Distinctive Styles of Lingerie Featured In
12 TUESDAY EVENING, HARRISBUIIG TELEGRAPH JANUARY 6, 1914. Dxrcft&f* VlforooaxV - ? ? , The Final Production of the Fall of Babylon D . t ? ?: ?; __ _ fv ? ? . j Battenburg or Renaissance Scarfs, Shams, Covers , hE: X?V-V f/*-* T MI [willrecur \ Distinctive Styles of Lingerie Featured in the White Sale at Moderate Prices White Sale Attractions at 50c White Sale Attractions at SI.OO Extra Size Specials at SI,OO Seven of . , styles nainsook and cambric gowns, in high or neck r . f . ...?,. low or V- PIIhirty-six styles of nainsook, crepe or shape; hemstitched ruffle or embroidery edge trim neck and sleeves. cambric gowns; high, V-shaped or Seven styles of gowns; high, V-shapcd or low neck styles, tmnnnngs of Ten styles of nainsook corset covers, trimmed with lace, embroidery or ow styles, trimmings of cluny lace medallions; crochet yoke or lace or ]acc or embroidery edge. , ... embroidery insertion and lace t- , , medallions. edge. f , . n. ? r t-, . , r u ? ? five styles of long skirts, of cambric or nainsook; flat trimming of em- styles brassieres m open frontx or cross over backiit-trim- Eleven of style; Twenty-two styles of long skirts of cambric, nainsook or crepe; trim- , . lace » med with or embroidery. lace or ruffles; . mings of embroidery embroidered panels and embroidered , , I'our st\les of nainsook or cambiic ctiemise. Five ofT ? styles nainsook or cambric drawers; lace or embroidery' trim- scauosrallonsP s Thirtv styles of nainsook or cambric drawers; trimmed with lace or em- - r? ? ? , . < , i-ia.ii i- , , mtn a Long crepe in red, or blue; broidery.
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