
Christmas 1

The finished size is 17.5″ long from of folded cuff to toe, 21.5″ unfolded, and 6.5″ wide.

For each stocking you’ll need: 2 outside pieces 2 lining pieces 2 cuff pieces 1 6″ piece of ribbon applique (optional)

This is actually a great project for fat quarters! The I made for us came entirely from fat quarters and 4 out of the 5 of these did as well. It takes 1 FQ for each stocking, and 1 produces 2 cuffs.

First, iron the cuff pieces in half.

Then iron on your applique. Put the fold on the bottom and the raw edges on the top before ironing the applique. I know this seems backwards, but trust me, it needs to go on the top half. To center mine when the cuff is down, I placed the letters 3/8″ above the fold.

Then applique around the letter. Now decide which way your stockings will hang and with right sides together, sew the cuff piece with the applique to the front stocking piece. When you do this, make sure the applique is facing the foot of the stocking.

Then sew the same lining piece to the other side of the cuff with right sides together.

You’ll have something that looks like this:

Press your seams to the middle.

Repeat with the back pieces. Lay the front and back together with right sides facing each other, lining up your cuff pieces.

Take the 6″ of ribbon and make it into a loop.

Place it between your lining layers on the BACK side (heel side) of the stocking with the loop on the inside. Line it up right where the lining meets the cuff. Pin in place.

Pin the stocking pieces together. I usually don’t pin things, but I wanted to make sure I kept this looking nice. To sew them together, I started in the “sole” of the lining. I sew the lining together at 3/8″ seam allowance and when I get to the cuff, I gradually move it over to 1/4″ seam allowance. I do this to make sure the lining fits perfectly inside the stocking when put together and it doesn’t lump or bulge. Leave a hole a few inches wide along the bottom of the lining to turn the stocking through.

To make sure your curves lay flat, you need to clip them.

Turn the stocking through your hole and iron everything flat.

Sew the hole in the lining closed, stuff the lining into the outer pieces, and you’re done!!

Link: http://sewlikemymom.com/christmas-stockings-tutorial/ Christmas Stocking 2

You Will Need:

1 pack Fat Quarters 1 metre contrasting plain coloured fabric 1 metre of wadding Matching thread Tassel maker Embroidery thread Embroidery needle Yarn for tassels

1. Take your template http://blog.hobbycraft.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2016/09/Stocking- Template.pdf and cut out 4 pieces of the plain fabric and two piece of the wadding, about 2cm larger than your template all the way around.

2. Take two pieces of the cotton and sandwich a piece of the wadding in between them.

3. Take a fat quarter and cut a piece long enough to go across your stocking shape. Cut it with straight edges, but don’t worry about it being of equal width, the more random, the better it will turn out. 4. Keeping all your layers lined up, stitch this piece in place down both sides. Iron it well.

5. Measure and cut another piece of fabric. 6. Place this piece face down across the edge you wish it to be joined to, then sew in place. 7. Turn your new piece back and iron it well. (There is no need to sew the other side as this will be done in the next step.)

8. Now we are just going to repeat the process, so go ahead and cut another strip. Place it face down along the edge you wish to join it to, sew, turn back and press in place. 9. Continue in this manner, adding one piece at a time until the toe of your stocking is covered. Don’t worry about trimming bits off at this stage, it is better to do it later on.

10. Work in the same way up the leg of the stocking, until you end up with something like this. 11. Now place your original template on the stocking and cut it out.

12. Time to make the other half – do it in exactly the same way, but remember you need to reverse the stocking so you do not get two sides with toes facing the same way. 13. Place your two stocking pieces face to face, then sew down one side, just a little way, to join.

14. Cut a piece of fabric the length of the top of your stocking pieces, and twice the depth of the cuff that you wish to add. 15. Cut a piece of wadding to sandwich inside 16. Fold the cuff in half with the wadding inside, then place it, pointing down, raw edges at the top to match the stocking top

. 17. Sew it in place. Turn upwards, press then add a row of top stitching to both top and bottom. 18. To make the strap cut a strip of fabric the length you require by 8cm width.

19. Fold it in half lengthways and sew down the open side only. 20. Turn it the right way in, press it with the seam facing down in the centre, tuck the ends in and press them too, then top stitch all the way around.

21. Pin to the centre top of the stocking cuff and sew in place following the top stitch row from before. 22. Fold your stocking face to face again and pin in place. Sew all the way around. If you wish, you can also zig-zag the edges for extra strength. Turn the right way in and give it a good iron.

24. To add an embroidered name, use a friction pen (heat sensitive) to write the chosen name on, then embroider it in place using embroidery thread, with a back stitch. Gently iron the pen off when you are done. 25. Using the Clover tassel maker and following the instructions enclosed, make two tassels from your chosen yarns. Make sure they hang at different lengths, then attach them to your stocking. 25. Using the Clover tassel maker and following the instructions enclosed, make two tassels from your chosen yarns. Make sure they hang at different lengths, then attach them to your stocking.

Link: http://blog.hobbycraft.co.uk/how-to-make-a-crazy-quilted-stocking/

Christmas Stocking 3

This can be as simple or as embellished as you’d like it to be in the end, the stocking world is your oyster. So here goes….

Supplies: fabric for the shell fabric for the liner (optional but a nice touch) 4″ fur for the top (optional) sewing machine needle and thread straight pins scissors iron (if quilting) printed template (below) Something to make a loop to hang stocking from, i.e. large grommet, yarn, leftover fabric, etc.

The template will fit perfectly on an 11×17″ piece of paper and if you don’t have access to a printer that’ll print on that size, you can try to print it out on a few sheets of letter-sized paper and tape them together. Stocking Outline PDF 1) Print the stocking template and cut it out 2) Trace 3″x3″ squares on your fabric and cut them all out. In the end, you’ll actually need 55 squares total.

3) I used 3 different prints which you can see above. I like to put my quilting squares in piles before pinning into strips, it saves some time from trying to remember in between pins which print comes next if you’re using a specific pattern. Make your piles, 7 squares in each pile, 7 piles. Then make another 2 piles with 3 squares each:

4) Ultimately, you’re going to be pinning together 7 strips of 7, then another 2 strips of 3 squares… 5) Start pinning your piles into strips, pinning right side to right side:

6) Sew your strips. 7) Pin 2 strips together right side to right side by separating and pressing down the seams flat with your nail and pinning at each intersection. Do that at each intersection.

8) Pin the next strip on, right side to right side, then the next, and the next until you have all 7 strips pinned together in 1 big block of quilting goodness 9) Pin the 2 strips of 3 to each side of the block at the bottom and sew away! Your block should look like this:

As you sew the rows, try to keep all the seams lying flat as you go. 10) Once you have your block all sewn, iron your seams flat:

11) Fold your whole piece in half with the wrong side facing out and lay the template on top of it and Trace the template: 12) Pin along your outline, making sure you pin through both layers of your folded-in-half block: 13) Sew along your traced line everywhere but the top – make sure you keep the top of the stocking open otherwise Santa is gonna have a really hard time putting presents in it:

14) Cut off the excess fabric – I cut pretty close to my seam. And now you have a finished shell (still inside out): Now for the lining: 15) Place your shell (still inside out) between 2 layers of your liner fabric: It didn’t matter for mine because my liner was the same front and back, but if your liner has a pattern or a right side and wrong side, you’d want your right side to be out for this step.

16) Feel for the edge of the shell and pin through all 4 layers of fabric, trying to pin right through the seam of the shell. Pin all the way around except the top (the opening of the stocking): 17) Sew a straight stitch all the way around minus the opening (again, Santa needs an in): 18) Cut the excess fabric off the edges:

19) Turn inside out and admire your work so far: 20) From here you can simply finish the top edge with a quick seam, or you can add fur like I did. Measure fur and cut about an inch more than you need:

21) Pin fur to the inside edge of liner & shell and sew. I chose to hand-sew because it would have been really tricky trying to get it done nicely through the sewing machine. Sometimes the old- fashioned way is the best way. Once you’ve sewn all the way around, fold the fur flap in place over the front of the stocking. Sew the loose edges of the fur to the stocking with a few stitches:

22) Finish it off with some way to hang it up 23) Pat yourself on the back, know that your stocking will make Santa spit out his cookies, and repeat after me: “HO-HO-HOLY that is one nice looking .

Link: https://rabitstew.wordpress.com/2011/12/08/diy-how-to-make-a-christmas-stocking/

Christmas Stocking 4 (just an image of a template)