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Central-America-7-Index.Pdf © Lonely Planet Publications Pty Ltd 757 Index El Salvador 274 Ceibal (G) 206-7 ABBREVIATIONS Guatemala 85 Cerros (B) 240 ACTB AustralianBelize Capital Honduras 339 Chenes Sites (M) 53 Territory CR Costa Rica Nicaragua 451 Chichén Itzá (M) 56-7 NSW New South Wales ES El Salvador Panama 633-4 Chinkultic ruins (M) 49 NT Northern Territory G Guatemala anthropology museums, see also Cihuatán (ES) 290 Qld Queensland H Honduras archaeology museums, art Cobá (M) 70 SA South Australia M Mexico museums, cultural museums, Copán (H) 374-9, 376, 7 Tas Tasmania INDEX N Nicaragua galleries, museums Dzibilchaltún (M) 56 Vic Victoria P Panama Museo de Antropología (N) 495 Edzná (M) 53 WA Western Australia Museo de Antropología e Historia Ek’ Balam (M) 57 de San Pedro Sula (H) 364 El Cedral (M) 67 A Museo Nacional de Antropología El Mirador (G) 207 accommodations 710-11, see also David J Guzmán (ES) 282 El Perú (G) 207 individual countries, major cities Museo Nacional de Historia y El Pilar (B) 246 useful phrases 742 Antropología Villa Roy (H) 346 El Zotz (G) 207 activities 711-13, see also individual Museo Regional de Antropología Finca El Baúl (G) 159-60 activities, countries (M) 55 Ixcún (G) 198 agrotourism 156 Antigua (G) 102-15, 104-5 Iximché (G) 123 Agua Azul (M) 49 accommodations 111-12 Izamal (M) 57 Ahuachapán (ES) 301-2 activities 108-9 Joya de Cerén (ES) 290 air travel attractions 107-8 K’umarcaaj (G) 135 airlines 726 courses 109-10 Lamanai (B) 238 Belize 223-4 drinking 113-14 Las Sepulturas (H) 379 Costa Rica 532-3 emergencies 103 Lubaantun (B) 261 El Salvador 276 entertainment 114 Monte Alto (G) 160 Guatemala 88 festivals & events 110-11 Monumento Nacional Arqueológico Honduras 340-1 food 112-13 Guayabo (CR) 554-5 Mexico 35-6 history 102-3 Nim Li Punit (B) 261 Nicaragua 452-3 medical services 103 Pacbitun (B) 249 Panama 636-7 money 103 Palenque (M) 44-6 tickets 726-7 postal services 103 Panamá Viejo ruins (P) 643 to/from Central America 726-9 safe travel 107 Parque Arqueológico Takalik Abaj within Central America 730-1 shopping 114 (G) 157 Alajuela (CR) 546-7 tourist information 103 Parque Eco-Arqueológico Los Alegría (ES) 309 tours 110 Naranjos (H) 362 Almirante (P) 680 travel to/from 114-15 Quiriguá (G) 176-7 Altagracia (N) 502 travel within 114-15 Ruinas de Quelepa (ES) 312-13 Altun Ha (B) 237-8 volunteer work 109 Ruinas de San Andrés (ES) 290 Alvarado, Pedro de 25, 135, 268, 277 Apaneca (ES) 304-5 Ruta Puuc (M) 56 Amapala (H) 431-2 Arbenz Guzmán, Jacobo 80 San Gervasio (M) 67 Amatenango del Valle (M) 49 Arce, Manuel José 25, 26 Takalik Abaj (G) 157 Ambergris Caye (B) 234-7, 235 archaeological sites Tazumal (ES) 300-1 American Crocodile Education Actun Tunichil Muknal (B) 248 Tikal (G) 198-205, 200-1, 6 Sanctuary (B) 260 Altun Ha (B) 237-8 Tulum (M) 68-9 animal bites 739 Bilbao Stones (G) 158-9 Uaxactún (G) 205-6 animals 30, see also individual animals Bonampak (M) 48 Uxmal (M) 56 Belize 222 Cahal Pech (B) 245 Xunantunich (B) 249 bites 739-40 Calakmul (M) 53 Yamil Lu’um (M) 58 Costa Rica 529, 531 Caracol (B) 249 Yaxchilán (M) 48-50 758 INDEX (A-B) archaeological sites continued Museo de Arte Colonial (G) 107 Champerico (G) 157-8 Yaxhá (G) 207 Museo de Arte Contemporáneo Chiquistepeque (G) 158 Zaculeu (G) 152 (P) 646 El Bluff (N) 510 Zona Arqueológica El Rey (M) 58 Museo de Arte Contemporáneo Half Moon Bay (H) 414 archaeology museums, see also Ateneo de Yucatán (M) 54 Isla Grande (P) 689 anthropology museums, art Museo de Arte Costarricense Isla Taboga (P) 657 museums, cultural museums, (CR) 539 La Costa del Bálsamo (ES) 293-5 galleries, museums Museo de Arte de El Salvador La Garita (P) 683 Museo Arqueológico Regional (Marte) (ES) 282 La Libertad (ES) 291 (G) 133 Museo de Arte Popular (ES) 282 La Playita (CR) 602-3 Museo de Arqueología Maya Museo de Arte Religioso Colonial Las Flores (ES) 315-16 (H) 369 (P) 642 Las Peñitas (N) 481-2 Museo de Arqueología y Etnología Museo de Arte y Diseño Little Corn Island (N) 515 (G) 156 Contemporáneo (CR) 538 Monterrico (G) 161-3 Museo de Paleontología, Museo Nacional de Arte Moderno Montezuma (CR) 593 INDEX Arqueología y Geología (G) 96 Playa Asseradores (N) 483 Ingeniero Roberto Woolfolk arts 28-9, see also individual arts, Playa Avellanas (CR) 590 Sarvia (G) 172 countries Playa Barqueta (P) 659 Museo Nacional de Arqueología y Asturias, Miguel Ángel 28, 83 Playa Blanca (G) 185 Etnología (G) 96 Ataco (ES) 305 Playa Bluff (P) 674 Museo Regional de Arqueología Atecozol (ES) 305 Playa Cocalito (CR) 611 (G) 160 ATMs 719 Playa Cocalito (H) 393 Museo Regional de Arqueología Belize 264 Playa Conchalío (ES) 293-4 (H) 357 Costa Rica 621 Playa de Cieneguita (H) 386-7 Sala Arqueológica Ometepe (N) El Salvador 327 Playa de Venecia (N) 503 501 Honduras 438 Playa El Agallito (P) 682 Archipiélago de Bocas del Toro (P) Mexico 73 Playa El Coco (N) 499 670-81, 672 Nicaragua 520 Playa El Cuco (ES) 315 Archipiélago de Las Perlas (P) 658 Panama 706 Playa El Espino (ES) 309 Archipiélago de San Blás (P) 690-4 Avellanas (CR) 590-1 Playa El Istmito (P) 674 Archipiélago de Solentiname (N) Ávila, Pedro Arias de 25, 627, 638 Playa El Ramasco (N) 499 506-7 Awas (N) 512 Playa El Sunzal (ES) 294 area codes Playa El Toro (P) 683 Belize 218 B Playa El Tunco (ES) 294, 7 Costa Rica 522 Bahía de Jiquilisco (ES) 311 Playa El Velero (N) 500 El Salvador 267 Bahía Drake (CR) 611-12 Playa El Zonte (ES) 294-5 Guatemala 76 Baja Mar (H) 388 Playa Espadilla (CR) 602 Honduras 330 Balgüe (N) 503-4 Playa Espadilla Sur (CR) 603 Mexico 34 banana production 525 Playa Esteron (ES) 315 Nicaragua 442 bargaining 720 Playa Grande (H) 432 Panama 625 Costa Rica 621 Playa Jaguey (ES) 316 Arévalo, Juan José 80 El Salvador 327 Playa Langosta (P) 688 Arias Sánchez, Oscar 26, 448, 523 Honduras 438 Playa Larga (P) 679 art galleries, see galleries Barranco (B) 261 Playa Las Lajas (P) 663 art museums, see also anthropology Barrios, Justo Rufino 80 Playa Maderas (N) 499 museums, archaeology museums, baseball 450 Playa Majahual (ES) 316 cultural museums, galleries, Basílica de Esquipulas (G) 174-5 Playa Manuel Antonio (CR) 605 museums Basílica de Suyapa (H) 351, 353 Playa María Chiquita (P) 688 Museo Colonial de Arte Religioso bathrooms 722 Playa Marsella (N) 499 (H) 357 Bay Islands (H) 408-26, 409 Playa Nancite (CR) 583 Museo de Arte (G) 141 beaches Playa Naranjo (CR) 582 Awas (N) 512 Playa Negra (CR) 560, 564-5, 590 000 Map pages Big Corn Island (N) 513 Playa Negra (H) 432 000 Photograph pages Boca del Drago (P) 673-4 Playa Ocotal (CR) 584 Cancún (M) 58 Playa Popoyo (N) 500 INDEX (B) 759 Playa Punch (P) 674 medical services 226 Boca del Drago (P) 673-4 Playa Quehueche (G) 185 money 226 Bocas del Toro archipelago (P) 670-81, Playa Sámara (CR) 591 safe travel 227 672 Playa San Josecito (CR) 611 tourist information 226-7 Bocas del Toro town (P) 673-7, 674 Playa Segunda (P) 679 travel to/from 230 Bonampak (M) 48 Playa Venao (P) 684 travel within 231 books 713-14 Pochomil (N) 464 Belmopan (B) 244-5, 244 butterflies 617 Poneloya (N) 481-2 Benque Viejo del Carmen (B) 250 culture 27 Punta de Manabique (G) 184 Bermudian Landing Community environmental issues 31 Red Frog Beach (P) 679 Baboon Sanctuary (B) 237 food 27 San Juan del Sur (N) 497 bicycle travel, see cycling health 735 Sipacate (G) 161 Big Corn Island (N) 513-15, 514 history 24, 25 Teal (H) 391 Bilwi (N) 516 local fiction 28 Tilapita (G) 158 biosphere reserves, see reserves Maya people 32 INDEX Tulate (G) 158 Biotopo Cerro Cahuí (G) 197 Popol Vuh 33 Wizard Beach (P) 678-9 Biotopo Chocón Machacas (G) 188 Boquete (P) 663-7, 664 Belén (H) 427 Biotopo del Quetzal (G) 165 border crossings 730 Belén Gualcho (H) 384 Biotopo Monterrico-Hawaii (G) 162 Belize–Guatemala 183, 199, 250 Belize 218-66, 220, 243 birds 30, see also bird-watching Belize–Honduras 253, 259, 389 accommodations 261 Belize 222 Belize–Mexico 71, 242 activities 261 Costa Rica 529 Costa Rica–Nicaragua 495, 506, arts 221-2 El Salvador 274 577, 583 consulates 262 Guatemala 85 Costa Rica–Panama 567, 616, 662 courses 265 Nicaragua 451 El Salvador–Costa Rica 316 culture 221 Panama 633 El Salvador–Guatemala 176, 300, embassies 262 quetzals 165 302, 307 environment 222 bird-watching 713, see also birds El Salvador–Honduras 316, 319, festivals & events 262 Belize 242, 249 323, 361, 385, 433 folklore 29 Costa Rica 564, 565, 571, 579, 613 El Salvador–Nicaragua 316 history 219, 221 El Salvador 299, 309, 310, 318 Guatemala–Honduras 184, 373, internet access & resources 263 Guatemala 165, 184, 198, 204, 208 385, 389 language 263 Honduras 360, 367, 371, 374, Guatemala–Mexico 43, 47, 154, maps 263 393, 434 155, 197 media 263-4 Mexico 56 Honduras–Nicaragua 431, 433, money 264 Nicaragua 506, 507 474, 481 postal services 264 Panama 656, 668-9, 681, 682, 694, Panama–Colombia 700 responsible travel 264-5 700, 701 Branch Mouth (B) 245 safe travel 262 Blades, Rubén 28 Brus Laguna (H) 428 telephone services 265 Blue Creek (B) 261 bus travel tourist information 265 Blue Hole (B) 233 Belize 224 tours 265 Blue Hole National Park (B) 250 Costa Rica 532-3 travel to/from 223-4, see also Bluefields (N) 509-12, 510 El Salvador 276 border crossings boat travel, see also canoeing, Guatemala 88-9 travel within 224-5 kayaking, white-water rafting Honduras 341 visas 265-6 Belize 223-5 Mexico 36-7 volunteer work 266 Costa Rica 532-3 Nicaragua 452, 454 Belize Botanic Gardens (B) 245 El Salvador 276 Panama 636-7 Belize City (B) 225-31, 226, 228-9 Guatemala 88 to/from Central America 729 accommodations 227, 229-30 Honduras 340-1 within Central America 732 activities 227 Mexico 36
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    Mountain Pine Ridge area, Mayflower Bocawina National Index 248 Park, 166 Orange Walk Town, 204 Nim Li Punit, 191 See also Accommodations and Placencia, 172, 174 near Orange Walk Town, Restaurant indexes, below. Punta Gorda, 187–188 206–207 San Ignacio, 232 near Punta Gorda, 190–191 Ak'Bol Yoga Retreat (Ambergris San Ignacio area, 234 Caye), 120 suggested itinerary, 62–63 General Index Aktun Kan (Cave of the Serpent; Tikal, 264–269 A near Santa Elena), 278 Topoxté (Guatemala), 279 Almond Beach Belize, 11 Uaxactún (Guatemala), AAdictos (Flores), 283 GENERAL INDEX Altun Ha, 9, 200–201 279–280 Abolition Act of 1833, 24 Ambar (Ambergris Caye), 122 Xunantunich, 235 Accommodations, 53. See also Ambergris Caye, 11, 56, 107, Yaxhá (Guatemala), 278–279 Accommodations Index 110–133 Architecture, 26 Ambergris Caye, 122–128 accommodations, 122–128 Area codes, 284 Belize City, 91–94 fire department, 115 Armadillo, 298 Belmopan, 228–229 getting around, 114 Art, 26 lodges near, 230–231 nightlife, 132–133 Art Box (Belmopan), 228 best, 12–15 orientation, 114–115 Art galleries Caye Caulker, 141–143 police, 115 Belize City, 98, 104 Corozal Town, 217–219 post office, 115 Caye Caulker, 140–141 Dangriga, 159–160 restaurants, 128–132 Dangriga, 158 discounts for children, 47 shopping, 121 Placencia, 179 Hopkins Village, 169–171 sights and attractions, 115–121 Art 'N Soul (Placencia), 179 Orange Walk Town, 207–208 taxis, 114 Arts & Crafts of Central America the outer cayes, 163–165 traveling to and from, 110, 112 (San Ignacio), 239 Placencia, 179–183 Ambergris
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