Walks for young people on the Via Alpina routes in the province of index

Presentation pag. 3

Route 1 - Tita Pòa Botanic Path in Lozzo di Cadore - Stage B18 pag. 4

Route 2 - Val D’Oten and Cascata delle Pile Waterfall - Stage B18 pag. 5

Route 3 - Ancient Strada Regia (Royal Way) from San Vito to Venas di Cadore - Stage B19 pag. 6

Route 4 - Staulanza Pass: dinosaur tracks on the Pelmetto - Stage B19 pag. 7

The Via Alpina route in the province of Belluno pag. 8

Ruote 5 - Mondevàl Man - Stage B20 pag. 10

Route 6 - Strada della vena (Iron Route) - Stage B20 pag. 11

Route 7 - Cherz Plateau and Pieve di Livinallongo - Stage B21 pag. 12

Ruote 8 - Dolomiti Road and German War Memorial on the Pordoi Pass – Stage B21 pag. 13

Suggestions for tourists pag. 14

List of Tourist Information Offices pag. 15

Texts: Dolomiti Turismo Srl Cover Picture: Monte Pore – Cima, di A. Bosco - Archivio Dolomiti Turismo Back Cover: Mondevàl dai Lastoi de Formin, D. G. Bandion Pictures: Pag.4: Panoramica lago Centro Cadore - StudioEffe8; Sentiero botanico Tita Poa - Archivio Dolomiti Turismo Pag.5: Val d’Oten, Rifugio Chiggiato - Archivio Dolomiti Turismo; Cascata delle Pile - A. Margheritta Pag.6: S. Vito di Cadore - Pelmo - A. Margheritta Pag.7: Impronte dinosauri al Pelmetto - M. Dell’Agnola; Rifugio Venezia al Pelmo - G. De Donà Pag.10: Gusèla del Giau - Agenzia Obiettivo; Mondevàl, sito Mesolitico - A. Margheritta Pag.11: - Archivio Dolomiti Turismo Pag.12: Pieve di Livinallongo - A. Margheritta; Rifugio Incisa, Livinallongo - Archivio Dolomiti Turismo Pag.13: Sacrario Passo Pordoi - Agenzia Obiettivo Layout and printing: Studio Re Mida (BL)

This project has received European Regional Development Funding through the INTERREG IIIB Community Iniziative.

2 presentation

Walks for Young People on the Via Alpina

Within the framework of the Via Alpina Project – Viadventure (Via Alpina Development Venture), the Province of Belluno, has identified a series of objectives to be reached in the province; one of these, in collaboration with the Veneto Section of the Italian Alpine Club, is the development of high-quality tourism and educational proposals aimed at young people. With this in mind, in summer 2006, the Provincial Administration lent its support to an international further education seminar “Young people and the mountains”, aimed at mountaineering guides who accompany young climbers belonging to the various mountaineering associations of the 68 nations which are members of the International Mountaineering and Climbing Federation. In addition to the production of a CD-rom contai- ning the topics discussed and elaborated upon during the seminar, the Pilot Project includes plans for the setting up, on the part of the Italian Alpine Club, of a series of 20 educational events aimed at presenting the Via Alpina in schools in the Veneto Region, as well as the organization of 10 educational hiking trips to explore the Via Alpina and the Alte Vie High Mountain Routes. This booklet forms part of this project, and its aim is to suggest a num- ber of routes in order to help young people to get to know the Belluno and the host of places of historical, cultural and naturalistic interest they have to offer.

The descriptions and times required for each hiking itinerary are merely indicative. Before tackling any of those suggested in this booklet, hikers should contact the tourist offices indicated for information on the conditions of the route and to obtain a suitable topographical map of the area. Mountain hiking books and appropriate clothing are required, and it should be pointed out that there may not always be the opportunity to replenish water supplies along the routes.

3 1 - Tita Pòa Botanic Path in Lozzo di Cadore Stage B18

Time required: 1 hour- Level difference: + 125 m

he Tita Pòa Botanic Path can easily t is advisable to start out near the be reached from the centre of Loz- children’s park at Pianizòle: this plea- Tzo, and nature lovers will find plen- Isant route, which can be covered in ty to admire and enjoy along the route, around an hour, runs for about 1400 which is well-indicated and provided with metres on the slopes of the woodland, excellent, informative signs and panels. where the steep forest path levels out onto the flat after a few metres. The fragrant Norway spruce forest alter- nates along the way with humid areas characterized by ferns, field horsetail and wild hemp; a brief stop in the sha- de of the ancient ash, beech and hazel trees and off you go again through the pasturelands towards the characteristic, solitary tabià, with their stables and balconies bursting with hay. The heady scent of orchids, wood anemone and So- lomon’s ring flowers fills the whole path from beginning to end, and visitors will find attractive wooden signs indicating the presence of the various plant species to be found along the way. Return to the departure point along the same route.

worth seeing - Archaeological Museum of the Magnifica Comunità di Cadore - The House of Titian - Eyewear Museum in Pieve di Cadore - Làgole Lake archaeological site Tourist Information Offices - www.infodolomiti.it Ufficio IAT Calalzo di Cadore tel. 0435 32348 [email protected] 4 Ufficio IAT Pieve di Cadore tel. 0435 31644 [email protected] 2 - Val D’Oten and Cascata delle Pile Waterfall Stage B18

Time required: 4 hours - Level difference: + 550 m

he Val d’Oten is one of the most “Praciadelan”, following the signs for the spectacular, mysterious places in “Val d’Oten”. This is the starting point Tthe whole of the Cadore area. It for the hike along the Italian Alpine Club lies between the Marmarole and the An- path no. 255, which leads towards the telao, and allows the hiker to reach truly Capanna degli Alpini Refuge, and just a enchanting places of immense natural little further on, to the waterfall. It is easy beauty. One such place is the Cascata to reach, thanks to a path equipped with delle Pile Waterfall. Legend has it that steps and footbridges which will take you “Pile”, the bride of the mighty Antelao, safely down to the foot of the waterfall. fell victim to an evil spell which trans- If you continue on beyond the waterfall, formed her into a waterfall dashing at an altitude of 2018m you will reach down amid the rocks of the Gravina. the Galassi Refuge, while from Praciad- elan, path no.260 leads to the Chiggiato o reach the waterfall, it is advis- Refuge. You can return to the departure able to drive or take a bus along point by retracing your steps along the Tthe road from Calalzo di Cadore to same route. establishments which adhere to the Via Alpina Services Charter ALBERGO RISTORANTE Domegge di Cadore (BL) Via Roma, 93 - 0435.72028 - 0435.72025 “ADELIA” [email protected] www.albergoadelia.it HOTEL SPORTING Pieve di Cadore (BL) P.zza Municipio, 21 - 0435.31262 [email protected] www.sportinghotel-cadore.com DOLOMITI TREKKING S. Stefano di Cadore (BL) Via delle Guide Alpine, 24 - 0435-560003 329-4756007 [email protected] www.dolomititrekking.it RIFUGIO PADOVA Domegge di Cadore (BL) Loc. Val di Toro - 0435.72488 [email protected] www.rifugiopadova.it PARK HOTEL RODODENDRO Domegge di Cadore (BL) Via Cialoi, 6 - 0435.728043 - 0435.728494 RIFUGIO “PIETRO GALASSI” Calalzo di Cadore (BL) Loc. Forcella Piccola 0436.9685 [email protected] www.caimestre.it HOTEL FERROVIA Calalzo di Cadore (BL) Via Stazione, 4 - 0435.500705 - 0435.500384 [email protected] www.hotelferrovia.it HOTEL GIARDINO Pieve di Cadore (BL) Via Carducci, 20 - 0435.33141 - 0435.33150 [email protected] www.giardino.dolomiti.com ALBERGO CALALZO Calalzo di Cadore (BL) Via Stazione, 19 - 0435.32248 - 0435.33600 [email protected] www.hotelcalalzo.it HOTEL ROMA S. Vito di Cadore (BL) Via A. De Lotto, 8 - 0436.890166 - 0436.890302 [email protected] www.hroma.it 5 3 - Ancient Strada Regia (Royal Way) from San Vito to Venas di Cadore Stage B19

Time required: 2.5 hours (return by bus) - Level difference: + 150 m Total km. : 13 (approx. 6.5 on non-asphalted ground)

efore the Alemagna Road was built clearing with fine views of the Pelmo in 1832, the Strada Regia linked the and the Antelao. From here, continue BVeneto plain with the Tyrol. In the towards Borca di Cadore along Via O. Middle Ages, the road was busy with car- Sala, where you will find signs and pan- riages and pack mules which transported els indicating the route to be followed. goods, such as Italian wine, towards Ger- Some spectacular scenery, with lovely many. During periods of heavy snowfall it little churches and daring bridges, can was particularly difficult to transfer goods be admired along the road, which leads from one carriage to another. Today the to a fork with the carriage road which Strada Regia is a popular walking route runs from Cibiana to Venas di Cadore. amid the fields on the left of the Boite After going up this road for 1 km, you re- Torrent, and offers superb views of the turn onto the main road (Venas-Cibiana valley. fork), where the route ends; to return to the departure point, you can take the t is advisable to set out from San Vito bus which runs from Venas back to San di Cadore, and head towards Serdes; Vito (Info.: Tourist Iif you go along Via Villanova, a road Office 0436 9119). on the right leads off up to a beautiful

worth seeing - Cortina d’Ampezzo - Murales in Cibiana di Cadore - The “Lunga Via delle Dolomiti” - Ethnographical Museum in San Vito di Cadore Tourist Information Offices - www.infodolomiti.it Ufficio IAT San Vito di Cadore tel. 0436 9119 [email protected] 6 Ufficio IAT Cortina d’Ampezzo tel.0436-3231 [email protected] 4 - Staulanza Pass: dinosaur tracks on the Pelmetto Stage B19

Time required: 2.5 hours - Level difference: 280m - Maximum altitude: 2050 m

his is a “journey back into pre-his- t is advisable to set off from the Staulan- toric times” on the slopes of Monte za Pass and follow the Italian Alpine TPelmetto, fascinating from a scien- IClub path number 472 in the direction tific point of view. On the rock of a huge of the Venezia Refuge. After just over half boulder you can see perfectly-preserved an hour’s pleasant walk you will reach a dinosaur footprints dating back to the sign indicating “Orme dei dinosauri” (Di- Triassic age, which came to light when a nosaur tracks); turn left here onto a steep series of enormous rocks came crashing slope which will take you in just a short down from the Pelmetto. In an age dur- time up to the site (continuing on from ing which the oceans bathed the foot of here, on path number 472, will take you to our mountains, some of these prehistoric the Venezia Refuge in about an hour). Par- reptiles left behind traces of their exist- ticular care and attention are required on ence in the soil. the final part of this route, which is difficult as a result of the steep slope and slippery surface. You can return to the departure point by retracing your steps. establishments which adhere to the Via Alpina Services Charter ALBERGO ANTELAO S. Vito di Cadore (BL) Via Costa, 3 - 0436.9154 - 0436.898266 [email protected] www.albergoantelao.it HOTEL MEUBLE’ “FIORI” S. Vito di Cadore (BL) C.so Italia, 78 - 0436.890158 - 0436.890172 [email protected] www.hmfiori.it HOTEL “VILLA INES” Borca di Cadore (BL) Via T. Marceana, 1 Loc. Villanova 0435.482003 - 348.5569465 [email protected] www.villaines.it RIFUGIO CITTA’ DI FIUME Borca di Cadore (BL) Caseraa Durona 0437.720268 - 329.1122842 - 01782228151 - 0437720268 [email protected] www.rifugiocittadifiume.it ALBERGO SAN LEO Borca di Cadore (BL) Via La Vares, 39 Loc. Villanova - 0435.482300 [email protected] www.dolomiti.it/sanleo RESIDENCE HERMINE Borca di Cadore (BL) Via Sala, 2 - 0435.482300 - 0435.482300 [email protected] www.dolomiti.it/hermine DOLOMITI TREKKING S. Stefano di Cadore (BL) Via delle Guide Alpine, 24 - 0435.560003 - 329.4756007 [email protected] www.dolomititrekking.it 7 The Via Alpina route in the province of Belluno




8 1

2 5

3 4

9 5 - Mondevàl Man Stage B20

Time required: 4 hours - Level difference: + 400 m

ourney to the Mesolithic site of Mondevàl, where the burial site of a Jhunter dating back 6000 years was found by Vittorino Cazzetta of . The site of this important ar- chaeological discovery nestles in one of the most beautiful landscapes in the Do- lomites, in the municipality of San Vito di Cadore, a popular destination with many hikers.

t is advisable to set out from the walls of the Lastoni di Formin, left of the Giau Pass and walk along the Ital- charming little Baste Lake. Just beyond Iian Alpine Club Path number 436. here, on the right you will see the west Go across the Forcella Zonia Saddle and side of the rock which guards the burial continue. This part of the path requires site where Mondevàl Man was found. On particular attention, with two especially the way back, you can reach the Case- difficult stretches. After you cross a large ra Mondevàl hut, visible from the area glacial depression, a steep stretch leads around the rock, and halfway up the hill- up to the Forcella Giau Saddle. Admir- side, go round Baste Lake and back onto ing along the way the Dolomite peaks the Forcella Giau Saddle, where you can which encircle the natural amphitheatre rejoin the route back to the departure of Mondevàl, go down beneath the rock point.

worth seeing - Museum of Ladin history and customs in Pieve di Livinallongo - “Vittorino Cazzetta” Civic Museum in Selva di Cadore - Open-air Museum of Col di Lana – walking routes of First World War - War Remains Museum in Saviner – Rocca Pietore Tourist Information Offices - www.infodolomiti.it Ufficio IAT Rocca Pietore tel. 0437-721319 [email protected] Ufficio IAT Arabba tel. 0436 79130 [email protected] 10 Ufficio IAT Alleghe tel. 0437-523333 [email protected] 6 - Strada della vena (Iron Route) Stage B20 iaggio lungo la “via del Ferro”, percorso che veniva utilizza- Vto per il trasporto del minerale ferroso dalle miniere del “Fursil” in comune di Colle Santa Lucia, attive fino alla metà del XVIII secolo, sino al Castello di Andraz e poi oltre ver- so il passo di Valparola e le terre a Nord. A Villagrande di Colle Santa Lu- cia, lungo la via principale del centro storico, sorge l’antico edificio “Cesa de Jan” un tempo sede amministrati- va delle miniere del Fursil, oggi sede dell’”Istitut Cultural Ladin”.

i suggerisce di percorrere la Stra- da della Vena dalla frazione di SPosalz in comune di Colle Santa Lucia. Qui attraversando un impegna- Tempo di percorrenza h. 4.00 tivo passaggio su una frana, protet- Dislivello in salita (sola andata) m. 300 to da corda metallica, si incontrano i primi ingressi delle gallerie di scavo; lo di Andraz. L’antico maniero, per un in alternativa è possibile salire dalla periodo ospitò un forno fusore dove il frazione di Villagrande, evitando la minerale subiva una prima lavorazione frana. Il percorso prosegue toccando prima di proseguire il suo viaggio. Per le frazioni alte del comune per entrare l’escursione proposta è opportuno mu- poi nel territorio del “Buchenstein” Li- nirsi di cartina topografica della zona. vinallongo e tra straordinari paesaggi, Per il ritorno servizio taxi o bus dalla mantenendosi in quota, giunge nella strada del Passo Falzarego. (Info Iat radura che ospita le rovine del Castel- Arabba 0436-79130)

establishments which adhere to the Via Alpina Services Charter CAMPING ALLEGHE Alleghe (BL) Loc. Masarè - 0437.723737 - 0437.723874 [email protected] www.camping.dolomiti.com/alleghe HOTEL “LA MAISON” Alleghe (BL) Loc. Masarè - 0437.723737 - 0437.723874 [email protected] www.hotellamaison.com APARTHOTEL “SAS DE PELF” Zoldo Alto (BL) Via Veronici, 12 - 0437.788535 - 0437.798158 [email protected] www.sasdepelf.com GARNI’ CESA DELE ANGELE Colle S. Lucia (BL) Via Villagrande, 10 - 0437.521221 - 0437.720032 [email protected] www.garniangele.it RIFUGIO CITTA’ DI FIUME Borca di Cadore (BL) Malga Durona 0437.720268 - 329.1122842 - 01782228151 - 0437.720268 [email protected] www.rifugiocittadifiume.it DOLOMITI TREKKING S. Stefano di Cadore (BL) Via delle Guide Alpine, 24 - 0435.560003 - 329.4756007 [email protected] www.dolomititrekking.it 11 7 - Cherz Plateau and Pieve di Livinallongo Stage B21

Time required: 3.5 hours (until the Campolongo Pass) - Level difference: + 650 m

he Cherz Plateau is a natural win- the Refuge of the same name. To return dow out over the Dolomites, and to the departure point, you can continue Toffers ample grassland, ideal for a down towards the Campolongo Pass and relaxing stop. The plateau is the central take the bus or taxi bus back to the bot- point of an interesting itinerary for anyone tom of the valley. On the way back you who enjoys the scenery of the Dolomites might like to stop off in Pieve di Livinal- and wants to enter into the typical, char- longo to do some sightseeing and visit acteristic environment in which the local one of the town’s many attractions, such people live, an environment which is im- as the Museum of the History, Traditions mensely rich in history and in Ladin culture. and Customs of the Ladin People, housed in the town hall building. (Info. on buses, t is advisable to start out from the taxi services and museum available from Strada delle Dolomiti Road, between Arabba Tourist Office, tel: 0436 79130). ILivinè and Pezzei, in the municipality of Livinallongo. The route goes up to- wards the hamlet of Corte (which you can also reach by car), where you can see the ruins of the old Austrian fort and the lit- tle village church, and moves on towards Contrin. Here, you come off the little road and go along a path which leads first to- wards the “La Ciasota” and “Incisa” Ref- uges, and from there on the left to the superb Cherz Plateau, where you will find

worth seeing - Memorial in Pian dei Salesei - The ancient wards of the village in Val d’Ornella - Serrai di Sottoguda gorge, near Rocca Pietore - Statue of Caterina Lanz, Ladin heroine Tourist Information Offices - www.infodolomiti.it Ufficio IAT Arabba tel. 0436 79130 [email protected] Ufficio IAT Rocca Pietore tel. 0437-721319 [email protected] 12 8 - Strada delle Dolomiti Road and German War Memorial on the Pordoi Pass Stage B21 he Pordoi Pass is one of the most im- portant mountain passes in the Do- Tlomites and forms part of the famous “Strada delle Dolomiti” Road, designed in 1909 by the Austrian imperial army. Origi- nally conceived for military reasons, this road, which links Cortina D’Ampezzo with Bolzano, made a significant contribution to the successful development of tourism in the area. Time required: 1 hour Level difference: + 30 m t is advisable to set off from the top of the pass, where there is plenty of park- Hungarian troops killed in WWI as well as Iing space, to visit the Pordoi Pass War those of 400 Wehrmacht soldiers who died Memorial, which you can reach by walking in WWII. From the surrounding fields you along a not particularly steep road for just can admire a fine landscape which ranges over an hour, enjoying extraordinary views from the Sas Becè to the Sasso Cappello, of the valley on the way. The huge memo- from the Mesola down towards the bot- rial chapel, situated at an altitude of 2239 tom of the Valcordevole. Behind you rise metres, has an octagonal-shaped keep up the rocky bastions of the Sella massif, and a wide circular base composed of two which seems to watch over the memorial. rings. The memorial is open to visitors, To return to the departure point, retrace and conserves the remains of the Austro- your steps. establishments which adhere to the Via Alpina Services Charter RESIDENCE BAITA ANTLIA Livinallongo del Col di Lana (BL) Via Precumon, 47 - 0436.79470 - 0436.79305 [email protected] www.antlia.it HOTEL GARNI’ AI SERRAI Rocca Pietore (BL) Sottoguda, 56 - 0437.722120 - 0437.722120 [email protected] www.aiserrai.com ALBERGO RISTORANTE Livinallongo del Col di Lana (BL) Via Cernadoi, 64 - 0436.7172 - 0436.7452 “LA BAITA” [email protected] www.lagazuoi5torri.dolomiti.org HOTEL DIGONERA Rocca Pietore (BL) Loc. Digonera - 0437.529120 - 0437.529150 [email protected] www.digonera.com HOTEL GARNI’ ROBERTA Rocca Pietore (BL) Malga Ciapela - Marmolada - 0437.522980 - 0437.522982 [email protected] www.garniroberta.com HOTEL GARNI’ LAURA Livinallongo del Col di Lana (BL) Arabba Via Boè, 6 - 0436.780055 - 0436.750068 [email protected] www.garnilaura.it FESTUNGSHOTEL Livinallongo del Col di Lana (BL) Arabba Via Pezzei, 66 - 0436.79329 - 0436.79440 “AL FORTE” [email protected] www.alforte.com ANTICO MASO Livinallongo Del Col di Lana (BL) Loc. Roncat 8 - 0436.7159- 0436.750853 “LA CORTE DEGLI ELFI” [email protected] www.lacortedeglielfi.it SERVIZIO TAXI TROI N.C.C. Colle Santa Lucia (BL) Via Villagrande, 10 - 0437.521221 - 0437.720032 [email protected] www.garniangele.it DOLOMITI TREKKING S. Stefano di Cadore (BL)) Via delle Guide Alpine, 24 - 0435.560003 - 329.4756007 [email protected] www.dolomititrekking.it CENTRO DI FORMAZIONE Livinallongo del Col di Lana (BL) Loc. Passo Pordoi, 2 - 0462.601691 PER LA MONTAGNA “B. CREPAZ” [email protected] www.caiveneto.it ALBERGO CASA ALPINA Livinallongo del Col di Lana (BL) Loc. Passo Pordoi - 0462.601691 [email protected] www.albergocasaalpina.com 13 Suggestions for tourists

At the foot of the Belluno Dolomites lies the town of Pieve di Cadore, where one of the world’s most famous artists, Titian, was born at the end of the 15th century. The great painter left behind a truly immortal legacy of works, which are now on display in prestigious art galleries and museums throughout the world. The colour “Titian red” recalls the sunset over the Cado- re area, and the pinkish clouds above his famous landscapes of Venice mirror the soft hues of the Dolomite rock. Through the centuries, the Belluno Dolomites have been the backdrop to flourishing commercial activities and cultural events, but also to bloody battles such as those of the Great War. The war pushed Man right up to the highest peaks, building there commu- nication trenches, forts and galleries which today have been turned into historical sites and museums which are fascinating to visit. And so for young people, getting to know the Cadore area offers an opportunity to reflect upon a series of issues, because it is not only the land of great artists such as Titian, but also a place of profound historical significance.

“TIZIANO & VIA ALPINA” (TITIAN AND THE VIA ALPINA): for groups. Prices from 99 euros in a 3* hotel 4 nights’ full-board hotel accommodation; 2 days of walks and hikes with nature guides along the Via Alpina route chosen; 1 visit to the house where Titian was born in Pieve di Cadore; 1 conference with an historian on Titian.

“GRANDE GUERRA & VIA ALPINA” (THE GREAT WAR AND THE VIA ALPINA): for groups. Prices from 99 euros in a 3* hotel 4 nights’ full-board hotel accommodation; 2 days of walks and hikes with nature guides along the Via Alpina route chosen; 1 visit to the Great War sites on the Lagazuoi; 1 conference with an historian on the Great War.

Information and bookings: Travel Agent & Tour Operator - Fawlty Towers via corso Italia, 5 San Vito di Cadore (BL) tel / fax 0436/890834 - [email protected] - www.fawltytowers.it

14 List of Tourist Information Offices


[email protected] Via XXVII aprile,5/A 0437.62105 0437.65205 AGORDO 32021

Piazza Kennedy,17 0437.523333 0437.723881 [email protected] ALLEGHE 32022

ARABBA Via Boè 32020 0436.79130 0436.79300 [email protected]

AURONZO DI 0435.9359 0435.400161 [email protected] CADORE Via Roma,10 32041

Piazza Duomo,2 0437.940083 0437.958716 [email protected] BELLUNO 32100

CALALZO DI via Stazione,37 0435.32348 0435.517225 [email protected] CADORE 32042

CORTINA P.zza S. Francesco,8 0436.3231 [email protected] D’AMPEZZO 32043 0436.3235

FALCADE Corso Roma,1 32020 0437.599241 0437.599242 [email protected]

FARRA 0437.46448 [email protected] D’ALPAGO Via Matteotti 32010

P.zza Trento Trieste,9 0439.2540 0439.2839 [email protected] FELTRE 32032

FORNO DI 0437.787349 0437.787340 [email protected] ZOLDO Via Roma,10 32012

Piazza Gonzaga,1 0437.770119 0437.770177 [email protected] LONGARONE 32013 Piazza Papa Luciani,1 MEL c/o Palazzo Contesse 0437.540321 0437.753354 [email protected] 32026 PIEVE DI Piazza Municipio, 17 0435.31644 0435.31645 [email protected] CADORE 32040

PONTE NELLE Piazzale al Bivio, 14 0437.981792 0437.981792 [email protected] ALPI 32014

PUOS P.zza Papa Luciani,7 0437.454650 0437.454650 [email protected] D’ALPAGO 32015

ROCCA 0437.721319 0437.721290 [email protected] PIETORE Via Roma,15 32020

S.STEFANO 0435.62230 0435.62077 [email protected] CADORE P.zza Roma,37 32045

S.VITO Corso Italia, 92-94 0436.9119 0436.99345 [email protected] CADORE 32046

Borgata Bach,9 0435.469131 0435.66233 [email protected] SAPPADA 32047

P.zza 11 gen 1945,1 0437.49277 0437.49246 [email protected] TAMBRE 32010

ZOLDO ALTO Loc Mareson 32010 0437.789145 0437.788878 [email protected]

15 By:

DOLOMITI TURISMO Via R. Psaro, 21 - 32100 Belluno Tel. +39 0437 940084 - Fax +39 0437 940073 [email protected] www.infodolomiti.it