Boulia Shire Council General Meeting Wednesday 24th January 2018 Photo courtesy of Jan Norton Photography ALL COMMUNICATIONS MUST TELEPHONE: (07)[Type 4746 3188 here] BE ADDRESSED TO FACSIMILE: (07) 4746 3136 THE CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER, BOULIA SHIRE COUNCIL, EMAIL: 18 HERBERT ST,
[email protected] BOULIA. QLD. 4829 ABN: 20 492 088 398 BOULIA SHIRE COUNCIL 15th January, 2018 NOTICE FOR AN ORDINARY MEETING OF COUNCIL NOTICE is hereby given that an ORDINARY MEETING of the Boulia Shire Council will be held on Wednesday, 24th January, 2018 at the Boulia Airport Terminal commencing at 9-00am for the transaction of the following business. Councillor attendance via teleconference is deemed to be in attendance at the meeting with full voting rights. 1. Meeting opening with the acknowledgment of Country and Traditional Owners. 2. Present 3. Apologies / Leave of Absence 4. Declaration of Material Personal Interest / Conflict of Interest 5. Register of Interests – new / or changes recorded 6. Confirmation of Minutes from previous meeting Pg.1 7. Action List – Council resolutions and action items Pg.8 8. Reports from advisory committees (nil) 9. Mayoral Minutes 10. Notice of Motion 11. Request to address Council in a public forum 12. Petition – if tabled 13. Pitta Pitta representation (when requested) 14. REPORTS: ENGINEERS REPORT – GBA CONSULTING Item E1 Engineering Services Report – Newsbrief Pg.12 DIRECTOR OF WORKS AND OPERATIONS Item DWO1 DWO Report December 2017 Nil – due to Christmas/New year Leave INFORMATION REPORTS Item A NDRRA Flood