milieu, a country's value depends less on human capital. It is a fact that human capitalis important capital resources as machines. Without human capital to invent, produce, move, buy things and put natural and capital resources to work not possible but with the help of the trained, skilled it could be done. It is a mode of categorizing working class' skills, abilities. Human capital can be portraying as the skills, training and health acquire via teaching and edification. If the citizens are well-informed, well

138 nourished, expert and vigorous, they are thought to be human capital. It is the key factor of financial growth, better output and hi-tech advances. Human capital formation is the method of acquiring and increasing the number of persons who have the talent, edification and know-how which are noteworthy for the monetary and supporting maturity of a nation. Human capital formation is the job of growing the lively persona of labor force by given more edification and rising dexterity, fitness and nourishment height. In the current epoch, human capital is the anticipation of a country [Schultz 1961]. At present time, fiscal reform is required for human capital disturbance.

In today’s world, manufacturing of merchandise plus services on hefty degree is acquaintance concentrated. Acquaintance can be trade in and amplified by building deal in education and provision of superior health services to human resource, which is called speculation in human capital formation. In Pakistan, corporeal capital is put in the makeup of transportation, hold back, illumination and profound industries, school hospital etc. For appropriate undertaking and maneuver of these projects at short cost, Pakistan, requires the services of technicians, engineers, administrators etc. If priority is not given on human investment and adequate resources allocation, the physical capital cannot be properly used and it will remain unutilized.

Human capital is at present considered as the most energetic source of economic intensification. It is a way of increasing yield by increasing not the size of the labor but its excellence. Investment in human capital perks up the skills of workforce and helps in rising marginal effectiveness of capital. Pakistan has plentiful unskilled and untrained manpower. The unemployment is common in the municipal and countryside locale. The investment is required in the schooling, guidance, proficiency, fitness and nourishment, manpower setting up, on the job training agenda that can go a long way in absorbing the spare labor force and developing job opportunities. Human capital formation also calls for deal in healthiness and nourishment. It is a common knowledge that ill health, illiteracy and low output constitute a brutal sphere of scarcity. If accurate investment is prepared in physical condition, sustenance, intake stream there will be upgrading in the fitness of the natives. That will generate a need to work hard and raise production. The investment in health helps in reducing populace growth, raising revenue and superior financial firmness in

139 the country. Investment in human capital makes an optimistic input towards civilizing and bringing quicker changes in the economic and societal life of the people. It recovers the excellence of inhabitants as fitness and nourishment, literacy, skills, acquaintance wish to work. The additional man power is better assembled and employed for economic progress. The rate of communal mobility increases. There is increased urbanization and industrialization. The advanced countries of the planet are back up the developing countries by providing them grants, loans, foodstuff provisions and mechanical know-how etc. the improved tutoring, the provision of knowledge, skills, expertise assists in suitable consumption of foreign mortgage. Human capital plays a significant role in the development route of a kingdom.

Pakistan’s economy is in a very terrible form and is sinking down day by day therefore the country possess supplementary and unmarked loans on very unsympathetic conditions just to disburse back episode and interests of prior credit. Thereby, adding up and mounting the already heavy burden of debt come out as that we have descended in the financial hurricane or trapped in the economic cruel ring. A life-size piece of Pakistan’s hard earned overseas trade is pumped out in disbursement of interest on grave loans and very slight is left for development and improvement. It is apparent from the various labor force surveys that during the past 20 years Pakistan’s working labor force had turn into more educated but less skillful. According to the labor force survey 1982-83 only 28 percent of the employed labor force had attended formal education (Labor Force Survey 1982-83). In comparison, the literate labor force in 1999-2000 is estimated 46 percent while the formally educated is 43 percent (Labor Force Survey 1999-2000).

Table-1 and Table-2 shows that a loss of momentum in terms of human capital development in Sindh, Punjab, Baluchistan and NWFP. This is the point where all the troubles and problems have started.

140 Table-1: Percentage Distribution of Population by Economic Category

Economic Categories 1994-95 1996-97 1997-98 1999-00 2001-02 2003-04 Pakistan Total Population 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 Civilian Lobar Force 27.46 28.69 29.38 28.97 29.61 30.61 [I] Employed 25.98 26.93 27.65 26.70 27.16 28.07 [ii] Unemployed 1.48 1.75 1.73 2.27 2.45 2.34 Not in Civilian Labor Force 72.54 71.31 70.62 71.03 70.39 69.59

SOURCE: Pakistan Book, Federal Bureau of Statistics, Statistics Division, Government of Pakistan Percentage distribution of population by economic category

800 600 400 200 0 n n d y c o e r i i n i a a i t e o r l a i i l

l l y m a t i i o a b l p t o o v o v g o d l u i i o m n e L e N p p t C C T o e o a m n c P C E E U

Above Table-1 shows the percentage distribution of population by economic category.

141 Following Table 2 shows the percentage distribution of employed persons by major Industrial division in 2001-02 & 2003-04. Table-2 Percentage Distribution of Employed Persons by major Industrial Division in 2001-02 & 2003-04 Major Industry Division 2001-02 2003-04 Total Employed Persons 100.00 100.00 Agriculture, Forestry Hunting & Fishing 42.09 43.05 Mining 0.07 0.07 Manufacturing 13.84 13.73 Construction 6.05 5.83 Electricity, Gas, Water Sanitary Services 0.81 0.67 Commerce 14.85 14.80 Transport, Storage & Communication 5.90 5.73 Financing, Insurance, Real estate Business Service 0.89 1.06 Services 15.50 15.01 (Activities not described adequately) ------0.05 SOURCE: Pakistan Book, Federal Bureau of Statistics, Statistics Division, Government of Pakistan

Percentage distribution of employed persons by major industrial division

150 100 50 0 l r r e c n i a i u g e t t

u 2001-02 t i c n r l o i t m v n u i T n s t i a c m

i 2003-04 n c n r o i M o A g C F ( C A

Following Table-3 shows the percentage distribution of employed persons by occupational group.

142 Table-3 Percentage Distribution of Employed Persons by Occupational Group

Major Occupational Groups 1996-97 1997-98 1999-00 2001-02 2003-04


Total 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00

Legislature, Senior Officials And Managers 8.62 9.76 11.00 11.56 11.48 Professionals 3.50 3.00 2.21 2.08 1.98 Technicians & Associate Professionals 2.80 2.95 4.17 4.74 4.88 Clerks 2.89 1.84 1.56 1.71 1.64 Service Workers & Shop & Market Sales Workers 7.77 6.02 4.58 5.67 5.16 Skilled Agricultural & Fishery Workers 36.82 39.91 40.03 34.69 34.92 Craft & Related Trade Workers 9.87 12.71 15.05 16.20 15.88 Plant & Machine Operators & Associates 4.82 3.68 3.28 3.92 3.75 Elementary (Unskilled) Occupations 22.93 20.13 18.13 19.44 20.32

143 Percentage distribution of employed persons by occupational group

600 400 200 0 r e n & & o

c j a i t t f a v s r a i r M e k C a S P

SOURCE: Pakistan Book, Federal Bureau of Statistics, Statistics Division, Government of Pakistan

This is scrutinized from the exceeding facts that if strategy is not prepared or executed properly for human capital formation than the country face diverse type of developmental tribulations that will eventually effect to turn down value, competence and output of organizations.

Pakistan is facing a number of problems like raise in death rate, low living standard, before time marriages, humid atmosphere, illiteracy, twofold family structures, struggle to population control drive, the arrival of refugees, universality of marriages, low per capita returns, lack of sound cultivation techniques, landless workers, food shortage, dependency ratio of non workers, unproductive population, unemployment and underemployment, decline in saving and investment, increase in the consumption of goods , exceed demand of supplies and services, raise in inflation rates, water crises, pollution problems, noise problems, poverty increases. Till 1960’s great importance were given to the material capital such as equipment, new-fangled factories, and latest buildings in the development progression of the country. The human capital was not regarded as an important variable for increasing productivity and income. In olden days, the emphasis is gradually shifting to manpower as important factor of development. Manpower consists of all segments of a society which are engaged in the development of the country. If a country has a trained manpower economy boost or if the manpower is illiterate, unskilled, under nourished and of poor health, the output of

144 human is low that leads low income, low investment and the country remains trapped in vicious circle of poverty.

In Pakistan the crisis is not the lack of human resource but accommodating human resource at the right time, at the right place and at the right type of work. Nowadays, human resource is not well trained in human resource management. Many individuals have the degree but they don’t have the caliber to run the human resource management system in the organizations. Today there is a need of qualified professionals who run the economic and business systems and turn their individuals in human capital via training & development and healthy working environment. Effective utilization of human capital also plays an important role, the competency of the person should pre-judge properly. A cordial environment should be created so that the worker is able to work harmoniously and with full zeal. It is a two-way traffic. While the management protects the interests of the worker, the worker in turn will give more time and feel encouraged to give best possible results. There is normally a link between work, people and the production. It is the foremost duty of the management to get the best out of his relationships by doing justice to all the three factors. Work life merits a lot of attention, as work is a major component of many people's lives. Wage income is the primary way that most people obtain in the shape of currency for food, accommodation, outfits, shipping, etc. So, in Pakistan, foremost changes in the temperament of work, career opportunities, job content, social relationships at work, working conditions of various kinds and increase in wages and salaries can affect a significantly on populace. The 21st century irrational fear is all over in the world. It is because by using this vocabulary the world can prepare its prospect plans by giving weight to the time frame. Private as well as public organizations have special internal control structure to take care of their precious possessions. Employees training are thus a major area that needs to be taken seriously. Training imperatives will automatically gain significance when they are linked with performance and outcomes. The only way to get the best out of human resources is to value them as assets in the real sense and consider them as capital. This vital factor should be categorically recognized as the development indicators of any country. There must be a strong realization within the country that people can participate in achievement of its objectives by virtue of their information,

145 knowledge and skills. Higher-level executives need to make organizations a better place to work. The ultimate goal of productivity improvement as a driving force of economic growth is to perk up the quality of life of the populace. Without people's resourcefulness and efforts in improving productivity, humankind would have run out of means of survival and progress as the rate of increase of land, labor and capital could not keep pace with that of a population increase. The only way to survive and prosper today and in the future is to become more innovative and productive.

It is ill-timed that due to lackluster built-up we are not proficient to sop up our surplus HR. Thus, there is big exodus of manpower to the gulf and other countries. Gross drawn by the HR at home barely suffice to keep their body and soul together. If our kingdom is staid to make any advancement in the present world of acceleration with any degree of strength and confidence than the government should seriously think in terms of HRD. In end it must be said that there is forever room for step up. Those who are attuned to walking an extra mile can definitely take the lead. En route for, utter that to revolutionize human capital is extremely imperative is a statement of fact but to convert this into reality is very important for superior output. The human capital is developed via investing in education and skill development programs. In Pakistan, human capital is usually term as labor. Human capital is the main factor of economic development. The basic needs of the people of Pakistan are food, clothing, housing, education and training, health, water, sanitation, transport and employment opportunities that can be done via comprehensive strategic planning and by creating technical employment and training opportunities in various sectors of the country economy. The government of Pakistan is trying to improve human capital so that it should serve as a leading factor for the socio economic development of the country. Due to non availability of exact data, there is a lack of manpower planning in Pakistan as a result disequilibrium in demand and supply occurs at different level of human capital market. Therefore, the large number of skilled and highly qualified persons remained underemployed or unemployed. The frustration and discontentment among the unemployed or underemployed graduates and post graduates results in brain drain from the country which is a huge loss of human resources in Pakistan. There is a need to supply working conveniences to switch innovative

146 assembly lines, modernization, handling of new-fangled sophisticated equipments, hi-tech aid in maintaining the plant and the machinery, opening out in plant facilitates, on job facilities for humanizing performance, training for decision-making performance. There is a need to institute new rural academies and strengthening of the existing ones for imparting agricultural know how at the levels of primary, secondary and higher education, obligatory enrollment of juvenile to these academies, expansion of experimental farms close to academies for handy education and demonstration and to set up rural based industries side by side and providing mechanical trainings. It is also necessary that to provide trainings in locale wherein manpower particularly requires built-up as capable masons, technicians, electricians, qualified workshop operators, steel reactors, machine plumbers, foreman/supervisors etc and to implement immediate move toward towards problem solving.

147 Chapter-12 Environmental Pollution & Human Resource

Today, the world‘s populace is around 6.5 billion and the dilemma of over population befall more grave in Pakistan. The populace shot has resulted economic upheaval, environmental degradation, shortage of drinking water, diminishing forest resources, climate change due to depletion of ozone layer, oceanic pollution, noise pollution, depletion of land resources and damage of beauty of nature. The purpose of this paper is to find out the rationale of the environmental pollution and its impact on the health of the people. The priceless wealth in Pakistan is its manpower and without healthy and safe human resource no progress is possible whatever the growth rate would be. Pakistan’s economy persists to add strongest growth to 7.0 percent at the back of robust growth in agriculture, manufacturing and services. Pakistan’s bona fide gross domestic product has full- fledged at an average rate of 7.5 percent per annum [Pakistan Economic Survey, 2007].

The Pakistan agriculture, diligence and services have provided support to strong economic growth. The labor force likely 32.81m out of which 31.78m are working in 1991-92. In 1992-93 labor force is expected at 33.80m. The labor force estimated in 1993-94 is urban labor force is 10.25m while in 1994-95, the total labor force estimated 35.68m. In 1995-96 the estimated labor force is 36.70m while in 1996-97 labor force is 37.15m. In 1997-98 employed labor force is 36.13m and in 1998-99 total labor force comes to 38.6m. In recent years, Pakistan has facing increase in the deficiency and alarming human insufficiency. The employed labor force in 2002 is estimated at 32.29m compared to 37.51m in 2001. Pakistan’s population in 2005 is 153.45 in m. The employed labor force is 47.57. Employed lobar force by sectors shown in the Agriculture, Forestry, Hunting and Fishing, male 38.4, in construction the percentage is male 7.4, in manufacturing is 38.4%, whole sale and retail trade is 17.3, transport, storage and communication is 7.2%, communication, social and personal services 13.9. Human resource development need appropriate care for human resource in health sector, edification sector and skilled training. It is the eminence of health and safety that facilitate the human beings to play their constructive role to increase national productivity. This is specified that there is a need of financial

148 authority, coordinated decision making skill, planned idea, tolerant support policy, and health and safety measures and on the top administrative leadership of organizations. Proper implementation of policies and proper utilization of human resource according to their ability can perk up value of human resource and institutions. Human resource management is the key driving force to run the business on the path of triumph through healthy, proficient, motivated labor force through execution of healthiness.

The right to a clean environment is an alien thought in Pakistan. Although laws exist to control pollution and environmental degradation, enforcement remains weak in a cash-strapped country. Industry, clustered in urban and semi-urban areas surrounded by densely populated, low-income localities, continues to pollute the environment with impunity. The disease has been blamed on industrial units in the vicinity that have pumped waste into open areas for years without penalty. A drinking water contained a fluoride content ranging from 5.26 to 26.32 milligrams per liter and this is too high as compared to the world health organization standard of 0.6 to 1.7 milligram per liter [Pakistan Economic Survey, 2007]. Local industries say the government should provide them with credit opportunities and impose a zero-duty regime for the import of machinery required for pollution reduction. There is virtually no check on some 8,000 industrial units in the country that are contributing to high rates of pollution. Pakistan has also become a dumping ground for the filth of dirty fuels, clogging already polluted urban centers with motor vehicle pollution. State and multinational fuel companies are marketing various grades of gasoline that contain high levels of lead. Environmentalists believe that industrial pollution and environmental degradation can only be tackled if the government puts the environment at the center of all economic planning.

The development of a well-trained skilled labor force means is to achieve gainful productivity and efficiency in public and private sector. Human resource development committee has been setup to study the existing and future requirements of human resource and to devise policy and line up. The competency, health and safety of the workforce have direct impact on the productivity of the organization. The development of physical infrastructure, environment protection, and economic stability is the need of healthy and educated human

149 resource. Business becomes more responsive to a rapidly changing environment, changing workforce demographics and innovation. Capital investment, innovation, learning and motivation dictate important components to productivity in organizations. Capital investment with best available machinery improves the efficiency of workers. To be productively effectual and proficient in their work, employees ought to be ingrained proper healthiness, protection and methodological skill. The healthy, safe and best-trained employees have the ability to access the most advanced piece of equipment to increase productivity by change in employee’s mind-set or spirits. In Pakistan, there is an intense search for human resource crucial to national progress and atrocious global challenges. On this perspective, economic growth is only possible through human resource to meet the developmental requirements. The unmanaged economic growth eventuates to the detriment of human resource development. It identifies employment for translating the benefits of economic growth into the lines of people. The investment in health and safety is potentially more vital than building roads, bridges, or powerhouses.

Entrée to indispensable health care is a central soul need and a deep-seated human right. A healthy population is not only valued in its own right, but it also raises the human capital of a country thereby positively contributing to the economic and social development. A considerable improvement in health sector facilities over the past year is reflected in the existing vast network of health care facilities which consist of 4712 dispensaries, 5,336 basic health units, 924 hospitals, 906 maternal and child health centers and 288 TB centers. Available HR is 122798 doctors, 7388 dentist and 57646 nurses [Pakistan Economic Survey, 2007]. Ill being and ill health is a multidimensional term covering not only disease but also other dimensions such as appetite, exclusion, isolation, insecurity and powerlessness. This ill health can consequently prevent individuals from realizing their full potential. Good health, in contrast, is identified as a vital component of a good quality of life. That is why access to good health is recognized as a basic human need and a fundamental human right. Inequalities and deficiencies in health thus affect the well being of an individual and welfare of a society as a whole. A healthy population is not only valued in its own right, but it also raises the human capital of a country thereby positively contributing to the economic and social development. Allowing people to lead a life they value and enabling

150 them to realize their potential as human beings is first and foremost requirement of human development. Pakistan’s people need health for all and need poverty reduction strategy to save the population from environmental pollution that create a great number of problems related to health for people. This can be only possible if government should take initiatives to introduce total quality management in each sector at each level through organizational and management reforms.

With the emergent complexities of communal, viable and built-up goings-on, Pakistan develops rapidly but with this development come off-putting externalities in the form of environmental pollution. Pakistani cities are facing tribulations of urban congestion, deteriorating air and water quality and waste management while the rural areas are witnessing rapid deforestation, biodiversity and habitat loss, crop failure, desertification, land degradation, clean drinking water, noise pollution, sanitation. Next are the problems that create environmental pollution and caused health deteriorated environment for Human resource. There are a number of problems are facade because of CNG technology as inexpensive fuel and lubricant is used that create vehicular air pollution. The use of not reusable bits and pieces and huge packaging material are all contributing to an increase in the amount of municipal solid waste dumped on low-lying land. yet, the remains of waste does not burn well and smoldering dumps produce clouds of smoke that can be seen from miles away, which smell bad, and create a breeding ground for flies and rats. The collection of waste by municipal institutions and street sweeping services are quite irregular and limited to influential areas. The waste spills out of the uncovered containers which are mostly transported from one place to another and a lot of garbage falls in the streets and roads before reaching the land-filling. Number of dustbins and constructed filth depots are far less when compared with urban sprawl and population causing environmental and health problems. The wind carries waste, dust and gases caused by decomposition. Putrefaction of waste in sunlight, during daytime, results in bad smells and reduced visibility and air pollution the number of textile, leather, sports, surgical and food processing mills/factories are found emitting more and more toxic effluents into the air and water. In industrial areas, heavy discharges of untreated wastewater and solid wastes land and water pollution. Groundwater quality throughout the country has also suffered from

151 rapidly increasing use of pesticides and fertilizers aimed at promoting more intensive cropping and facilitating self-sufficiency in food production. Pollutants from these wastes create lot of problems for the aquatic life, crops, animals and human beings. Hospital waste disposal has posed even more difficulties with the use of disposable instruments such as needles, syringes, and other similar items. Some hospitals and municipalities burn their wastes, which results in the production of large amount of highly toxic gases. Occurrence of natural disasters has been haunting the humanity since the dawn of civilization. Earthquakes, floods, cyclones, volcanoes, droughts, tsunamis and landslides are examples of natural disasters. These situation are also generating unprecedented amounts of waste and debris from damaged buildings and other infrastructures like sewerage, fertilizers and other agro-chemicals containing persistent organic pollutants, dead animals, land and mudslides, rock-falls, siltation of rivers and streams, damage to both natural and man-made water channels, damage to the forest resources, damage to agriculture land especially that on the slopes roads, hospital waste, and finally, the huge amount of debris is having increasing pressure on the natural resources. The organic and demolition wastes are causing large scale incidence of bacterial, viral, flies and mosquito borne diseases. Hepatitis and tetanus are the common diseases. Children are suffering from measles. Orthopedic and spine surgery cases are rampant. There is a general fear that toxic materials such as oils, agricultural chemicals, batteries and by- products of industrial activities are present in the debris and waste stock piles, which will play havoc with the health of the people of the affected areas if left untreated. The E- waste is beginning to reach disastrous proportions and industrialized countries all over the globe. The disposing and recycling E-waste has serious legal and environmental implications. When computer waste is land-filled or incinerated, it poses significant contamination problems. Landfills leach toxins into groundwater and incinerators emit toxic air pollutants including dioxins. Likewise, the recycling of computers has serious occupational and environmental implications.

Pakistan has responded to its environmental problems by developing laws, establishing government agencies. But due to sleaze, deficiency of means, lack of proper implementation of policies, we are still facing t he problem of environmental pollution that is deteriorating the health of the inhabitants in this regards some

152 suggestion are prearranged as under if implemented properly can be supportive to handle environmental greenhouse gasses: The policy- makers and citizens need to be informed and educated about the impact of environmental pollution. An appropriate legal framework must support the implementation of a control policy through management strategy. Accurate implementation of management policies via street sweeping, waste storage, waste collection, waste transportation and waste disposal/Edification and guidance of municipal force/edification route can be ended via leaflets, posters, murals, notice boards, books, stories, games, videos, newspapers, radio, television, public meetings, community discussion groups, competitions, drama/street theatre/music, marches, theme days, cleanup days, printed shopping bags or tee-shirts with environmental messages, cartoon characters, slogans or even through a logo.

The labor force in Pakistan continuously increased and was almost double. There is a need to redesign work through socio technical systems; methods require the combined efforts of employees, supervisors, and union representatives in analyzing job operations. Jobs are not necessarily designed to be intrinsically motivating than the work is accomplished. As in scientific management, a supervisor’s goal is to get assurance that the organization’s objectives are met. It is accomplished by concentrating only on critical job aspects, by forming work teams consisting of members who have the necessary qualifications to accomplish the tasks and by allowing work groups, the autonomy to manage their own work process (Scarpello & Ledvinka, 1988). In Pakistan the share of women in professional employment especially medicine, nursing and teaching is quite substantial. Education of women may lead to their increased participation in the labor force in urban areas, particularly, if more flexible jobs are made valuable. It is quite likely that is coming years of increasing education and economic development, female labor activity will increase in comparison to other countries, very high activity rates were recorded for males in younger ages in Pakistan.

A country lacks opportunities to obtain an educated standard that would enhance their productivity during adult years. Today the country has very low literacy level. Outlay in education should be given a higher priority over investment in physical means of

153 production. While discussing the job analysis process, job description and job specification, which is the prime role of the HR department in redesign, needs some innovations.

In Pakistan all wisdom flows from the top management. Development of the existing HR is neither easy nor undemanding to recruit new and previously trained cadres. In Pakistan, because of the state monopoly, the requisite HR is not available. The requirement to acclimatize changing technologies and the varying idea is essential. In Pakistan the guidance of HR in taken up the research and development activity foremost. HR level can be improved on the job training, number present in regular courses, setting up of paramount training centers or sending the cadre to similar setups already working in the market and by considering the merit as vital to make the HRD program successful. HR is presently has the chances for enhancing, improving and upgrading the system capacity from some resources that will be available at private sector. Privatization is the only answer to all the problems to build the system more efficient and effective. The human resources of an organization identify pole-apart tasks and devise to implementation strategies, overcome obtaining problems and difficulties, new-fangled work methods, set new standards of organizational performance and accomplishment. It is noted that inflation is one of the major obstacles that most people face in achieving their financial goals. Inflation not only affects those on a fixed income by eroding their purchasing power, but also those that need to save for the future. And that is just about everyone

154 Pakistan requires enhanced schooling through proper planning to place educated and competent headship in every field. The abundant availability of the manpower could be used in the effective way for swift progress in all the departments. Society is experience-accelerating charge to modify tools. Imminent survival of the change places the value of training programs for the management. Human resources are better utilizing if they recurrent opportunities to attend training in related jobs. Training is a vital part of the progress in development. Training keeps the individual up to date about the new technique and methodologies in their relevant field. Training in business and industry is specialized and a very practical form of education. Training not only increases production, but also fit mode; it also increases self-confidence, and improves self-esteem of top executives. Training in other worlds is a long-lasting clued-up process. Human beings in teamwork are the means and end of economic development. While uneducated and unwholesome people living in appetite and dearth make slight contribution to economic progress. Consciousness of the survival of the change gears the developmental value to the executive training programs. To deal with change, every management realizes short trainings for the executives. The investment in this regard is reasonable and affordable.

Training programs are crucial part of the development process. Training serves intermediary obligation in the hefty sense but is commonly impart in the variety of individual development program. These programs could include new employee’s orientation, functional training or management skills acquisitions for grooming higher levels of management. In the process of escalating training programs take account of prime induction of the business training goals and training requirements of individual’s next, to plan curriculums third, to decide upon educational techniques The individual training and development has in hot years transformed itself, as the rim of competition (both local based and international) takes its grasp, forcing organizations to reconsider their approaches and change to get together customer needs and realities. It is within this outlook of the changing organization and organizational environment that training come to the

155 front. As training is not only about equip folks to do what is currently required of them it is also regarding what will be required of them in the hope

The nucleus of HR is the development of the individual, the managing of the individual and the organization. There is a need to set up and boost skills and develop potential to build up others. Developing a process in Pakistan is solitary means. A group of individuals could develop curriculum and a process to lead to a postgraduate qualification, perchance working with some educational institutions. This has the advantage the product being home grown- up and nearby. The added choice is to affiliate with some worldwide HR organization that already provides this service in other part of the planet. Affiliation has the advantage of a foreign qualification and little effort in development, as the program would before be developed. The other option would be a blend of the two, whereby there is an element of affiliation abroad, with programs delivered in Pakistan. During a past decade, it was fashionable to say that organizations have to be technology driven to survive in the fast changing business environment. Today the organization motto is to be customer driven. The focus is on meeting the customer needs and all systems and resources are dedicated towards this belief. As organizations are developing their business plans and strategies to satisfy the needs of new technology or markets, often they tend to focus more on these drives and less on the source of energy or power for such derives. This lack to get-together scheduled human element as a strategic tool and resource comes to haunt many traditional organizations later on as they grow and group into the span of initial vision while many progressive organizations have a mission, born out a strategic vision for the future growth and direction. They develop sub strategies for marketing products, technology and so on, very few actually get down to the task of enunciating a well developed human resource department strategy involving the development and growth of their human resources and integrating it with common strategies goals in other areas of operations. An individual, it is absolutely inescapable to develop a hallucination for career escalation and admittance his strength and resources not just in terms of his line of business objectives but also from the perspective of the needs of his organizational role and position. Since all development is primarily self-development, he or she would thus tend to reorient his or her

156 efforts for self-improvement and skill enhancement, irrespective of organizational necessities. This independence of development initiative has germs of a conflict between the growth of an individual and organization. Strategize HR is doable by optimizing proceeds that upshot only if the organization develops patent and all-inclusive strategies for the training and development of employees. HRD is currently required to be more visible and directly to lend a hand in meeting the competition and providing organization with an edging over its competition.

A burn up pronouncement in organizations sharpens competition and its rites leads directly to curb in the process development and quality standards and downsize. Training of employees in public and private organization is well thought- out as an indispensable investment decision in any set or expertise. An effective training must commence from an analysis of employee’s development wishes. However, as the present attributes and characteristics of an individual ending result is his motivation for wisdom for that reason perpetually supportive to spot the weaker area to offer the employee with the basic training.

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171 Annex-1

Definitions Ability Tests: Tests that evaluate scholarly skills. Abstract: A brief summary that appears before the actual work. Annex: it means to add to the end or to affix. Appraisal Period is the length of time in which an employee’s job performance is observed in order to make a formal report scheduled. Career: The series of work-related positions a human being occupy all the way through living. Change Management means modification of organization policy, structure, human attitudes and behaviors in order to get better performance. Change refers to any modification that occurs in the total organizational environment. Change requires innovative adjustment and stability. Closed Ended Question is one where a set of answers specified at the end of each question. The respondents are asking to select the answer that comes nearest to their view. Cluster Sampling refers to the method of dividing the populace into group called cluster and sketch a sample of cluster to represent the populace. Coaching: Every day training and feedback specified to employees by immediate supervisors. Complaint: A sign of employee unhappiness that has not been submitted in writing. Compressed Workweek: The Workweek in which a full week’s work is accomplished in less than five days. Contingency Questions are distinctive closed ended questions that apply to only a sub group of respondents. Culture: The public forces affecting the values, beliefs, and actions of a distinctive group of people. Data: Information collected by a researcher. (Data is the plural term; datum the singular). Development: Labors to perk up employees’ ability to handle a multiple assignments. Dichotomous Questions: Upshot in “Yes’ or ‘No’ answers or they are the answers where only two alternative answers are doable. Direct Questions are direct contact between interviewer and the respondent. Discipline: A form of training that enforces organizational rules. Downsizing: Dropping the size of an organizational labor force. Effectiveness: The degree to which goals have been getting together. Efficiency: The level to which operations are ended in an efficient mode. Efficient means that it must utilize the minimum amount of resources looked-for to produce its goods and services. Employee Assistance Program (EAP): Program to facilitate counseling and to help employees having emotional, physical, or other individual evils. Employee Responsibilities: Obligations to be liable for actions. Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO): The concept that individuals should

172 have equal cure in all employment related procedures. Feedback: The sum of information time-honored about how sound or weakly one has performed. Flexible Staffing: Use of recruiting sources and workers who are not employees. Flextime: A scheduling arrangement in which human resources work a set number of hours per day but vary starting and ending times. Grievance: A grievance that has been put in writing and made formal. Human Resource Developer is that person who is concerned in providing the experiences and performs most important roles as learning specialist, administrator, and consultant. Human Resource Information System (HRIS): An integrated system designed to provide information used in HR decision-making. Human Resource Management (HRM): The design of formal systems in an organization to ensure the effective and efficient use of human talent to accomplish the organizational goals. Human Resource Planning (HRP): The process of analyzing and identifying the need for and availability of human resources so that the organization can meet its objectives. Hypothesis: A statement of belief used in the evaluation of a population parameter or an educated guess to be tested. Informal Training: Training that occur internally throughout interactions and feedback among employees. Internet is a worldwide network of networks. Interview Schedule contains questions to be asked by the interviewer and the answers are to be written in blank tables. Job Analysis: A systematic way to gather and analyze information about the content and the human requirements of jobs, and the context in which jobs are performed. Job Criteria: This is the method in which important job elements are used to measure performance. Job Description is a written outline of the main tasks of a job. Job Design: This is a system for organizing tasks, duties, and responsibilities into a productive unit of work. Job Enlargement: Broadening the scope of a job by expanding the number of different tasks to be performed. Job Enrichment: Mounting the depth of a job by adding employee responsibility for planning, organizing, controlling and evaluating the job. Job Evaluation: The systematic determination of the relative worth of jobs within an organization. Job Responsibilities: obligation to perform confident tasks and duties. Job Rotation: The process of shifting a person from job to job. Job Satisfaction: A positive emotional state resultant from evaluating one’s job experiences. Job Specification is a one-page description to specify the précis of work performed. Job: A grouping of similar positions having common tasks, duties and responsibilities. Management by Objectives (MBO) specifies the performance goals that an

173 individual hope to get within an appropriate length of time. Net is another name of Internet. Open Ended Questions: Any specific type does not follow open-ended questions and the respondent are free to answer it the way he wishes and his answer is fully recorded. Opinion Questions are verbal expression of attitude. Organization Centered Career Planning: Career planning that focuses on jobs and on constructing career path that provide for the logical progression of people between jobs in an organization. Organization Chart: A depiction of the relationships among jobs in an organization. Organizational Commitment: The degree to which employees believe in and admit organizational goals and desire to remain with the organization. Organizational Culture: A pattern of shared values and beliefs giving members of an organization meaning and providing them with rules for behavior. Orientation: The planned introduction of new employees to their jobs, coworkers and the organization. Performance Appraisal (PA): The process of evaluating how well employees perform their jobs when compared to a set of standards, and then communicating that information. Performance Management is the total method of observing an employee’s performance in relation to job requirements over a period of time and then of making an appraisal of it. Performance Management System: Processes used to identify, encourage, measure, evaluate, improve and reward employee performance. Performance refers to an employee’s triumph of assigned tasks. Performance Standards are indicator of what the job accomplishes and how performance is measured; expected level of performance. Pie Chart: A pie chart is a way of summarizing a set of categorical data. This type of chart is a circle divided into a series of segments. Each segment represents a particular category. The area of each segment is the same proportion of a circle as the category is of the total data set. Pie charts usually show the component parts of a whole. Placement: Fitting a person to the right job. Primary Research: Research method in which data is gathered firsthand for the specific project being conducted. Primary Sources: People or documentation that presents finished information. Productivity: A gauge of the quantity and quality of work done, considering the cost of the resources it took to do the work. Questionnaire is a list of questions sent to a number of persons to answer. It secures standardized results that can be tabulated and treated statistically. Recruiting: The process of generating a pool of qualified applicants for organizational jobs. Recruitment is a process by which an organization tries to engage its various positions. Research Design: The methods and structure of an investigation chosen by the researcher to conduct data collection and analysis or the science and art of planning procedures for conducting studies so as to get the most valid

174 findings called “design” for short. When designing a research study, one draws up a set of instructions for gathering evidence and for interpreting it. Research: An organized process for collecting knowledge. In other words research is a systematic effort as gathering, analysis and interpretation of the problem faced by humanity. It is a thinking process and a scientific method of studying a problem and finding solution. Sample: A group of subjects selected from a larger group in the hope that studying this smaller group (the sample) will reveal important things about the larger group. Schedule like the questionnaire is a chief survey tool to collect primary data. Schedule is the name usually applied to a set of questions that are asked and filled by an interviewer in a face-to-face situation. Secondary Research: Research method using data already gathered by others and reported in books, articles in professional journals, or other sources. Selection Interview: Interview designed to identify information regarding candidate ability and spell out information from other sources. Selection: The method of choosing individuals who have pertinent qualifications to fill jobs in an organization. Stress Interview: Interview designed to fashion anxiety and put pressure on an applicant to see how the person responds. Structured Interview: Interview that uses a set of standardized questions asked from all job applicants. Structured or Standardized Questionnaire poses definite, concrete and preordained questions that are ready in advance and not constructed on the spot during the question period. The questions are presented with exactly the same wording and in the same order to all the respondents. Subject: An individual who is studied. Survey: means viewing and interpreting things rigorously and comprehensively. It is a research design in which a sample of subjects is drawn from a population and studied (usually interviewed) to make inferences about the population. This design is often contrasted with the true experiment in which subjects are randomly assigned to conditions or treatments. Tabulation is a means of recording classification in a compact form in such a way so as to facilitate cooperation. Data are arranged in columns and rows to facilitate mathematical and statistical operations. Total Quality Management (TQM): A comprehensive management process focusing on the continuous improvement of organizational activities to enhance the quality of the goods and services supplied. Training: A process whereby people acquire capabilities to aid in the achievement of organizational goals. Universal Source Locator (URL): An address on the Internet. Wages: Payments directly calculated on the amount of time worked. World Wide Webs: A collection of geographically illustrated locations on the Internet. Wrongful Discharge: Occurs when an employer terminates an individual’s employment for reasons that are illegal or improper.

175 Annex-2


ASTM American Standard Task Method ATM Automatic Transaction Machine BIB Biographical Information Blank CAA Civil Aviation Authority CMP Change Management Program CP Corporate Planning DFI Development Financial Institutions DPL Dawood Petroleum Limited EAP Employee Assistance Program EBR Economic Business Review EEO Equal Employment Opportunity EFU Eastern Federal Union FY Financial Year GOP Government of Pakistan HBR Harvard Business Review HR Human Resources HRD Human Resource Development HRIS Human Resource Information System HRM Human Resources Management HRP Human Resource Planning IC Industrial Consumer IR International Relations ISO International Standard Organization IT Information Technology KMC Karachi Municipal Corporation KSA’s Knowledge, Skill and Abilities KWSB Karachi Water and Sewerage Board LPG Liquid Petroleum Gas MBA Masters in Business Administration MBO Management by Objectives MNC Multi National Corporation NBFI Non Banking Financial Institutions NBP National Bank of Pakistan NGO Non Government Organizations NLC National Logistics Cell NVROs New Vision Retail Outlets OGDC Oil and Gas Development Corporation OMC Oil Marketing Company PA Performance Appraisal PAGE Pakistan and Gulf Economist PAS Performance Appraisal System PIA Pakistan International Airlines PNO Pakistan National Oil

176 POCL Premier Oil Company Limited POF Pakistan Ordinance Factory POL Pakistan Oil Fields Limited POL Pakistan Oil and Lubricants PSDC Petroleum Storage Development Corporation PSO Pakistan State Oil R & D Research and Development SLIC State Life Insurance Corporation of Pakistan SOCL State Oil Company Limited SWIFT Society for Worldwide Inter Bank Financial Telecommunication TOD Training and Organizational Development TQM Total Quality Management UBL United Bank Limited UK United Kingdom UNDP United Nations Development Program URL Universal Source Locator USA United States of America VACBI Video and Audio Computer Based Instructions WAB Weighted Application Blank WWW World Wide Webs Y2K Year 2000

177 Annex-3 Organizational Examples * Shell Pakistan Limited

Shell Pakistan Limited has attained a prominence in the oil business culture of Pakistan. Its main objectives are to engage efficiently, responsibly and profitably in the oil and chemical businesses. It seeks a high standard of performance and aims to maintain a long-term standing in its cutthroat. Shell Pakistan Limited recognizes five areas of responsibility. It is responsible to shelter shareholder's investment with an acceptable return. Shell Pakistan limited has left no nitty-gritty of HR management undressed eventuating in the respect of human rights of its highly cared employees. This all can only be done with the help of winning and maintaining customers by developing and providing products and services which offer value in terms of price, quality, impact and environmental safety, supplemented overly by the requisite technological commercial and environmental expertise. What to speak of above mentioned point’s shell does a power of good by furnishing its employees with good and safe condition of work. Simultaneously competitive terms and excellent conditions of services are promoted to intellectually develop the best of talent and equal opportunity employment. Nevertheless, it encourages the absorbing of its work, with no exception of the application of principles within the country. Its commercial success depends on the full commitment of all employees. Shell is responsible to seek mutually beneficial relationships with contractors and suppliers in joint venture to promote the application of these principles in doing so. The ability to promote these principles effectively will be an important factor in the decision to enter into or remain in such relationships. Shell conducts business as a responsible corporate member of society, to observe the laws of Pakistan, to express support for fundamental human rights in line with the legitimate role of business, and to give proper regard to health, safety and the environment inconsistent with its dedication to contribute to sustainable development. These five areas of responsibility are seen inseparable. Therefore, it is the duty of management to continuously assess the priorities and to discharge its responsibilities as the best it can on the basis of that assessment. Profitability is essential to discharging these responsibilities and staying in business. It is a measure of both efficiency and the value that customers place on Shell products and service. It is essential to the allocation of the necessary corporate resources and to support the continuing investment required to develop and produce future energy supplies to meet consumer needs. A strong financial foundation, it would not be possible to fulfill the responsibilities. In general, Shell Pakistan Limited also concentrates on the philosophy of market economy as the best time servant. The criteria for investment decisions are not exclusively economic in nature but also take into account social and environmental considerations and an appraisal of the security of the investment. Shell Pakistan Limited insists overwhelmingly on honesty, integrity and fairness in all aspects of its business, and expects the same in its relationships with all those with whom it transacts business. The direct or indirect offer payment solicitation and acceptance of bribes in any form are unacceptable practices in the highly competitive corporate environment. Employees must avoid conflicts of interests between their private financial activities and their part in the conduct of company’s business. All business transactions on behalf of Shell Pakistan Limited

178 must be reflected accurately and fairly in the accounts of the company in conjunction with the established procedures, and be subject to audit. Shell Pakistan Limited acts in a socially responsible manner within the laws of Pakistan in pursuit of its legitimate commercial objectives. Shell Pakistan Limited stands aloof from payments to political parties, organizations or their representatives or digs itself in party politics. However, when dealing with governments, Shell Pakistan has the right and the responsibility to make its position known on any matter that affects itself, its employees, its customers, or its shareholders. It also has the right to make its position known on matter affecting the community, where it has a contribution to make of employees wherever individuals wish to engage in activities in the community, including standing for election to public office and will be given an opportunity to do so where this is appropriate in the light of local circumstances. Sustainable development can only be had if only following ingredients i.e. health, safety and environment be properly focused. In this connection, Shell Pakistan Limited has a systematic approach as it masterfully methodize policy goals keeping in view health, safety and environmental, management in order to attain continuous performance improvement. Shell Pakistan Limited manages targets for improvement and measures, appraises and reports performance. Shell Pakistan Limited can put in for social and material progress of Pakistan through performing the basic activities as effectively as possible. Moreover, pro-social and pro Pakistan development program indicates Shell’s healthy commitment to constructive social matters symptoms of pro-socially stance of Shell Pakistan Limited. Opportunities for involvement through community, educational or donations programs-will vary, depending upon the scope for useful private initiatives. Shell Pakistan Limited shares up free enterprise. It intensely seeks to vie fairly and ethnically within the framework of legitimate competition law the utmost duty of it is to not check other potential competitors from competing with it. Shell Pakistan favors overwhelmingly and essentially the concept of open communication since its widespread activities establishes an indelible impression on national economic as well as individual. Society's expectations of big business are changing. These expectations include safe places, to live and work, a healthy environment, conservation of bio-diversity, environmental protection, clean air, clean water, reasonable return on investments and job opportunities, to only few. Materialization of these challenges at Shell Pakistan is through commitment to the more of sustainable development. Skills sustainable development philosophy revolves around seven points. It attaches enormous credence to health, safety and environmental aspects of society. Safety is first priority and policies are based on the belief that all accidents are preventable. Shell has always prided itself on contribution towards social and welfare development in Pakistan. Shell is the worldwide market leader in the aviation fuel supply. Shell in Pakistan has maintained a strong commitment to the aviation field. Everyday Shell lubricants ease the heavy load of truck fleets worldwide. Shell may also contact their customers by facsimile or e-mail; it rests assured that customers receive the most reliable and efficient service at all times. Shell Edge has been designed to meet unique commercial needs, thus facilitating business operation at any time. Whether customers choose to reach by telephone, facsimile or e-mail they can be assured of the most reliable and efficient service at all times. Tameer has reached out to over 10,000 people in Pakistan. Shell Pakistan's Live Wire program, locally known as Tameer has set the record for the fastest launch time reaching out

179 to over 10,000 people that is why it is being cited as the best practice for the region. The project has spectacular success in Pakistan. Shell takes seriously in vehicular importance plied on the road so as to move customer’s trust, in shell’s operation. To cap it all, Shell Pakistan is heavily recommended by automobile engineers owing to helping engine oil prolong engine life and conserve. Shell offers regular vehicle checkups of machine that help its dear customer car to run at its best for longer. Check-ups don't just detect existing problems; they prevent new ones from occurring. Shell‘s energy business is unique. It not only has a huge impact on global development, it offers international career prospects and outstanding challenges. Shell ensures timely and uninterrupted supplies with enhanced services to all its customers in order to achieve maximum customer satisfaction. Shell is responsible to fulfill the contractual obligations efficiently and effectively towards power plants closely monitored for timely ordering, payments and dispatches, etc. Shell is also responsible to carry out future planning in order to effectively meet the future demand and assess the future scenario of Furnace Oil. Criteria for investment decisions are not exclusively economic in nature but it is to take into account social and environmental considerations and an appraisal of the security of the investment. The most important thing that Shell chipped in is to accelerate social and material progress of Pakistan coupled with performing its basic activities as effectively as possible. Additionally, Shell takes a constructive interest in social matters that may not be directly related to the business. Opportunities for involvement–as through community, educational or donations programs-will vary depending upon the scope for useful private initiatives. Shell fully realizes the tremendous significance of open communication since it affects individual and national economies. Shell has comprehensive corporate information programs and provides full relevant information about its activities to legitimately interested parties, subject to any overriding considerations of business confidentiality and cost. The harsh reality is that despite improvement in economic indicators the purchasing power of people is on the decline. The number of people living below poverty line is increasing with the passage of time. More and more people have begun to ask economic managers the reasons for having no trickle down effect of economic prosperity. The managing changes have a great relationship with productivity and productivity output per hour of work is the central long run factor determining any populations’ standard of living. Productivity growth can lead to lower wages. For those that lose responsibilities average wages can fall at companies where productivity has grown if new machines or new technologies mean the downgrading of skills and the employment of a less skilled and hence a lower paid workforce. Even without skill reductions higher productivity does not necessarily lead to higher wages. Wages often depend upon external labor market and productivity at one company need not lead to higher wages for labor in general. Individual cooperation is also important. Improvement can be locally sabotaged if the worker sees proposed changes in a threatening light. If the productivity is to grow rapidly, it must be made visible and individual incentives must align with communal incentives (Thurow, 1990). Shell Pakistan is one of the largest petroleum companies in Pakistan, which is marketing a large quantity of petroleum demand of the people of Pakistan. The ultimate aim of this organization is to make it easy for customers to conduct business. Their services have been designed to suit customer’s unique needs. They offer direct access to the appropriate expert who can give customers the right answer straight away. Whether

180 customers choose to contact by telephone, facsimile, or e-mail, can be sure that they will receive the most reliable and efficient service at all times. They have a strong HRM department and committed employees are hired after job analysis. Organization is responsible to make their employees well aware about the nature of the work through training and evaluate their performance on regular basis. The redesigning in working activities, procedures and methods are done according to the change in technology, competition, development in the environment. Shell jobs and career are available on net and receiving applications via net does all recruitment. Performance evaluated after every three months and on the basis of their performance employees are rewarded in different manners like bonuses, promotions, or salary packages. The application process for trainees and interns is academic record is one key factor in assessing application. The purpose of application process is to find out whether expectations and opportunities fit together with talents and career aspirations. An eligibility criterion must be studying in the final year of a four-year Bachelors degree program or first or second year of postgraduate degree program. The described process is, in principle, used by Shell around the world. However, some deviations may apply. These are two stages for internship recruitment: The application form and CV, The first stage is for candidate to fill in an Application Form. This is designed to supplement candidate CV. The interviewer will be an experienced recruiter or line manager. During the interview candidate will have the opportunity to discuss his or her achievements, challenges faced and qualities demonstrated. Candidates will also be asked to analyze a contemporary topic). Candidates will be given the opportunity to ask any questions he or she may have about Shell and potential employment with organization. The result of the interview is communicated to the applicant within a week from the day of the interview. Internships in Shell Pakistan are offered during May-September every year for a period of 6-8 weeks and interns can be placed anywhere in the country depending upon the requirement of the internship project. Shell aims to endowed employees with up-to-date, valuable skills, germane to the energy industry and others competencies that will serve well, even if path leads to another employer. This phenomenal integration of shell with globalize world is only done due to customer and business community. In terms of moving to new roles in early career, timing will depend on technical or professional area. However, with guidance from line manager, encouraged to actively influence this process by applying for relevant positions posted on global intranet system. Shell is a meritocracy and new roles or promotion will be dictated by performance and competence. Regular, open discussions and appraisals with line manager will revolve in the region of progress to targets, areas of improvement and new challenges. These discussions now frequently slot in feedback from colleagues and customers. Shell is made up of a great many independent businesses and across the board offers competitive starting salaries. Performance-related pay and bonuses ensure that individual contribution is rewarded and salary will be regularly reviewed during early career. Their organizational culture is much more influenced the phenomenal march of globalization of company. Their ambition is for lithe working practices and aim to accommodate career breaks or sabbaticals where possible taking into account employee aspirations. Their culture is improved by the internationalism of the company and expatriation program is world-class. At many locations, support for expatriate families on the move is provided through outpost information center.

181 Foreign language schooling is often available as is help in finding employment for a partner. In some locations subsidized sports facilities, medical/dental care and car parking is available as well as a confidential employee counseling service. In facing fierce competition, stricter environmental standards, society's changing expectations and new technologies need to train and develop people to face these challenges. Their individual approach to career competence development comes along with training. Shell interconnects the needs of employees that result in a progressive development and channeling the potential towards a successful career, Shell employees are also making a real contribution to the ultimate success of the business. As a Shell employee, expected to make a payment hurriedly to the success of the business and line supervisor works together to manage performance and career development, effectively identifying areas where additional expertise is mandatory. Shell runs a comprehensive range of training option and program offered locally and internationally. Shell provides opportunity for employees to put on experience outside a specific area of expertise. Their objective is to give employees a range of experiences, which will solidify personal and professional abilities. In time, the job experience and training gained throughout the career development will permit them to become key players in managing strategies and influencing potential business direction and organizational change. Ultimately, how rapidly employee’s career progress in Shell depends on job performance and, of course, the available opportunities. The varied background of Shell employees makes Shell an interesting places to work in. In this connection, the success lies in bringing dissonant factors of company collectively having different perspectives theories. People who nonetheless share a set of nucleus ethics about how to deliver results today that will undergo tomorrow At Shell Pakistan, employees are very serious about responsibility for developing people. People’s latent is copious realized to the upshot of fulfilling their dream by helping them shape their own, individual career path. From cross-business assignments to structured learning courses, they make available the tools needed for their people to develop world- class analytical, leadership, management and relationship-building skills. Because they pact with a broad range of issues cutting across different levels of management, their people get a birds-eye-view into the challenges, responsibilities of senior executives and learn what it takes to lead organizations. No organization can be operational without adequate recruitment, selection and placement. Computer can add data but it is hard nut for it is to crack the business codes. It is only and only people that spurs the organization. Technological advancement cannot produce quality products. This trilogy of recruitment, selection and placement are the most significant factors in the swift run of an organization a very huge and immense responsibility rest on managers and executives in the shape of selection and recruitment of a right choice. In this connection, a list of responsible behavior can cause an organizational disruption. Corporate can only be successful if there is right selection which may lead an organization from lame duck to a phenomenon. The success of an organization depends on recruitment, selection and placement. The irony in Pakistani business organization is that it could not inculcate and develop the culture and climate of transparent recruitment, selection and placement procedures even in the multinational organizations. One reason is obvious that the government’s frequent interference by imposing unnecessary state laws and judicial decisions time to time. It has been creating hindrances and obstacles in way of

182 promoting sound and transparent selection and recruitment policy. The quality of an organization depends on the quality of manpower. So long the people are not inducted a quality one, this is impossible to build an image of the organization. If it fails to build the image of an organization, it will not gain the recognition among the consumers. Therefore it is important for the organization to give much emphasis on its recruitment and selection policies and procedures, so that it would enable them to attract quality people who play significant role in the development and attainment of the objectives of the organization. Shell is steadfast to the ongoing training and development of all staff that are buoyant to maximize learning opportunities that will add to their skill situate throughout their career. They are very serious, however, about investing in both professional and personal development. Shell idea is to equip employees with up-to-date skills relevant to the energy industry and others competencies which will serve well, even if path lead to another employer. They have a time-honored aim which inculcates that employees be well appointed with a tailored mixture of on-and -off training programs, this mixture will be resolute together with line manager and support for both in making these decisions is available via training and development groups. So, from the launch, early development with Shell will be self-managed to a degree with some business areas, notably engineering for oil and gas exploration, also providing intensive induction programs. This provides a great opportunity to integrate into Shell's worldwide business and neighborhood. In terms of moving to new roles in early career, timing will depend on technical or professional area. However, with guidance from line manager, encouraged to actively influence this process by applying for relevant positions posted on global intranet system. Shell is a meritocracy and new roles or promotion will be dictated by performance and competence. Regularly open discussions and appraisals with line manager will gyrate around progress to target areas of improvement and new challenges. En route for progress and build up proficiency level within each key post challenge. Shell run far-reaching assortment of training option and programs offered locally and internationally. Shell provides opportunities for employees to gain experience outside a specific area of expertise. Their objective is to give employees a range of experiences, which will broaden personal and professional abilities. In time, the job experience and training gain all the way through the career development will facilitate them to become key players in managing strategies and influencing future business direction and organizational change. Ultimately employee’s rapid career progress in Shell depends on job performance and the available opportunities. The diverse background of Shell employees makes Shell a motivating chairs to work in. They set up sensation deceit in pulling together teams of people with different perspectives and different ways of approaching problems, people. Who nevertheless share a set of core values about how to deliver results today that will endure tomorrow? At Shell employees are very serious about responsibility for developing people. They help people realize their potential and fulfill their ambition by ration them outline their own, individual career path. From cross-business assignments to structured learning courses, they provide the gear required for their people to develop top-notch analytical leadership, management and relationship-building skills. They deal with a broad range of issue cutting athwart special levels of management. Their people get birds-eye- view into the challenges and responsibilities of senior executives. Shell's core ideals are honesty, integrity and respect for people. Shell is at the spirit of the energy and

183 petrochemical business and one of the world's mainly successful organizations. Shell devoted to attract, train, develop and reward world-class people for this truly world-class business graduates. Shell gets a taste for the internship and training programs. Shell has a range of technical, administrative and sales/support roles available. Successful financial performance is vital for sustainable future and contributes to the prosperity of society. Shell employ recognized measures to judge profitability. They stalk to achieve robust profitability by reducing outlay, improving margins, increasing returns and managing working resources effectively and this is only because of their performance appraisal system. Shell seeks a high standard of performance and aim to keep up a long- term position in its competitive environment. Shell value the human rights of its employees to provide its employees with good and protected conditions of work, excellent and competitive stipulations, conditions of service to uphold the development, best use of human talent, equal opportunity employment to encourage the involvement of employees in the planning, the direction of its work and in the application of these principles within the company. It is recognized that commercial achievement depends on the full vow of all employees. Shell is steady with its commitment to furnish to sustainable development. Shell has an orderly approach to health, safety and environmental management in order to achieve continuous performance improvement where individuals yearning to slot in activities in the community including station for vote to civic workplace. They will be known the opportunity to do so where this is appropriate in the beam of local state of affairs. Performance appraisal is an intensive exercise in observation and judgment. Over the last few years, it has been regarded as most crucial and deciding factor in HRM so much so that organizational managers and executive take advantage of this very resource although some HR managers maintain that formal appraisal of performance almost never deliver all of their intended purposes. The ultimate purpose for appraisal is to ameliorate and sustain the utmost effectiveness of an organization by meeting or exceeding customer’s genuine requirements. To finish different organizations adopt multiple approaches to increase the effectiveness of a firm. Shell respect the human rights of its employees, to provide its employees with good and safe conditions of work, and good and competitive terms and conditions of service, to promote the development and best use of human talent and equal opportunity employment, and to encourage the involvement of employees in the planning and the direction of its work, and in the application of these principles within the company. It is recognized that commercial success depends on the full commitment of all employees. Shell has a systemic approach to diversity management addressing each of the elements of the group diversity framework actively supports attraction, development, retention and promotion of diverse talent, promotes a workplace free from all forms of harassment and discrimination, establishes annual diversity plans, goals and targets for improvement, measures, appraises and reports business performance, includes diversity performance in the appraisal and development plans of leaders and staff, provides safe and effective ways for employees to report observed behavioral inconsistencies with this policy. Shell success depends on the quality of their people. Creating an environment that elicits the very best from their employees is fundamental to success. Therefore, in Shell employees are committed to manage diversity as a critical business activity, value the broad range of cultural and personal differences which exists in companies, respect each employee's need to

184 balance work and personal demands, provide fair opportunity for everyone to compete through well-understood and consistently applied employment and performance standards, and management systems, provide a means for employees to share personal support, learning, self-development, and communication, including networks, demonstrate respect and fairness in interactions with external stakeholders consistent with business principles, continuous improvement through reference to best practice, promote a culture in which all Shell employees, contractors, and joint ventures share these commitments shell promotes a workplace free from all forms of harassment and discrimination, establishes annual diversity plans, goals and targets for improvement, measures, appraises and reports business performance, includes diversity performance in the appraisal and development plans of leaders and staff, provides safe and effective ways for employees to report observed behavioral inconsistencies with this policy.

185 * Pakistan State Oils

186 On 1st January 1974 federal government took over the management of PNO (Pakistan National Oil) and DPL (Dawood Petroleum Limited), renamed into POCL (Premier Oil Company Limited) under marketing of Petroleum Products (Federal Control) Act, 1974. While on 3rd June Government incorporates "Petroleum Storage Development Corporation" PSDC and on 23rd August 1976, name of PSDC was changed to State Oil Company Limited (SOCL). On 30th December 1976, Government merged PNO and POCL into SOCL (State Oil Company Limited) and named it as Pakistan State Oil Company Limited (PSO). The vision of PSO is to outstrip in other delivering value to their much-respected customers as an innovative and dynamic energy giant of Pakistan. The committee perseverance of PSO in energy font market through competitive advantage in providing the highest quality petroleum products and services to customers based on professionally trained, high quality, motivated workforce, working as a team in environment which puts on the pedestal its creative employee and creatively provides for personal growth and development. Their prime focus is to have lowest cost operations and assured access to long-term and cost effective supply. They also aim to get sustained growth in earnings in real terms and in highly ethical, safe environment by friendly and socially responsible business practices. The endeavor has been made to promote LPG as a preferred, economical and environment friendly fuel for the average populace by providing unabated supplies to the fuel deficient households’ at the most affordable prices. In this regard PSO ‘s sense of professionalism lies in the fact that it attach highest priority to the preservation of country's scarce green resources and manifest them in business strategy by making LPG available across national terrains at all times through a network of credible business agents representing them in all corners of the country. All the valued recipients are entertained in due manner with complete assurance of right quantity. PSO is fully believed to be the most dependable supplier of LPG in the country. They have a team of well-qualified professionals, who are dedicated to achieve the tasks assigned to them most efficiently. Their people are their treasure. They have a customer-focused approach to decision making. They attach credence to accomplish task and encourage empowering their team to take timely decisions. Together, they work team up to competitive their goals. The Industrial Consumer Department provides top-notch services to its industrial customers throughout Pakistan. They ensure quality product extended in the most manners to gratify high esteemed customer. Comprising of 7 divisions all over Pakistan no part of a country is immune and IC department encompassing sales and marketing of POL products to almost every single industry however remote it is. PSO, having the largest storage and handling ability, companies with relevant laws and regulations that ensure required health, safety and environment Standards and procedures developed and established. PSO ensure all its activities are carried out in accordance with company's health, safety and environment standards and procedures. They fix demanding targets and measure progress to ensure continuous improvement in health, safety and environment performance. Safety measures are forte of PSO employee

187 with prevention from occupational hazards. None is itself to exercise health, safety and environment training/information to employees, contractors and others who work with the company. They ensure provision of safe working environment. Avoidance of health hazard is promoted through awareness programmed by giving due recognition to performance in the area of health, safety and environment. Their main products are Motor Gasoline, Kerosene, High Speed Diesel, Light Diesel Oil, Furnace Oil and Lubricants. It encompasses all the industrial segments of Pakistan. Major customers are catered to either through contract, tender or their long-term business relationships with them. OGDC, NLC, Pakistan Steel Mills, KMC, KWSB, Gatron, Rupali Group and Engro Chemicals are to name only a few in a series of PSO customers. Pakistan Steel Mills is one of the most sought customers in Pakistan. Having business of Pakistan Steel Mills not only adds prestige to that particular OMC, but also significantly improves OMC's market share and overall standing. Pakistan Steel Mills is the largest POL consuming manufacturing facility in Pakistan. After long and intense series of negotiations, they have gained considerable business of Pakistan Steel Mills. The training and development are ongoing process of improvement designed to bring about a change in the attitude of employees with respect to the assigned job. Apart from these motives, they are to make responsibility conscious and effective performer. Therefore, all training is planned and coordinated in a systematic manner by the company in terms of identifying the needs and skills required in the company. In simple terms, practical application overtakes classroom rote reaching methodology. The growth of the employees is not only a short term vision of enhancing input through skill based training, but also an effort for long term development of employees by education and planned management development inputs. The scope of training is spread to the following types of training and development programs adopted by the company. Newly inducted employees are given a short orientation course to familiarize them with the company and its organizational functions, activities, policies, procedures and programs. This sort of training program must be arranged on individual basis or group classroom training, depending on number of participants available. The duration and contents of the course is determined to meet the needs of individual concerned in consultation with respective departmental heads. Depending on the type of the job, newly hired employees assigned new fields of activities on the job training for a period ranging from one weak to four weeks as may be deemed necessary. Owing to the rapid change in technology, methodology and process, innovative and creative job knowledge is a coordinal part of everyone’s responsibility in position. It is the desire of the organization to inculcate proficiency in employees to make them reach highest watermarks. In order to have a balanced approach to all around development of management employees, appropriate emphasis is also to be laid on the development of supervisory and management skills in the employees, and selected employees participate in formal classrooms, courses/workshops, mostly conducted by outside consultancies or in house courses organized by the training and

188 organizational development. PSO resources are optimized to arrange classroom courses and workshops. Where a large number of employees are identified, who are in need of having exposure, development or understanding of a particular subject in house training courses/workshops are conducted. PSO administrative manpower makes suitable arrangements for these employee oriented courses by inviting guest speaker on cushy amount for per lecture. Besides these things, short term and long term courses plus workshops are conducted on different disciplines and systems. Company identifies the employees who would need the exposure, training in the subject/topic and nominates them to attend such training sessions/workshops. This intention is facilitated by a separate “education refund policy”. Selected employees, after getting approval from the company and fulfilling the required criteria, are enrolled in universities and colleges to pursue the desired courses and degree/diplomas. PSO refunds the expenses incurred in the due courses. In PSO, most effective process of personnel development is job rotation where by the employees get an opportunity to have on the job exposure/training in diversified field within their own department or may be outside their department. Hence, the education of the employees does not end with the start of their job at PSO. PSO employees can continue their education and equip themselves with more knowledge and skills, as part of the of job training. PSO recognizes the need for self-development that is the prime responsibility of the individual. Company encourages and provides opportunities for development by making the available literature, job rotation, counseling, discussion and seminars related to the job of the individual and nominating the person for attending different courses/workshops. Education refund program speaks volumes for the company’s intense support for the self- development of an employee. In this connection, PSO’s performance enhancement is also facilitated by special counseling sessions. It furnishes an open opportunity to its cherished employees to discuss problems and to take advantage of advice and expertise of the specialized staff of training and organizational development (TOD). In PSO, department may send its employee for an extended period to avail such performance enhancement measures. A dedicated room is also available in training and organizational development where counseling sessions are held. For acquiring specialized skills, the company nominates management employees for training abroad, with international training institutions of repute or such organization, which may be having commercial affiliation, or technical collaboration with PSO. PSO also arranges challenging internship program to provide an opportunity to university students to gain practical work experience. This helps company to enhance its image and to benefit from vigor and new ideas of youth. Any employee, who is nominated to attend a training course, whether conducted in house or arranged with an out-side agency, is not supposed to miss the training sessions. The employee, during training sessions, does not attend the office to carry out his normal function. However, emergency situation entails the development head to request in charge training and development of PSO to permit employees to quit the official proceedings of the ongoing professional development until

189 hovering emergency is overcome which is afoot. The company pays all participants fees for training programs within the country and abroad. Boarding, lodging and traveling expenses outside Karachi or abroad are paid by the company, as permissible within the policy as laid down by the company and the regulations of the State Bank of Pakistan. In PSO, each supervisor/manager is expected to train and develop his/her subordinates in a systematic and planned manner in order to improve their performance and prepare them for future assignments. The workaholic superior very carefully judges the workforce. In this connection, they fix the individual training and development needs in coordination with the in-charge training and development program. It depends largely on imitative of the employees, whether he/she is prepared to improve his/her job knowledge and performance. The company is therefore, responsible only to provide support and opportunity to supplement employees for self-development. The training department is responsible for providing piece of advice and assistance to the line management in training needs, and in designing and developing training programs based on those needs. This department is also coordinating the overall training needs and activities of the company. They also design, develop and coordinate supervisory/management courses for employees. They are also evaluating various training activities in conjunction with respective departments. In PSO, training provides an added dimension to employees’ work and performance. The responses of the trained employees are recorded on the evaluation sheet. This is to determine the success of the training courses. Trained employees may be required to sit in a test or interview, which helps company to evaluate their learning. PSO is increasing employee development and training activities for achieving effective results in enhancing employee’s skills and potential. The effective management and skill development programs for HR must be designed, especially sales training for field staff simultaneously management and technical skills training for installations. They also keep close liaison with universities by making presentations there to attract better candidates and to select the deserving students on merit basis as to enhance company’s image. The main objectives of PSO are to consolidate the lubricants and chemicals business of the company in order to attain maximum efficiency and productivity in order to implement modern processes and practices combined with coordinated activities. The company is providing jet fuel plane refueling facilities at the following airports in Pakistan on round the clock basis e.g. Quaid-e-Azam International Airport, Karachi, Allama Iqbal International Airport, Lahore, Islamabad International Airport, Peshawar International Airport, Multan Airport, Faisalabad Airport, Turbat Airport, Pasni Airport. These quality services have given them a market share of approx. 70% volume in the aviation industry of Pakistan. The nothing is achievable in the corporate work unless wholehearted commitment and flat-out perseverance is involved to the betterment of HR over the last twenty-five years. PSO is being credited with top 25 companies’ award in the tort. All the attributes grow with grace and sound earnings, along with all those associated with PSO, i.e. its customers, business partners, manpower and shareholders.

190 This has been the greatest asset of the company's management, able guidance from its Board of Management (Oil), Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Resources, and from all cadres putting in combined efforts with commitment and excellence. Spectacular kudos goes to the legal department totally pitched against protecting the company as a corporate entity for safeguarding the company interest and firm position. This avoidance of litigation and legal complexity contribute to organizations corporate governance. Much to the success of an organization, the legal department takes necessary calculated and effective measures to overcome flaws and weaknesses. The Legal Department has made tremendous success over the past few years in terms of savings, contesting the cases and reducing the number of cases filed against the Company, introducing systematized and methodical working, maintenance of record, ascertaining a smooth flow of operations and improving the overall performance of the Department. The basic and the foremost objective to modernize legal records was achieved through computerization of the systems by updating them and by keeping a follow-up with court cases in a more forceful and effective manner. Besides minimizing the litigation cases against the company, the department has been working in close collaboration with the concerned lawyers so as to eye on all issues. Moreover, it works vigorously to negotiate and settle various cases. To curtail the legal expenses, the department is working on providing in-house services with regard to giving legal opinions and vetting/drafting of various contracts/agreements and a number of other legal issues. The legal department is also giving top priority to the registration of leases of all the retail outlets with special importance new vision outlets, as only a few hundreds had been registered up till now out of 3, 800 retail outlets. Therefore, top priority is given to the registration of leases with a view to ensure their contractual rights under the law. Special teams have been formulated for the purpose of registration of leases. As a result of the efforts by the legal department, a total number of 529 leases have been registered till date, whereas only 137 leases were registered in the year 2000. The number of total leases registered in the year 2001-2002 was 311 as compared to the increased number of registered leases in the year 2002-2003 which is 529, which clearly shows an increase of 70% in the FY 03. To the remarkable achievement of PSO’s legal department is added a marked decrease in litigation cases in all division, what to speak of Wafaqi Mohtasib court. This accomplishment led to a tremendous cutback of litigation expenses. The reduction in the legal expenses has been worthy of note since, the expenses have been cut down from a devastating amount of over Rs.45.6 millions in the year 1999 to a minimum of approximately Rs 8.5 millions in the FY 2003, which shows a saving of almost 81% in litigation expenses over the past few years which in itself is a clear example of the intelligent hard work, efficiency of the department and constant follow-up with the concerned lawyers and the divisional managers. This remarkable achievement has been made under the dynamic leadership, valuable guidance, supervision and counseling of HR. To further reduce and cut down the litigation expenses to bear minimum level, the legal department

191 has set up certain performance targets for the future year, which it has also maintained in the past by reducing both the litigation expenses and the litigation cases against the company in future to the minimum possible ratio. This would further build up and maintain the high image of the company in the local as well as the international market. Thus, the department is constantly working towards systemization of all the relevant data/record/information available with it in order to make the same more structured, systemized and accessible at all times. The retail construction department has been responsible for the development of new vision retail and consumer outlets throughout Pakistan since the inception of the new vision program in 1999. During the past 4 years, PSO has completed a total number of 713 NVROs and another 200 outlets will be developed during the current fiscal year. Outlets are constructed on fast track basis with some outlets completing within 30 days. One outlet was completed in 15 days-an industry records in Pakistan. Being a national oil company, all the design work has been done in-house or by local consultants. A team of professional engineers handles the construction and signage work. The signage work in particular has been largely done by using indigenous materials, and installed by local contractors. Mega Logo signs at the outlet and mega billboards have helped the company in enhancing brand equity. Of lately, a station completed at Lahore was equipped with hanging type of dispensing units to effectively utilize space and to introduce a new concept, first time in Pakistan. The purpose of it is to furnish better and more efficient service to the customer. Along with this novelty, Auto Car Wash Plant was also set up to provide hand free car wash service to the customers. Retail facilities department has always played a vital role in promoting company’s image through better up keep of retail outlets- especially new vision retail outlets (NVROs). It also makes significant contributions in companies strive to gain market share by means of reduced forecast downtime. The management has devised a strategy and implemented it successfully through well-defined systems and procedures. "Service by Sale" has been a main constituent of their maintenance program, which ensured better maintenance services for Retail outlets, contributing better fuel sales thereby securing higher returns on investments. Furthermore, it has generated healthy competition among dealers to perform better than the others in order to qualify for maintenance program. For their maintenance contracts that are all outsourced, they have achieved 95% efficiency in complaint rectification through effective planning and controls in the field therefore, it has significantly contributed to increase in retail fuel sales. Moreover, better upkeep of NVRO's has been achieved by employing more professionally trained contractors for signage cleaning and general maintenance. Apart from these successes, PSO is considered as a success story in case study in Pakistan with no exception of the most sought out sources of corporate advice and guidance in country. As often as not, PSO’s corporate planning is being feverishly emulated by several major business enterprises. Based on its corporate excellence, PSO ranks among

192 top global companies by way of its membership of the World Economic Forum. Qualification for the Forum's membership, based on stringent and forward looking criteria, is a unique distinction for PSO as a Pakistani company. This unprecedented level of corporate accomplishment and such a high international ranking, achieved by a Pakistani company is a product of professional teamwork and eminent corporate leadership. Nevertheless, the story of PSO' s global renaissance would be incomplete without due recognition and acknowledgement of the dedicated and professional support of a very high caliber, provided by the newly established Corporate Planning department (CP) of PSO, based on world-class qualifications and high-level international exposure of CP team. The legendary rise of PSO to global horizon, duly decorated by global recognition of corporate excellence, involved dedicated hard work of highest professional standard in the broad areas. PSO has a unique distinction of developing and putting in place such systems through in-house teamwork. Corporate planning played a key role in this regard. The in-house systems development enabled PSO professionals to internalize the systems for effective implementation. Today, PSO's planning and management structure is highly regarded. In addition to formulating PSO's first ever-corporate plan in line with best business practices, corporate planning assisted all the departments of PSO in developing their plans. Currently every department of PSO, particularly each business unit, has a robust business plan. Corporate planning works as a capstone on PSO's transformation initiatives. This tracks success from corporate policies and management behavior through employee attitude to customer satisfaction and financial performance. In PSO every employee exercises personal responsibility in preventing harm to themselves, to others and to the environment. They provide appropriate health, safety and environment training/information to all employees, contractors and others who work with the company. They ensure provision of safe working environment. They promote awareness and give due recognition to performance in the area of health, safety and environment. The training and development are a continuous process designed to bring about a change in the attitude of employees with respect to the job they are doing, the people around them, the new procedures, the new techniques and skills they can use. It is also to make them more conscious of their responsibilities and how to perform them effectively. Business encourages and provides opportunities for development by making the available literature, job rotation, counseling, discussion and seminars related to the job of the individual and nominating the person for attending different courses/workshops. Education refund program is an evidence of the company’s support for the self-development of an employee. PSO’s performance enhancement is also facilitated by special counseling sessions. It provides an opportunity to employees to discuss problem and to take advantage of advice and expertise of the specialized staff of TOD. In PSO department may send their employee for an extended period to avail such performance enhancement measures. The PSO is a prominent petroleum company and received its prominence in the national market in Pakistan. It also plays very significant role in the state

193 economy. PSO has a full-fledged HR department and for creating its better efficiency and effectiveness among its manpower, this organization is also adopting HR philosophy. In PSO jobs are analyzed, described, specified, and lastly evaluated according the procedures and techniques in innovative manner. They have a strong HRM department that is responsible to manage the activities of job analysis an accurate and exact analysis that is the demand of the time. The organization is responsible to describe job to newly recruited employees or transferred employees from one department to another or from junior to senior post through a well-developed description system. Their employees are evaluated with bird’s eye. The jobs, working procedures, methods and techniques are redesigned with innovative ideas. Higher authorities via ACR forms evaluate performance of employees once a year. the PSO have a balanced approach for progress of management employees and appropriate emphasis is also laid on the development of supervisory and management skills in the employees while selected employees participate in formal classrooms, courses/workshops, mostly conducted by outside consultancies or the in house courses organized by the training and organizational development. PSO resources are utilized for arranging the classroom courses/workshops. Whereby a large number of employees are branded who are in need of having exposure, development or understanding of a particular subject in house training courses/ workshops is conducted. This rationale is facilitated by a separate education refund policy for selected employees, after getting approval from the company and fulfilling the required criteria are enrolled in universities and colleges to pursue the desired courses and degree/ diplomas. PSO refund the expenses incurred in the outstanding courses. In PSO most effective process of personnel development is job rotation where by the employees get an opportunity to have job exposure in diversified field within own department or may be outside his department. PSO recognizing the need for self-development is the prime responsibility of the human being. Business encourage and provide opportunity for development by building the available literature, job rotation, counseling, discussion and seminars related to the job of the individual and nominating the person for attending different courses/workshops. Education refund program is an evidence of the company’s support for the self-development of an employee. PSO’s performance enhancement is also facilitated by particular counseling sessions. It provides an opportunity to employees to argue problem and to take advantage of counsel and expertise of the dedicated staff. In this regard the researcher has unearthed that the most important objectives of PSO is to fuse the lubricants and chemicals selling of the business in order to get maximum competence and output. In the direction of, implementation of modern processes and practices combined with coordinated activities. The researcher has elaborated the business objective is to provide unfailing, timely and safe service to all esteemed customers. Every year PSO is sending two employees to France for training, which keeps them abreast with the technological development in the industry. The training and development is a continual process in PSO, designed to fetch vary in the outlook of employees with reverence to the

194 job they are doing, the people around them, the new procedures, the new techniques and skills they can use. It is also to craft them more cognizant of their responsibilities and how to perform them efficiently. Therefore all training is planned and coordinated in a systematic mode by the company in terms of identifying the needs and skills required in the company. The training and skill development pains are not confined to a formal classroom itinerary but broaden in all directions, hence, helping to improve the productivity of employees by imparting useful knowledge and training in the areas, which are neglected, and to add up to most of their strengths. The growth of the employees is not only a short term hallucination of enhancing input through skill based training but also an endeavor for long term development of employees by education and planned management development inputs. The span of training is spread as training and development program adopted by the company. Newly induct employees are given a short orientation track done to familiarize them with the company, organizational functions, activities, policies, procedures and programs. This type of training program mat is arranged on individual basis or group classroom training, depending on number of participants available. The length and contents of the course is determined to meet up the needs of individual concerned in consultation with own departmental heads. Depending on the type of the job, newly hire employees, as well as promotes assigned to fresh fields of activities, are given on the job training for a period ranging from one week to four weeks as may be deem crucial. In view of the fact that technology, methodology, process are changing at a hasty speed, it is urgent that employees should learn new skills and techniques through specialized and technical courses that the employees can attain at high level of proficiency. in order to have a balanced approach to all around development of management employees, appropriate emphasis is also laid on the development of supervisory and management skills in the employees and selected employees participate in formal classrooms, courses/workshops, mostly conducted by outside consultancies or the in house courses organized by the TOD. PSO resources are utilized for arranging the classroom courses/workshops. The PSO employees facilitate these sessions or guest speakers may also be invited in short term and long-term training courses/workshops on different subjects. Organization identifies the employees who would need the exposure, training in the subject/topic and nominate them to attend such training sessions/workshops. On these grounds employees are facilitated by a separate education refund policy for selected employees, after getting support from the organization and gratifying the required criteria they are enrolled in universities and colleges to track the desired courses and degree/diplomas. PSO refund the everyday expenditure incur in the appropriate course. In PSO most effective process of personnel development is job rotation where by the employees get an opportunity to have on the job exposure/training in diversified field within his own department or may be outside his department. Hence, the education of the employees does not end with the start of their job at PSO. PSO employees can continue their education and equip themselves with more knowledge

195 and skills as part of the off the job training. PSO recognize the need of self- development. Organization encourages and provides opportunities for development by making the available literature, job rotation, counseling, discussion and seminars related to the job of the individual and nominating the person for attending different courses/workshops. PSO performance enhancement is also facilitated by particular analysis session. It provides an opportunity to employees to discuss problem and to take advantage of advice and know-how of the organization. Any employee who is chosen to attend a training course whether conducted in house or arranged with an out-side agency is not supposed to fail to see the training sessions. The employee during training sessions does not attend the office to carry out his normal task. However in case of unconditional emergency, the department head may ask for the in charge training and development of PSO to allow the employees to leave the training session and attend the office. After attending the emergency work, the employee goes back to resume the training session which is in progress. The company pays all participants fees for training programs within the nation state and overseas. Plank, freight and nomadic expenses outside Karachi or abroad is paid by the company as permissible within the policy as laid down by the company and the convention of the state bank of Pakistan. In PSO each supervisor/managers expected to train and develop his/her subordinates in a systematic and planned manner in order to progress their performance and prepare them for future assignments. The supervisors are very carefully critic the potential of the people working for them. In the light of this, they determine their individual training and development needs, recommend feat for coordination with the in arraign of training and development. It depends on behalf of clichéd employees whether he/she is prepared to improve his/her job knowledge and performance. The organization is therefore, responsible only to offer support and opportunity to supplement employees for self-development. The training department is responsible for providing advices and aids the line management in training needs and in designing and developing training programs base on those desires. This department is also coordinating the overall training needs and activities of the organization. They are designing, developing and coordinating supervisory/management courses for employees. They are also evaluating various training activities in concurrence with respective departments. They are also obtaining information relating to formal training and educational courses at various institutions within the country. They are also preparing a formal annual training program and budget assisting line management in conducting training programs. They are also helping line management in the selection and training the trainers to act as an effective facilitator. In PSO training provides an added facet to employees’ work and performance. The responses of the trained employees are recorded on the evaluation sheet. This is to determine the success of the training courses. Trained employees may be required to sit in a test or interview, which helps organization to evaluate their learning. PSO is increasing employee development and training activities for achieving effective result in enhancing employee skill and latent. The researcher has

196 highlighted that the effective management and skill development programs for HR, especially sales training to identifying field staff and management as well as technical skills training used for installations. They also remain close contact with universities by making presentations there to attract better candidates and selecting the deserving students on merit basis as to augment organization’s icon. The main objectives of PSO are to consolidate the lubricants and chemicals business of the company in array to attain maximum efficiency and productivity. Pakistani state oil is concerned it is dedicated to leadership in energy market through competitive advantage in providing the highest quality petroleum products and services to customers based on professionally trained, high quality, motivated workforce, working as a team in an environment, which recognizes and rewards performance, innovation and creativity and provides personal growth and development. They have a group of well- qualified professionals who are dedicated to achieve the tasks assigned to them most efficiently. Their people are their strength. They have a customer-focused approach to decision making. They believe in teamwork to get done tasks and encourage empowering their team to take timely decisions. The supervisors very vigilantly judge the potential of the people working for them. They are also evaluating various guidance activities in conjunction with respective departments. In PSO training provide an added dimension to employees’ work and presentation. The responses of the trained employees are record on the evaluation sheet PSO is committed to provide a team game environment free of harassment on the basis of race, national or ethnic origin, colour, religion and creed, age, gender, sexual orientation, marital status, family status, disability, being in receipt of public assistance, or pardoned conviction. This policy applies to all employees, directors, officers, volunteers, coaches, athletes, officials, and members of the PSO. This policy applies to harassment that may occur during the course of all PSO business, activities, and events. It also applies to harassment between individuals associated with the PSO but outside PSO business, activities, and events when such harassment adversely affects relationships within the PSO work and sport environment. The PSO is committed to providing an amusement in work environment where all individuals are treated with dignity and respect. Everyone has the right to participate and work in an environment that promotes equal opportunities and prohibits discriminatory practices. Every member of this organization has a responsibility to not engage in, condone, or ignore harassing behaviours. Any member who believes that another member is experiencing harassment is encouraged to notify the appropriate authorities as designated in this Policy. Harassment is a form of discrimination and refers to conduct based on a prohibited ground that creates an insulting, intimidating or humiliating environment that the perpetrator knew or ought reasonably to have known would be unwelcome. Harassment can take many forms. It may be verbal, physical, visual or psychological. It can include but is not limited to: written or verbal abuse or threats; the display of racist, sexist or other offensive material; unwelcome remarks, jokes, comments, innuendo, or taunting about a person's looks, body, attire, age,

197 intellectual ability, race, religion, gender, or sexual orientation; leering or other suggestive, obscene gestures; condescending, paternalistic, or patronizing behaviour which undermines self-esteem, diminishes performance or adversely affects working conditions; practical jokes which cause awkwardness or embarrassment, endanger a person's safety, or negatively affect performance; unwanted physical contact, including touching, petting, pinching, Unwelcome sexual flirtations, advances, requests, or invitations; or physical or sexual assault (sexual or physical assault are criminal offences and the appropriate police authorities should be contacted). The PSO recognizes the interests of both complainant and respondent in keeping the matter confidential, except as necessary to investigate and resolve the situation. The PSO does not disclose to outside parties the name of the complainant and respondent, or the circumstances giving rise to a complaint, unless such disclosure is required for a disciplinary or other remedial process. If the investigation reveals evidence to support a complaint of harassment, the harasser will face appropriate discipline. The following options, singly or in combination, may be considered depending on the nature of the harassment: verbal apology, written apology, letter of reprimand from the sport organization, referral to counselling, removal of certain privileges of membership or employment, demotion or a pay cut, temporary suspension with or without pay, termination of employment or contract, expulsion from membership. Compensation to the complaint will also be considered, including reimbursement for lost wages or registration fees, transfer to a new coach or supervisor, etc. Because false accusations can have serious repercussions on innocent individuals, the wilful misuse of this policy may also be grounds for disciplinary action ranging from a reprimand to dismissal. Where the investigation does not result in a finding of harassment, a copy of the documentation will be retained in PSO files that are kept strictly confidential with access restricted to the following PSO officials. Informal complaints are those complaints which are brought to management's attention, but which are not written and do not necessarily result in an investigation. Informal procedures are often an effective and less costly means of dealing with less serious harassment situations. If the alleged harasser is not named, one may offer to handle the complaint by arranging educational sessions or the distribution of informational materials. This could include: conducting a workshop; showing a video; inviting a guest speaker in to make a presentation; discussing policy at a staff meeting. A formal complaint is written and signed by the complainant. It should contain the following information: name of complainant, home and work addresses and phone numbers, nature of complaint, i.e. grounds on which harassment is being claimed, alleged harasser's name, details of complaint, i.e. description of behaviour or incidents, what was said or done, circumstances surrounding incident and names of witnesses, Once a formal complaint has been received, it is essential to respond in a timely manner, i.e. within days. The alleged harasser is to be officially notified upon being named in a harassment complaint. PSO eemployees or members of the PSO against whom a complaint of harassment is

198 substantiated may be disciplined, up to and including employment dismissal or termination of membership. Retaliation against any individual for reporting a violation of this policy will not be tolerated and will be grounds for discipline including discharge. Equally, because false accusations can have serious repercussions on innocent individuals, the wilful misuse of this policy or making deliberately false accusations may also be grounds for dismissal or termination of membership. The PSO understands that it can be extremely difficult to come forward with a complaint of harassment and that it can be devastating to be wrongly convicted of harassment. The PSO recognizes the interests of both the complainant and the respondent in keeping the matter confidential. The PSO shall not disclose to outside parties the name of the complainant and respondent, or the circumstances giving rise to a complaint, unless such disclosure is required for disciplinary or other remedial measures.

* National Bank of Pakistan

The bank is an institution or a business house in money and credit. Today, banks are classified as borrowing funds from the surplus units and lending to the units who need credit. Powerful economic development of country stems from the efficient service of banks. The bases of an economy e.g. industry, trade, commerce, agriculture and many other are conditional upon banks. Economic development and prosperity of a country are connected with the development of good banking system. Commercial banks are companies that transact the business of banking in Pakistan. The nationalization of banks in Pakistan since January 1, 1974, started a new era of development and progress. Commercial banking has made a tremendous progress. Privatization is the product of 1980s. Pakistan has a well-developed banking system that consists of a wide variety of institutions ranging from commercial banks to specialized agencies to cater for special requirements of specific sectors. The National bank of Pakistan as a commercial bank and transacts all types of banking business. The head office of the bank is at Karachi. It is the paramount business partner for the Government of Pakistan with special emphasis on fostering Pakistan’s economic growth through aggressive and balanced lending policies. Its technologically oriented products and services are offered through its large network of branches locally, internationally and representative offices. National Bank of Pakistan is gearing up to the challenges faced by the domestic banking industry due to innovations and advances in the international banking world, which is the consequence of globalization. Socio-economic growth punctuated with societal progress is panache of NBP serving for more than half century. It is a success story of delivery, execution, service, trust, honesty and commitment. NBP is the first bank in the country, which has institutionalized compliance culture. It has introduced corporate governance within the organizational hierarchy of NBP. It has initiated relationship mechanism. There is policy paradigm shift in job specialization due to combined efforts from top to bottom, advanced managerial skills, latest management techniques, transparent policies of transfer and promotion and above all nation's trust and bank's commitment to provide service with a human face. NBP has already shifted the focus from conventional ways of management styles to modern ways/techniques of

199 risk, quality, crisis, financial, cash, treasury, and personnel managements. More focus has been given to research, marketing and strategic managements. It also uses participatory management techniques to enhance the feelings of trustfulness and appreciation among the employees of the bank. It enjoys comprehensive mechanism (training and development programs, seminars and workshops) to educate its employees to easily meet with all the emerging challenges and trends at the dawn of globalization of finances and economies. NBP is managing change by introducing NBP ATM, NBP Demand Drafts, The SWIFT system (Society for Worldwide Inter bank Financial Telecommunication), NBP Letters of Credit, and Home Remittances. The zero tariffs in NBP are providing home remittance. They have standardized working hours and providing lunch time facilities and managing change by introducing information technology in organization and managing change in organizational policies, procedures, in working with new innovative ideas acceptable bye everyone. The NBP is the pre-eminent financial institution in Pakistan and achieve market recognition both in the quality and delivery of service as well as the range of product offering. NBP is gearing up to the challenges faced by the domestic banking industry due to innovations and advances in the international banking world, which is the consequence of globalization. The NBP is recognized in the market place by institutionalizing a merit, performance culture, creating a powerful brand identity, achieving top-tier financial performance, adopting and living out. NBP is an innovative, creative and dynamic institution responding to the changing needs of the internal and external environment. It has introduced the job analysis, job description, job specification and job evaluation techniques to perk up human resources performance and make them more productive in providing services in their organizations. The performance of employees evaluated in a year via ACR forms. Advertisements are displayed on net and in newspapers. Internship trainings are offered each year in NBP to those who are interested. The NBP maintains its position as Pakistan’s premier bank with a network of over 1100 branches locally, 15 overseas branches, one subsidiary at Kazakhstan and four representative offices at Tashkent (Uzbekistan), Baku (Azerbaijan), Beijing (China) and Chicago (USA). NBP also have a joint venture with UBL at U.K., with the name of Pakistan International Bank (UK) Ltd., with seven branches at main branch, London, Manchester branch, Glasgow branch, Bradford branch, Sheffield branch, Birmingham branch and Knightsbridge branch (London). The bank at present has over 15,000 employees worldwide. NBP has started an ambitious change management program (CMP) to further coach its employees to meet the challenges of present day requirements. NBP always publicize their openings through well-known newspapers and after getting applications, pick out the applicant according to the job necessities and than organize written test and interview agenda for supreme assortment and appointment at required place according to their competence. NBP propose excellent working conditions, job satisfaction, superior leadership and supportive environment for growth. NBP is looking for recruiting personnel as team players with excellent interpersonal skills, Knowledge, use of information technology, Strong analytical and problem solving skills, Excellent written and verbal communication skills in English. NBP maintain its position as Pakistan’s premier bank with a revolutionize management program to further educate its employees to meet up the challenges of nearby sunlight hours rations. Training and development are the core issues of HR,

200 which will in due course get better customer service and helps to manage the standard of a progressive bank through training of new staff. Besides a competitive financial package, NBP offer excellent working conditions, job satisfaction and superior leadership

* Eastern Federal Union (Life)

EFU rapidly established itself as a progressive and innovative insurer. It gave the emerging insurance industry the leadership, the manpower and the drive needed to grow in a situation where simultaneously foreign companies held three-fourths of insurance. In 1961 EFU had become the flag bearer of Pakistan's insurance industry on the world stage, and the largest life company in Afro-Asian countries excluding Japan. It remained so until 1972 when Life Insurance in Pakistan was nationalized. From this time onwards EFU operated solely as a General Insurance Company. In 1990s EFU General became a Billion Rupee Company. In 1992, the Life insurance industry was opened to the private sector and EFU Life was born in 1992, and then became the largest private sector company in Pakistan. In 1998, EFU Life became the first Pakistani Insurance Company to be certified according to the internationally recognized ISO 9002 quality system standard. In 2000 Pakistan's first health insurance company Allianz EFU was established as a joint venture with Allianz AG of Germany, the largest insurance company in the world. EFU Life is the largest private sector Life Insurance Company in Pakistan. EFU is not just a business. The EFU Insurance is also riddled with seriously enormous discrepancies. So, the people are not well aware of the benefits of insurance which result loss to the corporation. Some policies do not match the income level of rural population due to their poor financial condition. And in the beginning, the agents of insurance are keener to sell their policies but they do not remain in touch with the policyholders afterwards. EFU made its business of selling policies through personal selling or person to person communication and agents of EFU were not fully trained and equipped with such skills that could persuade people for purchasing policies. The corporation has not an effective compensation package to its personnel, which can affect the overall performance of the corporation. EFU Life continued to consolidate its position in both the group and individual life markets, and emerged as a clear leader amongst the private sector life insurance companies. Premiums underwritten amounted to Rs. 145 million representing 700 policies and over 300,000 insured lives. Individual life business registered an increase of about 44 per cent during the year, with new annual premiums written during 1998 amounting to Rs 77 million. The company continues to carry out an annual actuarial valuation and sets up full actuarial reserves at the end of each year. They redesign their work processes and procedures and activities by introduction of IT in their organization. They are using strong and acceptable job analysis before advertisement. The job description is done after hiring the employee while job specification and job evaluation is done in their organization according to the requirements of the organization for the better running of the organization and to get enthusiastically motivated workforce and jobs are advertised in newspapers and employees performance is evaluated through ACR forms in a year. One of the factors responsible for low level of business in life insurance segment is that majority of the population is neither insured nor conscious of the benefits of such

201 cover. In EFU recruitment, selection and placement is a nucleus tool to make the people efficient and effective and productive for the organization. In the recruitment, selection and placement, concept of change management is used to hire the sky-scraping caliber people for the organization. In EFU training and development is a core tool to make the people efficient and effective and productive for the organization. They have split and well-built sector to educate new-fangled sign up human resources about routine business

* Prime Commercial Bank

Prime Commercial Bank is extraordinary a proficient and prominent bank, providing exceptional value to its customers, shareholders and employees. Prime Bank competes in selected market niches on the underpinning of superior service, innovation, specialized products and professionalism. Team spirit, initiative, performance drives and customer orientation are the tactical characteristics of Prime Bank staff and organizational culture. The Bank is committed to be a sophisticated, prominent and professional institution, providing one window service to its customers. The Bank visualizes itself as a full service institution catering to the specialized needs of its niche markets. Prime Bank’s activities primarily cover the provision of dedicated banking services to the commercial middle market segments of the economy; however, selective focus is also given to the corporate finance sector. Prime Bank’s operating strategy is focused on continuous improvement of internal procedures and operating systems to ensure a better control on the quality of its business and operations. The Bank continues to successfully maintain its primary focus on the middle market segment of the commercial banking business. The financial statements, prepared by the management of the Bank, present fairly its state of affairs, the results of its operations, its cash flows and the changes in equity. Proper books of accounts of the Bank have been maintained. Accounting policies, except for changes disclosed in the financial statements, have been consistently applied in preparation of financial statements and accounting estimates are based on reasonable and prudent judgment. International Accounting Standards, as applicable in Pakistan, have been followed in the preparation of the financial statements. Internal audit and other such procedures are, continuously reviewing the system of Internal Control that is in place. The Board is contented with the Bank’s ability to continue as going concern. There has been no material departure from the best practices of corporate governance, as detailed in the listing regulations. There are no statutory payments on account of taxes, duties, and levies. Prime Bank is proud to be one of the country’s leading commercial banks in the private sector, which ensures complete security and reliability in all financial transactions. Prime Bank is the vision of a group of Pakistani professionals with extensive domestic and international banking and finance experience. They teamed up in 1992 with a select group of successful and like-minded business houses in Pakistan and overseas. Some of the foreign investors belong to a highly regarded, very sizeable and well- diversified business group of Saudi Arabia. During the initial years, Prime Bank’s strategy was focused on continuing improvement of internal procedures and operating structures, to ensure a greater control over the quality of its operations. Commercial Banking activities were initiated at the time of inception in 1992. During 1993, corporate Banking and Financial Services were added. By 1996,

202 Prime Bank’s countrywide network of seventeen Branches was in place and Consumer Banking activities were accordingly launched. Total assets of Prime bank during the period from June 1992 to September 2000 grew. After ten years of well- controlled and successful operations, the Bank is now moving forward rapidly to be at the cutting edge of financial services combining highly efficient delivery systems with continuous product innovation. Therefore, development of superior Human Skills and the latest Information Technology platform are the cornerstones of Prime Bank’s overall strategy to be in the exclusive club of winning banks of the future. Prime Bank’s operating strategy is focused on continuous improvement of internal procedures and operating systems to ensure a better control on the quality of its business and operations. Prime Bank’s strategy is focused on continuing improvement of internal procedures and operating structures, to ensure a greater control over the quality of its operations. The bank is now poised to move forward rapidly to be at the cutting edge of financial services combining highly efficient delivery systems with continuous product innovation. Therefore, development of superior human skills, the latest information and technology platform are the cornerstones of Prime Bank’s overall strategy to be in the exclusive club of winning banks of the future. The Prime Commercial Banks passion is to succeed, strive for customer integrity in all, free and open communication, promoting the specialized needs of its niche markets. Prime Bank's activities primarily cover the provision of a full range of banking services to the commercial middle market segments of the country, with increasing emphasis in future on the growth of the consumer finance, agriculture and small and medium enterprise sectors. This operating strategy of Prime bank has been focused on continuous improvement of internal procedures and operating systems to provide better services to its customers by ensuring effective control on the quality of its operations. The bank strongly maintain job description, job specification, job analysis and job evaluation in organization and with the passage of time they redesign policies, procedures and practices according to the organizational requirements with introducing innovative ideas to boost the organization through strong HR team. HR committee is responsible to look after all the training and recruiting activates of organization. They advertise the posts in newspapers and also prefer to select from internees or walks in application. They evaluate the employee’s performance on regular basis. The team spirit is fostering best practices leading to good governance and creating an enabling environment for individual performance and collective growth. The exceptional value to all stakeholders by competing fairly in niche markets on the basis of superior service, innovative products and highest level of professionalism needed. It must be based on customer orientation, teamwork, creativity and operational excellence while maintaining high ethical standards as a socially responsible corporate citizen. The bank is committed to be a sophisticated, prominent and professional institution, providing one window service to its customers. While the Prime since its beginning has close more importance in technology integration. In order to hold competitive edge, investment in technology is at all times a top agenda and below even hub. Keeping the network within a reasonable limit, their strategy is to give out the customers through aptitude building across multi delivery channels through trained staff and there past performance gives a clue of their strength. They are better placed and poised to take their customers through fast changing times and permit them to struggle more efficiently in the market they activate. Prime advertise their

203 position through well-known newspapers and after getting request, pick out the candidate according to the post requirements and than sort out via interview for appointment at requisite situate according to their proficiency. Prime bank limited warmhearted about investment in technology and training. They craft their employees competitive through providing training facilities according to the changing demands of the marketplace to provide most excellent services to their customers.


The May 6th 1993 is unforgettable as an aviation landmark in the aerospace history of Pakistan. It was a day when a private airline entered the nation's skies with the commitment to serve the traveling public. Their home base is Quaid- e- Azam International Airport - Karachi and Dubai's Intentional Airport. They are amongst the International modern airports of the world and serves as gateway to Asia and beyond. Aero Asia, a subsidiary of "Tabani group of Companies" which is an established commercial entity by itself, started its operation from Karachi. A skeletal team manages this from two flights per day operation back in 1993. The airline has cruised high to become Pakistan's largest private airline with almost 404 domestic and international flights per month, catering to a rapidly expanding route network and flying the largest fleet of aircraft among all the private airlines operating in the country. Over the small span of time, it has grown to a largest airline in Pakistan, as its achievements are at large indebted to its much-esteemed travelers. Aero Asia’s number one policy is to facilitate travelers with the top-notch service to its highly esteemed passengers around the clock. The desire to excel in passenger service is gradually changing the face of its fleet from Russian to Western technology aircraft. Aero Asia currently flies 3 Boeing 737-200 on its domestic and international routes as well as the YAK-42D and BAC-111 Srs500s aircraft. It has now acquired two more western technology aircrafts i.e. one DC-9-51 and one MD- 83. Both these aircraft have reliable Pratt and Whitney JT8D engines. The maximum cruising speed of both the aircrafts is 850 kilometers/hour and both can cruise above 35,000 feet. The DC-9 has 125 seats with 32-inch seat pitch, while the MD-83 aircraft has a seating capacity of 157 economy class seats. The DC-9 will be incorporated in the fleet during the week, while MD-83 will join the fleet in 2nd week of March 2003 In Flight Services. This airline has a friendly and courteous crew providing cozy facilities to their passengers. The ultimate goal of it is to make every flight enjoyable and luxuriously easy for this purpose they have well-trained cockpit and cabin crew who is always over ready to welcome their passengers on board. Aero Asia offers drinks, hot and cold towel services, newspapers and special infant boxes for infants etc. the meals on board services are gastronomically selected and offer recherché menu. Cookery and cuisine is followed as per the passengers taste toothsomely dainty and nutritious low calorie food with salad at dinner, food with special dessert at lunch and continental breakfast. On other flights valued passengers are served with refreshments collection along with beverage full of goodies, delicacies. Passengers infant are entertained well with nonstop provision of great infant meal, which they can take home. Besides it, several medical facilities for terminally ill, sick are on call. Aero Asia Int'l in 1993 Commissioned an in - house reservation system, named

204 "Aerores”, which ensures that all the domestic as well as international stations are connected and have access to reservation information. Following a successful implementation of "Aerores", further systems were developed that automated sales and refunds, check-in, payroll, catering and flight logs, general ledger and cargo features. The state of the art techniques by Aero Asia’s IT professionals are being intensely applied to further improve and re engineer the current system. They have developed a totally a new window based reservation and accounting system TABRIS (Tabani Reservation Integrated System) which had been operational from the mid of the year 2000. At the turn of the century, Aero Asia’s reservation system and flight operation system are completely Y2K compliant. All state of the art systems have experimented by IT professionals to ensure maximum performance and life hazard free safety. In Aero Asia Int’l, cargo services and courier services are launched with the name of Aero Express. Well-appointed unit was started with professional staff and proper infrastructure and is still providing an effective operation. Aero Asia Int’l runs exquisitely cargo services on its International as well as domestic flights in collaboration with several major foreign airlines through interline cargo agreements e.g. the airlines as Emirates Airline, Gulf Air, KLM- Royal Dutch, Qatar Airways, Oman Air, Saudi Arabian Airlines and Singapore Airlines. It is the only Private Airline of Pakistan which has established its own flight kitchen providing hot meals, snacks and refreshment on International as well as domestic routes. Flight kitchen does a power of good by cooking out 4000 meals daily with the help of its trained, skilled staff. All necessary pro-life public safety measures are strictly followed to maintain the ultra hygienic condition of food. Still proper achievement of customer’s satisfaction is sought around the clock to furnish standardized services to befriended customers. Aero Asia leaves no stone unturned to further improve and upgrade its food menu served to passenger on its fast expending network. In this connection, aero Asia has signed an agreement with Swiss firm. The researcher bring into being that Aero Asia provides quality and fresh in-flight food services to the International passengers. Aero Asia International has special catering arrangements with reputable catering houses at various stations. Selection of menu is based on passengers’ tastes and preferences. These reputable catering houses include travel and tourism. Besides these matchless distinctions, the airline has largest tour operator in Pakistan arranging local and foreign tour in Pakistan. Travel and tourism package includes boarding and lodging, tour guide services etc. Aero Asia also arranges a number of tourist charters especially from Central Asian States to Pakistan and UAE. Venus Aviation, a sister traveling agency of Aero Asia Int’l, was established in June 1997, registered and licensed by Government of Pakistan. With modern travel agency set up, Venus Aviation is a stockholder of almost all International airlines operating in the region. Aero Asia Int’l offers chartered flights for various countries for pilgrimage and religious festivals. The research has also decoded that in recent years, the airline has also operated chartered flights for United Nation peacekeeping mission, carrying Pakistani troops to Somalia, Bosnia and Baku. No other private airline of Pakistan is so capable of fulfilling training needs of airline business as aero Asia is doing established in April 1994. The institutes are approved from C.A.A Govt. of Pakistan. This airline is also focusing on the future demand to equip manpower with modern technology and knowledge. They are endeavoring to induct have the experienced and professional team. The researcher has found that for this purpose

205 Aero Asia training institute designs courses for cabin crew, cock pit crew, engineers, flight operation personnel, marketing and sales people and airport service department. In this regard, Aero Asia Int’l has another feather in its aviation cap as it has brought in an apprenticeship and trainee engineer scheme. Technicians and engineers have been trained to take over all maintenance activities in the near future. The researcher has decrypted that today; teams of more than 90 engineers are working diligently to make the operation non-stop, safe and regular. In only 7 years, 31 trainee engineers and technicians have been awarded certification with the approval of Civil Aviation Authority of Pakistan Aero Asia is another airline operating in Pakistan known as the largest tour operators in Pakistan, organizing Local and foreign packages for tourists in Pakistan. The travel and tourism package includes boarding and lodging, tour guides and other related services. They also arrange several tourist deals for Central Asian states to Pakistan and UAE. Aero Asia offers chartered flights for various countries for pilgrimage and religious festivals. In recent years, the airline has also operated chartered flights for United Nation peacekeeping mission, carrying Pakistani troops to Somalia, Bosnia and Baku. The researcher has observed that Night saver flights offer the dual advantages of convenience and value. Aero Asia is announced jobs along with description on net and resume can be submitted via net by visiting pages for new job postings executive secretary, manager cargo, divisional manager, flight operations, general manager passengers services, general manager sales,. Job evaluation of employees is ended through ACR once a year. They don’t have specific training department for their HR and on the job training is mostly given to their employees. But they have strong training programs for their pilot, aero plane staff like cargo and hostesses etc. Aero Asia Int’l is Pakistan’s first airline in the private sector all the employees have been recruited, chosen and positioned to build the organization non-stop, safe and regular. Aero Asia announces jobs via Net and opts for the position according to their expertise. Aero Asia Int’l is Pakistan’s primary airline in the hush-hush sector that has introducing an apprenticeship and trainee engineers system. Technicians and engineers have been trained to take over all maintenance activities in the near future. At present, a team of 90 engineers are working meticulously to make the act non-stop, protected and customary. In only 7 years, 31 trainee engineers and technicians have been award certification with the approval of CAA of Pakistan. This organization doesn’t boast any unique training locale to educate executive human resources and on the job recruits are going to get trained.

* The State Life Insurance Corporation of Pakistan

The State Life Insurance Corporation of Pakistan has successfully completed two decades of its operations. These twenty years have been challenging and eventful. State life has, most worthily, fulfilled its organizational mission of protecting the future of the policyholders. The value of protection has been greatly enhanced by returning to the policyholders or their heirs for more than it was actually received in their form of premiums at the operational plan. The challenge of creating greater awareness about the life insurance has been perhaps, most redoubtable task but their efforts met with substantial success. The State Life Insurance Corporation of Pakistan has to furnish necessary role in modern development and progress of the country, keeping in view overwhelming future market challenges. State Life is one

206 of the most financially sound organizations and the country's largest real estate owner is a trustee of its valued policy holders. State Life will deliver its best by undertaking investment friendly real estate projects that would provide higher returns to the policy holders besides helping government in harnessing greater economic self reliance and prosperity. State Life should prepare itself to face the future challenges under a competitive era, as the private sector was being allowed to enter the insurance business. State Life Insurance Corporation of Pakistan is the guardian of its policyholders, funds and the responsibility lies upon its Board of Directors to run the affairs of the Corporation. State Life Insurance Corporation of Pakistan is engaged in the Life Insurance business and welfare of the country through Life Insurance along with generating revenue or income of government. This was incorporated on Nov 1st 1972 under the Life Insurance nationalization order 1972. The principal office of the corporation is situated at Karachi. Nowadays the State Life Insurance Corporation of Pakistan is working under “Insurance Ordinance 2000” which is recently stated by government of Pakistan. The basic structure of the Corporation consists of Zonal Offices in all-important towns, Regional Offices and a Principal Office. The Zonal Offices deal exclusively with the sales and underwriting have Life Insurance business and the policyholder's services. State Life Insurance Corporation of Pakistan is the largest insurance institution in Pakistan, established since 1972, with its branches in all the major cities as well as of the country, in the Middle East and UK. It helps bring its services to its dear customers. Their dynamic sales force of 42000 highly skilled and thoroughly professionals is out in the field to meet individual life insurance needs. Insurance is a growing need in a developing country like Pakistan. State Life Insurance Corporation of Pakistan has chalked out strategies to exploit the life insurance market by offering new and innovative products to the needs of various income groups. It looks forward to be a corporate leader in the life insurance business at the dawn of 21st century with a pledge to pay its due role in the economic development of our dear motherland In SLIC the major function of the organization is to carry out Life Insurance Business; however, it is also involved in the other related business activities such as investment of policyholders’ fund in government securities, stock market, real estate etc. On the commencement of the operations, the organization took a very important step by effecting reduction up to 33% in the premiums on the past and potential Life policies for the benefit of the policyholders. SLIC is smoothly striving towards its objective of making life insurance available to large section of the society by extending it to common man. They are giving two bonuses to their employees before Eid-ul-Fitr and one and half on Eid-Qurban. With the changing environment they are making more beneficial their employees by introducing new innovative ways that can be easily accessible and implemented in their organizations as computerized system, centrally air conditioned offices, best and cheap canteen system, etc The SLIC has a very powerful impact on the national economy as it provides security. The researcher indicates that life insurance has also a tremendous impact on social fabric of the society. It makes the society more cohesive and it prevents widows and orphans from being destitute and life insurance really bailed out families. When breadwinner dies and family has no resources at this time, it is the life insurance that comes to their rescue. Yet today a family income benefit scheme and there are thousands of Pakistani families, seven to eight thousands, who are getting a regular monthly

207 cheques from State Life because their bread winner had bought a policy and now that family is sustained by the regular income they are getting apart from the lump sum which was paid. This insurance also generates funds. The money is a saving. Pakistan as a country needs to raise their level of domestic savings, which at present is quite low. Because it is savings that raise money for infrastructure, industrialization and all the other needs of the society. They have an actuarial evaluation process and for the year 2000 and actuator surplus was Rs.401 crores and 97.5% of it is legally distributed to the policyholders by way of bonus. And 2.5 per cent goes to the government as a shareholder. The corporation was financially a very sound organization. SLIC restructuring has been taken up the previous field structure of the corporation was devised in 1974 and was made effective from January 01, 1975 and some features of that structure required modifications as with the passage of time they became out of date. SLIC enjoys nearly 95 per cent of the individual life market. It has achieved such a market share due to its monopoly for nearly twenty years. Besides an extensive network of branches in Pakistan, SLIC also operates in UAE, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia and UK. With the entry of private sector life insurance companies, SLIC has redefined its strategy to maintain its market share; these companies were never considered to be a threat to state-owned giant. The corporation enjoys a very strong capital base, investment portfolio and dedicated and professional field staff. It has introduced the job analysis system in their organization, job specification and job description through their strong HR department and job evaluation systems is introduced with the inception to make the employees at tentative for their workings. Evaluation done on yearly basis while job analysis before announcing any job after selection they describe the job and provide training facilities through HR department, this is all done to make the organization more strong and redesign work through introducing innovative ideas in organization year after year. By and large it is known that the life assurance is to offer financial security to convene financial losses caused by hazards. Life assurance originated and developed to diminish the impact of these hazards by grouping together with others and thus sharing the risk. Life Insurance is truly income insurance a new source of income replacing the earning power of the breadwinner if unfortunately he/she is taken away. It is in a sense, time, because it is money a person did not have time to accumulate; an estate that will complete the plans there was not time to finish. Life Insurance is sold not because someone may die, but because someone must live. If people die, the contracts, which the life insurance agent has sold, are life for the survivors. If people live, the contracts are life for their old age. While people live, their contracts assure effective thrift and accumulation of funds and reserves for emergencies and for opportunities. It is an unsurpassed vehicle of savings; protection and growth that has stood the test of time and given people the security they need to maintain financial soundness and peace of mind. The fundamental purpose of life assurance is to provide money to meet financial losses caused by death, disability and illnesses. However, life assurance policies may also supply investment benefits that is, money payable on survival of the life assured appealing than only on death. In some circumstances you can also have policies that pay out benefits if the policyholder suffers a critical illness. There are two main fundamentals of life assurance. These are protection-income and security for dependents after the death of the life assured. Investment is the creation of capital from regular savings. A life assurance produce can be made up of either or both of

208 these two basics. Life assurance policies are paid for by premiums. SLIC is a service organization that is obligated to render a humanitarian service of highest order. Their service is intangible and therefore not acquire defy by the people who need it, but has to be sold to them by persuasive methods. For this reason a team of professionals known as field force that is to be deployed which generally consists of agents and employer of agents. The agents whom in the SLIC have designated as insurance sales representatives are the persons who sit face to face with the clients and convey the message of life insurance to them. The more receptive and assuming personality they have, the more knowledgeable and professionally competent they are; the more effective they are in their approach and more efficient in rendering the pre and post sales service to the clients which ultimately results in more income and more prosperity to them. They can claim to be a good service organization only when then has a great team of such competent and progressive sales representatives SLIC declare vacancy via eminent newspapers and select the entrant according to the position demand and choose passing through interview for selection at indispensable locate according to their know-how It has been observed that SLIC is a service organization that is obligated to render a humanitarian service of highest order. Every new entrant has to pass the prescribed training courses within the specified time limits, encourage him/her to participate in local advanced courses/ seminars held from time to time to enrich knowledge and increase professional competence and encourage them to take up approved foreign professional courses and do subsidies the course fees and cost of books etc

* Pakistan International Airlines

The Government of Pakistan established Pakistan International Airlines Corporation (PIA) on March 11, 1955, when PIA took over Orient Airways. As a company, PIA had been founded in 1951 and its first operations were between East and West Pakistan in June 1954. A service to London had begun in early 1955. The Corporation is responsible for the maneuver of all services within Pakistan, together with airbus services and feeder services in East and West Pakistan, and also the regional services to Katmandu, Mayammer and Kabul. An eleven times-weekly service between Karachi and London is operated via points in the Middle East and Europe, and via Moscow. PIA also operates services to Bangkok and Shanghai and to Jeddah, Nairobi, Dubai, and Doha and to Bahrain and Kuwait. Short takeoff and landing aircraft are considered as a replacement for the helicopter services in far- flung and remote areas. In 1974, PIA contracted out Negus and Negus of London to re-design a new more attractive livery that would be more propitiously ascribed to the Airline. They came up with the Green and Gold insignia, which had remained until the late 80s and very early 90s.PIA replaced its famous Green and Gold livery with a sportier one of Green, Moss Green and Turquoise stripes. It is said by PIA, that this new theme has a sportier look, representing the active participation and sponsorship of Pakistan's National Sports. In 1999, PIA acquired five Ex-Cathy Pacific Boeing 747-367s to replace the older series 747s operating on Long-Haul International routes though some of the older 747s still operate such as in mixed configuration. PIA is currently marketing after new aircraft to extend. Its fleet interest lies in the Airbus A340, more 747-367s or the Wide body 777. Whilst at the time of writing, the exact purchase planes were not been concreted, further yet

209 evolution of the National Flag carrier will be welcomed my many. State of the art technology coupled with specialist instructors are assigned at these centers for imparting meticulous working out for handing over up to the minute aerospace and to imparting rigorous training to those who dole out and uphold diverse types of aircrafts (B-747-200, A-310, A-300, B-737, F-27, Twin Otter and B-707). The training aids and equipment used are the most up-to-date. The methods of acquaintance and skill reassign, adopted at the PIA Training Center, are mottled, down-to-earth and useful. Group argument, observations, experiments; simulations, case studies, etc amplify classroom lectures. Study tours are recurrently conducted and seminars on topics of general curiosity are recurrently convened. Training facilities on hand within the airline also embrace flight simulators, which are used in the basic and recruitment of pilots and other operational crew? The equipment here includes: a cabin service procedures trainer, a Boeing 707- 340 Flight Simulator, A- 300-B4 Flight Simulator, and 747-200 Flight Simulator and A-310 Video and Audio Computer Based Instructions (VACBI) Systems. These are fundamentally supplemented with novice workshops and laboratories for new entrants. For many years the PIA Training Center fixes another feather in its cap by training to a large number of pilots, engineers, flight stewards/stewardesses, traffic and sales personnel from over 30 airlines and associated agencies worldwide, mostly from Asian and African countries. Professional training and technical courses are deemed essential in PIA to be competitively productive for organization. Their annual training budget exceeds over 50 million for executive development or for employees of several cadres in the system. They have very scientific and systematic policy of recruitment and promotion for filling different positions. They have in-house training programs for the job performance and for career planning .The success of their organization depend on training and growth of manager’s/workforce/trained engineers and technicians. Doubtless, PIA monopolizes aerospace industry in Pakistan as its rivals are not so competitively stronger and more technically sound. They have at some extent monopoly in the country, as their competitors are not as much as strong as they are strong. They work according to planning and one of the reasons of success can be the organizational peace. They have adequate delegation system with a great governmental subvention. They have modern technology. Nearly 15900 employees are working in the organization, of which 75 are executives, 318 are supervisors, 1727 are skilled workers and 13780 are unskilled workers. They have written job description in connection with separate management training department. The required qualification of the training in charge is PhD; they have a well-appointed management-training department. PIA’s management training is compartmentalized into that different levels-initial, middle and advanced. In this regard, trainers of three different cadres over the period 1990-2000 articulate as it follow-initial level management near to 2300, middle level management somewhat 730 last but not least advanced level management approximately 718. The expenditure to incur management-training expenses was roundabout 31.9 million Moreover, their future planning is to touch aerospace skies to the core in the connection with maintaining their sophisticated standards. The budget, at that time was 31.9 millions. Their future planning is to be the no.1 in the country as well as to maintain their standards. Executives are promoted on merit. Operational and professional courses are the formal training courses. Training is also arranged on the

210 job. Sources of recruitment are through advertisement in newspapers. Employee’s turnaround in terms of layoffs/terminations/separations is less then 10%. Employees experience contented in their organization and from working conditions. Their main motivator is financial. Their contentment organization has reward system. They conduct periodic conferences about the performance of employees. They acquire expertise assistance in training activities. In the process of planning they involve their organization members. Organizational transition is a pet subject of PIA’s workforce owing to the prevailing corporate philosophy i.e. boost requires change as a constant element. That is why; its employees do their work in advance of ultimatum termination. They team up against overwhelming odds. Notwithstanding professional approach, organization possesses humanitarian concern by empathizing with beleaguered employees. Organization is sympathetic with employee’s problems. Time management is the key to their success. In the era of 1990-2000, employees training programs were held in house. Some 3000 employees were trained in 300 courses. For internship, they call for MBA and engineering internees. In the department, job rotation policy is implemented. In technical area, job training policy is provided. Attendance in training is always 100% .The constructive role of HR department is highly effective. HR department’s responsibilities are policymaking, hiring, training, career planning. HR department’s function is HR evaluation. Government labor laws are applicable to the employees. Management development policy is to train employees in right discipline. Selection is always preferred on merit. Organization’s accomplishments are expansion of fleets. Corporation provides the utility bills and medical facility to family as well as parents. Employees are trained to get aware of the technological change with least exception of policy change. Change can generate deep resistance in people and in organization making it difficult, if not possible to implement organizational and social improvements. Human resistance to change is due to lack of knowledge, cooperation, understanding and non-availability of adequate information. All sounds inevitable, when there is clash of interests and differences of approaches about the change. Skill development is the need of the hour. They need skill enhancement in all fields. There is unbridgeable fissure between non-stop availability and continuous demand for trained and skilled manpower in the country. Contractual arrangements by private and informal sectors are applied to create a strong training culture to accomplish the highest level of proficiency in labor market and simultaneously to make training provisions flexible, demand- oriented and cost effective. This Pakistan’s aerospace giant does all to serve employees need for skilled manpower. PIA is running with the motto of change in every aspects of organization as change in training methods, change is recruitment policies, changes in the working environment of the organization. The researcher has observed that they have now online services, special packages offered now for Hajj and Umra. They have overall computerized system and improve on flights services with reasonable fairs. PIA is also facilitating their employees by providing all types of satisfactory work environment to improve their performance. Pakistan International Airlines (PIA) is equipped with a sound human resource management and has a solid safety and health program Often check in staff is not aware of frequent changes in the PIA baggage allowance and they are inefficient and rude. They are blocked for friends and families of PIA staff or to oblige someone special. No amount of direct, advance, written or recorded requests, pleas or approaches have

211 ever secured me the seat with legroom in the economy class. This study indicates that the organization has a well established HR department and devotedly performing all the activities like job description, job specification, job placement, job evaluation and job redesigning in advanced lines to make the organization more beneficial for the country and people. Jobs are mostly advertised in newspapers and through a detailed program of recruitment people are recruited that are suitable and fit for the post through HR department. Job evaluation is done on annual basis through ACR forms. The researcher has made an attempt that PIA has systematic policy of recruitment and promotion for filling diverse positions. They have to some extent monopoly in the country, with their competitors in compatible and less incompetent. From the highest echelons of power to the grass root level, PIA is in collaborative coordination with each other with the firm establishment of organizational harmony. In this bond, they have been employing overwhelming governmental support. They have well appointed gadgets and modern technology to flutter high in local as well as international aviation. They have modern technology. Nearly 15900 employees are functioning in the organization. Of which 75 are executives, 318 are supervisors, 1727 are skilled workers, and 13780 are unskilled workers, and at all levels they have written job description and executives promoted on merit (http// Date: 10.03.2004). Sources of recruitment are from first to last advertisement in newspapers. Employee’s layoffs/ terminations/ separations are less then 10%. Employees feel satisfied in their organization and from working conditions. Their main motivator is financial. Their organization has reward scheme. They conduct periodic conferences on the subject of the performance of employees. The employees meet deadlines. They work according to a great teamwork. Organization empathizes with employee’s evils time management is key to their success. Time management is the key to their victory. Management development policy was to train employees in right discipline. Selection is always preferred on merit. It is also necessary to mention here that in PIA the training aid and equipment used are the most recent. The methods of knowledge and skill transfer, adopted at the PIA training center are extensive, intact, realistic and valuable. Group discussion, observations, experiments; simulations, case studies, etc augment classroom lectures. Study tours to a number of PIA facilities are often conducted and seminars on topic of general interest are frequently convened. Training facilities on hand within the airline also take in flight simulators, which are used also for pilots and other operational crew. For many years the PIA training center has also been instrumental in representation of training to a large number of pilots, engineers, flight stewards/ stewardesses, traffic and sales personnel from over 30 airlines and associated agencies international, typically from Asian and African country. In PIA at all echelons training is considered as significant and productive for organization. Their annual training budget is 50 million for executive development or for employees in the organization. They have in-house training programs for the job performance and for career planning. The success of their organization depends on training and development of managers/workforce/trained engineer and technicians. They encompass at some degree ascendancy in the country, as their competitors are not as much as brawny as they are strong. They work according to planning and one of the reasons of success can be the organizational peace, they have adequate delegation system they also have a great shore up from government. They have modern technology. Nearly 15900 employees

212 are working in the organization. Of which 75 are executives, 318 are supervisors, 1727 are skilled workers, 13780 are unskilled workers ( and at all levels they have written job description. They have separate management training department. The qualification of the training in charge is Ph.D. They have a well-equipped management-training department. The number of employees at different levels in PIA who received management training from 1990-2000 is at preliminary level management near to 2300 at middle level management approximately 730, advanced management near to 718. The budget at that moment in time was 31.9 million. There panorama planning is to be number one in the country in addition to uphold their values. Executives promoted on merit. Operational and professional courses are the formal training courses. Training is also prearranged on the job. They uphold periodic conference about the performance of employees. They get hold of expertise assistance in training activities. In the process of planning they involve their organization members. They work according to a colossal teamwork. Organization is compassionate with employee’s tribulations. Time management is the input to their accomplishment. In the epoch of 1990-2000 employees training programs were in house. Some 3000 employees trained in 300 courses. For internship they term for MBA and engineering internees in the department job rotation policy are implemented. In technical area job training policy is provided. Attendance in training was always 100%. The responsibility of HR department is very effective. HR department’s responsibilities are policymaking, hiring, training, career planning. HR department’s function was HR assessment.

213 Dr. Zareen Abbasi

Born: 17/10/1967 Birthplace: Sukkur, Sindh, Pakistan

Dr. Zareen Abbasi is Pakistani and holds a PhD in Public Administration (HRM)) from the University of Karachi, Pakistan in 2006, an MA in Public Administration, Quaid-eAzam University, Islamabad. She was appointed as Research Associate (27-10-1994) then became Lecturer (01-08-1998) in the Department of Public Administration, University of Sindh, Jamshoro and in 2001 Registered as Part-Time Tutor in Allama Iqbal Open University, Hyderabad Campus. She became Assistant Professor (04-01-04) in the Department of Public Administration, University of Sindh, Jamshoro. She Visited USA, International Visitors Leadership Program, Science and Technology (S & T), University Administration from 27th August to 15th September, 2007. She presented paper in India in 2nd IBS Ahmedabad International Conference on Management (IBSA-ICON 07) from 27th -29th Dec, 2007. She has the honor to present papers in various International conferences. She is the author of fifteen in print research papers in different journals in the field of management. She is the member of Alumnus of [email protected], the US Government International forum for Alumni of International Visitors Exchange Programs.