Twenty‐fifth International Research Ship Operators Meeting (IRSO)

16–19 October 2012

National Center Southampton, UK

RS I O 2012 25th IRSO 2012 ‐ Minutes Southampton, UK


A.1. Opening Session 6 A.1.1. Welcome and administrative matters 6 A.1.2. Round table introduction of participants 6 A.1.3. Welcome and introduction to the National Oceanography Center 6 A.1.4. Review of the minutes of 24th IRSO and adoption of agenda 6 A.1.5. Membership rules and adoption of the Terms of Reference 7

A.2. Theme 1: Delegates Reports of Activities 8

A.3. Theme 2: Research Vessel Builds, Modifications & Performance 9 A.3.1. Maritime environmental issues ‐ Gillian Reynolds (GLReynolds) 9 A.3.2. RV Investigator – Toni Moate (CSIRO) 9 A.3.3. RRS Discovery – Ed Cooper (NOC) 9 A.3.4. LICORICE Project – Olivier Lefort (IFREMER) 9 A.3.5. Ke Xue – Yin Hong (IOCAS) 9 A.3.6. RV Sonne replacement – Klaus von Broeckel (GEOMAR) 9 A.3.7. UNOLS/NSF fleet renewal – Bob Houtman (NSF) & Tim Schnoor (US Naval Research) 9 A.3.8. US NOAA fleet – Mike Devany (NOAA) 9 A.3.9. Canadian fleet renewal – Jennifer Nield ( & Oceans) and Eric Lengelle (Canadian CG) 9 A.3.10. JAMSTEC new build – Kazohiro Maeda (JAMSTEC) 9 A.3.11. IMR new builds – Hilde Spjeld (IMR ) 9 A.3.12. HROV: new AUV/ROV – Olivier Lefort (IFREMER) 9 A.3.13. Contracted maintenance of an older vessel – Ron Plaschke (CSIRO) 9 A.3.14. Contracted vs in‐housed management of RV’s – Aodhan FitzGerald (MI) 9 A.3.15. Chartering issues – Fred Smits (NIWA) 10

A.4. Theme 3: Manning, Safety and Training 11 A.4.1. Marine accidents – Emma Tiller (Inspector, MIAB) 11 A.4.2. RV medical issues – Peter Marquis and Anne Hicks (BASMU) 11 A.4.3. Crime at sea – Paul Campbell (Police Maritime Planning and Operations) 11

A.5. Theme 4: Scientific Technology 12 A.5.1. Transnational use of ROV: ISIS damage, Kiel 6000 ROV on RRS James Cook – Colin Day (NOC) 12 A.5.2. Transnational use of ROV: Holland 1 ROV on RRS James Cook – Aodhan FitzGerald (MI) 12 A.5.3. Scientifically instrumented UAV’s – Tim Schnoor (US Naval Research) 12 A.5.4. New JAMSTEC AUV’s – Hitoshi Nakai (JAMSTEC) 12 A.5.5. Quest Arctic trial – Yves Perron (Defence Research and Development Canada) 12

A.6. Theme 5: Legal and Insurance 13 A.6.1. Marine insurance and legal update – Prof. Dennis Nixon (UNOLS) 13 A.6.2. Foreign clearances – Liz Tirpak (US DoS) 13 A.6.3. Legal issues – Rolly Rogers (NOC) 13 A.6.4. MLC 2006 – Robin Plumley (NOC) 13

A.7. Theme 6: Cooperation and Outreach 14 A.7.1. Ocean Facilities Exchange Group (OFEG) – Erica Koning (NIOZ) 14 A.7.2. International Marine Technicians (INMARTECH) – Erica Koning (NIOZ) 14 A.7.3. OFEG Tech – Colin Day (NOC) 14 A.7.4. Trends in future RV demand – Geraint West (NOC) 14

A.8. Closing of 24th IRSO 15 A.8.1. IRSO 2013 – Carey Bonnell (Marine Institute of Memorial University, Newfoundland) 15 A.8.2. IRSO organising officers – Geraint West (IRSO Chair) 15

A.9. Adjourn 16

A.10. Decisions and Undertakings 17

‐ 2 ‐ 16‐19 October 2012 25th IRSO 2012 ‐ Minutes Southampton, UK A.10.1. IRSO minutes 17 A.10.2. IRSO website 17 A.10.3. IRSO medical survey 17 A.10.4. IRSO Code of Conduct 17 A.10.5. IRSO Code of Best Practice 17 A.10.6. INMARTECH 17


B.1. Australia – Ron Plaschke (CSIRO) 18

B.2. Belgium – Lieven Naudts (Belgian Science Policy Office) 21

B.3. Canada – Jennifer Nield (Fisheries & Oceans Canada) and Eric Lengellé (Canadian Coast Guard) 24

B.4. Canada – Yves Perron (Defence Research and Development Canada) 27

B.5. Chile – Enrique Aranda Orrego (Instituto de Fomento PesQuero) 30

B.6. China – (IOCAS) 31

B.7. Denmark – DTU Aqua, by Helge A Thomsen / Hans‐Erik Mahnfeldt 33

B.8. Finland – Juha Flinkman (Finnish Environment Institute) 37

B.9. France – Hélène Leau (IPEV) and Olivier Quedec (IFREMER) 39

B.10. Germany – Dr. Klaus von Broeckel (GEOMAR | Helmholtz Center for Ocean Research Kiel) 44

B.11. Iceland – Vignir Thoroddsen (MRI) 49

B.12. India – Prattipati Rao (NIO) 50

B.13. Ireland – Aodhán Fitzgerald (Marine Institute) 56

B.14. Italy – CNR 58

B.15. Japan – Shozo Tashiro (JAMSTEC) 59

B.16. NATO – Ian Sage (STO ‐ CMRE) 61

B.17. Netherlands – Erica Koning (NIOZ) 63

B.18. New Zealand – Fred Smits (NIWA) 65

B.19. Norway ‐ Per Nieuwejaar (IMR) 68

B.20. Spain ‐ Jose I. Diaz (IEO) 71

B.21. UK – David Blake (BAS) 75

B.22. UK – Geraint West (NOC) 77

B.23. USA – Rear Admiral Michael Devany (NOAA) 82

B.24. USA– Bob Houtman (NSF/UNOLS)/ Tim Schnoor (ONR/UNOLS) 86

‐ 3 ‐ 16‐19 October 2012 25th IRSO 2012 ‐ Minutes Southampton, UK LIST OF ATTENDEES

First Nation Surname Organisation Position Name Science Program Support and Australia Phil Boxall AAD Facilities Manager Deputy Chief Science Ops & Australia Toni Moate CSIRO Executive Director, FRV Project Australia Ron Plaschke CSIRO Director, Marine National Facility Belgium Dre Catrrijsse VLIZ Research Facilities Coordinator RV Belgica Belgium Lieven Naudts RBINS‐MUMM Head MUMM‐Measurement Services Ostend Marine Institute of Canada Carey Bonnell Head, School of Fisheries Memorial University Project Director, Science Vessel Canada Eric Lengelle Canadian Coast Guard Portfolio Canada Jennifer Nield Fisheries and Oceans Senior Policy Advisor Defence Research and Canada Yves Perron Manager/ Technical Services Development Canada China Hong Yin IOCAS Senior Engineer Denmark Hans‐Erik Mahnfeldt DTU Aqua Marine Superintendent France Remy Balcom GENAIR Operation Manager France Sebastien DuPont IFREMER Naval Architect France Olivier Lefort IFREMER Director of Naval Facilities Naval Facilities and Operations France Olivier Quedec IFREMER Manager Scheduling Van France Sylvie IFREMER Department, Directorate of Naval Inseghem Operations and Methods Germany Thomas Liebe RF GmbH Superintendent Germany Andreas Martin RF GmbH Superintendent Germany Barbara Tanner PTJ Project Manager Germany Klaus von Broeckel GEOMAR Senior Scientist, Research Vessels Ireland Aodhan FitzGerald Marine Institute Team Leader Ireland Mick Gillooly Marine Institute Director Ocean Science Services Japan Kikuo Hashimoto JAMSTEC Group Leader, Ship Operations Co‐ordinator, Marine Technology Japan Yoshifumi Kuroda JAMSTEC and Engineering Centre (MARITEC) Japan Shinichi Kusaka Nippon Marine Deputy General Manager Japan Kazuhiro Maeda JAMSTEC Engineer Sub Group Leader, Planning and Japan Hitoshi Nakai JAMSTEC Co‐ordination Co‐ordinator. Marine Research Netherlands Erica Koning NIOZ Facilities New General Manager, Vessel Greg Foothead NIWA Zealand Operations Marine Superintendent, Vessel Norway Tom Ole Drange IMR Management

‐ 4 ‐ 16‐19 October 2012 25th IRSO 2012 ‐ Minutes Southampton, UK First Nation Surname Organisation Position Name Chief Engineer, Electronic Norway Hilde Spjeld IMR Engineering General Manager, Marine Business NZ Fred Smits NIOZ Services Marine Scotland Head of Engineering, Science Scotland Chris Hall Science Operations UK David Blake BAS Head of Technology & Engineering Project Liaison Officer, RRS UK Edward Cooper NOC Discovery Replacement Project UK Colin Day NOC Programme Manager Group Manager and Monitoring UK Dave Limpenny CEFAS and Applied Science UK Robin Plumley NOC Research Ship Manager UK Roland Rogers NOC Legal and Environmental Advisor Head, National Marine Facilities UK Geraint West NOC Sea Systems UK Beth Woodward NERC Marine Planning Officer USA Michael Devany NOAA Director, Marine Operation Center USA Bauke Houtman NSF Head, Integrative Programs USA Dennis Nixon UNOLS Legal Advisor Program Manager Oceanographic USA Daniel Rolland Alion Science Ships USA Ian Sage NATO Head, Ship Management US Office of Naval USA Tim Schnoor Program Manager Research Office of Marine and Aviation USA Greg Schweitzer NOAA Operations US Department of USA Liz Tirpak Foreign Affairs Officer State Agri‐Food and William Clarke Biosciences Instrument Engineer Institute

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A.1. Opening Session

The meeting was opened by Mr Geraint West, IRSO Chair.

A.1.1. Welcome and administrative matters

Geraint West welcomed 50 participants from 16 countries to the 25th IRSO being hosted by the National Oceanographic Center in Southampton, UK.

A.1.2. Round table introduction of participants

Each IRSO participant provided a brief personal introduction to the meeting.

A.1.3. Welcome and introduction to the National Oceanography Center

On behalf of the meeting hosts, Ed Hill, Director, National Oceanographic Center (NOC) welcomed participants to IRSO 2012. Ed spoke of the challenges of operating research vessels (RV’s) in an environment of increasing expectations and decreasing budgets, noting the UK’s new Discovery was due for delivery in June 2013 and that IRSO provides an invaluable forum for sharing information and international benchmarking.

Geraint West, Head, Sea Systems, NOC gave an interesting overview of NOC including sites, capabilities, partners, programs and future directions.

A.1.4. Review of the minutes of 24th IRSO and adoption of agenda

As a change from previous IRSO agendas, a poster session under “Theme 1: Delegates Report of Activity” replaces the previous practise of individual member presentations. This change has been introduced to provide more time during the meeting to discuss issues of shared interest and increase networking opportunities for IRSO members. Comments on the agenda were invited, which was adopted with the addition of two presentations by Olivier Lefort.

The minutes of the 24th IRSO were introduced and members thanked for contributions made. The minutes were adopted without modifications as a true record of the meeting held at the University of Washington, Seattle, Washington USA on 25–27 May 2011. The final version of these minutes will be available on the IRSO web site, http://www.isom‐

Progress on undertakings from 2011 meeting in Washington:  The Chair provided an undertaking to draft ideas around membership and country representative issues and circulate to IRSO over next few months with a view to seeking consensus before the next meeting in 2012 ‐ refer Membership Rules and Terms of Reference below.  The Chair asked participants to think about IRSO website during the meeting, what should be on the website and what should not – refer Membership Rules and Terms of Reference below.  Fred Smits undertook to lead an email discussion in the coming months to work through the details of the next INMARTECH meeting – refer Theme 6, INMARTECH report below.

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A.1.5. Membership rules and adoption of the Terms of Reference

Considering the effort involved preparing IRSO meeting minutes and that copies of presentations are distributed following each meeting, the Chair led a discussion around the scope of the minutes. The meeting agreed that future IRSO meeting minutes would only need to include a list of presentations, major decisions, undertakings, meeting attendance and country reports.

Members then discussed possibilities around improvements to the IRSO website. Bob Houtman agreed to look at the possibility of hosting a simple website.

The Chair gave a presentation on the proposed Terms of Reference (ToR) for IRSO. The meeting agreed to adopt the proposed ToR, which would then become a standing agenda item for review at future meetings.

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A.2. Theme 1: Delegates Reports of Activities

A poster session was held and the Chair encouraged members to maximise the networking opportunity. Electronic copies of posters provided by members were later handed out on USB drive. Refer also Section B: Country Reports in these minutes.

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A.3. Theme 2: Research Vessel Builds, Modifications & Performance

A.3.1. Maritime environmental issues ‐ Gillian Reynolds (GLReynolds)

A keynote address on greening the fleet by environmental consultant Dr Gillian Reynolds led to an open discussion on environmental legislative requirements (often regarded as a minimum) and upcoming issues on the International Maritime Organisation agenda including the effects of noise on marine mammals, greenhouse gas emissions, collisions with whales, and polar operations.

A.3.2. RV Investigator – Toni Moate (CSIRO)

A.3.3. RRS Discovery – Ed Cooper (NOC)

A.3.4. LICORICE Project – Olivier Lefort (IFREMER)

A.3.5. Ke Xue – Yin Hong (IOCAS)

A.3.6. RV Sonne replacement – Klaus von Broeckel (GEOMAR)

A.3.7. UNOLS/NSF fleet renewal – Bob Houtman (NSF) & Tim Schnoor (US Naval Research)

A.3.8. US NOAA fleet – Mike Devany (NOAA)

A.3.9. Canadian fleet renewal – Jennifer Nield (Fisheries & Oceans) and Eric Lengelle (Canadian CG)

A.3.10. JAMSTEC new build – Kazohiro Maeda (JAMSTEC)

A.3.11. IMR new builds – Hilde Spjeld (IMR Norway)

Group discussion following this presentation revolved around the reduced cost of building shorter and wider vessels against possibly of increased through‐life fuel costs.

A.3.12. HROV: new AUV/ROV – Olivier Lefort (IFREMER)

Owners only session

A.3.13. Contracted maintenance of an older vessel – Ron Plaschke (CSIRO)

Group discussion revolved around managing the balance between high levels of utilisation whilst maintaining a vessel in sea worthy condition. Many repairs cannot be completed at sea, most need to be done alongside. Dust, fumes etc. generated during maintenance activities can interfere with future scientific work.

A.3.14. Contracted vs in‐housed management of RV’s – Aodhan FitzGerald (MI)

Group discussion revolved around advantages and disadvantages, including the issue of vessel owner maintaining knowledge of industry and perceptions of losing key technical skills with commercial management. .

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A.3.15. Chartering issues – Fred Smits (NIWA)

Group discussion revolved around the difficulties working with commercial clients (eg. different standards) and integrating client requirements with research programs.

Owners only session closes

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A.4. Theme 3: Manning, Safety and Training

A.4.1. Marine accidents – Emma Tiller (Inspector, MIAB)

A keynote address by marine accident inspector Captain Emma Tiller led to discussion on causes and investigation of marine accidents including the importance of no‐blame investigation to determine root cause, recovery and preservation of evidence, dissemination of learnings, working with insurance companies and dealing with criminal investigations.

A.4.2. RV medical issues – Peter Marquis and Anne Hicks (BASMU)

A keynote address by Dr Peter Marquis and Dr Anne Hicks led to discussion around medical considerations when operating in remote regions. With an increasing patient age profile, the focus is on improved medical screening and allowing people to pass within sensible limits. Other issues to consider include medical training of all participants, access to specialist medical skills, pregnancy, importance of dental screening, lifestyle factors and the importance of mental health and support with increasingly longer periods at sea on larger vessels.

Ron Plaschke introduced a medical survey which has been developed to gather information among IRSO members for common benefit. The meeting agreed to provide comment on, then undertake the medical survey.

A.4.3. Crime at sea – Paul Campbell (Police Maritime Planning and Operations)

A keynote address by ACPO national strategy co‐ordinator Paul Campbell raised awareness around crime at sea. With the ISPS code not covering maritime crime or safety, ships Masters are not well trained and it is difficult to investigate crime involving foreign nationals with differing language, cultures and jurisdictions. The ships DPA should know which competent authority can advise and investigate. Paul provided a copy of the Crime Manual for Ship’s Security Officers.

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A.5. Theme 4: Scientific Technology

A.5.1. Transnational use of ROV: ISIS damage, Kiel 6000 ROV on RRS James Cook – Colin Day (NOC)

A.5.2. Transnational use of ROV: Holland 1 ROV on RRS James Cook – Aodhan FitzGerald (MI)

A.5.3. Scientifically instrumented UAV’s – Tim Schnoor (US Naval Research)

A.5.4. New JAMSTEC AUV’s – Hitoshi Nakai (JAMSTEC)

A.5.5. Quest Arctic trial – Yves Perron (Defence Research and Development Canada)

This Theme was followed by tours of NOC for IRSO participants.

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A.6. Theme 5: Legal and Insurance

A.6.1. Marine insurance and legal update – Prof. Dennis Nixon (UNOLS)

With this being his 16th meeting, Dennis now has statesman status in IRSO and the forum looks forward to his continued participation. The meeting decided IRSO’s Code of Conduct for Marine Scientific Research Vessels (2007) should be reviewed and refreshed at IRSO 2013.

A.6.2. Foreign clearances – Liz Tirpak (US DoS)

A.6.3. Legal issues – Rolly Rogers (NOC)

Rolly’s presentation generated discussion on the growth of Unmanned Maritime Systems (UMS) since the development of the Code of Best Practise established by IRSO (ISOM) in 1996 for the deployment of AUV’s. The meeting agreed to establish a working group to review the viability and applicability of further developing the IRSO Code of Best Practice (1996) to a broad for all forms of UMS used to undertake marine scientific research and to report back to the 26th IRSO meeting in 2013. The working group would include Rolly Rogers (lead), Dennis Nixon, Erica Koning, Aodhan FitzGerald, Mike Devany, and Ian Sage.

A.6.4. MLC 2006 – Robin Plumley (NOC)

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A.7. Theme 6: Cooperation and Outreach

A.7.1. Ocean Facilities Exchange Group (OFEG) – Erica Koning (NIOZ)

A.7.2. International Marine Technicians (INMARTECH) – Erica Koning (NIOZ)

The meeting decided unanimously to keep INMARTECH alive. The next meeting to be held back to back with the US RV Tech meeting, likely in Newport during 2014.

A.7.3. OFEG Tech – Colin Day (NOC)

A.7.4. Trends in future RV demand – Geraint West (NOC)

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A.8. Closing of 24th IRSO

A.8.1. IRSO 2013 – Carey Bonnell (Marine Institute of Memorial University, Newfoundland)

On behalf of Director Ron Newhook, Carey introduced members to the Fisheries and Marine Institute of Memorial University, Newfoundland, Canada who will kindly host IRSO 2013. The provisional meeting date has been set for October 2013.

Topics and suggestions made for IRSO 2013 include:  Pre‐meeting workshop should be continued. Suggested topics included designing vessels for reduced operating costs, scientific handling equipment and international vessel sharing.  Use a questions board to put members in touch around specific issues  MLC and STCW: are scientists excluded from the definition of seafarers and what level of safety training should scientists have?  Antarctic and polar code

A.8.2. IRSO organising officers – Geraint West (IRSO Chair)

As outgoing Chair, Geraint welcomed Ron Plaschke as incoming IRSO Chair. Aodhan Fitzgerald was elected as the new IRSO vice‐Chair.

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A.9. Adjourn

Participants thanked Geraint West, Demelza Dancey and other NOC staff involved for their excellent organisation and hosting of the meeting, after which the meeting was adjourned.

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A.10. Decisions and Undertakings

A.10.1. IRSO minutes The meeting agreed that future IRSO meeting minutes would only need to include a list of presentations, major decisions, undertakings, meeting attendance and country reports.

A.10.2. IRSO website Bob Houtman agreed to look at the possibility of hosting a simple website.

A.10.3. IRSO medical survey The meeting agreed to provide comment on, then undertake the medical survey.

A.10.4. IRSO Code of Conduct The meeting decided IRSO’s Code of Conduct for Marine Scientific Research Vessels (2007) should be reviewed and refreshed at IRSO 2013.

A.10.5. IRSO Code of Best Practice The meeting agreed to establish a working group to review the viability and applicability of further developing the IRSO Code of Best Practice (1996) to a broad code of practice for all forms of Unmanned Maritime Systems (UMS) used to undertake marine scientific research and to report back to the 26th IRSO meeting in 2013. The working group would include Rolly Rogers (lead), Dennis Nixon, Erica Koning, Aodhan FitzGerald, Mike Devany, and Ian Sage.

A.10.6. INMARTECH The meeting decided unanimously to keep INMARTECH alive. The next meeting to be held back to back with the US RV Tech meeting, likely in Newport during 2014.

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B.1. Australia – Ron Plaschke (CSIRO)


In addition to fleet of smaller research vessels, Australia has two larger research vessels, the Aurora Australis and Southern Surveyor. Aurora Australis is operated under charter by the Australian Antarctic Division to conduct research in the Southern Ocean and to resupply Australia’s Antarctic bases. A new icebreaker is being planned to replace the Aurora Australis. Southern Surveyor is operated by CSIRO as Australia’s Marine National Facility (MNF) research vessel. The vessel is available to all Australian scientists and their international collaborators through a competitive and independent peer reviewed application process. As Southern Surveyor is now over 40 years old, CSIRO has signed a contract with TK Holdings Australia to build Australia’s new MNF research vessel which has been named Investigator. A special project of enhanced maintenance has continued to maintain the reliability of Southern Surveyor until Investigator arrives in 2013, after which Southern Surveyor will be sold.


CSIRO Marine National Facility Vessel

Name Type LOA Built Op. Main area Notes Plans for Replacement (m) Days of operations during year Enhance maintenance 1972 program (CMAN2). Southern (converted Australasian Ocean 66 180 See A.3.3. Surveyor 1990, region Emergency dry‐docking March 2002) 2011 to repair Kort nozzle.

Further information can be found at

‐ 18 ‐ 16‐19 October 2012 25th IRSO 2012 ‐ DRAFT Minutes Southampton, UK

Other Australian Vessels

Main area LOA Op. of Name Type Built Notes Plans for Replacement (m) Days operations during year RSV Aurora Polar 95 1990 184 Antarctic, Has provided Antarctic support, charter ends in 2012. Australis Ocean Southern resupply and marine science Ocean services under charter from P&O Maritime Services to Australian Antarctic Division since 1990.

Solander 36 2007 Tropical Australian Institute of Marine Australia Science

Cape 22 2000 Tropical Australian Institute of Marine Fergusson Australia Science

Negerin 25 1985 South South Australian Research and Australia Development Institute

‐ 19 ‐ 16‐19 October 2012 25th IRSO 2012 ‐ DRAFT Minutes Southampton, UK

Main area LOA Op. of Name Type Built Notes Plans for Replacement (m) Days operations during year Naturaliste 23 2001 Western Western Australian Department Australia of Fisheries

Marine National Facility Equipment

As part of Southern Surveyor’s annual capital equipment process, new equipment has included a SEAL nutrient analysis system, lowered ADCP, in‐situ ultraviolet spectrometer, Quoll XBT system and an RBR salinometer to trial against the existing Guildline instruments.


With the new MNF vessel Investigator designed to operate to the Antarctic ice edge, discussions are underway between CSIRO and the Australian Antarctic Division regarding cooperation in the Southern Ocean. The objective of these discussions is to maximise future operating efficiencies between research vessels in this large and unexplored area of ocean.

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B.2. Belgium – Lieven Naudts (Belgian Science Policy Office)


Name Type LOA Built Op. Main area of Notes Plans for Replacement (m) Days operations

Belgica, owned by the Federal Science Policy Office, is operated by the Belgian Navy on behalf/expense of RBINS ‐ MUMM which manages the vessel. The RV is 32N‐65N, manned by only one 15W‐15E. fixed crew. Operating Mainly cost in 2012: 2.37 M€ Southern

Bight North In 2011, an elaborate Sea & Since there was no Belgian AUMS (Autonomous regional area Federal Government in 2010 Underway Measurement beyond and 2011, plans and actions to Belgica Regional 51 1984 180 System) was installed (English replace RV Belgica were halted. which continuously Channel, Since 2012 the replacement measures physical, Irish Sea, and process has been restarted. biological and chemical eastern parameters (T, Cond, Sal, Atlantic DO, pH, Turb, Chlor, continental algae classes, dissolved margin) organic matter,

fluorescence, pCO2, nitrate, nitric oxide, ammonia, phosphate, silica, etc.).

‐ 21 ‐ 16‐19 October 2012 25th IRSO 2012 ‐ DRAFT Minutes Southampton, UK

Name Type LOA Built Op. Main area of Notes Plans for Replacement (m) Days operations

The system can also take position‐controlled water samples. All data is send to shore via VSAT communication and is available on the website.

In 2011, some of the deck plating and cover were replaced near the aft deck and wet labs after discovery of seawater leakage beneath these locations.

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Name Type LOA Built Op. Main area of Notes Plans for Replacement (m) Days operations

In 2008 an agreement between the Ministry of Science & Regional Operated by VLIZ & Public Works has been signed (Refitted Pilot Department Fleet to substantiate the research tender) Zeeleeuw 56 1977 150 Coastal Zone (Flanders Min. Science & facilities of the Flanders Decommissioned Public Works) Marine Institute task through since June 2012 the funding for a new built

coastal research vessel & land based facilities. Belgian Continental Local/Regional Shelf Simon Operational 36 2012 150 Hull ‐ Le Stevin since June 2012 Havre ‐ Bremerhaven


Belgica and Simon Stevin are complementary. Cruise schedules are tuned between the two ships and an agreement on exchange scientific equipment exists.

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B.3. Canada – Jennifer Nield (Fisheries & Oceans Canada) and Eric Lengellé (Canadian Coast Guard)

A presentation and further detailed information will be given at the 25th IRSO meeting in Southampton, UK.


With regards to the specifics of building research vessels in Canada, one 18 metre vessel was delivered to the Great Lakes for limnology studies in June 2009. One other such vessel (similar design) was delivered to the east coast (Atlantic) for fisheries research in June of 2010.

Construction of three Near Shore Fisheries Research Vessels began in March, 2010. Two vessels (one 25 meter, one 22 meter) are already in service with delivery of the final vessel (22 meter) expected in November, 2012.

Design of the Offshore Oceanographic Vessel and three Offshore vessels was completed over this past year. They are anticipated to be in construction by 2014.

The Polar project is in the design phase. It is anticipated the vessel will be delivered in late 2017.

All vessels mentioned below will be following a “design for build” process.

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Name Type LOA Built Op. Main area Notes Plans for Replacement (m) Days of operations during year Vessel is planned for replacement in 2014.

Crew size is 30 + with 25 scientists

Replacement Eastern Design of replacement vessel is Pengo winch with capability of 30 for the CCGS Regional 90 M 1964 200 r North completed. Construction to begin Metre piston cores. Two cranes HUDSON Atlantic in 2014‐15 and gallows. Most scientific work is done from the fordeck of this ship.

Eastern Offshore North Fisheries 57 to 1977 Design of three replacement vessel Atlantic Research Regional 65 to 170 is completed. Construction to and Fleet (4 Metres 1984 begin in 2014‐15. Western vessels) Pacific Near Near‐Shore coastal (ice Fisheries free) 150 Research 18 to 1980 waters of to Replace three by December 1st, Fleet (5 Coastal 30 to Canada’s 200 2012. vessels, 3 Metres 1992 east and days being wests replaced) coasts.

‐ 25 ‐ 16‐19 October 2012 25th IRSO 2012 ‐ DRAFT Minutes Southampton, UK

Name Type LOA Built Op. Main area Notes Plans for Replacement (m) Days of operations during year Near coastal (ice free) 13 Delivered two new 18 Metre Specialty Near waters of Metres 200 vessels (CCGS KELSO and CCGS Vessels Coastal Canada’s + VIOLA M.DAVIDSON) east and wests coasts. 140 Design underway. Delivery is Polar Addition to Fleet Global TBD High Arctic TBD Metre planned for late 2017.



Canada enjoyed some excellent cooperation from many members of ISOM with respect to concept development of the OFSV with respect to layout and type of deck used for the trawl deck. Further we have benefitted greatly by spending a great deal of time onboard the RV Maria S Merian thanks to efforts of Dr. Klaus von Broeckel who help secure connections.

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B.4. Canada – Yves Perron (Defence Research and Development Canada)


Defence Research & Development Canada is a special agency of the Department of National Defence in Canada. The Agency has seven research centres and employs approximately 1700 employees. The mandate of Defence R&D Canada ‐ Atlantic is to conduct research and development in the areas of Underwater Sensing and Countermeasures, Naval Command & Control Information Systems, Naval Platforms, Air Platforms, Signature Management, Emerging Materials and Modelling and Simulation. These R&D activities support operations, acquisition, maintenance and requirements planning mainly by Canada’s Royal Canadian Navy.

Within undersea warfare, DRDC Atlantic leads in technology, mine countermeasures, and torpedo defence. We are expanding our expertise in naval command & control and information systems. We also lead in naval platform R&D, encompassing structural modelling, computational fluid dynamics, and operational effectiveness applied to ships and submarines. Our R&D in signature management investigates and reduces the vulnerability of military platforms to emissions and reflections of energy. Our emerging materials R&D supports a variety of Canadian material requirements, from "functional" and "smart" materials to advanced power sources. We employ modelling and simulation to develop and integrate platform and combat systems models for acquisition, requirements, rehearsal and training.

CFAV QUEST is operated by the Canadian Navy Auxiliary Fleet Authority and tasked by DRDC Atlantic in support of the maritime R&D program under a five year Service Level Arrangement funding QUEST for 125 sea days.

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Name Type LOA Built Op. Main area Notes Plans for Replacement (m) Days of operations during year

Crew: 24 Science Berths: 20 A replacement project has been

initiated in 2006 to replace CFAV Electronics QUEST but over the last few Radar: Racal‐Decca years, the project has been Bridgemaster 2, "X" band subjected to several delays in and "S" band Scotian terms of funding approval and Communication: Full suite Shelf, North option analysis. Given 1969 of modern communication Atlantic departmental priorities, future equipment including Fleet Canadian funding for the project has been Mid‐Life Broadband CFAV 125 sea Operation shifted an additional 3 years left Acoustic refit QUEST days Areas, and the project has been Research 77 m 1997/1999 Special: (AGOR (funded Canadian instructed by the project review Vessel • Echo sounders 172) average) East Arctic board to re‐validate operational Stability • Sub‐bottom profile Ocean requirements and available repair • Current profiler (Lancaster options. 2010/2011 • Directional wave sound), Gulf measurement system of Mexico In the current fiscal • Wave height meter environment, project has • Environmental sensor slipped more than 4 years for • Bathymetry definition and implementation • Expendable phase and implementation is bathythermograph now planned for 2020. launcher

• Radio direction finder • Underwater telephone http://www.atlantic.drdc‐

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DRDC Atlantic operates an Acoustic Calibration Barge. Details found at URL http://www.atlantic.drdc‐


DRDC Atlantic contributes actively to activities of The Technical Cooperation Panel (TTCP) between Australia, Canada, New Zealand, United Kingdom and the United States of America. We worked closely with the NATO Undersea Research Centre for some programs and have bi‐lateral agreements with the United States of America, United Kingdom, Australia, the Netherlands and Sweden.

The recent Arctic trial involved several cooperative initiatives with Other Government Departments including Department of Fisheries and Oceans and Natural Resources Canada.

‐ 29 ‐ 16‐19 October 2012 25th IRSO 2012 ‐ DRAFT Minutes Southampton, UK

B.5. Chile – Enrique Aranda Orrego (Instituto de Fomento PesQuero)

2012 report not received. Below is a previous report.



Name Type LOA Built Op. Main area Notes Plans for Replacement (m) Days of operations

Displacement: 426 Tons. R/V Chilean Accommodation: 30 ABATE Regional 43,6 200 mile Crew: 15 MOLINA EEZ Scientist:15

Length: 74,1 m; readth: 15,6 m; Draft: 5,8 m; Cabos E. Pacific Displacement: +3000 Tons. De Ocean In‐ & 74 Hornos build Southern Accommodation : 68 Ocean Crew: 43

Scientist: 25


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B.6. China – (IOCAS)

2012 report not received. Below is a previous report.


In 2010, RS “Ke Xue Yi Hao” and “Ke Xue San Hao” supplied two share voyage for free for scientists from other institutes and universities in China; RS “Shiyan 1” supplied 50 days cooperation ship time in China.


Name Type LOA Built Op. Main area of Notes Plans for Replacement (m) Days operations during year China sea, “Ke Xue Yi the north‐west Ocean 104 1981.1 200 Displacement: 3300 ton Hao” area of the Pacific Ocean

“Ke Xue San Ocean 73.9 2006.7 200 China sea Displacement: 1224 ton Hao”

South sea of Displacement: 2500 ton R/V Shiyan 1 Ocean 60.9 2009.4 150 China SWATH Indian Ocean

R/V Haiyang 6 Global 106.0 2009.10 Pacific Ocean Displacement: 4600 ton

“KeXue” Global 99.8 2012.9 Pacific Ocean Displacement: 5087 ton (Science)

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 Ke Xue Yi Hao supplied 21 days ship time for free for scientists from other institutes and universities in China, in 2010.  Ke Xue San Hao supplied 48 days ship time for free in China, in 2010.  Shiyan 1 supplied 50 days cooperation ship time in China, in 2010.

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B.7. Denmark – DTU Aqua, by Helge A Thomsen / Hans‐Erik Mahnfeldt


Research vessels in Denmark are owned and managed separately by the Universities. As main operator and owner of the only ocean going research vessel in Denmark, the Technical University of Denmark – National Institute of Aquatic Resources (DTU Aqua) represents Denamrk within IRSO. Besides DTU Aqua, also the University of Copenhagen (KU), the Greenland Institute of Natural Resources, the University of Aarhus (AU / which includes the National Environmental Research Institute), and the Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland (GEUS) are main operators within seagoing field work.

DTU Aqua is operating the below mentioned vessels (and additionally a range of small inland water crafts). The institute runs a land based department (Section for Marine Services) which is responsible for purchase and maintenance of research equipment as well as mobilisation prior to research cruises.

Developments in 2012 encompass further emphasis on defining a national plan for the replacement of vessels currently being operated by Danish universities, further improvement of the DANA ISM/ISPS protocols, and further progress with regard to establishing proper working routines within the Danish Centre for Marine Research (DCH / ).

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Name Type LOA Built Op. Main area Notes Plans for Replacement (m) Days of operations during year A larger maintenance docking was North Sea, Technical University of scheduled for the autumn of 2010. Baltic, 200 Denmark Ongoing application process to Dana Global 78,4 1981 North days/year DTU Aqua raise funding for a replacement Atlantic, vessel of approx same size, but Greenland truly multifunctional The replacement of this vessel is in Technical University of progress. The new vessel will be 200 Danish Havfisken Local 13,7 1963 Denmark operational from end of 2013. days/year waters DTU Aqua Yard contract to be placed within 1‐2 months

Technical University of Few Danish Denmark Havkatten Local 9,6 1988 Is currently taken out of operation. days/year waters DTU Aqua

Technical University of 30 Danish Denmark Havtasken Local 5 1989 days/year waters DTU Aqua

Technical University of 30 Danish Havmusen Local 6,3 1996 Denmark days/year waters DTU Aqua

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Name Type LOA Built Op. Main area Notes Plans for Replacement (m) Days of operations during year Various Royal Danish Navy vessels operating in the Various North Atlantic.. Royal These can be used on an ad Danish Global hoc basis for ‘light’ marine Navy research / special vessels mobilisation basis.

Replacement of this vessel is under Greenland Institute of consideration by the Greenland Greenland Natural Resources / Institute of Natural Resources. The Paamiut Regional 58,6 1971 90‐100 waters Deep sea possibility of linking this with a DANA replacement is under consideration.

Greenland Greenland Institute of Sanna Local 32 2012 inland Natural Resources Newbuilt. In operation 2012‐04 waters Fishing and research

Copenhagen University Danish Ophelia Local 15,4 1958 Education / research waters

Aarhus University Danish New vessel has been founded and Local 24 2013/2014 Education / research waters designed. Building just initiated.

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Name Type LOA Built Op. Main area Notes Plans for Replacement (m) Days of operations during year Aarhus University. Regional New multipurpose research New Danish 25 Est 2013 vessel. North Sea, internal waters Danish waters and the Baltic Sea.


DTU Aqua runs a department dedicated to performing mobilisation, calibration, general service and development of research equipment. The current focus area is on smaller equipment at large and possibilities of cost reductions while still retrieving quality data. Efforts have been made during 2010 to establish better IT‐based for maintaining an overview of marine research equipment owned and operated by DTU Aqua.

DTU Aqua operates a range of equipment such as smaller video ROVs, towed platforms, TRIAXUS units, core samplers, containerised mobile labs, CTDs, buoys, ‘acoustics’, tank etc. DTU Aqua has recently initiated video surveillance of (discard) – concept which is now in operation throughout the EU.

The IT‐software development group (the Software Development Center at DTU Informatics: ) has successfully contributed to the further development of software tools developed within DTU Aqua: Fish stock databases, Quality Index Method Rating System, Spoilage and Safety Predictor, FishFrame, Ship Information System etc.


The vision and strategy of DTU Aqua is to further enhance cooperation within both the national research community and internationally to enhance research collaboration at large and the shared usage of vessel platforms and equipment.

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B.8. Finland – Juha Flinkman (Finnish Environment Institute)


R/V Aranda operated since 1st Jan 2009 by Finnish Environment Institute/Marine Research Center (owner, 65%) and Finnish Meteorological Institute (35%). R/v Muikku operated since 1st Jan 2010 by Finnish Environment Institute/Marine Research Center, in co‐operation with University of Eastern Finland


Name Type LOA Built Op. Main area of Notes Plans for (m) Days operations Replacement during year

Major refit including built 1989, The Baltic Sea laboratories r/v Regional/ major refit 120‐150 59.2 (occasionally completed Dec No Aranda Ocean completed days/year Arctic Sea) 2012. Berths: May 2010 scientists 24, crew 14.

rebuilt as Coastal areas r/v research of the Baltic Berths: scientific coastal 27,7 60 days/year No Muikku vessel in Sea, large 10, crew 5. 1989 inland lakes

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Name Type Built Op. Days Main area Notes Plans for Replacement of operations during year

Aranda: Benthos No ROV has been under repair at Tentative plans for replacement or ROV 1990 Mini operations manufacturer major refit Rover

For other scientific instrumentation/equipment, as well as laboratory instrumentation and facilities onboard r/v Aranda and r/v Muikku, please cf. Respective websites given above.


Aranda: ‐HELCOM Combine cruises with EU‐funded research, several projects ‐cruises SUPREMO I and SUPREMO II, Support for remote sensing and ecosystem modelling EU funded research

Muikku: ‐3 weeks of cruise with FIN National Board of Anitquities/Marine Archaeology unit ‐2 week cruise for City of Helsinki ‐2 week cruise for City of Turku ‐2 weeks FINMARINET, funded by EU

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B.9. France – Hélène Leau (IPEV) and Olivier Quedec (IFREMER)

2012 report not received. Below is a previous report.


The French Oceanographic Fleet is administered by four research bodies: IFREMER, IPEV, IRD and CNRS. In 2008, the Ministry of Scientific Research supported the creation of the Fleet Strategic and Technical Committee (CSTF), charged mainly with updating the strategy on maritime assets for oceanographic research.

As part of the continuation of a state‐sponsored modernisation audit carried out in April 2006 and the conclusions of the CSTF presented in March 2010 and marked by efforts to respond to needs to control the costs of oceanic exploration, the four operators of the fleet decided to create a single fleet administration entity in the form of a Unité Mixte de Service (combined service unit ‐ UMS). The aims of this combined service unit are:

Integrated programming of vessels and equipments (reduce transit time, optimize equipments and teams inter‐operabilityCoordination of investment policies An ability to propose a plan of concerted evolution of the national fleet


Name Type LOA Built Op. Main area of Notes Plans for Replacement (m) Days operations during year

N. Atlantic, S. Pourquoi Global 108 2005 Atlantic, W. Shipower : Ifremer Pas? Operator : Genavir Mediterranean

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Name Type LOA Built Op. Main area of Notes Plans for Replacement (m) Days operations during year Shipower : Ifremer Operator : Genavir

Vessel has been modernised in 2009 : N. Atlantic, S. Change of all scientific L’Atalante Global 85 1990 Atlantic, W. equipments including one Mediterranean EM 122 and one EM 710

multibeam echo sounders, rebuild of laboratories and scientific spaces, mid‐life maintenance

Shipower : Ifremer N. Atlantic and Thalassa Global Operator : Genavir North Sea

N. Atlantic & W. Shipower : Ifremer Le Suroit Regional 56 1975 Plan to be replaced in 2017 Mediterranean Operator : Genavir

Shipower : Ifremer L’Europe Coastal 29.6 1993 Mediterranean Operator : Genavir

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Name Type LOA Built Op. Main area of Notes Plans for Replacement (m) Days operations during year

Channel sea, Shipower : Ifremer Thalia Coastal 24.5 1975 Atlantic coastline Operator : Genavir Plan to be replace in 2015 by one ship of 35 meters long

Channel and Shipower : Ifremer Gwen Drez Coastal 24.5 1975 Atlantic coastline Operator : Genavir

Shipower : Ifremer Operator : Genavir Channel, Atlantic work Haliotis 9.5 2008 and Mediterranean Entered service in for boat coastline shallow waters mapping (<10m). Transport by

specific truck equipped with its own crane

Shipower : IPEV Operator : CMA‐CGM Major refit planned Marion Global 120 1995 217 Indian ocean before 2015 Dufresne Equipped with giant piston corer

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Name Type LOA Built Op. Main area of Notes Plans for Replacement (m) Days operations during year

Regional Shipower : IPEV L’Astrolabe ice 65 1987 Operator : P&O breaker

Shipower : IRD Antea Regional 35 1995 Operator : Genavir

Shipower : IRD Alis Coastal 28.5 1987 Operator : Genavir

Côte de la Shipower : INSU Coastal 24.9 1997 Manche Operator : DT‐INSU

Shipower : INSU Téthys II Coastal 24.9 1997 Operator : DT‐INSU

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Name Type Built Op. Main area of operations Notes Plans for Replacement Days during year

Manned Owner : Ifremer submarine 1984 Operator : Genavir (6000 m)

Owner : Ifremer Operator : Genavir ROV Victor 1996 modernization completed (6000 m) in 2010

Asterx AUV

Idefx AUV

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B.10. Germany – Dr. Klaus von Broeckel (GEOMAR | Helmholtz Center for Ocean Research Kiel)


Different federal as well as state ministries run about 23 vessels of different sizes. In general, the fleet is ageing. Several replacements are under way (Sonne) and planned within the next few years (Poseidon, Polarstern and some smaller regional ones). For the oceanographic science community the important RVs belong to the Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF).


Name Type LOA Built Op. Main area of Notes Plans for Replacement Days operations during year 100% ownership by the Federal Mainly Atlantic German Government run by Meteor Global 98 1986 320 Ocean shipping company Laeisz. 'Flagship' is now fulfilling its 80th expedition in the Southern Atlantic.

Belongs to Alfred‐Wegener Institute in Bremerhaven: 100% ownership Arctic by the Federal German Global (Greenland Sea) Planning procedure for Polarstern 118 1982 320 Government, run by shipping (Polar) and Antarctic replacement underway. company Laeisz. (Atlantic Sector) Supplies regularly the German Antarctic stations. 100% ownership by the federal state of Tropical and Mecklenburg Vorpommern run by Maria S. subtropical shipping company Briese Ocean 95 2006 320 Merian Atlantic, Newest and most modern RV of Mediterranean fleet with excellent manoeuvrability and station keeping with pods, pump jet and DP.

‐ 44 ‐ 16‐19 October 2012 25th IRSO 2012 ‐ DRAFT Minutes Southampton, UK

Name Type LOA Built Op. Main area of Notes Plans for Replacement Days operations during year 100% private ownership by RF 1969 250 Forschungsschiffahrt GmbH. Project Will be replaced by government (rebui under Management organization Juelich owned multidisciplinary Deep‐Sea Sonne Global 98 Pacific Ocean lt BMBF has a charter agreement over 250 RV in 2014 1977) charter days/ year.

North and Planning procedure for Subtropical The 'old lady' of GEOMAR (Kiel) will replacement underway. Poseidon Ocean 61 1976 310 Atlantic, complete her 400th cruise in 2010 Replacement should be ready by Mediterranean 2017.

Sister ships

Alkor ALKOR: ALKOR (GEOMAR, Kiel): academic Baltic & North science; monitoring; student 300 Seas education Regional 55 1990 each HEINCKE: North HEINCKE (AWI, Bremerhaven): Heincke & Baltic Seas academic science, monitoring, student education

More information as well as the specific websites of most vessels can be found on Eurofleet website: More information about METEOR and MARIA S. MERIAN under:

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Name Type Built Op. Days Main area of operations Notes Plans for Replacement during year Owner: GEOMAR, Kiel ROV Kiel 6000 (max. 6000 2009 60 Atlantic, Pacific see:‐ m) 3269&L=1 Owner: MARUM

ROV see: Quest (max. 4000 2003 m) /Remotely_operated_vehi cle_ROV_QUEST_4000_m. html Owner: GEOMAR, Kiel ROV PHOCA (max. 2010 Atlantic see:‐ 3000 m) 6029&L=1 Owner: MARUM ROV CHEROKEE (max. 1000 see: m) /CHEROKEE_1000_m.html Owner: GEOMAR, Kiel AUV ABYSS (max. 6000 2009 30 Atlantic see:‐ m) auv&L=1

‐ 46 ‐ 16‐19 October 2012 25th IRSO 2012 ‐ DRAFT Minutes Southampton, UK

Name Type Built Op. Days Main area of operations Notes Plans for Replacement during year Owner: MARUM AUV AUV (max. 5000 see: m) /AUV.html Owner: MARUM Sea Floor Planning procedure for a Drill Rig see: MeBo further developed MeBo (max. 2000 underway. m) /Sea_floor_drill_rig_MeBo .html manned Owner: GEOMAR, Kiel submersibl

e (2 pers) Got renewed GL class in JAGO 1989 50 Norway, South Pacific see:‐ max. depth 2012. 400 m /index.php?id=jago&L=1

Name Type Built Op. Days Main area of operations Notes Plans for Replacement during year transportab cable: 5000 m, 11 mm Ø, winch 2009 le winch one conductor cable see: grabs, more www. cores, instruments vehicles

‐ 47 ‐ 16‐19 October 2012 25th IRSO 2012 ‐ DRAFT Minutes Southampton, UK


Mainly through Ocean Facilities Exchange Group (OFEG, see, in 2011:

 NERC cruise on SONNE 215: 51 days.  NIOZ cruise on METEOR: 35 days.  BMBF cruise on HAKON MOSBY: 12 days.  BMBF cruise on PELAGIA: 8 days.  ROV Kiel 6000 on JAMES COOK: 51 days.

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B.11. Iceland – Vignir Thoroddsen (MRI)


The Marine Research Institute in Iceland owns and operates 2 research vessels.


Name Type LOA Built Op. Main area Notes Plans for Replacement (m) Days of operations during year

Arni Global 70 2000 180 N. Atlantic Fridriksson

1970 New equipment: Bjarni Partly Around Regional 55 170 Echosounder EK60 Saemundsson rebuilt Iceland 18,38,70,120kHz 2002

For information on the vessels please visit our home page


A joint survey in cooperation with Greenland Institute on cod spawning in East Greenland waters. March 2009

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B.12. India – Prattipati Rao (NIO)

2012 report not received. Below is a previous report.



Name Type LOA Built Op. Main area Notes Plans for Replacement (m) Days of operations

CSIR/NIO Built as hoper barge, RV 1975‐94 converted into a multi‐ Gaveshani disciplinary research vessel

CSIR/NIO Built as , converted into a coastal research vessel Electronic Chart Display Information System CRV Sagar Portable CTD system Sukti 23 2003 Digital Side Scan Sonar Under consideration system Digital Sparker system Automatic Weather Station Water and seabed samplers

‐ 50 ‐ 16‐19 October 2012 25th IRSO 2012 ‐ DRAFT Minutes Southampton, UK

Name Type LOA Built Op. Main area Notes Plans for Replacement (m) Days of operations CSIR/NIO Japanese fishing training vessel‐ converted into a multi‐disciplinary research vessel CTD system and water samplers Shallow and deep water RV Sindhu Echosounders 56 2009 Sankalp Shallow and deep water water Multibeam systems Sub‐bottom profiler and sidescan sonar Automatic Weather Station Sediment samplers (Grabs, corers )

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Name Type LOA Built Op. Main area Notes Plans for Replacement (m) Days of operations MoES / NCAOR Dynamic Positioning SystemMultibeam system Gravimeter Magnetometer Side scan sonar ORV Sagar Sub bottom profiler 100 1983 Kanya ADCP CTD system (6000m) 24m Piston Corer Spade corer Assorted sampling devicesspecialized laboratories

FORV Sagar MoES / CMLR 1983 Sampada MoES/ NIOT Echosounders Shallow water multibeam CRV Sagar 30 1996 CTD Probe Under consideration Purvi Samplers

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Name Type LOA Built Op. Main area Notes Plans for Replacement (m) Days of operations MoES/ NIOT Echosounders CRV Sagar Shallow water multibeam Paschimi 1996 CTD Probe Under consideration Samplers

MoES/ NIOT Ecosounders CTD system Corers and seabed BTV Sagar 60 2006 samplers Manjusha Deck machinery for launch / recovery of data buoys

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Name Type LOA Built Op. Main area Notes Plans for Replacement (m) Days of operations MoES/ NIOT Dynamic Positioning System Multibeam systems Side scan sonar Sub bottom profiler ADCP CTD system (6000m) TDV Sagar 103 2007 Piston Corer Nidhi Spade corer Assorted sampling devices specialized laboratories High capacity deck facilities for launch / recovery of heavy systems RV Samudra GSI 1985 Under construction Manthan CRV GSI Samudra 1986

Kaustubh CRV GSI Samudra 1986

Saudhikama RV Sagar NPOL 2000 Dhwani

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Name Type LOA Built Op. Main area Notes Plans for Replacement (m) Days of operations CSIR/NIO Length oa 80.00 m Breadth moulded 17.60 m Draught scantling 5.00 m Design speed 13.5 Knots Installed generater power min. 4 X 1200 kW Expected Installed propulsjon RV Sindhu 80 delivery motors min. 2x 1200 kW Sadhana 2012 Bow thrusters min. 2x 600 kW Gross tonnage ca 4170 GT Endurance 35 + 5 days Range 10,000 nm Number of scientists 21 Number of crew & officers 35

Polar Designing Research MoES/NCAOR stage Vessel


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B.13. Ireland – Aodhán Fitzgerald (Marine Institute)


 Extremely busy year for both vessels, Celtic Explorer operating from North Sea to Newfoundland waters.  Celtic Explorer and Holland 1 find new hydrothermal vent field North of the Azores.


Main area of LOA Op. Name Type Built operations during Notes Plans for Replacement (m) Days year Vessel completed 307 Irish continental 2002 science days in 2011 shelf and N. Modified to (330 operational days) , No plan for replacement Atlantic, North Celtic Explorer: Ocean 65.5 accommodate 330 5 year refit and specials as vessel is only 1/3 of the Sea , Atlantic Holland 1 ROV survey planned for way through its life cycle. Canadian waters in 2008 February 2012.

1997 .Vessel completed 281

Irish coasts, Irish science days in 2011 Mid life refit No plans for replacement, Continental 5 year refit and special Celtic Voyager Regional 31.5 including 255 vessel completed mid life shelf survey completed in superstructure refit in 2006. January 2012 modifications

in 2006

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Main area of LOA Op. Name Type Built operations during Notes Plans for Replacement (m) Days year 3000m operating depth 100hp, Hydraulic Self contained portable work class Irish continental Delivered launch and recovery ROV shelf edge, , Holland 1 3.1m in August 60 system, workshop and None ROV is 4 years old (SMD North Atlantic 2008 control containers QUASAR) North of Azores HDTV equipped.

 Losses: None in 2011


 Celtic Explorer completed Fisheries Survey in Canadian waters under Charter to CFER IN Newfoundland in 2011.  Celtic Explorer is utilised annually for internationally co‐ordinated ICES programs.  UK partners in several programs and Celtic Voyager completed NERC Funded seismic program on behalf of University of Ulster.  Celtic Explorer completed 5 surveys under charter to German research Organisations.

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B.14. Italy – CNR

2012 report not received. Below is a previous report.


National Research Council (CNR) operates two centralised Research Vessels by means of the Operative Programming Office, which manages CNR oceanographic infrastructures in terms of support to oceanographic research programmes carried out by CNR researchers. In particular it is in charge for the annual scheduling of the oceanographic cruise proposals for each centralised CNR research vessel (Urania and Dallaporta, owned and operated by private companies).

The arrangement of the scheduling involves both CNR researchers and a Marine Commission. Seven CNR members compose the Commission, appointed every three years by CNR Central Administration. The Office collects researchers’ applications and submits them to the Marine Commission. Research items, ship time, methodology, instrumentation, expected results, funding and personnel involved are some of the information that researchers are due to provide in the application form. All the positively evaluated proposals are then scheduled for each vessel.


Main area of LOA Op. Plans for Name Type Built operations Notes (m) Days Replacement during year



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B.15. Japan – Shozo Tashiro (JAMSTEC)

2012 report not received. Below is a previous report.


Vessels (JAMSTEC Fleet)

Main area of LOA Op. Plans for Name Type Built operations during Notes (m) Days Replacement year

NATSUSHIMA Around Japan Ocean 67 1981 285 Operated by NME Mariana Area

Mariana Area YOKOSUKA “Operated by Ocean 105 1990 270 Around Japan NME

South Pacific Ocean KAIYO “Operated by Ocean 62 1985 294 Around Japan NME

KAIREI “Operated by Ocean 105 1997 306 Around Japan NME

South Pacific Ocean MIRAI Arctic Sea Global 129 1997 250 Operated by GODI Western Pacific Ocean

‐ 59 ‐ 16‐19 October 2012 25th IRSO 2012 ‐ DRAFT Minutes Southampton, UK

Main area of LOA Op. Plans for Name Type Built operations during Notes (m) Days Replacement year

Operated by TANSEI MARU Regional 51 1982 277 Around Japan JAMSTEC

Mariana Area HAKUHOU MARU Operated by Ocean 100 1989 258 North Pacific Ocean JAMSTEC Indian Ocean

Nankai Trough CHIKYU Global 210 2005 238 Operated by MQJ (South of Japan)

Op. Days: Japanese FY 2010 (April 2010 –March 2011) Further information can be obtained following web sites.

GODI: JAMSTEC: MQJ: JAMSTEC Fleet and Equipment:‐e/maritec/rvm/index.html

JAMSTEC Deep Sea Drilling Vessel CHIKYU:


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B.16. NATO – Ian Sage (STO ‐ CMRE)


Two research vessels operated in support of the NATO Science and Technology Organisation‐ Centre for Maritime Research and Experimentation (STO – CMRE) in La Spezia, Italy. The vessels remain in the custody of the Supreme Allied Commander Transformation based in Norfolk, VA, USA.


Name Type LOA Built Op. Main area of Notes Plans for Replacement (m) Days operations during year 2010 – Upgrade of davits and fast rescue boats 2010 – Upgrade of satellite comms system 2011 – Upgrade of propulsion NRV Global 93m 1988 200 Mediterranean control system ALLIANCE 2012 – Hi PaP 500 fitted

25 Crew – 25 Science staff

CRV Regional 28.6m 2002 160 Mediterranean 5 Crew – 10 Science staff LEONARDO

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Multiple joint research projects with other govt. and research laboratories. Ships are available for charter to other institutes and government entities.

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B.17. Netherlands – Erica Koning (NIOZ)


As of January 2012 a merger of NIOZ and CEME, the Centre for Estuarine and Marine Ecology in Yerseke is effective. CEME is now NIOZ‐Yerseke and the operation of the institute’s ship, 32‐m former fishing vessel LUCTOR that mainly operates in the Scheldt Estuary, is part of NIOZ shipping.

In 2011 RV Pelagia sailed a very large number of 19 cruises, 9 of which were North Sea cruises. In the period October to December we completed 2 charters and a barter cruise. The most remarkable cruise was a barter cruise in the Gulf of Sirte close to the Libyan coast in December.


Name Type LOA Built Op. Main area of operations Notes Plans for Replacement (m) Days during year Tropical and Northeast Atlantic Ocean, Baltic Sea, Pelagia Ocean 66 1991 301 North Sea, Mediterranean Sea.

Scheldt Estuary, Coastal Luctor Coastal 32 1985 200 Presently used for day trips only North Sea

Dutch, German and Danish Navicula Coastal 24 1981 200 Wadden Sea, Coastal

North Sea

15 Mainly used for transport of Stern Local Dutch Wadden Sea people and logistics

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Name Type Built Op. Main area of Notes Plans for Replacement Days operations during year

Mobile MOVE 2005 270 Mediterranean Recovered July 2010 none Lander


Clean UCC 2010 North Atlantic Newly developed bottles in none CTD container. System


 2 barter cruises on FS METEOR, Cadiz (Es) to Valetta (Mt): 26 December 2010 – 12 February.  Barter cruise on RSS James Cook, Punta Arenas (Ch.) to Las Palmas (Es): 1 March – 7 April.  NIOZ analytical support on FS POLARSTERN, 28 November 2010 – 5 February 2011.  In 2011 NIOZ scientists have participated in cruises in the Svalbard Area, Pacific Ocean and Indian Ocean.

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B.18. New Zealand – Fred Smits (NIWA)

2012 report not received. Below is a previous report.


Tangaroa – Between mid‐July and mid‐November 2010 Stage 2 of the DP2 retrofit, and mid‐life refit, were completed at the ST Marine, Tuas Yard in Singapore. The work included the installation of the generators and associated equipment, new switchboards, a tunnel and retractable azimuth thruster in a new bow module, a new stern tunnel thruster, a bridge extension to the starboard side, a HiPAP500, moonpool and installation of Kongsberg DP control gear. The opportunity was taken to install other new electronic and mechanical equipment, while much of the existing machinery was overhauled, particularly winches, wave gates, cabling, lighting, MOB crane etc. The fire alarming and fire fighting systems were upgraded. The vessel was completely grit‐blasted down to bare metal from keel to mast and repainted. All windows and portholes were removed, stripped, repainted and resealed. The galley was renewed, as was the drystore, while all floor linoleum was replaced. Tangaroa’s Kongsberg EM300 multi‐beam echosounder was also upgraded to an EM302.

The total Tangaroa DP2 retrofit and mid‐life refit cost around NZ$24M (Euro13M). Significant problems were experienced with a new step‐up gearbox from the main engine PTO to the main generator. FMEA and other seatrials went exceptionally well.

Tangaroa went back in operation on 2 January 2011, and will complete a total of 175 days at sea for the remainder of the financial year, ending 30 June 2011. During March 2011 the vessel was involved in a 25‐day study of SMS deposits in deep water of the Kermadecs region using WHOI’s AUV Sentry and deep sea cameras, whereby the DP2 system was extensively used.

Kaharoa – As usual Kaharoa has been working of the coast of NZ conducting fisheries, marine biodiversity, oceanographic research and seabed mapping. The ARGO‐11 voyage was undertaken between October and December in which 110 floats were deployed between New Zealand and Valparaiso. This voyage was funded by SCRIPPS University of San Diego, the University of Washington, CSIRO and NIWA. For the coming year (August to November 2011) ARGO‐12 is scheduled in the Pacific, deploying a further 120 floats. Thus voyage, again funded by mentioned four science institutes, bringing the total number of floats deployed by Kaharao to just under 1,000 ‐‐ a world record by far.

Kaharao was drydocked in July 2010; no major modifications are planned for the ship in the short term.

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Ikatere – During 2010 NIWA’s purpose built, 14m inshore research catamaran, was commissioned and has seen 72 days usage. Part of this work involved the use of the vessel by five hi‐tech seabed mapping equipment manufacturers: Kongsberg, Applied Acoustics, Geo Acoustics, Reson and R2Sonic, testing their latest equipment development. The test conducted in the Wellington region included the mapping of soft sediments, sandwaves, reefs and rock outcrops, two wrecks, fresh water plumes and seawall armouring. The collected common datasets will be made available to attendees of the Shallow water Conference 2012, for their analysis and presentation during the conference. The Shallow Water Conference 2012 will be held in Wellington between 20 and 24 February 2012 and is hosted by LINZ, GNS and NIWA. Please refer to


Name Type LOA Built Op. Main area Notes Plans for Replacement (m) Days of operations during year

NZ EEZ Upgraded to DP2 (DNV Dynpos Tasman AUTR) Tangaroa Sea In 2010 70 1991 175 None Pacific Ocean Operational crew = 14 Antarctica Scientific Staff = 26

NZ EEZ Tasman sea Kaharoa 28 1981 177 Pacific Operational crew = 6 None Ocean Scientific Staff = 6 Indian Ocean

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Name Type LOA Built Op. Main area Notes Plans for Replacement (m) Days of operations during year

Pelorus Operating crew = 2 10 1980 0 Coastal NZ None Science staff = 2

New vessel launched Dec 2009 2 x diesel/jet propulsion Cruise speed 27 knots

Ikatere 13.9 2009 72 Coastal NZ None Operational Crew = 2 Science staff = 2 berths or up to 10 for day trips


Upgrade EM300 to EM302.


Kaharoa – Charter to Scripps, University of Washington, CSIRO for ARGO 11 Voyage (63 days) University of Aberdeen for benthic lander deployment (10 days) Tangaroa – Joint charter with GNS and WHOI for Kermadecs study (25 days)

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B.19. Norway ‐ Per Nieuwejaar (IMR)

2012 report not received. Below is a previous report.


The Norwegian Institute of Marine Research (IMR) owns four vessels, operates two for other owners and rents another two vessels.


Name Type LOA Built Op. Main area of Notes Plans for Replacement (m) Days operations during year Norwegian Economical Zone including

G.O.Sars 77.5 2003 275 Spitsbergen and

Jan Mayen. North and South

Atlantic Norwegian Economical

Johan Hjort 64.4 1990 275 Zone including

Spitsbergen and Jan Mayen

Norwegian Have gone through major Economical upgrades of the interior, Håkon Mosby Plans for replacement to be 47 1980 275 Zone including installed a new auxiliary developed in 2010/11 Spitsbergen and engine and a new power Jan Mayen distribution system.

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Name Type LOA Built Op. Main area of Notes Plans for Replacement (m) Days operations during year

G.M.Dannevig New auxiliary engine, new 28 1979 180 Skagerrak propeller in 2011

Owner: NORAD To insert a 10 m section to Dr Fridtjof 57 1993 310 West Africa make room for more labs and Nansen cabins is under consideration

Hans Owner: University of 24.3 1992 200 Bergen area Brattström

Coast of Norway Fangst 15 2000 180 Bergen to Rented Contract ends in 2011 Russian border

To be taken over by the Jan Mayen 63,8 1988 75 Barents Sea University of Tromsø in June 2011

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Name Type LOA Built Op. Main area of Notes Plans for Replacement (m) Days operations during year Multifunctional (biology, oceanography, geology) NEW Icebreaker (DNV Polar 10) Polar 10 100 2013 310 Arctic/Antarctica Helicopter carrier Icebreaker Logistics vessel

Training and education Endurance Clean ship

For more information about the vessels, please visit our website Some cruise information for the oceangoing vessels can also be found on www.pogo‐


Installation of HIPAP on Johan Hjort has been postponed to 2012.

International cooperation: IMR became a full member of the Ocean Facilities Exchange Group (OFEG) in November 2006. IMR is the coordinating agency for “Networking activities” in the EUROFLEETS project and has currently the presidency in the EurOcean, the European information centre for marine science and technology. IMR/RV department is also represented in the Finance Advisory Panel for the “Aurora Borealis” project.

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B.20. Spain ‐ Jose I. Diaz (IEO)

2012 report not received. Below is a previous report.


The construction of the two regional vessels has already re‐start in a a new shipyard with delivery of the first vessel R/V Ramón Margalef probably in august this year and the second one, Ángeles Alvariño, in summer 2012.

The modernization plan for the local vessels F. de P. Navarro has been postponed until 2012 and along this year no activity has been planned for this vessel.


Name Type LOA Built Op. Main area of Notes Plans for (m) Days operations Replacement during year

New equipment: 2015 Biol. Echosounder EK60 Regional (18, 38, 70, 120, 200 Global vessel Research Cornide kHz) Length 90 m, Vessel Mediterranean Saavedra 66,7 1972 320 ADCP 75 kHz Diesel‐electric: (formerly Atlantic ISO 20’ Radio‐isotope ICES 209 oceanic class) lab. DP II

ISO 20’ Flow‐cam lab. VSAT MDM 400 Conceptual project ready MLU 2012 New winches Local F.P. Fish , CTD and upgraded Research Mediterranean Navarro 30.5 1987 220 Winch scientific Vessel Atlantic EA500, SCANMAR capability

New cabins ADCP

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Name Type LOA Built Op. Main area of Notes Plans for (m) Days operations Replacement during year

Local Odón de MBES 3002D, TOPAS Should be Research Buen 24.0 1973 Mediterranean PS40, CTD Winch, retired by mid Vessel EA500 2012.

Local José Research Rioja 15.8 1984 Bay of Biscay Coax and inox Winch Not planned Vessel

Local J.M. Research Navaz 15.8 1984 Bay of Biscay Inox Winch Not planned Vessel

Local Lura Research 14.3 1981 Bay of Biscay CTD Winch Not planned Vessel

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Name Type LOA Built Op. Main area of Notes Plans for (m) Days operations Replacement during year Fish trawling, CTD full capabilities Diesel/electric on silent block, Acoustic Isolation hull ROV, Dynamic Regional Position, Acoustic Ramón Research Mediterranean position HiPAP 500. Margalef 46.70 2011 Vessel Atlantic EA600 (12, 200kHz),

EK60 (18, 38, 70, 120, 200, 333 kHz) ME70, Net Sonar FS 20/25, Net Sonar ITI, SCANMAR MBES EM710, TOPASPS18 VMADCP 150 kHz. Fish trawling, CTD full capabilities. Diesel /electric on silent block, Acoustic Isolation hull ROV, Dynamic Position, Acoustic Regional position HiPAP 500. Ángeles Research Mediterranean 46.7 2012 EA600 (12, 200kHz), Alvariño Vessel Atlantic EK60 (18, 38, 70, 120,

200, 333 kHz) MS70, Net Sonar FS 20/25, Net Sonar ITI, SCANMAR MBES EM710, TOPASPS18 VMADCP 150 kHz.

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The new IEO ROV has been named as LIROPUS2000. The system is a Sub‐Atlantic Super Mohawq II that was accepted after diving to 2000 m WD in September 2010. The first operation is planned for June 2011 on board R/V Sarmiento de Gamboa.

No loss of equipment has occurred during 2010.

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B.21. UK – David Blake (BAS)


Both vessels are operated without standby. Keeping the vessels maintained without extended refits is a significant challenge.


Name Type LOA Built Op. Main area of Notes Plans for Replacement (m) Days operations during year During 2011/12 the JCR undertook 21 The role of the vessel is to science cruises for undertake multi‐disciplinary BAS and NERC research and survey in the sponsored polar regions. The vessel also science. There were has a mission to undertake The replacement of the JCR is also commercial Global logistics work in support of currently under review 2017. A charters, barter work James Operations. polar programmes. later life refit is however 100 1991 330 and offset cruises Clark Ross Ice nominated for 2014/15 which with other Antarctic strengthened. The upkeep of the vessel will extend the life of the vessel. operations. The ship continues with major refit worked in the items in 2012 to overhaul Antarctic, Arctic and equipment, systems and the on passage between superstructure. the UK and


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Name Type LOA Built Op. Main area of Notes Plans for Replacement (m) Days operations during year During 2011/12 the ES supported a science cruise but Primarily used for logistics was primarily focused work but does mount several Global on oilfield support smaller science cruises in the The Ernest Shackleton is under a Ernest Operations. work in the North Sea Weddell Sea. On a long lease 80 1995 330 long‐term charter which ends in Shackleton Ice and delivering bare boat charter from Rieber 2019. strengthened. equipment to the Ship Management, the vessel new Antarctic Station is also used for 120 days per being constructed at year in the North Sea. Halley.

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B.22. UK – Geraint West (NOC)


National Marine Facilities Sea Systems at the National Oceanography Centre (NOC) operates the Natural Environmental Research Council’s (NERC) 2 multidisciplinary global research vessels, RRS James Cook and RRS Discovery. These vessels are managed separately from NERC’s 2 polar vessels, which are managed by the British Antarctic Survey (BAS). NERC is currently considering a merger of NOC and BAS, including integrating the 2 research vessel operations under one management unit: It will make a decision on this merger in December.

Following the Government’s 2010 comprehensive spending review, funding for NERC’s ship operations has been held at a fixed cash level, which has put increasing pressure on operating funds for the ships. Given that this situation is likely to persist for several years, this pressure is only going to increase, and as a result, NERC is looking at alternatives to supplement income, including increasing charter income and/or sharing ships with other institutes.

The RRS James Cook has completed a full science programme over the past 12 months, operating in the North and South Atlantic as well as the Sothern Ocean and Indian Ocean. RRS Discovery is now its final months f service, having celebrated 50 years since launching in July. It’s final year has not been without incident though, and while operating in the Eastern Pacific, the ship’s prop became entangled in /lines leading to the vessel’s disablement due to damage to the stern seal. It rapidly became apparent that leakage through the seal was significant and the usual biodegradable lubrication soon became exhausted, leading to the initial use of engine oil instead. This was quickly recognised to be unsustainable due to the rate of leakage, while also representing a significant pollution risk. As a result, it was decided to allow the stern tube to flood with seawater, while also isolating the headers tanks, and leakage soon ceased. In parallel with this, a towage contract was arranged for a tug from Panama, but due to the un‐serviceability of the dry‐dock in Balboa, the vessel had to be towed 600NM to Salina Cruz in Mexico.

Repair of the Isis ROV was completed in August, while in April, the Marine Autonomous and Robotic Systems (MARS) group was established, subsuming the existing Autosub3 vehicle as well as Autosub6000, Autosub Long‐Rang. In addition MARS took over operation of 3 shallow and 4 deep Slocum gliders and 4 Seagliders. Further capital investment of £3.2M has been secured over the past year.

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Name Type LOA Built Op. Main area of Notes Plans for Replacement (m) Days operations during year N. Atlantic, S. Busy year with a large range of Atlantic, James challenging cruises delivered. Global 90 2006 330 Southern Cook Kiel6000 ROV embarked for cruise in Ocean, Indian SW Indian Ocean. Ocean Discovery celebrated its 50th anniversary earlier this summer. The vessel is currently on its final cruise and will be retired from service on return to UK in December. Sale to a commercial operator is currently being 1962 N. Atlantic, S. negotiated. Discovery Global 90 (rebuilt 328 Atlantic, E. Vessel became entangled in fishing Discovery Replacement – see below 1982) Pacific gear during a cruise in the E. Pacific during January that resulted in damage to the stern seal. As a consequence a tug was engaged to tow the ship 600 miles to a dry‐dock in Mexico. Repairs were quickly completed and the ship returned to the UK via the Panama Canal.

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Name Type LOA Built Op. Main area of Notes Plans for Replacement (m) Days operations during year Planned for delivery June 2013: • 50 days endurance • Scientific Transit Speed – 12 knots maximum • 23 Officers & Crew • 28 Scientists & Technicians • DP Capable (DP2) SS6/7 • Multidisciplinary • Multibeam(s) & Sub Bottom profiler In build, Vigo, • Minimal Ice Class – (Lloyds 1D) Discovery Global 99.7 NA NA Spain • Overside/overstern lifting ‐ 20tonnes • Drop Keels • Low URN but NOT ICES 209 • Propulsion • 2 x Azimuthing Units Aft • Azimuthing Thruster Fwd • Manoeuvring Thruster Fwd

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Name Type Built Op. Main area of Notes Plans for Replacement Days operations during year Following severe damage in Jan 2011, Isis has been repaired and completed a successful trials cruise in August. It has Repair now been mobilised onboard RRS James Isis ROV 2002 14 Trials in N. Cook ready to complete a Southern Ocean Atlantic cruise in December, followed by a cruise in the Cayman Trough in February 2013. 6500m depth capability – derivative of WHOI Jason II vehicle Under ice and Black Sea missions planned Autosub 3 AUV 2005 for 2013/14 1700m depth capability.

Discovered deepest world’s deepest Autosub AUV 2007 56 N. Atlantic hydrothermal event during cruise in the 2nd vehicle in build 6000 Cayman Trough.

First 2M science mission planned for June 2013 Range/Endurance: 6000 km & 6M Long Range AUV 2010 Trials N. Atlantic Max depth: 6000 m 2nd vehicle in build AUV Speed: 0.4‐1.5 m/s Hotel load: 1W Length/ Volume: 3m & 500 litres

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 Moorings support for RAPID Climate Change array on RV Knorr (20 days) and RV Ronald H. Brown (21 days).  Louisville Ridge/Tonga Trench collision cruise on RV Sonne with CSIC and GEOMAR (47 days).  CSIC cruise on G/O Sarmiento de Gamboa (30 days).  Barter cruise with NIOZ on RRS James Cook (36 days).  Kiel6000 ROV training for NMFSS staff on RV Polarstern (21 days).  Kiel6000 ROV on RRS James Cook (44 days).  Holland I ROV on RRS James Cook (28 days).  Eurofleets partner, leading work package on ship greening.  Sea Systems Programme Manager Chairs OFEG Tech.

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B.23. USA – Rear Admiral Michael Devany (NOAA)

Overview  Execution Year status o Budget delayed o FY12 Schedule Ended 30‐SEP o 3033 Operating Days  Challenges o Tight budget times ahead o Operations and maintenance o Recapitalization


Name Type LOA Built Op. Main area Notes Plans for Replacement* (m) Days of (average operations 2002‐2011) during year

Oscar Dyson Fisheries 64 2005 189 Kodiak, AK End of service life 2035

Ketchikan, Fairweather Hydrography 70 1968 201 End of service life 2024 AK

Bell M. Newport, Fisheries 64 2009 164 End of service life 2040 Shimada Or

Seattle, Rainier Hydrography 70 1968 196 End of service life 2028 WA

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Name Type LOA Built Op. Main area Notes Plans for Replacement* (m) Days of (average operations 2002‐2011) during year

Physical Seattle, McArthur II 68 1985 237 Warm layup Oceanography WA

Pearl Physical Hi’ialakai 68 1984 201 Harbor End of service life 2024 Oceanography

Pearl Oscar Elton Fisheries 61 1988 212 Harbor End of service life 2022 Sette

1989 (re‐ Pearl Physical Ka’imimoana 68 built 227 Harbor Warm layup Oceanography 1995)

Ferdinand R. Commissioned New Hydrography 38 2009 End of service life 2040 Hassler 8‐JUN‐12 Castle, NH

Henry B. Woods Fisheries 64 2005 225 End of service life 2036 Bigelow Hole

1989 (re‐ Okeanos Ocean Davisville, 59 built 232 End of service life 2024 Explorer Exploration RI 2006)

Thomas Hydrography 63 1992 189 Norfolk, VA End of service life 2027 Jefferson

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Name Type LOA Built Op. Main area Notes Plans for Replacement* (m) Days of (average operations 2002‐2011) during year

Ronald H. Physical Charleston, 84 1997 226 End of service life 2037 Brown Oceanography SC

Physical Charleston, Nancy Foster 57 1991 210 End of service life 2031 Oceanography SC

1990 (re‐ Gordon Physical Pascagoula, 68 built 189 End of service life 2024 Gunter Oceanography MS 1999)

Pascagoula, Pisces Fisheries 64 2007 182 End of service life 2038 MS

Pascagoula, Oregon II Fisheries 52 1967 195 End of service life 2022 MS

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Name Type LOA Built Op. Main area Notes Plans for Replacement* (m) Days of (average operations 2002‐2011) during year Reben In‐build Lasker (FSV Marinette, End of service life 2044 6) WI


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B.24. USA– Bob Houtman (NSF/UNOLS)/ Tim Schnoor (ONR/UNOLS)


During the period January through December 2011, the U.S. Academic Research Fleet (see Section A.1.2) conducted approximately 3800 operational days at sea with cruises all around the world. on the federal funding agencies’ budgets and costs of operations continued to rise at rates equal to or greater than the budgets.

The Academic Research Fleet of oceanographic research platforms participate in the University National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) consortium, which serves to support and coordinate the scheduling, usage, maintenance, repair and outfitting of the member research facilities.

In planning for the 2012 schedules during the summer & fall of 2011, the effects of a reduced number of science proposals for research ship‐time, a reduced number of requests for use of the Fleet by other agencies and organisations, as well as level base budgets with increasing personnel and fuel costs reduced the number of total operating days to approximately 3600. For 2012 the Global Class ships will be at or below capacity. The trend in recent years of a reduced demand for use of the Intermediate Class and Regional class vessels continues into 2012, which resulted in the transfer of one Intermediate class ship, Oceanus, from the East to the West coast, and retirement of Intermediate class ship, Wecoma, on the US West Coast and planned retirement of one US East Coast Regional class ship in early 2013. Projected utilization for 2013 is approximately 3400 days

As part of Academic Fleet modernization, the Regional Class Research Vessel (RCRV) project was reinvigorated following approval by NSF Leadership in March 2012 for advancement to Conceptual Design Review (CDR) stage and possible inclusion in the Foundation’s Major Research Equipment Facilities Construction (MREFC) account. Three (3) new vessels are currently planned with the actual number based on science utilization and the availability of funds. Proposals from interested Lead Institutions were received in September 2012 with NSF review planned for late October. Selection of a Lead Institution and an award for funding support to complete a Critical Design Review by the end of Calendar Year 2013 is anticipated in early 2013.

Construction of the Sikuliaq is proceeding well at Marinette Marine Corporation in Marinette, Wisconsin. Launch is scheduled for October 13, 2012 with delivery to the University of Alaska, Fairbanks in July 2013. Following a period of science trials, the vessel will begin supporting science operations in early 2014. The vessel’s homeport will be Seward, Alaska. Capable of breaking first year ice up to 1.0m thick, it’s primary operational area with the high latitudes in the Pacific and Atlantic oceans as well as the Bering, Chukchi and Beaufort Seas. More information can be found at:

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The US fleet consists of 20 ships with six Global Class, six Ocean/Intermediate Class, three Regional Class and the five Local Class ships.

Name Type LOA Built Op. Main area of Notes Plans for Replacement (m) Days operations during year

Owned by US Navy, 1969 Melville operated by Scripps Planned for Retirement in Global 85 (rebuilt 317 Pacific/Atlantic Institution of 2014 1993) Oceanography

Owned by US Navy, Roger Revelle Pacific/Atlantic/Indian operated by Scripps Global 84 1996 312 Ocean Institution of Oceanography 1970 Owned by US Navy, Knorr Pacific/Atlantic/Indian Planned for Retirement in Global 85 (rebuilt 306 operated by Woods Hole Ocean 2014 1993) Oceanographic Institution

Owned by US Navy, Atlantis Global 84 1997 326 Pacific/Atlantic operated by Woods Hole

Oceanographic Institution

Thomas G Owned by US Navy, Thompson Global 84 1991 326 Pacific operated by University of Washington

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Name Type LOA Built Op. Main area of Notes Plans for Replacement (m) Days operations during year Owned by NSF, operated 1991 Marcus G. by Lamont‐Doherty Earth Global 72 (rebuilt 76 Global Langseth Observatory. 2D and 3D 2007) seismic capable. Construction contract Sikuliaq with Marinette Marine

Corp (The Glosten Alaska Planned for Fleet entry in Associates, Naval Region Arctic, high latitude July 2013; operational in Global 84 2013 Architect) signed Research Pacific/Atlantic early 2014 following science December 2009. Keel Vessel and ice trials. laid in April 2011. Launch (ARRV) planned for October


Owned by US Navy, Kilo Moana Ocean 57 2002 259 Pacific operated by University of


Acquisition Process underway with two Design Teams funded for a planned down select to one design by Summer OCRV 2011. Lead ship with an Planned for Fleet entry in Ocean Class Ocean option for a second ship. 2014; operational in late Research Selection process for Ship 2015 early 2016 Vessel operators completed in May 2010. Woods Hole will operate the lead ship and Scripps will operate the second ship.

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Name Type LOA Built Op. Main area of Notes Plans for Replacement (m) Days operations during year

1976 Owned by NSF, operated Planned for retirement in Ocean Endeavor 56 (rebuilt 189 Atlantic by University of Rhode 2020 when RCRV(s) brought Intermediate 1993) Island. on line.

1976 Owned by NSF, Planned for retirement in Ocean Oceanus 54 (rebuilt 179 Pacific Transferred to OSU when 2020 when RCRV(s) brought Intermediate 1994) WECOMA retired. on line.

1976 Owned by NSF, operated Ocean Wecoma 56 (rebuilt 166 Pacific by Oregon State Retired in 2012 Intermediate 1994) University

1978 Owned and operated by Ocean New Horizon 52 (rebuilt 164 Pacific Scripps Institution of Intermediate 1996) Oceanography Point Sur Owned by NSF, operated Regional 41 1981 152 Pacific by Moss Landing Marine Laboratories Owned by NSF, operated 1981 Cape by Duke Planned for retirement in Regional 41 (rebuilt 202 Atlantic Hatteras University/University of 2013. 2004) North Carolina Owned by Bank of 1982 Atlantic Bermuda, operated by Regional 51 (rebuilt 134 Atlantic Explorer Bermuda Institute for 2004) Ocean Sciences Robert Owned and operated by Regional Gordon 38 1981 99 Pacific Scripps Institution of Coastal Sproul Oceanography

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Name Type LOA Built Op. Main area of Notes Plans for Replacement (m) Days operations during year

1985 Owned and operated by Regional Pelican 35 (rebuilt 237 Gulf of Mexico the Louisiana Universities Coastal 2003) Marine Consortium

Walton Regional Atlantic/Gulf of Owned and operated the Smith 29 2000 181 Coastal Mexico University of Miami

Owned and operated by Hugh R. Regional 45 2005 148 Atlantic the University of Sharp Coastal Delaware

NSF owned, institutionally RCRV operated. Up to three (3) Regional East, West and Gulf vessels or East, West and Class Regional ~56 ~2020 coasts Gulf coasts depending on Research projected science Vessel utilization.

Owned and operated by Savannah Local 28 2001 106 Atlantic University System of


1985 Owned and operated by Blue Heron Local 26 (rebuilt 81 Great Lakes the University of 1999) Minnesota‐Duluth

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Name Type LOA Built Op. Main area of Notes Plans for Replacement (m) Days operations during year 1966 Owned by NSF, operated Clifford Local 20 (rebuilt 51 Pacific by the University of Barnes 1984) Washington

Scientific Joides Ocean Owned by TransOcean 143 1978 Resolution Drilling and DSND Shipping AS. Vessel

Owned by US Navy, Research operated by Scripps Platform FLIP 108 1962 27 Pacific Institution of (R/P) Oceanography Marine

Physical Laboratory


Name Type Built Op. Days Main area of operations during Notes year

Sphere testing completed in July 2012. ALVIN re‐assembly and certification dives for Deep 4500‐meter vehicle planned for completion Alvin Submergence 1964 No operations in 2011 due to by April 2013. The upgrade to a fully capable Vessel (DSV) overhaul and upgrade of ALVIN. 6500‐meter vehicle will be an optional Phase 2, dependent on available funding and technical readiness levels.

Hybrid Remotely Abyssal trenches: Mariana, Cayman The only existing ROV and/or AUV capable of Nereus 2009 Operated Trough, Tonga operating at full ocean depth. Vehicle

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Name Type Built Op. Days Main area of operations during Notes year

ROV 2004 138 World‐wide Jason

5000m depth capability, replaced the Sentry AUV 2008 85 World‐wide Autonomous Benthic Explorer (ABE) in the Deep Submergence Facility inventory


The U.S. federal funding agencies cooperate on a national level through several organizations including the University National Laboratory System (UNOLS) and the Interagency Working Group on Facilities. On an international level the mechanisms for cooperation include the International Research Ship Operators Meeting and the European Ocean Facilities Exchange Group.

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