Crisis and Confrontation on the Korean Peninsula: 1968-1969 A Critical Oral History Compiled by James Person, Mitch Lerner, Shin Jong-dae, Erin Choi, Eunice Eun, Grace Jeon, Charles Kraus, Kevin Shepard & Min Heeseon For the September 2008 Conference organized by: The North Korea International Documentation Project The University of North Korean Studies (Seoul) With Financial Support from: The Academy of Korean Studies The Korea Foundation Ohio State University North Korea International Documentation Project Woodrow Wilson Center One Woodrow Wilson Plaza 1300 Pennsylvania Ave., N.W. Washington, D.C. 20004-3027 Email:
[email protected] Tel: 202/691-4305 Cover designbyErinChoi CRISIS AND CONFRONTATION ON THE KOREAN PENINSULA: 1968-1969 List of Documents 1968 Document 1. 23 January 1968: [Secret] Memorandum for McNamara, Nitze, Rostow (Walt), Rusk, Katzenbach, William Bundy, General Carroll, Thomas Hughes, General Carter, “North Korean Intentions” Document 2. 23 January 1968: Telegram From the Department of State to AMEMBASSY SEOUL, 2121Z Document 3. 23 January 1968: Notes of Meeting, 12:58-2:30 p.m., Washington, “Notes of the President’s Tuesday National Security Lunch” Document 4. 24 January 1968: Summary Minutes of Meeting, 10:30-11:45 a.m., Washington, “Summary Minutes of Pueblo Group” Document 5. 24 January 1968: [Secret] Telegram from AMEMBASSY SEOUL to SECSTATE, 1031Z, (Seoul 03598) Document 6. 24 January 1968: Memorandum for Record, “NSC Meeting Held January 24, 1968, at 1:00 p.m. in the Cabinet Room” Document 7. 24 January 1968: Notes of the President’s Meeting with Secretary Rusk, Secretary McNamara, Clark Clifford, et al., 7:50 p.m.