Investigation of Isotopes and Hydrological Processes in Indus River System, Pakistan
PINSTECH- 215 INVESTIGATION OF ISOTOPES AND HYDROLOGICAL PROCESSES IN INDUS RIVER SYSTEM, PAKISTAN Manzoor Ahmad Zahid Latif Jamil Ahmad Tariq Waheed Akram Muhammad Rafique . Isotope Application Division Directorate of Technology Pakistan Institute of Nuclear Science and Technology P.O. Nilore, Islamabad, Pakistan November, 2009 ABSTRACT Indus River, one of the longest rivers in the World, has five major eastern tributaries viz. Bias, Sutlej, Ravi, Chenab and Jhelum) while many small rivers join it from the right side among which Kabul River is the biggest with its main tributaries, the Swat, Panjkora and Kunar. All these main rivers are perennial and originate from the mountains. Basic sources of these rivers are snowmelt, rainfall and under certain conditions seepage from the formations. Different water sources are labeled with different isotope signatures which are used as fingerprints for identifying source and movement of water, geochemical and/or hydrological processes, and dynamics (age of water). Monitoring of isotopes in rivers can also enhance understanding of the water cycle of large river basins and to assess impacts of environmental and climatic changes on the water cycle. Therefore, a national network of suitable stations was established for isotopic monitoring of river waters in Indus Basin with specific objectives to study temporal variations of isotopes (2H, 18O and 3H), understand water cycles and hydrological processes in the catchments of these rivers, and to develop comprehensive database to support future isotope-based groundwater studies in the basin on recharge mechanism, water balance and monitoring of ongoing environmental changes. Water samples were collected during 2002-2006 on monthly basis from more than 20 stations at the major rivers and analyzed for 18O, 2H and 3H isotopes.
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