Zelenda Special Tools Catalog

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Zelenda Special Tools Catalog i "FIRST IN METRIC'' \\II, DISTRI BUT()RS ZELENBA Machine STools Corp. MANUFACTURERS )z:/ FACTORY REPRESENTATIVE / r t' 66-O? AUSTIN STREET, FOREST H 1 LLS, N EW YORK 11374 TELEeHoNE (nnen Cooe ztz) rw 6-22aa TELEx 212 275-24e^e $PEGIAL TOOL$ b*.. SUITEII FOR REPAIR WORK OlI UW GARS AVATLABLE THROUGH YOUR REGTONAL DTSTRIBUTOR h # FIRST ^A,ND LA.RGEST IN U.S.A. METRIC BOLTS NL'TS TAPS DIES WRENCHES, E T C. rl US SPECIAT TOOTS ),?:: Z=LeNDA TYPE ITTUSTRATTON T00L No. DBSCRIPTTON I 2 3 ? US 106 T-WRENCH, 10t+4 X X X u5 109 BOX WRENCH, 101'fi X X / Box wRENcH, toxl4Mu (Hazetl u5 109 H X X / Fon esJLbun'Leton srtd oil pwnp SPEC.WRENCH, 36f,tl-{ WITH GUIDE PLATE U5 LLz A X X X N Fon oLd and nw dt"gwtleeL OPEN END I,'IRENCH, 27TqY (HAZETI us 11] X X Sed o{ 2 uJtLenehe's OPEN END WRENCHES, 321.41.4 lHuze.tl US 11] A X Set o{ 2 urnenchu OPEII END WRENCHES, 2l+MM (Hazetl u5 113 B X a Set o$ 2 wne.nch.el T-WRENCH, 8t ti4 SQUARE SOCKET (Hazetl US 114 X X 7 l50vrm Long T-WRENCH, 8l4M SQUARE SOCKET (Hazetl u5 I14-L X X X ? 30|rrm Long TORQUE I^IRENCH, T SHAPE, LI1'TDRIVE X X X us 1 18 /6n R. i L, ttead,Lng lHaze.tl F TORQUE WRENCH, L SI'{APE, I/?I!DRI\E us 118 /20M 0-20mlzg (ls1Lbtl Ligl,Lt weight X X X P^ Diol t1pe, R, + L, ftead,Lng TORQUE WRENCH, L SHAPE, 3/4I|DRIVE us 118/40m 0-40mhg (SO|Lbal Ligilt waLght X X X 0ioL tupe, R.+ L,Lea&Lng -V7 ------ TORQUE WRENCH, L / 4' I \E us 547 \tZ 'DR X X X @ 0- 30 Lba 0ial tgpe, R. * L, neading €2 , TORQUE WRENCH, r/ 4"DRI VE US SP 30 X X X 7 0-30Lba , Scole tApe, R. * L,fteading ADDAPTOR ONLY FOR ABO\E WRENCHE.S US 547 A X X X b Ll4tr T0 Llztt , WI TH 32Mr'4 SOCKET PAGE 1 US SPECIAT TOOLS ;i: zeLENDA TYPE TLLUSTRATTON T00t No. DESCRTPTTON I 2 3 PISTON RING REI'4OVING TOOL (Hazell U5 LzT B Ronge Oia 5A to l00wn X X X p US L22 B CIRCLIP PtIERS (Hazetl X X X P I STON R I NG COMPRESS ING TOOL US L23 X X Dia 7 Svm (Hazetl P I STON R I NG COMPRESS ING TOOL US 123 A X X Dia 7 \wm (Hazutl coMPREst t d US T23 B ffet?t}ralNc Tfrol?:i X z US 124 PEEI.I ING CH I SEt (Haze"T,I X X X L'S 126 A FUEL puMp WRENCH, 141-tr.4 (Ha.ze-tl X X US 126 B FUEL PUMP WRENCH, 15Mt'4 (Hazef.l X X X KING PIN PILOT DRIFT US 150 X / P,ihot 0ia 5,9tmr KING PIN PILOT DRIFT us 130 A X PiJ.ot 7 / 0ia "9rwn P I LOT DRI FT FOR K ING P IN BUSH I NG us 151 X / PiLot 2ia l7,Snm P I LCT DRI FT FOR K ING P IN BUSH ING us 131 A X PiLot Dia 2l ,Srrm P I LOT DRI FT FOR TORS I ON ARM LI NK f US 133 PIN tsUSHING P,ilot. Dia 17,9nm X P I LOT DR I FT FOR TORS ION ARM LI NK US 133 A X f PIN BUSHING Pilot Oia lg,grrm PILOT DRIFT TOR TORSION ARM LINK U5 L'5 B X I PIN BUSHING P'i.Lot. Dia 26,9rwn PAGE 2 US SPECTAT TOOTS :i: z*LENDA TYPE ILLUSTRATI ON T00t No DESCRTPTION " I 2 3 0FFSET HAI{DLE, Ll ?IISQUARE X X / US 150 p us 156 KEY 8w, Ll zttDRI \E (tlaze"tl X X US 157 KEy 10Mh4, LIZ'TDRIVH (Hazetl X X OIL PRESSURE SI{ITCH WRENCI"I 27T"VT us 159 (Hazetl X X a OI PRESSURE WS I TCH WRHI.'ICH 24MM L 3 tJS 159 A (Hazetl X X X pLIERS p US 161 A CIRCLIp Ule,zetl X X X SET OF SPARE JAI^/S FOR AtsOVE, WITH us 161 B X X X @ PINS Al.lD SCRE|-JS (ltazetl 6P US L62 SOCKHT 32r"1M, Ll zttDR I VH, 6 POl NT X X X @ US 16} A SOCKET 56t'4M, 3/4trDRIVE,6 POINT X X @ us 163 B SOCKET 46t4M, 3/4ttDR[ W, 6 P0INT X X tDR @ US 165 C sOcKET 4lMM, 3/ 4t I VE, L2 POINT X orHER S I ZES OF SOCKETS 3 / 8n Ll ztl , X X X AI'ID 3/4I' LISTED ON SEPARATE PAGE socKET wRENCt{ 15t"fi, L / 2'f DR I VE a US 165 Fon cyltnden head nu,ts (Hazetl X X X SOCKET U5 L7O X X X @ ltodi{ied a6 pen Bu"(let"Ln No. il{ 24 SPR I I-,IG CL I PS US L7L X X X 2 Se,t od 2 eLLpa PAGE 3 I US SPECIAT TOOLS '.2-\l/., : ZeI-eNDA ILIUSTRATION T00L No. DESCRTPTION DRAIN PLTJG KEY l Tnm So chet SPEC I AL WRENCH FOR OI L SERVI CE US L72 H lTnm Hex and Llnm box znd (Hazet # 2567 I SPECIAL SOCKET, Ll z"DRI VE US T73 Fon autom. e,Lu,tclt SPECIAL SOCKET, Ilz"DRI VE Fon atrtont, et-trtelrt EXTRACTOR Fon (an CENTERING SLEEVE Fon (an houaing SPECIAL DOUBLE OPEN END I^IRENCH ton canbuneton EXTRACTOR Fon oil pump EXTRACTOR Vaniou's uAQ. u:Lth US 201A to tls 2027 EXTRACTOR HOOKS US 202 A H Set o6 2 hootza EXTRACTOR R I I.IG Fon bnalze dnwt EXTRACTOR HOOKS Set od 2 hookt US 2A2 F THRUST PAD US 202 I THRUST PAD US 202 K TFIRUST PAt) PAGE 4 US SPECTAT TOOLS )'i': zet-eNDA TYPE ITLUSTRATTON T00t No. DBSCRTPTION I 2 3 @ us 202 M THRUST PAD X F= 0 Ec=O LJS 202 P EXTRACTOR PLATES X g-g E --€ EXTRACTOR HOOKS H US 2A2 S Sed o{ 2 hoofz't X X d IJS 202 T THRUST PAD X EXTRACTOR HOOKS US 202 U X a Set o{ 2 noolu EXTRACTOR US 203 B X X Fon {an pulleq REPLACEI'4ENT FOR US 20' B us 203 8-6 X X frF Set o d 2 hoofu ,2 l-even and 2 nu,ts THRUST PAD 6 US 203 D Fon 6an pulLeg X X @*@ IJS 2A4 B CRANIKSI{AFT OIL SEAL INSTALLING TOOL X X X d t.,s 247 PISTON PIN PILOT DRIFT X X X US 247 B PI STON PIN REMOV.AND INSTALL. TOOL X X X P I STOT.{ P IN BEAR I NG REI"IOVI NG US 212 A X X N AND I NSTALL I NG TCOL CONINECTING ROD REPAIR DEVICE US 2T4 B Fu,nni,thed wi,tit L,oooden box X X Fu US 2L4 C SUPPLEMENT TO DEVI CE ABOVE X FLYWHEEL RETAINER US 2L5 X X g In eonjunef,Lon utilh US 307 X PAGE 5 US SPECTAT TOOTS )'l': z*LENDA TYPE ITTUSTRATI ON T00t No. DESCRTPTION I u, 3 US 2T5 B FLYWHEEL RETAI NER X X X FACING CUTTER WITH PILOT h US 2L7 Fon ne{acLng the. toruion aftm e4u X X US 217 A PILOT FOR FACING CUTTER X / FACING CUTTER US 217 Z X X @ RepLacement {on US 217 CLUTCH PI LOT US 2T9 Fon centenLng the ehrtch pla,te X X X ffi US 222 STARTER SHAFT BUSHING PILOT DRIFT X X X KING PIN BUSI.IING REAMER us 224 X Range 18 to Llnw REPLACING SET OF BLADES US 224-L 5 X z Fon rleornen U 18 - Lltrm ONE SET OF LOCK NUTS ss tJS 224-2 Fon nearnen U 18 - Llnm X KING PII.I tsUSHING REAI4ER US 224 A X F Range 2l to 24 ,Srrm REPLACING SET OF 5 BLADES us 224 A- L X / Fon ,Leamen U 2l - 24.5rmt ONE SET OF LOCK NUTS us 224 A-2 X s@ Fon neamerl U 2l o 24,5rrvn US 228 A STARTER SHAFT BUSH ING EXTRACTOR X X X J@-Jl--d d us 240 A DRIFT X X M US 24L A BALL I3EARING EXTRACTOR X X X PAGE 6 US SPECIAL TOOTS )'i': z*LENDA TYPE ITLUSTRATI ON T00t No. DESCRTPTTON I 2 3 HOOKS FOR US 241 A US 24L A-4 X X X / Set o{ 4 hoolza US 243 DR I VER X P US 244 DR I VING SLEEVE X a US 244 B DR I VI NG S LEEVE X X X a us 244 C DRIVING SLEEVE X a US 244 D DR I VING SLEE\E X ffi US 245 A PROTRACTOR X X X LE\EL FOR U5 245 A us 245 A-1 X X X Repl-acement {,on tlr.e. tool- above . a US 246 NO GO PLUG GAGE X X X z US 253 VAL\E GAGE 7MJ'4 X X US 253 A VALVE GAGE 8l"lt.1 X X X CLUTCH ADJUSTI-4ENT GAGE IJS 254 A X X X ttodi{ied 6on llL clu,toh d,Lwne,terL6 IJS 256 A FRONT AXLE TUBE ALIGNMENT GAGE X US 258 A STUB AXLE GAGE X bffi us 258 C STEERING KNUCKLE GAGE X PAGE 7 US SPECTAT TOOTS ):* zet-eNDA TYPE TIIUSTRATION T00t No.
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