The Ukrainian Weekly 1989, No.39 йіь^д by the Ukrainian National Association Inc.. a fraternal поП'profit associitiori| ШrainianWeekl V Vol. LVII No. 39 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 24,1989 50 cents Shcherbytsky ousted from Politburo 150,000 Catholics march in Lviv; MOSCOW - Volodymyr Shcher the Politburo. "But, Mr. Gorbachev bytsky, first secretary of the Commu apparently chose to act first in Moscow, Lubachivsky looks to legalization nist Party of Ukraine, was ousted from thus encouraging speculation that he ROME - An estimated 150,000 million Ukrainian Catholics in the the USSR Politburo on Wednesday, sought to avoid a possible rebuff from Ukrainian Catholics marched through Soviet Union are loyal to their Church September 20, in what was widely the Ukrainian Central Committee, the streets of Lviv on Sunday, Septem and to the Vatican. characterized as a major purge of the controlled by Mr. Shcherbytsky," the ber 17, to demand that the Kremlin The cardinal, who is the archbishop Communist Party leadership effected Times wrote. restore their Church's legal status, major of Lviv of the Ukrainian Catho- by President Mikhail Gorbachev. Mr. Shcherbytsky was dismissed at reported the Ukrainian Press Bureau lics and metropolitan of the Lviv Mr. Shcherbytsky, whose 'immi the conclusion of a two-day closed based in Rome. (Continued on page 4) nent" removal had been rumored for session of the Communist Party's The crowd of faithful, which some years and had been the subject of Central Committee convened to discuss sources in Ukraine report numbered countless analyses by Sovietologists, the nationalities issue. 200,000 to 250,000, took part in the 11 hunger strikers had been a member of the Politburo of Also dismissed were Viktor Chebri- largest demonstration of Ukrainian the Communist Party of the Soviet kiov, former KGB chief, and Viktor Catholics since World War IL The day arrested in Moscow Union since 1971.
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