REPORT Left Wing Non-Voters in Poland Czesław Kulesza Katarzyna Piotrowska Gavin Rae Fundacja „NAPRZÓD” ul. Mickiewicza 37/58 01-625 Warszawa tel. +48 720 785 188 e-mail:
[email protected] Front cover photo: wikipedia/Julo This report was prepared with the support of transform! european network for alternative thinking and political dialogue. transform! europe is partially financed through a subsidy from the European Parliament. Czesław Kulesza Katarzyna Piotrowska Gavin Rae Left Wing Non-Voters in Poland REPORT Warsaw 2018 CONTENTS INTRODUCTION . 5 i . THE IMPORTANCE OF NON-VOTING FOR THE LEFT . 5 iii . NON-VOTING IN POLISH ELECTIONS – REGIONAL AND EUROPEAN PERSPECTIVE. .6 iv . VOTER STABILITY IN POLAND. .7 . v . WHO ARE NON-VOTERS IN POLAND . .8 . vi . THE LEFT ELECTORATE . 10 . vii . NON-VOTERS AND THE LEFT . 12 viii . OPINIONS OF LEFT-WING NON-VOTERS . 12 . ix . STraTEgiES OF POliSH LEFT-wiNG parTIES TOwardS NON-VOTERS . 20. x . CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS . 21. INTRODUCTION in Poland. We provide some analysis of the charac- teristics of the left-wing electorate before present- For the first time since 1918, the Polish left has ing the results and analysis of an original question- no representation in the national parliament. The naire carried out on a sample of left-wing non-voters country is now governed by a conservative nation- in the country, in order to ascertain the opinions of alist party, which has managed to gain the support this group. This is accompanied with information from sections of society that are amongst the most obtained from interviews with a number of left- excluded and dissatisfied by the reality of capital- wing non-voters.