Copper River Delta
United States Department of Agriculture Classification of Community Forest Service Pacific Northwest Types, Successional Research Station General Technical Sequences, and Report PNW-GTR-469 March 2000 Landscapes of the Copper River Delta, Alaska Keith Boggs Author Keith Boggs is the staff vegetation ecologist, Alaska Natural Heritage Program, Environment and Natural Resources Institute, School of Arts and Sciences, University of Alaska Anchorage, 707 A Street, Anchorage, AK 99501. This publication is the result of a cooperative study between the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Chugach National Forest and the Alaska Natural Heritage Program. Abstract Boggs, Keith. 2000 Classification of community types, successional sequences, and landscapes of the Copper River Delta, Alaska. Gen. Tech. Rep. PNW-GTR-469. Portland, OR: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station. 244 p. A classification of community types, successional sequences, and landscapes is pre- sented for the piedmont of the Copper River Delta. The classification was based on a sampling of 471 sites. A total of 75 community types, 42 successional sequences, and 6 landscapes are described. The classification of community types reflects the existing vegetation communities on the landscape. The distribution, vegetation composition and structure, soils, and successional status of each community are discussed. The community types were placed within successional sequences reflecting their succes- sional trends. Geomorphic and soil development were closely aligned with vegetation succession on the study area and, consequently, are described in detail. Each succes- sional sequence was named after the oldest community type identified in the sequence and the landscape on which it occurs.
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