Alon Arik Einstein

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Alon Arik Einstein ÔÈÈˢÈȇ†˜È¯‡ Arik Einstein πμ∏†Æ†±≤Ø≤∞±¥†Æ†„¢Ú˘˙‰†ÂÏÒÎ ÌÈÏ·‰†ÔÂÈÏÈ‚†ÈÏ¢†Ï·‰†¯Â‡È˙ ¯˙ÂȆ‰È‰†¨±π≥π†¯‡ÂȆ·È·‡≠Ï˙†„ÈÏȆ¨ÔÈÈˢÈȇ†˜È¯‡ ı¯‡‰†˙ˆ˜†ÏÎÓ†ÌÈ·¯Ï†ÆÂÏ˘†Ï„‚†ÈΉ†¯Óʉ†¯˘‡Ó ∫‰ÂÓ˙†„·ÈÚ†ÆÔÈÈˢÈȇ†˜È¯‡†Ï˘†Â˜ÂÈ„†‰‡¯†Ï·· ı¯‡Ï†ÏÓÒ†‰È‰†ÔÈÈˢÈȇ†˜È¯‡†¨ÌÚ‰†˙·΢†ÏÎÓ ‰ÎÈÓ†¨˙Èχ¯˘È‰†˙ÈÎÂÈÁ‰†‰ÈÊÈÂÂÏˉ†∫ÌÂψ˙†¨Ô‚·†¯ÈÙ‡ ˜¯†‰È‰†‡Â‰†‰È„Ó‰†‰Ó˜˘Î†ÌÓ‡†Æ˙È˙ÈÓ‡‰†Ï‡¯˘È .Ôӯ¯·†Ô‡≠¯· Â˙‡†ÌÈÂÂÏÓ†ÂÏ˘†ÌÈ¯È˘‰Â†ÂϘ˘†‰Ó„†Í‡†π†Ô·†„ÏÈ Â‡©†‰Ë˜‰†Ï‡¯˘È†ı¯‡†Ï˘†ÌÈÓȉӆ∫„ÈÓ˙ÓÂ†Ê‡Ó Ï˘†Ô˜ÂÈ„†‰‡¯†ÌÈÏ·‰†ÔÂÈÏÈ‚†Ï˘†ÌÈÈÏ‡Ó˘‰†ÌÈÈÏ¢· ˙ÂÓÁÏÓ‰†ÏΆͯ„†¨®¯È„‚‰†‡Â‰˘†ÈÙΆ¢‰·Âˉ†‰˘È‰¢ ¨¢‰˙‡Â†È‡¢†¯È˘‰†Ï˘†Ô¢‡¯‰†˙È·‰Â†ÔÈÈˢÈȇ†˜È¯‡ .Ú¯·Â†·ÂË·†¨˙„¯ÂӉ†˙ÂÈÏÚ‰†¨˙ÂÁÓ˘‰Â .ÔÈÈˢÈȇ†˜È¯‡†È„È·†·˙΢ ÌÈÓ·χ†¯ˆÈ†ÌÈ¯È˘†ËÈϘ‰†‡Â‰†˙¯Ó‚†È˙Ï·†˙ÂÈ˙¯ÈˆÈ· ˙Âȉφ˘„Á˙‰Ï†Ï„Á†‡Ï†¨‰˘†ÌÈÚ·¯‡†Í˘Ó·†ÌȇÏÙÂÓ ¨ÌÏÂÚ‰†˙‡†‰˘†‰˙‡Â†È‡¢ ˙‡Ê†ÌÚ†Ô΄ÂÚÓ†˙Âȉφۇ˘†„ÈÓ˙†ÆÔÈÈÚÓ†Èχ¢‡ ¨ÌÏÂΆ¯·Î†Â‡Â·È†Ê‡†‰˙‡Â†È‡ Ư‚·ӆÏÈ‚·†Ì‚†ÍΆÍÈ˘Ó‰†‡Â‰†Æ¯·ÚφÌÈÚ‚ڂ†‡ÏÓ ¨ÈÈÙφ̄˜†‰Ê†˙‡†Â¯Ó‡ ¨≤∞±≥†¯·Ó·Â·†¨∑¥†ÏÈ‚·†Â˙ÂÓ†ÈÙφ¯ˆ˜†ÔÓʆÂÏÈÙ‡ ¨‰˘Ó†‡Ï Æ˘„Á†ËÈϘ˙φÈÙÏÁ†Ì‰¯·‡†Ï˘†ÌÈ¯È˘†ËÈϘ‰Ï†˜ÈÙÒ‰ Æ¢ÌÏÂÚ‰†˙‡†‰˘†‰˙‡Â†È‡ Ì˙Ò¢†‰È‰†‡Ï†ÔÈÈˢÈȇ†˜È¯‡†Æ¯È˘Ï†˜ÈÒÙ‰†‡Ï†‡Â‰ ÌÈËҘˆ˘ÙÈÁ†‡Â‰†ÆÂÏÈ·˘·†ÌÈ·˙Â΢†‰Ó†¯˘˘†¨¢¯ÓÊ .‰Èχ†‰ÓÈ҆߷‚†Ï˘†‰˙·Ȅ‡·†≠†ÌÈÏÈӉ†ÌÂψ˙‰ ‰ÏÈ‚†‰Áω‰†ÌÂÁ˙·†ÆÌÈ¯È˘†˙¯˘Ú†ÂÓˆÚ·†·˙Π˙‡†Û˙¢ӷ†Â¯ˆÈ†Â˙ȇ†„ÁÈ·†ÂÏ„‚˘†¨ÌȯÈÚˆ†˙¯˘Î Ï˘†˙ÂÓ˘†ÌÈȈӆÔÂÈÏÈ‚‰†Ï˘†ÌÈÓȉ†ÌÈÂÈÏÚ‰†ÌÈÈÏ¢· ȘÈÓ†¨ÍÂÁ†ÌÂÏ˘†¨Ò‡¯˜†˜ÈÏÂÓ˘†∫ÂÏ˘†„ÁÂÈÓ‰†Ô‚҉ ∫ÔÈÈˢÈȇ†Ï˘†ÌÈËÈϘ˙†±μ ‡È‚†¨¯ËÙϘ†˜ÁˆÈ†¨¯Ëί†ÈÂȆ¨ÈÂφ·ÂË†Ì˘†¨·Âχȯ·‚ ‰·Âˉ†‰˘È‰†Ï‡¯˘È†ı¯‡†Æ†˙È··†˙Âȉφ·‰Â‡†Æ ·È‚‰†Â‡†˙‡Ȉӆ¯ˆÈ†‡Â‰†ÂÈÓ·χ·†ÆÌÈ·¯†„ÂÚ†Èˇ˜Â· ψ‡†‡˘„·†Æ†¯„‚‰†ÏÚ†·˘ÂȆƆ„ÏȆÌÚÙ†È˙Èȉ†Æ ÌÁ†¨·ÂˆÚ†Ì‚†˜ÈÁˆÓ†Ì‚†ÌÏÂÚφ‰È‰˘†È¯Â˜Ó†Ë·Ó·†‰Ï È„‚†ÏÊӆƆ˘ÒÂӆƆ‰·‰‡†È·†˘È†Æ†ÔÈÓÒȆƆ¯Â„‚È·‡ ¨Ìȷ¯˜Ï†¨‰ÁÙ˘Óφ‰·‰‡†Æ‰·‰‡†‡ÏÓ†¯˜Èڷ†ÌÈÚ ÏÂÏ·˘†Æ†¯È·˘†Æ†‰ÈÏËÒÏنƆÈÊÂنƆˇφÚÒ†Æ ...ÌÈ˘È‰†ÌȯÂÙÈÒφÌÈ¯È˘Ï†¨˙¯ÎÊφ¨˙ÂÓ˜Óφ¨Ìȯ·ÁÏ ÆÔÓʆ˜ÒÙ†Æ Ï˘†ÌÈ¯È˘‰†ÈÏ·†Ô‡Î†ÌÈÈÁ†ÌÎÓˆÚφ¯‡˙φÌÈÏÂÎȆÌ˙‡ øÔÈÈˢÈȇ†˜È¯‡ ˘ÓÁΆÔÈÈˢÈȇ†ËÈϘ‰†‰¯Èȯ˜†˙¢†ÌÈ˘ÈÓÁ†ËÚÓη ˙È˘ÈÏ˘¢†¨¢˜Â¯È†Ïˆ·¢†¨Ï¢Á‰†˙˜‰Ï†ÌÚ†ÆÌÈ¯È˘†˙Â‡Ó ÌÈ˯҆¨˙˜ى†Ô‚ӷ†¨¢Ìȉ·‚‰†˙ÂÂÏÁ‰¢†¨¢Ô˜¯È‰†¯˘‚ ÈÓ·χ†‰ÂÓ˘†„ÂÚ©†ÌÈÓ·χ†¥∞≠Ó†˙ÂÁÙ†‡Ï·Â†˙‚ˆ‰Â ‰È‰†‡Ï†ÆÌȯˆÂȉ†·ËÈÓ†ÌÚ†‰ÏÂÚÙ†Û˙È˘†Ì‰·˘†¨®ÛÒ‡ ÌÚ†Ô‚ӆÍΆÏΆ¨‰¯ÂÙ†ÍΆÏΆ‰È‰˘†Èχ¯˘È†¯Óʆۇ .·Â‰‡†ÍΆÏΆ˙‡Ê ¯Ë˜†·‡ÂÈ ¯ÂËÒȆȯÈÓ†∫‰ÙËÚÓ†˙Ó˙ÂÁ†¨Ï·†·ÂˆÈÚ Stamp, Cancellation & FDC Design: Miri Nistor Arik Einstein Arik Einstein was born in Tel Aviv in January 1939. SPECIAL CANCELLATION†Ï·‰†˙ÚÙ‰φÚ¯ȇ†˙Ó˙ÂÁ He was more than our greatest singer. For many, from all corners of the country and from all walks of life, Arik Einstein was a symbol of the true Eretz Israel. Although he was only a boy of nine when the State of Israel was declared, it seems his voice and his songs have always been part of our lives. From the early days of Israel (or "Good Old Eretz Israel", as he called it), through all the wars and the joyous occasions, the ups and the Description of the stamp downs, in good times and in bad. & sheet margins With infinite creativity, he recorded songs and created wonderful albums for forty years. He The stamp features an image of Arik Einstein. never stopped being innovative and interesting. Photo adaptation: Ofir Bagon, Photo: Israeli He strove to be up-to-date but was also always Educational Television, Micha Bar-on Braverman. full of longing for the past, even as he got older. Shortly before his death at the age of 74 in The left sheet margin features an image of Arik November 2013, he recorded songs by Avraham Einstein and the first verse of the song "You and Halfi for a new album. He never stopped singing. I", written by Arik Einstein. Arik Einstein was no "ordinary singer" who sang whatever was written for him. He sought out texts “You and I, we'll change the world, and wrote lyrics for dozens of songs. And when You and I, then all will follow, it came to composers, he discovered young Others have said it before me, talents who grew alongside him and together But that doesn't matter – You and I, we'll change they created his unique style: Shmulik Kraus, the world”. Shalom Hanoch, Miki Gavrielov, Shem Tov Levy, Yoni Rechter, Yitzhak Klepter, Guy Bocati and Photograph and words – courtesy of Ms. Sima many more. In his albums he created a reality or Eliyahu responded to reality from his own original viewpoint, which was always both funny and sad. The names of 15 albums by Arik Einstein appear Arik was warm and pleasant and most of all, full on the top and right margins: of love. Love for family, friends, places, memories, Ohev Lihyot Babayit (Love to be Home) old songs and stories. Eretz Israel Hayeshana Vehatova (Good Old Eretz Could you imagine yourself living here without Israel) Hayiti Paam Yeled (I was once a Boy) the songs of Arik Einstein? . Yoshev Al Hagader (Sitting on the Fence) During the 50 odd years of his career, Arik Einstein . With Avigdor Yasmin Yesh Bi Ahava (Got recorded some 500 songs - with the IDF Nachal . Love in Me) Muscat Mazal Gdi (Capricorn) Band, Batzal Yarok (Green Onion), Yarkon Bridge . Sa Le'at (Drive Slowly) Poozy Plastelina Trio, Hahalonot Hagvohim (The High Windows), . (Plasticine) Shavir (Fragile) Shablul (Snail) in a variety of productions, films and plays, and . Time Out no less than 40 solo albums (plus eight . anthologies) in which he collaborated with the best artists. No other Israeli artist has been so prolific, so diverse and with that, so loved. Issue: December†≤∞±¥†¯·Óˆ„ ∫‰˜Ù‰ Yoav Kutner Stamp Size (mm): H†≥∞†‚††/††W†≥∞†¯ ∫®Ó¢Ó©†Ï·‰†˙„ÈÓ Plate: π∂∏ ∫ÁÂÏ Stamps per Sheet: π ∫ÔÂÈÏÈ‚·†ÌÈÏ· ∞∑∂≠∏∏∑≥π≥≥†∫ψ≠†È‡Ï·‰†˙Â¯È˘‰ ≥ ∫ÔÂÈÏÈ‚·†ÌÈÏ·˘ ∂±∞∏±∞±†ÂÙÈ≠·È·‡≠Ï˙†¨±≤†ÌÈÏ˘Â¯È†˙¯„˘ Tabs per Sheet: Method of printing: Offset††ËÒÙ‡ ∫‰ÒÙ„‰†˙ËÈ˘ The Israel Philatelic Service - Tel: 972-76-8873933 12 Sderot Yerushalayim, Tel-Aviv-Yafo 6108101 Security mark: Microtext††ËҘ˯˜ÈÓ ∫‰ÁË·‡†ÔÂÓÈÒ ∫ÒÂÙ„ * e-mail: [email protected] Printer: Cartor Security Printing, France.
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