Congressional Record—House H976

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Congressional Record—House H976 H976 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE March 19, 2002 Title 9 in this Chamber to enable our West Virginians, all different, were pio- 1987, this has been a great event for young girls to see opportunities that neers of their time. women to celebrate. they had not seen before in the fields of We know that democracy needs all So I am very pleased on behalf of our sports and other areas of education. We genders, races, religions and ethnicities colleagues to join in this request to have such a leader as the gentlewoman to participate in order to provide prop- have the House unanimously endorse from Hawaii (Mrs. MINK) with us today, er representation. As a mother and a the designation of March as National who is helping to groom the younger wife, I think I bring a different perspec- Women’s History Month for the year Members who are coming in and help- tive to the debate over issues than a 2002. ing them to learn the process of this husband or father would. Neither one is Mr. Speaker, I yield back the balance august body. more right than the other, just dif- of my time. As we recognize Women’s History ferent. The plurality of these different Mrs. CAPITO. Mr. Speaker, I yield Month, it is the leaders such as the people working together as one govern- myself such time as I may consume. gentlewoman from Hawaii (Mrs. MINK), ment can better serve West Virginia Mr. Speaker, I would like to thank the gentlewoman from Maryland (Mrs. and the rest of America. my colleague from Hawaii (Mrs. MINK) MORELLA) and others who have distin- I stand here today to celebrate all of for her wonderful statement and also guished themselves in this body. the bold actions and wonderful achieve- for the pioneering ways that you did Mr. Speaker, I last evening spoke to ments of the women who have gone be- that allowed me to come and be elected a group of women veterans in celebra- fore me. I ask my colleagues to stand this very first time to my first term in tion of this particular week dedicated up as we celebrate Women’s History Congress. I thank the gentlewoman for to women veterans. We find that Month and work to broaden our percep- her contributions, and I thank her in women have increased in our armed tions to include all of those who nor- joining me in celebrating March as services from about 7 percent to 14 per- mally could be excluded, especially in Women’s History Month. cent. They are now not only just the giving our sisters and daughters an op- I urge all of the Members to support nurses in our armed forces, but they portunity to serve their communities, this resolution and to reflect upon our serve now and are really flying fighter their States and their country. democracy. This special month creates planes in Afghanistan and other parts Mr. Speaker, I reserve the balance of an opportunity for all of us to remem- of the world, as we know, and see hot my time. ber the women who have played a crit- spots throughout the world. Certainly Mrs. MINK of Hawaii. Mr. Speaker, I ical role in the life of our great coun- women have positioned themselves on yield myself such time as I may con- try. the front lines of these very hot spots. sume. Mr. Speaker, I yield back the balance Women have positioned themselves Mr. Speaker, as we ask this House to of my time. in high tech, in viewing tomorrow’s recognize Women’s History Month, I The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. era, in viewing tomorrow’s world, think it is important to know how this SIMPSON). The question is on the mo- where young women will become sci- whole project began. tion offered by the gentlewoman from entists and biologists. And so today I In 1970 women’s history was a very Maryland (Mrs. MORELLA) that the am happy to recognize Women’s His- fledgling idea. It was started by the House suspend the rules and agree to tory Month and to advance the leader- Education Task Force of Sonoma the resolution, H. Res. 371. ship of women throughout the globe County, California. A Commission on The question was taken. and to even put a spotlight on the the Status of Women was initiated and The SPEAKER pro tempore. In the women of this House, those who have they put together a Women’s History opinion of the Chair, two-thirds of been leaders for all of us. Week for that county. Our colleague, those present have voted in the affirm- Mrs. CAPITO. Mr. Speaker, I yield the gentlewoman from California (Ms. ative. myself such time as I may consume. WOOLSEY), told me early on of her par- Mrs. CAPITO. Mr. Speaker, on that I Mr. Speaker, today I stand here in ticipation in establishing and recog- demand the yeas and nays. support of Women’s History Month and nizing this week. There were many The yeas and nays were ordered. Resolution 371. Before 1970, women’s projects that people participated in. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- history was rarely the subject of seri- Finally, in 1979, the director of the ant to clause 8 of rule XX and the ous study. Since then, however, this Sonoma County Commission estab- Chair’s prior announcement, further field has undergone a metamorphosis. lished a Women’s History Institute, proceedings on this motion will be Today, almost every college offers and from there it grew and grew until postponed until tomorrow. women’s history courses and most March of 1980 when President Jimmy f major graduate programs offer doc- Carter issued a Presidential message to toral degrees in the field. the American people encouraging the SPECIAL ORDERS It is no secret that the representa- recognition and celebration of women’s The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under tion of women and men in government history all throughout America. And the Speaker’s announced policy of Jan- is not equal, but it is also worth noting so, from that point of March 1980, the uary 3, 2001, and under a previous order that this Congress has the most fe- recognition of women’s history week at of the House, the following Members males ever serving in the history of the that time was part of the national will be recognized for 5 minutes each. United States. The strides women have agenda. f made into public service, holding lead- The Senators on the other side co- ership positions on all levels of govern- sponsored a joint resolution and in GENERAL LEAVE ment, is something we should recognize March 8, 1981, the first national Wom- Mr. BILIRAKIS. Mr. Speaker, I ask and celebrate. en’s History Week was established. unanimous consent that all Members I would like to take a moment and This has provided for the establish- may have 5 legislative days within recognize some remarkable women ment of many clearinghouses. All which to revise and extend their re- from West Virginia: Phyllis Curtain, a across the country, schools have also marks on the subject of my special remarkable opera star; Pearl S. Buck, adopted it as a project, and women order today. a fantastic author; Mattie Lee, a within local communities have been The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there woman who created a home for women, recognized for the outstanding work objection to the request of the gen- where they could live and work early that they have performed not only for tleman from Florida? in the 1920s and 1930s in our country; their community but for the State. There was no objection. Karen LaRoe, President of the West In 1987, at the request of national f Virginia University Institute of Tech- women’s organizations, museums, li- nology; Bertie Cohen, a community braries and other leaders in this coun- GREEK INDEPENDENCE DAY volunteer; and Henrietta Marquis, a try, the national Women’s History The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a physician in Charleston, West Virginia, Project was formed, and Congress was previous order of the House, the gen- who recently passed away, who prac- petitioned to expand the national cele- tleman from Florida (Mr. BILIRAKIS) is ticed into her 90s. These women, all bration to an entire month. So, since recognized for 5 minutes. VerDate 11-MAY-2000 04:35 Mar 20, 2002 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00038 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K19MR7.098 pfrm04 PsN: H19PT1 March 19, 2002 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H977 Mr. BILIRAKIS. Mr. Speaker, today I large degree to the sacrifices made by Encouraged by the American Revolution, proudly rise to celebrate Greek Inde- men and women in the past, in Greece, the Greeks began their rebellion after four pendence Day and the strong ties that in America, and all over the world. centuries of Turkish oppression, facing what bind the nations of Greece and the Clearly apparent in the aftermath of appeared to be insurmountable odds. Both na- United States. the September 11 attacks, freedom tions faced the prospect of having to defeat an One hundred eighty-one years ago comes with a price. Thousands have empire to obtain liberty. And if Samuel Adams, the people of Greece began a journey sacrificed their lives to protect that the American revolutionary leader who lighted that would mark the symbolic rebirth freedom. Today, American military the first spark of rebellion by leading the Bos- of democracy in the land where those personnel are tracking terrorism at its ton Tea Party, had a Greek counterpart, that principles of human dignity were first many sources.
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