Cumulative and Comprehensive Subject Matter Index Volumes 171–180
Cumulative and Comprehensive Subject Matter Index Volumes 171–180 Abamectin, avermectin B1, 171:112 Acanthamoeba, human infections caused, 1 Aaetnefcson crop pests/benefi- 180:116Abamectin,effects cial insects, 171:115 Acanthamoeba, in air, dust & soil, 180: 0 Aaetnevrnetleffects, 171: 103Abamectin,environmental 115 Acanthamoeba, in animal wastes, 180:102 Abamectin, non-target insect effects, 171: Acanthamoeba, in sewage & biosolids, 116 180:102 Abamectin, resistance induction insect Acanthamoeba, in surface waters, 180: pests, 171:116 100 Abbreviations, scientific organizations, Acanthamoeba, in swimming pools, spas, 172:119 180:102 Abbreviations, toxicological, 176:4 Acanthamoeba, in tapwater & bottled wa- Abiotic coupling, manganese oxidation of ter, 180:101 Cr(III), 178:121 Acanthamoeba infection in AIDS patients, Abiotic hydrolysis, pesticides aquatic envi- 180:114 ronment, 175:79 ff. Acanthamoeba, interactions with Legio- Abiotic pesticide hydrolysis, adsorption ef- nella pneumophila, 180:114 fects, 175:85 Acanthamoeba keratitis, contact lenses as- Abiotic pesticide hydrolysis, clay effects, sociation, 180:119 175:88 Acanthamoeba keratitis, diagnosis, 180: Abiotic pesticide hydrolysis, cosolvent ef- 106 fects, 175:85 Acanthamoeba keratitis, eye infections, Abiotic pesticide hydrolysis, dissolved or- 180:104 ganic matter effects, 175:86 Acanthamoeba keratitis, immunity, 180: Abiotic pesticide hydrolysis, metal ions/ 110 175:88 Acanthamoeba keratitis, incidence &oxideseffects, Abiotic pesticide hydrolysis, micelle ef- pathogenicity,
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