Weights and Measures Standards of the United States—A Brief History (1963), by Lewis V
WEIGHTS and MEASURES STANDARDS OF THE UMIT a brief history U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE NATIONAL BUREAU OF STANDARDS NBS Special Publication 447 WEIGHTS and MEASURES STANDARDS OF THE TP ii 2ri\ ii iEa <2 ^r/V C II llinCAM NBS Special Publication 447 Originally Issued October 1963 Updated March 1976 For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office Wash., D.C. 20402. Price $1; (Add 25 percent additional for other than U.S. mailing). Stock No. 003-003-01654-3 Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 76-600055 Foreword "Weights and Measures," said John Quincy Adams in 1821, "may be ranked among the necessaries of life to every individual of human society." That sentiment, so appropriate to the agrarian past, is even more appropriate to the technology and commerce of today. The order that we enjoy, the confidence we place in weighing and measuring, is in large part due to the measure- ment standards that have been established. This publication, a reprinting and updating of an earlier publication, provides detailed information on the origin of our standards for mass and length. Ernest Ambler Acting Director iii Preface to 1976 Edition Two publications of the National Bureau of Standards, now out of print, that deal with weights and measures have had widespread use and are still in demand. The publications are NBS Circular 593, The Federal Basis for Weights and Measures (1958), by Ralph W. Smith, and NBS Miscellaneous Publication 247, Weights and Measures Standards of the United States—a Brief History (1963), by Lewis V.
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