The Land of Opportunity

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The Land of Opportunity .t - W z cd\\,H,, 'J'ho J.,and,gf I rsfrEi6En. t?Ji 'i Op;lortunily.__Arrangccl Anfnr,r the cana.ciian G,ovr,r'lilriout lry 8 I terl - .a ]a'tcr:n lcctrrre I{otorly rnffinu. .,#8:iik ;t' 1;,H*'vtit*.*iofi'tfl Accident.-A oerious- mobor'accicr,., nt | *l: ocourred on Monday. on ll,orve'den I ftuy, 15t.h .Ianu.arl,- at thg 'l'own Hall, when i,L l,q.:jl-f$li1,Tln-i'r'uiiui."iilrr,*,r. rm iiitl M;: t.trere lry Mr."lflXr- (:rrarres Ai,nie, m * and l\,rrs. Dals an<t iheJ, fa"riiv;;r;;iu"nin,,-il;i";-;;;rl"#r,i"'i I .w?s a "full house." Tle'sketc,h6s, programmtr -r"'"rr*"irr,gcrere- I consisterl -inA ga,rb frorn Er'e'sc'n, rwanitg.b, from Cruwbolgush i' [*o .t] of two clrarnatid the horso attaclred $:al arqangcd by i\,[iss l)ring, leet're I\'h'. Aime, *niii"iorr"t trro carioJiarr _!6 o*,i ili;;rg** IVlessrs. with tlo:".- vernrnent clriofry Go_ I\{aclieson, t}re llyt}io" srstanrio of l\Ir.. I{, B'. Johnson, . rvanted r*er€,*is, b**urr, ti"f:friglit, rear- t}re-t[*"';iii_ fbllow- and firrnr cfl up andJuppcd on i.s luclies and gent leDren taking ciiornestic--servants,-_ a,ncl, the tl,* b.n;;;;f-fh; fronb l.erent. t:haracters vcrn,nlent, lgrrarantsetl wo1k. Go_ c&r. 'I\,fr. Dals-$/as'chilai"ii iniuiedf [."r., fori"'..r"Giy; :-I\fessrs. H. Ff Johnson, going l)_ale, IVlaurico .Johnson, .'W,. n. roub now hart & grenf onp,oni,rrdrri:-"$*Gr""" Jvlrs. ths I clrivcr were un- ytrr-urg hurt. Ife it'a "n Ohal k, I\Iiss under <cr"taG- i''rJfiiot* srurd " - l'rr,a' lrave 160 p tt-* a.ii r,u d r,ew a ; laercs of his rrwn, and ,il. bf.'l{f #j, Y}Lf.,ti:,' a aftcr:';;i;;i'hn clid had rtislocirr"a- " f ffi ii3 hearty of qa,s 4 I rK't tike it, ho corit;f -;ii r,i* ri,"iia;;';;;'-#or' barlly ";Tli""fi'JF*i[jiH[xfrllrrinks thJ illustratecl ii. _r.ii""jurin,,ro, wB$ bruised. subseor,*ttr/'I*'-.uu,i entertainersr:rrt,et u:.rrtrrtr D tt,l,,n,f;, l.lra, sonelusionur.rtlululitoIl"ndor;ileri:i,o ofoI ilielIt]fl I by *,our*' ini;;; rorrr,vccr to his rprtli even- 'rho horse , Weolis rv&$ responsiltle" | r.,' r. br""r,o i r*g"q",f'rio*"tortroy- i.lg. Jtlri: forl th. :i:di:ii"-1i1,'* . ! refreshnrents.'relresnruentg.' I excgllen t, acetyl"riJ lamp. t'; }f:r"' Confirnratlon.*Afas 'ur Ses,sions.*On PFTTV SESSIONS. *- John Hart, St. i confirnr't 3.ttv Monday before lVfe^ssrs. "li:'%;1;H'-1"'l,i , E. I{gco J. I\IichFels, u,pgeaiea th; on 1lr. iri,h";;trffi- {. ,(c_hairnr,u;U 'St.-- and Il. _ut ;e[ty-r"irions- Tuesdav' afternbon.. fff;iJTjjiih,l 8iJ,#f 3ll .Apps.:-Charles of -Chachsfielcl IVlonday,_ . before I\Ialor coun;itb, il,c-' .Fo{, Nli;Iio*jirlinu* sum- the tt;il;l r*o'i'r;;;'*'.l "r;#:ig" n nr.nqd for neglecti.g tt--pr".i"il; "'.o,r' I\:lacraq Digsle). and Captaii Damp,iil-p;]: r; fT: miii regularl.y rr'riluk mer tor berng. rn arrears to the aurount irrgto') and the vioar or's*utriivit," ,rtfri tq sciro,ol,' tii,r- *U;fa- rnade -ttriof Rev. sing-lo af te''<ranco "";'i,"il;g S0s., on a,n order made against him nd W. B"aven). 'I''lle ,*rni"* openetl witlr .,,O,n- * io ]"ur-f"t"lir'.i' wecks.--lTu" irul request -G ward, Clrristian 1/,-^:'f lia u of the Tenterden uarclians tb, i[; .Sold-i*r*,i sung as a, pl.oces f:.:1,Iowod, "o'i', u"lis';l pa,.yment tor na,yrlent.*Ge.orgo *tr ticl,.v, of 5s. per week towa.rds the suu- ;'a;ijf Cross ililt port, his daughter, Nelli,e .l'l,ie f*ll';.f i; Coitaqel, Ia! ,irrnrrr-ii**i flr"f n€g- -of llart ii"Ji# l!:$:, rtnlir, tftin,r t". #n<i i;"*fil,rrir."ilo ,he Bench commitl,ld hi+l to prison . for four- rff t of wh,orn is q13, s:f.:.l,11,. regrrlarlv tg schocl. teen _,luyg, if the mdney das nbt rra,id i;e- -T,r:1.,.t$ ll" *" u::"*Hf_il*r' lf; .' ni;r-f# gula-rly, but;. the committal ,6us. drcsses were bv" \i: tlad allsCI not_ nrado .Er single attpnctanco order. ins .givcn ths ni*t,.rii"iroTnr*^i}.tions ancl f'ur w.ecks.--l2eit"A"nl-*o. ii pgnderl to give. defendant, e-.chaFoe to p&X, after .tlrc laying on of hancls. 'fil" Frp,l 216 and BIO FIp w{rs warned thaf irnmediatelv tr.f scriptur'o *glu rca-rl dosts, a, nronttL lrgins. i;; t,ho Day- t,y tho I'f**.'.fr.''it*n;;;; The cas€ "ll;,:rJ ;;yr,.,*nt.-- ments ceasecl tho order woukl bb put info the ol,hef portion of_ thb ,or"i"o' _ of Richartl Baxer, $'mrnonod fo,r buirig' tiul<ep I cruelt.y, ti , t,o foroe. trv thr: J. A. Irabi'qton.. 1'r.,.,- a clgg, *os l,oliid" *ij"*"ra for rii,iiiiiij i ,& IIRI'IIISH IEGIOI.I.*-The genbrgl was nrtonclecl by J. lviiiser ("huicii*,a..1*nr.- lllO0ill. annrral JrIl- -tti,; I meetins of the an_c! Mr. X'. Stanbridse. I . l]*oard of Guarrlia,ns.-At tho rneebi'g of hranch of thc Uii,iJii {sidesrnaiil.--- ;i;;'; I -loeal ji this Itoardrtoar<I on Fr.i<lav i,h..,"o ri,Ar.a ,''^enrl + . yes held in the lSlqck table v/&s decorated_ivifh some Ueautii;i";ilit; !bi. .q';i1irv"llrrru w€r.e-E: n*"lii,[ ,:j-- i I,egion Horso'on iiri- i j n{r. J. Ilates"" (clrai'ri,roi, "'ffiil; d*y, when l\Iajor. Robson A. r{. p;;;.d;.1"'"i'1i;; ttn".' fit I - presidtd. f Ue smith i (viso*nairman),' treasurcr, CJatrrta,in Thomas, presented : ilrc HrT: ldt"i I Ut: $rl;r,*iol, fnd"' iiil'ffi: I -a i A. H. Olauen, halanco sheet, wfrir:h showed sa,tisftictorv IV. ^.Sh3lpg, II.- H i;;;i;;, I state of u.lfa,irs. Aft,er t;he LrhainD&n l'S. $. Mitlen, .T. tlody j: r\f,;"; iiud APi(ri- n37 Ffi ^i,i].lll"",i I gi ven a rcsurue of t he year's work the fJl- e'Meclical rry erc rec n, oa. .elected + [ thef;Y #,:*l' ?#3^'1-'iryO{ficsr bd"dft;;"","JriF r " I lorving ofTjcors wero | President, NO SUPPEN ;; I (-fapt;ain FON T[i' at B i d d en<lon.-'rh c f,. Challr; vice-prosidcnts,-Maior i\{r. ch..i; ;; ;;"*t" t trat, t;h r,,v r Ilody ancl lVIr'. Nicholls; cliairnran, ..OI,D shculd join t^he A"*o"i"lio,. of Fooi--" i CNOCKS' flnion's. oxnres*ing t;'.# Robson i secretary, Mt'. Sartnclers ; ' asgist- tlg, ii'w.s tr,e qrrt seeretal'.y, NIr.- Cooli-;) hon. treasurcr, "pi,iio,t-irrui;.ffi h# .[1. l,l#l;ry" :?,.x::.. rl Ca,ptairr 'J'horn&s ; ltott. , chaplain, Rev. There tvas gr-e_qt. l*;"fft *,",H'; excitement vagrants,^ bB .ag:a1f qh A$; L. Man; committee, tho officrers and ci'cles at St.- ;\{.ichaels,, -,in .sporting out-relief,'€S' b*. ld. Austen,- near fent"-rdln on ?l$ '--. '.;;,L*,i'E Mossrs. _ Sesleir, IJrrrbhs-Ilill, Sat$day. A Lg.ii::t !r9,8:r -n1t c;6;i, *"Hffff Couchman, Iilboral [, l\'fort'ts, Weaver. onri _-logtball matcfi nrt*.*"-zti rh.'."il*',i"',q;;JJ;:Lfl .rnenrbersi Ladies" -and _"The Old Crocks,, haj be;;" i i*f:*{.:itravtng iusp+c,tecl ,the Georgc. It n:q,.s cleeidccl io t'eduec arranged aud tho landlor6 ,.Tlie't;;;; I \{rorkh,ou*r- ir, ,g;"i subsc:riptions tq.41. pqr y.ear:. Mr. Cook, of of I l" tho ligh_ting heari;t-;;;;;;.,n*nbs, had offere4 to givol, 6eef-i"pp** i t_ended t'd ar_ tho I\,linist,r'y of Pension.s, gavg an outlirro Ip*" to and .ryado suggestions ancl- trrc<rmrnen,- the teams. I d,atio's, whictr -# of tho rvorli thc l,gsinn !di" doins i;i--Ii;; p.m. .was i ''fho-Inspe.cto.r _ **rr";;;i;;l iolr,rr,itt"". N!!rris!r;y stat.ed t.hat wa$ r'icognised . At I the match scratched owins sdatecr ancl it f 1ti"t *.lit*n rJp'.rr, wourcr officialli' o bps1 and rnost sntisf[c6it to wetness of the gr.ound. It was roo*t disl f.yl:l'--lt to rho B.i,,,.i'l;";i;A"t*u,=n." ,.as 1l especially to those wholiiought I h: the nrotion nrediunr fot tho ci-Scrvico rucn. ; lpr,oipjip,s |()n "-i." of tlie Cli1&n.ffriln,.. tlrrt if t}"y tlid not. plny for ilreir supper I NIr.tuil ;i:i," jr seconded l,y NliW YlJAIt, PAti,TY.*-'l'ho annuul. Nerv I .I. ,Ilo{,r. .ib .*;* tl#;i;:t parl;y \vas tlrey woqJ.4 not get it, so the teams clecided I graunt, t,he Cle'k, tho "il"i,qd;;f ?il Ycar. helcl'J. ot^ ,lhe. Inst,itution c5rr pluy-,-'ltrho Laclies"-l!frs.
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