General Index

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General Index Kent Archaeological Society is a registered charity number 223382 © 2017 Kent Archaeological Society ( 419 ) GENERAL INDEX. • Abberbury, Richd. (1378), 76. Anstie, Eleanor (of Suffolk), 104, 105. Abbod, Hamo, 312. Apilton, Eoger, arms of, 395. Abercorn, lord, 226. Apoldurfeld arms, 396. Abergavenny, lord (1514), 109; (1554), Appledore, 321, 375-6. 143, 231; (1497), 104 ; arms, 106 ; Appulby, Symon, 34. 394; Margaret, dau. of Edward, Apuldre, 312, 375. lord A., 105. Archebaud, Martin, 335, 339, 354. Achard, Beatrix, 324. Archer, Nicholas 1', of Dover, 332. Acrise, 335. Archery practice, 163. Acton, Sir Eoger, 97. Ardrey, Eev. John, 274. Adam, Cristina, 317 ; John, 317, 324. Ariosto, portrait of, 161. Addison, Thomas, 292 ; Mrs., 300. Arlington, lord (Sir Hy. Bennett), 201, Adilda, monacha et anachorita, 26. 277-281. Affright, Stevyn, 410. Armour, 65, 89, 108. Aghemund, Godfrey, 341; John, 341; Arnold, G. M., xxxviii, xl ; on Graves- Mabilia, 341. end in days of old, xlii. Alard, 310; Stephen, 336, 343. Arnold, Eobert, 396. Albemarle, duke of, 258, 261. Arran, Mary countess of, 263, 272. Alcock, John, of Canterbury, 399. Arundel, archbishop, 36, 94. Alday, John, 396. Arundel, earl of, Philip, 231; Henry, Aldgate (London), 360, 363. 231; Thomas, 231, 233, 234,239-241, Aldham, 310; Achardus de, 346; 249. Katherine, 345. Arundel, John de, 355 ; Juliana, 355. Aldinge, 315 [Yalding?]. Arundel House (London), 233. Aldington, 378. Arundel, Friars of, 371. Alee, John, 403. Arundel of Wardour, lady, 222. Aleyn, John, of Ifeld, 311. Ash, 310; next-Sandwich, 23, 306, Aleyne, Godefridus, 330,333; Theobald, 338, 358. 333. Ashford, 351, 369. Allington, Eoman tile tomb at, 116 ; Ashley, lord, 258 ; GeSery, 413. Manor, 326 ; Advowson, 326. Ashurst, 338. Alnage, 225; on white cloth, 236, Aspale, Bartholomew de, 344; Ni- 255 ; on draperies, 265, 258. cholaa, 344. Alsopp, Eobert, of Chislet, 401. Asshewy, Richard de, 325. Alyn, Eobert, 409. Astley, Rev. Jeffery, 410; Eev. W. Amherst, earl, xxxiii-"rii, xii. D., 10. Amys, Johanna, 378. Aston, Sir Roger, 144. Anchoress of Westminster, 82. atte Bowes, Robert, 372. Anchorites, 31-39; in Paversham atte Broke, Alice, 356 ; Johanna, 366 ; churchyard, 24-39. John, 328, 366; Simon, 352. Ancrum, earl of, 238, 248. atte Burne, Adam, 331, sec Bourne. Anglo-Saxon style of illumination, 190, atte Cherche, Margeria, 350. Angus, earl of, 238. atte Porde, John, 347. Annesley,- Dr., 150. atte Forstalle, John & Johanna, 312. E E 2 420 INDEX. at Halle, Harry, 379; Robert, 382; Banister, Laurence of Papenham, 257, Stephen, 382 ; William, 314. 273 ; Margaret, 254, 257, 262, 273 ; atte Helle, William, 350. Sir Robert, 254, 273. atte Hoke, Richard, 338; Johanna, Banneret, knights, 75. 338; John, 352 ; Juliana, 352. Baraclogh, Eobert, 411. atte Melne, John, 329 ; Margeria, 329. Barbour, Rev. John, 402. atte Mersshe, John, 317. Barker, Richd., 393. atte More, Alice, 332; Henry, 346 ; Barley, Arthur, 388. Isabelle, 371; John, 346 ; Stephen, Barming (West), advowson of church, 332, 346. 321 ; Manor, 321. Attenapleton, Robert, 323. Barmlyngge (Barming), Elias de, atte Parke, Johanna, 323 ; William of 335 ; John de, 335 ; Robert de, 321; Olecumbe, 323. Roger de, 335. atte Pyrye, Nicholas, 314, 334. Bamet, battle of, 361. Atterbury, bishop, xlviii. Barnewell, Christopher, 221; Frances, Attertone, next Dover, 332. 221, 223 ; Nicholas, 1st viscount, atte Reye, Thos., 358. 217, 221, 223, 231. atte Spiche, John. 329 ; William, 329. Baron, Thos., of Ickham, 400. at Water, Robert of Lenham, 401. Barr, Katherine of Cranbrook, 401. atte Welle, Ralph, 319 ; Robert, 396. Barrey, John, 396. atte Wode, Agnes, 350; John, 348, Bartelmeu, Isabella, 317; Richard, 396 ; Ralph, 350 ; Richard, 371. 317; Simon, 329. at Wood, William, of Gravesende, Basings, Wm. de, 367. 403. Bate, Wm., 312. atte Toke, Roger, 340. Bateherst, Robert, of Horsmonden, Aubervile, Wm. de, 367. 403 ; Thomas of Canterbury, 399. Aucher, Anthony of Otterden, 401; Bates, Charles, 243 ; " Cosen," 247 ; Henry, 395 ; John, 385, 395. Mr., 243. Audley, lord, 102-104; his daughter, Bathon, Walter de, 354. Elizabeth, 103. "batteller," an Oxford scholar, 274. Auger, see Aucher. Bavaria Sancta of Raderus, 39. Aumarle, countess of, 128. Bayford,Sittingbourne,Roman remains Austen, John, jun., of Goudnurst, 403 ; at, 47. Stephen of Yalding, 402 ; Thos. of Baynard, Dorothy, 164 ; John, 164 ; Selling, 399; Thomas of Tenter- Matilda, 357; Richard, 154; Robert, den, 403. 357. Awger, see Aucher. Beaconsfield, 8. Aylesford (Eyllesford), 341. Beauchamp, Joan, 56-8, 64, 71 ; John de, 316. Bacon, Rev. Thos., 401. Becher, Caro, 208; Edward, 208; Badcoke, William, 383. Francis, 208. Badekyn, Ismania, 349 ; John, 349. Bekesbourne, 352. Badlesmere, 330, 331. Belhouse, 310; Ino, Isolda, Thomas Badlesmere, 310; Bartholomew (1309), de, 316. 322, 341, 354; (1322), 62, 397; Belquankell, Dr., dean of Durham, 241. Margaret, 322, 341. Beltringe, Richard de, 326. Bagge, John, 328. Beltynge, Wm. de, 341. Bailif, Rev. John, 402. Beluncle, Cobham of, 67 ; arms, 69. Bakechilde, 314, 357. Benenden, 322, 346 ; Church, 396. Bakere (aliasle Pesteur),310; GeSery, Beneyt, Margeria, 337 ; Richard, 337 ; 371 ; Gilbert le, 337 ; Joan, 371; Thomas, 337. Jordan, 337; Margaret, 350; Ni- Bengwis, Eichard, 372. cholas le, 350; William, 350. Bennet, Sir Henry (Secretary), 258 ; Ballard, Robert, arms of, 395. see Allington, lord. Baliol, Alex., 368. Bennet, Margaret, 166. Balk, Wm., 356. Bentestede manor, 351. Bamme, Edmond, 395 ; William, arms, Benyngton, 342. 397. Berbling (Barmeling), 310. Bampfleld, Frances, 208; Sir Wm., Berd, William, lxii. 208. Bereham, Henry, 395. Banastre, Robert, 386. Berham, John, 396. Band, 392. Beringden, Adam, arms, 397. INDEX. 421 Berkshire, earl of, 238. Boleyn, Sir Thos., 110, 111; Sir Wm., Bemes, John, 381. 394. Berry Court in Cliffe at Hoo, 156, Bolingbroke, Henry of (Henry IV.), 218. 83, 84 ; portrait of lord, 188. Bertlot, John, 374. Bolinger, Leticia, 339; Peter le, 339. Berry, Frances, 222, 224 ; John, 223. Bolle, Wm., rector of Aldrington, 36. Berton, John, 396. Bonington, 378 ; Prior, 378. Best, John, of Faversham, 400. Booth, Hugh, 143. Bestane, Sarah de, 322 ; Walter, 322. Boothby, Sir Wm., 207, 208 ; his wife Bestcherche (a mason) (1384), 131. Hill Brooke, 208. Beteringdeu, Richard de, 314. Borden, 315, 348, 352. Bettenham, Wm., 396. Borges, Thos., arms of, 397. Bethersden, 329; Richard de, 314. Borough, Elizabeth, daughter of Thos, Beverle, Christopher, 396. lord, 208. Beverley, John, 24; Robert, the re- Boroughbridge, baltle at, 61, 62, 72. cluse of, 33. Boteler, 310 ; Eliz., lx.; Anne, lx.; Bexley, 346. Henry, lx; Thomas, lx; William, lx. Bibles in Maidstone Museum, 12th Botiller, Abel le, 324; Alice, 344; century, 191, 192 ; printed in 1551- John le, 344 ; Rev. John, 402. 1620, 194; in 1632-3, 195. Botley, Rev, Ellice, 402. Bickerstafle, Sir Charles, 268, 270, Boughton Aluph, 311,325, 343; Blean? 271, 296. 356. Biddenden, 311, 321. Boughton, Sir Edward, 401. Bier, John, of Dartford, 403 ; Roger? Bourcher, Sir Thos., 394. of Thanet, 402. Bourghesshe, Johanna, 356; Ralph de, Bilsington, 320, 327 ; Priory, 378-9; 366; Walter, 356. Robert, 395. Bourne, 310 ; Bartholomew, 385 ; Isa- Bindon, Thos. Howard viscount, 186, bella, 386 ; James (will 1467), 385 ; 225, 231, 240. James, jun., 386; John, 386; Jone, Birchington, 325. 386; Mildred, 386; Thomasyne, 386. Birling, 332, 345, 355. Bovelond, John de, 329 ; Robert de Births registered in 1577, 156. (of Oxeney), 329. Bishopsgate (London), 363; female Bowlton, a steward, 234, 244, recluse at, 33. Bowne (of Cowden), Isaac, 392-3; Bishopstone in Reculver, 338. John, 392-3 ; Samuel, 392. Bixle, see Bexley. Box, Maria, 325 ; Robert, 325. Blackboume Hundred, 307. Boxley, Rood of Grace, lxii. Blackfriars, lord Cobham's house in, Boxstede, Roger, son of Hugh de, 332. lxxvii, 205, 209, 210, 218; house, Boyce, Capt. and Mrs., 300. there, of Esme" duke of Lenox, 251. Boycote, Alice, 348; John, 348; Blackheath, 360, 364. Lucia, 350 ; Philip de, 350 ; Robert Black Prince, embroidered surcoat of de, 348. the, 10. Boyden, George, 157. Blackwell, Richard, 250. Boyes, Edmonde, 390, Blechenden, John, 391. Boyle, Roger, earl of Orrery, 300. Bledelaw, John de, 357. Boys, Capt. John, 292 ; John of West- Bligh, John, 1st earl of Darnley, 264, minster, 303 ; Wm. of Nonington, 273, 298; John, 3rd earl, 273 ; Anne, 402. 273; Edward, 2nd Earl, 273; Georgo, Braban, John, 336. 273; Mary, 273 ; Theodosia, 273. Bracun, Adam, 358 ; Matilda, 358. Blomefield's History of Norfolk, 37. Bradeford, 313. Blount, Thos. le, 320. Bradegare, 315 ; see also Bredgar. Bloxam,Matthew H„ on anchorites, 39, Bradegare, Adam, son of Robert dp, Blund, Wm. le, 324. 333; Agnes, 333 ; John de, 333. Bobbing, 337, 381; Keystreet, 381, Bradshawe, Peter, 223, 224. Bockslowe, parson of, 341. Brandrede, Johanna, 349; Robt. de, Boclonde, Reginald do, 345. 349. Bocton Alulph, 311, 325, 343. Brasses, monumental, lvii. lix, 11, 27, Bodolle, John, 381. 52, 56-8, 65-70, 85-92, 100, 105-8. Boiden (Borden), 315. Braune, Lettcs, 155. Bokhurst, 313. Brawghton, recluse at St. Mra'y's of, Boklond next Tenham, 317, 324. 36,'37. 422 INDEX. Bray, Ann, 208 ; Edmund and John, Wm. Lord C, 200-208; his will, barons of, 200. 209-16; his letters, 203; Sir William Braybrooke, Joan (ob. 1434), see De son of Wm. Lord C, 211-213 ; Sir La Pole. ' William restored in blood, 206, 207, Braybrooke, Joan (ux. T. Brooke), 100, 208; his widow Penelope, 207, 208 ; 101, 140. his wife Pembroke, 208. Braybrooke, Sir Reginald, son of Sir Brooke arms, 100. Gerard, 87-89, 91. Brookes Farm, 215. Bredgar, 348. Brookland, 43, 333. Bregoman, Margaret, 372. Brougham Castle inscription, 134, Brekenoke, Thos., 381. Brouherst, Thos., 395. Brembre, Sir Nicholas, 80, 81. Brouncker, lord, 279. Brenchley, 335. Brown, David, 150; George, 156; Brente, Robert, 395 ; Thomas, 390. John, 154. Brenzet, 330, 333. Browne, Dame Alianor, 373 ; Edward, Breres, Henry, 392, 393. 403; Rafe, 4)3; Thomas, 381 ; arms, Bret, see Le Bret. 397 ; Sir Thos., 373 ; William, 381; Bretigny, treaty of, 74.
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