Transportation Advisory Group
BOROUGH OF POOLE TRANSPORTATION ADVISORY GROUP 23RD FEBRUARY 2006 The meeting commenced at 7.00pm and concluded at 10.00pm Present: Councillor Burden (Chairman) Councillors Adams (substituting for Councillor Gillard), Mrs Lavender, Mrs Moore (substituting for Councillor Knight) Mrs Stribley (substituting for Councillor Leverett) Trent, White (substituting for Councillor Gregory) and Miss Wilson. Also attending Councillors Belcham, Mrs Butt, Eades, Mrs Hillman, Matthews, Parker and Rampton Members of the Public present – 16. 1. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Gillard, Gregory, Knight and Leverett (with the above substitutions). 2. MINUTES RESOLVED that the Minutes of the Meeting held on 8th December 2005 be confirmed and signed by the Chairman as a correct record. 3. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Councillor Adams declared a personal interest in Item 4 as his daughter was a user of the Fourways Day Centre. Councillor Mrs Lavender declared a personal interest in Item 6 as a Ward Member. The Chairman declared a personal interest in Item 7 as a Ward Member. Councillor Mrs Moore declared a personal interest in Item 8 as a Ward Member. 1 4. PETITION FOR A PEDESTRIAN CROSSING AT THE SHAH OF PERSIA Steve Tite, Transportation Services, presented a report which considered a petition from the Poole Forum for people with learning difficulties for the provision of pedestrian crossing facilities at the Shah of Persia traffic signal junction referred from Council on 25th October 2005. The Petition had been co-ordinated by Poole Forum, which was a self-advocacy charity for people with learning difficulties. They were concerned that users of the Seaview Day Centre in Croft Road who wanted to travel independently on foot had to be transported by Social Services because of the risks associated with crossing at the Shah of Persia.
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