The Confederate Blockade Runner Denbigh MEMBERSHIP J
The INA Quarterly , ,, , ,; J , ,,, , , ............, ,<" , .:; , , ,, , , ," , , ,, A, Volume 26 No. 2 Summer 1999 3 The Confederate Blockade Runner Denbigh MEMBERSHIP J. Brzrf~lArtlcrld 111, Andy Hall, Tom Oertling, and Institute of Nautical Archaeology Christine A. Powell P.O. Drawer HG College Station, TX 77841-5137 13 St. Michael and the Port Royal Weights C. Wayne Smith Learn firsthand of the latest discov- eries in nautical archaeology. Mem- 16 In the Field be rs receive the INA Quarterly and other benefits (see INA Quarterly =.I, 27. 18 Review: The Alnbamn and the Kearsarge: Researcher (students only) .....$5 The Sailor's Cinil War Seafarer. ................. $40-99 by William Marvel Surveyor .............. $10&249 Mark A. Feulner Diver ................... $250449 Restorer ................ $50&999 Curator ...........$1,000-$2,499 19 In Memoriam: Excavator ........... $2,500-4,949 Charles Olin Mc Whirter Archaeologist: ......$5,00&9,999 Navigator .......... $10,000-24,999 Anchor ..........$25,000 and over Checks in U.S.currency should be made On the cover: A paintlng shows the Confederate blockade runner payable to INA. Thr portionof any dr~ Dcnbigh, which sank in Galvestan Bay six weeks after Robert E. nation in excess of $lC.00 is a tax-de- Lee's Army of Northern Virginia surrendered in 1865. Courtesy ductible, char-tabl contribution. Charles Peery. 0August 1999 by the Institute of Nautical Archamlogy. All rights resenred. INA welcomes requests !o reprint LNA Quarterly articles and iliustrations. hrb:des for publication should be submitted in hard copy and on a 3.25 diskette (Macintosh, m,ur Windows format acceptable) ~l~ngwith .dl artwork. Please address all requests and submissions to the Ed~tor,INA Quarterly, P.0.
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