(Millions of Pula in 1979, 80 Prices) !979/80 1980/81 1981,82 19
98 Appendix 1. Government Budget Projections 1979/90-1984/85 (Millions of Pula in 1979, 80 prices) !979/80 1980/81 1981,82 1982/83 1983/84 1984/85 Customs Revenue 79,0 87,9 85,4 90,7 Mineral Revenue 99,3 98.0 64,7 66,1 58.7 66,1 Other Revenue and Grants 98,3 136,8 75,5 78,5 80,5 8q,5 87,4 90,4 Total Revenue 21 9 ,2 a 232,5 b 224,6 c 241.3 285,0 325,2 Recurrent Expenditures 120,6 136.4 146,8 169,8 Development Expenditures 177,3 201,4 76,2 83,3 93,3 90.2 93,9 92.8 Net Lending to Parastatals and Iwaneng Equity 17,2 36,3 25,0 2.4,8 35,5 28,1 Total Expenditures and Net Lending 214,0 4256,0 265,1 284,8 306.7 322,3 Budget Surpluses (+) or Deficit (-) +5,2 g h -- .05i- 3,5 - 21,7 +9,9 SouTce: Ministry of Finance and Derelc - ment Planning ; NDP V, Table 2.17, p. 54. Actual Revenues and expenditures (p millions) a. 249.1 b. 297.5 c. 310.4 d. 228.0 e. 326.5 f. 376.0 g. +33.1. h. -12.0 i. -45.7 Appendix 2. The Development Budget 1979/80-1984/85 (P '000) (:ATIF;ORY (AI.;ORY 'A' PRO(.I.'(''S 'B" MINIT.I'RY I'F()jc-S 1979 80 1980 81 1981 82 1982 813 1983 81 O)ficc 198 1 85 T",al Total(11( of PhPlScidcm 1 865 50(17 5 196 I 1/I I 271 587 18 1(10 2.8 3911 7.1 I ii mi(ic " :,i ,I l),'\' c)l mlc lll hi nijjig(2 ) 2 15 1 3 7 8 1 19 i 303 28(1 9 2(10 1.'i - I Ioli" A1:Iils 9f 2 12o 2 87(0 2 510 1 832 1 520 1 8-12 1,8 1 320 2.1 Agti( tllltll( 7 065 17 (380 30 099 12 63''6 7 892 8 172 83 21 12.8 .3 072 5.1 [l'hic ilinm 8 5-15 11 !)1 12 619 9 89(0 5 92!) 3 256 51 650 8.1 5 fi05 M.l ( :1,,nm , e": lnI 1 dlustry 5 .105 .I 326 2 71 2 2258 2 227 2 375 19 332 3.0
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