RECEIVED I Special Event / Tournament E Corrrnity Class E General Use (Private parties, meetings, leagues-rndrcote sport'. , etc.) Applicant: (Your nome) DARYL FUJIWARA Emair:
[email protected] Orsanization: (lf ony) LOKAHI PACIFIC May we email your permit should it be approved? ffiv"t ffi*o Davtime Phone: (808) 264-877e After Hours Phone: Mailine Address: 125 PONIU CIRCLE, WAILUKU, HI 96793 Estimated Participants: KAMEHAMEHA PARADE HOOLAULEA Activitv (Event) Name: & 6vl-oyb" indiroted on ottochment) 3,000.00 Requested Date(s): 6120t2020 Requested Time(s): 7:00 am (Moy indicote odditionol (Moy indicote odditionol dotes on on ottachment) 612112020 times on on ottachment) 6:00 pm Requested Location(s) KEAWAIKI (LAHAINA BANYAN TREE PARK) and Mokuula Back lot (List att sites being requested, Request for use of facilities in multiple districts'. (For this octivity, select all districts for which you ore requesting usoge) E Central Maui n East Maui E South Maui E West Maui E Hrn, - Maui E volok.'i E Lana'i From the following, select all items that applv to vour proposed activitv: 8 fooa and/or Beverage Consumption fl Rlcohol / Liquor Consumption I op"n to the Public XI fooO and/or Beverage Sales f] Rtcohol / Liquor Sales (Dept. of Liquor control permit required) E] ruon-food Merchandise Sales E Boun."r, / Air Jumps / Slides E tents / Shade Structures f] f / Charges (Admission fees, porticipont/teom fees, vendor/concessionoire fees, donotions, etc.) "et Anv additional notes resardins vour proposed activitv: EXHIBITS; HANDS ON KEIKI ACTIVITIES; LIVE ENTERTAINMENT. HULA AND MUSIC *Additiona! information may be required. Please refer to page two (2) for the Iist of all attachments that must be included with the submission of this completed Permit Application.