(Public Pack)Agenda Document for Council, 08/11/2018 18:45
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Date: 31 October 2018 Town Hall, Penrith, Cumbria CA11 7QF Tel: 01768 817817 Email: [email protected] Dear Sir/Madam Council Agenda - 8 November 2018 Notice is hereby given and you are hereby summoned to attend a meeting of the Council to be held at 6.45 pm on Thursday, 8 November 2018 at the Council Chamber, Town Hall, Penrith. 1 Apologies for Absence 2 Declarations of Interest To receive declarations of the existence and nature of any private interests, both disclosable pecuniary and any other registrable interests, in any matter to be considered or being considered. 3 Minutes RECOMMENDATION that the public minutes Cl/32/09/18 to Cl/42/09/18 of the meeting of the Council held on 6 September 2018 and public minutes Cl/43/10/18 to Cl/46/10/18 of the Extraordinary meeting of the Council held on 11 October 2018 be confirmed and signed by the Chairman as a correct record of those proceedings (copies previously circulated). 4 Chairman's Announcements 5 Questions by the Public To receive questions from the public under Rule 10 of the Constitution 6 Questions by Members To receive questions from Members under Rule 12 of the Constitution 7 Motions on Notice (Pages 5 - 6) To consider motions on notice under Rule 13 of the Constitution 8 Petition Mr Matthew Neal www.eden.gov.uk Deputy Chief Executive Under Rule 26 of the Council Procedure Rules, a petition of over 500 signatures has been received by Eden District Council, and as such will be subject to debate. The subject of the petition is as follows: “We, the ‘Friends of Penrith Beacon’ petition Eden District Council to take the necessary action for ALL of the Beacon Forest to remain as it is now, a wild place with no development and accessible to all residents.” This petition will be discussed by Members for a maximum of fifteen minutes. 9 Gambling Act 2005 Statement of Policy Review - Resources Portfolio Holder (Pages 7 - 56) To consider report G94/18 from the Deputy Chief Executive which is attached and which seeks to enable consideration to be given the response to the consultation on the proposed minor amendments to the Statement of Gambling Policy and to seek Council’s formal resolution to approve the amended Policy. RECOMMENDATION that approval be given to the draft revised Statement of Policy under the Gambling Act 2005. 10 Interim Review of Polling Districts, Polling Places and Polling Stations - Resources Portfolio Holder (Pages 57 - 62) To consider report G97/18 from the Deputy Chief Executive which is attached and which seeks to enable consideration to be given to the need for interim modifications to polling places and polling stations. This is in part consequential upon the Community Governance Review which has changed the governance arrangements for various Parishes. It is also in light of the non-availability of certain polling places/stations. RECOMMENDATIONS that: (1) the update regarding a future review of polling districts, polling places and polling stations be noted; and (2) pending the outcome of the above review, approval be given to the following interim changes to polling arrangements: (a) electors of the Motherby register HG polling place shall be entirely within Hutton Parish boundary and the polling station for the expanded Hutton Parish shall be Penruddock Village Hall; (b) the polling place for the newly created Ousby and Melmerby parishes shall be entirely within their respective designated boundaries; (c) the polling station for the electors for the GS register (Ousby) shall remain as Ousby Community Centre; (d) the polling station for the electors of the GR register (Melmerby) shall remain Melmerby Village Hall; www.eden.gov.uk 2 (e) electors of the Thrimby register (MQ) shall be merged with the Little Strickland register (MJ) and the MQ register shall be deleted; (f) the electors of the KB register (Penrith East) polling station shall be re- designated to Penrith Parish Rooms; (g) The electors of the GL register (Hunsonby) polling station to be re- designated to Langwathby Village Hall; and (h) The electors of the MG register (Stainton) polling station shall be re- designated to Stainton Methodist Church. 11 Appointments to Outside Bodies - Omega Proteins Liaison Group (Pages 63 - 66) To consider report G91/18 from the Deputy Chief Executive which is attached and which seeks to confirm the appointment to an outside body upon which Members will sit during the remainder of the municipal year. RECOMMENDATION that Members give consideration to the nomination of non- executive members of 1 representative to the Omega Proteins Liaison Group. 12 Treasury Management Strategy and Plan 2018-2019 Six-Monthly Review - Resources Portfolio (Pages 67 - 74) To consider report F75/18 from the Director of Finance which is attached and which seeks to provide Members with a half-yearly report on the Strategy and Plan for Treasury Management during the financial year 2018-2019. RECOMMENDATION that the report be noted. 13 Date of Next Scheduled Meeting The next scheduled meeting of Council be confirmed as 10 January 2018. Yours faithfully Matthew Neal Deputy Chief Executive Democratic Services Contact: Vivien Little Encs For Attention All members of the Council www.eden.gov.uk 3 Chairman – Councillor M Robinson (Independent Group) Vice Chairman – Councillor W Patterson (Independent Group) Councillors A Armstrong, Conservative Group E Martin, Conservative Group D Banks, Independent Group A Meadowcroft, Conservative Group K Beaty, Conservative Group G Nicolson OBE, Conservative Group P Breen, Conservative Group R Orchard, Conservative Group I Chambers, Conservative Group J Owen MBE, Conservative Group M Clark, Independent Group J Raine, Conservative Group A Connell, Liberal Democrat Group M Rudhall, Liberal Democrat Group J Derbyshire, Liberal Democrat Group H Sawrey-Cookson, Independent Group M Eyles, Liberal Democrat Group R Sealby, Conservative Group P Godwin, Independent Group L Sharp, Labour K Greenwood, Independent Group M Slee, Conservative Group L Grisedale, Conservative Group M Smith, Independent Group A Hogg, Conservative Group V Taylor, Liberal Democrat Group D Holden, Liberal Democrat Group M Temple, Conservative Group S Jackson, Conservative Group J G Thompson, Conservative Group V Kendall, Conservative Group A Todd, Conservative Group T C Ladhams, Independent Group J Tompkins, Liberal Democrat Group J C Lynch, Conservative Group M Tonkin, Independent Group Please Note: 1. Access to the internet in the Council Chamber and Committee room is available via the guest wi-fi – no password is required 2. Under the Openness of Local Government Bodies Regulations 2014 this meeting has been advertised as a public meeting (unless stated otherwise) www.eden.gov.uk 4 Agenda Item 7 Eden District Council Council 8 November 2018 Motion on Notice Motion by Councillor A Connell It is evident from several circulated messages and statements that there is a widespread misapprehension that Eden District Councillors have collectively approved the Penrith 2050 Master Plan. Since this is not the case, Council resolves that Councillors will have the opportunity publicly to discuss the Master Plan before the end of February 2019. Andy Connell This motion will be seconded by Councillor M Rudhall Page 5 This page is intentionally left blank Agenda Item 9 Report No: G94/18 Eden District Council Licensing Committee 7 November 2018 Council 8 November 2018 Gambling Act 2005 - Review of Statement of Gambling Policy Portfolio: Resources Report from: Deputy Chief Executive Wards: All Wards OPEN PUBLIC ITEM 1 Purpose 1.1 To enable consideration to be given the response to the consultation on the proposed minor amendments to the Statement of Gambling Policy and to seek Licensing Committee’s support and Council’s formal resolution to approve the amended Policy. 2 Recommendation Licensing Committee That Council be recommended to approve the draft revised Statement of Policy as set out at Appendix A to this report. Council That approval be given the draft revised Statement of Policy under the Gambling Act 2005, and 3 Report Details 3.1 Section 349 of the Gambling Act 2005 (“the Act”) requires licensing authorities to prepare and publish a statement of licensing principles (“Statement of Policy”) that they are proposing to apply in exercising their functions under the Act every three years. The current Statement of Policy was published in January 2016 and so the Statement of Policy needs to be republished by January 2019. 3.2 The Act places a responsibility for the regulation of gambling on the Gambling Commission and licensing authorities. The function of the Gambling Commission is to regulate the operators of gambling premises and issue of codes of practice and guidance. The functions of the licensing authority are as follows: licensing premises for gambling activities; considering notices for temporary use of premises for gambling; Page 7 granting permits for gaming machines in clubs; regulating gaming and gaming machines in alcohol licenced premises; granting permits to family entertainment centres; granting permits for prize gaming; and considering occasional use notices for betting tracks and registering small lotteries. 3.3 In preparing the Statement of Policy the Council must have regard to the guidance issued by the Gambling Commission under section 25 of the Act. The current guidance is the 5th edition and was issued in September 2015. 3.4 The original and subsequent Statements of Policy were created following liaison with officers from other district councils within Cumbria, as well as considering information published by other authorities throughout the country. In the interests of consistency and sharing best practice it is desirable that Statements of Policy in Cumbria are as similar as possible. It is however recognised that the particular considerations of each district may necessitate some differences. 3.5 Following a review of the current document, only minor amendments have been required to bring the Statement of Policy up to date with the Gambling Commission’s most recent guidance.