Extensions of Remarks E565 EXTENSIONS of REMARKS

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Extensions of Remarks E565 EXTENSIONS of REMARKS April 7, 2005 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E565 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS TRIBUTE TO DR. ANDREW MES- erations through investing in the long-term tries have since agreed to normalize relations. SENGER, A TRUE FRIEND OF mission of the Leadership Institute. Although inexplicable, even after 12 long LIBERTY Thank you, Dr. Messenger, for investing in years of discussion and debate between the the lives of the future leaders of this country representatives of Greece and Macedonia, HON. RON PAUL through your faithful and generous support of and a host of international mediators, dif- OF TEXAS the Leadership Institute. ferences over Macedonia’s official name re- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES f main. Recently, last November, the United States Wednesday, April 6, 2005 PERSONAL EXPLANATION joined 108 other nations in officially recog- Mr. PAUL. Mr. Speaker, I rise to pay tribute nizing the constitutional name of the Republic to a friend and patriot, Dr. Andrew L. Mes- HON. RON LEWIS of Macedonia. America’s official recognition of senger, of Riverdale, Michigan. OF KENTUCKY the Republic of Macedonia should be seen as As a physician, I know Dr. Messenger is the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES a clear message to both sides that this dispute type of doctor all of us would want to have to over the name has simply gone on too long. take care of us. He is capable, loves his work, Wednesday, April 6, 2005 A new, accelerated round of discussions be- genuinely cares about his patients, and is al- Mr. LEWIS of Kentucky. Mr. Speaker, I was tween officials from Greece and Macedonia— ways available if someone needs him. In fact, absent from the House on Tuesday, April 5th mediated by United States diplomat and he loves being a doctor so much that he did due to illness. Had I been present, I would United Nations mediator Matthew Nimitz—is not retire until this past year at age 83. have voted the following way: scheduled to start before the end of April. For Every day he would wake up early to be at H. Res. 108: Commemorating the life of the the good of bilateral relations, as well as the office by 6:45 a.m. He knew that many of late Zurab Zhvania, Prime Minister of Georgia, broader regional stability, I urge both sides, his working patients preferred to come in early ‘‘yea.’’ Greek and Macedonian, to work together in a so he made himself available. Dr. Messenger H. Res. 120: Commending the outstanding spirit of friendship and open-mindedness with felt that if he as a doctor was unavailable, he efforts by members of the Armed Forces and UN envoy Matthew Nimitz, and ultimately con- was worthless. civilian employees of the Department of State clude this emotionally-embroiled dispute in a Dr. Messenger also applied this principle to and the United States Agency for International mutually acceptable, desirable, and expedient being a father. Leaving the house early in the Development in response to the earthquake way. morning allowed him to spend time with his and tsunami of December 26, 2004, ‘‘yea.’’ Mr. Speaker, Greece and Macedonia have family in the evenings. Most nights and week- H. Con. Res. 34: Honoring the life and con- more to gain by settling this dispute and work- ends were spent hunting, fishing, playing at tributions of Yogi Bhajan, a leader of Sikhs, ing together to bring the people and govern- the local playground, and attending athletic and expressing condolences to the Sikh com- ments of the region into the larger community events with his six children. munity on his passing, ‘‘yea.’’ of nations than they do by continuing this de- stabilizing dispute. I hope that both sides will When Dr. Messenger returned home from f work, the whole family would sit around the seize this opportunity to do the right thing at dinner table and discuss personal and news- COMMENTING ON THE ONGOING the April talks and work together to bring this worthy events of the day. After dinner was DISPUTE BETWEEN THE HEL- matter to a peaceful conclusion. done and homework finished, Dr. Messenger LENIC REPUBLIC OF GREECE f would take the kids out to play. Baseball and AND THE REPUBLIC OF MAC- EDONIA RECOGNIZING BAY CITY going to the park were two of the Messenger UNIFICATION ANNIVERSARY family’s favorite after dinner activities. His personal involvement in the lives of his HON. DAN BURTON HON. DALE E. KILDEE children paid off. He has six successful chil- OF INDIANA OF MICHIGAN dren, three of whom are doctors. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Dr. Messenger lives by the principals of IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES honesty, hard work, and caring for his fellow Wednesday, April 6, 2005 Wednesday, April 6, 2005 man, and took great care to instill these same Mr. BURTON of Indiana. Mr. Speaker, in Mr. KILDEE. Mr. Speaker, I am happy to principles into his children. 1991, the former nation of Yugoslavia dis- rise before you today, and to ask my col- After raising a family and running a re- solved into a number of independent nation- leagues in the 109th Congress to join me in spected practice, Dr. Messenger continues to states, including the Republic of Macedonia. celebrating the 100th anniversary of the unifi- make a difference not only in his local commu- However, international recognition of Macedo- cation of Bay City, Michigan. This momentous nity and across the United States through his nia’s independence from Yugoslavia was sig- occasion will be marked by a series of events generous support of the Leadership Institute. nificantly delayed in large part by Greece’s ob- to take place on Sunday, April 10, 2005. When most men embrace the rewards re- jection to the new state’s use of what it con- In 1857, a village, made up of land once tirement offers, Dr. Messenger pushes on to sidered to be a Hellenic name and symbols. used as a campground for the Chippewa Indi- make a difference in the lives of his country- Greece even went so far as to impose a ans, was formed east of the Saginaw River. In men. Dr. Messenger’s support of the Leader- trade blockade against Macedonia, citing un- 1865, this village, known as Bay City, was for- ship Institute gives young people and working founded concerns of potential border desta- mally incorporated as a city. The years that professionals the practical tools necessary to bilization within the region and fears of Mac- followed saw other villages established in the advance liberty and protect freedom. Too edonian territorial expansion. The Greek gov- area, including several to the west of the river. often freedom has few friends on our college ernment even persuaded the United Nations In 1877, three of these communities-Banks, campuses, in our state houses, and in our Security Council to pass United Nations Secu- Salzburg, and Wenona, consolidated and capitol. Dr. Messenger is providing everyday rity Council Resolution 845 in 1993, which pro- formed West Bay City. The two communities citizens with the resources necessary to de- claimed that for all intents and purposes the coexisted and thrived with separate mayors, fend the dream of limited government George Republic of Macedonia would be referred to city councils, police and fire departments, Washington and the rest of our founding fa- as the ‘‘the former Yugoslav Republic of Mac- schools, public utilities, and city services, until thers created when they wrote our constitu- edonia,’’ pending the outcome of negotiations a campaign to unite the two began, with the tion. between Greece and Macedonia on a perma- hopes that a larger city would increase rev- Clearly, Dr. Messenger has not only contrib- nent name. enue and promote expansion. uted to society by raising six successful chil- Greece finally lifted its trade blockade After several consolidation referenda, as dren, he has made provisions for future gen- against Macedonia in 1995, and the two coun- well as actions on the part of the Michigan ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. VerDate Aug 04 2004 01:29 Apr 08, 2005 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A06AP8.032 E07PT1 E566 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks April 7, 2005 Legislature, the concept of a united Bay City VISA DENIAL TO INDIAN OFFICIAL seeking their freedom through a free and fair became reality on April 10, 1905, when a LEADS TO BURNING OF PEPSI plebiscite. The essence of democracy is the common council, consisting of 34 aldermen PLANT right to self-determination. As the world’s old- from 17 wards in the combined city convened est and strongest democracy, it is up to the and made history. HON. EDOLPHUS TOWNS United States to take fhese measures in sup- Mr. Speaker, in the 100 years since the uni- OF NEW YORK port of freedom for all. fication of Bay City and West Bay City, we IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Mr. Speaker, I would like to place the India- West article of March 25 into the RECORD at have seen a town rise from a collection of Wednesday, April 6, 2005 small lumber villages to one of Michigan’s this tIme. Mr. TOWNS. Mr. Speaker, as you know, the largest and most vibrant cities. The shipyards [From the India-West, Mar. 25, 2005] United States government denied a visa to and sawmills of the past have given way to PEPSI WAREHOUSE BURNED IN VISA DENIAL Narendra Modi, Chief Minister of Gujarat, due worldwide corporations that create opportuni- UPROAR—Continued from page A1 to the state government’s complicity in the ties each day.
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