22.11.2019 B9-0174/51

Amendment 51 , Ruiz, Petros Kokkalis, , Martin Buschmann, , , Arza, Leila Chaibi, , Konstantinos Arvanitis, , on behalf of the GUE/NGL Group

Motion for a resolution B9-0174/2019 ENVI, PPE, S&D, Renew, Verts/ALE, ECR, GUE/NGL 2019 UN Climate Change Conference in Madrid, (COP 25)

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 1

Motion for a resolution Amendment

1. Recalls that climate change is one 1. Recalls that climate change is the of the most important challenges facing most important challenge facing humanity humanity and that all states and players and that all states and players worldwide worldwide must do their utmost to fight it; must do their utmost to fight it; underlines underlines that timely international that timely international cooperation, cooperation, solidarity and a coherent and solidarity and a coherent and unwavering unwavering commitment to joint action is commitment to joint action is the only the only solution to fulfil our collective solution to fulfil our collective responsibility of safeguarding the entire responsibility of safeguarding the entire planet; planet;

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EN United in diversityEN 22.11.2019 B9-0174/52

Amendment 52 Mick Wallace, Idoia Villanueva Ruiz, Petros Kokkalis, Anja Hazekamp, Martin Buschmann, Marisa Matias, Nikolaj Villumsen, Pernando Barrena Arza, Leila Chaibi, Stelios Kouloglou, Konstantinos Arvanitis, Manon Aubry, Manuel Bompard on behalf of the GUE/NGL Group

Motion for a resolution B9-0174/2019 ENVI, PPE, S&D, Renew, Verts/ALE, ECR, GUE/NGL 2019 UN Climate Change Conference in Madrid, Spain (COP 25)

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 3 a (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment

3a. Acknowledges that the burden of climate change is already, and will continue to be, overwhelmingly on the countries of the Global South, that the countries of the Global South are more vulnerable to the negative effects of climate change than the Global North, are already experiencing losses and damages, and also have less capacities to adapt, and that the countries of the Global South have contributed to the climate crisis considerably less than the Global North;

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EN United in diversityEN 22.11.2019 B9-0174/53

Amendment 53 Mick Wallace, Idoia Villanueva Ruiz, Petros Kokkalis, Anja Hazekamp, Marisa Matias, Nikolaj Villumsen, , Pernando Barrena Arza, Leila Chaibi, Stelios Kouloglou, Konstantinos Arvanitis, Manon Aubry, Manuel Bompard on behalf of the GUE/NGL Group

Motion for a resolution B9-0174/2019 ENVI, PPE, S&D, Renew, Verts/ALE, ECR, GUE/NGL 2019 UN Climate Change Conference in Madrid, Spain (COP 25)

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 23

Motion for a resolution Amendment

23. Supports an update of the EU’s 23. Supports an update of the EU’s NDC with an economy-wide target of a NDC with an economy-wide target of a 55 % reduction in domestic GHG 70 % reduction in domestic GHG emissions by 2030 compared to 1990 emissions by 2030 compared to 1990 levels; calls on EU leaders, therefore, to levels; calls on EU leaders, therefore, to support an increase in the level of ambition support an increase in the level of ambition of the EU’s NDC; believes that this should of the EU’s NDC; believes that this should be done while enshrining in EU law the be done while enshrining in EU law the target to reach climate neutrality as soon as target to reach climate neutrality as soon as possible and by 2050 at the latest; calls on possible, ideally by 2040, and by 2050 at other global economies to update their the latest; calls on other global economies NDCs in order to bring about global to update their NDCs in order to bring effects; about global effects;

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EN United in diversityEN 22.11.2019 B9-0174/54

Amendment 54 Mick Wallace, Idoia Villanueva Ruiz, Petros Kokkalis, Anja Hazekamp, Marisa Matias, Nikolaj Villumsen, Marc Botenga, Pernando Barrena Arza, Leila Chaibi, Stelios Kouloglou, Konstantinos Arvanitis, Manon Aubry, Manuel Bompard on behalf of the GUE/NGL Group

Motion for a resolution B9-0174/2019 ENVI, PPE, S&D, Renew, Verts/ALE, ECR, GUE/NGL 2019 UN Climate Change Conference in Madrid, Spain (COP 25)

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 24

Motion for a resolution Amendment

24. Expects the European Green Deal 24. Expects the European Green Deal to set out a comprehensive and ambitious to set out a comprehensive and ambitious strategy for achieving a climate neutral strategy for achieving a climate neutral Europe by 2050 at the latest, including the Europe by 2050 at the latest, including the target of a 55 % reduction in domestic target of a 70 % reduction in domestic GHG emissions by 2030; calls on the GHG emissions by 2030; calls on the Commission to adapt all of its relevant Commission to adapt all of its relevant policies accordingly, in particular those on policies accordingly, in particular those on climate, agriculture and cohesion; climate, agriculture and cohesion;

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EN United in diversityEN 22.11.2019 B9-0174/55

Amendment 55 Mick Wallace, Idoia Villanueva Ruiz, Petros Kokkalis, Anja Hazekamp, Martin Buschmann, Marisa Matias, João Ferreira, , Nikolaj Villumsen, Matt Carthy, Martina Anderson, Pernando Barrena Arza, Leila Chaibi, Stelios Kouloglou, Konstantinos Arvanitis, Manon Aubry, Manuel Bompard on behalf of the GUE/NGL Group

Motion for a resolution B9-0174/2019 ENVI, PPE, S&D, Renew, Verts/ALE, ECR, GUE/NGL 2019 UN Climate Change Conference in Madrid, Spain (COP 25)

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 32

Motion for a resolution Amendment

32. Welcomes the fact that Chile is 32. Notes the situation in Chile with one of the most successful emerging deep concern and underlines the need for countries in the transition to clean energy transformative social change to address and, in particular, that it has overseen the structural imbalances and ensure a just highest increase in solar energy energy transition that creates production in the world; believes that opportunities for all, particularly for Chile’s commitments to addressing the marginalised groups; climate emergency should inspire many countries in South America and around the world;

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EN United in diversityEN 22.11.2019 B9-0174/56

Amendment 56 Mick Wallace, Idoia Villanueva Ruiz, Petros Kokkalis, Anja Hazekamp, Marisa Matias, Nikolaj Villumsen, Matt Carthy, Martina Anderson, Pernando Barrena Arza, Leila Chaibi, Stelios Kouloglou, Konstantinos Arvanitis, Manon Aubry, Manuel Bompard on behalf of the GUE/NGL Group

Motion for a resolution B9-0174/2019 ENVI, PPE, S&D, Renew, Verts/ALE, ECR, GUE/NGL 2019 UN Climate Change Conference in Madrid, Spain (COP 25)

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 34

Motion for a resolution Amendment

34. Recognises the role of cooperative 34. Recognises the role of cooperative approaches in delivering more ambitious approaches in delivering more ambitious mitigation and adaptation outcomes and in mitigation and adaptation outcomes and in promoting sustainable development and promoting sustainable development and environmental integrity; emphasises the environmental integrity; emphasises the need for these endeavours to deliver an need for these endeavours to deliver an overall reduction in emissions, and to avoid overall reduction in emissions, and to avoid an increase in emissions within or between an increase in both overall and domestic NDC periods; expresses concern at the emissions within or between NDC periods; limited progress achieved during the expresses concern at the limited progress UNFCCC 50th intersessional meeting in achieved during the UNFCCC 50th Bonn on market and non-market intersessional meeting in Bonn on market mechanisms; and non-market mechanisms;

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EN United in diversityEN 22.11.2019 B9-0174/57

Amendment 57 Mick Wallace, Idoia Villanueva Ruiz, Petros Kokkalis, Anja Hazekamp, Marisa Matias, Nikolaj Villumsen, Matt Carthy, Martina Anderson, Pernando Barrena Arza, Leila Chaibi, Stelios Kouloglou, Konstantinos Arvanitis, Manon Aubry, Manuel Bompard on behalf of the GUE/NGL Group

Motion for a resolution B9-0174/2019 ENVI, PPE, S&D, Renew, Verts/ALE, ECR, GUE/NGL 2019 UN Climate Change Conference in Madrid, Spain (COP 25)

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 35

Motion for a resolution Amendment

35. Calls on the Commission and the 35. Calls on the Commission and the Member States to advocate for strict and Member States to advocate for strict and robust international rules relating to Article robust international rules relating to Article 6 of the Paris Agreement; recognises the 6 of the Paris Agreement; recognises the many problems that a great number of many problems that a great number of Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) and Joint Implementation (JI) projects and Joint Implementation (JI) projects under the Kyoto Protocol have posed for under the Kyoto Protocol have posed for environmental integrity and sustainability; environmental integrity and sustainability; calls for the prevention of loopholes in calls for the prevention of loopholes in accounting or double counting and accounting or double counting and regarding the additionality of emissions regarding the additionality of emissions reductions; expresses concern at the reductions; expresses concern at the potential use towards NDC targets of units potential use towards NDC targets of units issued under the Kyoto Protocol, as it issued under the Kyoto Protocol, as it would seriously undermine the would seriously undermine the environmental integrity of future environmental integrity of future mechanisms established under Article 6; mechanisms established under Article 6; underlines that emission rights traded underlines that emission rights traded under the new market mechanisms must be under the new market mechanisms must be additional and increase the mitigation additional and increase the mitigation efforts of existing and future NDCs; efforts of existing and future NDCs; supports putting a share of the proceeds supports putting a share of the proceeds from the Article 6 mechanisms towards the from the Article 6 mechanisms towards the underfunded Adaptation Fund; underfunded Adaptation Fund; supports the inclusion of human rights and gender safeguards within all Article 6 mechanisms, and the implementation of a grievance mechanism for communities affected by the implementation of these

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EN United in diversityEN mechanisms;

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EN United in diversityEN 22.11.2019 B9-0174/58

Amendment 58 Mick Wallace, Idoia Villanueva Ruiz, Petros Kokkalis, Anja Hazekamp, Marisa Matias, Nikolaj Villumsen, Matt Carthy, Martina Anderson, Pernando Barrena Arza, Leila Chaibi, Stelios Kouloglou, Konstantinos Arvanitis, Manon Aubry, Manuel Bompard on behalf of the GUE/NGL Group

Motion for a resolution B9-0174/2019 ENVI, PPE, S&D, Renew, Verts/ALE, ECR, GUE/NGL 2019 UN Climate Change Conference in Madrid, Spain (COP 25)

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 35 a (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment

35a. Calls on the Commission and the Member States to contribute to an effective outcome of the Review of the Warsaw International Mechanism on Loss and Damage (WIM) that results in the full operationalisation of all pillars of the WIM, including pillar three on support and climate finance for loss and damage, and ensures that all EU policies are aligned with averting, minimising and addressing climate impacts and do not inadvertently undermine these aims;

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EN United in diversityEN 22.11.2019 B9-0174/59

Amendment 59 Mick Wallace, Idoia Villanueva Ruiz, Petros Kokkalis, Anja Hazekamp, Martin Buschmann, Marisa Matias, Nikolaj Villumsen, Matt Carthy, Martina Anderson, Marc Botenga, Pernando Barrena Arza, Leila Chaibi, Stelios Kouloglou, Konstantinos Arvanitis, Manon Aubry, Manuel Bompard on behalf of the GUE/NGL Group

Motion for a resolution B9-0174/2019 ENVI, PPE, S&D, Renew, Verts/ALE, ECR, GUE/NGL 2019 UN Climate Change Conference in Madrid, Spain (COP 25)

Motion for a resolution Paragraph 35 b (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment

35b. Calls on the Commission and the Member States to engage fruitfully in the negotiations and workshops on the Gender Action Plan at COP25, with a view to ensuring gender equality (including all marginalised groups, women, girls and the transgender community) in policy development and implementation and to strengthen women’s empowerment in policy implementation;

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EN United in diversityEN