ISSUE 21 Linda Thompson Que Sera, North Street, Flixton YO11 3UA Tele. 01723 892162 [email protected]

The Parish Council now has it’s own web site at:-

www. Folkton Parish Council

Parish Council Meetings are held every first Tuesday in the month unless otherwise stated in the minutes displayed in the 4 Village Noticeboards :-  Outside the Village Hall,  Top of North Street  By post box on A 1039  Main Street Folkton

The first 15 minutes is an OPEN MEETING which anyone can come to then the Council set about the business on the Agenda. Parishioners are welcome to stay but can play no further part in the proceedings. Your Parish Councillors are:-

Chairman Mr.M Brown 01723890516 Vice Chairman Mrs L.Thompson 01723892162 Mr.B.Found 01723891256 Mr. T.Cresswell 01723890752 Mr.A. Bower 01723890101 Mr.C. Hodgson 07711567870 Mr.K.Robinson 01723890731 Mrs. J.Carroll 01723891548 Please see notice board Mr. T. Moxlow 01723891236 Parish Clerk Mr.C.Adnitt 01723513949 at top of North Street. The N.Y.C.C. Councillor is Mr. J. Blackburn The S.B.C. Councillors are :-Mr.G.Allanson COUNTY COUNCILLOR JOHN BLACKBURN WRITES

Firstly may I say how delighted I am to have been reflected as County Councillor for the Hertford & Cayton Division of North County Council. I would like to take this opportunity to thank all those of you who supported me once again.

As always I will endeavour to do my best to represent the people of Flixton &Folkton at County Council. It is of course not going to be easy to get things done, due to the tre- mendous financial cut backs that we face. The Council as you probably know is faced with the challenge of saving £93m by 2015. However due to savings we have already made we are on tar- get to achieve this.

Thanks to Government grants and prudent budgeting, we have been able to avoid any increase in Council tax for the last three years and we will do all in our power to continue to keep any council tax increases to a minimum. This will mean unfortunately that there is no money for highway im- provements such as new roads, new parking restrictions, new speed restrictions etc. As these all cost money. As far as roads and footpaths are concerned our main aim will be to keep them in as good order as possible.

You will have noticed no doubt that we have been patching, particularly in Folkton and we plan to resurface the road across the Carr's and through Folkton. We will also been carrying out repairs to the road Hunmanby on Folkton Brow. I will also try my best to ensure repairs are carried out as and when necessary.

We have been experiencing problems with heavy traffic passing through Folkton on it's way to the Barrett housing development at Cayton. The introduction of a lorry watch scheme in conjunction with Trading Standards at I consider helped to alleviate the problem and this was thanks very much to some Folkton residents reporting the offenders. I admit that it was not perfect, but I am grateful to those of you who have taken part in the scheme.

Of course apart from Highways, are other responsibilities are Public Transport, Education for both children & adults, Social Services, Waste Disposal, Libraries, Street Lighting, Public Health, some planning which includes Village Greens and Public Rights of Way and as I have already mentioned Trading Standards.

I have decided that since my reelection I am going to spend less time serving on committees. I see the main work of a councillor is servicing the problems which occur with the residents in my divi- sion, which cover a large area. I have 7 parishes to look after, those being Cayton, Folkton & Flix- ton, Gristhorpe & Lebberstone, Hunmanby, Muston, Reighton & Speeton and Primrose Valley Hunmanby Gap and Royal Oak. I try to attend all my Parish Council meetings, as I consider that to be my main form of communication with my residents, but of course I am ready to talk to or visit any individuals to discuss any problems they may have.

The long outstanding problem of the public right of way over the Fordon Road at Folkton is at last due to come to Public Enquiry in November and in my opinion the more residents who attend this the better. I am very concerned that this application has taken over 3years to solve.

Well I had hoped to cut my lawns today, but it's raining again, I do hope we are going to see an improvement in the weather this summer, it is so important to the many people who are reliant on the tourist industry in my division. I am so pleased the County Council is not responsible for the weather.

Best wishes to you all, you can contact me either by phone 583604, or by email [email protected]

John Blackburn +

FEBRUARY Public Questions Members of public complained that a number of heavy vehicles were using Carr Lane to deliver materials to the building site at Cayton. One resident had made a video of the discharge from the outflow from McCain’s into the sea which showed what was happening. Borough Councillor G Allanson confirmed that he was pursuing the matter. An update on what was happening with the speed monitoring was requested. County Cllr J Blackburn advised he was chasing matters up. He had been informed that there were a number of surveys to be undertaken and this was understood to be the reason for the delay. It was suggested that the Parish News should be published on the Parish Council’s Website. Following discussion it was noted that some residents did not have computers and would still required copied delivering to them. Police Report The Police report was circulated to councillors prior to the meeting. PCSO C Richman gave details of recent incidents and whilst nothing of significance had occurred she highlighted the need to be vigilant. Residents highlighted the problems caused by the vehicle owned by Centurion Windows being parked inconsiderately. Residents were asked to pass the details onto the Police. In was noted that caravans were being parked overnight in the lay‐by. Report from County Councillor Cllr J Blackburn noted that work was in progress to submit a further Village Green Application. New evidence has been received by the Planning Inspector on Fordon Road, and only one objection has been received from the landowners. A email was read out from the Planning Inspector. An update on progress with setting up the speed survey was discussed, and an update on what was happening with other items highlighted at the previous meeting was given. Work to repair the pot holes was progressing. Work on Folkton Brow was about to commence. Cllr Blackburn advised that Trading Standards were responsible for the heavy vehicles using Carr Lane, and that residents should provide details of offenders to them. NYCC were progressing matters with the owner of the snack van parked in the lay‐by Report from Borough Councillor Cllr G Allanson confirmed that there were planning issues with the entrance on Back Lane and that the enforcement officer was progressing matters. Cluster Grants have been made and he advised that some money was to be carried over to next year. There was a proposal before SBC to cut grants to Area Committees by £30,000. A list of street lights to be turned off has been published. It was understood that by 2015 following consultation a number of lights would be switched off in the villages. Natural were to undertake a review of Rights of Way and Common Land, however this has been delayed due to budget constraints. Planning Applications Three planning applications were received: 13/00020/LB application to install replacement windows at Low Bella Farm, North Street, Flixton. 12/01645/HS – APHH/00002/13 appeal against planning decision to erect a two story extension to rear of The Old School, Road, Flixton. 13/00278/CA application to demolish an existing large dilapidated shed at Hunters Lodge, Main Street, Folkton. Finance The clerk provided an update of the council’s finances and current balances. Payments received: Inter‐ est on Lloyds Instant Access Account 0.6p, Interest on Building Society Bond due to expire on 15th February 2013 of £278.75. Accounts to pay: Clerks Quarterly Salary, Clerks Expenses (Stamps) £25. The clerk provided details of a further investment bond and following discussion it was agreed by 5 votes to 3 to transfer the money from the bond into the Skipton Instant Access Account. The outstanding money due from the Cricket Club was to be discussed further at the next meeting Fordon Road Update An update was given by County Cllr J Blackburn in item 13/29 above

Common Land & Village Green Village Green – Evidence was being collated and a further application was being worked on prior to submission. Common Land – Further attempts were being made to obtain a signature on the Lease Agreement the Lessee. Parish Council Website Details for the Church and the Cricket Club were awaited. There were some minor teething problems which were being sorted out. MARCH. Report from County Councillor NYCC have confirmed that there is no council tax increase this year, with economies being made to keep expenditure down. Some footpath work is being planned in Flixton. A “Lorry Watch” scheme has started in Folkton to monitor heavy vehicles using Carr Lane to gain access to the Barrett’s site in Cayton. Barrett’s have offered to erect a sign to direct delivery vehicles via the correct route, which was agreed by councillors. NYCC have instructed the owner of the fruit & vegetable van parked in the lay‐by to remove his signs. Cllr Blackburn noted that he had received a letter for a resident to have the van removed, however it was noted that it was not illegal to park there. Repairs to pot‐holes were underway although progress was slow. NYCC are urging their contractor to speed up the repairs. It was noted that those in bank Lane have been repaired. Cllr J Blackburn noted that work was in progress to submit a further Village Green Application and agreed to assist. He advised that he would raise the issue at the next planning sub‐committee. Report from Borough Councillor Cllr M Donohue‐Moncrieff confirmed that SBC was not increasing the council tax and cut backs were being implemented with some areas under review to reduce overheads. The cause of the discharge at Cayton Bay was being disputed between McCain’s and Yorkshire Water, although a survey was underway to determine the cause. The on‐going landslips at Knipe Point which were believed to be caused by a drainage issue were also highlighted. Vehicle Activated Signs were being offered to parish councils to lease for a limited period providing parish councils paid for them, however it was felt that the cost was too expensive. Changes to funding of local NHS hospital services were highlighted. It was noted that this area received 25% less funding per head on average compared with others areas of the country. Parish Council Website Details for the Church and the Cricket Club were being placed on the website It was noted that there had been 74 hits of the site to date. Finance The clerk provided an update of the council’s finances and current balances. Payments received: Interest on Lloyds Instant Access Account 0.6p. Accounts to pay: K Robinson (repairs/maintenance to seats and shelters) £218.47 and Church Magazine £25. Cllr L Thompson has received quotations for commemorative seats at a cost of £250 to £300 each, She proposed that two should be purchased, one each for Folkton and Flixton, with the money from the sale of computers and Jubilee funds used. Following discussion it was agreed by all to purchase one seat for Folkton. It was noted that Community Payback were looking for work. Cllr A Bower highlighted that the drainage in Crook Lane required improvement, and they could be used to dig a trench, which would then be filled with gravel. He proposed that the council purchased the gravel to fill the trenches. Cllr M Brown volunteered to provide the gravel at no cost to the council. APRIL. Public Questions An update was requested on what was happening with the Forden Road Bridleway Application. The chair advised that the NYCC application was to be submitted to the Planning Inspector in the near fu‐ ture. A resident highlighted a recent issue with a speeding driver and the action taken. Comments were raised about the outflow pipe in Cornelian Bay. Borough Cllr G Allanson advised that Yorkshire Water are resolving the issues and that work was due to start soon. A discussion took place on the harm done to marine life and it was noted that the Environmental Agency were investigating the facts.

Two drain covers were highlighted by residents which presented a safety hazard. Details were taken by County Cllr J Blackburn who agreed to arrange for repairs to be undertaken. Matters Arising (13/48) “Lorry Watch” have noted some vehicles using Carr Lane. NYCC have sent out signs to Barrett’s together with locations at which they are to be displayed. Cllr J Carroll also commented on tractors travelling too fast with loaded trailers. (13/54) The cost for a hardwood seat was estimated at around £300. (13/54) Work on drainage in Crook Lane by Community Payback was awaiting improvements in the weather. Police Report PCSO T Bate referred to the report which was submitted by the Police to councillors prior to the meet‐ ing. It was noted that overall crime was dome on the previous year. A councillor advised that she had used the “101” number recently and was not impressed with the service provided. PCSO T Bate explained that they can ask to be put through to an individual officer. A member of public had also used the “101” number and was impressed with the service received. Issues concerning the van parked on Back Lane were again raised by members of the public. It was noted that the Police were progressing the matter but no feedback has been received to date. A resident requested that speed monitoring was undertaken at the west end of Flixton. It was noted that this was requested some time ago. The use of the Police Radar Camera was also requested Report from County Councillor The footpath on Main Street was to be repaired. The start date for the work on Flixton Brow was awaited. NYCC were progressing repairs with the public owned part of the footpath outside Church View. Various potholes were highlighted for repair, and Cllr J Blackburn advised that NYCC were undertaking the work as quickly as possible, and that there were a lot of potholes to repair. Cllr Blackburn noted the letter received from NYCC about Forden Road and was not happy with the progress made to date. Cllr J Blackburn noted that work was in progress to submit a further Village Green Application and agreed to assist. He advised that he would raise the issue at the next planning sub‐committee. An “adverse registration” application to the Land Registry was to be made by the Parish Council. Report from Borough Councillor Cllr G Allanson provided an update on what was happening with the out fall pipe as discussed in public question time. The entrance off back lane was being pursued by SBC Enforcement Office, however it was understood that planning permission was not required from SBC. A new program of “Leader” funding has been announced and some funding may be awarded to village schemes. The details were to be advised when available. It was noted that a Cluster meeting was taking place on 8th April at which this was to be discussed.Report from Borough Councillor Cllr G Allanson provided an update on what was happening with the out fall pipe as discussed in public question time. The entrance off back lane was being pursued by SBC Enforcement Office, however it was understood that planning permission was not required from SBC. A new program of “Leader” funding has been announced and some funding may be awarded to village schemes. The details were to be advised when available. It was noted that a Cluster meeting was taking place on 8th April at which this was to be discussed. Fordon Road Update It was understood that NYCC were to send the documents to the Planning Inspector in the near future. A discussion took place on options available to pursue the matter further.

Common Land & Village Green Village Green – Evidence was still being collated for a further application to be submitted. An “Adverse Possession” application was being made to the Land Registry, also voluntary registration may be re‐ quired by NYYC. Common Land – Several attempts have been made to obtain a signature on the Lease Agreement, and efforts were continuing to obtain the Lessee’s signature. Parish Council Website Cllr C Hodgson confirmed that the updating of the site was on‐going. Finance The clerk provided an update of the council’s finances and current balances. Bank statements were awaited to complete the year end accounts and some interest was expected to be added to the instant access account. Accounts to pay: YLCA Annual Membership £179, Donation to Village Hall £500. MAY. The Annual General Meeting was opened at 19:00 hours by the Chair. Election of Chair The clerk asked for nominations for the position of Chair. Cllr B Found proposed Cllr M Brown as chair, seconded by Cllr T Moxlow, no other nominations were receive and Cllr M Brown was elected by all. Election of Vice Chair Cllr B Found advised that he felt it was time for another person to take on this role and proposed Cllr L Thompson as Vice Chair, seconded by Cllr J Carroll and was agreed by all. Financial Statement for 2012/13 The accounts for the 2012/13 financial year were presented by the clerk and were approved by all, and were signed by the chair. Planning & Property Committee The following councillors were elected to the Planning Committee: J Carroll, B Found, T Moxlow and A Bower. Playing Field Committee Councillors A Bower, T Moxlow and B Found were all elected to the Playing Field Committee. Village Hall Committee Councillors A Bower, L Thompson, T Moxlow and B Found J.Carroll were elected to the Village Hall Com‐ mittee.Signatures for Cheques It was agreed that the existing arrangements would continue with the Clerk C Adnitt and Cllrs K Robin‐ son, T Creswell and B Found being authorised to sign cheques. Southern Parish Cluster Councillors J Carroll and L Thompson were elected as representatives. Road Transport Group Councillors L Thompson and A. Bower were elected as representatives.Meeting Arrangements It was agreed that the existing meeting arrangements would continue. Police Liaison Officer Councillor C Hodgson was elected as Police Liaison Officer. Meeting Arrangements The chair closed the Annual General Meeting at 1910 hours, and opened the Parish Meeting Chairs Report The chair thanks members of public for attending the meetings, and also thanked the councillors for their support and hard work during the past year. Cllr C Hodgson was thanked for setting up the parish council website and for the on‐going work in keeping it updated. The chair also thanks the clerk for his efforts since taking over from the previous person. He highlighted that the parish councillors were working for the same purpose and were doing their best He expressed disappointment about NYCC’s handling of the Forden Road issue which fell short of the professional standards expected from them. He felt that the views of the Parish Council was not being taken into account by them. The Parish Meeting was closed at 1915 hours and the ordinary Parish Council Meeting was opened. Public Questions A member of public commented that he felt the Parish Council had been let down by NYCC. Another person expressed disappointment by the lack of action by NYCC to control speeding and in undertaken monitoring, with a discussion following on possible reasons. Fly‐tipping by the old quarry was highlighted. The clerk agreed to report this to SBC for removal. It was highlighted that three faulty drain covers had not yet been repaired. County Cllr J Blackburn made a note of the locations and agreed to chase this up. It was noted that during the roadworks on Main Street, long queues formed at the temporary traffic lights. Report from County Councillor The signs for diverting traffic away from Carr Lane were awaited, however temporary ones were to be erected pending the permanent ones being supplied. Pot‐holes remain to be repaired although NYCC contractors were progressing with the backlog. Work on Folkton Brow was expected to start in September. Parking problems in the lay‐by caused by the vending vehicles and a caravan for sale were highlighted to Cllr Blackburn. He agreed to speak to the people concerned to see what could be done. A discussion followed on how best this could be dealt with. Cllr J Blackburn confirmed that NYCC were doing their best but finance was limited. Police Report PC A Davies confirmed that two thefts of diesel had taken place recently, and that parking of commer‐ cial vehicles in Back Lane & criminal damage were under investigation. Advice was offered on crime prevention measures for static fuel tanks. Instances of a speeding tractor through Main Street Folkton were highlighted by a councillor to PC Davies. The Police were dealing with instances of overweight vehicles using Carr Lane. An instance occurred with walkers using Forden Road, which resulted in the Police being involved. Fordon Road Update NYCC have now sent the documents to the Planning Inspector. A letter has been received from the Planning Inspector confirmed that they are now in possession of the documents and that they are now on public display and awaiting any further documentary evidence relevant to this case. A date of the formal Planning Enquiry was to be set in due course. Common Land & Village Green Village Green – An “Adverse Possession” application was being made to the Land Registry. Common Land – Several attempts have been made to obtain a signature on the Lease Agreement. It was understood that the lessee was consulting to his own solicitor. Commemorative Seats Following agreement at a previous meeting to purchase one seat, Cllr J Carroll proposed the purchase of two seats at a cost of £578 each plus VAT and fitting. A discussion followed with differing views ex‐ pressed. Cllr A Bower proposed that two seats should be purchased and seconded by Cllr J Carroll. A vote was taken with six in favour and three against. Ride on Mower Cllr J Carroll read out the minute of the meeting held on 2nd October 2012, (minute 12/190). She high‐ lighted that there was some confusion by the Crick Club over the ownership and maintenance. The clerk agreed to write to the Cricket Club to clarify the matter. Planning Applications Two planning applications were received: 13/00772/LD application to install replacement wooden dou‐ ble glazed windows, at Little Bella Farm, North Street, Flixton. No objections received. 13/00873/LB application for internal and external alterations and erection of two story rear extension, at Old Inn Farm, Main Street, Folkton. Details were under review by the planning committee Finance The clerk provided an update of the council’s finances and current balances. Payments received: HMRC, VAT Refund £2996.44, Precept £2141, Model Agreement Funding £1754.75 and Interest on Deposit Account 0.06p. Accounts to pay: Clerks quarterly salary, Clerks expenses £31.48, Land Registry Fee £40, Came & Com‐ pany (Annual Insurance) £544.68, Folkton Village Hall (Room hire) £112, Petrol for mowers £40. It was also noted that an invoice for the play area repairs was expected and payment was approved on re‐ ceipt. Any Other Business It was noted that the seat near Woodhouse Farm requires repair. It was agreed that K Robinson was to undertaken to required repairs. It was noted that drainage work was awaiting Community Payback to undertake to work. The glass in the cemetery was in need of cutting. JUNE. Public Questions A member of public commented that the “No Construction Traffic” signs recently erected were too small to notice. It was highlighted that these were temporary and permanent signs were to be erected. The legal position of vehicles being parked on the footpath was queried. In response it was highlighted by Cllr J Blackburn that if people were unable to pass it was an offence. An update on Forden Road was requested, and the current position was explained. It was noted that those wishing to speak at the enquiry would need to re‐register their wish to do so and they would also need to resubmit any documents previously sent. Report from County Councillor The pot‐holes have now been filled, with some further work to be completed and the gullies were ex‐ pected to be repaired shortly. Cllr J Blackburn confirmed that he has had a discussion with the Fruit & Vegetable Van owner, and high‐ lighted that he may move to an alternative site. Work on Folkton Brow was expected to start in September. It was confirmed that some residents have requested that the 40 MPH signs should be moved further out. Report from Borough Councillor Cllr M Donohue‐Moncrieff reported that she had been working with a resident on a planning issue. She advised that the Scarborough Local Plan is driving local planning development and that there is a need for residents to engage in the process. Fly‐tipping issues were highlighted together with the need to report occurrences to Scarborough Council. Fordon Road Update The Planning Inspector has received the papers from NYCC, and is now gathering evidence from indi‐ viduals who wish to speak at the enquiry. A date for the inquiry was awaited. Common Land & Village Green Village Green – An “Adverse Possession” application has been rejected by the Land Registry. Following discussion it was noted that expensive legal assistance would be required to pursue matters further, and in view of the cost and with no guarantee of success, the expenditure could not be justified. In view of this it was agreed not to pursue the matter further. Common Land – Several attempts have been made to obtain a signature on the Lease Agreement. A formal letter was to be sent to the person concerned requesting that he signs the lease agreement. A discussion took place on the options available should he refuse to sign the lease. Sponsorship for Bloom Group Cllrs C Hodgson and A Blower both declared an interest in this item. Cllr L Thompson proposed that the Parish Council should provide a donation of £50 towards the cost of plants used by the Bloom Group. This was approved by all. Planning Applications One planning application was received: 13/01073/FL application to erect a four bedroom agricultural workers dwelling, at School House Farm, Filey Road, Flixton. The Planning Committee were to review the application. A discussion took place on SBC electronic planning process, which was felt to be a negative move. It was understood that the YLCA were taking up their concerns. Finance The clerk provided an update of the council’s finances and current balances. Payments received: Inter‐ est on Deposit Account 0.06p. Accounts to pay: F Robinson & Sons (Play Equipment repairs) £148.80, Basic Pluss (Grass Cutting for 2012 season) £324, Gardeners Engineering Services (Mower Repairs) £133.70, J Carroll (Mileage expenses) £29, Petrol for Mowers £50.02. These were approved by all. Any Other Business An email was read out about the cost of the memorial seats. The seats have already been ordered and it was felt that they needed to be of good quality. A discussion took place on the locations for them, and it was agreed that one should be located by the bus shelter at the top of North Street.

Now that the Parish News is on the website I feel that it is necessary to update the look of the newsletter and to try and avoid duplicating items that are already on the website , so in future I will not include the Parish Council Minutes. However if you are not able to access the website and would like to receive a copy of the minutes please let a Councillor know or write to the Parish Clerk. If you still wish to receive a hard copy of the Newsletter please let me know and I will make sure that you receive one. Linda Thompson. Many thanks to the Year 6 children of Hertford Vale School for their writing for an information leaflet about New .

Folkton Flixton Village Hall The village hall is available for functions .Please get in touch with Ken Robinson on 01723 890731 if you are interested in making a booking

Maps drawn by Maggie Creswell of the Parish of Folkton are available from Councillor Ted Moxlow at a charge of £5 each. All proceeds going to the Parish Council. The map in a larger form can been seen in the Village Hall or in the standard form in the Foxhound Inn. Many thanks to all who have contributed articles for this newsletter I couldn’t produce it without you. Deadline for next issue is OCTOBER 2013 Flixton and Folkton Bloom Group.

I reported in the last News that the Bloom Group would be entering Yorkshire in bloom again this year unfortunately due to unforeseen circumstances we had to withdraw. Now the weather has improved those members who have been able to have been out tidying up the beds and painting and planting up the tubs. We have bought 4 new tubs with some money we got from the Filey Li- ons and they have been placed either side of the two new seats that the Parish Council bought to commemorate the Queens Diamond Jubilee. The Parish Council have also widened the entry into the Village Hall and has made it safer when driving in and out. Mr. Bryan Found donated money to the Bloom Group for the new bed at the entrance to the Village Hall.

The Poetry Evening ,which was our last fund raising evening ,proved once again to be very suc- cessful and is becoming more or less an annual event. Many thanks to all those who attended and supported us. Hope to see you at the next event.

Since breaking my leg it has made me realize how vulnerable our Bloom Group is becoming most of the work this year has been done by just four of our members . We could really do with some help if we are to maintain what we have already done let alone take on new projects. It doesn’t need to be a big commitment just a helping hand when we are renewing the plants or volunteering to look after the tubs if they are close to where you live. There is much truth in the saying ‘Many hands make light work.’

It will be our A.G.M in September so come along to the Foxhound and have a chat with us. We all have lives outside Bloom Group and often enjoy other social events together.


Programme For 2012






Meetng s are on 1st Tuesday in each month. You don’t need to be a member.


The club has enjoyed an excellent start to the current season with all teams having a successful run of games. Special mention must go to the 2nd X1 who as I write sit second in the Beckett League having lost only one game and the unbeaten 3rd X1 who are top of the Derwent Valley B division. It has also been an excellent start for the U15's and U11's who are both unbeaten to this point. Congratulations in particular to our Juniors Harry Walmsley and Will Hutchinson who have again both been selected for Yorkshire Schools at U15 and U12 respectively. Their success reflects the hard work put in by all at the club with the junior section. As always we are happy to welcome everyone to the club and I look forward to seeing members old and new in the near future.

David Hutchinson Secretary Folkton and Flixton CC [email protected]

FLIXTON SHORT MAT BOWLING CLUB. David Reports :- Short mat bowling season starts in September and ends in March meeting Tuesday afternoon {except the 1st Tuesday in the month when the session is in the evening. } For more information please contact DAVID LORAINE ON 01723 863220.

Flixton Playing Fields Association

Flixton F.C. Mike Stephenson 01723361024 This team play on a Saturday. P.M.

Newlands F.C. Sorry no contact number but anyone interested could call at the Play- ing Fields on a Saturday afternoon when they play there.

West Pier Paddy Parks Sorry no contact number but anyone interested could call at the Playing Fields on Sunday A.M. when this team plays there.

Darts and Dominoes Teams in Fixton and Folkton Foxhound Inn Please get in touch with Gary 01723 890301. The Cricket Club Darts and Dominoes Team play every Wednesday Night if you are interested in joining please ring Mike Walmsley on 01723890832

St. John the Evangelist Church

The Folkton Church of England School Trust also known has the Londesborough Trust is being re- placed by Folkton Parish Londesborough Trust. The purposes of the Trust are; To promote and advance the education including( social and physical training) of young peo- ple in the Parish of Folkton in such ways as the Trus- tees think fit .

Grants are available for anyone up to 18 years of age who live in Folkton Flixton or Flotmanby and meet the criteria set out in the application form.

Forms can be downloaded from the Parish website or from any of the Trustees or Mrs. Linda Thompson and returned to her . A date will then be set for applications to be reviewed.


POLICE REPORT Flixton and Folkton Parish Meeting Tuesday 2nd July 2013 19.30hrs Pc1964 Andy Davis to attend Hertford Ward Crime Figures 1st April 2012 – 25th June 13 (last years figures in brackets) June Sanctioned Detections BURGLARY (Dwell) 2 (0) 0 0 BURGLARY (Oth) 3 (0) 0 0 CRIMINAL DAMAGE 4 (4) 2 2 THEFT 28 (11) 12 4 VIOLENCE 8 (7) 2 1 OTHER 7 (4) 2 5

TOTAL 52 26 18 12 These figures also include the holiday camps at Primrose Valley and Reighton IAnti-Social Behaviour Pc 1964 Andy Davis, the Beat Manager and Pcso 5538 Simon Clapcott and Pcso 5565 Jason Johnson, the community officers, make regular patrols of the area. Pcso Jason Johnson has re- cently transferred to the area from Cayton. To assist us in making sure that we focus on the main priorities for each ward and to help keep us up to date with these priorities, we ask that you take a few minutes to complete a survey. To complete a survey please go to:- Road Traffic Incidents Officers continue to target problem areas in relation to speeding – parking – and misuse of vehicles under operations ANVIL and SIREN In June a complaint of speeding down Back Lane, Flixton was received and is being investigated. Officers continue to make a significant number of arrests as part of ’s summer drink and drug drive campaign To date there have been 57 arrests, with 31 having been charged to court. Those already convicted have been ‘named and shamed’ on the Force’s website. The results of checks by NYP safety camera vans are now available on the NYP Website for your location. Go to the NYP Website Click on “Safer Roads Policing” on the left hand side of screen Click on “Safety Cameras” on left hand side of screen Scroll down to “Where cameras will be deployed” Click on “Deployment and results” SAC = Speed awareness course Cond Off = Conditional Offer RFS = Reported for summons Please remember without your help, the local police and partner agencies would not be as successful in tackling crime and anti social behaviour and we hope that you will continue to do so.