VIRGINIA ARAXIE ZAKIAN Curriculum Vitae PRESENT POSITION AND ADDRESS Harry C. Wiess Professor in the Life Sciences Department of Molecular Biology Princeton University Princeton NJ 08544-1014 Phone: (609) 258-6770 ; FAX: (609) 258-1701 ; email:
[email protected] CITIZENSHIP: U.S.A. RESEARCH INTERESTS Telomeres, DNA helicases, Replication fork progression, Chromosome stability, Genome integrity EDUCATION, RESEARCH EXPERIENCE, AND PROFESSIONAL POSITIONS A.B. 1970, Cornell University, College of Arts and Sciences, Ithaca, NY (Phi Beta Kappa, 1969; cum laude in Biology; distinction in all subjects; research Xenopus development, with Dr. A.W. Blackler). Ph.D. 1975, Yale University, Dept. of Biology (with Dr. Joseph G. Gall, DNA replication in Drosophila; NDF pre-doctoral fellowship). Postdoctoral Fellow 1975-76, Princeton University, Dept. of Biochemistry (with Dr. Arnold J. Levine, Replication of Adeno and SV40 viruses; NIH post-doctoral fellowship) Postdoctoral Fellow 1976-78, University of Washington, Dept. of Genetics (with Dr. Walton L. Fangman, DNA replication in yeast; NIH post-doctoral fellowship) Assistant Member 1979-83, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, Basic Sciences Associate Member 1984-1987, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, Basic Sciences Member 1987-1995, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, Basic Sciences (tenured position) Affiliate Faculty 1979-1995, U. of Washington (Depts. of Genetics and Pathology) Professor, Department of Molecular Biology, Princeton University, July 1995- to date Harry C. Wiess Professor