Bellwether 14, Spring 1985
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Bellwether Magazine Volume 1 Number 14 Spring 1985 Article 1 Spring 1985 Bellwether 14, Spring 1985 Follow this and additional works at: Part of the Veterinary Medicine Commons Recommended Citation (1985) "Bellwether 14, Spring 1985," Bellwether Magazine: Vol. 1 : No. 14 , Article 1. Available at: This paper is posted at ScholarlyCommons. For more information, please contact [email protected]. ellwether- Universityof Pennsylvania Spring1985 .. Neonatal Intensive Care Unit for Foals neonatal unit for horses may ment, we also have to consider whether the She explained that a mare should not be shipped sound farfetched, but one animal can be an athlete two or three years during her last four weeks of pregnancy. ''This exists at New Bolton Center. hence or whether the illness will affect it per gives her time to develop antibodies to orga ln the Spring of 1984, the cli- manently. That often is very difficult. We have a nisms in her environment ... she said. "These mate controlled, separate little more leeway with fillies, colts though must antibodies are concentrated in the colostrum unit was opened and its be outstanding; for both there can be no linger during the last three weeks of the mare's term. lf , staff has been busy ing effects of neonatal illness. the environment is changed shortly before btrth, every since. The greatest number of patients admitted to the mare won't have time to develop the proper "Newborn foals are very delicate," said Dr. the unit are foals with septicemia, a bacterial antibodies, leaving the foal vulnerable and Wendy Vaala. a lecturer in medicine at the Uni infection which either can be general or localized unprotected." According to Dr. VaaJa, the pres versity of Pennsylvania's School of Veterinary in an organ or a joint. One of the most dreaded sures of the horse industry are such that breeders Medicine whose primary interest is pediatrics. sequela of speticemia is meningitis and for this frequently have to ship mares shortly before giv "They are susceptible to many diseases and if the prognosis is poor. A newborn foal is exposed ing birth so that tbe mare can be bred again as they are iU, they need specialized intensive care to bacteria the minute the birth process begins quickly as possible. and treatment which this unit provides . ., but nature has devised a system to fortify the Dr. Vaala pointed out that generally a healthy. The breeding and raising of horses is a newborn animal against these organisms: strong foal is not susceptible to septicemia but multi-million dollar industry. Each foal is care colostrum. that weak animals quickly succumb to it. "Ifa fully planned to enhance a bloodline. "Most of "A great number of septicemia cases can be foal has a difficult birth or if it is premature, it the horses we see are destined to be athletes," prevented," Dr. Vaala said. "It takes careful may not be able to nurse right away, so it won't Dr. Vaala said. "When a sick foal is brought supervision of the foaling and close monitoring get the colostrum." she said. "Premature foals here, we not only have to think about the treat- of mare and foal for at least a week after birth." continued on page 2 NeonatalIntensive Care whether the animal has sufficient protection. If tures to be taken and above all, the animal has the titer is low then the veterinarian can boost it to be fed very frequently to keep it alive.... A foal cuminued from page I through a plasma transfusion. It i� not an consumes 10 percent of its body weight in milk arc at great risk � there may be no colostrum or expensive procedure and can save a lot of trou daily." Dr. Vaala said. "This requires careful cal very linle of it." She emphasized that newborn ble later." culation and frequent meals." An added problem is that newborn foals are very prone to stress. foab must receive colostrum shanty after birth Sometimes though all these precautions do "They can develop gastrointestinal ulcers when in order to be protected. "There is only an 18- to not help and a foal becomes seriously ill. This stressed, this can lead to internal bleeding or 24-hour period after binh in which the animal is occurs frequently with the premature animal. intestinal constrictions. Our nurses are trained to able to absorb the antibodies from the colostrum Often such a foaJ is not able co breathe properly handle these young animals in such a manner as into its bloodstream. After that the gut changes and must be given oxygen or even put on a res to keep stress to a minimum " and the large antjbodies can no longer pass pirator. Recently a foal at New Bolton was kept . Whenever possible the mare IS brought directly into the foal's system. This brief period on a respirator for ten days and then successfully along with the foal. She bas to be kept near her can be shonened funher if the binh was a diffi removed from it. offspring and has to be able t('l watch it. ''It helps cult one, then steroids. released by the foal, will The young patients in the unit require a lot hasten the change in the gut." the foal to recover quicker if it is near its dam," of specialized care. There are tests to be run, cui- Dr. Vaala said. "But we then need extra hands to Dr. Vaala said clo e supervision and obser "ation during binh can avoid potential septice mia "If it is known that the foal cannot nurse then other steps can be taken to give it the colos trum." she said. "The veterinarian can tubefeed the colostrum." Sometimes it appears that a foal is nursing, though examination of the marc reveals that the foal w� just nuzzling, such foals too need tubefeeding. Dr. Vaala explained that colostrum freezes well and keeps for about a year. .. Large breeding farms keep it on hand for foab at risk (i.e. premature. weak or orphan foals) and we have it here at New BaiLon Center." She also recommends that all newborn foals be tested for an antibody titer when they are 24 hours old. "That simple blood test will tell Bellwether No.14 Spring 1985 Bellwnher is pub Jti>tilike ro hear Orphan. 23-day prema/Urefillyj48 hours old; She is restin� on foam cushions and pillows and is receiv /t:�ht•tlhy cht• .\'chool your prai:,e. crili ing imravenousfluids lo maimain her hydration and provide nutritwn. Her legs are wrapped to prevem nj l elermar.l Mecli\, ur commenrl. self-trauma. dm• at the Cni\w Please addre.\s !'our sil I' cif Pennsylwmia. correspondence to: in £'ooperaticm wilh Helnw Weeks, tilt• University of Uni\'ersin nf Penn Pt'llfh1/vama Office sl·b·ania. Sdwvl of u/ University J'eterinafl \ledkine, Reiat iom. 3800 Spruce Slreet, Philadelplua. PA Editor: /9104 llelmu Weeks or Linda Fischer, A us-i tant Editor: Uni\·ersily of Penn John £ .\.!arlin, .SJ'i�·ania Ojfice of r. \t. D. Gniver.\ill Rela Writers: tions. 4/0 Logan /Ieima Weeks Hall. Philadelphia. Or. \1. Josephine PA 19104 Deubler (115)898·3451 (Animal Cracker.\) /Jf'.�igner: None (ifthew arci Rob Janssen des are to be repro 11/u.'ittator: duced in ani' rorm li.Jam• Garofano without the• permis Photographers: sion of Ihe edilors of Anthony J.J'c>ud Bellwether. lrmre R. Klwuln /985 Coprright New Bolton Liaison: by the Trmtee:, of Cmltnine Larmore 1/re Umversity of Distribution: Pennsl'l\'ania June .!ohm The same premawrefilly being encouraged to ,�,·alk, note how weak she appears. She can not hold her head up in a normal position. Her tendons are very weak and she is unable 10 �1ialk willwut a grea1 deal of assistance. 2 Bet h..· er her calm the mare when we treat the foal. We have If the mare cannot accompany her foal then The building is being designed by Bohlin Powell to make sure that she can see it at all times dur a foster mare may be brought in to nurse the Larkin Cywinski and the neonatal unn wiU have ing treatment, otherwise she may become animaL "These mares are usually very placid and three foal stalls and two larger stalls. Construc frantic." will accept a strange foal,'' she said. "Though we tion will begin this year. The building is funded do have to fool her a bit by putting a scent on by private gifts and it will be the first structure to the foal and into her nostrils.'' be funded by the Second Century Fund. The stay at New Bolton Center for a septi cemic foal can be a long one. However. Dr. Helma We eks Vaala explained, owners are willing to spend the time and money to save a valuable future race or breeding animal. The umt does not only see foals with sep ticemia. Each year a number of very young animals with botulism are seen. This disease, Second caused by the toxin of the spore forming Clos tridium bacteria used to be fatal. "We now have an antitoxin which can be given to the animal," Dr. Vaala said. "It will not cure the disease but Century will stop its progress. ·• Botulism causes an animal to be weak and uncoordinated. it cannot swalJow and in advanced case:> the breathing is affected. "Such animals need great care and Fund supportive treatment.