2011.10.00 Pakistans Law Enforcement Response Final.Pdf

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2011.10.00 Pakistans Law Enforcement Response Final.Pdf 1 Telephone: +92-51-2601461-2 Fax: +92-51-2601469 Email: fo.pakistan@unodc.org Website: www.unodc.org This report was produced by the United Nations Office for Drugs and Crime, Country Office, Pakistan. This is not an official document of the United Nations. The designations employed and the presentation of the material in this material in this document do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the Secretariat of the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area of its authorities, or concerning the delimitations of its frontiers and boundaries. The information contained in this report has been sourced from publications, websites, as well as formal and informal consultations. The analysis is not definitive. 2 Table of Contents Table of Contents ...................................................................................................................3 Abbreviations .........................................................................................................................5 About the Authors ..................................................................................................................6 Acknowledgments ..................................................................................................................7 Executive Summary .......................................................................................................... 8 Key findings ....................................................................................................................... 8 Key recommendations ....................................................................................................... 8 Part I: Outline and Introduction ................................................................................. 10 1 Background ................................................................................................................... 10 United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC)...................................................... 10 2 Purpose, Concept, and Objectives ................................................................................ 11 2.1 Purpose .................................................................................................................. 11 2.2 Concept & Methodology ....................................................................................... 11 2.3 Obstacles & Limitations ......................................................................................... 15 Part II: Assessment .................................................................................................... 16 1 Enforcement Agencies .................................................................................................. 16 1.1 Enforcement Mandates ......................................................................................... 16 1.2 Legislative frameworks .......................................................................................... 24 1.3 Management of investigations .............................................................................. 28 1.4 National Coordination and Partnerships ............................................................... 30 1.5 NGO and community involvement ........................................................................ 36 2 Human Resources ......................................................................................................... 40 2.1 Staffing ................................................................................................................... 40 2.2 Recruitment ........................................................................................................... 43 2.3 Training: Availability & Delivery............................................................................. 46 2.4 Training: Contents ................................................................................................. 52 3 Criminal Intelligence .................................................................................................... 58 3.1 Intelligence Gathering and Exchange .................................................................... 58 3.2 Covert Investigation Techniques ........................................................................... 62 3.3 Informants ............................................................................................................. 67 3.4 Patrols and physical surveillance ........................................................................... 70 3.5 Proactive Investigations......................................................................................... 71 4 Enforcement Powers..................................................................................................... 75 4.1 Sources of Enforcement Powers ........................................................................... 75 4.2 Types of Investigative Powers ............................................................................... 77 4.3 Exercise of Enforcement Powers ........................................................................... 79 4.4 Facilities & Equipment ........................................................................................... 81 5 Investigation Procedures & Techniques ....................................................................... 86 5.1 Reporting Crime ..................................................................................................... 86 5.2 Case Management and Data Storage .................................................................... 91 5.3 Information and Evidence Gathering .................................................................... 94 5.4 Border Control ....................................................................................................... 97 5.5 Crime Scene Work ............................................................................................... 103 5.6 Forensics .............................................................................................................. 107 5.7 Identification of Suspects .................................................................................... 109 5.8 Interviewing and Treatment of Suspects............................................................. 111 5.9 Financial Investigations ....................................................................................... 114 3 5.10 Confiscation of Assets .......................................................................................... 117 6 Victims & Witnesses ................................................................................................... 120 6.1 Identifying Victims ............................................................................................... 120 6.2 Interviewing Victims & Witnesses ....................................................................... 123 6.3 Protection of Victims of Trafficking in Persons ................................................... 126 6.4 Protection of Smuggled Migrants ........................................................................ 132 6.5 Witness Protection .............................................................................................. 137 Appendix: FIA Immigration and Anti-Human Trafficking Offices .................................... 142 List of References ......................................................................................................... 144 Reports, articles, and other literature ........................................................................... 144 Expert consultation ....................................................................................................... 145 4 Abbreviations AFPIS Automated Finger Print Impression System AHTC Anti-Human Trafficking Circles (FIA), Pakistan ATU Anti-Human Trafficking Unit (FIA), Pakistan CMS Case Monitoring System CSI Crime Scene Investigation DNA Deoxyribonucleic Acid FIA Federal Investigation Agency, Pakistan FIU Financial Intelligence Unit FMU Financial Monitoring Unit, Pakistan HUTIS Human Trafficking Information System IATF Inter-Agency Taskforce IB Intelligence Bureau, Pakistan IBMS Integrated Border Management System ICCPR International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights ICESCR International Covenant on Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights IIU Immigration Intelligence Unit, FIA IOM International Organisation for Migration ISI Inter-Services Intelligence, Pakistan MoU Memorandum of Understanding NFSA National Forensic Science Agency, Pakistan NAS Narcotics Affairs Section (US Department of State) NDRA National Database & Registration Authority, Ministry of Interior, Pakistan NGO Non-Government Organisation PISCES Personal Identification Secure Comparison and Evaluation System SOCA Serious and Organised Crime Agency, United Kingdom UN United Nations UN.GIFT United Nations Global Initiative to Fight Human Trafficking UNODC United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime US United States of America USD United States Dollar 5 About the Authors Dr Andreas Schloenhardt PhD (Law) (Adelaide), Associate Professor The University of Queensland, TC Beirne School of Law, Brisbane Qld 4072, Australia ph: +61-7-3365 6191, a.schloenhardt@uq.edu.au Andreas Schloenhardt is Associate Professor/Reader at The University of Queensland TC Beirne School of Law in Brisbane, Australia. His principal areas of research include criminal law, organised crime, narcotrafficking,
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