Occupation, Resistance, and State-Building in Palestine and Timor-Leste

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Occupation, Resistance, and State-Building in Palestine and Timor-Leste Pathways to Self-Rule: Occupation, Resistance, and State-Building in Palestine and Timor-Leste by Diana B. Greenwald A dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (Political Science) in The University of Michigan 2017 Doctoral Committee: Professor Mark A. Tessler, Co-Chair Professor William Roberts Clark, Co-Chair Assistant Professor Mark Dincecco Associate Professor Brian K. Min Professor Anne Pitcher Diana B. Greenwald dianabg@umich.edu ORCID iD: 0000-0002-4408-4379 © Diana B. Greenwald 2017 All Rights Reserved In memory of: Sidney Fuld Greenwald (1921 - 2016) and Rose Lou Shelton (1934 - 2011) ii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I began my doctoral studies in 2010 with a scattered and wide-ranging set of interests related to the political economy of the Middle East. At the time, I had no idea how difficult it would be to transform those ideas into a concrete contribution to scholarly research. I thought it would take six years; it took seven. I thought I would wake up each morning motivated to attend class; complete a problem set; study for an exam; work on my dissertation proposal; collect data; transcribe an interview; prepare presentation slides; or write (and rewrite, and rewrite, and rewrite) a chapter. Some mornings, I had no such motivation. But, in 2010, I was also unaware of how many bright, inspiring, funny, and generous people I would meet along this journey. The actual cast of characters is inevitably longer than the list of those acknowledged below. These individuals not only helped me achieve the aforementioned checklist of research tasks, adding up to a completed dissertation, but they also encouraged me to take care of myself in the process. I could not have made it through these past seven years without them. I began graduate school in a state of mild disbelief that I was fortunate enough to have Mark Tessler, a luminary in the field of Middle East politics, as my advisor. How- ever intimidating his 16-page curriculum vitae might have been, I quickly learned that it belied a personality that was anything but. Mark is cheerful, kind, and perceptive and I have learned so much from him. Perhaps most critically, I have learned how to ap- proach Israel and Palestine as a careful and compassionate scholar. Our conversations about my work would often jump from abstract concerns regarding theory development, to how to draw inferences from my empirical analysis, to our hope or despair (regret- tably, it was usually the latter) regarding whatever the past week’s headlines were from the region. It seems impossible that the amount of knowledge Mark possesses about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is contained within one person. Mark cares about my work and he constantly pushes me to make it better. Furthermore, he cares deeply about Israeli- Palestinian peace. From him, I have gained a deep appreciation of both the privilege and the responsibility we bear as scholars trying to get things right. I could not have asked for a better mentor. Ever since teaching me introductory game theory, Bill Clark has made, and continues iii to make me, a more disciplined thinker. I often run sentences and paragraphs by a virtual Bill in my head as I am writing them. Bill has an unparalleled ability to break down large, ambitious theoretical arguments into their constituent pieces, no matter what the topic may be, sometimes devastating your best-laid plans. However, as an advisor, he also helps you put them back together again. Whenever I told Bill about the sweepingly broad questions I wanted to answer in my research, he would ask me, first, what I already knew. Drawing on whatever data I had cobbled together at the time, I would provide some tentative answer. Then, he would ask me: "Well, what is the next thing you need to know?" I always left meetings with Bill feeling like I knew what the next step in my research should be, making the journey toward the completed dissertation just a little bit less daunting. Brian Min was hired by Michigan’s political science department the same semester that I started graduate school. In part for this reason, Brian has always served as a model for me of what a successful academic career should look like. While he has always told me that the dissertation should be the "worst thing you ever write", his own dissertation project, now a book, and the first seven years of his career as a professor have set the bar extremely high. Brian is a meticulous scholar, and I often found his attention to detail contagious. Brian once suggested to me (either in a one-on-one meeting or in a class with my peers) that, no matter what context one works in, it was usually not valid to complain about a lack of data because "data is everywhere". This simple statement fundamentally changed the way I approached the empirical component of my project. I met Anne Pitcher before I even began graduate school, and I have always been in- spired by the genuine passion and creativity that she brings to her own work. It is another contagious quality. Anne is also one of those people that contains a seemingly impossi- ble amount of literature and information in her head. By Anne’s example, I have been encouraged to dive headlong into the weeds of my cases; to be unafraid to use multiple, creative methods to address a question; and to read widely and across disciplines. It was also thanks to Anne and Brian that I was able to attend the 2014 American Political Sci- ence Association (APSA) Africa Workshop in Mozambique, where I was connected to an invaluable community of early career scholars from the United States and sub-Saharan Africa working on issues of distributive politics. Mark Dincecco joined my committee in 2013 when he arrived in Michigan, and I could not be more grateful for his guidance since then. Mark has an impressive way of distilling research down to its most important and fundamental contributions. If there are parts of this unwieldy dissertation that come across as neat, tidy, and clearly argued, that is probably due to Mark’s influence. Given his own training and expertise, Mark’s guidance iv has been critical in helping to frame this project as a contribution to the broader field of political economy, despite its relatively narrow empirical focus. I have deeply appreciated his positive energy and encouragement during these last few years of writing. In my development as a scholar, I have also benefitted from the input of numerous other members of the University of Michigan political science faculty. I have presented sections of this work various times at the Comparative Politics Workshop and the Politi- cal Economy Workshop at the University of Michigan, and the feedback I have received there has undoubtedly improved this project. In addition, I have presented at numerous conferences and workshops over the years – too many to name here – each time coming away with renewed motivation and inspiration. Thank you to all of those sharp minds who have taken the time to read or listen to my work over the years. My research during graduate school has been generously supported by the United States Institute of Peace Jennings Randolph Peace Scholarship; the Rackham Graduate School at the University of Michigan; the International Institute at the University of Michigan; the Project on Middle East Political Science at George Washington Univer- sity; the Weiser Center for Emerging Democracies at the University of Michigan; and the Department of Political Science at the University of Michigan. Without this financial support, many aspects of this project would have been impossible. My research in the Palestinian Territories has been inspired by, and benefited from, a wide array of people. Sometimes, a simple conversation with a housemate over nargileh was as revealing as an interview with a high-level official. My work on Palestine was improved immeasurably thanks to the dedicated research and translation assistance of Aya Awwad, Hala Jada, and Ali Musa. Special thanks are also due to the Palestine Eco- nomic Policy Research Institute, which provided me with office space during my stay in Ramallah in 2014 and whose researchers, including most notably Dr. Samir Abdullah, offered substantive guidance and critique that undoubtedly improved my work. I am ap- preciative of Dr. Khalil Shikaki, Walid Ladadweh, and the staff of Palestinian Center for Policy and Survey Research for generously permitting me access to subsets of their survey data over the years, which helped shape my thinking about the important issues facing Palestinians at the individual level. Finally, I would like to thank all of my informants in the West Bank and Israel who I will not identify by name here, but who were exceed- ingly generous with their time and energy. There is almost no way to quantify what I learned from these candid conversations. The network of contacts that I have developed in the Palestinian Territories has been one of the most valuable outcomes of my doctoral research, and motivates my continued commitment to my work moving forward. In Timor-Leste, I benefited from the translation assistance of Marcelino Piedade in v Dili and Baucau and Maun Fransisco in Maliana. I also drew on a diverse network of individuals to gain perspectives on the country’s post-conflict transition and issues per- taining to public finance and development, including: Hans Beck, Christine Carberry, Darrian Collins, Steve Crout, Dicky Dooradi, Pedro Figueiredo, Alex George, Mateus Gonçlaves, Charles Greenwald, Helen Hill, Prabir Majumdar, Tracey Morgan, Richard and Terry Mounsey, Guteriano Neves, Samuel Porter, Nuno Rodrigues, Melody Ann Ross, Charles Scheiner, Flavio Simõaes, Cipriana Soares, Nikunj Soni, Michelle Whalen, Eric Wheatley, and a number of others.
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