Weapons, a Brief Discourse on Hand-Weapons Other Than Fire-Arms
u UC-NRLF 80O B ^ 4^fi 2fl7 S3 B'ESAP^EAVRT- ..^ mm >-?^ GIFT OF Frank Marchsim «i WEAPONS frontispiece. PLATE 1. A COLLECTION OF WEAPONS, &o.. TAKEN DURING THE MUTINY IN INDIA 1857 The tuKvar and the khou.t.r for,,, ,1,. p,i„cipal weapons of ,hc collcct,o„. This trophy adorns the main staircase at the Royal United Service Museum. WEAPONS A BRIEF DISCOURSE ON HAND-WEAPONS OTHER THAN FIRE-ARMS BY B. E. SARGEAUNT ASSISTANT CUBATOR OF THE ROYAL UNITED SERVICE MUSEUM, WHITEHALIj LONDON HUGH REES, LTD. 119 PALL MALL, S.W. 1908 TPricc Two Shillings and Sixpence net ll'z^oc PEBFACB Having contributed two articles to the Cavalry Journal, one on the ' Development of the Sword,' and the other on the ' Progress of the Lance,' it occurred to me that a small work, such as the one which I have the honour to lay before the reader, might be of some interest and assistance to those desirous of acquiring some information concerning the weapons which have been employed in general warfare from time to time. I do not pretend to introduce the reader to an exhaustive and detailed history, but I attempt rather, in as concise a form as possible, to enumerate and describe all the principal weapons of war in such a way as to make the work of service to the wholly uninitiated. To further this object I have introduced plates of illustrations, accompanied by a description of each weapon contained in them. The subject of fire-arms has not been brought within the studied by itself; scope of this work ; it comprises a branch to be have and I have, therefore, ignored these weapons entu-ely.
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