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Durham E-Theses Durham E-Theses Remembrance of Things Past? Albert Schweitzer, the Anxiety of Inuence, and the Untidy Jesus of Markan Memory. THATE, MICHAEL,JAMES How to cite: THATE, MICHAEL,JAMES (2012) Remembrance of Things Past? Albert Schweitzer, the Anxiety of Inuence, and the Untidy Jesus of Markan Memory., Durham theses, Durham University. Available at Durham E-Theses Online: http://etheses.dur.ac.uk/3907/ Use policy The full-text may be used and/or reproduced, and given to third parties in any format or medium, without prior permission or charge, for personal research or study, educational, or not-for-prot purposes provided that: • a full bibliographic reference is made to the original source • a link is made to the metadata record in Durham E-Theses • the full-text is not changed in any way The full-text must not be sold in any format or medium without the formal permission of the copyright holders. Please consult the full Durham E-Theses policy for further details. Academic Support Oce, Durham University, University Oce, Old Elvet, Durham DH1 3HP e-mail: [email protected] Tel: +44 0191 334 6107 http://etheses.dur.ac.uk 2 REMEMBRANCE OF THINGS PAST? ALBERT SCHWEITZER, THE ANXIETY OF INFLUENCE, AND THE UNTIDY JESUS OF MARKAN MEMORY by Michael J. Thate THESIS Submitted to the fAculty And committee members First Supervisor: Prof. Francis WAtson Second Supervisor(s): Dr WilliAm R. Telford And Dr Lutz Doering InternAl ExAminer: Prof. Gerard Loughlin ExternAl ExAminer: Dr A. K. M. AdAm in fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Theology and Religion At DurhAm University DurhAm, United Kingdom March 2012 ABSTRACT The Aim of this thesis is to consider the formation And reception of the historicAl Jesus genre through A detAiled AnAlysis of its “strong poet,” Albert Schweitzer. Though the clAssificAtion of this thesis is most likely to be designated as Leben Jesu Forschung And the rise of eArly ChristiAnity, it encompAsses severAl AdjAcent fields of research: viz., social And literary theories, philosophies of history, biblical studies, criticAl memory theory, And clAssicAl history. Leben Jesu Forschung is therefore a kind of case study for the construction and reception of ideas. Part One suggests, After A sustAined engAgement with Schweitzer And his constructive project, thAt his pervAding influence is most strongly felt in the underlying Assumptions of his method of konsequente Eschatologie. Schweitzer’s concept of konsequente Eschatologie is the singulAr criterion by which All the materiAl is judged And filtered so As to construct A singulAr profile of the historical Jesus. It is this desire for a “tidy” Jesus which this thesis Attempts to problematize. PArt Two Attempts A constructive counter proposAl by AppropriAting theories of memory to historicAl Jesus reseArch And concludes by demonstrAting the AppropriAtion of this theory within the Gospel of MArk. I understAnd the MArkAn Author As evoking Jesus memories And setting them within A nArrAtive frAmework for the purposes of identity construction And communAl direction. As such, we Are presented with An “untidy” Jesus of MArkAn memory. 2 TABLE OF CONTENTS PART ONE: Questioning the Influence(s) of Albert Schweitzer: CultivAting A CriticAl, AppreciAtive DistAnce…………………………………………………………6 0. Introduction to Part One…………………………………………………………………6 0.1. A MAn of Influence…………………………………………………………………………..6 0.2. Schweitzer’s Tools………………………………………………………………………...12 0.3. Schweitzer’s House……………………………………………………………………….16 1. A Spirit of HeAlth or Goblin DAmn’d? The NArrAtive Function of Reimarus within the Geschichte……………………………………………………..18 1.0. ArbitrAry Beginnings: Schweitzer’s Construction of Reimarus..............18 1.1. Schweitzer’s Reimarus.............................................................................................25 1.1.1. Reimarus the HistoriAn............................................................................................27 1.1.2. Jesus the Preacher of RepentAnce…………………………………………………..29 1.1.3. The FundAmentAlly EschAtologicAl Weltanschauung of Jesus…………..30 1.1.4. Christianity As the Fabrication of Jesus’ Followers………………………….33 1.2. Schweitzer’s Critique and Rhetorical Strategy………………………………..35 1.2.1. AnAlysis And VAluAtion………………………………………………………………….36 1.2.2. Rhetorical Strategy……………………………………………………………………….41 1.2.3. Dogmatic AgendA………………………………………………………………………….44 1.3. Conclusion……………………………………………………………………………………48 2. A Wolf in Wolff’s Clothing? The Quest for the HistoricAl Reimarus…..51 2.0. The Complexities of HistoricAl Identity…………………………………………..51 2.1. The Public Reimarus……………………………………………………………………..54 2.1.1. Reimarus And the Burden of Prestige……………………………………………..54 2.1.2. The Fate of Reason And the Zeitgeist of Reimarus…………………………...56 2.1.3. ReAding Reimarus within the WArs of ReAson………………………………..61 2.2. The PrivAte Reimarus……………………………………………………………………64 2.2.1. From HAlle to Wolfenbüttel: The Story of the Fragmente………………...68 2.2.2. Radical Conclusions: Reimarus, Wolff, And the English Deists…………71 2.2.3. On the Aims of Reimarus: ReAding the FinAl Fragment……………………77 2.3. Conclusions…………………………………………………………………………………..84 3. Schweitzer’s Key to All Mythologies: konsequente Eschatologie..……..87 3.0. The Key to All Mythologies……………………………………………………………87 3.0.1. Dogmatic And ActuAl History: Schweitzer’s HermeneuticAl Key………91 3.0.2. Schweitzer’s Sources…………………………………………………………………….93 3.0.3. Schweitzer’s Method……………………………………………………………………..95 3.1. The Preaching of Jesus…………………………………………………………………..96 3.1.1. The Gift of the Imminent Kingdom…………………………………………………97 3.1.2. MAking ReAdy for the Kingdom: RepentAnce………………………………..101 3.1.3. MAking ReAdy for the Kingdom: Interimsethik………………………………104 3.2. The Performance of Jesus……………………………………………………………111 3.2.1. The Commissioning of the Twelve……………………………………………….113 3 3.2.2. HeAlings And Exorcisms………………………………………………………………117 3.2.3. The Victorious FunerAl Procession………………………………………………118 3.3. The Complexities of MessiAhship…………………………………………………120 3.3.1. Jesus’ RelAtionship to the BAptist…………………………………………………121 3.3.2. The Secret of Jesus’ MessiAnic Consciousness……………………………….124 3.3.3. The Secret of the Son of MAn………………………………………………………..136 3.4. Jetzt und Dann: Putting Eschatology BAck Together AgAin…………….138 PART TWO: Moving House………………………………………………………………………………..144 0. Introduction to PArt Two…………………………………………………………….144 0.1. A PAth Well TrAvelled, A Quest Grown WeAry………………………………144 0.2. The Anxiety of Influence……………………………………………………………...145 0.3. The Contours of this “ImaginAtive SpAce”……………………………………..147 4. Forgetting Schweitzer And Remembering Jesus: The Role of Memory in CommunAl Identity And Formation…………………………………………..150 4.0. Mapping a New WAy……………………………………………………………………150 4.1. A WAlk Down Memory LAne………………………………………………………...153 4.1.1. Locating And Defining Memory Studies………………………………………..154 4.1.2. Suspicions and Cautions of the Use of Memory Theory…………………160 4.1.3. AppropriAtions And AlterAtions for this ReseArch…………………………163 4.2. ExAmples of Use in SimilAr Studies………………………………………………174 4.2.1. The Jesus of Recurrent AttestAtion: DAle Allison Jr………………………..176 4.2.2. The Jesus of Eyewitness Testimony: RichArd BAuckhAm……………….183 4.2.3. The Jesus of Reception: Jens Schröter…………………………………………..190 4.3. Concluding Reflections………………………………………………………………..202 4.3.1. A Proper ProblematizAtion of the Quest…………………………………….…202 4.3.2. Widening the Sphere of InvestigAtion…………………………………………..205 4.3.3. Theological ResonAnces………………………………………………………………208 5. The Untidy Jesus of MArkAn Memory……………………………………………210 5.0. Putting Memory to Work……………………………………………………………..210 5.0.1. CommunAl Formation And RefrAction…………………………………………..211 5.0.2. The Political Shape of Memory…………………………………………………….219 5.0.3. Singular Subject in Pluralistic Perspective……………………………………221 5.1. Christic Community And RituAl Christ…………………………………………..223 5.1.1. Ritual and lieu(x) de mémoire………………………………………………………225 5.1.2. The Sociolinguistic Location of Christ And Community………………….226 5.1.3. Communal Direction…………………………………………………………………...231 5.2. Jesus in Pluralistic Perspective…………………………………………………….234 5.2.1. Jesus As Teacher………………………………………………………………………….235 5.2.2. Jesus As Healer……………………………………………………………………………239 5.2.3. Jesus As MArtyr…………………………………………………………………………...243 5.3. Conclusion……………………………………………………………………………….....249 BIBLIOGRAPHY……………………………………………………………………………………..251 4 DECLARATION The materiAl of submitted for this Thesis hAs not been submitted elsewhere or for any other degree. The copyright of this thesis rests with the author. No quotation from it should be published in Any format, including electronic And the Internet, without the Author’s prior written consent. All information derived from this thesis must be Acknowledged AppropriAtely. 5 PART ONE QUESTIONING THE INFLUENCE(S) OF ALBERT SCHWEITZER CULTIVATING A CRITICAL, APPRECIATIVE DISTANCE “The Greatest Man in the World— thAt is whAt some people cAll Albert Schweitzer, jungle philosopher.” Life magAzine, 6 October 1947 “You are one of the few who combine extrAordinAry energy And many-sidedness with the desire to serve man And to lighten his lot. If there were more persons such as you are, we would never have slid into so dangerous an international situation as now prevails.” Albert Einstein letter to Schweitzer 25 September 19381 _________________________ 0.1. A Man of Influence On the cover of Life magAzine’s 6 October 1947 issue stood A picture of A young Franklin D. Roosevelt Aged thirteen. Two years After the death of the four-term
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