NOTICE OF EVENT 2016 THREDBO ANC SBX RACES MONDAY 15TH AUGUST – WEDNESDAY 17TH AUGUST MONDAY 15 AUGUST Training Day TUESDAY 16 AUGUST FIS ANC SBX Qualification and Race 1 WEDNESDAY 17 AUGUST FIS ANC SBX Qualification and Race 2 THURSDAY 18 AUGUST Weather Day LOCATION Thredbo, NSW, Australia HOSTED BY Thredbo Alpine Village and Ski & Snowboard Australia (SSA) ELIGIBILITY Conditions of entry as per FIS rules and quotas together with any special rules as announced by Ski & Snowboard Australia. Competitions are open to all FIS affiliated associations and current FIS registered athletes. Australian entrants must be a member of Ski & Snowboard Australia. ENTRIES Entries can be submitted online via the SSA website ( Entries close at 1.00pm on Monday 8th August. Entry fee is $85 per race. Late entries may be accepted at the Organizing Committees discretion and will be subject to a $85 late fee. INTERNATIONAL ENTRIES All international entries are to be submitted by the competitors National Federation on a standard FIS Entry Form. Competitors are also required to register and pay online via the online event entry system, Ski & Snowboard Australia ENTRIES TO BE SUBMITTED TO: Level 2, 105 Pearl River Road Docklands, Victoria
[email protected] FIRST TEAM CAPTAINS MEETING AND DRAW 6.00pm Sunday 14th August at Townsend Room, Thredbo Alpine Hotel. Prior to first day of training. 6.00pm Monday 15th August at Townsend Room, Thredbo Alpine Hotel. Draw, update of Program & Bib distribution etc. ALL COMPETITORS MUST BE REPRESENTED AT THE TEAM CAPTAINS MEETING 2 Notice of Event ‐ 2016 Thredbo ANC SBX Races LIFT TICKETS Discounted competitors’ tickets are available for $A69/day for training and race days.