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Goodwin D. Knight, U. N. Official Knights Of Tabor ! Ralph Bunche, and many other fa- | mous national figures. Smith, Receive from the all-Negro town of Mound Greetings Bayou, Miss., was accompanied by its mayor, Benjamin A. Green. A From Eisenhower large delegation from the state also attended. Los Angeles, Aug. 30.—At its Famous for for her Ezzard Marciano Tribunal Session, ending on Aug. many years Charles-Rocky 21, the International Order of activities in this and other fra- ternal and Twelve Knights and Daughters of civic organizations, I Mrs. Mabel V. as local chair- Heavyweight Bout To Be Broadcast Tabor, received a specially warm Gray, greeting from President Ei3Sn- man of the Tribunal had overseen Over 15 hower. excellent arrangements for the Exclusively CBS Radio Sept. visitors. She also is International Received by the order’s director, Grand High Preceptress, the high- Russ Hodges To Give Blow-By-Blow, Jack F. M. Smith, other messages came j est post of any woman in the or- Drees To Handle Between The Rounds also from California Governor der. Of The Which Commentary Big Fight When Driving To Vicksburg Will Be Blacked Out On Home TV Stop At Exclusive blow-by-blow coverage Company with Russ Hodges, one of the Rocky Marciano-Ezzard of the nation’s top sports report- PILLAR’S DRIVE IN Charles return heavyweight cham- ers, giving the blow-by-blow ac- pionship bout will be aired over count and veteran sportscaster Bar-B-Q Steaks Chicken the CBS Radio Network on Wed- Jack Drees handling the between nesday, September 15. It will be rounds commentary. Beverages blacked out on home television. Radio broadcast time of the bout Only Place On Highway The ringside description of this will start at 10:30 p.m., EDT. It 15-round fistic thriller from Yan- will be carried over the full CBS Catering: To Colored Only kee Stadium, New York will be Radio coast-to-coast network in HI-WAY 80—5 MJLES EAST VICKSBURG, MISSISSIPPI sponsored by the Pabst Brewing addition to outlets in Puerto Rico, Mai Whitfield T raffic Death Of Powell Tells... Alaska and Hawaii and will mark SPORTS the 19th world’s championship (Continued from Page One) boxing bout broadcast sponsored To Do You Need Money CLOSEUP Appointed White Woman been declared “off limits” for by Pabst Br< \ ing Company. FRITZ POLLARD three weeks. We Arrange Loans For Charles, veteran 'incinnati box- By People Recreation When they were put back “on Will Give You Of Good Character. Bring Us er and ex-heavyweight champion, Bring Charges Nobody limits,” he the clubs were Ycur and said, { Problems, Our Service Is Marciano, the Brockton, Mass., NEW YORK, (GLOBAL)—We warned that any discrimination At Your Disposal pulverizer, met at Yankee Stad- noted with considerable interest Commission Against Man would mean that all would be ium last June in what was con- that the University of Illinois foot- A BETTER DEAL placed “off limits” permanently. Loflin sidered one of the great ball team will have an LOS ANGELES, Calif., Aug. 31 OSYKA, Miss., Aug. 30 (Special) Harry heavy- all-Negro The Air Force has an THAN —Malvin G. week —Ernest a operations weight title bouts in the history backfield this year. All-American [ Whitfield this Simmons, Negro man Broker base in the village and 15 per cent of the sport. Charles put a J. C. Caroline whose extra-curricu- was appointed by Supervisor Ken- of the Chatowa Community, was up of base are neth the personnel Negroes. W. brilliant stand against Marciano lar appearances here and there Hahn as a member of the Los charged on three counts Monday in 220'/, Capitol -o- Over Bourgeois Jewelry Store but the Rock came on in the clos- interfered with his studies to such Angeles County parks and recrea- the traffic death of a white woman, FOWLER BUICK CO. Dial 5-4552 rounds to take a close an tion commission, becoming the first Mrs. John Taskett of West ing decision extent that he fell by the way- Point, Where Comes First in America to hold such a Miss. Service and retain his title. A return bout side academically last year, has Negro Churchmen... j Negro South State St. Phone 3-3864 was inevitable. been going to summer school and post. Mrs. Tackett, enroute to Texas (Continued from Page One) 856 -o- now ! with her husband and for has caught up. He will be in brother mous of more than “I believe that we are extremely vote 1,600 dele- the backfield with his old side- a vacation, was injured Friday fortunate to obtain the services of j gates to the Second Assembly of * when car kick of last year, Mickey Bates. ! night their collided with in Gavilan Saxton Mai Whitfield—one of the world’s the World Council of Churches Joining these two stalwarts, we a car diven by Simmons near here. LOANS" greatest athletes—on this commis- session at Northwestern Univers- She died Saturday. sion.” Supervisor Hahn chairman ity, Evanston, 111., August 15-31. Patrolmen said Simmons was Arranged from tomorrow is a Fight Cancelled night to sometime of the board of supervisors com- Bishop Nichols ranking pre- ON YOUR with in October. | charged reckless driving, late of the AME 31. — mittee on parks and recreation, de- denomination, PHILADELPHIA, Aug. : leaving the scene of an accident Signature Kid The title holder became ill this clared. which claims a membership of 1,- Welterweight Champion Gav- and He involuntary manslaughter. His offices are located ON YOUR ilan was stricken with a virus in- morning but went through eight 166,301. j Mai Whitfield has re- was slightly injured along with fection and his rounds of the “Although at Philadelphia, Pa. today scheduled exercising despite the victim’s and her Furniture : ceived world-wide as a husband bro- the of- title defense Sax- ailment. recognition Dr. Jackson is elected ON YOUR against Johnny ther, L. E. Vernon. or athlete, 1 have admired him ficial of more than Career ton of was g<;eat spokesman Brooklyn postponed However, Manager Angel Lopez -o- Real Estate for many years because of his fine 4,526,847 Negro Baptists as presi- Campus became wrorried over a lump that character and good sportsman- dent of the National Baptist Con- the Kid had on the left side of his leather with special On Your Car ship,” Supervisor Hahn said. vention, USA, Inc., the largest Varsity MAKE EXTRA MONEY j face. Late this afternoon, he Blair Street... distinction for Negro organization in the world called Gavilan’s personal physician, Whitfield has won three (Continued from Page One) in your spare time Olympic and the third Protestant men In introducing Dr. largest up-to-date going places TOWER LOAN world's cutest Samuel Swetnick, who found gold medals—twice in the 800 me- children’s dresses. member of the national organiza- denomination in America. He is wonderful Big selection, adorable the champion with a v’rus infec- ters, in 1948 and 1952, and as a feeling FREEMAN’S styles. tion of College Presidents, the Mis- also pastor of historic divert Bap- Low prices. Complete display tion, and had a temperature of member of the 1G00 meter relay sissippi Teacher’s Association, the tist Church in Chicago, recognized BROKERS FREE. Rush your name. HAR- 101 degrees and an inflammation | team in 1948. NAACP and popular in Fraternal as the largest Protestant congre- FORD, Dept. M-1414, Cincinnati of the left paratoid gland (near ■ A native of Los Angeles, Whit- .17 S. State Phone 3-4971 j gation in the world. Dr. Jackson 25, Ohio. the ear). field resides at 2205 S. Hobart Groups. Dr. Martinez is a preacher of no maintains offices at 3101 South Immediately, the three Pennsyl- boulevard. mean ability. He has pastored Parkway. vania boxing comntissioners, chair- He say active military service in many of the leading churches of Among others named to the Cen- man Frank Weiner, Jones, Korea during Forld Far II, and suc- George the A. M. E. Zion Church and tral Committee were Bishop of i 27 and John Holahan, as well as pro- cessfully completed bombing of through the power of his gospel Harrar, Theophilos, the Church i moter Herman and Frank ! misions. Taylor and the influence of his of Ethiopia, and the Jtev. P. K. Last was preaching Palermo, Saxton’s manager, were December he presented thousands have been ad- Dagadu of West Africa, a Metho- summoned. the Paul H. Helms award as one ministry, i ded to the church, dist. Weiner heard the report from of America’s greatest r.theletes. j The is cordially invited to Dr. Swetnick and summoned two -o- public share in all services. It Pays To Advertise In The | other physicians who made separ- Novie S. Chaney, Jrj} Minister. JACKSON ADVOCATE ; ate examinations of the champion. Black or All three came up with similar Getting Ready... Brown Calf \ findings. (Continued from Page One) The bout had been scheduled to j from the first S13.95 ! be telecast coast-to-coast. Gavi- through sixth grades ; Phone 2-0627 whose last names with let- i Ian's illness came so suddenly that begin ters A E. Matchmaker Pete Moran said it through On 1 was too late to put on a substitute THURSDAY, September 9, in one six bout on television. If nothing is pupils grades through R. D. FISHER whose last names with let- arranged at the last minute, then begin ters F it will be the first major bout through M, will register. HOME REPAIR On FRIDAY, September 10, pu- network fight show to be complete- • • 224 WE5T CAPITOL 5T.