Presseschau August 2018

Freitag – Friday, 31.08.2018

Der Spiegel Regierungsberater plädieren für lascheres Gentechnik-Gesetz Mit Genscheren veränderte Pflanzen unterliegen in Europa strengen Regeln. Nun empfehlen Experten eine Änderung des Gentechnik-Gesetzes. Deutschland verpasse sonst eine "biologische Revolution". lascheres-gentechnik-gesetz-a-1225715.html

Karl Bockholt, agrarheute Online-Petition gegen das EuGH-Urteil zur Gentechnik gestartet gestartet-547650

Petition gegen Gentechnik durch die Hintertür eingereicht Um die neusten Methoden zur Veränderungen von Organismen dem Gentechnik-Gesetz zu unterstellen, wurde eine Petition mit zirka 30'000 Unterschriften eingereicht. die-hintertur-eingereicht-65408646

GMWatch GMO law change mooted as way to get round court ruling The NBT Platform believes, contrary to the legal ruling from the ECJ, that "most products derived through the use of NBTs are not considered GMOs". This is scientifically and technically, as well as legally, incorrect. The vast majority of organisms produced by new GM techniques are clearly GMOs under existing definitions relevant to the EU. But since when did the GMO lobby let science and democratically established law stand in the way of their monetary ambitions?

Donnerstag – Thursday, 30.08.2018

Bioökonomierat Genome Editing: Bioökonomierat fordert neues EU-Gentechnikrecht Deutschland und EU sollen Bio-Innovationen mitgestalten

Genome Editing: Europa benötigt ein neues Gentechnikrecht Editing.pdf

Stefan Sauer Grobschlächtige Heckenschere“ statt präziser Genschere Der Gentechnik-Experte Harald Ebner spricht im Interview über neue Verfahren, strenge Regeln und mögliche Folgen. genschere-a-1572499,0#artpager-1572499-1

Mittwoch – Wednesday, 29.08.2018

Sara Lewis EFSA future work threatened by ability to engage experts Authority should be more flexible in allocating work and staff internally The European Food Safety Authority’s (EFSA’s) ability to produce the same quality of scientific output in the long term is threatened if it cannot continue to engage the best possible external expertise, according to the independent experts that assessed the agency for the third external evaluation report. threatened-by-ability-to-engage-experts

Sascha Karberg Bioökonomierat: Gentechnik-Gesetze der EU müssen geändert werden Die alten Gentechnik-Gesetze der EU müssen an die neuen Methoden angepasst werden. Das fordert ein Gremium, das die Bunderegierung in Bioökonomiefragen berät. gentechnik-gesetze-der-eu-muessen-geaendert-werden/22972008.html

Katrina Pirner ECJ Surprises Observers By Ruling Against New Plant Breeding Technique Last month the European Court of Justice diverged from the Advocate-General’s opinion by ruling that mutagenesis, a new plant breeding technique, should be subject to the bloc’s GMO directive. While celebrated by environmental groups, scientists and agricultural organisations believe the decision is a significant setback for the agricultural industry. plant-breeding-technique/

Jean-Paul Oury Mutagenesis: does the ECJ understand the concept of Nature? understand-the-concept-of-nature/

Karen Harradine Anti-Israel, anti-Africa – the EU stands for conflict, not peace not-peace/

Thomas Kolbe Welche neuen Chancen die Gentechnik bietet „Gentechnikfrei“ ist das Schlagwort der Stunde. Der Konsument antwortet mehr aus dem Bauch als aus dem Kopf heraus. die-Gentechnik-bietet

Dienstag – Tuesday, 28.08.2018

Miller, Henry I and Kershen D.L. EU Court Falls Short On Both Logic And The Law

Montag – Monday, 27.08.2018

Rob Wright Are Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO) A Blessing Or A Curse? or-a-curse-0001

Brian Blum Genes from Dead Sea to produce more drought-tolerant crops PlantArcBio aims to make the world’s critical crops able to thrive on less water by adding specific genes found in regions that receive little rain.

Richard Morrison USDA announces deregulation of GE canola variety deregulation-of-GE-canola-variety

Forschungsausgaben der chemischen Industrie auf Rekordhoch rekordhoch/150/1193/109224/

Jean-Paul Oury Mutagenèse : la CJUE aurait-elle des idées arrêtées sur le concept de Nature ? des-idees-arretees-sur-le-concept-de-nature/

Siobhán Dunphy No-deal’ Brexit could mean many researchers in the UK losing crucial funding researchers-in-the-uk-losing-crucial-funding/

Siobhan Walsh GM focus: Is fact lost among ‘spurious claims’ in the GM debate? gm-debate/

Ludger Wess GMO critics in Germany seeking special tax in bid for greater control over biotech offerings in-bid-for-greater-control-over-biotech-offerings/

Anke Fritz, agrarheute Bundesumweltministerium finanziert Gentechnikkritiker

Samstag – Saturday, 25.08.2018

Green News Irish scientists criticise restriction of new generation of gene-edited crops

GM Watch 9th GMO-Free Europe conference and public event with international scientists

Hogan Lovells UK Government publishes first no-deal Brexit notices for food

Briain Kelly Researchers use genetic technology to breed improved sugar beets improved-sugar-beets/

Freitag – Friday, 24.08.2018

EuropaBio: The EU protein deficit, trade and GMOs This brochure aims to support a rational, coherent and realistic protein strategy in Europe. gmos?mc_cid=6705246f48&mc_eid=9855024810

Bert Fröndhoff , Thomas Jahn ,Katharina Kort Klagewellen und Imageschaden – Monsanto ist für Bayer ein Milliardenrisiko Bayer hat sich mit Monsanto ein milliardenschweres Risiko aufgehalst. Kann das größte Integrationsprojekt der deutschen Wirtschaftsgeschichte noch gelingen? imageschaden-monsanto-ist-fuer-bayer-ein-milliardenrisiko/22945566.html?ticket=ST- 2438839-SxGRs1r29Fvvlnjvr9ab-ap3

Stuart J. Smyth Facilitating the Adoption of Genetically Modified Crops: The Role of the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety role-cartagena-protocol-biosafety-13333

Geoffrey Kabat Claims That Criticism of IARC Are Industry-Driven Do IARC More Harm Than Good more-harm-good-13350

Andrew Slaughter, The Conversation How Africa can up its game on water management for agriculture

Daniela Zeibig »Aufschieberitis« zeigt sich auch im Gehirn Aufschieben oder anpacken: Wozu wir am ehesten neigen, können Neurowissenschaftler im Gehirn ablesen. Wo liegen die Unterschiede? gehirn/1586380?utm_medium=newsletter&utm_source=sdw-nl&utm_campaign=sdw-nl- daily&utm_content=heute

Donnerstag – Thursday, 23.08.201/8

Karl Bockholt, agrarheute Crispr-Urteil bedeutet das Aus für herbizidtoleranten Raps Zuerst war er bei uns nicht als Gentechnik eingestuft. Jetzt gilt der Raps der US-Firma Cibus doch als gentechnisch verändert. Das folgt aus dem neuesten Urteil vom Europäischen Gerichtshof (EuGH). raps-547484

Japanese Panel on Regulating Gene Editing A government panel in Japan has decided not to regulate some types of gene editing, according to the Japanese broadcaster NHK. editing#.W37Ng7hCSUk

Earlham Institute. "Epic genetic: the hidden story of wheat: Epigenome of bread wheat mapped to piece together its genetic heritage." Biologists have uncovered the hidden genetic secrets that give wheat its remarkable ability for local adaptation -- revealing a previously untapped resource for breeding better, more resilient wheat. ScienceDaily, 22 August 2018.

Reinhard Szibor Vom Regen in die Traufe

Mittwoch – Wednesday, 22.08.2018

Stephan Neidenbach European Union: This organic wheat is definitely a GMO 4514b91dab22

Bauer Willi EuGH verurteilt Gregor Mendel posthum zum Tode tode/?utm_source=CleverReach&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=20-08- 2018+%5BBauerwilli%5D+Wochen%C3%BCbersicht+KW+33- 2018&utm_content=Mailing_7136533

Stephan Brodicky Öffentlichkeitsarbeit, Universität Wien Warum sich Bäume Gene "ausborgen"

Dienstag – Tuesday, 21.08.20188

Antwort der Bundesregierung auf die Kleine Anfrage der Abgeordneten , , Dr. Gero Hocker, und der Fraktion der FDP – Drucksache 19/3456 – Fachstelle für Gentechnik und Umwelt

Patrick Clinton Europe is going to regulate gene-edited organisms as if they were alien plants from space That's too bad, because gene editing, for better or worse, is probably going to be one of the techniques that bring us what we need to feed our battered planet.

Montag – Monday, 20.08.2018

Jens Sundström, Torbjörn Fagerström - Genetic Literacy Project Europe’s decision to reject gene edited crops signals it is losing its commitment to sustainable agriculture crops-signals-it-is-losing-its-commitment-to-sustainable-agriculture/

Agra Europe Europa gerät in der Gentech-Gründerszene weiter ins Hintertreffen Gentech-Gruenderszene-weiter-ins-Hintertreffen-9624347.html

Alfons Deter "Politiker nehmen uns Instrumente gegen Extremwetterereignisse weg!" gegen-Extremwetterereignisse-weg-9624078.html

Reuters Wettrennen um nächsten Meilenstein in der Gentechnik In einem Labor in einer Vorstadt von Minneapolis arbeitet ein kleines Unternehmen, das noch nie Gewinne gemacht hat, am nächsten Durchbruch in der Gentechnik. gentechnik-1200143

Eoin Lettice & Barbara Doyle Prestwich Ireland's decision to prohibit GM crops doesn't make sense' Two eminent plant biotechnologists argue that the Irish government has made the wrong decision to opt out of growing GMOs here.

Charles Benbrook Expert witness from landmark Monsanto trial offers 5 fixes to shortcomings in current GE food regulations Charles Benbrook on the mistakes made in the approval of the first genetically engineered crops—and what we can learn from them

Julia Merlot Bund spendiert Gentechnik-Gegnern 200.000 Euro Wie funktioniert Gentechnik, wie gefährlich ist sie? Eine neue Fachstelle soll darüber informieren, eigentlich unabhängig. Doch das Umweltministerium hat eine gentechnikkritische Lobbygruppe beauftragt - und bezahlt sie aus Steuergeldern. testbiotech-mit-info-kampagne-a-1220832.html

Samstag – Saturday, 18.08.2018

Kathrin Zinkant Gefällige Fakten gesucht und gefunden Ja, die Öffentlichkeit sollte unbedingt über die Chancen und Risiken neuer gentechnischer Verfahren aufgeklärt werden. Aber nicht durch staatlich bezahlte Öko-Lobbyisten. 1.4094659

Vince Ebert Was wäre, wenn Gentechnik-Gegner gar nicht überzeugt werden können? Würden Sie Frühstücksflocken von Bayern-Fans kaufen? Vince Ebert macht sich Gedanken über die Kennzeichnungspflicht von gentechnisch veränderten Lebensmitteln. ueberzeugt-werden-koennen/1585432

Steffen Schmidt Mit Schrotflinte oder Skalpell? Der Gaterslebener Getreideforscher Goetz Hensel über die Regulierung der Pflanzengentechnik oder-skalpell.html

Cary Funk and Meg Hefferon Most Americans Accept Genetic Engineering of Animals That Benefits Human Health, but Many Oppose Other Uses Public concerns about animal biotechnology focus on risks to animals, humans and the ecosystem animals-that-benefits-human-health-but-many-oppose-other-uses/

Jan Osterkamp Lebensgefährlicher Uralt-Käse aus ägyptischem Grab Ein italienisches Team hat sich auf »Archäofood« spezialisiert. Sein neuester Fund ist ein altägyptischer Käse aus Ramses' Zeiten. Aber Achtung: ungesund! grab/1585582?utm_medium=newsletter&utm_source=sdw-nl&utm_campaign=sdw-nl- daily&utm_content=heute

Enrico Greco E. et al. (2018): Proteomic Analyses on an Ancient Egyptian Cheese and Biomolecular Evidence of Brucellosis, Anal. Chem., Article ASAP; DOI: 10.1021/acs.analchem.8b02535

Freitag – Friday, 17.08.2018

ZKBS 2nd Interim report Synthetic Biology (2018) https://www.zkbs- ral_subjects/2nd%20report%20Synthetic%20Biology%20(2018).html;jsessionid=A9C4AA037 C546762600D1C3F2C5C950F.1_cid350?nn=8569050

BVL: Cibus Raps-Bescheid vom BVL zurückgenommen bus_Raps_Bescheid.html

Japan Discusses Genome Editing Technology %20Editing%20Technology_Tokyo_Japan_8-10-2018.pdf

Benny van Haandel Gene editing ruling harms EU pig breeding After postponing several times, the European Court of Justice decided last July that the gene editing technique CRISPR should be seen and treated as genetic modification. This decision will seriously impact further developments and implementation of CRISPR in genetic programmes. What will it mean for the international genetic programmes in pig genetics? EU-pig-breeding-323312E/

Rosine Kelz Natürliche (Gen-)Technik? Das EuGH-Urteil über Genome Editing schlägt hohe Wellen. Die Frage war, ob die neuen Methoden als Gentechnik eingestuft werden dürfen und inwieweit sie sich von natürlichen Mutationen unterscheiden!5525345/

University of Maryland UMD researcher helps to crack the genetic code for wheat for the first time Releases two collaborative papers in Science that pave the way for better wheat yields, with crops adapted to disease, heat, and drought

Sascha Karberg 107891 Gene im Brot (mindestens) Weizen ist das wichtigste Grundnahrungsmittel der Deutschen. Jetzt endlich haben Biologen das Erbgut des Getreides entziffert. mindestens/22922594.html

Dominik Göttler Das Puzzle ist gelöst - Weizengenom entschlüsselt Es soll ein Schritt im Kampf gegen den Hunger auf der Welt sein. Forscher haben das Erbgut des Weizens entschlüsselt. Die gigantische Puzzle-Arbeit soll den Weg bereiten für neue Züchtungen, die mehr Ertrag liefern, der Dürre widerstehen oder verträglich für Allergiker sind.

Entsprechende Publikationen: Shifting the limits in wheat research and breeding using a fully annotated reference genome" "The transcriptional landscape of polyploid wheat"

Kathrin Zinkant - Süddeutsche Zeitung Bund finanziert Ökolobby Das Bundesumweltministerium unterstützt die bekannte Ökolobby-Organisation Testbiotech mit öffentlichen Mitteln in der Meinungsbildung. Das zeigt eine kleine Anfrage der FDP im . Der Verein erhält bis 2020 mehr als 200 000 Euro aus dem Bundeshaushalt. Das Ziel soll sein, die Relevanz neuer Gentechniken für den Natur- und Umweltschutz "wissenschaftlich auszuwerten" und der Öffentlichkeit zu vermitteln.

Susanne Günther, “Bittet, so wird euch gegeben” – Wie sich NGOs mit Steuergeld bereichern steuergeld-bereichern/

TestBiotech-Anträge: orhabenbeschreibung.pdf

Einzigartiges Gewächs aus zwei verschiedenen Produkten Erd2-Tom2 ist Gemüse des Jahres in Österreich Oesterreich#.W3Wg9ln5-0I.facebook

Donnerstag – Thursday, 16.08.2018

Gesellschaft für Pflanzenzüchtung e.V. EuGH-Urteil: Moderne Züchtungsverfahren gelten als Gentechnik

Wolfgang Manuel Simon und Reinhild HolzkampVerein gentechnikfreie Landkreise Europäischer Gerichtshof bremst neue Gentechnik bremst-neue-gentechnik.43d480b9-28ed-46e3-b3f1-701122fc106e.html

Randi Dufault Gene-editing: Frankenfood Lite? lite/

Nina Fedoroff Opinion: Trait-based regulation of GM plants is on the horizon – at last! on-the-horizon-at-last?utm_source=Instant+Update&utm_campaign=920e1142db- EMAIL_CAMPAIGN_2018_01_08_COPY_1024&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_288ff2b5 3a-920e1142db-48731073

Mittwoch – Wednesday, 15.08.2018

Sam Bloch It’s official: This fall, America will harvest more soybeans than ever. But who’s buying? European Union buyers can’t replace Chinese demand.

Alice Scarsi French farmers FURY at EU over US imports - 'VERY damaging to European agriculture' FRANCE’S farmers are turning against the European Commission after they accused Jean Claude Juncker of putting at risk the survival of European agriculture in order to appease Donald Trump. trade-war-french-farmer-association

Emily Monaco GMO Technology’s Role in the Future of Food Is Not What You Might Expect just-not-in-the-way-you-might-expect/

Dienstag – Tuesday, 14.08.2018

Raphael Bühlmann Soja: Das ist die Doppelmoral der Europäer Um den Frieden im globalen Handel zu wahren, importiert die EU mehr US-Soja. Dass es sich dabei um GVO-Pflanzen handelt, spielt keine Rolle. Mit ganz anderen Ellen misst Europa seine eigene Produktion.

Proplanta Frankreichs Reaktion auf Verurteilung von Monsanto Paris - Frankreichs Umweltminister Nicolas Hulot hat das Glyphosat-Urteil gegen den frisch von Bayer übernommenen Hersteller Monsanto mit harten Worten begrüßt. Verurteilung-von-Monsanto_article1534236327.html

Montag – Monday, 13.08.2018

Michelle Fitzpatrick Five things to know about Bayer and Monsanto

DW Wissenschaft 2018: Ein Hoch auf den Fortschritt, oder die Katastrophe am Horizont? Verschiedene Forschungsbereiche werden 2018 so einiges auf den Kopf stellen. Vielleicht sogar unser Leben. Die folgende Auswahl ist - zugegeben - eine persönliche. katastrophe-am-horizont/a-41972548

Sonja Brosel EuGH Urteil – Gefahr für innovative Gentherapien? Gentherapie: Wie ein Urteil den (medizinischen) Fortschritt negativ beeinflussen kann Am 25. Juli 2018 urteilte der Europäischen Gerichtshofs (EuGH) über die Einordnung von Mutagenese Verfahren, die zur gezielten Veränderung des Erbguts dienen. Nach dem Urteil sind diese Verfahren insbesondere die sogenannten Gen-Scheren, die zum “reparieren” des Erbguts verwendet werden können, aus der Ausnahmeregelung des Art. 3 Absatz 1 der Richtlinie 2001/18 in Verbindung mit Anhang I B (sog. Ausnahme für Mutagenese-Verfahren) ausgeschlossen. Durch Genome Editierung gewonnene Organismen sind damit als gentechnisch veränderte Organismen im Sinne der europäischen Richtlinie über die absichtliche Freisetzung genetisch veränderter Organismen (2001/18/EG) zu behandeln.

Samstag – Saturday, 11.08.2018 Caitlin Dewey THE FUTURE OF FOOD Scientists have found a fast and cheap way to edit your food’s DNA scientists-have-found-a-fast-and-cheap-way-to-edit-your-edibles- dna/?utm_term=.7cfec33ad467&noredirect=on

EPSO Short comments from EPSO members on the ECJ Ruling regarding mutagenesis and the Genetically Modified Organisms Directive On the ECJ Ruling regarding mutagenesis and the Genetically Modified Organisms Directive %20and%20GMO_Statement_end.pdf

Sascha Laubinger Rückschlag für die Pflanzenforschung? Im Interview erklärt Pflanzengenetiker Prof. Dr. Sascha Laubinger, wie Pflanzenzüchtung funktioniert und warum sich Forscher durch das EuGH-Urteil ausgebremst sehen.

Vivian Fernandes CSE's Study on GM food is flawed and needlessly alarmist, states expert alarmist-states-expert-4940681.html

Jason Daley The Corn of the Future Is Hundreds of Years Old and Makes Its Own Mucus own-mucus-180969972/ Publication: Allen Van Deynze A. et al. (2018): Nitrogen fixation in a landrace of maize is supported by a mucilage-associated diazotrophic microbiota PLoS Biol 16(8): e2006352. Plants are associated with a complex microbiota that contributes to nutrient acquisition, plant growth, and plant defense. Nitrogen-fixing microbial associations are efficient and well characterized in legumes but are limited in cereals, including maize. We studied an indigenous landrace of maize grown in nitrogen-depleted soils in the Sierra Mixe region of Oaxaca, Mexico. This landrace is characterized by the extensive development of aerial roots that secrete a carbohydrate-rich mucilage. Analysis of the mucilage microbiota indicated that it was enriched in taxa for which many known species are diazotrophic, was enriched for homologs of genes encoding nitrogenase subunits, and harbored active nitrogenase activity as assessed by acetylene reduction 15 15 15 and N2 incorporation assays. Field experiments in Sierra Mixe using N natural abundance or N-enrichment assessments over 5 years indicated that atmospheric nitrogen fixation contributed 29%–82% of the nitrogen nutrition of Sierra Mixe maize.

GM Watch GM Bt toxin is immunogenic, allergenic, and causes pre-cancerous intestinal changes Publication: Santos-Vigil, K. I., Ilhuicatzi-Alvarado, D., García-Hernández, A. L., Herrera-García, J. S., & Moreno- Fierros, L. (2018): Study of the allergenic potential of Bacillus thuringiensis Cry1Ac toxin following intra-gastric administration in a murine model of food-allergy. International Immunopharmacology, 61, 185-196. Cry1Ac toxin, from Bacillus thuringiensis, is widely used as a biopesticide and expressed in genetically modified (GM) plants used for human and animal consumption. Since Cry1Ac is also immunogenic and able to activate macrophages, it is crucial to thoroughly evaluate the immunological effects elicited after intra-gastric administration. The allergenic potential of purified Cry1Ac was assessed and compared with that induced in a murine model of food-allergy to ovalbumin (OVA), in which animals are sensitized with the adjuvant Cholera toxin (CT). Mice were weekly intragastrically administered with: i) vehicle phosphate-buffered saline (PBS), ii) OVA, iii) OVA plus CT iv) Cry1Ac or v) OVA plus Cry1Ac. Seven weeks after, mice were intragastrically challenged and allergic reactions along with diverse allergy related immunological parameters were evaluated at systemic and intestinal level. The groups immunized with, Cry1Ac, OVA/Cry1Ac or OVA/CT developed moderate allergic reactions, induced significant IgE response and increased frequencies of intestinal granulocytes, IgE+ eosinophils and IgE+ lymphocytes. These same groups also showed colonic lymphoid hyperplasia, notably in humans, this has been associated with food allergy and intestinal inflammation. Although the adjuvant and allergenic potential of CT were higher than the effects of Cry1Ac, the results show that applied intra-gastrically at 50 μg doses, Cry1Ac is immunogenic, moderately allergenic and able to provoke intestinal lymphoid hyperplasia. Moreover, Cry1Ac is also able to induce anaphylaxis, since when mice were intragastrically sensitized with increasing doses of Cry1Ac, with every dose tested, a significant drop in rectal temperature was recorded after intravenous challenge.

Freitag – Friday, 10.08.2018

Statement der Deutschen Botanischen Gesellschaft (DBG) zum EuGH Urteil über Genom- Editierung botanischen-gesellschaft-dbg-zum-eugh-urteil-ueber-genom- editierung/?no_cache=1&back=729

Deutsche GesundheitsnNachrichten EU-Gericht blockiert neuartiges Gentechnik-Verfahren Der Europäische Gerichtshof hat eine Kennzeichnungspflicht für eine umstrittene Gentechnik-Methode erlassen. neuartiges-gentechnik-verfahren/

Rod Nickel Gene-editing startups ignite the next 'Frankenfood' fight the-next-frankenfood-fight-idUSKBN1KV0GF

GMWatch Stop illegal "new GM" field trials – NGOs to Juncker Commission urged to clamp down on illegal GMO releases and import In the wake of the EU Court of Justice (ECJ) ruling that certain new techniques of genetic engineering do fall under EU legislation on GMOs, a coalition of NGOs including GMWatch has written to EU Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker asking him to take action against EU member states that have permitted field trials with new GMOs outside the GMO legal framework. The "rogue" member states include the UK, Sweden, Finland, and Belgium. open letter: 8_09.pdf

Katrin Weigmann Die Pusztai-Affäre – Zwei Versionen der gleichen Geschichte der-gleichen-geschichte/

Donnerstag – Thursday ,09.08.2018

IATP (Institute for Agriculture & Trade Policy) Regulate new GE techniques? U.S. (never) vs. EU (yes)

Max Dodd European Commission document targets high risk plants

Bill Wirtz - Genetic Literacy Project Viewpoint: Greenpeace and ‘the awful reality of anti-science activism’ of-anti-science-activism/

Fresh Plaza GMO eggplant crop expands in Bangladesh

Mittwoch -Wednesday, 08.08.2018

Olivia Rockeman Arcadia Biosciences responds to EU ruling on genetically modified food to-eu-ruling-on.html

Andy Stirling Is the new European ruling on GM techniques ‘anti-science’?

The Pig Site Introducing the new rules on gene-editing in pork production What you need to know about the recent EU court ruling on gene-editing and GMO, and how this will affect pig farmers globally in-pork-production/

Informationsdienst Gentechnik Genschere: Darf Raps mit Punktmutation aufs Versuchsfeld?

Stephanie Lahrtz Die Angst vor Gentech-Pflanzen wird zum Problem für Europas Landwirtschaft Gentechnisch veränderte Pflanzen stellen keine Gefahr dar, das haben unzählige Studien gezeigt. Neue gentechnische Methoden hätten die Zucht von widerstandsfähigen Sorten beschleunigen können. Doch diese Chance ist vertan.

Green News France set to become new watchdog in safety assessment of glyphosate

Dienstag – Tuesday, 07.08.2018

Sarantis Michalopoulos - Europe’s GM legislation is ‘outdated’, US says after Court ruling on gene editing US Secretary of Agriculture Sonny Perdue has called a recent ruling by the European Court of Justice on new plant-breeding techniques (NPBTs) a ‘setback’ and said Washington is ready to help EU politicians make decisions based on scientific evidence. outdated-us-says-after-court-ruling-on-gene-editing/

Wilmer Cutler, Pickering Hale and Dorr LLP Judgment of the Court of Justice of the European Union of July 25, 2018, in Case C-528/16 Confédération paysanne and Others justice-of-the-european-union-of-july-25-2018-in-case-c52816-conf%C3%A9d%C3%A9ration- paysanne-and-others

Montag – Monday, 06.08.2018

Stellungnahme der Direktoren am Max Planck Institut für Pflanzenzüchtungsforschung zu der jüngsten Entscheidung des Europäischen Gerichtshofs bezüglich genetisch veränderter Organismen

Ärzteblatt: Then versus Boch Pro und Contra: Hat der Europäische Gerichtshof neue Gentechnikverfahren richtig eingeordnet? Gerichtshof-neue-Gentechnikverfahren-richtig-eingeordnet - Unterschriften gewünscht: Immediate Review of the ECJ Ruling on Plant Genome Editing. genome-editing-9ff3df10-9f7d-44de-b379- 8a01a1d71ba2?recruiter=892560495&utm_campaign=signature_receipt&utm_medium=twi tter&utm_source=share_petition

Michael Irving GMO poplar trees engineered to not escape into the wild und Publikation: _authors_&utm_medium=Email&utm_content=T1_11.5e1_author&utm_campaign=Email_p ublication&field=&journalName=Frontiers_in_Bioengineering_and_Biotechnology&id=3695 37

Sonntag – Sunday, 05.08.2018

Alfons Deter Vorfahrt für Großkonzerne 9540205.html

Julia Groß, Euro am Sonntag Landwirtschaft nach überraschendem Urteil: Züchter sehen rot ueberraschendem-urteil-zuechter-sehen-rot-6436323

Nic Fleming Science’s search for a super banana panama-disease-gm-gene-editing

Freitag – Friday, 03.08.2018

Commission authorises five Genetically Modified products for food and feed use Today, the Commission has adopted authorisation decisions of five Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) for food and feed use. The authorisation decisions do not cover the use of these GMOs for cultivation. Today's decisions concern 2 new authorisations (maize MON 87427 x MON 89034 x NK603, maize 1507 x 59122 x MON 810 x NK603) and the renewal of 3 existing authorisations (maize DAS-59122-7, maize GA21, sugar beet H7-1).

Jonny Hazell, Senior Policy Adviser, Wellbeing When is genetic modification not genetic modification? genetic-modification/?utm_campaign=6048&utm_source=adestra&utm_medium=email

Agrar Europe Auch Mutagenese-Verfahren sind Gentechnik sind-gentechnik/ freshfruitportal EU ruling on genetically edited crops may affect international trade may-affect-international-trade/ gm watch EU court ruling on "new GM" techniques: The Observer gets it wrong link to the Observer editorial: on-gene-editing-crops gm watch Campaign groups demand action as Rothamsted Research GM field trial is ruled unlawful

Detlef Sundermann Suche nach Saatgut für trockene Zeiten Der Dottenfelderhof in Bad Vilbel arbeitet seit Jahren daran, Getreide zu züchten, das besser mit Dürre zurechtkommt suche-nach-saatgut-fuer-trockene-zeiten-a-1556402

GEN News Highlights CRISPR-Cas12a More Precise Than CRISPR-Cas9 cas9/81256099

Kath-Press zum Bericht "Nuffield Council on Bioethic" Genediting: Einwand bei Pflanzen aber grünes Licht bei Embryonen? gruenes-licht-bei-embryonen

Hugh Whittall, Director of the Nuffield Council on Bioethics Genome Editing and Human Reproduction: Behind the Headlines of the Nuffield Council on Bioethics Report Two weeks ago, the Nuffield Council on Bioethics released a seminal report on the social and ethical issues of heritable genome editing. In an article written exclusively for Technology Networks, Hugh Whittall, Director of the Council, gives an insight into how the report's conclusions were reached, and addresses the strong reactions to the report's main conclusion, that heritable genome editing interventions could be morally acceptable. reproduction-behind-the-headlines-of-the-nuffield-council-on-bioethics-307117

Miranda Green Trump administration reverses rule that banned pesticide use in wildlife refuges banned-pesticide-use-in-wildlife

David Malakoff Trump’s pick to head White House science office gets good reviews The long wait for a White House science adviser is over. President Donald Trump announced today that he intends to nominate meteorologist Kelvin Droegemeier, a university administrator and former vice-chair of the governing board of the U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF), to be director of the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP). The OSTP director traditionally, but not always, also holds the title of the president’s science adviser. gets-good-reviews

Jan Dönges Trump findet doch noch einen Top-Wissenschaftsberater Lange hat die wissenschaftsfeindliche US-Regierung nach einem Berater in Wissenschaftsfragen gesucht. Nun sind sie fündig geworden. Ihr Kandidat gilt als gute Wahl. wissenschaftsberater/1582718?utm_medium=newsletter&utm_source=sdw- nl&utm_campaign=sdw-nl-daily&utm_content=heute

Bayerisches Landesamt für Gesundheit und Lebensmittelsicherheit Broschüre der LGL-Gespräche zu Lebensmittelsicherheit und Verbraucherschutz- Alternative Ernährungsformen - Neuartige Lebensmittel artige_lebensmittel.pdf

Kai Kupferschmidt EU verdict on CRISPR crops dismays scientists Science 361, (6401), pp. 435-436 DOI: 10.1126/science.361.6401.435 In a landmark ruling on 25 July, the European Court of Justice in Luxembourg City decided that plants created with CRISPR or other gene-editing tools should go through the same extensive regulatory process as earlier generations of genetically modified organisms. The decision caught many regulatory authorities off guard and left those in the United Kingdom and Belgium faced with the question of what to do with field trials already approved and underway. But the verdict‘s impact will go far beyond current trials. Many researchers say it will have a chilling effect on plant biotech. Long skeptical of such technologies, Europe has largely shunned transgenic crops; now, they say, it is set to lose out on another technological revolution. The decision could also hamper basic science and might impede international trade, some observers say.

Troth A, Puzey J.R., Kim R.S., Willis J.H., Kelly J.K. (2018): Selective trade-offs maintain alleles underpinning complex trait variation in plants. Science 361 (6401), 475-478 DOI: 10.1126/science.aat5760 To understand evolutionary factors that maintain complex trait variation, we sequenced genomes from a single population of the plant Mimulus guttatus, identifying hundreds of nucleotide variants associated with morphological and life history traits. Alleles that delayed flowering also increased size at reproduction, which suggests pervasive antagonistic pleiotropy in this annual plant. The “large and slow” alleles, which were less common in small, rapidly flowering populations, became more abundant in populations with greater plant size. Furthermore, natural selection within the field population favored alternative alleles from year to year. Our results suggest that environmental fluctuations and selective trade-offs maintain polygenic trait variation within populations and also contribute to the geographic divergence in this wildflower species.

Vamvaka E. et al. (2018): Unexpected synergistic HIV neutralization by a triple microbicide produced in rice endosperm. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (2018). DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1806022115 The transmission of HIV can be prevented by the application of neutralizing monoclonal antibodies and lectins. Traditional recombinant protein manufacturing platforms lack sufficient capacity and are too expensive for developing countries, which suffer the greatest disease burden. Plants offer an inexpensive and scalable alternative manufacturing platform that can produce multiple components in a single plant, which is important because multiple components are required to avoid the rapid emergence of HIV-1 strains resistant to single microbicides. Furthermore, crude extracts can be used directly for prophylaxis to avoid the massive costs of downstream processing and purification. We investigated whether rice could simultaneously produce three functional HIV-neutralizing proteins (the monoclonal antibody 2G12, and the lectins griffithsin and cyanovirin- N). Preliminary in vitro tests showed that the cocktail of three proteins bound to gp120 and achieved HIV-1 neutralization. Remarkably, when we mixed the components with crude extracts of wild-type rice endosperm, we observed enhanced binding to gp120 in vitro and synergistic neutralization when all three components were present. Extracts of transgenic plants expressing all three proteins also showed enhanced in vitro binding to gp120 and synergistic HIV-1 neutralization. Fractionation of the rice extracts suggested that the enhanced gp120 binding was dependent on rice proteins, primarily the globulin fraction. Therefore, the production of HIV-1 microbicides in rice may not only reduce costs compared to traditional platforms but may also provide functional benefits in terms of microbicidal potency. pdf-file:

Donnerstag –Thursday, 02,08.2018

Sarah Schmidt und Wolf B. Frommer Mit diesem Urteil hat die europäische Vernunft ausgedient europaeische-vernunft-ausgedient-15715625.html

Ralf Stephan Folgenreich und völlig unerwartet 547027

Manuel Grebenjak CRISPR/Cas: Neue Gentechnik mit altem Systemfehler

Mittwoch – Wednesday, 01.08.2018

Swaminathan A Aiyar View: Alarmism over genetically modified foods is unscientific and false genetically-modified-foods-is-unscientific-and-false/articleshow/65218520.cms

Henry Miller - Genetic Literacy Project Prominent anti-GMO NGOs and organic businesses partnered with Russia to ‘smear’ American agriculture partnered-with-russia-to-smear-american-agriculture/

Mike Knowles Scientists identify TR4-resistant bananas A team of researchers working in the Netherlands has apparently found cultivars that might eventually replace Cavendish bananas