1 INITIAL IDEA TRANSPORT Road Vehicle and vehicle components Battery Battery Lithium-Ion Basic principles have been deined Truck Solid state + Li-metal 2 APPLICATION FORMULATED Car, light duty commercial vehicle and bus Na-ion Concept and application of solution have been formulated Hydrogen electric vehicle Truck Multivalent ions 3 CONCEPTS NEEDS VALIDATION Methanol-fuelled engine Car, light duty commercial vehicle and bus Li-S Solution needs to be prototyped and applied Ethanol-fuelled engine Fuel cell Li-Air 4 EARLY PROTOTYPE Hydrogen-fuelled engine Hydrogen tank Polymer electrolyte membrane Prototype proven in test conditions Truck 5 LARGE PROTOTYPE Car, light duty commercial vehicle and bus Components proven in conditions to be deployed Gas-fuelled engine Truck Compressed biomethane 6 FULL PROTOTYPE AT SCALE Infrastructure Charging Smart charging Liqueied biomethane Prototype prove at scale in conditions to be deployed Hydrogen refuelling station Fast charging Conductive 7 PRECOMMERCIAL DEMONSTRATION Hyperloop Dynamic charging or electric road system Inductive Solution working in expected conditions Demand Operations Automated and connected vehicles (level 4+) Hardware 8 FIRST OF A KIND COMMERCIAL Truck Platooning and road Commercial demonstration, full scale deployment in inal form Rail Vehicle and vehicle components Gas hybrid train (internal combustion engine and batteries) 9 COMMERCIAL OPERATION IN RELEVANT ENVIRONMENT Hydrogen fuel cell electric vehicle The Energy Technology Perspectives — Clean Energy Technology Technologies are structured hierarchically alongside their peers Solution is commercially available, needs evolutionary Guide shows the level of maturity of almost 400 individual delivering the same service. The ETP Clean Energy Technology improvement to stay competitive Infrastructure Magnetic levitation technology designs and components that contribute to reducing Guide can be explored in an interactive framework that includes 10 INTEGRATION NEEDED AT SCALE Shipping Vessel and vessel components Gas-fuelled engine Liqueied biomethane CO emissions along dierent value chains across the whole information not only on the level of maturity of dierent technolo- Solution is commercial and competitive but needs Hydrogen fuel cell electric vessel Proton exchange membrane energy system. gy designs and components but also a compilation of develop- further integration eorts Hydrogen-fuelled engine High temperature proton exchange membrane ment and deployment plans, as well as cost and performance 11 PROOF OF STABILITY REACHED Ammonia fuel cell electric vessel Molten carbonate VISIT ONLINE: WWW.IEA.LICLEANTECHGUIDE improvement targets and leading players in the ield. Predictable growth Ammonia-fuelled engine Solid oxide Battery electric vessel Methanol-fuelled engine cell electric vessel Kite Foul felease hull coating Rudder bulb Rotor sail/sail Operations Automated and connected ships Cold ironing, alternate maritime power Infrastructure Charging Fast charging Bunkering Ammonia Aviation Aircraft and aircraft components Battery Hydrogen Open rotor Geared turbo fan/ultra-high bypass ratio engine Hydrogen-fuelled engine Blended wing body design Propulsion-airframe integration SUPPLY SECTOR SUBSECTOR TECHNOLOGY GROUPING TECHNOLOGY SUBTECHNOLOGY COMPONENT OR DESIGN Hybrid aircraft Operations Electric taxiing and ground operations ENERGY TRANSFORMATION Power Generation Solar Photovoltaic Crystalline silicon Freight Operations Physical internet Wind Solar thermal electricity Thin-ilm PV Hydropower Onshore Concentrated PV Airborne wind energy system Multi-junction cell Oshore Organic thin-ilm solar cell Geothermal Dry steam Perovskite solar cell Flash process Floating solar PV Organic rankine cycle Solar tower INDUSTRY Ammonia Production Biomass-based Gasiication Chemical absorption Kalina process Parabolic trough Fossil- or biomass-based CCUS Physical absorption Nuclear Enhanced geothermal system Linear fresnel relector Electrolytic hydrogen-based produced with variable renewables Physical adsorption Large-scale light-water reactor Seabed ixed oshore wind turbine Methanol Production Biomass-based Gasication Chemical absorption Sodium-cooled fast reactor Floating oshore wind turbine Fossil- or biomass-based CCUS Physical absorption High-temperature reactor and very high-temperature reactor Floating hybrid energy platform Fossil-based Methane pyrolysis Physical adsorption Supply Light water reactor-based small modular reactor Electrolytic hydrogen-based produced with variable renewables Fusion Ethylene Production Biomass-based Bioethanol route Fermentation Coal CCUS Post-combustion/chemical absorption Benzene, toluene and xylenes Production Biomass-based Lignin Lignocellulosic gasiication Natural gas or coal CCUS Post-combustion/membranes polymeric Methanol-based Natural gas CCUS Oxy-fuel High value chemicals Production Fossil- or biomass-based CCUS Chemical absorption Biomass CCUS Pre-combustion/physical absorption Steam cracker electriication Physical absorption Hydrogen Hydrogen-ired gas turbine Chemical looping combustion Naptha catalytic cracking High-temperature fuel cell Supercritical CO cycle Plastics End-of-life New recycling techniques with reduced downcycling Chemical depolymerization for PET Hybrid fuel cell-gas turbine system Post-combustion/chemical absorption Chemical depolymerization for polystyrene Ammonia Co-iring in coal power plant Pre-combustion/physical absorption Solvent dissolution for PP Cracking into hydrogen for gas turbine Post-combustion/chemical absorption Solvent dissolution for PET Ammonia turbine Thermal decontamination in a vacuum reactor with integrated nitrogen lushing for PET Ocean Ocean thermal Pyrolysis Ocean wave Hydrothermal upgrading Salinity gradient Iron and steel Production Blast furnace Hydrogen enrichment + CO removal → use of works arising gases CCUS Tidal Tidal stream/ocean current Partial electrolytic hydrogen replacement of injected coal Tidal range Partial torreied biomass replacement of injected coal Storage Battery storage Redox low CCU Conversion of steel works arising gases to fuel Lithium-ion (grid-scale or behind-the-meter) Smelting reduction Enhanced smelting reduction Conversion of steel works arising gases to chemicals Mechanical storage Flywheel Smelting reduction based on hydrogen plasma CCUS Pumped storage Direct reduced iron CCUS Chemical absorption Compressed air energy storage Reduction using solely electrolytic hydrogen Physical adsorption Liquid air energy storage Based on natural gas with high levels of electrolytic hydrogen blending Infrastructure Integration Virtual inertia/fast frequency response Ore electrolysis Low temperature alkaline electrolysis (110°C) Smart inverter High temperature molten oxide electrolysis (> 1500°C) Ultra-high voltage Manufacturing Reducing metal forming losses and lightweighting Additive manufacturing Flexible high-voltage grid Cement Production Cement kiln CCUS Chemical absorption, partial capture rates (less than 20%) Superconducting high-voltage Electriication (direct) Chemical absorption (full capture rates) Flexible alternating current transmission system Electrolytic calcium carbonate decarbonation Calcium looping Dynamic line rating Partial use of hydrogen Oxy-fuelling Distribution Transactive energy Direct heat from variable renewables Novel physical adsorption (silica or organic-based) Heat Generation Large-Scale heat pumps Grinding Advanced grinding technologies Direct separation Solar thermal district heating Raw material Alternative cement constituents Membrane separation Storage Latent heat storage Ice storage Aqueous salt solution Alternative binding material Concentrated -generated heat Sensible heat storage High-temperature Concrete curing CO sequestration in inert carbonate materials Calcined clay Thermochemical heat storage Chemical reactions End-of-life Unhydrated cement recycling Carbonation of calcium silicate Sorption process Concrete ines recycling Magnesium oxides derived from magnesium silicate Production Micro-algae and macro-algae Anaerobic digestion Pulp and paper Production Pulping Deep eutectic solvent Alkali-activated binders (geopolymers) Biomethane Non-algae feedstock Anaerobic digestion End-of-life Waste product conversion to energy and chemicals Black liquor gasiication Organic solvent Biomass gasiication – small-scale Lignin extraction Precipitation and acidiication Biomass gasiication and catalytic methanation Aluminium Production Primary smelting Inert anodes Biomass gasiication and biological methanation Multipolar cell Biomass gasiication and methanation CCUS CCUS Anaerobic digestion and CO separation CCUS Alumina reining Biomass-based or electriication of the Bayer process Anaerobic digestion and catalytic methanation with hydrogen Demand response Integration of heat exchangers to vary energy consumption and production level Bioethanol Lignocellulosic Gasiication (syngas fermentation) Manufacturing Reducing metal forming losses and lightweighting Additive manufacturing Bioreining Sugar and starch from agricultural crop Enzymatic fermentation Metallic products Manufacturing Reducing metal forming losses Ring rolling with variable wall thickness Fatty acid methyl ester Folding-shearing Double-cropping (sequential cropping) Hydrogenated vegetable oil End-of-life New recycling techniques for better separation X-ray transmission Pyrolysis and upgrading Novel physical separation Hydrothermal liquefaction and upgrading Cross-cutting Production High temperature heating Electromagnetic heating for large-scale process Induction Gasiication and Fischer-Tropsch CCUS Fluidized-bed boilers fueled with biomass Radio wave Gasiication and Fischer-Tropsch Biomethane-based large-scale heating (See supply) Microwave Gasiication and Fischer-Tropsch with hydrogen enhancement Infrared Alcohol-to-jet Transesteriication Ultra-violet Synthetic iso-parains Hydrotreating Electric furnaces/resistance heating for large-scale process Electric arc and plasma arc furnaces applied to new application Micro-algae Hydrothermal liquefaction and upgrading Bio-coal-based heating for large-scale process Torrefaction Hydrogen Production Biomass/waste gasiication CCUS Pyrolysis Electrolysis Alkaline Direct heat from variable renewable Concentrated solar power-generated heat for industrial process Nuclear/solar Polymer electrolyte membrane Systems integration Control systems Demand response Hybrid lexible demand and battery network Chemical looping Solid oxide electrolyser cell Seawater electrolysis Thermochemical water splitting Coal gasiication CCUS Methane pyrolysis Steam methane reforming CCUS Natural gas autothermal reforming CCUS BUILDINGS Buildings construction and renovation Electricity generation Building envelope Wall, roof & façade Building integrated photovoltaic system Natural gas autothermal reforming with gas heated reformed CCUS Thermal performance Fenestration Building integrated solar thermal collector Storage Salt cavern storage Lighting performance Ventilation Dual low ventilation Building integrated phase change material Depleted oil & gas ield, aquifer Natural ventilation Air sealing Storage tank Building layout Building orientation Breathing wall Transport Pipeline Fiber-optic daylighting Dynamic building envelope Hydrogen blending in natural gas network Overall performance Design tool Dynamic simulation Vacuum insulated panel Liquid hydrogen tanker Material eiciency Reducing material losses Pre-casting Building integrated heat and moisture exchange panel Liquid organic hydrogen carrier tanker Prefabrication Double skin façade Ammonia Transport Tanker Additive manufacturing Aerogel Insulation from silica or carbon Synthetic hydrocarbon fuels Production Methane Methane from hydrogen and CO Fabric formwork Structural insulated panel Liquid fuels Liquid fuels from hydrogen and CO CCUS Extending lifetime Modular components Trombe wall Concentrating solar fuels CCUS Lightweighting Composite material Radiative relective roof Reining Production Process heaters, hydrogen production CCUS Composite construction High relectivity paint Fluid catalytic cracker CCUS Post-combustion Thin shelled concrete Electrochromic fenestration Oxy-fuel Funicular loor system Highly insulating window Dynamic glazing – thermochromic genestration Insulation glass coating Heating and cooling Generation Heat pump Air‐to‐air heat pump State-of-the-art air-to-air technology Air‐to‐water heat pump Vapour compression packaged air conditioner Ground-source heat pump Vapour compression split air conditioner Thermally-driven heat pump Air-source heat pumps using heat recovery SUPPLY CCUS Power Generation Coal CCUS Post-combustion/chemical absorption Solar thermal water heat pump Membrane heat pump Natural gas or coal CCUS Post-combustion/membranes polymeric Combined solar PV and heat pump Conventional air-to-water Natural gas CCUS Oxy-fuel Hybrid heat pump Central heat pump water heater Biomass CCUS Pre-combustion/physical absorption Hydrogen-driven heat pump Natural refrigerant heat pump water heater Chemical looping combustion Evaporative cooling State-of-the-art technology Integrated heat pump with storage Supercritical CO cycles Standalone liquid or solid desiccant cooling Liquid or solid desiccant evaporative cooling High-temperature heat pump Post-combustion/chemical absorption Evaporative cooling with permeable membrane Cold climate air-source heat pump Pre-combustion/physical absorption Solid-state equipment cooling Elastocaloric Absorption heat pump (thermally driven) Post-combustion/chemical absorption Magnetocaloric Adsoption heat pump (thermally driven) Biofuels Production Biomethane Biomass gasiication and methanation CCUS Barocaloric Vuilleurmier heat pump Biodiesel Anaerobic digestion and CO separation CCUS Boilers Hydrogen boiler High/ultra high vacuum lat plate collectors Gasiication and Fischer-Tropsch CCUS Biomass boiler Electric resistance back-up system or gas boiler back-up system Hydrogen Production Biomass/waste gasiication CCUS Heater Pellets-burning stove Hydrogen-enriched natural gas heat pump CO Infrastructure Coal gasiication CCUS Wood-burning stove Hydrogen/metal hydride heat pump Steam methane reforming CCUS Distribution Control Hydraulic interface unit Synthetic methane heat pump Natural gas autothermal reforming CCUS Booster Water heating heat pump Natural gas autothermal reforming with gas heated reformed CCUS Advanced heat exchanger Synthetic hydrocarbon fuels Production Liquid fuels Liquid fuels from hydrogen and CO CCUS Cogeneration Combined production of heat and power (CHP) Fuel cells micro-CHP using solid oxide materials Concentrating solar fuels CCUS Trigeneration Fuel cells micro-CHP using polymer electrolyte membrane Reining Production Process heaters, hydrogen production CCUS Quad-generation Fluid catalytic cracker CCUS Post-combustion Control systems Smart thermostats Oxy-fuel Storage Thermal storage Latent (phase change material) Solid-liquid low temperature heat Solid DAC Thermo-chemical storage Active latent heat storage Solid-liquid high temperature heat Liquid DAC Combined latent and sensible storage system Solid-liquid ice storage Pipeline Solid-liquid aqueous salt solution Ship transport Port to port Solid-liquid salt hydrates and parain DIRECT AIR CAPTURE DAC CO transport CO storage CO -enhanced oil recovery Port to oshore facility Solid-liquid fatty acid Mineral storage Solid-liquid sugar alcohol Advanced monitoring technologies Solid-liquid salt Saline formations Liquid-gaseous Depleted oil and gas reservoirs Solid-solid Sensible Hot water tanks DEMAND CCUS Ammonia Production Fossil- or biomass-based CCUS Chemical absorption Vacuum-insulated high-temperature water tank Physical absorption Chilled water storage Physical adsorption Underground thermal storage Aquifer thermal energy storage Methanol Production Fossil- or biomass-based CCUS Chemical absorption Borehole thermal energy storage Physical absorption Cooking Appliance Electricity Induction cooking Physical adsorption Stove Electric stoves High value chemicals Production Fossil- or biomass-based CCUS Chemical absorption Fossil fuel Domestic biogas digester Improved biomass cooking stove Physical absorption Solar Solar cooking LPG stove Iron and Steel Production Blast furnace Hydrogen enrichment + CO removal → use of works arising gases CCUS Onsite-constructed digester Conversion of steel works arising gases to fuel Composite material digester Conversion of steel works arising gases to chemicals Bag digester Direct reduced iron CCUS Chemical absorption Lighting Appliance Lamps and luminaires LED Conventional LED Physical absorption Operation Direct current lighting Organic LED Smelting reduction Enhanced smelting reduction CCUS Polymer LED Cement Production Cement kiln CCUS Chemical absorption, partial capture rates (less than 20%) Control systems Advanced lighting control system Dimmability, occupancy sensor Chemical absorption (full capture rates) Systems integration Storage Electrical storage Solid state batteries, lithium ion batteries, redox low battery Calcium looping Control systems Demand response Gamiication device Oxy-fuelling Grid interaction Direct current building system Interval/time of use meter Electromechanical, radio-controlled switch Novel physical adsorption (silica or organic-based) Double smart grid Smart meters Direct separation Open automated demand response Concrete curing CO sequestration in inert carbonate materials Membrane separation Virtual net metering – community scale solar 2020 International Energy Agency Aluminium Production Primary smelting CCUS Direct current buildings, direct current microgrid system Poster design Lundgren+Lindqvist