INTRODUCTION The Transportation Element of the Centre Planning Agency (CRPA), and the County Comprehensive Plan is an Susquehanna Economic Development assessment of the transportation facilities in Association Council of Governments the County. These facilities include not just (SEDA-COG). These organizations work the road network, but all forms of alongside the Pennsylvania Department of transportation including transit, rail, airports Transportation (PENNDOT) to identify and and bike and pedestrian facilities. It is prioritize transportation improvement important to consider the transportation projects in Centre County. network as an integrated multi-modal system. The existing conditions of the TRANSPORTATION GOAL AND transportation network are described in this OBJECTIVES initial section of the Transportation Element The goal of the Transportation Element is: (Part 1). The Transportation Element will be “To provide a multi-modal transportation completed in the future after completion of system, which includes air, bicycle, the Travel Demand Model Analysis and highway, pedestrian, public transportation, Long Range Transportation Plan for Centre and rail facilities to maximize the efficient, County. safe, economical and convenient movement of people and goods while minimizing the Significant growth of residential, office and adverse impact the system will have on industrial development has occurred in the natural and cultural resources, as well as County – especially in the Centre Region people.” area where Penn State University has served as a magnet for development. This ROAD NETWORK growth is forecasted to continue. As a Pennsylvania is in a strategic position with result, the need to identify transportation important interstate roadways traversing the facilities that will accommodate this growth state and serving national and international is a key part of the comprehensive planning trade routes.
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