The Committee on Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth

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The Committee on Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth The Committee on Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth 2 “Family policy encompasses both young and old, men and women, children, young people, adults and senior citizens. It seeks to enable them all to live their lives with autonomy and dignity and to partici- pate actively in society. In the cur- rent electoral term, the Committee is focusing on issues such as protec- tion and support for children and young people, gender equality, the ability to combine family life, caring responsibilities and work, and social participation in old age. Achieving lasting improvements in these areas remains the aim of all the parlia- mentary groups represented on the Committee. As Chairwoman, I am pleased to be able to contribute to accomplishing these aims.” Sabine Zimmermann, The Left Party Chairwoman of the Committee on Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth 3 The German Bundestag’s decisions are prepared by its committees, which are estab- lished at the start of each elec- toral term. Four of them are stipulated by the Basic Law, the German constitution: the Committee on Foreign Affairs, the Defence Committee, the Committee on the Affairs of the European Union and the Petitions Committee. The Budget Committee and the Committee for the Rules of Procedure are also required by law. The spheres of respon- sibility of the committees essentially reflect the Federal Government’s distribution of ministerial portfolios. This enables Parliament to scruti- nise the government’s work effectively. The Bundestag committees The German Bundestag sets political priorities of its own by establishing additional committees for specific sub- jects, such as sport, cultural affairs or tourism. In addition, special bodies such as parlia- mentary advisory councils, The committees discuss and committees of inquiry or deliberate on items referred study commissions can also to them by the plenary. They be established. The commit- also have the right to take up tees are composed of mem- issues on their own initiative, bers of all the parliamentary allowing them to set priorities groups, reflecting the balance in the parliamentary debate. of these groups in the German When necessary, they draw Bundestag. The distribution on external expertise – usu- of the chairs and deputy ally by holding public hear- chairs among the parliamen- ings. At the end of a commit- tary groups also reflects their tee’s deliberations, a majority relative strengths in the ple- of its members adopt a rec om- nary. In the current electoral mendation for a decision and term, the committees have a report, which serve as the between nine and 49 mem- basis for the plenary’s deci- bers. sion. 5 Family affairs, senior citi- zens, women and youth – the Committee deals with issues which, for all intents and pur- poses, affect everyone and all generations in Germany. It seeks to support families and children, promote gender equality, ensure that older people’s potential is realised and integrate them and their skills more fully into society. It aims to secure equal oppor- tunities for young people and enable them to grow up in a positive environment. In addition, it works to improve the framework for civic activi- ties in Germany. The Committee on Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth Making it easier to combine family life, caring responsi- bilities and work, and upgrad- ing and expanding child day care services are important topics on the Committee’s agenda. It seeks to better pro- tect children from violence and neglect, and drive for- ward the implementation of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. The Committee also deals with issues relating to the Federal Voluntary Service and youth volunteer services. New ideas are required when Another key issue for the it comes to the needs of an Committee is gender equality ageing society. How can we in working life, especially do more to tap into older peo- the equal representation of ple’s potential in the business women and men in leadership community and in society positions. Violence against as a whole? What preven- women also continues to be tive measures can be taken the subject of intensive debate, to ensure that as many older focusing on the question people as possible are able to of how to protect women, actively participate in society including from domestic for as long as possible? violence. 14 ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ CDU/CSU 9 ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ SPD 5 ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ AfD 4 ■ ■ ■ ■ FDP 4 ■ ■ ■ ■ The Left Party 4 ■ ■ ■ ■ Alliance 90/The Greens Number of members: 40 Chairwoman: Sabine Zimmermann, The Left Party Deputy Chairwoman: Ulle Schauws, Alliance 90/The Greens 7 The Committee carries out its task of scrutinising the work of the Federal Government by requesting briefings from the Federal Ministry for Fam- ily Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth on the pro- gress made on implementing laws or on topical issues. This often develops into an The 40 members of the Com- exchange of views between mittee, chaired by Sabine the Committee members and Zimmermann (The Left Party), the Federal Minister for Fam- discuss the bills, motions, ily Affairs, Dr Franziska reports and EU items referred Giffey, or one of her Parlia- to the Committee by the ple- mentary State Secretaries. The nary. These include specialist topics include, for example, reports published by the Fed- planned changes to the paren- eral Government, such as the tal allowance, experience Children and Youth Report with the “Violence Against or the Report on the Situation Women” helpline, or develop- of Older Generations in the ments in relation to the funds Federal Republic of Germany. for children and adolescents In addition, the Committee insti tutionalised in the former holds regular discussions Federal Republic of Germany with external experts on sub- and the German Democratic jects falling within its remit. Republic. 8 EU items are also consid- ered at most meetings of the Committee on Family Affairs. These include, for example, motions for a resolution of the European Parliament or pro- posals for directives pub- lished by the European Com- mission which deal with the Committee’s topics. The Committee on Family Many of the subjects dealt Affairs has set up subcommit- with by Parliament touch on tees for two important fields: the remits of several different the Commission for Chil- committees. In such cases, a dren’s Concerns and the Sub- bill is referred to one commit- committee on Civic Activities. tee as the lead committee, and The Commission for Chil- to one or more other commit- dren’s Concerns seeks to rep- tees which are asked for their resent the interests of chil- opinion. For example, the dren and young people. One Committee on Family Affairs of the major tasks of the Sub- is consulted on the Federal committee on Civic Activities Government’s Report on Voca- is to participate in the process tional Education and Training of updating the Federal Gov- or on amendments to the Civil ernment’s civic engagement Code relating to family law. policy. 9 The Commission for Children’s Concerns The Commission for Chil- dren’s Concerns can achieve Children are members of our a great deal – for example, society who require particular through public hearings, con- protection. They are depend- sultations with experts, its ent on their interests being own public outreach activi- taken into account by their ties, and greater demands for parents, their living environ- the voices of children and ment and political bodies. young people to be heard on For this reason, the Bundestag societal issues. It sets its own established the Commission priorities in its work. In the for Children’s Concerns in current electoral term, it will 1988. The Commission is a be focusing on the upgrading subcommittee devoted solely and expansion of child day to the interests of children care services and on the rein- and young people. All of forcement of children’s rights its members also sit on the by anchoring them in the con- Committee on Family Affairs, stitution, among other priori- Senior Citizens, Women and ties. In addition, the Commis- Youth. This enables them to sion for Children’s Concerns be advocates for children’s also seeks to be a partner and interests there too – with all supporter of the organisations of the parliamentary options and institutions that work which are only available to to further the interests of a committee. children. 10 The Subcommittee on Civic Activities Civic activities are when people voluntarily come together to pursue joint aims in the public interest. In Ger- many, this usually takes place in the framework of associa- tions or grassroots initiatives – from sports clubs, to associa- tions supporting schools, to volunteer fire brigades. The subjects which the Sub- People who want to engage in committee is examining in the civic activities require a suit- current electoral term include able legal and financial frame- the question of what role civic work, supportive structures activities can play when it and societal recognition. The comes to the challenges of Committee on Family Affairs, demographic change and the Senior Citizens, Women and integration of migrants. The Youth has therefore once parliamentarians are also again established the Subcom- actively participating in the mittee on Civic Activities in process of updating the Feder- the current electoral term. ation’s civic engagement pol- Its 13 members consider icy, in consultation with civil issues and initiatives relating society associations and to this area. organisations. 11 Sabine Zimmermann, The Left Party Ulle Schauws, Chairwoman Alliance 90/The Greens Building materials Deputy Chairwoman engineer, Film and television b. 30 Dec. 1960 studies specialist, in Pasewalk; b. 30 Apr. 1966 married; in Krefeld; two children. civil partnership. Bundestag Member Bundestag Member since 2005 since 2013 Committee members The 40 members of the Committee on Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth 12 Maik Beermann, Melanie Bernstein, CDU/CSU CDU/CSU Savings bank Cultural studies Silvia Breher, business administrator, specialist, CDU/CSU b.
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