We were also sorry to hear that Mr. Joseph Julien. chairman of the station of the Mission, has been ill and confined to the hospital. We under­ stand that he is now better and up. We are not certain that he has returne4 to work. Our sympathies are. also extended to Mr. Julien on the loss of his father during the time he was confined to the hos­ pital.

· Note to the folks in the 5<>-50 Club-we are planning a trip· to the F~rd Oakville plant in the near future. We ·will see the Ford being assembled from beginning to end and who knows there might even be a free sample or twc (ma.ke mine a Monarch please). We will have the full details concerning the date and time etc. in the near futlire. Also, plans are going ahead for a Buffet Banquet-likewise--details available soon. Join us 'n Friday evenings and get in on these interesting events.

Mr. Bob Boese taught the Sunday School class this past Sun~ and from all reports the lesson was en­ joJ8d by all who attended.

f1ig1 ~ -..PAS-c-.T,...OR-.'.-.5 STUDY -C~iP -CAl{P From t he 3tudy: The young people found out on the retreat that there is so much we can get along without. We may not always like it,but it is possible. Flashlights and gas lights, replaced the electric lights. The hard bumpy ground ~eplaced the soft mattress of. home, for the boys in the tents. Rather than the water coming to you. in 'j:iipes' you had to. go to the water in . the lake.· In place~ of the switch to cook the meals·, there was wood to be cut. The toast was not popped up after-·:. it was made. If it was not turned on the stove soon, nc one could eat it. . . There was .much we got along without, and it did ri~t seem to make life too difficult. I ate well, and slept well, ,. ang: had a ·good time. Everi 'in this body ·of ours· there is a lot that we can do without and still get by. I can lose my tonsils and appendix, one lung and one kidney," both feet· and both hands, my eyes, ears, and nose and still get by. One visit to the Variety Village here in , and you can see children who are learning to get by 'with· a lot less. Just because we can g&t by without many things, does not mean that is the best, or that we should be satisfied about it, if we can change it. Even though there are many things that we can do without, there are some things that are necessary. Apple pie is always better with cheese but you can eat it without cheese. 0~ thing you must have for apple pie is apples. This you cannot do without apples • . There .are many things that you must have to have life continue. You must have food, you must h~ve rest, and you must have air to breathe. Just as there are things that you must have for life, there are things that you must have for eternal life. The gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ. You must have· it, and then you must see that it is sustained. ~ prayers and our reading .of the Bible are to your spiritual life, what food and air are to your body. · I You can get along in this life without God, but it is not .the best. You cannot get along without God i f ~ou expect to have everla-sting life. ~ ·I Ov! is. the tirr.e that you ~::t ould make sure,for t here i :o no "-,e t ·~. ·:> r t i P:'::!, a.!'d ;-;rou cannot get t o hP8. ven w2. t h' );.:_ t it . -. . -:-, . R.. From the Study: It was a hot Friday afternoon., and it was the wrong time of the day to be ·travellirig .... All those who had worked. all day were- ~ither on their-way home, or on· the way to the cottage. The highW9Y was .crowded with C(lrs •. . . Everything was alright for a little while, and then the traffic stopped. We sat for a bit, then drove a few feet, :then sat . so~~ more. There was .. a . 'bottleneck'. up the roa4that had stopped ~he . norrnal . f1ow of traffic •.. We use the. word 1 bottleneck 1· to mean .· anYthing that stop~ the flow. If you ·turn a bqt~~e . ·_of .wa,ter upside down, you can see that all the wa~er cannot flow out ... quickly because the opening is smaller than the'b6ttle. If y9u. -~ll.ow ~~~ .to get . into the ·bo"tttle ,. it .will empty faster.: I.f you :turn the bottle so much that there is no air hole, then ·the water has to wait a bubble of air · gets in to let some water out. Put a few sticks int.o ct.he ·.~ottle . of water' and you often find that they. Will jam 'lip ' the .6periing trying tq be the first .one out. ·sticks cannot think for themselves but people ~hauls • .When people are so foolish that they are ~ot willi~g to take their turn, the bottlenck .gets worse. . . When you are a long way from the bottlenecK, ft is a hard thing to be patient. You do not know what it is up the way that is holding you up. In the work of the church we often run into bOttle­ necks. Everyone rna;; not understand why there is a slow­ down, because they are not near enough to the trouble. T~e devil loves to see the work of the church slow down and jam up ' the works so that it stands still. One person can stop a whole highway of traffic, and one person can stop the work of the church. It is not long before that one person is put out of the way. Yoq will 'find that the road seems very clean after you get through the bottleneck. It is then ea~y to get where you want to go. · · ~.ny of you people remember 9ne of the bottlenecks in the 'history of our church her~. When. the church wanted to call Rev. Ethridge as the pastor, it seemed that a few men outside the church (hearing men) kept putting·· obstacles in the way. For a while it did not look as if · it would be possible to have him here. You know what happ­ ened. Praise the Lord there is a way across every "Red Sea" of life, and through every bottleneck. R.L.R. FRCM THE STUDY

There is al~ays a difference between imitation and the real thing. This difference is not always as obvious as we would like. It is possible to deceive people if the imitatic:>n{is good enough. In jewelery, in art, and in many crafts we know of imitations. The imitation is made for those who are not able, or not willing to get the real thing. For some it is tnat they are not willing to pay the price. For others it is that they are interested in appearances, and the imitation will serve just as well.

Imitation is supposed to be the sincerest form of flattery This may be .alright when a youngster imitates the parents. When people think that ~ they need to do to be a Christian, is to imitate Christ then it is a tragic thing. For all the people who say that Christ was a fine example and that is all, salvation is only imitation.

If anyone could imitate Christ and gain eternal Life, they would first have to live a ·life without sin. This alone lets out anyone that I have ever met. Therefore the Bible says that it makes salvation impossible for anyone. If Jesus tas just showing us how then it is our duty to see how many have raised themselves from the nead. This will be the number of people who have . eternal life. I know of no record other than for Jesus Himself, so it is safe to say that there has been no imitation that has met the standards set by Christ.

This is the part of Christ that all the world with any justice follows. This is the Christian way of life. The Bible says that Jesus is not only our Example but ~· He is also our Saviour. He does not say only 'do what I do' but He also says 'Since you cannot do it for yourself I will be h4PPY to do it for you! It is as your Saviour that He gives you Life, and not just a way of life.

The imitation 'Christian r may look and act like t .1r-; ~.~ eal Chr}.st ian but the difference is in sal1ration . The real Christian has eternal l i f e and the imitRt :i..ori only thinks he. Ba..s it . We may be :?oled b y i mi tatio_1 0ewelry, art and people, but ther e 1s an ex~ ert '·.rho :1f!ver eceived. RLH FR(l.1 THE STUDY

If you measure time by minutes, hours, days, weeks, months and years then you will be aware that I have been with you one year from the first of this month. I prefer to measure time by what it ·has meant to me. The passing o~ time is one thing that we cannot control. All we can do is use what is· given t .o us, . and any time that is not used, is lost forever. At this Christmas time comes, the n~ny questions that filled my mind and prayers one year ago have been answered. It has been a year o~ new experiences and so very much to learn. More important than the passing of years is the passing of life. It has been my experience this year to pastor families that have lost a loved one. Their loss became my loss, with them the joy, that those who died in the Lord, we will meet again. Because of this the birth of Jesus 1957 years ago was not in vain. Because. He came the first time as He promised. It is the hope of the second coming that makes my year with you here one that has passed so quickly. There is much more that should nave been done I know, and with experience I trust, and with His help I will be able to serve you better as we work together. In the fluster of the season, the last minute shopping, the parties and the get-togethers and the many demands on your time, it is only sensible to stop and think about what you are doing and why you are doing it. ~zy days and weeks take the same time to pass as yours and before we know it Christw~s will have come and gone. Only the memory will remain. The memory is a record of what we did. In my memory I want. to. make sure there is something points to the real meaning of Christmas. For this year with you I thank Him who was born in a stable. For the prayers and the co-operation of you who were patient with us, I thank Him. My prayer this Christmas is that together we might serve Him b better so that others may share our joy in the Christ ot Christmas. R.L.R. FROM THE PASTOR'S STUDY

It was early Christmas morning when our son woke up. This. was his first Christmas. As parents we were looking forward to seeing his reaoti.on. · Around the foot of the tree in the li-ving room were many bright ooloured packages. From the number ' of things · with my son's name on it you dould easily see who received all the atte~tion in this house. We finished eating so tha WE could enjoy his first Christmas without interuption, and soon all was ready for the. march onto the gifts. ·:le went ahead and called our boy, so we coul d see him when he first sav1 ever~thing as he came into the room. He came '~alking in rather slov1ly for us and. as soon as he stood in the doorway he stopp~d. H.e w~ s · · not impressed. We thou;ht that he could not have seen the parcels, so \V e proceeded to try and shov1 him 1:1here the;y· ·;1ere. H~ did not touch one. He looked thinJ s ov Ar and t hen walk ed out of the. room. · 'ile did not understand .• H~ follov;ed. him . t o . the kitchen to see \·;hat v1as S·O interesting out , t here. He v.:as. having the time of his life \'ii.th: the garbage. His stocking is still h~ngi ng . He has seen it and touched it but as yet it has not reo~ived much.attention. I do . 'not :p._eed to ~3.y t h$.t \7e could not love our little boy any more. I do not need to tell you that .. ,-Je v;ould go out of our ·:Jay and try a gain if Christmas came t orn orror:. It· is only· "Q ~oa.us e he did no t ·. know any better that he acted tha t ,-;~:¥.·~ .. . · ·, Our Father in heav en has had the same exper ,ience with ma ny of you. ·He gave the gr eat est Gift that has ever b erm given, .and :people \·;oulJ. ·rat}ler ignore it and follOi~i aft er 'the foolish · thinfjS Of tho \70rld• . ·. . . . The big· difference :for·. many is"' that you knOYi bettor. · The Bible says that i.t y;ould not have us to ·be ·ignorant not kno .7iri3'abou.t v;ha.t plans have been mnde .for ·us. ·· Th e Bible tells us that the gi~t of God i s etGr.nal· life throus h J esus Christ our Lord. It is something t hat I'}V'3 r;Yo ne of us \'iants a-vic. n eeds. It is -t h o complete· r xpr ossion of ' the lo'l.t!J of God for us. ~he Bible. says. that m "'~ny y; i l l ~c?o : • but f m·i '."i ~ l l acc o1: t beca use.. t r1or o aro o thr:.r i'nt r; r ~s t s . '~1 h ·:;~ c ot::t er i nt er es ts ::;, r ~ the Yray , f d D ~ t . : . f c-< c 2· ~ h:. ~v: ~! i s ·:._:i f t ' f ,JO~ ·::o•-.t i t. ' ?.Lt--:. There is a tendency in every one of us t c ove~ ­ look or take for granted something is really wonder= ful. One quarter cf the earth ~ s population that is now living under communism, has lost the right to private <.,wnership. He!'e · as i n all free countries, we can talk about our house, our car, cur j c,b and know that the law protects our rights. Even in material possessions, .we r eceive a gr~t deal of enjoyment. Quite often t hat first thrill of ownership passes and we mnt bigger and better t hi ngs. The Di ble warns us that this will be true, but that there are spiritual goals that do satisfy. vJhen we receive a gift the possession of it makes it as much ours as if we bought it. Clu.r real apprecia~ tion is r eturned to the· gi ver but the gift remains ours. All (Jf you can imagine how you feel when you have made the last payment and that house or car has no ·strings attached. There is no possibility of having it taken amy. The Bible tells us that the Gift of God is eternal life. That is somethil\~ that you can make your very own. That is something that you can never have_taken away from you. It is something that makes you want t o spend the rest of your life trying to please the giver. Here the final payment has been made and there ·is · no string at tached. You can see others enjoy this private possession and see hoH· i t has given .their life purpose, but· not until you malce it your own can you really understand what it is all about. Do you think that i t is the same to hear someone tell you about the joy of eating an ice cream cone as it is t o try it for yourself . Seccnd hand· experiences. are not enough because they are not real. You can have God'Zs gift f or yolir very own because of the freedom that Gvd has given to all men t o choose f or themselves. RLR ~~~-m the Pastor's St~~Y

The song that says, ' count your many blessings name them one by one, and it will surprise you what the Lord hath done' contains a good message for everyone of' us . The Bible tells us that we should give thanks, 'for God is good'. The Bible also tells us that ~o be able to give thanks for all things, is the sigh of a stable life. · . . · .... . Our theme chorus at this time is very naturally 'Thanl.: you · Lord for saving my soul ; . It is eas·y · for us to be. thankful for material blessings and to forget the spiritual blessings that are ours. The Bible says that the Gift of God is eternal life. This is one of the most important blessings that is available to everyone that believeth. Thanksgiving is a memorial that was started b y religious people to give thanks to God. This was not something that was new. Almost every group of people would have some festival that in part is the same . .. The difference in Christianity is that is not as a , p~ace offering to an angry God: it is not a bribe to insure future blessings but it is simply an expression of .. love.

As a church, this year we can praise the Lord for what we have seen. The step of faith that Rey . .. Ethridge was willing to :ta}ce has encouraged everyone .. :. of us here, that each one can do something more. The encouragement and the patience that you all have shown to me and to my family as we acquaint ourselves with the work, we can be thankful for. The lives of the deaf that have been changed, the growth · in spiritual. · , things, and the opportunity that has. been ours t~ .help those that are less fortunate, are · also things tli~t 'tve should be thankful for. Nay we never, as a church·, or as individuals, forget that we are of all people truly blessed:-by God. BLR F'rt.m the Study: Spring is in the air. On t~~ farms arcund the ccuntry, many fields are being ploughed • .. .·- In p;Lowipg . ~ . i'ie~5f wi.:th .a, t~am p~ h?rse.s ;:-. :~nd, a · walking plougp:, ._;it is V5ery .__ import~t .j:,hq,.t t}:le f:Lrst. fur;I:.()W :t>e. !itr._aight ,} .9:~ :in th~ c~nt~r : ·of. t9e. f.ielq., ~ -~ The r~asop., th~s -is :so important;·. fs . ~C!-t:,. t!):e . :(-irs~ . .: furrow becomes· the ~ide, C!-l"O~nd . whic.h you: continue ; tc plough until it is finished. Often the farmer will plc.,ugh _the firs:t, .. fur~ow, and ~Q.~n let the boy. ·finish th~ field. ·.· -_ ·. ., . . , . · ' ·.:. It ;is a big day in any- ~Y' s -lif·e, when he i:s ask~d - t ;) plough th~ center-f'urrow, th~re is· - ~ s~cret- to making~ t,he -first. furrow straight .• . This you need -t.) know befvre you eh:)uld attempt t .) try: op.e·. You cannot )~~k · back t.) see how straight you are going. You cannotlook at thE;l furru dZ) thi:s: y.)U will find the furrow is s~raight • . .:· · · · These ·s :>:e-~ like. · v~:cy: :simple instruction~ · and they are; but ·th~y . v~ to be. fe.llow~d ·. to get_- the right~·. r:esult. The ,s.;une prin ple· applie_s _. to· tract'r plvughing:, and:· is : : ·even - ~asier because' you .·do not have a :_· horse with -a··.mind cf it.~ -. •Wlll.. . :.. : · . The. Bi'Ple says· that ~ - NO. ONE. who has pu,t ,his. hand to :the.· pl"Jug}:l:·.Eind; ·!ooks-back is ,fit·. for the: kingdom. "'f . God'. When we ~~cept · .·-r~~~-s Chpist ,- it· is b~. cal;lse ·we hr.v.e. ; .-seen Him; w:hen .~ l-fe st_q.f.t"ed _out ,.-to ~ke t,he guide ·f.0r.. ,our-:J;i.fe. It is a sad thing, when som~one knows that GQd's simple instructions are, 'come to Jesus' and 'keep y ~ur eyes upon Him', and yet . they miss the mar~ .and never do

. reach Him. . . ,· ): ·· . . . I . . If JTOU u~e 'a . ci-ookyQ c.~n~er f~rro:w . a.'~ . a guide 1 then , the. .: :r~sults . keep: get"t-i_rg . W.)rse : a;s you. c:mtinu~ t _o .. pl.~ugh • .. , wpe~~:. ,y_be... first.:· :ts ~tra.ight, th~n it .i.s easy. :to kee.p .. !-he cthe;rs. .. stra.ight...... ·' . .. · .. , . .The Bible : says: t 'hat ··t.he;e is ~ - salvation in no other ~e uncier.·.heaven.·: Jes.us . Christ is.: the only wP-Y th,t leads unt o 'LIFE • . ~fuen you have com.e : to Jesus, you wiil f~nd that He. h~s a gift. . f or _· you, a!)d . aii y~u need t o do f or . it·, is accept. it. · • ; .. ·-There . i~ nothing . as .refreshing a s .. a ~ :qol drink c;: f . .. ,, ater at the. end of a fur.row. That well . of ever l ast ing water f cund in Chri~t vlill change your life. R. .L.R;, .. ... :., ... · : .. . ?rom the Study: We know .f.ro:m... ·~~r:ience, . .that. some. mistakes ar·e hard to· remedy. How often.. have· you said· to·· y ourself, 1 that was ·an expensive_lesson!. · tt. i .s· far better ·to ·- ... . · think and plan ·slow;ly, than to decide ·in. haste'· and . · j · )·.·. rep.~nt in lies.ure. . : · . · ·· · ·:.. ··· ·· · · .. Being sorry when ~ it is. too " l.~te· i's no g~od~ ' · I ·. .>. · remember a tim~ . when the_' .s:lderoad ~as ~n poor ·condition,· and a sign·.said. 'Use at .your Qwp risk'~ - If I ·took ·this · read and got throl,lgh it, .it wo~ld .save''me' about'· teh"iiiin­ utes. The highway was longer but it ·_was clean ,. and·· fast • . I never did get through tha~ sideroad, ·and by· ·the time - I got the car out of the mud and back on the highway, it was- 'too late.· ·'.Besi9e.s wasting .the afternoo11 trying to get 'the car out· of .the .' im.id, it ~pok ' me a few: more hours to get .the mud from the car.. . ' . ' . . ' ' For. ·the ladies who do niuch sewing; th.ere will be'· one wh~ wil:l confe.s'S th~t it .is .better to measure the cloth ten times and be right, than .to measure it -only once arid be wrong. Remember you can 'orily cut it once. If the first cut is ~~wr.ong, ·then !·;it is :far more troub-le than many ... ,. ' ~ - .: . . measur:ings. ··· :. . ·' . · Iti ·life we are . havir,.g · ~ny warnings ~igns. All : along the read there are signs, · so that we·· can prepare· to turn 'r st0p. At all the stop lights there is a.n· ·orange light, and . some know · fro~ experience that it is better to stop than to take a · chance. Nothing may happen many times, but it only takes one accident to ·wish you had.: :~thought mbre about what you do. ·...... If yeu are the :type of per: son whd '·'everytime ·.there is a mistake it is the fault of the other, ·or'' the dlrections are wrong, then you will never learn. We must be willing to . admit our mistakes-; if we are. to leq.r.n anything from ...... our m1stakes. . .. · . ·· · ' · . The Bible saya ·that w~ all . ~ave - ~made . a'. inistake·:;that has separated' us . from (k.d. There is ·, . 9nly ~ 4ne · remedy for this mistake, · and it· is a gif~ from God. WhEm we learn there is ofll¥ ~me way, and :af'ter we ~ave :thought about it, then we can do somet,hing about it.". vle can let Christ eome into oub life and correct our mistak~s. · Until we do·this, we are wasting time and effort, and it will not help in · t he final result. God 's gift is free. R .L,R~ From the Study: This last week-end a man said to ne •..• "Even though I know I am a Christian, t he devil makes me want to do the ·same t hings as I did before I accepted . Christ ••..• " 11aaybe this has been your experience. When this happens then you start to doubt. Paul who was a man greatly used by God, had these doubts. The devil tempts us where we are· weak. The Bible promises us that we can be new creatures, so t hat these weaknesses disappear. This is what makes us different than animals. You have heard that a leopard does not change its spots. That means that a leopard will always be a leopard 'no matter whar happens to the skin. You know t ha t sometimes we can train enemies t o live together, for a short t ime but sooner or later ·t hey show their real selves. The owl may live with a mouse for a short time but soon it will decide t hat the mouse would make a good dinner. You cam take a pig and give it a bath and put perfume on it ~o make it smell nice and let it live in the house. 1 he first time that the pig is near a mud hole, t hat is v.rhere it 't.fill want to wall ow~ · · The sheep is j ust t he opposite. You can cover it with mudand try and teach it t o live i n the mud but it always will try to find a clean pl ace. Because we are all. sinners, we always want to turn back to the same life as before. To overcome this, God gives us a new desir e and t hat is to live above our sins . It.is almost like bei ng a sheep and a pig at t he same time. The sheep part wants t o be clean and the pig part wants t o be dirty . The diff­ erence is t hat you have. a choi ce t o make from a· good mi nd, that must decide which part of you will be satisfied. God has promi.sed us t his new nat ure to want to be clean, good, and holy . I:J e .can ignore t his promise and live for ourself and t he devil, but then we will never know what God has• done for us. If you want to destroy the doubt s t hat conie t o you . as a Chri stian, be posi t i ve . Hake the choice t hat you wi l i not be weak and l ook back. God wants you ·t o ralk ·'Jy i:C '3 "" i ng your syes on J'esus, and then your direc t~. or-: ''rill ·Ot be dov.m but only up. R. L.R. From the Study: There are many puzzles to life that may be above our understanding. This is. what makes us . h~.n • . All peop-le·'ha.ve 8: limit to their' ' uncierst~'nding and. their ability. · It -is not· the· puzzle·s I . ·cannot, understand that bother me, as much ·as ·the pu~zles that I should under­ stand·. We .· are ·livi.ng in a time when folk. know the difference between good and evil, yet they choose to . do what ls ~ wrong. · · . . . It you ;ask the thf.ef .if he knew that he was doing wrong, he woUld answer yes. If you asked the drUnkard if he knew how booze could destroy a _man and innocent women and. children, he 'wotO.d answer ye~. ' . . . If you ~fsked the Government \\~at is right, the answer would be to serve :the people· equally, arid you know this ne.ver happens. The church ifi_. ~"!ppose~. to be the represeritative ·of God and yet l'li;:rt~~ory hai;; shown thatl·often 'is -become the tool of the' cfenf_: -Wheri ·the · church persecutes those outside the. ri11tll-ch, · ;it · i~ not serving God. · . · · -. · · · We are living in strange da;Y's ~nd following strange ways. Unions that were started to help the. poor working man, are now so rich they can. ke.ep a .man .from working. We talk about keeping the pea..c·e:~ ~ . b~iJ.qing bigger and better bombs~ ·The man whodoes not go to the theatre, spends ail IUs :_ tim~ . - ~tchin~ : TV~ · . A minister runs. away fr-om his·.chiirch . anQ. ~' his family in the United Sta~es and starts to work 'iii a . gambiing' casino. .- . The thing to 'do today · i~ not to keep the law, but how ··t6 get ··around it.".·It ..: :fs·B:gainst the law to advertise beer in Ontario and yet through .the T.V. f~om the States and in our magazines and pa):)'ers, you ·Will .find 'this done every day. · The Bible warns us that e.ven when the spirit is willing,. the person is often too weak to over.com,e · .. temptation. The honest mistake we au· make, but the desire not to try and do right has lead the world into this mess. We like to see .the other. man' :c;lq what is right but dp·. not want to do it yoursei.f. This is not a good example for your children to grow up-with, so you .must make it ct1fferent. The only way you can be sure to do .this, is to give your life to God~ He will not oniy give you the d~sire to do what is right but will give you the power to .do it a s well. R.L.R. From the Study: The building was old. The classrooms were crowded. It was obvious to all that someday the school could be a fire trap as there was only one exit. . This week our papers told the story, and showe~ pictures of what happened in . Almost a hunqred people died. Most of those that died were only children. Not one of those who died would have thought. ·e.s they went to school that day,it would be their last. . There are many empty chairs and many broken hearted parents, that would give anything to have their children back. It is too late. There is nothing as final as death. The Bible tells us that death is the re.sult of sin coming into the world. The~e is no one who dpes not live .( in the shadow of death. The fact that .th~r~ . :~s l_if~ opens up the possibility of death. The Bible warns us that a"fter d,eath . · th~r-e is a judgment. The Bible also warns us tl'\at you should be pnepared..n<5W ·as}jroa clumot..;.;.be .. sure· about·_havi;ng· arry chance tomorrow. People who cut off accepting Chr,is_t · .un~il they grow old, will find that they may not grow olq.; The people who do accept- 6hrist and have asked Him to forgive them ·and ·come into their life, are ·-prepared n.ow , .f;~r tomorrow. I enjoy living and certainly do ..not -plan: to d:l.e soon nor do I want .to die but. I ·am prepar~d, . ito die. This is one of the things that makes· a Christian very different. It is the choice .I make today that decid~s my direction tomorrow. As· a parent it is easy to put off :until·. tomorrow the teaching of children. The newspapers t 'ell '1.\S. that many in the city of Chl

• From the Study • Everyone has a dream of doing something that is important. This is only natural. It"is a good thing we can have such dreams. It is because of these dreams· that we make a real effort. When Jesus chose His disciples, He chose men who were common people. It was with these men who had beeri fishermen and tax collectors, that the most impor tant work in the world began. This was the work of the church. It was because of their teaching of what could be done, that much was do~e. Here is some­ thing important, that everyone of us can have a share. The work of the church is.to make Christ known as the Saviour of the world. This can only be done if He is first your Saviour. Then your life will show it. Others will see· it. Then you can share it. That "is not very difficult if you take one step at a time~

The man who removes· a mountain, begi ns by carrying away small stones.

It does not matter how big the job may be there is only one way to start. It is i mpossible to build a house without putting the bricks and blocks on, one at a time, Any one wh o has seen them trying to put a foundation under a house after it is built, knows that it j,s just t wice as difficult and talces much more time. Many people choose to do the easy job the hard way, but t he result i s just the same . God bas given us an i mportant job here in the church. We are to represent Him. This is not easy. The only way to start i s to accept Htrh. as the Master of our life, and to try to be like Him. He has promised that He will help us. Maybe you have seen a couple that have lived together a long time. They eat t he same food. They enjoy the same things. They almost seem to look alike. This is because t hey are ncar to each other so much. If we are near to Christ ,then others should be able to see Christ in us . · Chri s·t i s the light cf life .

R.L.R. From the Pastor's Study

One of the biggest mistakes that we oan make is to · 'l:1i~·en. ~~lt{>o-or advf<~e· . '""Nev-or ask' a' ..nii'lure ~r the secret of success. On a run down farm in the hill country, a farmer was having difficulty with his mule. It seamed to have run out of steam. The man decided that it needed a tonic. Not having any guide to follow he made up a tonic of his own, from turpentine and kerosene and anything else that was handy. Now there was a neighbor that al so was having trouble wit h his mule. This neighbor heard· about this prescription which the other man had given to his mule. He went and got all the details, because he did not have any guide t() follow either. He f oll­ owed the other'man's instruction perfectly, and the mule was given it against its will. The next morning the mule was dead. The next time that the two men were together they started to talk about the mules . t he neighbor said that the prescription which the other had given him had killed his mule . The man had to confess that his mule seemed to know better, and did his best not to take it. The man who made up the pr escriptivn was not surprised, because he had had the same experience himself. It is a danger ous thing to take a chance on l osing everything with a homemade remedy. We need to follow the guide that will show us the right way. It is a foolish thing to ask a failure for a sclution t c your problem. -The Bible has warned us that t here will be many man- made solutions , but that you can judge their value by the results. The Bible declares that it is a light to show t he right way for us t o f ollcw. The .results of this prescription are guaranteed . Do not continue to make the same mistake t hat others make. Learn from their experience both good and bad, and then you vvill come t o the only wise decision. What Christ has done f or other s , He will do for you. R.L.R. ..

From t hA Study.

This is the time of year that all who are wage­ earnArs start to colleot the information for filing their income tax returns. YlhAn Jesus was asked about taxes, He · replied that we should pay ·all that is required. This is our duty as a citizen, and as a Christian. I do not believe it is sensible, ~ t'O pay more than you shon.ld but we should be honest. - . I was surprised by a mari who gave me a gift_ f or .

our mission work here at the church. I asked. him.. to wai t for a r eceipt, and he replied. that h~ ·never usei t hem. This is not g-:Jod business., The government a l lows you to deduct up t o I \Jf~ of your income. If you give , then it: is only right t hat you rep ort it, and receive the benefit from it. I received $100 from a. man this year that was the refund from the government, because he reported his ._ church receipts. This was money that was his by rights and he gave it all, to work among the deaf. This was money that he would not have, to give, if he had not reported his_ gi~ings. 17e have. a duty to- our oountry. This w·e a:il. . know. This we are forced to pay. rJe also remember that the same time that: Jesus sai.d to be honest v1i th the gover­ nment. He said -we . shq:u,ld be hone·st with God.. - ···:·., · ·· . ._ , ..' ...... i :believe in reoelpts .and repor'ting'rt aem'; beoause'• it really shows how little we do give. VIe can fool ours e lv~s very easily if we do not keep a reoord. This is why as your :pastor I praaice · ~ and ·' I' advise, the. . use of envelopes. · · ·One thing about giving to the· work of the Lord is that God is no man's debtor. No one has · ever taken any of t.his world into the next, . but you· can .s.end it on ahead. There are no pockets in shrouds.· As a Christian it is your responsibility_to be wise even about paying taxes. It is ·foolish to pay more than you have to by law. It is un-christian not to be honest. · R.L.R. •

From the Pastor's Study ' Believe it. or not . This was· the thouf~ht tha t ran through my mind as rJe prepa red . f or th3 annual bus inoss n1e eting . It was just one year ago thut Rev • .Gthridge s 2.t in the chair here. There V·Jere many ;.'J ho had. doubts about his t;;oinc; to Jama ica. There were a few vvho resented it. Both your pastors knev! he should go, . but neither one of us ·knew exactly how he •:1ould get his suppor t. \ e · had ·tri.ed to in-:terest hearing churches in the vrork but v.ri th no· success. r.rh.e Church here took a big· step of faith when they promised him partial support. BeJ.ievc it or not. The church here --ri th the help ·of a few i nte:rcsted friends throughout Onta rio have f ully s uppor ted tho .f!."thridges. One year ago I do n o"C thinlc that any ·one rJ ou~d have thought ·this JlOSsiblo . Some 1ere pray ing that it would .be •. ·

I kno~ J not by rJhat method rare But t h i s I lmm:J God ansvrers 'l}l'ayer.

The Bible · says that more t~1 ing 2cre done tllroueh J ra.yer ·than this v·Jorld dr eams of. No. one will 9.ray . f - i n c(n~ ely about the :~thr i d e es i f t hey themselves "a re · not w'illine.; t o do a ll :tha t they ca n thcms elv::;s . . . Prayer like faith nGeds 1.·._;"0rks or i t is dead. J\ t this time of the year it i s easy 'to believe nha t ha s happened. : I t is history nov.r . Because prayer. is 11ot only a..sk ing, i-ii e need to be much in pray'er, filled 1;J·i th p r a ises for rJha.t God ha s done through 'you h ere. Uhat is imposs ible for one, ha.s been done by a ll who joined to~ether and a ccepted the ir Christian responsibility. Praise the Lqrd that n e can look back u pon His blessings. Now our t .ask i n to look ahea d to what we can do f or the ~~ ingdoin . of Go c1 in this ncvv ye:::.r. The job is not finished. There i s still much that is too be done. Believe it or not with God's help r1e· can do it. As you pray for your pastor in J a rn.o. ica , r emember that ~ro ur :_)a stor r i e;ht here at honte needs your 9r~yer s t oo if God i s too bless u s h ere .

I?LR From thG Past or ' s Study

Every one can t ell the difference between ·-a good and a poor job. One t hing t hat we seldcm t hi nk about is that the big difference usually lies with the little things. Trifles make perfection but perfection . itself is nl) trifle. A trifle is one of the little t hings tha~ makes the big difference. You have perhaps s een two peopl e who have painted the same picture. The objects in 1oth pictures are the same . The color used is the same in both. It was the· same type of brush and ca nvas that was used. The r esults were differ ent. One painting would be appreciated. For the carpenter or the machinist a s well as almost all trades, trifles are important. If a door is just a bit t oo large it will not close. If it is too small it does not serve the purpose. The difference between a car that starts and runs well i s a little space that must be r i ght i f the gas i s t o be used right. The spark plugs and the points must be adjusted to a thousandth of an inch if it is to fire right. · Trifles ar e i mport ant. We t alk about little sins, but there are no such thing as unimport ant sins. Any sin will k eep you from Go~ . A little bit of dust will s top t he workings of the finest watch . The small est sin is enough t o keep you from the promises of God i f ·it i s not forgiven ~ The master paint er can take t he failure and turn it into a s uccess. The carpenter can make the door serve its purpose. The mechanic can make the adjust ment that is needed so the car can run right. For every problem there is a solution and I can thank God that I found t he answer to alt because I found God . Many of you have found Him t oo . Because He is able to do exceedly abundant above anything that we could ask or think, He is waiting t o meet the need in your life . No matter how smal l i t may seem t o you, He wants t o hel p you wit h it. God knows that trifles make perfection a)ld -c hat perfection is no trifle .. .. .

·. ;.·· : ..· :.'

. . ·.:

Here it is the beginning of· a uew year. Many of the things that we promised to do are still undobe. ~· .:._ !·. Because we have another day, we have another opportunit y to do the things that we should. This-is not an 'excuse to put off until tomorrow what we should do today, but only a reminder that because we failed yesterday does not n~an that we need to fail again today. The Bible says that the only reason why God has · put .the day of Christ's second coming, is so that a few more may have another chance • To not make the same mistake of rejecting Him until it is too late, is the reason that we are given another chance. The dividing of time by the year seems to give us another chance to make this year different. If this year is to be any different than any other then it is up to you. There is much that we can do for ourselves that will make it different, but there is also some things that only God can do. The things that God can do also· depend on you, because He will never force Himself on anyone. Only with your permission will God do to you and through you, the things that can truly make this year different from any other. There is much that we can to for God as we are serving others. There is a little ditty that says;

If a task is once begun Never leave it 'til it's done Be the labour great or small Do it well or not at all •

. This is good advice for everyone. As a Christian we owe this to our fellowman and as a child of God we owe it to our Father. This is a time of decision. You will make many that you will never keep. There is one decision that you can make that is not just yours to keep. That is t he most important decision in your life. The Bible days that whosoever comes to Christ, He will not let them slip away. I am thrilled that my salvation does not depend on my ability to hang on but t hat God will hold ont o me when I am too weak to hel p myself . Tb i s i s why I l ook forward t o t his year with H.i.1ll .

l.~ Li~ i'rom t he Study: The secret to the success of a project, is the planning that has gone on before. It would be hard to image men trying to make a rocket or a.D aircraft, with­ out plans. Before you are permitted to build a house, you must first find a plan and have it approved. Some things that I have seen built, show me that the planning was not very good. It is always easier to do it right the first time, than try to make a mistake right. t\'hen I "'t.'as learning to type, often I would make a mistake, and for sometime I tried to correct it. I wasted so much time in changing my sentences, and not saying what I wanted to say that it ','las always guicker, and better just to start over again. }W typing is still not very good, but I am not wasting near~ as rnuch time. I just start over again • . Some people can have a plan in their head, and \·:ork from that. others need a plan that they can see on paper to wo~k from. Some people have no ideas of their own, and have to rely on others to provide the plan. People are all different. Your life needs a plan. You are the only one, who can make the decision about the plan that you want to follow. Some people do not seen: to follo'\-r any plan, and their life clearly shows it. trfuen God made the master plan that gives purpose and meaning to every life, it was for you and me. Just as the builder must apapt the plans to meet the need of the building, so I must make changes so that rrry plan and His plan are basically the same, and yet just right for me. Those who say that they are not follo"'tdng any plan, and that is good enough for them must remember, that anything that is of any value doesn't just happen. A watch never 'just Hapnens' but is the plan, a .t Jd the work of a watchmaker. A car doesn't 'just happen' but is the result of a plan, and skilled work. If your plan is one of chance, then the chances are not very good that it will turn out to be anythine. If :rou plan to read, to pray, to attend t he services~ r- hen it i s likely that you may. If you never pla~ to j o t hese t hings, then it is quite sur A tJwt :to·,l ~·re ;'li.. . From the Study: . The other day ~wife and I took our lit t le boy to the Zoo. It was a holiday , and the Zoo was crowded with people who had come to see the animals. This is what Zops are £or. This was our intention when we sta17ted :out. ~ca.us·e we live in a downtoWn area, our little boy does not. have chance to see th~ animals,. as those. who : 11ve 1~. the country. You all ·knoW 'that children do not stay interested in anything very lecause w~ · · thought .that -he would. have been interested in the animals. He could have ·done the very · ~e thing, right ~ut in·front of the church any day· as he was doing at .the Zoo~ Many of you will -be taldng a _.trip - ~md ., a holiday , · ttqs : swriner, and travel :miles to do the same thing as you probably do right around home. We all like to· have and often need a · chlinge. _There are .som~.-·.things you do around ·home,- that you should ·nla.ke· ·sute ·you o nct1TJa.tter where you ..are. · · · · · · . The: song -'Take-·titne ·to be }loly.. _speak of~' with the Lordi should be part of your. lire at hoin~. and away. . If there is no place for you to worship .. With ~thers, then you ha.ve·: .your own Bible ·and .you can pray• . Otten. it. is thos.e times :that. we are .alone with .God, that we . permit .him to· r.eally bless \.lS. . ... Crossing an ocean~ has never made a missionary out.·. of anyone who was not a missionary at home. Taking a holiday, will never take Christ out of a real Christ­ ian's daily .habits.· You are what you· are ~egardless ·of .. where you ·may be; This i"s a good. way for you to · be ~ hone.st with yourself, ang. find out· just ~ow _ inte~ested you are in ·the things of God. If you have taken a ..holiday, af!.d you . ~ever found · : time to .. read a:nd prayi then you were ·careles~ a: bout·.your soul. ~ you are care ess at home then you w:t.ll be care­ lea ~ away. If· you are carefu1 at home, you should not be careless, just because you are away .Our boy's i~tere.st -v.;a s almost the same at the Zoo as at home. R. L. R. From the Study: . ., Have y~n.l ·.. ever feit a little guilty ·for jwnp~ng · to a conclusion? You f~el . very proud when you , ·~:re · .:: . right, and •eem to forget the many t:iines·· you -~re · · ·' · · ' ; wrong .... ,. , It·.· is so easy t .o .be wr.ong ·about. people. · Often we judge -people by the way th.ey look. You ·cari ·change th~ clothes an~ comb the hair, but there is ' ~ · limit to what we can do, with what we were born.· What we"·' see in public is ~o very little, and yet th~s is what makes up .our mind. · . · · Be careful and go slow in making tip yoU.r mind about ·people a:nd then you are not likely to be fooled in accep~ing the ',sli,ck' and the'8mooth' who are no good~ , ~nd reject the shy and ~he . backward who are very good • . There is . ~ lj.ttle poeni"that I _remember which helps to remind me about this. Pray·, don' t find· f~ul t with the ·f'ello".r who limps Or stumbles·· along the road. · Unless you have worn the shoes he .wears; Or struggles beneath his load. There may _be rocks in his shoes that hurt Though hidden away from vieW". · Or the load he bears placed upon your back ·· May cause you to ·stumble too. ·

Your first impression may be right; but be fair to the person by giving him or :her, a chance to "show you that you are right. · · ..· .. · In like manner be ·careful of the person who pats you on the back, a~d makes you a buddy before you ·· have to think. A IJlan is ·so often lmoWr1 by the company he keeps. ·Your company helps people to make the · right decision about you~ · : · The verse tha.t says be kind and tenderhearted, should encourage you to try and see the best in everyone. Encourage this side of ;heir life and God will bless both of you in this service. R. L.H, From the Study: Maybe you have wondered at the wisdom of forglvi~16 other people, even when you know that they have not (Changed, The Bible says that we need to be kind one to another, tenderhearted, loving one another. You cannot pour happiness on others without getting a little on yourself. One way of making others happy, is to be willing to forgive, and forget. Sometimes .it is beyond your power to forgive, _. -· ~ because it has never been sought. I know that there i~ some resentment against the minister of the church ' here in Toronto. There always has been and there always will be, but it will seldom hurt Rev. Ethridge or myself, because often we know nothing about it. Some folk make themselves miserable about it, and only hurt themselves. If you speak evil of other people, it will not hurt them as much as it will you. A boy who had been the object of lies, determined that if he ever caught the other boy who was telling them, he would beat him up. The day came and there was a fight, and he rolled him into the ditch and climbed -down on top of him. He said to the boy who had told the lies that he was . going to keep him there in the ditch, and he meant. ~t. . . After a little while it dawned on him that if ·he was to keep the liar down in the ditch, then he would have to stay there himself. So in mercy· to himself he let the other up. It would not hurt the other fellow half as much to be in the ditch, as it would for him to keep the liar there. Have you wondered why the pastor never tries to defend himself. It would mean that he would have to get down to the same le~el as the person who was finding the fault. The pastor makes mistakes and appreciates correction, but that is a different matter. Christ asked you to be forgiving, so that you could get the most out of the Christian life. There is no room for small people in the kingdom of God. It takes a BIG person to be forgiving. The Bible says that you should not let the sun go down on your wrath. Don't go to bed mad. Be kind t o youreelf and live 8o ·:,hat when any one speaks n.vil against you, no one w:iJ.l ;.) ~li cve i t . r:::'h ::m it :.. :3 '~s . c<,y t o be .:'or givingo E.,L"' R.. From the eamp:

Just before we left for the camp I brought some lilac bushes to plant in the yard. It has been a losing ba. t tle to try andl get anything to grow behind the church except weeds. I was warned when I picked up the bushes that I should st;rip._the leaves off the bush~ .... . It requires :_, some time for the ..roots to start taking' th~ .t.pod agl!iin froiri the soi.l. . Until that time, · the leaves. drain the life· from the plant. · The Bible has a parable about seeds and soil. One of _the seeds fell into the ground an~ grew very q~ckly. The r oo.t was not d~veloped ·and · ·could not supply the · fobd. Soon. the_. p]Jint di'ed. ,., .. -- ·..:: I · . . .. _ The rop£ is . to a ~ plant; ·li'ke the foundat·i~n - is·· to: a bui+ding •.· .. It. ..is absolutely' necessary. . · -- - .." , . If you .' are to build strong, then-the-r '()oJ·s and the foundation must be strorig. It is not wise to have ~re l l bove the ·ground .·showing; thari is provided for UJ1d~r . · the g~9,~~·- ··· _y: -: : ·: · .. ~ .) ·· ~ · : ·: . . , · . :.:_.. :. · ... . .· . .:-- . Spiri t~l.- .grQWth depends on ·your r6'6'ts. Your roots are· 'the daily habits you ha.v~ iQ _on,c.~~n:i:~d~rl!LYer and. rea4.~ng yre · Bi:ble·. '· n .·; ;,_ · _' · ,, ·.·, _ ·. -:. . , · : . .. . • . We' may never get anything to grow behind the church no matter how we try to follow the best advice we can get. The only place we can go for advice is to other people, who may not know a~ything more than we do. Some. things we just do not ·know: With the Bible we do not. need. to depend: upon the advice- of other men·. we.:'ban firid'' th~ adVice of. God and 'about 'anything • . He d6es' :nbt>'·ma.ke mis-t~l(;;; ·~ '. This. is the reas ~n that the results are GUAitANTEEb~ .. - · j·_·. .... The God who ·made all things including life is . ~he same ·· God who has provided for all that He has made. · There are many things that we do not know about nature. and. ourselves.. We can be thankful the Lord has seBn fit to make sure that we can know enough for ~he birth and the growth of our spirit.

R.L.R •

..• ·- ~ . ~~· ..: . '. ... From the Study

In travelling it pays to know · the. ~ w'!!ly:; : arid not to just depend upon signs along the way. 'Often there are no signs along the way. I read a story of an olympic ewi.mrner, who had· trained in a pool with markers on the bottom of tl1e pool. The first time that he had to swim in a pool without any markers on the bottom, he swam all over except in a straight line. You cannot win a race that way. He had to change his method of reaching the destination, from using the signs along the way, to the goal at the end., of the race •• ' This same principle is used in ploughing a straight line. This should be the principle which guides every Christian. :· _· Itis the person of Christ at the end of your 1 'l· t " ·-~ife that is important. If you start to depend upon the church, the communiam, baptism minister, or good .works, to show you the way, you may find that they have been poor guides. The lesson learned by that swtmmer for the olympics later saved his life. He was washed o'V11l"­ board during a storm at night. Here there were no ·lines that he could follow. He had to set a goal and know how to keep it if he was ever to reach shore. He swam for three hours and landed safely. You need to learn the lessons of life· now when there is time. Later when you are in need of hel~arid cannot find any guides along the way, you will have no time to learn. There is a time when all the learning needs to be practised. : · · If your life now is one that has but one "goal as a Christian, then you will have no problem, no matter how dark the night that may come your way. How much easier it is when we are prepared. His way is above our say and it does help us to know that we never need wilk alone. Christ will lead us each step of the way. You will never have to worry about tomorrow if you walk hand in hand with God who has all the tomorrows Ln His Hand. .. : :. ·.~ :' . : •• 4 •

From the Study : '.,

One d.S.y a Sunday School teacher ~said to the class, "All who would like to ~o to heaven hold up · your hand". All the children except one little boy eagerly raised their hands.' · . · The teach~r . was a little surprised, so he asked the boy why he-was not .interested in going·to. heaven. The boy's answer was that .his parents wanted to go etraight home. We all carr see how children can make -a. mistake. Many humorous things happen because children do not ·. . ' ., understand; and often parents are responsible. The things ~he children hear; and the things they see, are the-things that help _them make decisions. What do your children see and hear from you who ·are parents. What may be funny l'rhen a ch~ld is small, is tragic when they grow up. Too many chilctren grow up with the idea that a picnic is of more value than the things of God, or that a day at the beach is of more worth, more than an eternity with Christ. Children learn much sooner than we think. If you want your children to grow up to be Christians, then show them how. If I were trying to find out a ·.parent' s attitude to the church and the things of · · God, I would find more accurate information from their children than from anywhere else. , .. Children .need to be obedient to parents. {' '-:,_, · Parents need to be wise in ·wha,t the children obey. ~;(.. j Spiritual stability is one of the· greatest assets th~t a~y parent can develop ,in a child • . . I . Children should be taught that t here is a heaven that Jesus has gone to prepare, f or all those wko are ··' . ,,! saved. There is nothing·here that is .of greater importance than knowing Christ. . Young people aware of: these truths, need to rememberthat they may be parents • .. It is too late after the children arrive to get good habits. Now is the time to start •..••• R.L.R. From the Study: This is a time of year that many people rerpember as Lent. This is the period of 46 da..'i S before l:aster. They usually talk about the 40 daJS o~ Lent but they do not oount the 6 Sundays. ·This period starts with ASh Wednesday. You may have kept this period of the year and. never kilo'Wn wey )'OU did. Some chur-ches make this an important part of their ohurch· year. i.:/hen this idea first started, the peop le devoted thamselveQ to fasting and penitence to remember the time of Christ in the wilderness. They thought that just before Easter would be a good time to do this. The Asi1. ../Adnesday idea is from the R.C. Church idea of using ashes to show that a person is starting this time of penance. We need to know what these things mean. Ve need to be wise in how it affects us. It is my opinion that most peor)le neither fast nor are p'3ni tent just because they observe Lent. There is nothi'l1g wrong with keeping this custom if you want to, nor is there anything wrong if you do not keep it. It has no Scriptural basis, but it is not opposed to Scripture. What is contrary to the Bible teaching is the wearing of ashes. Those that do t 'teir fasting and peni­ tance to be seen by men, have the reward of only being seen by men. Those that fast and are penitance in seoret wi 11 be rewarded by God. . It is a good thing to remember what God has done· for us and if this is what happens by your. keeping Lent, then it is good. If yqu think that doing without anything during Lent is pleasing to God, then th~r e are· verses in the Bible that shows, you are fooling yourself. · There is a differenoe between knowledge am~ wisdom. Knowledge is knowing that fire bUlm.S, wisdom is rememb ering the blister'"

. You may know abo¥f; Lent, but being wise as to how it affects you is more important. The Bible is our guide that we oan wa~ right, not as ·fools but as VJise.

R.L. R. From the Study:

If I went into a resturant to eat, it is quite likely that someone would show me to a seat,. We call these people the host or the hostess. These people are there to help us. Before very long someone comes over to the table with a glass 9f water and a menu. Now. the water is very niae~ but I came in .for more than the water. The waitress is there to _serve_me ~nd she waits to take my order. · I take the menu and see all the various .dinners that I may choose, and the price that I must pay. Here on the menu is a guide so that I may order what I ~nt, and:. what satis~y . my pe~fl· ~. __It does not._matter what I want ·o·r Vlhat 1_need, ~l better ~e p,;r~pared . to··pay the price be:f'0re I ordei• ·ft. · .. · If' after a few minutes qf _stuq.ytng _. the menu, I thanked:-the waitress·· and left, . you .would ·know _I am not willing. to pas the price, or there' was nothing there I wanted, or there is so~ething wrong-with me. Just reading a menu, never :f'illed.. a stomach. The. only way the· menu· is of an.y v.alue is :(or you place an .order, foolowing the suggestions which you have read. God has provided us With a ·MENU . ~4 i.t has every- • I ~ • .1 ' ~ thing that we need and want. God has .oalled s~rvants to help us find a place, and to _ he ~p us place an order. God has printed the price clearly~ so that you ca~ decide if you are willing to pay. If you refuse to order, then it is .. clear. yml are not wi l.J,~n,g. to pay~ the price, or nothing was wanted, or that there is something wrong with you. T ~le . Bible says 'only the. fool says in his heart there is· no God'. Only the :fool continues to live without God, for the Bible says 'what t;~hall it profit a man i:f he gain . the · whole world ·and lose his own soul?' -~ Nothingl You do not go into a resturant only to .read the menu _l~ut .many people take the· Bible and only read the ·. word~. · If. it i -s- to do you any ·godd you have to plaoe an ord,~:r. ·--- R ~L.R. · ' ' "-:, • ' \ I

.:' .. ·( ~ . . . From the Study:

The past few days have been most enjoyable for me. Sitti~ h~re in the .study. on Wellesley Street and think­ ing of-.tJ:le deaf folk I }la.ve visited ld.th since· arriving Pn .Saturdc;ty.evening does ~ke me · fe~l good... Sesing you ~nd . talking with yo~ has reassured me that you are r.tan­ ~ng behind ~s as.a missionary family both financially ( (for whi.ch we · are m9st grateful) · and in your prayers. I wonder sometime if you could ever realize just what your prayers mean to us and to others like ·us who .. serve .the Lord in other lands. Perhaps, you could -under­ stand it better if you would co:::pare it to my feeling when I am in deep .water. I am not a very good swimmer, and because of this \trhen I fil').d myself in deep waterj · it is natural to swim as ha:ed and .straight for dry land as possibl.e. Yet, sometimes there is an inner tube available and if I can just put my hand on it without . actually leaning on it the feeling that I must struggle is gone. We know that in ourselves the tasl which the Lord has given ·us in beyond us but do know th~t He is · able to supply strength and guidance. As we know that you are praying with us ·and for us, we "are strenithened. Our faith grows and the struggle goes. Please do pray forus. Especially just now· .. as w~ - face a very special problem which we cannot make public as yet. Remember our deaf people there in · Jamaica. Don't forget i-Ts. Ethridge,- ·Paula and the children as they are there in m,y absence. There is praise and thanksgiving in ~ heart as· I note the growth spiritually and the progress vf .. the church in general over this paBt I~ years. God has .been good. to us a church. It has been an inspiration to come home for this few days and visit with ~ou, and to see just what God has done and is doing among you. Your love and loyalty to Pastor Rumball and his wife have made me very happy. · Their progress in the· Language is .easy to see and it is just as eas.y to see and it is just as .easy to see ·.that they are· .at home · here and giving. fully of themselves to this work. Do rem~mber us in pra~er as we ace rememberi ng you. \ri.A.E. From the Study: ' - . ,· ~ heard -this piece;. ·~f poetry.-!1 s!'tort time ago and decided that i .t should be shared by all of you. The girl that. .. wrote· this-·,. is lii.YiDg at .the C.lwc. I. B. She comes to worship with us here ... She has been blind at:ld deaf. with a ·slight paralysis for 5 years. She i -s a fine Chr.ist~an girl. The Eternal Sunset. I'm sitting here in the silence, Midst the coolness of the breeze, While the weary sun is sinking To rest behind the trees • . , She sits on the sdistant horizon, Ma§estic as a queen •••• ·. Robed in bronze, then crimson, _Now fading to emerald green. She curtsies like a dancer, In_Skirts of purple mist •••• Then blushes as a maiden who has just been kissed. The -dusty pink remaining, Although the sun has gone •••• Reminds us of the monrow, :And _the hope:that comes with dawn • . , . . · : , _,_.A t~eiing of : sa~ness creeps o'er me, . When I think of my blind· eye~, . Which cannot see the sunset •••• Nor the beauty·. of. .the skies • . . . .. : \ : Ibt I know the time is coming, When God ~hall let me see •••• · · · The glory. of. His sunset, . . Throughout . Eternity. ·

l/ae Brown D From the Study: One of the most impressive ·portions of our w:orship service is the hymns .• . It is the singing of the congrega~ion, the choir and the soloist that visitors remember...... Hymns· shoUld· be an ~portant pirt of every . .. service·. ···EVery worship· service· shoUld have the mess:...... age,. th~ prayers, .. and th~ .. hymns.·. So o.f~~n , ·we do not· ·give the hymns, and the · prayers, the· attention th~y · deserve. This is so:ne­ thing that.< ·aJJnost every church . does. Hymn:s and prayer s are riot just time .killers until the sermon; but e. v~cy necessary part of· any worship s ervice .. . Hymns in the sign language are beautiful·. H;ymns can b::; .. used .to · pre~ant ·thb GOspel of Jesus Christ. So of ten .I' find in hymns, the very thing that I v!~ n. t to say~ said. in a way that I wish I was smart ·enough to have written. . · If all our Bibles were destroyed, we wouid Still find enough theology, comfort, teaching,· history, prayers, confe~sions and Gospel · to contin~~ tpe · . Christian chur~h. I know that hymns are not inspired as is the Bible and that some do err, but there is eno,ugh for anyone to find salvation • . ·. . Sometimes we find in hymns the deep things of· God~ . said. in simple statements that all can . un~er­ stand. The Church's dne foundation is Je$Us Christ our Lord. The great commision of God is that •OnWa.rd Chri§tiiln'soidie:i-s with the ·cross of Jesus' • .· .. I.n. finding hope and comfort 'Th.er~ · is a land·' that · i ·s ·fairer than d.B.y and by faith we can ::see it'. To be 'Safe in the arms of Jesus', is the difference in the Christian faith, from all others. . The way to the cross is 'Just as I am without one " pl..~ :~ but: ·.1:.h~t c]esus' · Blood was shed for me'. ·· '· .. ~-~·. , ~e. ~t.imot:lf.~ · Pf. . II\Y ~~ff3 :. is that, 'I VtJ.S lost ~n siri . ....~ ~uf . ,l"~_~s ~·ool(~¢. .. .in'. It does not mat1:,~r How · de~p ·. -- you nave gohe'.. in · ·Sin, He is able to.. ~ft ' you out. of the miry clay. · T~e ~istory _ of the world is divided by Christmas carol's. Re~d . tour hYmn. bo~·k artd be . thril:led! .·. .. _ From the Study: Have you ever wondered wny it is that there are so many religions, and why ·they are so much the same? Even in the Chri:stian Church ther~ ~re . many differen~e. s. The ·· Biggest ·my:stery we have in the .. Christian Ch:urch · is ·that many people say they .are mem9ers, but have :.. ..· ' never accepted Christ themselves. . . It is possible for a man to be a minister in a Christian Chtirch, _:·and not be a real Christian. Why a r.nB.n wouid - - do ~· this I do n.)t know. How a man can deceive the people, I can understand. If you do not lmow very much about money, it is the easiest thing in the world for you to take what is called, couherfeit money. Some counterfeit money is so poor an imitation that almost anyone spots it •. There are many counterfeits in religion, that most people spot very easily. These poor imitations are not dangerous in money, or religion • It is when the counterfeit money is so good that it can pass ·through ·the·· hands of those who know money. When counterfeit money escapes notice in most banks_, _. then it is a good counterfeiting job. These are the monies that make -it very difficult, for the average person.· This is·a serious crime in any .country. There are many religions that are very close to the truth and fool many people. There are many imitation Christians who deceive people. Be careful about your religion. The only thing that makes a counterfeit bill of any danger is, that it is alinost like ·the tref:¥. thing. The only danger from :some religions and ·churcP,es, is they are so near the real thing that many cannot te.ll the difference. The goverriment· has tests and standards for our m:oney. God has given us the Bible tp_ test the.. .. ~alue of any Christian or religion. Do t¥>t be fooied; by _ an imitation. .. When we ·a'I·e -fooled about money -it may cost us some ·money, but whne 'we· are fooled about relit_ ) : ..... • J:o'"'rcm the Study: It is not who makes the statement that is the i mportant thing, but it is always what is said. I have seen many foolish things said by wise people. I have had folk tell me about poor advice they have acted upon, from good friends, and got into trouble. As long as you are human, you will make mistakes and so will your friends. No one is perfect. This is ~my we need to depend more and more upon the Bi ble ~ because it is always right. This week I have been reading little books writ t en by very well educated men about their church beins t ho right church, and the only way to be saved. Nol-r you know that no one is saved by joining a~y church so what they say is wrong. They say that we get into heaven by being baptised, and yet you knowthat water alone will not clean your hands and never your soul. Martin Luther made ~any mistakes, the same as · every man that has ever lived. This does not .mean, ·he never did any good. He did more good than this world ··. can ever know. He was a man that saw he was connected to something that was not honest, and so he tried to clean it up. The church did not want to clean itself up so it forced him to leave, They have run the man down ever since. We do not hide his mistakes 'or the mistakas cf any of us, but when he said his tconscience cannot be a slave to any man' it is good advice _to all. No one can stand between you and God. No man can forgiveyou your sins against God. Only God can forgive you. The Bible says we must serve God before rria.n. · Martin Luther also made the statement that a 'peasant armed with Scripture is rrd.ghti~r than the pope of Rome I • If you have a Bible you have more ::n~thori ty, and more information about what is truth than any_man _, or group of men. This is not right because ~artiri . "Luther said it, but it is right no matter who says i .t • . . The_se bo'Ciklets say that Salvation is supernatural, ~. nd is the result of the work of Christ on the cross~·· This.. is' right; for this is what the Bible sa.ys.·But ·the same book says that you get this only theough their· church and the Bible says· that there is ·no natural, man~contr6- . lled means "of salvation •. Salvation is bY grace through faith in the ~erson · of Christ; not in the organizations ·: f men. · R.L.R.:: ·· · · · ,,,', ·w1en I was a child, I learned many new songs in Sunday School. One that I find rnwself singing often is "Count your blessings." If. we would stop and count ~ur blessing, then we would never complain but always give thanks. We start to think that we deserve to be blessed, and expect it. This makes us very weak when difficu­ lties come, and we lookfor someone to blame. The song says we should,'Count our blessings and name them one by one, and it will surprise you what the Lord has · idone. ' What have we here in the church to be thankful for? We can be thankful that God loves us enough to want us. We can be thankful that God has made salva­ tion a free gift for everyone who will accept it. We can be thankful that we live in Canada, and have the freedoms here. We can be thankful that we have a place to worship, to meet and fellowship, and to enjoy ourselves. We can be thankful that there have been good and wise men before us who helped us to have these things. We can be thankful for the Ethridge Family, and how the Lord is using us to help them reach others. For the church and all the mission stations here that have regular services, and for those that are willing to take time and effort to serve, I thank God. You here in Ontario can be proud of what.. . you have done, but remember to give thanks unto Him. ' Do you enjoy your home, your car, your fine clothes, your three meals a ·day? I am thankful for all of these things. Are you ·thankful for your parents, your children and your friends? We ought to be. ~ If you are thankful then there is someone to whom you are thankful. The Bible tells us iJho is the giver of all good things. The God who loved you enough to give His life for you, is the same Jesus who wnats to bless you every day. Count your many blessings Na~e them one by one And it wil l sur ;:r:!.se ~ rou ~-Jha t t he :~or d has -:.:G!~e . From the Study: At a men's Fellowship ·I Wa.s ;reminded by a song that _.the quartet was singing, of the need to let others know that you are a Christian~ I had been irivited to speak bece~.use d.f ·: ~ootball. The · boy~ ·wete singing "Stand up 'for Jesus. u · · · · · When you are invited out to speak because ·of · football, :they e~p~ct you to talk a little ab~ut it. I was wondering what .:r. .coUld say about it and 'yet make them thirik of· really-important things. The song was a, big help. . As they were singing I remembered ·a time 'in the dressing room when the cqach .came in. and saw a few boys who had not put on th~ir sweaters. He told them to get up and get reAdy .because they couldn't play without the sweat~rs. " The reason.that players .all wear the same kind c.f. . sweater, is. so. they ,wil;L . ~now l'!h~t t-eam they are playing . on. The sweaters help the team t :o know one ..anqther .~ . they h~lp the team to know the opposition,· · ·and· they help the spectators to know which side you are on · · . · · .. ' · · · · · ; ; \ . ' • I • • ~ 1 • Can .you.l.magine a man who is ashamed to let others know that he was on the team? If 'a man refuses 'to wear the . sw~ater, he cannot play the game. Many people would l:lke to be able.to wear· the.sweater but they· do. not make the team. You have ·to be a member to get·the sweater. The. Bible _tells us, these who .are ashamed of Jesus, and Will riot .let . others know, . a:r;-.e not ·with Hiril~ The Christian· must be willing t ·o.. le·t others see that he is not ashamed of Jesus.To take up a cross if you must and follow Him. Thi.s ,may mean that you may be killed like the missionaries in South America. This .·may mean that you would leave a fine home with all its llixuries in Tor6nto and go to Jamaica. If you are willing to put on the sweater and play the game for God, people will be able to . se.e the difference. Each, one of us· can stand up for Jesus. To wear the sweater for God it does not: depend upon your ability, like it does in baseball and football. Jesus ·has done all the work and will give you everything you need to be a member of His team. If you want t o be a member you can. Jesus pr omi sed that anyone hho come s .I He ~,Jill receive. R. L.R. SAVED BY GRACE THROuGH. . OBEDTSlJCl!:

Are Not Mankind Cleansed From Sin by the Blood of Jesus?·- Yes, if they follow Him, that is; Keep His . ·· commandments. "This then is the message which · we have'· · heard of ·Him, and declare unto you, that. God · is light, and in Him is no darkness at all. . If ·we.· say that we ~1 · · : have fellowship with Him, and walk in darkness, we ' li'e., . · and do not the truth: BUT IF W8 WALK IN · THE LIGHT? a·a: ·· ' He is in the light, we haVe· fellowship one· with anothe'r and the Blood~of Jesus Christ His Son cleaneth us from all sin.". (IJohn I:5,6,7}. ··noes the ·obedience which· the Lord requires mean belief only? No; for true. belier; or faith, · CANNOT BE SEPARATED FROM WORKS. Jesus saya,- 11He that believeth on me, the.works that I · do; shall he do also." (St. John I4:12) "Not every one that saith unto Lord, Lord, shall enter.into the kingdom of heaven; but he·· that deeth the will of tny Father ·which is in · ·· 1 heaven '. (Matthew ·7:2I). "And why call-ye me~ Lord Lord, and do . not ·the· things-which: I say?" (Luke 6:46·) · · 11 Ye are my friends, if ye do whatever I command you." (St. John 15: 14). The Apostle James alJo tell~ u~, ···- ~ "Even so faith, if it hath not works, is dead being alone·. " ( James · 2 :I?) Knowing that. a man cannot . show that he has faith except by his works, this Apostle adds:- '"Show me thy faith without thy works, and I will show thee my faith by my works." (James 2:18). · To make it plain that a belief .without works is not a living faith and ·will not save, he says,- "The devils also believe and tremble.'' (James 2: I9) •

. ·. For the Thank~giving program

From the Study: When we were travelling through the cattle country one of the things that we saw often cattle, trying to eat the grass on the ether side of the fence. Sometimes it was hard to see why they would try to do this, as it appeared to us that the grass at their feet was just as good. It is human nature to think that the grass is greener on the other side of the fence. This is the reason why many people keep moving on in their jobs, and want to change their property. I know of people who have had a very good car but were not satisfied. They saw something that they wanted more, and found out that it was not as good as what they had, only it was too late. Every one of us has so much to be thankful for. It surprises me to know that some folk never take time to thank God for their food, for t hei r home, for their family, and the land of freedom. ~funy people are not well fed, clothed, and no one cares whether they live or die, and yet lihenL· .someone~ . is kind, they will do anything to show their thanks. The boy in Jamaica who cut down his only banana tree which was worth only a few pennies, gave every­ thing that he had to show his thanks, for a pair o: pants and a coat that matched. Here in Canada we expect the very best, and like many selfish children never say 1 t hank you 1 • The Bible says, with prayers make our t hanks known unto God. God is the giver of every good and perfect gift, and we just acceDt it and never t hank Him. Thank Him for everything that you have. Your home, your church, your family, your country, and above all, the Gift of God, which is eternal life, are good places to start being thankful. Psalm 92:1 - It is a good thing to give t hanks unto the Lord. Psalm II8:I- 0 give thanks unto the Lord for He is good. R.L.R. From the Study: lflhen I was thinking about all the babi ·~":> t~-.. a·~ h~ve come into the homes of our people, I wondered . · about their food. \Nhen the mothers _get together ' it is often one of the main points of the conversation. Some babies .eat every few hours. Some babies sleep through the whole night without a feeding almost from the beginning. Some bab:i:es have formulae. Some ·babies only drink skim milk. It appears that there .is a differenc~ with every doctor about what the baby should have. Babies are such wonderful cr~ations that'. they are all different. They do not seem to know much about all the fuss they put the mothers to. They just keep growing as long as they get the food. · We may differ about what food to give a baby and when to give it, but we all agree that a baby has to have food. I do not think it is important to try ani make other people do the same as ·we do; aslorig as·the baby does not suffer. Just the same way I would never try to force my ideas about our baby on any others, I never try to force my ideas of lokking after spiritual babies, c1 others. One thing on which we must agree for growth in Christians; is the need for spiriual food. Your Bible contains the food. When you get it and from what part you get it is up to you. The oBly thing that is important, is that you do get it. You would never try and let the baby go without food f~r a week, and expect him to get enough on Sunday, but some Christians do • .You would never let the baby eat only the things that he liked, but some Christians think that some parts of the Bible are not important. As a Christian you need a well rounded diet· from the Bible. Proverbs for wisdom; Psalms for devotions; fhe New Testam~nt for instruction; the Old Testament for an appreciation of God. Take your choice but practice what you know .you should. The Bible is THE GREAT BOOK •..• use it or you may lose it. R.L.R. From the Study: --- continued from Page 3. "' , t• r', : ' I can remember that on the farm the turnips and the mangles had to be cut ' by a hand chopper. On this large chopper was· a big flywheel that would weigh: about IOO pounds. It was easy to get going. but you had to start with it very slowly. As you got it going faster and faster then youwould .put in· the: turnips; and the weight of the wheel was enough to cut through some of the tough turnips. ~ )

! ' ,. · }.·1 In our Christian life we heed to bui:J_d up OU!T spiritual flywheel. The closer we live to God, the greater will be our ability to keep going when the going is ·tough. 'Tho'se ~Christians that stumble and stop :i,n tl)_eir Christian life have nothing to carry them through the tough . ~laces. There is no growth or weight to their experience· to help them through. · . .

You can build up your spiritual flywheel in many ways. The best way for you to build yourself up is to read the Bible. The more you know about .the Bibl~ from the Bible itself, the more you will know about God. Prayer is the second most importaDt thing and will always go with the person who reads the Bible. You will want to talk with God often because of what you read, and you \dll want to ask Him for help in understanding what you read. . The fellowship of other Chr~stians will help too, as your flywheel grows. Their interests will be your interests .. You can learn from their (experiences • . To find a place of service is very important to your spiritual growth. This is the advantage of having · your · ~N.n church. It is a pl~ce . wher~ you can serve. Through your church you can reach others whom you co~d not reach in any other way.

When the job ·is so. tough· that even your· flyv1heel. will itot carry you through, you.. do. not need to worry. If you -are a Christian, then. there is a sou.rce of power that is able to overcome .all trouble~ • .For as many a:s receive: J.esus, To .them; He gives power. · R.L.R. From the Study: -· .· :. . .:. _.. ·_ ..'. _. _____ A Christian does the thing that is not expected of him. Th,e. Bible s~ys that if some one asks you to go one mil,e,. it. 'Js a good thing for· you to go two~ with him. · When we were in Chicago just a few months ago, I was talking to a young man who worked in an all-night ·· .: .. service station. While he worked around the shop, he:, · always left ~s watch in the cash drawer. This station­ was in the night club area·. of· Chicago, and there was a large parking lot in connection with the station. One night, while he was getting a car from the parking lot, his watch and the money disappeared. It was not until-the customer had left, and he went to the cash drawer did he ·discover the theft. Usually when a person steals a watch) the first thing that happens is to turn it into cash, so that there will be no evidence. This man was not a professional theif because he kept the watch. He was ·trying to be a big shot, and could not afford it. Even -his wife did not know what he was doing. A fe~ weeks later the same man carne, and parked the same as he had done many times before. The boy .in the station d-ecided to set a trap for him. He got hold of a policeman and told him what he was going to do. "'lhen this customer came for his car, he would ·leave .the cash drawer open. This would :race the man with' the sight of the money and tempt him to·take it. Sure enough the man pocketed it. When he got into his car, he was surprised to find that he was on his way to· the police station. ' liis wife was broken hearted when she. found h~r husband was under arrest. She was more surprised when she found out at the ~olice station that she could not put up the $200 bail. They paid big rent, drove a big car and put up a big front. The wife was surprised to find they didn't have any money. i The young man had- to go with them to the· s,tation, to lay the charge·. When he knffit the man would have to stay in j ail because he could not raise the bail, he offered to put up the balance. This permitted the man to keep his job. This permitted the· man to go home. This perrriitted the boy to tell them both that Jesus loved them and could mee~ their meed. Why would a young man who had lost:-hisv,watch and money to a man who wanted to waste it on foolish living help the man who robbed him? This young man is a fine Christian. (P.S. He got his watch back.) R.L.R. CANDLELIGHT SERVICE

Sunday December 20, 1959 at 7.00 p.m •

. . . ~-.' ·;;.', .. ·. - ,; . Supper at 5.30 P•.!!!!.

This is a special annual ser-vice held

expressly for children. The Children of our Sunday School Classes will themselves take part

in it. Everyone is urged to attend and so

encourage them. The object of this holiday service is to help the children to learn that it is more blessed to give than to receive. Each church member should feel a speciPl obligation to

attend this service...... t~t us turn out and _give them eur wholehearted encouagement.

The Program 1.s for remembering DEAF HISSION

NEEDS around the world~

No. 2930 Frcm the Study: No two people react in tha··-sa:me---wa.y. What may be a real ttial ·for ~ne, ·may be .nothing for another • . We have the finest example of hq'.lo{ . .to de~ :with ..,. disaster in .the Book of Jqb •. He : lo~t his land, hfs :.poss..: essions, his cattle,and worse than ali e1se, he lost ten children. His wife and his friends rahher than helping · him, told him · to curse ~· God . and q.ie_. :c The Bible. te;tls us that in all things he did· not sin or,blame' G6d l~k~ marlY, fcolish people do. · · · I bave· never had a seri.ous:tria+ in my life, so I cannot speak from·experience. What... I ~ have to say .i.s what I have seen in others. Christians should be bet~er pre~ pared and certainly have help from God during any .· .; ·· · disaster; this the· no:n'"I"Chri~.tian cannot understand. vle have a. hymn · that ·· say~_, "There's wi:thin inY, heart . ~ melody~ ! ~ Jesus whi.spers. sweet and .low, . Fear not, .. I am. . · with thee peace be still·, In all_ of li.fe'.s. ebb and flow,: ••••• though .sometimes .He leads. through shadows deep, .. Trials fall· across the way ••••• " Th.e man who wrote this hymn was a man by the name of Luther Bridgers.· Luther Bridgers almost prophesied his own life story. He was a preacher and had three boys. One morning he kissed h:is young family g.oodby, .and went to. preach in another t.own. He was told by telephone tqat ·night that his house rhad burned, and his wife and three boys with it. He felt that the devil was .laughing at him, because he had preached so often th~t the Lord .would comfort in evecy · sorrow. He :started to pray right there at the phone. All :. : he had was· an. old suitcase and a broken heart, and when he returned for the funeral, they could find only a few charred bones. Many nights . h~:~as_, unable. to ,sleep but :he _kept preach­ ing. ·He was going to do what he knew his wife would h~ve wanted him to dlo. . · · · . One night when ·he was a guest in a .home, he was ~av­ ing a nightmare that his wife was calling. for help. He got out,_ of his bed to pray that.. he. nd.ght .practice what he had preached so long. · · · · The greatest sermon this man ever preached was the life he· lived. · The chorus of his hymn was. :the. life he lived. · · · Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, Sweetest · Name I know, Fills my every longing, keeps me singing· as I go~ R.L.R. From the Study: As I was listening to the radio the other day I heard about the death of a man in Chicago. Now this man had died a poor man in thehospital so there had to be a good reason why it should be on a news broadcast. Many people die and it never is spoken about as news­ worthy. This man had been in the hospital for many years. It seems that he had a nervous breakdown, and never recovered. · thirty years ago this same man was president of ~f the largest banks in Chicago. He was a wealthy man, and respected by many people. One year the bank audi~ tors found out that half a million dollars was missing, and it was traced to the president. He was convicted of taking the money and was put to jail. The .· public could not understand :why this man who was rich would do such a thing. ~~en this man had to face to public in the trial, and with the thought of going to jail, he cracked up and spent the· reat of his life in a mental hospital. He had more money than most people but he was not satisfied. This is true of most .things in life. The home that you want is always just a little bit better, than w:hat you now have. The car that you have will do until you can get a better one. This is good when you keep ·it under control. We should always try to improve curseives, biifwe should always remember that it should never be in a way that .is against the laws of God. ~fuat shall it profit · a man if he is president of a bank and rich, when he steals to get more, -':('}':le Bible says that nothing can be compared to the ~orth of one soul. Some men ruin their health to get mori~y, and then find that all their money cannot ·buy them health and happiness. The Bible says that the love of money is the root of evil." There is nothing v.rrong with money. It Is needed and useful but when the desire for .money is more i mportant than anything else, then you are on the way down. Money becomes a god to many people ·and this is breaking the first commandment that the world recog­ nizes in all faiths. Do not get into the news because you are a failure, ~- '.lt let God keep the record of a life lived for Him. R.L.R. From the study: Another annual business meeting is history today. One 'year ago on this page :we .- printed 'Believe it or not' as we reviewed the previous year. It is the same this year. This was a year .of more difficul"t· decisions. Believe it or not, the deaf here' ·i· were wtlling to a·ccept the. re.sponsi.b.:ility for the .. ·,. Ethridges staying in Jamaica. Then Paula asked to join· the mission and since that tL~e the Ruckers, the Orcutts and ~tiss Hersom have joined forces. Even though we do not support· anyone· except the Ethridges, it was accep~ ing' the · responsibility to see that the mission was ''··· started is' a ·credit to the board here in Toronto. Great things are happening in ~amaica and we here in· Ontario are bound to share in the blessing·:froni GOO~ We have become· a missionary church and history shows ··· .:. that it is 'the ..missionary church that God can bless. People ~o hav~ no vision, the Bible says, will· .perish. The Ontario' Mis. ~ion has taken responsibility and . . . ( a few of the stations have grown up spiritually. The support for the wor~ .- in Jamaica has been a real . . encouragerne~t ~ fo~ - ~fi~ workers on the.station d?wn . there~ What has taken _ p~ace . this year may· be hard Yto · · believe but ·it· 'is hi ~ tory riow. ·This is no time to :.srt back aqd be satisfied. There is still so much more to do. ·Here in Toronto anq throughout Canada there is much to do for~ God / 'i~ mar& foto~j..gn countrie.&·the;·.deaf need help and heea·· 'it:··now. '. ~ .· . . .., .... -··. . : :

Believe it or' not/ 'T.bis is the question that you' ! must answer to God for the coming year. The Bible saya that we can do all things, and . that · Go~ : will give us His- help. Th~ · res P,~flsjJ)iJ:.~ ty is. our§ ~ ~ · · · . . We n~ed to tcy to··4o great things .. for God ··and we ··. will find that we can do great things. If we try to :d6 nothing that is exactly what we. : wil,l do. We.· have lost some of the fai:thf~~·. metitb~r~> in· :.~.l:le ' past fevi years. We cannot rely ·on· ·others· to do the job for us. vie must do it ourselves. The .. P~rs.on , who has given their life to' · God, will have to. 'f?eli.~ve. . · .. · · · · If·· you·· do believe in what the church is trying'·to'. : -' .. do you, will support it with your attendance, your prayers and your gifts. .R.·L.R.,

' . ., ,~ ( ··. ' ' ·'' ' •. From the study: There are some things that ~ never like to throw put, and one of the things on my list is a Bible. I know that this is . true of others ·too, because of some·· of the Bibles ~hat I have seen _kept in different homes. They have bought a new Bible because the .old one was worn out, and and falling apart. It was riot _good ~JJough to use but they never felt right about throwing it out. Sometimes folk ask me what to 9o with it, and they give it to me. Th~ only thimg that I can do with _it is throw it out. For ~orne reason or .. other ·they almost feel it is a sin to d'o• it .themselves. . ... The Bible is so· easy .to _become wor·z:t by those who lovy· it. There is .no' other book in the world that people carry with them 'as much, · in all places, and in .all .kinds of weather. · · I grew up to always try and- have a portion of the Bib~e with me all the time. This was hard on the binding of the New Tes_tariiEmt, 'as it was often carried in a hip pocket, and it meant that I have had many Bibles in my short life. · · . . I wish the wear had all been from reading, tr.en I would know the Bible from cover to cover. One Bible I •: had, wore out sooner than it should, because It took a trip that .! .didn't plan. A man was stuck in his car out­ side of a church I had been preaching in, and to push him I placed my Bible on -his trunk. When he got going he kept going' with my _~ Bible which fell off some where on the highway. A tr~veller saw it on the road, picked it up, and mailed it back to me. I used .it for a few years, but it was never the same after the trip, as .the binding had been . brok~n. The Bible is the T.:,Jord of God, and we here in Canada can buy as many Bibles as we want. You can be surrounded by Bibles.' and it may never help you to find dod, The ­ Bible tells us that the be.st place for God's 1tJ'ord· is to be hid in yo'4-r heart, and the promise is -that it lrill help you to overcome temptation. The weather ~an damage your Bible. Children can destroy your Bible. · Communism . can burn your Bible. Science can criticize your Bible. Bombs can destroy the presses that print your Bibles. The only place your Bible is safe from wear and tear is 1vhen it is part of your faith and life. Your Bible is more than a book.Your Bible is the Word of God •• Use it or lose t t.Store it in your heart and life. R. L.R. ) ., 1

r-' [ ~ "l.t 7 4f From the study: "1-- e :, If e ~ry time you come to some problem that you cannot understand or explain, you simply say it isn't so, the only person you. fool is yourself. I have seen ~attle with more sense than people. When a cow comes to a stone fenc·e that it. cannot see through, it will try to look over the top of it. The cow admits that the fence of stone is there,but that does not stop it from __ seeing _what is on the other side. If we close our mind and nev~r look beyond the fence _(the problem) we miss . so much that should be ours, en the other side. . , . ., . I am afriad the reason that so many folk turn to the many different religions we see today, is beca~se of many problems. The three big fences that stop manypeople are the virgin birth of Jesus, the fact of the trinity 3 persons, in one God ••• Father, -Son _and H~ly 9pirit) and the fact of hell. Ratber than adrnitti11-g tl}es_e.-;fences and trying to see what is on the other side, they decide the .fence doesn't exist by turning in anothe,r ~~~e,ction. I cannot explain how Mary was with Child except by an act Qf creation by the Holy Spirit. But t~is · is to explain one problem with another. This is the problem of creati<::)n.- The . qnl,:y reason .no .one denies creation is that the.world -is .he:re,but noone .can explain how,without God. I ·cannot. · e~pl,ain how Three are in One but the same Bible that telis us there is One God, tells us there are Three different persons. Admit the fact that you cannot explain t~ h~: _trinity,, but then look over and see how God deal:s ·wrth lis.. tn:rough the different positions of the Father, So,n ·ancf Holy Spirit. The pro~lem of hell is no greater then the problem of h'ea·veri bl;l,t ev.eryone wants to accept heaven as a fact and to cieny hell·. When we admit 'the .fact of hell, the glory of salvation is seen. . The Bible is 'the Word of God. The Bible ..tells us that Jesus was born of a virgin;that there is. one God •• Father, Son and Holy Spirit, and that there is a hetl. Even though we cannqt. explain the,se things,we know that they are ·true. When we adniit this, we can then see what is on the other side.If you refuseci to look over .the · fence at every problem you carinot explain, you would learn nothing. The more you know them, more problems you have met with no explanation except God. The fear of God is the beginning 6f-.wisdom. R.L.R. From the study: I hud been playing wi.th our boy in the bath tub trying to get him : ~shed~ After· he had managed to get me all we~ he decided it was time to get out. t Towel Daddy.t is. what he said, and I tho1,1ght he was gi'owing up a little bit .~ore;· I tried' t~ .. ge-t; him out · of the tub ·before· Igave him ..the towel but he insisted cH(. having it in the tub with him. J • . . . · · He dried off his head~ ~nns : and body. arid then ':started to dry 'off his 'legs. He wanted to do it.. himsell even tholigh he was ha.ving a problem keeping the ·towel but of the water. He . pick~d up one. foot out o~ the w~ter and dried· it off very carefully~ : The·n he pic.ked up. the other foot and dreid it off. · To do this he ' had' to put the dry foot back in the water. He never did get ·both feet dry by himself. . . . There are grbWn folk that have no more sense than my boy .about ;hings that are far more important than ·a bath. To get both feet dr.y, my boy had. to g~t out. of the tub. If you . ~nt to get away fr .. ; many of our actions result in waste. \· , . :· '\'_.- ~ '- ~~-~- ...... ·~. Have you ever walked into · the~ ba;throom fn ·the·· · · mcrning, and found it was marked ,·.o.ff .like ·a ''f 6'6tball field with some cream or paste. It' was so: easy tO' get it out of the tube all over the room that·,'anybne' could. . do . '· •. r: it. After the deed is done, there is no one in the house .who is able to put any of it back. This is not only waste, but it is a lot of trouble to clean up. There are so ·many thing~ in. life that are so easy ~~9- .. do and impossible to undo. Ma,ny times: we woUld like ;to' ..... take. back a word we ha1ie wr:ltten or ·spoken bUt once'' it i .s out, it is out. We can clean up the trouble, and ~eek · .. · forgiveness but the mistake was made. · ... It takes very little to get into. troubl·e, and ·- many times it is difficult to get out. ~fuen we are planning any important step in our life, we should stop and make sure we are not making a mistake...... It is one ot the · lJn::Po.rt-an~ ·qp.esti ons··-we· ask _ 9~r~~';Lve, s, . when we are thinki.hg· of' g~ttl:ng - married. It is ~asy ' .to get married but impossible to be truly·free of your responsi­ bility. It is easy to pick up a bad habits, and _very difficult to get free from them. · · It is easy to get in~.o an ac .c].q~nt; and the result ma31 take. a long time to s·~~aigh;ten out_.· It is ea~y J•P get . angry and easy to sin, .1:>\lt ... a-l.ttays ~·remehlber :' yo\fi' ' sin's .w,ill find you out. We should be ':c.arefuL not ··to do· thos~ tbj.;ngs n ~w, that we will be sorry about them t~morrow. You will get from life what you want to have in your life. MAKE ROOM for Jesus and you will --NEVER be sorry. R.L.R. From the Study: _ . Have you ever had any experience with .weeds? . I guess everyone of us know a little about What a nuis....:··. . ance weeds can be. If you try and grow grass, it seems you hav~ more success with the weeds, that ·you·are · trying to g~t "rid of: . . . ' ...... _.,.. ·· ~ · ' ' This swmner I was cleaning around the co·ttage. T · L, , made the rnis~ke .of .Pulling a we~d that I call stink­ weed • .Qnc.e the odour gets on your hai?-ds there ~-:is not much you can do about it~ . . · : ·· · · i · It does 'not matter what you· wash yd~ hands Witfi·.· · · · cr .how .often you .wash them, the bad smell is still there. This is not too hard to live With as 'long as' you keep your hands away from your nose, . but :all E>f US I need· to eat. It is a funny thing how your nose· get's · 1t'Clzy·~ · when you don't want to scratch it. I . . . . . There are. , ina.ny thing.s . in life that 'we do : ~ Which -leave their. mark.. .on :us='" and niike. life. difffcult. The·· easiest way '" to make' sure ''that' your':·hands never smell· of 'stink.;_ weed, is to never handle it. The only way you- ·can avoid bearing the marks of mistakes, is. to avoid making the mistakes. . · In tne area around the church we see men and women who · wl.ll ~~ways have the marked of siri, ·from the life·· · :· they are living., I have known folk who have been saved from the. gutter··of life' and are' changed by the power of God' and y;et are never free from the years of" sin in " the bod31. · · · .· ·: ·: · ' Beware your sins will find you out., means that ·you · can fool yourself only so long, and then it catches up to yo1L Some people tell you they get away with· it i but you can be sure that they are only · fooling: themselves·; I know many people go and buy things on ·credit,· and pile up ..more debts than they can pay. Then the finance company comes and takes everything back. I talked with a man who got into a ·jam like ·this·, and forged a few cheques. He got away with this for a few weeks' and then lost everything including His freedom. The more you handle· stitikweed, the longer the effects. ~ stay with you. The longer you continue to sin, the greater will be the mark and stain: upon your .lif.e •'': Even though we rnay ·have to always carry the marks .of our sins in the body, God has promised that He will clean our souls, an·d make us holy and fit to live with Him. R.L.R. From the Study: Right now there is a song that we hear on the radio with the last line 'You'll never walk alone'. This is a wonderful sentiment.· The song is about the joy, the comfort, and the assurance that is to be found in finding and going through life with a · faithful compcinion. 'Every marriage has this idea as .part of the cere~ony. The vows that you are forced to make to be legally married here in 'Ontario sa~ . t~at this is your promise until death separates you. We know that to find the right partner to live with in sickness 'and in health, for 'richer and for poor~r is a wonderful tl'ling. The Bible' tells us .that man should not be alone. It is ~ an awful 'life to belong to no one, and to have no one belong to you. Another popular song 'You are no one until someboqy loves you', was written because a very. rich man ate alone every day. One of the men who was ·working as an enter­ tainer in the re'sturant saw this man come and go every day·· and always alone. He never smiled. He made you feel sorry for ham. Yet this man was the richest man in the city. Money did not stop him from being an unhapp,y and a very lonely~an. It is a wonderful thing to know that God has 2romised us a Friend, that will stick closer than, a brother. This ~ same Friend has promi~ed that He \+{ill never leave us nor to ·forsake u·s •. We cannot · walk alone if this promise is t rue. Every Christian walks ldth God. David says in th~ Psalms that it does not matter where he should go that God would be thefe with him. There is no escape from .9oci •. l.f. we cannot escape from Him as a Judge, how wonderful it· is to know that He is always near as a Friend and a Father, to all who accept His· Son as Saviour. It is a comfort to know tnat you have a faithful companion to help you when you need· help. It is good to know that .some one can understand your troubles. This is what makes good marriages. · It is the same thing that will test your relat.ionship with God. If your faith is of no value when you need help and when troubles seem to overcome you, then there is something wrong with your -relationship. The Bible qas ~ promise that is mueb like the promise ci: our wedding ceremony. The difference is, that many people do not keep the promise they make in marriage, but .God always keeps His Promises. R.L.R.