Glenmoor & Winton Weekly News Issue 7 16th January 2015 Principal’s Message

Welcome back to the summer term; I hope everyone had an enjoyable Easter break. We have re‐opened the school fields this week and it is wonderful to see so many students enjoying the beer weather and taking advantage of the excellent school grounds we have at Glenmoor and Winton. New picnic benches are on order so students can eat their lunch on the field if they so wish in the near future. Good luck to all year 11 students as we draw ever closer to the summer GCSE exams. My message in assembly on Monday was to 'keep calm and carry on' as with structured revision and proper preparaon the summer exams will be a cause for celebraon amongst the year 11 cohort. I would like to apologise for any confusion caused around the opening of the Academies on Monday 20th April. The made every aempt to inform parents of the change and if you have any issues or quesons please do not hesitate to contact me. I am very clear student learning comes first at Glenmoor and Winton and the number of inset days will be reduced for the next academic year to encompass this belief. Best Wishes, Ben Antell

We Celebrate all Things British Dates for your diary

Glenmoor and Winton students celebrated St Friday 1 May George’s Day this week with special assemblies SWAG Curry and Quiz Night and their lessons all based around ‘The Best of OUR PTA HOLD AN EVENING OF FUN, FOOD AND DRINK. SEE THE WEBSITE Brish’. Pupils learnt about the geography of the FOR DETAILS Brish Isles, the history of the Union flag, the establishment of our literary tradion as well as Monday 4 May being exposed to the work of the greatest Brish Bank Holiday English & Media arsts, designers and writers. Workshops YEAR 11 PUPILS DO FINAL PREPARATION Win in Prestigious Essay Writing Contest FOR THEIR ENGLISH EXAM AND COMPLETE THEIR MEDIA COURSEWORK

Abigail Bessant and Nichola Wilson have become Tuesday 5 May the only two students to be shortlisted for a prize iGCSE English Language Exam in an essay compeon on the Magna Carta, THE CULMINATION OF YEAR 11 STUDENTS’ HARD WORK—THEIR FINAL beang pupils from several presgious private and ENGLISH LANGUAGE EXAM grammar schools. Abbie and Nikki both wrote 2,000 word essays on whether Magna Carta had Thursday 7 May any relevance in 2015, which they had been GCSE Drama Exams studying in Gied and Talented History Club. YEAR 11 GIRLS TAKE IMPORTANT PRACTICAL DRAMA TESTS

Year 8 Take the Dyson Challenge! Friday 8 May Duke of Edinburgh Practice We were visited by the Dyson Educaonal Team Expeditions this week, who set pupils an excing design OUR D OF E STUDENTS PREPARE FOR challenge—to design an air‐powered device for the THEIR ASSESSED EXPEDITIONS modern kitchen using various Dyson components! There were hover chairs, dual hairdryers and a Monday 6 April - Friday 17 April device for removing waste from refrigerators; the Easter Holiday and Year 11 Revision team were very impressed by the innovave ideas Conferences on show. YEAR 11 STUDENTS MAKE FINAL PREPARATIONS FOR THEIR EXAMS Follow us on twier @GlenmoorAcademy @WintonAcademyUL Spring Arts School ‘Books & Stories’ Scheme launched

A number of our students were invited to spend three days Enthusiasc readers from across the school have begun a during the Easter Holidays at The Arts’ University’s Spring programme run by University aimed at

Arts School. Pupils took part in courses around llustraon, stretching their reading ability and making reading a pas‐ model making and costume design, and all thoroughly en‐ sion for life. Pupils meet with specially trained students joyed, and learnt a lot from, the experience. Deano Picker‐ from every week and read and ing, one of the lecturers, praised parcipants, saying: “It was discuss books—a bit like a book group! At the moment, fantasc to see the variety and level of work that was pro‐ they are enjoying ‘The Maze Runner’. One Year 7 parci‐ duced over the three days”. pant said he would give the club “ten out of ten”!

Bedlam Trenches Visit Huge Football Win!

Pupils involved in our JET Blue Skies Programme which is Having had fantasc seasons, our Year 10 and 11 boys’ foot‐ linked to the Jon Egging Trust, one of our chosen charies, ball teams played in the Town Cup finals this week. Despite enjoyed a visit to the Bedlam Trenches this week. pung up an impressive fight, our Year 11s lost 2‐0 against It was a great day for pupils who were involved in a variety an impressive St Peters team. Our Year 10s, meanwhile, tast‐ of team building acvies as well as learning about the ed glory with a 3‐1 win against old rivals Twynham, who have history of the area. beat us in the finals for the last three years!

Organisers complimented pupils on their behaviour during Support from parents and staff was fantasc, with our cheers the day. Pupils said they thought it was a “fantasc, inter‐ from the stands outstripping everyone else. It was a great esng visit”. aernoon and the boys involved couldn’t have tried harder.

Glenmoor Academy, Beswick Avenue, , Bournemouth, Tel 01202 527818