ISSUE 10 Linda Thompson Que Sera, North Street, Flixton YO11 3UA Tele/Fax 01723 892162 [email protected]

Please see notice board at top of North Street.

Parish Council Meetings are held every first Mon- FOLKTON AND FLIXTON Y.C. A. day in the month unless otherwise stated in the minutes displayed in the 4 Village Notice boards :- Countrywomans Associa- tion.  Outside the Village Hall, Folkton & Flixton Programme For  Top of North Street 2009  By post box on A 1039 Meeting are on 1st Tuesday in each  Main Street Folkton month. The first 15 minutes is an OPEN MEETING which ALL ARE WELCOME. anyone can come to then the Council set about the business on the Agenda. November 3rd. Painting China. Parishioners are welcome to stay but can play no further part in the proceedings. If you Booked. would like to view items on the agenda they are available in the Village Hall on the December 1st. Floral Decorations. Saturday prior to the meeting 10:30-11:30 At the October meeting Mr. T.Burkinshaw Your Parish Councillors are:- Chairman Mr.M Brown 01723890516 gave a excellent presentation about the Vice Chairman Mr.B.Found 01723890256 Flixton Folkton and Cayton Wetlands Mr. E. Moxlow 01723891236 explaining how they were formed , their Mr. T.Cresswell 01723890752 Mr.A. Bower 01723890101 importance to the area, their archaeology Mr.J.F.Meakin 01723891673 and how they may be developed in the future. Mr.K.Robinson 01723890731 Mrs. J.Carroll 01723891548 Mrs L.Thompson 01723892162 It has been decided that there will be no Parish Clerk Mr.M.Boden. 01723892763 Y.C.A. Christmas Supper this year due to The N.Y.C.C. Councillor is Mr. J. Blackburn difficulty of finding a date to have it. It was The S.B.C. Councillors are :-Mr.G.Allanson Mr. D.Chambers. decided that next year this event will be moved back to the Autumn. COUNTY COUNCILLOR JOHN BLACKBURN WRITES Looking back it seems some time since I last wrote in your “Parish News”, but having spoken to Linda I realise that I did not write in the last edition because it was issued around the time of the County Council election, and it would be seen as electioneering if I had done so. Well I am now delighted to report that I was re-elected as your County Councillor, and I would like to take this opportunity to thank all those who voted for me. It is indeed a privilege to represent the people of Flixton and Folkton at County Hall and as always I will do my best to get things done that you request .

At this stage I wish to pay tribute to your Parish Council, who keep me very well informed of prob- lems within your villages. I try to attend your Parish Council meetings every month, and I really value the information which I get from these meetings, and they, really do keep me on my toes. There is a die-hard group of members of the public who attend these meetings, and take advantage of the time allotted for public questions and statements, who keep us all on our toes, and I wish more people would take advantage of this. I have seven Parish Councils in my County division, and I try to visit them all on a monthly basis. I have been a member of Cayton Parish Council for more than 30 years, and I really value the role that Parish councils play in there local communities.

We are living in difficult times financially, and as Councillors we spend much of our time looking to make savings in our budget. Our Government grant increases are decreasing every year, and of course we are trying to keep council tax rises to a minimum, this of course makes it more difficult to meet the aspirations of our constituents, and this is very frustrating. It is my desire to be able to satisfy all reasonable requests that I receive as quickly as possible, and this will continue to Councillors and members of the public, to discuss any problems and queries which they may have.

Talking of money you may all not be aware that the County Council area committee “Yorkshire Coast & Moors” has pot of money which it can use to make grants to local organisation and charities to projects they may have. If you wish to know more about this fund please do not hesitate to contact me.

I thought before I close that it may be useful to remind you all of the County Councils responsibili- ties, these are as follows :- Young Peoples services. This includes schools buildings and staff, youth services and children’s centres. Adult Education. Social Services This includes care for the elderly, adoption, fostering and libraries. Environmental Services. This includes highways, public rights of way, waste disposal, planning (schools, waste disposal sites, mineral extraction, mines.), public transport, flooding and climate change. Trading Standards. If you wish to discuss any of these or any problems you may have related to any of the above please do not hesitate to contact me and I will pleased to meet or visit you.

In the next edition I will write about my responsibilities as your County Councillor, in the mean time have a good Christmas, and I look forward to writing to you again in the New Year.

Best Wishes


Councillor Nick Harvey Hertford Ward – Scarborough Borough Council 66 Stonegate Hunmanby YO14 0PP Tel: (01723) 890453 Email: [email protected] Nick Harvey of 66 Stonegate, Hunmanby was elected as the new Scarborough Borough Councillor for Hertford Ward on 13th August. At 45, relatively young as Council‐ lors go and from the Green Party. Nick aims to keep in touch with the 4000+ peo‐ ple in the large rural ward stretching from roundabout to Speeton and so holds a ‘pop in’ surgery every Tuesday at Jilly’s Café on Hungate Lane, Hunmanby between 10am and 11am, to listen to residents concerns and issues, as well as attending the 5 parish councils in the area. Nick is self employed promoting ex‐ cursion trains, a keen gardener, and a campaigner for improved public transport.

Said Nick ‘The ‘pop in’ surgery is well attended, I am also available by phone – 890453 . The way I work is all issues raised I take up in writing, keeping the constituent informed, with copies of the correspondence. This helps to explain how local government works, both to the resident and myself as a councillor. A councillor is not employed by the council but is elected by the people, and serve for a set period of time, in my case 20 months. Large changes over the part 20 years have seen former public services moved to private or semi private organisa‐ tions. I’ve taken up 133 issues since being elected stretching from Health Care provision to Public Transport and Flooding.

The Scarborough District faces huge change over the next 20 years, with large areas of land having to be found to meet Government targets, land for 560 new homes each year. To understand the dilemma, it like finding land for a new ‘’‐ that is the scale of forecast growth. 18 months ago developers were asked to put their ideas forward, 10 sites were suggested in Folkton and Flixton. The public were informed, comments submitted and sites judged against a criteria of where housing should go, like access to public transport, schools and ser‐ vices. These have now been ‘short listed’ call the ‘Preferred Options.’ There are no ‘preferred sites’ being put forward in Folkton and Flixton. Where are they being suggested? The bulk of the ‘preferred sites' lie in Cayton and Eastfield and Middle Deepdale, approaching 5,000 new homes. To understand more the Council has started consultation. ‘The Draft Core Strat‐ egy’ and the ‘Draft Housing Allocations’ Yours sincerely Nick Harvey

Green Party Councillor, Hertford Ward Councillor Nick Harvey holds a weekly ‘pop in’ surgery. Every Tuesday, between 10am and 11am, Councillor Nick Harvey will be holding a weekly ‘pop in’ surgery at Jilly’s Café on Hungate Lane, Hunmanby. He will be available to listen to residents concerns and ideas.

FLIXTON AND FOLKTON BLOOM GROUP The Bloom Group were really pleased to find out they had been successful in getting a Silver Gilt Award in the Yorkshire in Bloom and have decided to have another go in the Competition next year. So if the following applies to you please consider joining the Group:- Does television satisfy all your entertainment needs? Do you get that couch potato feeling? Would you like a little physical activity and the company of friendly people ? Then why not consider joining your local Bloom Group [Flixton and Folkton Bloom Group.] The aims of the group are:- to improve the environment of the villages , to enjoy social gatherings at the Village Hall or pub. The Bloom Group has been running for three years and in that time has created flower beds, tubs and a delightful wildlife area. There has also been quizzes, competitions, social evenings and visits to other Bloom Group social events. At present the Bloom Group consists of many local people and is keen to welcome young or old residents of these two villages who would be willing to help in any capacity with the activities of the group. If you would like to know more about the group please get in contact with Linda Thompson Group Co-ordinator. 01723892162. The judges comments are very helpful in showing us what we need to do next and are as follows:-

Folkton & Flixton Silver Gilt Rose Award

Spring: Silver Gilt Rose Award Summer: Silver Gilt Rose Award

Introduction (introductory remarks from the judges): The entry has adapted well to the changes in the criteria. The route covered many good aspects, especially the horticultural displays which were to a high standard as were many residential gardens. The churchyard could also be a welcome addition to the entry both in the spring & summer time. The sports field provision, along with the children's play area, is maintained to a high standard. The all year round engagement /social aspects of the competition are to be commended.

The North Street Village Green & the Crook Lane wild life area were highlights of the tour & those involved should be very proud of their efforts to date. The Cayton/Flixton Carr Wetland project sounds very exciting & should greatly support this aspect of the criteria, as will the encouragement of young people. The Silver Gilt award is very well deserved & thank you for an enjoyable visit. Please thank the lady who does the hand painted wild flowers/descriptions as seen during the tour, they were of exceptional quality .SECTION A - Horticultural Achievement Areas of Achievement

Attractive beds and containers around the village with a mix of plants which are colour-themed. Well maintained open spaces, particularly the playing field. Communal gardens which are obviously well tended and cared for.

Areas for Improvement:

Continue to keep your area plan up to date with new plantings etc.

Consider leaving a strip of longer grass along a hedgerow to incorporate some wild flower planting

SECTION B - Environmental Responsibility Areas of Achievement: It is exciting to watch the development of the Crook Lane wildlife area and the Wetlands project. It is being managed with great care and understanding of the issues involved. The planting in this area blends in well and is attractive to wildlife. Care is taken to preserve the heritage of the village, for example the quality of the stream, and the Water Pump and War Memorial. Very clean and tidy litter-free environment. Areas for Improvement: Continue with your plans to replace village name signs with the stone ones. Consider placing small oval plaques with your motif on your planters, for information and publicity. These are being researched. Consider some kind of unobtrusive information boards for your Crook Lane area which would enable people to identify the wildflowers there. Perhaps you could use some of the beautiful illustrations we were shown. These plans are also in progress. The plastic bollards are very detrimental to the wildlife area and should be replaced with timber ones to compliment the overall effect.

SECTION C - Community Participation Areas of Achievement: A very active and social steering group who obviously enjoy what they are doing. Good sponsorship from local businesses, as evident in the plaques. Plans in progress to apply for grants to develop the wildlife area. Areas for Improvement: Continue with your efforts to involve young people in caring for the environment, as with the bird box building. Perhaps some kind of competition for the nearby schools would be appropriate. Consider an area for local children to be invited to design and/or plant up. According to one of the judges, Martin Burnell, we need a WOW Factor if we are to progress to a Gold so if you have any ideas for a WOW factor please let me know. DATES FOR YOUR DIARY. 31ST.OCTOBER HALLOWEEN AT THE Foxhound Inn fancy dress competition. 27th.NOVEMBER 40S NIGHT AT THE Village Hall.

You are invited to Flixton & Folkton Bloom Group’s 1940s Evening on Friday 27th November in Flixton’s Village Hall for a cost of £4 per head including supper Reminisce the days of the 1940s with music from artists such as Glen Miller and recall the war by wearing 1940s costumes of that era. Bring your own glasses and drinks and have a highly enjoyable evening! For more information please contact Linda Thompson on 01723 892162 Many thanks to the children of Hertford Vale School who have donated their Harvest Prayers. If you would like to know more about the Romans who lived in this area 100s of years ago then watch out for the next Newsletter.

Many thanks to all who have contributed articles for this newsletter I couldn’t produce it without you. Deadline for next issue end of JANUARY 2010

Here is your chance to have a say about your Parish

The number of Folkton residents who have attended the meetings held in the Village hall to try to get the ‘Free Range Egg’ factory proposed for Granary farm in Folkton stopped was phenomenal I think just about every- one who could attended the first meeting did . After all had had their say an Action Group was formed and further meeting were arranged. It was agreed that the Council would be asked for their help and that everyone who could would register their concerns and objections to the develop- ment on Scarborough Borough website and others would put their objec- tions in letters At the next meeting the Parish Council agreed to give finan- cial support and to add their objections to those already sent in by residents. All that could be done has been done and we now await for the planning meeting to decide the fate of the people of Folkton. The meeting is due to take place on 19th. November. Having already been moved back twice we hope the Council will not delay anymore and would like to remind them of their commitment to Rural Areas :- to raise the quality of life and environment by the promotion of...... good quality sustainable developments that respects and where possible enhances local distinctiveness and the intrinsic values of the countryside and the continued protection of the Countryside for the benefit for all .The people of Folkton and Flixton believe that this proposal runs contrary to those objectives and earnestly request that this application is rejected. If the opinions of local people count for anything this is one time when they must be listened to and acted upon.

I have just learned that County Councillor John Blackburn is to split the special grant he receive from the Council between the 4 Bloom Groups in his area. On behalf of Flixton and Folkton I would like to say a very BIG THANK-YOU. [Around the various Committees Southern Parish Cluster briefly] I was unable to attend this Southern Area Committee meeting. At the Southern Are Committee Scarborough Roads there was an update on the placing Liaison Committee. of signs along the Major Routes At September’s meeting a Mr. within the Borough. A second enforcement officer has been Richard Pearson from North employed to help combat this Yorkshire Road Policing Group problem. Letters have been sent out addressed the to all those who are braking the Law meeting. Speeding, not and if not resolved prosecution will follow. We were told advertising wearing a set belt and using a boards mounted on trailers or farm mobile phone are still the most machinery are illegal. common traffic There was also updates on offences. He told the Group Southern Area Forum and Knipe that they worked in Partner- Point the problem is due to the deep water table and no long term solu- ship with S.B.C. And Five Alive. tion is viable. Although it is not They are looking into whether S.B.C. Responsibility they are fixed speed cameras are work- applying for funding to help the ing in bringing speeding down residents if future landslides occur. The rest of the meeting was taken and also the possibility of up with distribution of Grants for Mobile Speed vans. The Safer local groups and projects. Eastfield Neighbourhoods Officers are Bowlong Club, Eastfield Residents due to go out with Speed Guns Association, Cayton Bowing Club, Cayton Parish Council and Cayton in the very near future Playing Fields were all successful in getting funding for their projects. The mobile library time- Southern Area Forum table is displayed In July the Area Forum tried to tackle the problem of dog fouling. It is obvious that this is in the noticeboards a wide spread problem and simply increasing the number of dog warden will not solve the Folkton Flixton Village Hall problem. It is down to The village hall is available for Everyone to play their part. There were sev- functions .Please get in touch eral good ideas put forward and I know that with Ken or Mollie Robinson on the Parish Council are looking into these to 01723 890731 if you are inter- see which might best fit our ested in making a booking community. FOLKTON AND FLIXTON CRICKET CLUB

If you are interested, or know of anyone who would be interested, in playing cricket or helping then please contact the secretary, Mrs Pat Baker 01723 862903.

Valuable funds for Folkton & Flixton Cricket Club and sponsorship for our 2 talented young cricketers.

Individual races were sponsored by Linda Brown & Pauline Walmsley, Bryan Found, D Gormley Developments, John Green, G M Stephenson Ltd, Gnomeland, R Cover- dale & Son and The Foxhound Inn. Also grateful thanks go to all who ‘bought’ horses for the night.

We are indebted to the Foxhound for the use of the bar and for providing supper at no charge and to the Tony Jones for hosting the occasion.

Raffle winners were Pat Baker, Janet Baker, Katie Lacey, Jack Walmsley, John Paul Napthine, Dave Bevan, Jeff Bielby and Mark Robinson.

Winners of races were Brian Storry, Andy (Foxhound), Mark & Lisa Stephenson, James Brown, Ernie & Sheila Pearce, Steve Tripp, Christine Stockill, Geoff & Julie Hill, and John Seller. All these winners received a bottle of wine. The Bryan Found Syndicate won the auction race receiving the cash prize specifically for this race.

To everyone who attended on the night and took part in the event, thank you very much for your support. To be held in the Village Hall on 26th.October starting at 7:30p.m.

Darts and Dominoes Teams in Fixton and Folkton To join The Foxhound Inn’s Dominoes team please contact Andy McClymont’s on 01723890301. The Cricket Club Darts and Dominoes Team play every Wednesday Night if you are interested in joining please ring Mike Walmsley on 01723890832

FOLKTON AND FLIXTON SHORT MAT BOWLING CLUB The season is already underway and now doubt the Club is wanting to continue with the success of last season. If you are interested in joining this very successful club contact Mr. Sherburn on 01723369767. Flixton Playing Fields Association Tennyson Mike Stephenson 01723360124 This team play on a Saturday. New Ganton F.C. John Orrah 01723585772 his team plays on Saturday P.M. This team plays in the Scarborough Third Division if you would like to join them please get in touch with John Orrah. John on behalf of the Club would like to say a big thankyou to Mike Walmsley for all the hard work he does for the teams who use the Playing Fields. West Pier Paddy Parks 01723353867 This team plays on Sunday A.M. Scholes Park Raiders under 14s Greg Walker 01723367728 This team plays on Sunday Holt F.C. Under 12s John Benson 01723891145 This team plays on a Sunday P.M.

St. John the Evangelist Church

The Sea Sunday Service was very well attended and the afternoon Tea in the village Hall was enjoyed be all. The Filey Fishermans Choir was on top form and sang for us in the Church and then after Tea in the Village Hall. We were able to send the collection of £110:50 to the Whitby Seafarers Mission.

The Christmas Fair this year will be on 6th. December starting at 2:00p.m. Please see noticebords nearer the time for more information. The Christmas Services are :-  Carol Service possible date Friday11th.December at 7.00pm Please see noticeboard nearer the time.  Crib Service Willerby 4:00pm.  Christmas Eve Midnight Service Ganton.  Christmas Day Service Willerby 10.00am.  Sunday 27th. Benefice Service Folkton 10:00am


82/09 Councillor John Blackburn explained what was happening in the area of Crook Lane. A new sign denoting that this was a right of way would be erected and a further sign would be erected half way along the path. He would arrange for a Ranger to walk and inspect the path in the immedi- ate future. 83/09 He inspected the right of way between Main Street and Back Lane and spoke to the resident who wished to make improvements to his property which may cause damage to the path. Councillor Blackburn was assured by the owner that any damage to the surface would be repaired and the right of way left in a condition as good as, or better than, it was at the present time. 84/09 The road narrows signs on Cayton Carrs will soon be reinstalled and the Bridge, also on Cayton Carrs, will have its periodic repairs carried out due to subsidence. 85/09 The road in Folkton will be resurfaced or slurried as soon as possible. John was thanked for the amount of time and effort that he put in for the benefit of Folkton Parish Council and all present wished him luck in the future elections. 86/09 Councillor G Allanson explained that the path down Kiln Lane had been placed on SBC’s cleaning agenda and will be periodically swept; the update of street signs are on the list of jobs to be carried out and will be attended to ASAP Correspondence 89/09 Folkton and Flixton Playing Field Association asked for funding towards the cost of repainting some of the playground equipment. If the Council agreed to purchase the paint the Association would provide the labour. The majority of Councillors were in favour. Resolved. 90/09 Folkton and Flixton Village Hall Committee asked for funding towards the cost of Insurance. It was agreed that a sum of £270.00 would be given, as it had been in the previous year. Resolved. 91/09 The “News Line” newsletter was read out to consider what might be needed to improve Parish liaisons across and between the tiers of local government. It was thought that more involvement in and discussions with government should help with our knowledge of what was intended within our Parish: but as a Council the majority did not expect this relationship to evolve. Resolved. 92/09 If available one or more of the Councillors, including the Parish Clerk, will attend the signing of the Parish Charter at the Town Hall on the 10th June 2009. Resolved. 93/09 Councillors L Thompson and J Carroll will attend the Transport Forum meeting in Whitby on the 8th July at 0930 hrs if possible. Resolved. 94/09 The election notices for the 4th June are to be placed in the notice boards. Resolved. 95/09 The final draft of the Model Area Agreement was discussed and was accepted. Resolved Since this meeting the Clerk has been in contact with SBC and apparently there may be problems with some of the clauses within this draft. SBC will be in contact with Parishes if any changes are to be made. JUNE REPORTS FROM BOROUGH/COUNTY COUNCILLORS. Councillor Blackburn’s report was short due to the meeting in May having taken place only three weeks previously. 98/09 He stated that the road in Folkton will be surfaced either this or next week. 99/09 The sign in Crook Lane (Right of Way) will be installed in the very near future after checks have been made as to the location of any service piping or wiring. 100/09 He intends to contact Jenny Coot at Northalerton to assess what action is being made towards the Forden right of way. 101/09 Councillor Brown received complaints from some villagers about the action of drivers when approaching Staxton roundabout if they wished to enter the farm/bakery site. They are turning right prior to the roundabout instead of circumnavigating it and entering the premises as though a approaching from Staxton, regardless of there being a no right turn sign when approaching from Seamer. Councillor Blackburn agreed that it was dangerous and will investigate further. 102/09 A meeting was arranged between himself, Mr Nick West and Councillor Thompson to discuss the matter of installing a tree alongside the cemetery gates. 103/09 Councillor Allanson has eventually sorted out the problem of the rubbish that had been dumped in the river on Cayton Carrs. Apparently SBC couldn’t remove it from the dyke due to Health and Safety grounds and it not coming under there durisdiction. Musham Drainage Board admitted it was there responsibility and would remove it from the river but not take it away. After many phone calls with SBC and the Drainage Board the problem was resolved. 104/09 He is still awaiting further information regarding the supply of the dog fouling signs. 105/09 The Kiln Lane has been swept but the area outside the Chaple House has not. He was informed that it had been therefore will follow this matter up. 6Correspondence purchasing a millstone and members of the Council will install it. Councillor Bower will speak to the seller and arrange delivery. Resolved. 107/09 Update on Digital History Project. 108/09 All Councillor’s read the brochure on Public Sector Equality Duties. Resolved JULY REPORTS FROM BOROUGH/COUNTY COUNCILLORS. 115/09 Councillor J Blackburn began by saying that the Right of Way sign, at the bottom of North Street, will be up in the very near future. He contacted Mrs J Coop regarding the Forden Right of Way and asked why it was taking so long to resolve. She stated that they had a shortage of staff and was limited to how much work they could carry out. John spoke to one of the supervisors who as- sured him that more staff will be put in this department to reduce the backlog. Councillor Blackburn said he would keep an eye on the situation. 116/09 He informed Councillor Carroll that the weight limit and the road narrows signs are due to be installed very soon. 117/09 Councillor Blackburn and Mr N West are due to have a meeting in Flixton on Thursday 9th July and they will inspect the positioning of the newly installed fencing in Back Lane, the footpath alongside it and the planned location of the droped kerbs, for wheelchair access, in Main Street, Flixton. 118/09 Councillor T Moxlow mentioned that the grit boxes on Flixton Hill and in Folkton required filling and in some cases replacing. He also said that the footpaths in Folkton, after the road had been resurfaced, were covered in chippings and asked if they could be cleared. Councillor Blackburn said he would take both matters in hand. Councillor Moxlow also mentioned the over- hanging trees in Folkton but Councillor B Found said he would sort out this matter. 119/09 Councillor Thompson asked about the removal of waste caused from the cutting of grass and hedges. He will look at the area concerned on Thursday if Linda will show him where it is 120/09 Councillor Alanson informed the meeting that at long last the footpath light near Councillor T Creswell’s residence had been put up. 121/09 He was sad to say that due to Government cut backs SBC will receive about 1.5 million pounds less in its budget next year; therefore cuts will need to be made to balance the books. 122/09 Councillor Moxlow asked if a blue bin could be put in the Foxhound car park? Councillor Alanson said he did not hold out much hope but would certainly look into the matter. 123/09 When asked by Councillor Thompson if a litter bin could be supplied for the picnic table at the bottom of North Street he said it was a good idea and could also be used for dog waste. 124/09 A supply of signs referring to dog fouling will be supplied in the near future and Councillors or members of the public can place them in the relevant positions. and it can be seen from various positions around Folkton. AUGUST 135/09Applicant: Mr S Wells Address: Granary Farm, Main Street, Folkton

Application: Erection of an agricultural dwelling for free range hens. This application was discussed at length. All Councillors had objected vigorously to the planning application and gave the following reasons for the refusal:- 1 The application states that the building is not visible outside of the farm. This is not true and it can be seen from various positions around Folkton.

2 The plan submitted is not correct in certain areas, such as the curvature of the road is far

sharper than depicted. 3 A tree that is located near the entrance to the access road would need to be removed for large lorries to enter. This should not be allowed to happen. 4 Part of the small village green would need to be removed to allow lorries access to the road leading to the farm. Folkton has very little green areas and can ill afford to lose 5 lories entering the farm will cause the old houses/buildings to have severe problems. 6 The large lorries passing in close proximity to the Church, just a matter of a few yards away, is bound to cause problems with this very old 9th century building and due to the narrowness of the road, the grass verge on the opposite side of the road will be destroyed when large vehicles are turning. 7 Has the smell factor from the intended agricultural building been taken into account? 8 When the intended building has been sterilised the company intend to pump the water into a soak-away. . The building is being erected in a wetland area therefore this plan will not work. The cleaning fluids will enter the water table and will have an adverse effect on the fauna and flora in the area. 9 What new roads will be built from Folkton to the agricultural building? Any that do will have an effect on the wet land area. 10 The size of the building is bound to have a dramatic effect on the countryside. 11 When the poultry are introduced rats and other vermin will be attracted. 12 The access road from Folkton onto the Muston to Flixton Road is very sharp and traffic approaching from Muston cannot be seen until they are near the T junction. It is difficult for cars to leave Folkton onto this road so how will a 38 ton lorry achieve this especially since the road leaving Folkton is on a hill and in winter is often covered in ice and snow. 13 What time of day will lorries be arriving and leaving the farm? If in the early hours of the morning this will create a disturbance to the villagers. 14 Quite a number of children live in Folkton and this extra traffic will increase the chance of accidents happening to them, particularly in the winter months. 15 At the entrance of the intended access road stands a telegraph pole and a red telephone

box. Both these would cause problems when lorries negotiated the bend onto the road to

the farm, What do they intend to do with the pole and phone box?

16 Other local farms holding poultry houses are away from villages and have better access to roads. SEPTEMBER REPORTS FROM BOROUGH/COUNTY COUNCILLORS 39/09 Councillor Blackburn was once again asked about what progress was being made regarding the Forden Right of Way? He said that as far as he new, at this moment in time, nothing further had developed but he would be in on Tuesday and he would speak to the relevant personnel appertaining to this matter. The Clerk was asked if he would write to Joanne Coote regarding this matter, also asking when it will be placed on the definitive map. It was brought to Councillor Blackburn’s attention that a sign had been fastened to the gate stating that the land was private: some members of the public had stopped walking the path due to abuse from the own- ers. 140/09 Councillor Blackburn was asked if Cayton Carrs Road would be upgraded if the planned new estate in Cayton went ahead? He pointed out that any upgrading or provision of new roads would only take place if the new estate contained in the region of one thousand new homes. The number of houses to be built in this area was in the region of one hundred and seventy therefore no upgrades would take place. 141/09 Councillor Carroll was pleased that all the relevant signs were now in place but she was still concerned that vehicles in excess of 7.5 tonne continued to use Folkton as a rat run. Councillor Blackburn understood her concerns but thought that this was a matter for the police. arranged to meet Councillors Moxlow and Found in Folkton regarding the flooding caused by a dip in the road. They will also inspect the Grips on Flixton Hill and if needs be arrange for them to be cleared. He expected work on the pavement near Manor Farm to be carried out shortly. Grit bins will be filled within the next few weeks prior to the winter storms. 143/09 Prior to his departure he stated that he and Mr West had inspected the fence in Back Lane and it was within the boundary of the property. 144/09 Councillor Allanson began by stating that caravans at Manor Farm and Fir Trees had not been forgotten and that Enforcement Officers were still conducting enquiries in relation to them. 145/09 Councillor Allanson understood the concerns of the public in relation to the planning comments on this matter as he was a member of the Planning Committee. When asked if any progress had been made on behalf of the application he stated that no meeting had yet taken place and could not comment further. 146/09 New dual waste and dog fouling bins have been ordered by SBC and when the new bins are installed he hoped to get one of the older bins for the bottom of North Street. Mr C Hodgson volunteered to put up the new dog fouling signs provided by SBC. 147/09 Councillor Carroll brought up the ongoing problem of tipping on the Carrs. She reported it to SBC who stated that under new rules for unlawful tipping the material would not be moved for approximately one week. When she explained that SBC had been notified three weeks earlier they said the matter would be looked into. The rubbish has now been removed except for a settee that has fallen into the river; this cannot be removed by the Council and is a matter for the River Authority but they will only drag it back onto the bank and then it is back in the hands of SBC. 48/09 Councillor A Bower brought up the disgusting state of Yorkshire Water’s sewage site in Folkton. The fence is dangerous, falling down in places and covered in weeds etc. It does not prevent access to the site and is known to be used by youngsters to enter the property hence the amount of graffiti on site. The responsibility of the fence is Yorkshire Water’s and any injuries sustained by unauthorised people accessing the site would be laid at Yorkshire Water’s door and could involve litigation. Councillor Allanson will shortly be having a meeting with Yorkshire Water and will draw the matter to their attention. The Clerk received an email from YW on the 30/01/09 and was as follows:- Andrew I have just received a complaint from the above regarding the state of your site shown below. The grounds maintenance on this site is Grass x 6 and weedkill x 4. They have confirmed that the ground is poor and the fence is in a poor state along with a number of leaning trees and fallen branches which make the site im‐ possible to maintain fully to the boundaries. The grounds guys are in the area today and I have asked them to take a look and confirm the state of the grounds with photos if possible. The trees/hedge/branches are not on the programme so do you want a price for clearing these? Also with regards the fence I suggest you meet the Council onsite to discuss and use Burn Fencing who are our contractors for fencing works as required. As yet no further contact has been made nor, apparently, any progress made. 149/09 Councillor Allanson reminded the public and Councillors that a free soil improver give away was to be made in the near future. Details will be on Folkton Council’s notice boards. 150/09 Councillor N Harvey (Green Party) introduced himself to the public and Councillors. He outlined to all the way planning procedure is carried out and if public or Council had concerns about planning he would try and resolve them. The Clerk was asked to submit concerns about the Granary Farm application to him. 151/09 Councillor Harvey pointed out that a new TESCO was to be built in Filey and therefore a possible improvement in the local transport could take place so that public would use this site.

FILEY EASTFIELD & RURAL NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCH ASSOCIATION SPONSORED BY FILEY TOWN COUNCIL & FILEY TROUBLE SHOOTERS, UNION STREET FILEY Please be aware that there have been two reported instances of persons going door to door asking for donations to charity. One purported to be part of the NHS and the other collecting for premature ba‐ bies. The persons have asked for donations to be made via direct debit and therefore have asked for bank details. One of these persons is described as slim smartly dressed and dark hair.All are of eastern european appearance. Please be reminded that any legitimate persons collecting for charity door to door will not ask for bank details and will have proper id. Please be aware that there has been a recent incident of bogus officials in the Scalby Road area of Scarborough. A male approached the house and gained entry to the property stating that he was from the waterboard.Whilst distracted in the house by this male a further two males entered the house and began making a search of the upstairs bedrooms. The 1st male is described as white 30yrs with dark coloured moustache. Clean shaven 5`5" medium build wearing a yellow 3/4 length jacket without reflective stripes. The offenders in this case were disturbed by the householder and left the premises. It is thought that the offenders left the scene in a gold or bronze Vauxhall Astra car. Please be reminded to ensure that any cold callers ID is checked before you allow entry. If you are not sure that the person is genuine then please phone the com‐ pany they purport to represent and check directly with them. Any genuine caller will not be offended or upset if you check their identity.