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Ifldffll) FREE DELIVERY Open Daily 8 A-M Quits College To MIAMITIMES, MIAMI, FLORIDA Play Baseball, SATURDAY, JUNE 18, 1949 PAGE NINE Basketball ANDERSON, Ind. (ANP)—An- Youth Leads Duluth derson college’s Johnny Wilson, Joe Louis To Be Negro baseball star, will leave his Honored At Scene Os To. Minnesota State chalk and slats behind to concen- trate on swinging across a plate First Pro Fight Track Crown with a heavy piece of'wood. ST. PAUL (ANP) Little Wilson, who starred in basketball Bobby Daniels ran like a future also, has announced that he in- CHICAGO (ANP) Retired Harrison Dillard last week to be- iwfis P^iji^ tends to negotiate with the Houston, heavyweight champion Joe Louis come the outstanding star of the Texas, Eagles, of the Negro Amer- willbe honored June 17 at the site Minnesota high school track cham- n boosted his |*g MHjHMH- ican league, and will play basket- of the old Bacon’s Casino, the place pionship, and Denfield ball during winter months. Ander- where he fought his first as a high team to the state crown. son led all other Indiana colleg- professional. The Duluth flash won the 220- Sfegif M&Bf*& ians in scoring over past two yard dash in :22.4, and was short 'fl the seasons. Bacon’s is now the home of the a few inches of winning the 100- DuSable Community center. The re- yard dash. A large section of the ception will be given for the bene- audience thought that Daniels had ' MBfift Kendrix Initiates fit of this center. taken the 100-yard dash, and a photo in the St. Paul Pioneer Press New Radio Series Jackie Robinson, Roy Oampanolla left the same impression. However, and Don Newcombe of the Brroklyn *i\§ WASHINGTON (ANP)—‘Civil officials rule that he had been beat- ”'? mftmFlL V Dodgers and Johnny Lujack, foot- Rights Inventory” is the tag given en by six inches by Minneapolis’ star Chicago Bears have to a new series of broadcasts initi- ball of the Jackie Dryer. ated recently by Moss H. Kendrick been invited to attend. Arch Ward, as a summer replacement for his sports editor of the Chicago Daily commentary, which is heard regu- Tribune, will be guest speaker. " :> «r ’ S ,J |i|ik\ > -ImP p® i^HEMhBp•:¦. larly the Capital City’s Station MODERN B®t lllnfflrß over Dr. C. Stanley Hough is president on Sundays, p.m. AIR-CONDITIONED WNDC 9:45-10:00 of the DuSable center. Judge Fred In announcing his program new (Duke) Slater and business man Leo series, pointed that The South’s FIRST Mr. Kendrix out Rose are co-chairmen of the com- he would like to feel that “there is and ONLY mittee. Jesse Owens will be master MEET s hown on the campus June 2-4. American opposition to the ad- HOMEMAKERS no of ceremonies. NEGRO THEATRE above is Dr. Jacob L*. Reddix, pres- vancement of human rights.” “In Herbin, ident of Jackson College, Jackson Seated, center, Ernestine fairness to opinions”, he stated, Miss., as he addressed the third Na- national president of NHA, Greens- “let us admit, nevertheless,” that tional Convention of the New boro, N. C., and Charlent Smith, na- methods of procedure in the exten- Homemakers of America meeting tional secretary, Hope, Ark.—ANP. sion of the “rights” would vary. According to Mr. Kendrix, “some people feel that full extension of p PROFESSIONAL PIANO these rights will come only through Federally enacted and enforced leg- I W TUNER AMD REPAIRER islation. Others believe that the a vSf RECONDITIONING AND ‘problem’ must be solved at local ” fll and state levels.” In orders to take Hi PAINTING A SPECIALTY . Circling The Globe. inventory on Civil Rights, the WILLIAM FINDER young commentators plans to inter- JJ By Herman Walton view during the next several weeks.” ,tI' people who represent various shades VIVD PHONE 82-7709 MIAMI, FLORIDA! of opinion” on the subject With only a few more days left KO in the 9th round. His two speakers to date have before the big fight between Jersey been Sen. Hubert H. Humphrey of Eddie Carswell strings along with Joe Walcott and Ezzard Charles Minnesota on June 5, and on the Walcott for a KO in the 10th rd. Walcott, who will be seeking hie following Sunday, June 12, Cong. third shot at the heavyweight title Elvee Timmons goes the limit and Brooks Hays of Arkansas. and Charles a formidable con- strings with Walcott by a decision tender in his own right with the in 15 rounds. Stockings Delivered at Your Home fight being staged in the same city {Chicago) and on the same day of Reatha Walton 4>icks Charles to Call 82-6329 or 82-6863 the month when Heavyweight win the bout by decision, but she PROGRESSIVE Champion Joe Louis dethroned th6 does not name any round. Hosiery Delivery then Champion James J. Braddock BEAUTY SHOP Exclusive Service . , , #¦ Yours Truly will string along with a.: .. to become the second Negro to hold Ml*. H. Casey, his wife and pick Ezzard Charles to J. Manage? delivery daily the world’s heavyweight champion Orders filled in 16 minutes. Free take in by decision, but I will add Specializing in Scalp Treatment ship with the city bulging at the including Sunday prediction that the fight will go •earn with fight fans, I decided that the ALL WORK GUARANTEED limit. It would be interesting to my read- the 1814 N. W. Ist Court Price: SI.OO and up all shades and sizes ers to make a local survey of the Elliott J. Pieze thinks its Walcott Phono 6-T319 the ARLINGTON SANDS, MANAGER various opinions of Miamians on by decision, but his little lady, Mrs. outcome of the contest as the big Leola M. Pieze, says it Charles by fight draws near. Here they are: decision. Leon Moore picks Walcott to win Editor H. E. 8. Reeves picks Chas. by a KO within 7 rounds. by KO in the 10th. J. L. Bridges picks Walcott to win Lawrence B. (Lino Oper.) says its in 16 rounds. Charles by KO in sth. Spencer Harris says its Ezzard Archie (Press Box) Plnder says Charles in 15 rounds. youth will prevail. James Henry picks Walcott in the 9th round. Fred Henry says its Jersey Joe Walcott in the Bth round. LIBERTY LODGE W. Mitchell picks Walcott in the No. 1052. 1.8.P.0.E. of W. 11th round. Clifford Howard strings along with Charles in the 11th round. George Tinker thinks Charles will take in by a TKO in the 9th round. Meets every Istsrand 3rd Thursday mm On; W I l| richer, mellower at the ELKS HOME. 6529 N. W. selects Charles to David Newbold 18th Ave. because it win in the 12th round. ELKS a ALL WELCOME Henry Mitchell picks Charles by John Fernander, E. R. KO in the 12th round. Louis Wflkerson, Sec’y W. B. Roux takes the cake and picks Walcott to win the 4th round. M. Screen says its Charles by a Help The Scouts ‘ Rax. JUNE BRIDES AAjjß. Select your Bridal Flowers at:— i Witt's Florist f&jSinSEHr neoori ipirit*. Special attention paid grain to bouquets for brides ju|H|prfj and bridal parties. Com- plete decorations in all Jr"V y types of flowers. * designs el ... Sprays, Corsages, Bouquets and other flowers made to order. 116 W. Flagler Street Phone 9-7933 ?RARE BLENDED WHISKY iflDffll) FREE DELIVERY Open Daily 8 a-m. to 7 p.m. Sundays to 1 p.m. WBsmer.
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