Directions to Women on Wings

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Directions to Women on Wings Directions to Women on Wings Address: Woudenbergseweg 41, 3711 AA Austerlitz, the Netherlands Telephone: (+31)(0)6 – 51 928 185 (Ineke Bezembinder) The name of the location is Bosschuur D’Ouwe Kamp. The building is located in the middle of the forest and is not visible from the road. Moreover, navigation systems cannot find the location. A12, from the west Take the Maarn/Doorn exit (21) and follow signs to Amersfoort (N227). After 2 km, turn left at the stop light, towards Austerlitz (N224). Follow the road for a few kilometers until you come to the sign that says Better Future (hectometer pole 5.4). Turn right into the forest. See On the forest road...for further directions. A12, from the east Take the Maarsbergen exit (22) and turn left towards Maarsbergen (N226). Just before Woudenberg, turn right at the roundabout towards Zeist. Follow the road and when you come to a large crossroads, go straight ahead onto the Woudenbergseweg (N224). Turn right into the forest by the sign saying Better Future (hectometer pole 5.4). See On the forest road...for further information. A28, from the west Take the Den Dolder exit (3). Follow signs to Austerlitz until you come to the Woudenbergseweg (N224). Go straight ahead at the roundabout and then turn left into the forest by the sign that says Better Future (hectometer pole 5.4). See On the forest road...for further information. A28, from the north Take the Maarn exit (5) and follow the N227 towards Maarn. At the crossroads, turn right towards Austerlitz (N224). Follow this road until you come to the sign that says Better Future (hectometer pole 5.4). Turn right here into the forest. See On the forest road...for further information. By public transport From NS station Driebergen-Zeist, take Connexxion bus 83 towards Veenendaal. Get off at KNVB Sportcentrum Zeist on the Woudenbergseweg. From here it is a five minute walk to the east. When you come to the sign that says Better Future (hectometer pole 5.4), turn left into the forest. See On the forest road…for further information. By bike The Dutch Cyclists Union (Fietsersbond) has a number of lovely cycle routes for the province of Utrecht, On the forest road... Turn left immediately at the end of the road and then left again at the T junction. You will see the building on the left as you reach the T junction. You may park in front of and next to the building and on the forest road at a number of parking spots. WOMEN ON WINGS Woudenbergseweg 41 3711 AA Austerlitz THE NETHERLANDS + 31 651 928 185 [email protected] K.v.K. Utrecht nr. 30229787 .
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