Transcript of 790112 Hearing in Avila
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MUCH.EAR REGULAT0RY COMMjSS10N 1N THE NATTER OF.. PACXPZC 'GAS 5 KLECYRXC, @~=~A."tZ (09.ah2.o Canyon Unit:s 2. @md 2) C4~'.ref Mog 50 275 50-323 Av9.1a Beach, Ca2.if'araia P/ace- 12 Zanuaxy 3.979 8S45 -87's Date- Pages Telephone: (202) ~&7.3700 ACE'- FEDEBALREPOBTEBS, INC. zBMRR 603 / Officisl0 epertere 444 North Capital Street Washington, D.C. 20001 P NAT1ONWlDE t QVPRAG"-" - DAlLY 4: "ti .d3.GCIQ $PJX LEQ st'Z Q Qp L%21EBXCZi QELCH i'i c:LBQCQD Zi7C&~iLZ~ 8 . QULRPORZ COPE'IXSSZOi'. »»»»&»~»~»»»»»» Xn the ma"h~-; of: Qh PBCXPXC GAS E«ELZCTRXC COK?2ZY Doclc8t. LioG ~ 50 275 Si3»323 {99.K~33.0 CaIlj«cn UILi~cs 1 RnQ 2) »» I»»»»w»»»»»»»»»»»»A W»»»041»»4!l»»+ Clwv&1 l GZ RCl>~l g r, ~+ BGil «+4Yli8 '«~P XLITIg h SKVi1Q Bek~Chg CQ1".foh'~liibo PZ''i QQ'i~ 3 2 JQ'iQ~ J 1979 T59 18cYzinLJ iIL "i QQ c~+QvQ»8Q'~it,'GQ I;-~zP~~P. "ERG zeconvene6, gursvan to aa~ouz.~anal", at, 9:30 ".rl. SWORE ELX>~FTH BGh" BS ~ Chaizm~~a~ McL?9.c 84CpCrg GiDQ X>' BQ "mQ DR. VTZL~IM4 E. SKHTXH, kf~ebar. GL-rrrZ O. mXGHr., r~~e=-. >i -PEKtQKCPS h OII b85M1f Of APP13.CRIIt. PGCi Pic QBG 5 H18CM2. ~ CCRPB'QP ' BE7CE @%TON F«I~) ~ 3210) Mo rZIlg.~~q M PhaeniX, 2-i"OIla 8S02.2 mu:oxen .H. zUaaUSH, HBQO akim PBXXI*P CKlHZp ~BC/lb Lec~Q1 08QcL~SQ p Pacific Gas F "1ec+-ic I Hc~l" Ith, CQGlpanp'g 77 BQ«L1o BMOCp Pz«iElcisco g 943.06 ;4 )I '> 1 $ 1 ~ 5 il1 ~ i ~ I h ~ ti RPPElu~CCES: (Cant'cO On behalf of. Joinc intmvemora: KC~VZD.S. PLEiSCPLZ(EH, Hacx., Suii~c 602, 3.025 15(m St:reer., k~.t,'i., tla8hirgi:on, D.C. On behalf of doe Recol=tory'heaf+: II Zarma n 'POUaTZr.mmar Zsq ~ sober'~TCHam sq and HAEC STEINBERG, -oq., Off'ae ox ~~zecncive Legal Di-eohoz, U.G. R"1eaz Regulatory Com- s~ss9ong 7"fRQh9QQGong DeCo 20555 i t r C & j 95 I 9J, 5 w ' 8547 C 0 i' E H 2 S Esbt Sl Nia"'Msses'! Dl.Z'SCt ixwQizec c p~('ss Q 'd l Nathan &1.hevaazlc 85 ~8 8582 8672 I 8676 8687 :James P. Kn'ght ) 8692 Edmund J.Sullivan,Jr.) Pei-Y~g Chen 'au-Ts~~ Kuo nUli~ J. Hall ) I limited ~mcaar~~zce: cO . Sandra Silver 8579 f I ~ Bshed>"'s: Zd- X'.1 Eltd JoLs IJ DraR Bpt'esponse ba"-cuba af Com- SG58 j) bined translation 6 torsion 2'or a jl travelling eismic e~ave. Sept '78 ~ ~ j I NavmimJc,Morgan,Hall ~ ~ 4 OQOV ~ 7 C 1 I 85~38 .>D/egal P ROC~3'D XMAS 'IRS. ddt''~IS: 34e'9 lize to get starteuo IIr. Tourtellotte, are you ready to pxcc euV MR. TUULCTllLIFATTI":'es Before (n px'oceed, I guess it, snould ue noted on tIIB record, and I thinic pernaps ilr. ~taenaerg has already k notifiee tne parties, that 41e appeal 1.'oar+ Vie grant 'unti3. ne:ct Tnursday to respond to the Xntervenors'iling +ad supp':B1aental filing made willa.regard to h>e i1CI<~ consultants. ilRSe l30di'aikSc You kSlowg as long as you'e brougI1Y. up t11e subject, t.1e aboard has been discussing t11is .~at er fram time to time, and we really tilougKt ~1ere was a stipulation< the fact that two parties offered to sti:pulate that tne documents co1ae in, and ~ere 'was silence on tIIB part of tIIB tnird party. ~le really thougnt we nad a stipula- tiong and Glen of coux'sB we later found tnat NB did not ~ iIR. TOURTHLI OTTi: I'd li.'ce to call a)r. pawmark. eh~ereupon, dMlia44 II di"1$1<~uhC was called as a witness on behalf of t1B ib gulatory Staff t and, having been first duly sworn, was examined and testifieu as follows: i3Iib"CT ~1XuR.'ZION BZ rlR TOURTl"LLOT'ZZ- A dill you state your name, address and occupation 'e r 8549 please? LTy noae is Hathan ~1. deiaaark. I'm located at the University of Xllinois at, Uroana, Illinois. X am a retired professor, Professor Panezitus of Civil ing~~*ezing and in tire Center foz Advanced Study of tne Univezity, anu I'm a consulting engineer. F l Did you zepare a Statem~mt of i'xofessional I Qualifications entitled, "i1athan li. bemoan, oiogzagn"ical Data," dated August> l970? I did Are tnere any auditions, corrections or deletions you wisll to make to tJ1at stat&blent at tllis time? Yes. In dovemaer of uris year, I was infow:>ed that X would be awarded the fifteenth do3.d aiedal of Mxe Institution of Structural i"ngineers of Great ozitain, given aCj every fou years, and X twink tuis is tne first time to an f ] American. Very good. Are tnere any other additions? iloneo Vezv well. i)id you also prepare a statement of testi mnj of i)z. dathan t4. ulewiaazk. fo Lais proceeding? X did dad aze tneze any additions, correct ons Qr 8550 t RlM/aged deletions you wish ~o ~iak to t >ac s~~t~ent. at i~>is '"i>aeP p Tn ".e are sune typograpnica3. errors tnat..Gould ae corrected. May I proceeu with Ohms Yes. On page one, in tice lash line, "Ni13.i'~ Z. dell," "Hillicgn" i 'aisspa13.ed. It snould he g-i-1-1-i-a-lo In Re feric 8 Ap page 1 3 g 'AnicLl appears eolith thing seems to be wrong with this copy. D's «>arked —yes, it, <aust. he page C»13 —C-14, I'ru sorry. t0 On page C-14, at. the end of +>e firsi". paragraphs: there are two numbers "usaC are inte"ci>anged. Tne last three lines should read, or c&e sentence beginning on tne fourth line fro>u tee end of -h>ah paragraph snoulu reau as follows: "The spectra snown in Pigure 16 are for the free field for an acceleration level of 0.75'. '"he pl~~a comple:. for an accelera- tion level of..." —it reafs "0.6g," but it snould "0 5g" —" and for the zeac'cor building, fox an acceleration level. of 0.5g." ».'nich is wnaC ip. reads, it. should be changed ix) 0 a 6 ~ Zn oCiler Tlords y Mle 0 ~ 5 asLLL the 0.6 are interchanged. These are correc-ly shown, however,, in Table 1 t And in keference 8, page one, Use second, line from the bottom on ~at, page, txe worQ seoul'eau "re3.abed," p and it is spelled "R-l-e," instead of "R-e-j." 4I 1f Qn ~ ~ page ll, the fourth line from ale to}) of tue ~ I page, Use wording is: "...soil, the ground tne ear&," lj ef there should be pa~enthe es around "the cart s." The comma in ~e third line from the bottom following '"Tokachi-Oki," 'suou" d be omitted.. Those are all toe coz ections '"'ve o" d. kDS. BOWERS: |ir. Tou"tello te, because there i" " the double ncmbering of "A," taint. it should be decided right now to use the numbering at one sot''cm —at the top or. the bott m, but you know,"we need to come to agre@nant. I4R. TOURTPLMTTE: Yes. Nell, actually, 'che numbering tuat is there— maybe X can offer an explanation, and tLxen we can us one or the other. Actually, both numbers were there. What we did, simply for. tne convenience of tsxe par~ies ~d ~re soars, was to copy tnis staCm~t out of the Sly wnere it was placed and in the SHR, .the nuabering at the bottom of tne gaga is Y i C-l, C-2 and so on. But the docuMent as ~ I itself originally drafted by Dr. ilewmark for insertion into the M8 contained tne numbers at the top of the page. So Uaose are tne nuauer~u pages. X don't really have any -- X tiink it would II ! probably be bett. r if, since they aze part of 5xe SHR, if we ~, 8553 just. used the SHR designat'on at Nxe ho"'tom of Me gage. X would at. Uris Mes asl: hhat tne prof=ssional qualifications and one test"'mony of Or. Aewnark as incorpcxa~ed inco the record a if read. IQS. l'Oft.'1M: iver. Pleiscaake"? 'ilK. FL~XSCUALCHR: X have no object- on. llR~ MORTON: do ohgection ~ liRS o dOÃ4BS knell the ~no docurnen.~s which you,'ve just identified '.Uill be physically insert 6 in ~ie transcript. as if read. (The docuraents follow:} 1 August i978 NATHAN M. NEMMARK Biographical Data Nathan M. Newmark, Professor of Civil Engineering and in the Center for Advanced Study, Emeritus, at the University of Illinois has been a member of the faculty at the Urbane Campus since 1930, He has been engaged in research, instruction and engineering practice in applied mechanics, structural engineering and structural dynamics for his entire career. He was born on 22 September 1910 in Plainfield, New Jersey. He attended Rutgers University where he received the B.S. degree in Civil Engineering in June 1930. He received the degree of Master of Science in Civil Engineering fran the University of Illinois in June 1932 and the degree of Ph.O. in Engineering from the same institution in June 1934.