Projects Funded Through the Atlantic Fisheries Fund Announced on December 16, 2020
Projects Funded through the Atlantic Fisheries Fund Announced on December 16, 2020 Recipient Location Project Description Project Costs AFF AFF Pillar Contribution Grieg NL Marystown Purchase and install $926,045 $694,534 Infrastructure Nurseries Ltd. salmon vaccination equipment. Merasheen Merasheen Island Purchase and install optical $124,930 $99,900 Infrastructure Oyster Farms eye sorter for oyster Inc. grading. LBA Little Bay Arm Purchase and install $127,779 $99,900 Infrastructure Enterprises mussel declumper and Ltd. grader. Notre Dame Triton Purchase and install $120,588 $96,470 Infrastructure Bay Mussel mussel socking equipment. Farms Miawpukek Conne River Purchase and install a $899,583 $319,623 Infrastructure First Nation robotic net cleaning system to clean salmon aquaculture nets. Newfoundland Newfoundland Mussel and oyster $583,837 $467,070 Infrastructure Aquaculture and Labrador inventory and product Industry quality maintenance during Association COVID-19. Newfoundland Milltown Purchase of robotic net $1,752,339 $1,261,754 Infrastructure Aqua Service cleaning systems Ltd. for aquaculture pens. Bobby Noble Lewisporte Purchase and install $250,771 $99,882 Infrastructure automated longline system CRS Fishing Grates Cove Purchase and install $136,960 $99,900 Infrastructure Enterprises automated longline system Ltd. Challenger 92 Fogo Island Purchase and install $102,584 $82,067 Infrastructure Ltd. automated longline system Reginald Baine Harbour Purchase and install $9,786 $7,829 Infrastructure Keating automated jiggers and insulated boxes. Jerome Ward South East Bight Purchase and install $4,896 $3,917 Infrastructure automated jiggers and insulated boxes. Matthew Pasadena Purchase and install $21,891 $17,513 Infrastructure Rumbolt automated jiggers. Mervin Hollett Arnold's Cove Purchase and install $17,991 $12,515 Infrastructure automated jiggers and insulated boxes.
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