Rsa6 - Greening the Economy in the Alpine Region: Good Practices Collection 2

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Rsa6 - Greening the Economy in the Alpine Region: Good Practices Collection 2 GREENING THE ECONOMY IN THE ALPINE REGION - GOOD PRACTICES COLLECTION Annex to the sixth Report on the State of the Alps ALPINE CONVENTION ALPINE CONVENTION | RSA6 - GREENING THE ECONOMY IN THE ALPINE REGION: GOOD PRACTICES COLLECTION 2 This collection of good practices is an annex to the sixth Report on the state of the Alps “Greening the economy in the Alpine region”. The preparation of the Report and of its Executive Summary was coordinated by the German Presidency of the ad hoc expert group and the Permanent secretariat of the Alpine Convention. The Good Practices collection has been drafted by the contracted consultants, with the collaboration of the ad hoc expert group and of its members, the Permanent secretariat and the Working Groups and Platforms of the Alpine Convention. Find the full report on IMPRINT Editors: ifuplan Stefan Marzelli, Claudia Schwarz, Linda Szucs Agado Vivien Fuhr Permanent secretariat of the Alpine Convention Office: Branch office: Herzog-Friedrich-Straße 15 Viale Druso-Drususallee 1 A-6020 Innsbruck I-39100 Bolzano/Bozen Austria Italy [email protected] Cover Photo: Christine Wendl © Permanent secretariat of the Alpine Convention, 2017 ALPINE CONVENTION | RSA6 - GREENING THE ECONOMY IN THE ALPINE REGION: GOOD PRACTICES COLLECTION 3 Table of contents Introduction 5 Overview of the Good Practices 6 Good Practices Fact Sheets Austria Greenhouse gas balance of the Austrian timber chain 42 Energy efficiency in the hotel and gastronomy business 47 Generation Garden Wildon 50 ÖREK: Undeveloped, designated construction land 52 Multifunctional landscapes (MUFLAN) 56 Green Care: Where people can grow 60 Feld-association for using the unused 66 Ecolabel for tourism 70 External Benefits of Organic Farming 77 Switzerland Energie Valley Toggenburg 82 Solar Skilift in Tenna 85 Tropical house Frutingen 88 The Alpine Foundation for Life Sciences 92 Sardona-aktiv 95 The Ark- a Foundation for Innovation 97 Regional development programme Brontallo 101 Canton Tessin 105 Spatial densification in Brig-Glis 108 Label: Valais Excellence 111 Germany Revitalisation of Straußbergmoos 116 Fahrtziel Natur 119 Ecological hydropower plant in Au an der Iller 122 Short rotation forestry on marginal land 125 Bio Hotel Eggensberger 127 High up with wood – the first 8-storey wooden building in Central Europe 130 Germany/Bavaria - AlpBC 135 "Schule auf der Alm" (School at mountain pasture) 140 Center for environmental education and information “House of mountains” 144 Protection of golden eagles in the Alps 147 Garmisch Ski-Ticket 149 The Chiemgauer – a successful regional currency 152 Liechtenstein Energy Network ERFA 155 Label Energy City 158 ALPINE CONVENTION | RSA6 - GREENING THE ECONOMY IN THE ALPINE REGION: GOOD PRACTICES COLLECTION 4 France TENERRDIS 161 Chamonix Transport 164 Tri Tour 167 ScoT Tarentaise - Development of new/renewed tourist accomodation 170 Flocon Vert 173 Italy OXYGEN electric cargo scooters for fleet service 176 Access2Mountain project 179 BIOCASA: Zero Consumption Bio Building in Clusone and Desenzano del Garda 184 Public Transport System in Paneveggio Pale di San Martino Nature Park 188 MILKY WAY: eco-innovative real-milk classification technology for optimized milk use 191 Sustainable Forest Management: The Forest of Mezzano 194 Small district heating woodchips plant fueled by local wood in Grumes 199 WWF Italia Oasi 204 Slowfood "Cheese - A journey in Mountain Pastures" in partnership with NOVAMONT (BioPlastic) 208 Granfondo Stelvio Santini 212 National Environmental Footprint Programme 215 VIVA sustainable wine 219 Slovenia Wooden passive kindergarten in Preddvor 223 Eco Kamp Koren 225 Environment and Health Indicators 229 Garden Village Bled 233 Carpooling Prevoz 239 Eco-village Čadrg 242 EnergyViLLab - Network of Living Labs virtuoso of energy saving and renewable energy development 244 Transboundary Austria - Germany – Italy - Slovenia - Switzerland – Monitoring Network in the Alpine Region for Persistent and other Organic Pollutants (MONARPOP) 246 Austria - France - Germany - Italy - Slovenia – AlpInfoNet project 250 Austria, Germany & South Tyrol – So schmecken die Berge (What the mountains taste like) 255 ALPINE CONVENTION | RSA6 - GREENING THE ECONOMY IN THE ALPINE REGION: GOOD PRACTICES COLLECTION 5 Introduction This document summarises all collected good practice (GP) examples on Green Economy in the Alpine region that have been gathered in course of the elaboration of the sixth Report on the State of the Alps (RSA6). This document comprises: 1) in the first part, a general overview of all 90 suggested good practices, and 2) in the second part, 59 fact sheets with detailed information, which have been provided by the contributors mentioned below. We would like to thank for all the contributions and fruitful suggestions: - The members, observers and consultants of the Ad hoc expert group on the elaboration of the RSA6; - National delegations of the Alpine countries; - Working Group Mountain Forests of the Alpine Convention; - Working Group Sustainable Tourism; - Mountain Farming Platform; - Ecological Network Platform; - Interview partners of the questionnaire on the RSA6 from Liechtenstein and Germany; - As well as further insitutions and persons who contributed to the collection. ALPINE CONVENTION | RSA6 - GREENING THE ECONOMY IN THE ALPINE REGION: GOOD PRACTICES COLLECTION 6 Overview of the Good Practices Title: Greenhouse gas balance of the Austrian timber chain Country: AT Suitable for topic: Carbon emissions Keywords: timber production Abstract: Using timber several times along the value-added chain - this is an advantage from the economical as well as from the ecological point of view and has also positive effects on the greenhouse balance. How this utilisation may look like has been shown for the first time by scenarios of the Federal Forest Research Centre (Bundesforschungszentrum für Wald BFW), the Vienna University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences (Universität für Bodenkultur BOKU) and the Federal Environment Agency (Umweltbundesamt). The five scenarios are based on different economic strategies for Austrian forests and reflect possible developments until the year 2100 Fact sheet: yes Further information: Title: Klimaaktiv mobil Country: AT Suitable for topic: Carbon emissions Keywords: emission reduction, electromobility Abstract: The klimaaktiv mobil investment funding program for alternative vehicles and electro mobility, the expansion of the infrastructure for cycling as well as the promotion of mobility management are an important contribution to meeting the requirements of the Austrian Climate Protection Act and the Federal Act on Energy Efficiency, and also create important stimuli for the economy. Therefore, klimaaktiv mobil also contributes to job security and to the creation of green jobs. At the same time, new opportunities for industries and businesses, cities and communities emerge. Used in RSA6: yes Chapter No.: 2.1.1. Fact sheet: no Further information: ALPINE CONVENTION | RSA6 - GREENING THE ECONOMY IN THE ALPINE REGION: GOOD PRACTICES COLLECTION 7 Title: Energy efficiency in the hotel and gastronomy business Country: AT Suitable for topic: Efficient use of energy Keywords: sustainable tourism Abstract: The manual "Energy efficiency in the hotel and gastronomy business" offers information on that the federal law on energy efficiency (in full effect since January 2015) has brought with supports the managers of hotel and gastronomy business in assessing the current standard efficiency and provides them with feasible solutions to improve it. Furthermore the manual energy-efficiency-measures on a larger scale, as well as information on funding and financing. examples of outstanding energy-savings-measures in hotel and gastronomy companies provides ideas on how to improve energy-efficiency for his/her own company. Fact sheet: yes Further information: ts/Energieeffizienz_Leitfaden%20Online-Version.pdf Title: Generation´s garden Wildon (Generationengarten Wildon) Country: AT Suitable for topic: Efficient use of resources Keywords: settlement areas, green areas Abstract: A park and garden for all generations: The concept aims at creating appealing points of attraction, by means of a wide range of topics, different places and trails at and around the House of Generations. The multifarious shape is to serve all generations with their different characteristic needs. Fact sheet: yes Title: ÖREK: Undeveloped, designated construction land Country: AT Suitable for topic: Efficient use of resources Keywords: settlement area, spatial planning Abstract: Due to the nature-specific and topographical factors the area available for the purpose of settlement (permanent settlement area) is restricted to only 37 % of the federal territory. Especially in Alpine areas, where the permanent settlement area is, for the most part, limited to valley locations, this value is, however, considerably lower. This scarce area must be shared by different types of utilisations, such as settlements, trade and industry, transport, agriculture and energy production. Fact sheet: yes Further information: ALPINE CONVENTION | RSA6 - GREENING THE ECONOMY IN THE ALPINE REGION: GOOD PRACTICES COLLECTION 8 Title: Multifunctional landscapes (MUFLAN) Country: AT Suitable for
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