We were also sorry to hear that Mr. Joseph Julien. chairman of the Sarnia station of the Ontario Mission, has been ill and confined to the hospital. We under­ stand that he is now better and up. We are not certain that he has returne4 to work. Our sympathies are. also extended to Mr. Julien on the loss of his father during the time he was confined to the hos­ pital. · Note to the folks in the 5<>-50 Club-we are planning a trip· to the F~rd Oakville plant in the near future. We ·will see the Ford being assembled from beginning to end and who knows there might even be a free sample or twc (ma.ke mine a Monarch please). We will have the full details concerning the date and time etc. in the near futlire. Also, plans are going ahead for a Buffet Banquet-likewise--details available soon. Join us 'n Friday evenings and get in on these interesting events. Mr. Bob Boese taught the Sunday School class this past Sun~ and from all reports the lesson was en­ joJ8d by all who attended. f1ig1 ~ -..PAS-c-.T,...OR-.'.-.5 STUDY -C~iP -CAl{P From t he 3tudy: The young people found out on the retreat that there is so much we can get along without. We may not always like it,but it is possible. Flashlights and gas lights, replaced the electric lights. The hard bumpy ground ~eplaced the soft mattress of. home, for the boys in the tents. Rather than the water coming to you. in 'j:iipes' you had to. go to the water in . the lake.· In place~ of the switch to cook the meals·, there was wood to be cut. The toast was not popped up after-·:. it was made. If it was not turned on the stove soon, nc one could eat it. There was .much we got along without, and it did ri~t seem to make life too difficult. I ate well, and slept well, ,. ang: had a ·good time. Everi 'in this body ·of ours· there is a lot that we can do without and still get by. I can lose my tonsils and appendix, one lung and one kidney," both feet· and both hands, my eyes, ears, and nose and still get by. One visit to the Variety Village here in Toronto, and you can see children who are learning to get by 'with· a lot less. Just because we can g&t by without many things, does not mean that is the best, or that we should be satisfied about it, if we can change it. Even though there are many things that we can do without, there are some things that are necessary. Apple pie is always better with cheese but you can eat it without cheese. 0~ thing you must have for apple pie is apples. This you cannot do without apples • . There .are many things that you must have to have life continue. You must have food, you must h~ve rest, and you must have air to breathe. Just as there are things that you must have for life, there are things that you must have for eternal life. The gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ. You must have· it, and then you must see that it is sustained. ~ prayers and our reading .of the Bible are to your spiritual life, what food and air are to your body. · I You can get along in this life without God, but it is not .the best. You cannot get along without God i f ~ou expect to have everla-sting life. ~ ·I Ov! is. the tirr.e that you ~::t ould make sure,for t here i :o no "-,e t ·~. ·:> r t i P:'::!, a.!'d ;-;rou cannot get t o hP8. ven w2. t h' );.:_ t it . -. -:-, . R.. From the Study: It was a hot Friday afternoon., and it was the wrong time of the day to be ·travellirig .... All those who had worked. all day were- ~ither on their-way home, or on· the way to the cottage. The highW9Y was .crowded with C(lrs •. Everything was alright for a little while, and then the traffic stopped. We sat for a bit, then drove a few feet, :then sat . so~~ more. There was .. a . 'bottleneck'. up the roa4that had stopped ~he . norrnal . f1ow of traffic •.. We use the. word 1 bottleneck 1· to mean .· anYthing that stop~ the flow. If you ·turn a bqt~~e . ·_of .wa,ter upside down, you can see that all the wa~er cannot flow out ... quickly because the opening is smaller than the'b6ttle. If y9u. -~ll.ow ~~~ .to get . into the ·bo"tttle ,. it .will empty faster.: I.f you :turn the bottle so much that there is no air hole, then ·the water has to wait a bubble of air · gets in to let some water out. Put a few sticks int.o ct.he ·.~ottle . of water' and you often find that they. Will jam 'lip ' the .6periing trying tq be the first .one out. ·sticks cannot think for themselves but people ~hauls • .When people are so foolish that they are ~ot willi~g to take their turn, the bottlenck .gets worse. When you are a long way from the bottlenecK, ft is a hard thing to be patient. You do not know what it is up the way that is holding you up. In the work of the church we often run into bOttle­ necks. Everyone rna;; not understand why there is a slow­ down, because they are not near enough to the trouble. T~e devil loves to see the work of the church slow down and jam up ' the works so that it stands still. One person can stop a whole highway of traffic, and one person can stop the work of the church. It is not long before that one person is put out of the way. Yoq will 'find that the road seems very clean after you get through the bottleneck. It is then ea~y to get where you want to go. · · ~.ny of you people remember 9ne of the bottlenecks in the 'history of our church her~. When. the church wanted to call Rev. Ethridge as the pastor, it seemed that a few men outside the church (hearing men) kept putting·· obstacles in the way. For a while it did not look as if · it would be possible to have him here. You know what happ­ ened. Praise the Lord there is a way across every "Red Sea" of life, and through every bottleneck. R.L.R. FRCM THE STUDY There is al~ays a difference between imitation and the real thing. This difference is not always as obvious as we would like. It is possible to deceive people if the imitatic:>n{is good enough. In jewelery, in art, and in many crafts we know of imitations. The imitation is made for those who are not able, or not willing to get the real thing. For some it is tnat they are not willing to pay the price. For others it is that they are interested in appearances, and the imitation will serve just as well. Imitation is supposed to be the sincerest form of flattery This may be .alright when a youngster imitates the parents. When people think that ~ they need to do to be a Christian, is to imitate Christ then it is a tragic thing. For all the people who say that Christ was a fine example and that is all, salvation is only imitation. If anyone could imitate Christ and gain eternal Life, they would first have to live a ·life without sin. This alone lets out anyone that I have ever met. Therefore the Bible says that it makes salvation impossible for anyone. If Jesus tas just showing us how then it is our duty to see how many have raised themselves from the nead. This will be the number of people who have . eternal life. I know of no record other than for Jesus Himself, so it is safe to say that there has been no imitation that has met the standards set by Christ. This is the part of Christ that all the world with any justice follows. This is the Christian way of life. The Bible says that Jesus is not only our Example but ~· He is also our Saviour. He does not say only 'do what I do' but He also says 'Since you cannot do it for yourself I will be h4PPY to do it for you! It is as your Saviour that He gives you Life, and not just a way of life. The imitation 'Christian r may look and act like t .1r-; ~.~ eal Chr}.st ian but the difference is in sal1ration . The real Christian has eternal l i f e and the imitRt :i..ori only thinks he. Ba..s it . We may be :?oled b y i mi tatio_1 0ewelry, art and people, but ther e 1s an ex~ ert '·.rho :1f!ver eceived. RLH FR(l.1 THE STUDY If you measure time by minutes, hours, days, weeks, months and years then you will be aware that I have been with you one year from the first of this month. I prefer to measure time by what it ·has meant to me. The passing o~ time is one thing that we cannot control. All we can do is use what is· given t .o us, .
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