A Fond Farewell to a Fantastic Bunch!
A World of challenge, inspiration and achievement. A Fond Farewell to a Fantastic Bunch! With the passing on of yet an- -the Gifted and Talented Acad- students in finding the best path other Year 13 cohort it is always emy, sporting bursaries and for them and equipping them time to take stock and review other forms of support for stu- with the skills to seize the op- the achievements and the dents aiming to achieve both portunities that their hard work growth of the Sixth Form here within and outside the school. brings them. at Highcliffe over recent years. There can be no doubt that this Academically results continue to On the careers side just in the has been the most successful 12 improve year on year both in last 12 months there have been months for 16+ provision at the average points per student and careers mornings, future path- school: per examination. This year in ways days, visits to Higher Edu- -the improvement in academic the January round of examina- cation conferences, targeted performance and range of sub- tions over 60 students were work experience (both in the UK ject choice offered, awarded special certificates for and abroad), the Connexions – the continuing growth in the achieving marks of over 90% in interviews programme and size of the student body with its their AS/A2 examination papers. mock interviews. ever widening appeal to en- trants new to the school at Key This feeds Stage 5, through to -the continuing development of greater op- university and careers support portunities -the ballooning of the social and for the stu- enrichment programmes, dents when -the involvement of the Sixth they move Form students supporting oth- on and the ers throughout and beyond the school makes school sure that all -a more confident student necessary voice helping to set the direc- support is in tion for Highcliffe, place to aid “I believe in using what you have, instead of mourning for that which you do not.
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