Handbook of Fish Biology and Fisheries VOLUME 2 FISHERIES

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Handbook of Fish Biology and Fisheries VOLUME 2 FISHERIES Handbook of Fish Biology and Fisheries VOLUME 2 FISHERIES EDITED BY Paul J.B. Hart Department of Biology University of Leicester AND John D. Reynolds School of Biological Sciences University of East Anglia HANDBOOK OF FISH BIOLOGY AND FISHERIES Volume 2 Also available from Blackwell Publishing: Handbook of Fish Biology and Fisheries Edited by Paul J.B. Hart and John D. Reynolds Volume 1 Fish Biology Handbook of Fish Biology and Fisheries VOLUME 2 FISHERIES EDITED BY Paul J.B. Hart Department of Biology University of Leicester AND John D. Reynolds School of Biological Sciences University of East Anglia ©ȱ2002ȱbyȱBlackwellȱScienceȱLtdȱ aȱBlackwellȱPublishingȱcompanyȱ ȱ Chapterȱ8ȱ©ȱBritishȱCrownȱcopyright,ȱ1999ȱ ȱ BLACKWELLȱPUBLISHINGȱ 350ȱMainȱStreet,ȱMalden,ȱMAȱ02148Ȭ5020,ȱUSAȱ 108ȱCowleyȱRoad,ȱOxfordȱOX4ȱ1JF,ȱUKȱ 550ȱSwanstonȱStreet,ȱCarlton,ȱVictoriaȱ3053,ȱAustraliaȱ ȱ TheȱrightȱofȱPaulȱJ.B.ȱHartȱandȱJohnȱD.ȱReynoldsȱtoȱbeȱidentifiedȱasȱtheȱAuthorsȱȱ ofȱtheȱEditorialȱMaterialȱinȱthisȱWorkȱhasȱbeenȱassertedȱinȱaccordanceȱwithȱtheȱȱ UKȱCopyright,ȱDesigns,ȱandȱPatentsȱActȱ1988.ȱ ȱ Allȱrightsȱreserved.ȱNoȱpartȱofȱthisȱpublicationȱmayȱbeȱreproduced,ȱstoredȱinȱaȱretrievalȱ system,ȱorȱtransmitted,ȱinȱanyȱformȱorȱbyȱanyȱmeans,ȱelectronic,ȱmechanical,ȱ photocopying,ȱrecordingȱorȱotherwise,ȱexceptȱasȱpermittedȱbyȱtheȱUKȱCopyright,ȱ Designs,ȱandȱPatentsȱActȱ1988,ȱwithoutȱtheȱpriorȱpermissionȱofȱtheȱpublisher.ȱ ȱ Firstȱpublishedȱ2002ȱ Reprintedȱ2004ȱ ȱ LibraryȱofȱCongressȱCatalogingȬinȬPublicationȱDataȱhasȱbeenȱappliedȱfor.ȱ ȱ Volumeȱ1ȱISBNȱ0Ȭ632Ȭ05412Ȭ3ȱ(hbk)ȱ Volumeȱ2ȱISBNȱ0Ȭ632Ȭ06482ȬXȱ(hbk)ȱ 2ȬvolumeȱsetȱISBNȱ0Ȭ632Ȭ06483Ȭ8ȱ ȱ AȱcatalogueȱrecordȱforȱthisȱtitleȱisȱavailableȱfromȱtheȱBritishȱLibrary.ȱ ȱ Setȱinȱ9/11.5ȱptȱTrumpȱMediaevalȱ byȱSNPȱBestȬsetȱTypesetterȱLtd,ȱHongȱKongȱ PrintedȱandȱboundȱinȱtheȱUnitedȱKingdomȱȱ byȱTJȱInternationalȱLtd,ȱPadstow,ȱCornwall.ȱ ȱ Theȱpublisher’sȱpolicyȱisȱtoȱuseȱpermanentȱpaperȱfromȱmillsȱthatȱoperateȱaȱsustainableȱ forestryȱpolicy,ȱandȱwhichȱhasȱbeenȱmanufacturedȱfromȱpulpȱprocessedȱusingȱacidȬfreeȱandȱ elementaryȱchlorineȬfreeȱpractices.ȱFurthermore,ȱtheȱpublisherȱensuresȱthatȱtheȱtextȱpaperȱ andȱcoverȱboardȱusedȱhaveȱmetȱacceptableȱenvironmentalȱaccreditationȱstandards. ȱ Forȱfurtherȱinformationȱonȱ BlackwellȱPublishing,ȱvisitȱourȱwebsite:ȱ http://www.blackwellpublishing.comȱ Contents Contributors, x Preface, xii Abbreviations, xiv 1 THE HUMAN DIMENSION OF FISHERIES SCIENCE, 1 Paul J.B. Hart and John D. Reynolds 1.1 Introduction, 1 1.2 The origins of fisheries science, 1 1.3 The objectives of fisheries management, 2 1.4 The development of the institutions of fisheries science, 3 1.5 Who owns the fishery and for whom is it managed?, 4 1.6 The problem of uncertainty, 4 1.7 Development to increase economic efficiency or freedom? 6 1.8 Achieving sustainable development, 7 1.9 Conclusions, 8 Part 1: Background to Fisheries, 11 2 FISH CAPTURE DEVICES IN INDUSTRIAL AND ARTISANAL FISHERIES AND THEIR INFLUENCE ON MANAGEMENT, 13 Ole Arve Misund, Jeppe Kolding and Pierre Fréon 2.1 Introduction, 13 2.2 Main fish capture techniques, 13 2.3 Artisanal fisheries, 25 2.4 Conclusions, 31 3 MARKETING FISH, 37 J.A. Young and J.F. Muir 3.1 Introduction, 37 3.2 Marketing and markets, 37 vi Contents 3.3 Determination of values, 42 3.4 Creating values, 45 3.5 Communicating values, 48 3.6 Delivering values, 51 3.7 Future values, 53 3.8 Conclusions, 56 4 A HISTORY OF FISHERIES AND THEIR SCIENCE AND MANAGEMENT, 61 Tim D. Smith 4.1 The nature of fishing, 61 4.2 Origins of fishing, 63 4.3 Overfishing, 65 4.4 Graham’s Law of Fishing, 69 4.5 Scientific bases for management, 71 4.6 Post-Second World War, 75 4.7 Conclusions, 80 5 GATHERING DATA FOR RESOURCE MONITORING AND FISHERIES MANAGEMENT, 84 David Evans and Richard Grainger 5.1 Fisheries information framework, 84 5.2 Fisheries information data, 91 5.3 Fisheries data collection and management, 94 5.4 Fisheries information presentation, 99 5.5 Conclusions, 101 Part 2: Stock Assessment, 103 6 SURPLUS PRODUCTION MODELS, 105 Jon T. Schnute and Laura Richards 6.1 Introduction, 105 6.2 Graphical model, 107 6.3 Classical differential equations (model 1), 109 6.4 Special cases (model 1), 111 6.5 Equilibrium (model 1), 112 6.6 Growth models, 114 6.7 Modern difference equations (model 2), 116 6.8 Equilibrium and dynamic response (model 2), 118 6.9 Estimation: comparing models with data, 122 6.10 Model extensions, 123 6.11 Conclusions, 124 Contents vii 7 DYNAMIC POOL MODELS I: INTERPRETING THE PAST USING VIRTUAL POPULATION ANALYSIS, 127 J.G. Shepherd and J.G. Pope 7.1 Introduction: the dynamic pool concept, 127 7.2 The distinction between retrospective analysis and forecasting, 127 7.3 Virtual population analysis (VPA): the basics, 128 7.4 Separable VPA, 135 7.5 Tuning of VPA using CPUE and survey data, 141 7.6 The extended survivors method (XSA), 149 7.7 Multispecies virtual population analysis, 156 7.8 Conclusions, 161 8 DYNAMIC POOL MODELS II: SHORT-TERM AND LONG-TERM FORECASTS OF CATCH AND BIOMASS, 164 J.G. Shepherd and J.G. Pope 8.1 Short-term forecasts of catch and biomass, 164 8.2 Long-term forecasts of catch and biomass, 172 8.3 Multispecies forecasts, 184 8.4 Conclusions, 186 9 A BUMPY OLD ROAD: SIZE-BASED METHODS IN FISHERIES ASSESSMENT, 189 Tony J. Pitcher 9.1 Introduction, 189 9.2 Age and mortality methods, 190 9.3 When length is king, 204 9.4 Conclusions, 207 10 ECOSYSTEM MODELS, 211 Daniel Pauly and Villy Christensen 10.1 Introduction: ecosystem models, 211 10.2 Multispecies models, 213 10.3 Modelling the North Sea, the North Pacific and the Gulf of Thailand, 214 10.4 Ecopath and the mass-balance approach, 215 10.5 The trophic level concept, 217 10.6 Practical uses of trophic levels: tracking food-web changes, 219 10.7 Ecosystem structure, Odum’s maturity and Ulanowicz’s ascendancy, 220 10.8 Particle-size spectra in ecosystems, 221 10.9 Ecosim, refugia and top-down vs. bottom-up control, 222 10.10 Spatial considerations in ecosystem modelling, 223 10.11 Towards a transition from single-species to ecosystem-based management, 224 10.12 Conclusions, 225 viii Contents 11 INDIVIDUAL-BASED MODELS, 228 Geir Huse, Jarl Giske and Anne Gro Vea Salvanes 11.1 Introduction, 228 11.2 Specifying individuals in IBMs, 229 11.3 Features of individual-based models, 230 11.4 Formulating and testing IBMs, 236 11.5 Review of individual-based models in fisheries biology, 237 11.6 Conclusions, 244 12 THE ECONOMICS OF FISHERIES, 249 Rögnvaldur Hannesson 12.1 Introduction, 249 12.2 The surplus production model, 249 12.3 Fishing effort and fish yield, 250 12.4 Sustainable yield, 252 12.5 Optimal exploitation, 254 12.6 Time discounting, 257 12.7 Fluctuations: should catches be stabilized?, 260 12.8 Optimum fleet capacity for fluctuating stocks, 261 12.9 Management methods, 263 12.10 International issues, 265 12.11 Conclusions, 267 13 CHOOSING THE BEST MODEL FOR FISHERIES ASSESSMENT, 270 Per Sparre and Paul J.B. Hart 13.1 Introduction, 270 13.2 Basic concepts, 270 13.3 Stochastic modelling, 272 13.4 Mechanics of choosing a model, 274 13.5 Estimation of parameters, 275 13.6 The use of mathematical models in fisheries, 276 13.7 A key to models, 283 13.8 The importance of testing models, 286 13.9 Conclusions, 287 Part 3: Fisheries in a Wider Context, 291 14 MARINE PROTECTED AREAS, FISH AND FISHERIES, 293 Nicholas V.C. Polunin 14.1 Introduction, 293 14.2 What happens to target species in MPAs?, 294 14.3 What are the potential benefits to fishers?, 298 14.4 What else do MPAs offer?, 305 Contents ix 14.5 Realities, advocacy and implementation of MPAs, 307 14.6 Conclusions, 311 15 EXPLOITATION AND OTHER THREATS TO FISH CONSERVATION, 319 John D. Reynolds, Nicholas K. Dulvy and Callum M. Roberts 15.1 Introduction, 319 15.2 Global status of exploited fish populations, 321 15.3 Extinction, 321 15.4 Exploitation as a cause of declines and extinction, 325 15.5 What renders species susceptible to overfishing?, 329 15.6 Conservation meets sustainable use, 332 15.7 What is needed to safeguard fish biodiversity?, 334 15.8 Conclusions, 336 16 ECOSYSTEM EFFECTS OF FISHING, 342 M.J. Kaiser and S. Jennings 16.1 Introduction, 342 16.2 Effects of harvesting target species, 342 16.3 Effects of prey removal on sea birds, 347 16.4 How fisheries affect energy subsidies, 349 16.5 Effects of removing predators, 353 16.6 Effects on benthic communities and habitats, 354 16.7 Bycatches and ghost-fishing, 358 16.8 Conclusions, 361 17 RECREATIONAL FISHING, 367 I.G. Cowx 17.1 Introduction, 367 17.2 Types of recreational fishing, 368 17.3 Recreational fishery assessment methods, 373 17.4 Management of recreational fisheries, 376 17.5 Issues relating to the development of recreational fisheries, 380 17.6 Value, 385 17.7 Conclusions, 385 Index, 391 Colour plate falls between p. 194 and p. 195 Contributors Villy Christensen Fisheries Centre, Universi- Rögnvaldur Hannesson Norwegian School ty of British Columbia, 2204 Main Mall, of Economics and Business Administration, Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z4, Canada Helleveien 30, N-5045 Bergen, Norway v.christensen@fisheries.ubc.ca [email protected] I.G. Cowx Hull International Fisheries Insti- Paul J.B. Hart Department of Biology, Univer- tute, Department of Biological Sciences, Univer- sity of Leicester, Leicester LE1 7RH, UK sity of Hull, Hull HU6 7RX, UK [email protected] [email protected] Geir Huse Department of Fisheries and Marine Nicholas K. Dulvy Department of Marine Sci- Biology, University of Bergen, PO Box 7800, ences and Coastal Management, University of N-5020 Bergen, Norway Newcastle, Newcastle upon
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